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The Neko Sentence

Bastrones School for the gifted


a part of The Neko Sentence, by ceh12.


ceh12 holds sovereignty over Bastrones School for the gifted, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Bastrones School for the gifted is a part of The Neko Sentence.

10 Characters Here

Connor J. [29] "I can get in just stay calm "
Leon Hart [28] "No need to wait. Go on with it."
Draven Gordian [27] "This seems easy enough"
Yongu Tims [24] "Just do as I say and no one will get hurt, okay~?"
Kimmie [3] EDITING
Chris Steward [1] "Hey, anyone noticed the new guys?"
Anna Falcon [0] Falcon Punch!~
Marri Lane [0] "Music is beautiful, your face is not"
Akira Fujikage [0] the past is the past now i look forword to what i can do now

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Character Portrait: Connor J. Character Portrait: Draven Gordian Character Portrait: Leon Hart Character Portrait: Yongu Tims Character Portrait: Kimmie
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#, as written by ceh12
"Fine if you incist. " he stood up and started to load his gun slowly. "Okay its rather simple and the only way we can get out wound free is to do this as quick and as silent as possible. " he finished then put it back in his pocket. "Okay I'm gonna shoot the control panel with will send an alert to the cockpit. Then that's will send in a guard with a highly powered heavy powered machine gun. Leon you stand by the door while the rest of us act normal you will stab him in the neck then... " he then looked outside as he saw the landscape "they were about twently feet off the ground. "Um new plan we don't have enough time for a plan so any other ideas. " he said as he start to shake a little. "Someone wake up Kimmie we may have to just run and gun on this guys. "

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor J. Character Portrait: Draven Gordian Character Portrait: Leon Hart Character Portrait: Yongu Tims Character Portrait: Kimmie
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor watched as the doors slid open and the guards shot him with a tranquilizer dart. " Oi " he said as he fell and started feeling drowsy. He watched as his team was shot as well and he blacked out. He woke up a few hours later in what looked like a regular bedroom. The room was based on white it seemed as he looked at everything from his dresser to the walls were pure white. Everything was either white or a mohagony color. He saw a computer in the corner and quickly flipped it on it was a very primitive for his tastes but it seemed modern the year matched up for this one. He saw an icon which said read this as he clicked it am opened it for a file. It said he and his team would have to attend a private school nearby and they would be starting tomorrow at eight a.m. He sighed and started printing out directions. He walked out and looked around the house. He saw everyone had their own room each a different color based on them. Draven was red, Yongu was blue,Leon was yellow ,and Kimmie was black. He looked around and saw a living room with a television and a large couch and two chairs. He went into the kitchen which was very large in his opinion. He went to the fridge and pulled out a haddock. It was cooked already but he put it in the oven to warm it up. " Why did they leave us with all these supplies? " he said aloud as he pulled his gun out and saw it was unloaded. " They knew I had it what are they trying to do. " he put it back then pulled out the fish and took it to his room where he sat it down and began to figure out the place they were.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor J. Character Portrait: Draven Gordian Character Portrait: Leon Hart Character Portrait: Yongu Tims Character Portrait: Kimmie
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Draven was about to suggest going through the window when Connor fell down in front of him, a dart sticking from his neck. Before he could take action, Draven got hit with a dart instantly making him feel drowsy and pass out. Feeling as if he slept for days, Draven finally woke up groggy, his head pounding from the dart and realized he was somewhere unfamiliar. He sat up quickly, getting out of bed, hearing noises coming from the hallway. He peered out of the room, smelling a faint scent. "Fish?" he said as he followed the trail to a white room where he found a familiar neko. "CONNOR! You're alive!" said Draven with a huge grin on his face and gave the smaller neko a huge hug. "How long do you think we've been here?" he said as he plopped on the bed

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Character Portrait: Connor J. Character Portrait: Draven Gordian
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor jolted up as Draven hugged him. " CONNOR! You're alive ! " Connor grabbed his revolver but before he could turn he was hugged and realized it was Draven. " Dear god Draven you know how I am with surprises. " he said as he turned his chest leaning on the back of his chair. " Not sure how long probably a day or two. " he said as he grabbed the fish and took a bite. He ripped a piece off and threw it to his leader. " Eat none of us have eaten in a few days were gonna get too weak sooner or later. " he said as he swallowed and held out the instructions he had printed off with the address and directions. " The reason they left us here was to make us go here it's either some form of torture or an experiment. " he said as he adjusted his hat and sighed think about the humans again.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor J. Character Portrait: Draven Gordian
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Draven chuckled, taking a bite out of the fish," We've been through enough surprises to last us years" He looked down at the instructions reading them carefully. "So...we're attending a private school? Is that supposed to be a code name for something?" He sighed feeling the sadness hit him again, bitterness in his voice as he spoke. "All of you shouldn't be here, it was my fault we got caught, I should be the one to take the punishment not all of you." Draven sat up taking a last bite of the fish and as if he just woke up from a dream, he smiled. "Thank you though, for everything. I owe you my life for what you did back there at home. Who knows how worse it would've been if you weren't there."

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#, as written by ceh12
" Well bud I'm fairly certain a private school is for the cream of the crop so to speak I used to be in one before my mom died " he said before pausing for a moment then turned around. " Bad memories from that hell hole. " he shuddered a bit before shaking his head and started typing.

Bastrones School for the gifted

" Okay looks like a school for exactly like I said cream of the crop." he looked back as Draven began to speak in a sad voice. "Hey it could be worse at least we have eachother what would we do without our leader its like a snake without a head, yeah its still badass but it just looks like a tail with no head. " he said as he rolled his eyes. " Don't patronize me " he said with a smile as he got up. " Im gonna scout around " he said as he tucked his tail down his jeans and walked outside. He saw the humans walk around causally and he started then saw a kitten walk up to him and purr. "Oh god what have they done " he said as he grabbed the cat and took it inside. " Draven get your ass in here now you've got to see this." he said skittishly as he set the cat down.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor J. Character Portrait: Draven Gordian Character Portrait: Yongu Tims
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Yongu wasn't exactly paying attention as he was shot with the dart, quickly blacking out.

The sly tongued slowly opened his yes to find himself in a blue room. He blinked before more migraines went through his head in pain. "Ugh. Stupid...migraines." He sighed as he slowly got out of the bed, yawning a bit as he walked out of the bedroom to the smell of fish. I see that Conner is already making the usual. He chuckled quite creepily as he crept into the kitchen. "Don't blame yourself, Draven dear. We all decided to get involved." He moved closer to him with the same smile before he eyed a basket of fruit. "Ooh, is that a mango?" He quickly backed away and went straight for the basket, distracted by the fruit. "It'll be nice. A private academy. Hm." He smirked as he thought of scenarios that will happen. "Well, let me put it this way. If anybody decides to mess with us, just let me do some persuading." He clicked his tongue before he bit into the mango, the juice falling down his chin. His tail shivered in delight. He heard Conner go scout, but came back yelling. "Oh? What is it?" He took the basket with him to Conner, seeing the cat he put on the ground. "Wow."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor J. Character Portrait: Draven Gordian Character Portrait: Yongu Tims
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Draven heard his name being called and went straight into the kitchen to see a cat purring with delight. He stared at it with shock. "Is that what the academy does...make us into..animals?" he said with horror. Draven picked up the cat and held it close to his face, making eye contact. "We will get you out of this torture device and you will be free." he whispered as he dumped the fruit on the counter, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around the cat into a bundle giving it some space to breath. He carefully set the bundle in the basket and smiled triumphantly turning to his fellow team mates. "We have a new member of the crew!"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor J. Character Portrait: Draven Gordian Character Portrait: Yongu Tims
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor observed the cat with curiosity. "Hm" he picked up the bundel and felt the underbelly. "He's very underfed... and it's a girl. " he said blushing as he put it back down. " Sorry miss. " he turned and kept his head down embarrassed. "I'm gonna see if I can find some information on her." he rushed off to his room and impatiently started to type her description.

Black fur Pointed ears small body long tail

He tapped his foot as he waited and drummed his fingers. He saw a page listed 'Common House Cat'. "What the.." he clicked it and started to read it over. "Wait so we're like the native cat on Earth." he felt his ears and sighed knowing he would have to hide them. He stood up and didn't even bother to turn off his computer and he lied down on his bed and threw the white blanket over himself. He wanted to think it was a dream that he would wake up in his bed back at his home and see his friends all happy trying to figure out their next heist.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor J. Character Portrait: Draven Gordian Character Portrait: Leon Hart Character Portrait: Yongu Tims
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#, as written by nour06
Leon had gone down with a fight, though a painful one, getting shot in his neck. As he awoke, he jerked forward taking a bit to look around at his surroundings. There was yellow. It was... everywhere. He quickly got up and began touching the walls, wondering if there would be something that would be hidden. There was a door that he could see, but he ignored it, still feeling the furniture, his tail curving with curiosity and his ears perking. After a while, he decided that he might as well see where the others were, hearing their voices and exiting the room quietly and taking one more glance before examining where he was and what was around him, starting off to the voices.

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#, as written by ceh12
Connor sat up from his bed and calmed himself down. He realized sulking wouldn't solve a thing and he did still need to scout outside. He stood up and grabbed his hat and made sure it covered his ears. He then walked out of his room and passed Leon. " Mornin " he said cheerily as he looked at the cat one last time before opening the door and going out. He marveled at the town for a bit wondering what these people actually did. He saw a pair walking by and Connor glanced at them but kept walking hoping not to anger them for fear of attacking. He walked to a large open area with lots of trees and people he saw down on a bench alone and observed them in his seat. He was in a mixed feeling of fear and curiosity but he kept down almost out of sight. He kept fighting a bit with his tail. It was hidden by it wrapping itself around his thigh but it wanted to come out like it was used to. He was focused on that until a large dog walked by and Connor cowered. He felt scared even more by that thing than any human he had seen before. He hardly breathed until it walked past he then sighed and continued observing.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor J. Character Portrait: Chris Steward
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With only a few hours of free time to spare, Chris could think of nothing better than to take a walk round the park for a bit. After all, one could sit around at home any day of the week, right? After some time, he saw some bloke in a hat sitting on a bench. What made this fellow quite noticeable was the fact that he was about Chris's age, and since the town was home to one of the greatest schools out there, well...

"Hey, you're one of the new students, right?" Chris asked, walking up to the guy and sitting down next to him. "Chris Steward's the name. Nice hat, by the way." He added before starting to clean his glasses with his shirt.

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#, as written by ceh12
Connor was deep in thought about what these things did or what their purpose for such a large place was. He nearly jumped from his seat when the boy started talking to him. " New students uh yeah " he said with a nervous smile on his face. It didnt seem to be angry or the slightest bit hostile so it should be okay to say a few words. After the comment on his hat Connor adjusted it a bit more over his ears as they twitched. " The name's Connor nice to meet you Chris. Uh nice glasses. " he said nervously.

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#, as written by ceh12
Connor woke up groggy and still somewhat tired. He didn't want to get up but he knew he had to or they would be in trouble. He kicked off his blankets and shifted his hair a bit. He walked out of his room to make himself breakfast. On the way he knocked on eveydoor and screamed " Wake up !!" at all his teammates. He made it to the kitchen after what seemed forever and he started to make himself some of the tilapia that was still left. He finished preparing it the started to devour it quickly. He really didn't want to share today. He walked into the living room with his plate and flipped on the television. He want sure about the news that was one or what was sopposed to be happening but Connor truly wasn't paying attention. He adjusted his hat over his ears for fear they will come out he sighed and finished his fish and set the plate on the small desk as he went to the bathroom and started to get ready for the day airing for the others to wake up.

( Check ooc if you haven't read it yet. )