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The Multiverse

Wing City Spaceport

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

You have arrived at the grand Wing City Spaceport, where all space-faring traffic in and out of the city arrives. There are launch towers for older models of spacecraft, and quantum-distortion field panels for the newer gravitational assistance system.

Remæus holds sovereignty over Wing City Spaceport, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

11,911 readers have been here.


The grandiose elegants of Wing City Spaceport is offset with constant ebb and flow of all kinds of bustling activity, a surging torrent of traffic with each new arrival.

All space-faring traffic in and out of Wing City arrives and departs from here. There are launch towers for older models of spacecraft, and quantum-distortion field panels for the newer gravitational assistance systems.

There are currently no customs in place.
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Wing City Spaceport

You have arrived at the grand Wing City Spaceport, where all space-faring traffic in and out of the city arrives. There are launch towers for older models of spacecraft, and quantum-distortion field panels for the newer gravitational assistance system.


Wing City Spaceport is a part of Wing City.

79 Characters Here

Katie Brighton [147] "It does not matter what you do, as long as what you do is what you know is good."
Tenna [100] Merc work has its paydays. Got my ship and my rifle, and I'm good to go.
Odgerel [91] She is athletic and stands over six feet tall. Her hair hangs lose, silky black that tends to reflect blue. Her eyes are the bright blue of a welder's torch. She has two tattoos, a golden phoenix on her belly and stylized fire covering her right arm.
Tasi [87] A Lone Quarian, handy with a gun
Lexia Nitiena [82] I'm not weak. I quit. That makes me stronger than a lot of people. Even if I'm weaker than you.
Nagumi Yamata [82] Gundam Pilot and college student.
Zephan [73]
Aeidail [70] She is a very wealthy and high born woman. She thinks highly of herself and is a great fighter with a blade
Eve-Va [70] A being who was sent out from her war torn home world in search for a way to re-Terraform her planet. She is a cruel individual who will mercilessly kill anyone who where to stand in her way. She follows a strict no outside interference policy....
Sam Felixis [70] Drink, fight, fight again, go to bed. My day in a nutshell.

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MS-18SE Kämpfer

319,739 remaining 400,000.00 bits Buy for 400,000.00 bits »

SOL-02MD Virgo II

879,774 remaining 145,454.55 bits Buy for 145,454.55 bits »

PPD-9E Personal Protection Drone

91,979 remaining 43,478.26 bits Buy for 43,478.26 bits »

Shipwright's Wrench

31,966 remaining 843.75 bits Buy for 843.75 bits »


The Sardinia

Portal Spell II

Portal Spell III

Thunderbird IV


Unnamed Terran Shuttle

Unnamed Terran Shuttle

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#, as written by Shpleem
"Not for a man like you." she said flatly, reaching her arm up with a wrench like tool and for a moment it wouldn't give, with an easy pull. As she pulled harder it was clear she had significant strength, that showing through her suit as well before she finally got it to turn like she wanted.

Adrian watched with a small chuckle, even he had a hard time getting words out of her. And Twig, who if you let him would talk incessantly could almost never provoke a response.

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#, as written by Shpleem
"Not for a man like you." she said flatly, reaching her arm up with a wrench like tool and for a moment it wouldn't give, with an easy pull. As she pulled harder it was clear she had significant strength, that showing through her suit as well before she finally got it to turn like she wanted.

Adrian watched with a small chuckle, even he had a hard time getting words out of her. And Twig, who if you let him would talk incessantly could almost never provoke a response.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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#, as written by Nemo
Austin Marshal 's smile was impeccable. "Come on now, love... what's a 'man like me' to a girl like -you-? I'm just trying to get some answers here. There's an easy way we can do that, or..." Austin smiled, stepping forward in a single, quick motion so that he was hardly more then a six inches away from the girl. At this range, the Dark Angel could easily see the Gauss0pistol holstered under the agent's arm.

"...we can do it the hard way."

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#, as written by Shpleem
"Your so called hard way ends with you in the hospital and me in a foul mood for a month. To be clear that is not a threat, it is a fact." she said, finishing what she was doing before turning to face him. "Now, what is you want little man?" she asked, crossing her arms over her gifted chest.

Humans, if it doesn't do what you want, shoot it until it does, that very thought made her scowl.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Austin Marshal bit his lower lip mischievously. "That sounds like a challenge if I ever heard one, Ms. Albine." The agent quirked an eyebrow, running his thumb along his v-cut jawline as he considered the options before him. Aurora wasn't going to tell him shit, Austin had known that the moment he'd lain eyes on her. He wasn't going to get anywhere with words. Perhaps actions would speak louder in this case?

"Since you're eager to be rid of me, why don't we put a wager on it?" Austin was taking a risk, but he saw no other way of getting to this girl. "A short scrap. You and me. No guns, no weapons... fist to fist. If you win, you'll never see me or any TNG operative ever again. If I win, you comply with my demands. All of them." It sure as hell wasn't protocol, but it was a gambit Austin was willing to take.

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#, as written by Shpleem
Aurora thought about for barely a moment before taking off the outer suit she had been wearing, leaving her in a pair of short shorts and a small top of the same material as the full suit. Her only reason for that was no weapons, that suit was a weapon. "You set yourself up for failure human." she said, the first time she hinted that she was something other than just that, human.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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#, as written by Nemo
Austin Marshal grinned roguishly, briefly allowing himself to appreciate the sight of Aurora's exposed body before he began to disrobe himself. The detective threw off his jacket, tie and dress shirt, leaving it on a nearby rack, along with his gun and gadget belt. The agent was dressed only his slacks, shoes and a form-fitting tank top, perfectly outlining the young operative's muscled physique. He rolled his arms forward, briefly stretching out his torso. God... if the bureau found out about this...

"Ground rules?" Austin shrugged, "let's say nothing below the belt or above the knees? More for my benefit then yours, I suppose." The agent smirked, giving the girl a knowing wink. "...and you underestimate the strength of a 'human', Angel."

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#, as written by Shpleem
The woman's black eyes narrowed for a moment at his words before she kicked off the ground with inhuman speed, lunging at him. There hadn't been a lot of space between them and there was rapidly becoming less, it didn't leave him a lot of time to move.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
For a split second, Austin Marshall was motionless; the handsome smile on his face fading away into an expression of focused determination. With blinding speed, Austin side-stepped out of the way, allowing Aurora to whip past him in a mess of blurring black. Had the woman blinked in that moment, she would missed Austin's action.

Just as fast was his attack. Austin lashed out with one of his legs as he avoided the girl, attempting to catch Aurora in her ribs just below her breast in a strike that would undoubtedly knock the Dark Angel back if it connected. She had underestimated his speed as generlized him with the athletic capabilities of a 'normal human'. A big mistake on her part.

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#, as written by Shpleem
Aurora did fall back, though taking everything in stride, her kind had fought for centuries, having attacked nearly every known race at least once in their history. As she fell back she went into a hand spring, her legs aiming to pincer the leg he kicked her with, allowing to either throw him into the air or at the vary least put him on the ground as she sprang back to her feet.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Aurora's kick connected perfectly, sending the TIB agent sprawling to the ground. Frequently on the receiving end of strikes, Austin masterfully shoulder-rolled across the ground as he hit it, springing back up on his feet a half second later with good distance placed between himself and Aurora. The Dark Angel might have underestimated Austin's abilities, but he had also underestimated Aurora's. The woman was a good fighter in her own right.

... and still, the agent laughed aloud in spite of himself. The imminent danger before Austin only served to delight and thrill him. This would be a good fight.

As fast as the time it takes a human being to think, Austin was on the offensive again, hands out in front of face in a perfect Krav Maga combat stance. The agent would lead with a wide left jab, fully anticipating Aurora to dodge the strike completely... which would draw her into his following right elbow, aimed to lash across her jaw. If all else failed or worked, Austin would attempt to finish with a solid knee strike, jutting directly for the Dark Angel's perfectly toned abdominal. The speed at which Austin preformed all of this was almost too fast for the naked eye to interpret.

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#, as written by Shpleem
Aurora was nearly as fast, her race's nervous system having a relatively short lag time, giving them higher reflexes. She however, was not one to dodge a weaker opponent's strikes, it did not play in to the psychology of her people, males were considered weak until proven otherwise.

When he jabbed at her she caught the blow on the inside of her arm, doing the same with the elbow strike, catching it on her other arm. The knee to her stomach caught her off guard but only led to retaliation as she used her arms to knock his aside, allowing her time to box his ears and then aim a straight kick for his sternum.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Austin Marshal had not in the least bit been expecting Aurora to have such a straight-forward battle strategy. The girl was well-built and her body was in pristine-condition, but her physique was nowhere near the sturdy mass of muscle that Austin's was. She fought like a wrestler. A heavyweight wrestler. She didn't dodge his attacks, she met them head-on and then proceeded to whip his ass at close range. As Austin felt the Dark Angel's foot meet his sternum, the agent briefly wondered (amid his gasping agony) how he might use this to his advantage.

Austin tumbled backward, warding off any follow-up the girl might have attempted with a few blinding kicks in her direction. So she didn't like to dodge, huh? Well then... Austin was going to make every strike count.

"Rrrrrahhhhh!" Austin growled, leaping up into the air as he attemted a flying round-house for Aurora's temple. There was a considerable deal of power backed into it, and although his position in the air left him extremely exposed, Austin was prepared to take the risk.

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#, as written by Shpleem
Aurora did one thing that not even crew members who had seen her fight would expect. Not only did she block the attack, she did so her leg, her upper body bent to the side just enough to raise her leg high enough to catch his kick before it snapped back down. "You fight like a child." she said, slipping into her almost soviet accent in her scorn. "Are you going to stay down this time boy? You should have just asked your questions, it would have been less humiliating for you."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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#, as written by Nemo
Austin was smiling as he landed from his failed kick, quickly sliding into a foot-sweep aimed to knock Aurora's only standing leg out from under her. Should this work, he would attempt a straight forward kick against her stomach even as she fell in mid-air. To any normal human being, timing such an attack would be next to impossible. Of course, Austin was not a normal human being.

"And miss out on the chance to wrestle a sexy Dark Angel into submission?" Austin talked as he fought, "not a chance in hell, babe. This fight's too much fun." Assuming Aurora was on the ground at this point, Austin would dash over the girl and assume a guard position over her body, attempting to trap her waist between his powerful legs and rain a flurry of blows down on her exposed face.

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#, as written by Shpleem
Aurora jumped, just barely avoiding his kick, actually feeling his pants graze her knee before she landed on her feet again, striking for his forehead with lower palm of her hand before swinging a merciless uppercut at his solar plexis. "You are right human, I am a Black Angel, you will do well to remember that." This human was fast, but he was still a male, and only human, he wasn't like a Paradron with their dense muscles that allowed surprising strength even in men smaller than Adrian.

"That's enough, both of you." Adrian shouted, whether Austin had been hit by any of Aurora's returns or not.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Austin Marshal managed to deflect the palm-strike, his hand curving along the underside of her arm as he moved in for a better position to attack. It was at this point that Adrian ordered the fight off.

"So soon?" Austin laughed, springing away from the girl, "we were just starting to have fun. Weren't we, Aurora?" He winked at the girl, his breath slightly heavy. A light sheen of sweat covered his muscled torso. Slowly, the agent walked back to his belongings, sorting through them carefully.

"I'm afraid you've given me exactly what I wanted though, love," Austin made an apologetic face, offering the girl a curt 'tsk tsk'. "You blatantly confessed to being a Black Angel back there. I'm afraid that means you're going to have to come with me. The TIB has a few questions for you."

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#, as written by Shpleem
"Thanks but I will be keeping my crew man here." said Adrian, if they want to ask questions they can come here." he said, walking up to Austin, they we he carried himself was like no mere mercenary captain. This man was military. "Because if you are insinuating that she is a threat to the security of this planet I will let you in on a little secret, I am after some one who threatens a lot more planets and I have reason to believe he may be coming to this one." he hissed.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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#, as written by Nemo
"Believe me, I never thought Aurora was a threat to Terran security for a second," Austin smiled, "...unless she were to flash her rack at a team of scientists conducting a cold fusion experiment. Then she'd be a threat to the whole goddamn' solar system." Austin laughed, throwing on his dress-shirt and loosely beginning to button it. The 'tank-top' he had been wearing thus far was actually woven from high-density para-aramid kevlon fibers. The agent wasn't nearly as beat-up as he could have been.

"Like I said, the Dark Angels haven't been seen in a long, long time. All the TIB wants to do is assess the abilities of an Angel in case they decide to ever come back for a visit. Aurora's in no sort of trouble." The agent's brow quirked as Adrian mentioned an 'even greater threat to Terran security.' "Well now, that sounds pretty damn interesting. Perhaps you ought to come back with me too."

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#, as written by Shpleem
"You might do better to come with me." said Adrian, flipping Austin's belt into his waiting hand with his foot before handing it to him. "The rest of you can get back to work." he said, looking over his shoulder at the others. "Come with me." he said quietly, turning away and heading into the Deliverance itself.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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#, as written by Nemo
Austin Marshal shrugged, clipping on his belt before deciding to follow Adrian. He mine as well see if it was a threat at all before reporting it to the TIB. Before he walked off, however, the agent waltz carefully over to Aurora, offering her his hand.

"Good fight," he smiled, "best I've had in a while. Tell me, have I 'proved myself worthy of you', or am I gonna' have to do this with you all over again tommorow?"

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#, as written by Shpleem
Aurora looked over at him, "You trying to say something light weight? You obvious know little of my people's customs." she said as she sealed herself back into her suit. "If we want something, we take it," she finished, going back to work.

Inside Austin would find all doors sealed to him, forcing him to follow a lighted path on the floor to the briefing room near the center of the ship.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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#, as written by Nemo
Austin Marshal followed quickly, admiring the ship as he went. For a ragtag mercenary squad, these guys were packing some decent tech. Still, the agent was more curious then anything. What was this 'imminent threat' that Adrian was talking about?

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#, as written by Shpleem
Once Austin was in the room the door shut behind him, leaving it dark until a holographic image of a man appeared from a projector in the center of the room. "Subject: Proteus. Human Explorer seeking the mysteries of the Etlar race and attempting to answer the questions among the galactic scientific community about why this race has no apparent home planet and if they once did, where is it and what happened to it." stated the ship's computer.

"We don't know if he found the Etlar homeworld or not, what we do know, is whatever he found, it drove him mad, and gave him the power to crush an entire task force. The Byzanites, while not known for their firepower have some of the hardiest ships in known space, they were the first to find him after he went missing, they lasted an hour." said Adrian, his red eyes illuminated by the light of the projector.

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Character Portrait: Austin Marshal
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#, as written by Nemo
"So you mean to tell me that some space explorer gained god-like powers from an alien entity?" Austin folded his arms over his chest. "If what you're saying is true, then the TNG definitely needs to know about this. But what makes you think that it's headed for Terra?"