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The Multiverse

Wing City Spaceport

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

You have arrived at the grand Wing City Spaceport, where all space-faring traffic in and out of the city arrives. There are launch towers for older models of spacecraft, and quantum-distortion field panels for the newer gravitational assistance system.

Remæus holds sovereignty over Wing City Spaceport, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

11,912 readers have been here.


The grandiose elegants of Wing City Spaceport is offset with constant ebb and flow of all kinds of bustling activity, a surging torrent of traffic with each new arrival.

All space-faring traffic in and out of Wing City arrives and departs from here. There are launch towers for older models of spacecraft, and quantum-distortion field panels for the newer gravitational assistance systems.

There are currently no customs in place.
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Wing City Spaceport

You have arrived at the grand Wing City Spaceport, where all space-faring traffic in and out of the city arrives. There are launch towers for older models of spacecraft, and quantum-distortion field panels for the newer gravitational assistance system.


Wing City Spaceport is a part of Wing City.

79 Characters Here

Katie Brighton [147] "It does not matter what you do, as long as what you do is what you know is good."
Tenna [100] Merc work has its paydays. Got my ship and my rifle, and I'm good to go.
Odgerel [91] She is athletic and stands over six feet tall. Her hair hangs lose, silky black that tends to reflect blue. Her eyes are the bright blue of a welder's torch. She has two tattoos, a golden phoenix on her belly and stylized fire covering her right arm.
Tasi [87] A Lone Quarian, handy with a gun
Lexia Nitiena [82] I'm not weak. I quit. That makes me stronger than a lot of people. Even if I'm weaker than you.
Nagumi Yamata [82] Gundam Pilot and college student.
Zephan [73]
Aeidail [70] She is a very wealthy and high born woman. She thinks highly of herself and is a great fighter with a blade
Eve-Va [70] A being who was sent out from her war torn home world in search for a way to re-Terraform her planet. She is a cruel individual who will mercilessly kill anyone who where to stand in her way. She follows a strict no outside interference policy....
Sam Felixis [70] Drink, fight, fight again, go to bed. My day in a nutshell.

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Available Wares

MS-18SE Kämpfer

319,739 remaining 400,000.00 bits Buy for 400,000.00 bits »

SOL-02MD Virgo II

879,774 remaining 145,454.55 bits Buy for 145,454.55 bits »

PPD-9E Personal Protection Drone

91,979 remaining 43,478.26 bits Buy for 43,478.26 bits »

Shipwright's Wrench

31,966 remaining 843.75 bits Buy for 843.75 bits »


Portal Spell III

The Sardinia

Thunderbird IV


Unnamed Terran Shuttle

Portal Spell II

Unnamed Terran Shuttle

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nagumi Yamata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mencith
Nagumi Yamata nodded again as she followed the girl into the service door. The door slammed down, plunging them into instant darkness. Nagumi reached over and cupped her hand over the woman's butt cheek, "Stay close now..." The room lurched and descended into even more darkness. "We're going pretty deep, so I'll brief you on the way.", she explained as she gently squeezed the woman's butt. "You were hired to assist me in a mission... We don't have any other people to dedicate to this mission, thus it was important to find someone capable. The current task is to infiltrate a mid ocean frigate and obtain a prototype lepton shield generator. With hadron technology blossoming its important to be on top of defense." She acted as if what she was doing to the girl was completely normal and slid her hand down to place a single finger back between her legs. "Hope we can become good friends...", she said as she removed her hand, the room entering a large facility.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nadiyya Svitlana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Horo
Nadiyya Svitlana would flutter her eyes as it grew rather dark in room? Her eyes grew wide as she felt something cup around her butt cheek sending a chill down her spine. "H-Hey!" she yelped loudly, her trying to squirm free from Nagumi's grim. "W-Well that's a little 'to' close..." she shuddered a little as she felt a little creeped out by her new boss...but when the woman started to squeeze her butt she would get even more creeped out. "I-I said stop it...fine then a-a-as long as I get paid for this...." she said referring to the mission and not the fact that she was being sexually harassed. "F-Fine that doesn't sound to difficult..." she stammered trying to ignore the woman's hand that was now squeezing her butt...but when her finger touched a place it shouldn't her face turned a rather dark shade of read. "I-I-I'm sure we can...." she was now officially beyond creeped out, but knowing her predicament you [c]

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nadiyya Svitlana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Horo
 “ want to anger the person paying you... ”

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nagumi Yamata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mencith
Nagumi Yamata stepped off the lift as it settled on the floor. It was as if they went down into an underground city. The ceiling was high enough to test aircraft and there was a large paved clearing for testing other forms of transport. "Everything you'd ever need for testing and creating weapons can be found down here.", she explained as she approached a man in a white uniform.

"How did she react?", the doctor asked.

Nagumi laughed, "She didn't fight me... but hardly anyone does..."

The doctor laughed and approached the woman, "I'll need to inoculate you. The testing down her can be hazardous. This is a vaccine for all the currently known forms of chemical and biological warfare." He held out a pneumatic syringe, "It just clicks and its done, not even a mark." He held the device out as Nagumi stood, watching a large flatbed transport haul the woman's Gundam.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nadiyya Svitlana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Horo
Nadiyya Svitlana would flutter her eyes wildly as she takes in what she is seeing as of now. She hadn't been in a facility like this in her life...she had been in many paces before but mostly where rather small or confined at that. She would then aver her attention to the woman as she slowly followed behind her. "Daaaaamn....." was the first word that came to mind, she was almost like a child in a toy store right about now until the Doctor spoke about her reaction. "W-Well of course I wouldn't s-s-she's my boss!" she yelled angrily, her pulling her dress like shirt down lower as she was rather flustered.

But she would how ever grin as she believed the Doctor was talking to the woman who had hired her...she herself wasn't particularly found of getting shots...needles where something that she wasn't to found of.

Her gaze would however avert to the flatbed transport that currently had her prized machine placed on it. Her left eyebrow would twitch as she herself didn't like the [c]

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nadiyya Svitlana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Horo
 “ way they where transporting it. "Hey, if you do anything to it I'll break my foot in you're ass!!!" she yelled angrily, her shaking her fist as she directed this toward who ever was piloting the machine that transported her prized possession. ”

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nagumi Yamata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mencith
Nagumi Yamata assured the woman, "Don't worry... Bob is a great driver. Hey Bob!!" She waved at the transport and smiled, wide and happily. The window of the transport rolled down and a single robotic arm released the wheel and waved back, causing the vehicle to drift to the right.

"Watch the road, Bob!", the Doctor yelled. The robotic arm regained control of the transport and corrected its coarse. "Now, young lady... This shot.", he advised. "You need this other wise the money is worthless." He looked at her seriously, "It's a little hard to enjoy the cash when you're busy dying of the worst diarrhea you've ever imagined."

Nagumi nodded and smirked, "It's true... I've seen it happen." She turned away and waved at Bob again, who was again waving back at her. She had taught the machine to wave and the technicians regretted it ever since.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nadiyya Svitlana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Horo
Nadiyya Svitlana would get wide eyed as the vehicle to drift to the right. "Hey keep you're eyes on the road!!" she yelled angrily, a blood vessel was throbbing in her forehead as she did so. She really didn't like anyone touching her precious machine...especially some machine who can't drive properly.

She would then avert her attention to the Doctor as she gulped. "E-Ehehehe....I don't no needles..." she chuckled nervously as she rubbed the back of her head. "I-Is there a different way...?" she asked nervously, she stared at the needle for a moment as she felt her skin go pale.

She would however look over to Nagumi with a what the hell face. "You watched someone crap themselves to death!?" she exclaimed as she would of hanged herself before she did that.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nagumi Yamata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mencith
Nagumi Yamata turned and nodded, "Yep, she was really pretty too... at first." She turned her attention back to the transport, which was coming to a stop at a large platform.

"Mother... That's enough of that...", said the Doctor, shaking his head. "She's just trying to scare you... She was a very ugly girl to begin with...", he added. He held up the pneumatic syringe. "There isn't even a needle, dear... It injects it straight into the skin."

Nagumi shrugged and watched as the platform opened and the transport drove into the base, leaving the mech as if laying upon a pedestal.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nadiyya Svitlana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Horo
Nadiyya Svitlana would gulp as chills ran down her skin. "F-Fine I'll take it!" she yelped as she was a tad bit afraid of her new boss...well allot more then just a little afraid.

"Hrmmm....just g-get it over better not hurt!" she yelled, her brow furrowing as she couldn't multi task that well, but if anything did bad happen to her machine she would flip out in an instant.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nagumi Yamata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mencith
 “ The Doctor pressed the syringe against the back of the woman's hand and clicked the mechanism, releasing a slight click and a cold feeling on her skin. "There... All done.", he assured her as he wiped the surface of the skin with a swab. "Mother cried when she got hers...", he added.

Nagumi turned abruptly, "I did not!!" She turned red in the face and pushed the woman towards her mech, "Well, go get her set up!" She turned and stuck a tongue out at the smiling Doctor.

Many other platforms lined the area, each covered with a canvas. One, however had a large object underneath the canvas. "There's mine over there... At least... Mine until they finish designing my new one...", he boasted. ”

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nadiyya Svitlana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Horo
Nadiyya Svitlana would grin ear to ear as she looked back at Nagumi, her snickering as she did so. "Awwwwws, did the baby cry...?" she giggled, it was her turn for a little revenge this time around. "Heh that didn't hurt at all, it isn't like the ones the Doc-Hey!" she yelped as the woman pushed her toward her mech. "I will quite rushing me!" she grumbled, her brow furrowing ever so slightly.

"Why do you have it covered up for..." she asked as she looked back at the woman who pushed her near her own machine.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nagumi Yamata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mencith
Nagumi Yamata scowled and glared at the Nadiyya, "To keep the dust off it!" She looked at her watch and then up at the control tower, "We have to leave at 0200 hours... So that gives us about twelve hours to get ready and rested."

She nodded and pointed at a large building to the end of the hanger area, "Those are the dorms... They haven't furnished most of the rooms... So you'll be bunked with me..." She grinned and patted Nadiyya's butt again, "What do you think of that idea, eh?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nadiyya Svitlana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Horo
Nadiyya Svitlana would simply shrug at what the woman said, her spinning around to face her as she does. "That's more then enough time for me..." she grinned at Nagumi.

"W-What, there's no way I'm sh-sharking a room with a pervert like you..." she stammered horribly, her meeping as Nagumi patted her but. "S-Stop that!"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moirai Desina
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Script
 “ teeest ”

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maximus Armada
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0.00 INK


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sam Felixis
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0.00 INK


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryszard Szczepa??ski
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0.00 INK

Ryszard Szczepa??ski

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zinizir'la
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Anorara

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nealaphh
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0.00 INK

Flying frenetically in an around launching space vehicles and buzzing drones, a lone sparrow looked frantically for a ship heading in the direction of the AC-430 star system. It was a long shot, considering that the system was so far away, but some days, a being could just get lucky. Finding a small cargo carrier heading for the system, Nealaphh landed on one of the cargo containers and latched onto it in the form of a sticky goo. As the tugger rocketed skyward, Nealaphh relished in absorbing the massive amounts of kinetic energy vibrating through the ship...

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyoko Minazuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Navana

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyoko Minazuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Navana

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyoko Minazuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Navana

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Master
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Remæus
Master nods.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Sheffield
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ottoman
It wasn't odd to see one of the many marines shuffling about the place carrying a duffel largely as big as he was, though it was something of an anomaly to see one going the way opposite the flow of so many others. Marcus, of course, wasn't being transferred in or flown back from some God-forsaken desert on occupation(why it was that Arabia was so centric to Terran strategy, he had no idea), but rather was here on business... of a sort. Grove wouldn't be too difficult for him to spot, even in his buzzed state the night prior he had largely burned her face into his memory knowing that the starport would prove a most crowded locale whenever it was he wished to depart.

Sheffield was surprised that the contact had gone so well, even after the uncertainty that had plagued him the night before during their meeting, and she really didn't seem all that opposed to his plan. Or she didn't sound it. People could play that off, though... Odd that he was paying attention to these things. It shouldn't be that much of an issue, just a couple of days and then he'd be done with it.

Or so he hoped.

He shuffled about still, ignoring the crowds and preferring to look to the many ships that were in dock, his mind pondering just which one was Grove's, and where he'd stay on board the thing during transit. Hopefully nowhere too dank. He could take any space, no matter the size, so long as it wasn't wet. Given, his ideas of interstellar travel were biased somewhat by film.
