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The new Gen:Harry potter: The Rook

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a part of The new Gen:Harry potter: The Rook, by iminmiamitrick2233.


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Rose weasley [0] ron and hermione's daughter.
Teddy Lupin [0] teddy lupin. Remus and Nymphodoras son.
Alan Pericoloso [0] A 7th year who so far shows great talent, He seems nice enough but he is interested in learning about dark magics as well. He is the head boy at Hogwarts.
Azaleh Belladonna Lestrange [0] She who is cold, cruel and viscious will enjoy watching you suffer.
Shasta Spade [0] "yes im mysterious! Yes im soemtimes rude, or cruel, or mean! but it dosent mean I dont have a heart!"

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(alright we are going to go ahead and start)

Shasta stared boredly out of her compartment window. Sighing, knowing it wouldnt take long to get to hogwarts, yet knowing her, it would take forever. She grinned over at Teddy who was across from her, head buried in a book.
"you know, reading this much will give you a migrane, youve been reading that stupid book from the moment you reached the platform. Arnt I any fun"
She said with a fake pout, placing her elbows on her knees and looking at him with bored eyes.
"no shasta, your not fun, your boring, and nagging, hey! IM just kidding!"
Yelled teddy as shasta crossed her arms and glared at him. Shasta then burst out laughing.
"you know, your WAY to serious, you got's to be more.....spontanious, fun, less---"
She stopped and snatched the book away from him.
She finished with a laugh. Teddy rolled his eyes.
"whatever you say Spaz"
He said and snatched the book back, continuing his reading.
"30 minutes till we get to hogwarts!"
Shasta groaned.


Rose sat, watching shasta and Teddy, being thier normal stupid selves. She got up and crossed to go sit with her fellow ravenclaws. HArdly paying attention to shastas Cry of boredom. She crossed over into the other set if compartments and saw Sasha Parvell, a fellow ravenclaw, and her boyfriend Damon, snogging. Rose got a disgusted look on her face. Not because of the snogging, but because Sasha was with Damon, and Cheating on her other boyfriend. She rolled her eyes and found another compartment, with a few ravenclaw people, and a girl from hufflepuff, named Alissa Abbott. She sat down and opened her, A history of magic, book.


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Azaleh had a compartment to herself and was very pleased about it - she hated the awkward silences that accompanied strangers sharing her space. She never made an effort to hide her contempt for people from them. In front of her was Nightshade, he had to be caged up for the ride which irritated Azaleh. She had managed to sneek him on without being in a cage her first year but she had been caught every year since much to her annoyance. Her attention was then drawn to the door of the compartment where four first years stood looking at her. "What do you want?" she demanded sharply. A little unnerved, one of them gestured toward one of the empty seats. Usually, she would've told them where to go but she couldn't be bothered at the moment. Azaleh rose to her feet and shot them a scathing look. "By the way, I wouldn't touch Nightshade if I were you. He has rather sharp teeth and a bad temper." She stalked out of the compartment and into the isle. She was walking further up the train when a few familiar faces caught her eye. She raised her eyebrow and decided to pay them a visit. Sliding open the door, she glared at them.


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Shasta saw Teddy tense up for a moment a when the compartment door slid open.Shasta would have alughed at him, if it wasnt for who was at the door. Azaleh lestrange. Shasta got a nervous look on her face, but made a small attempt at a smile.
"hello Azaleh, what brings you here today"
mummbled Teddy, his head still covered by the book, that he was still reading. Shasta then looked around and realized rose had left.
"hi Azaleh"
Said Shasta timidly, slowly.


Rose looked around at the ravenclaws and Alissa Abbot. She knew one of the male ravenclaw's as Simon shadry, and the female ravenclaw as his little sister rachel.
"so, anybody read the daily prophet today?"
Asked Alissa timidly. rose nodded.
"about the troll attacking a muggle's house? Yeah I read it, then it siad something about some guy they are calling, The Rook. Or something stupid like that"
Said rose with a bored look.


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"Oooh! My favorite little second counsins!" she said mockingly. She thoroughly enjoyed the look of discomfort on Shasta's face - it was a sign of power in her opinion because she put that expression there. Chuckling darkly, she smirked at them. "What brings me here? Why I just wanted to see my charming cousins and see how their summer was." Of course she was lying through her teeth, she could care less about what they had done and it was pretty obvious from the sickeningly sweet tone she was using to make herself sound more sincere. Azaleh sighed dramatically and looked between the two in front of her, "Aren't you going to invite me to sit down?" the false sweetness in her voice had now turned sour.


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Teddy motioned towards the many empty seats.
"go ahead"
he said, all his timidness dissapearing.
"uhh, sit anywhere you like azaleh"
said shasta, more timidly. The look of discmfort crossing her face as she glared at teddy. and then looked at Azaleh with a strangled look. Azaleh was not her favorite cousin. Wich made her basicly...well plain, scared of azaleh, in case she exposed Shastas secret about being part of the black family.


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Azaleh chose to sit next to Shasta because she enjoyed taunting her and she was in the mood to cause some suffering; after her second cousins she was going to unleash her fury on the first years. That would be fun. Knowing full well that Shasta didn't want people at school to know what family she was a part of, she thought she would bring the subject of the Black's up. "You know, I think it's a dreadful shame that there's no one left in the family with the last name. The Black family was such a good pureblood family. Of course I would never change my name; my mother caused a lot of death, suffering and pain under the name Lestrange. Changing it would make it seem as if I was distancing myself from the acts of my parents which is ridiculous." She stole a glance at them from the corners of her eyes to see their reactions. Deciding to take it up a level she continued. "Shasta Black." she said rather loudly. "Has a certain ring to it, you must admit. Then again it should really be a question of 'Are you worthy of the name?' and I'm afraid I'm not sure that you are. I mean, occasionally you show some of the family 'flare' but I'm not totally convinced." Azaleh smirked again, hoping this would provoke her temper. If that failed she could always turn to Teddy, he was also fun to tease but she had a strong dislike for him. He was too... kind.


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Shasta glared at Azaleh, as much as she hated being near her second cousin. She had apoint, yet it annoyed her to hear her say the last words. she raised her wand with cold fury in her eyes. Standing up, eyes cold. She could just hear the sigh of Teddy as he put down his book to watch us.
"DONT YOU DARE! I am worthy of the name! but I decide not to use it, and if you, you despicable creature, cant handle that, than I suggest you get out"
She said, wand pointed unwaveringly at Azaleh. Her mind set on one curse that would cause her cousin pain. She then shook the thought from her mind, no, she wouldnt act like her second cousin. She lowered her wand and her head, and stole a glance at teddy who was nodding approvingly. Shasta sat back down, slightly farther away from Azaleh. Contemplating the thoughts in her head.


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Azaleh had achieved just what she wanted. Getting to her feet, she quickly surveyed the cabin looking for a little more trouble to cause. A cruel smile came to her face as she walked to the door and turned back to point her wand. "Avis!" as she said this, a flock of ravens flew out of her wand, they were perfectly harmless until she cast Oppugno on them so they would attack the two in the comparment. "Enjoy the rest of your trip!" she cackled as she shut the door behinf her. Azaleh could've done a lot worse but she thought she would save her more... complex spells until later on. She returned to her comparment and flung the door open, brandishing her wand at the first years. "Out. Now." she used the bat-bogey hex on one of them and used him to shoo the others out. Smirking, she sat down next to Shade and removed the two books she had left concealed under his cage. Secrets of the Darkest Art was a book she had found in store down Knockturn Alley and immedietly purchased so she could learn even more Dark magic. Her aunt had tutored her to a certain degree in the summers since starting Hogwarts and she had some early tuition from her father before he died. It was him who taught her the three unforgiveables at the age of ten. So far she had used Crucio and Imperio but not Avada Kerdavra. Yet. The other book gave directions on how to become an Animagus which Azaleh was seriously considering.


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Shasta jumped up once the Avis was cast. She looked at teddy. Not sure what to really do about the birds attacking them. She blocked her face with one arm, and grabbed Teddy's arm with the free one. She then opened the compartment door and slid out, with Teddy following. trying not to let the birds follow them. only a few pesky attackers managed to get out of the compartment with them and kept attacking. She looked at Teddy.
"do you think they can break through glass?"
She asked as the birds tried to attack them. But the door was in the way. One raven slammed itself into the glass and the raven stopped attacking. Though the others were still trying to. Shasta stole a quick glance at Teddy.
"What, in the HELL, was she thinking?"
Mummbled Teddy, scratches from the ravens claws and beaks all over his arms, and a few on his face. Shasta figured she looked the same, though her face would be safe since she blocked it. Her arm hurt like heck from being attacked so much.
"I knew it! I KNEW it! just cant trust Azaleh! theres nothing good about her!"
Said Shasta throwing up her arms.
"well whoever sits in there willface the wrath of a thousand birds"
Said shasta with a small laugh, imagining what would happen if someone did sit in there.
"come on lets go find rose"
Shasta said, motioning towards the compartments that were a bit farther up on the train.
"We Will be arriving at hogwarts in ten minutes!"
Called a small first year boy, who was running trough the isle.
Muttered Teddy. Walking and reading at the same time. Once they found rose's compartment they found it safer to just put a moving spell on the trunks, rather then walk back into the bird infested compartment. Up untill now Shasta had completly forgotten that she had a cat with her. That Rose was now holding as they unboarded the train.
"We are here!"
Cried Shasta, sweeping her arms around in a dramatic motion. Staring up at the castle that she had called home for many years. It was far better than staying home atleast. She stuck her tongue out at rose, who merely rolled her eyes and walked forewards toward the castle.


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Azaleh was smiling to herself as she overheard a commotion, mainly squawking birds. "Sounds like they're having fun." she giggled nastily. It was probably ten minutes later that the train lurched to a halt. Azaleh had by now changed into her uniform and was ready to get off. Grabbing Shade's cage, her books and her trunk, she left the comparment behind to go find the exit. Shortly after, she was outside and could clearly see the school ahead. A glimpse of reddish hair was visible out of the corner of her vision. Weasley. Half-blood. Seeing Shasta and Lupin were also there she grinned maliciously and made for them. "Didn't you like the extra company I left you?" she asked patronizingly, flicking her hair over her shoulder. Turning her attention now toward Rose, "And how's that mud-blood mother of yours?" It wasn't out of curiosity as much as a chance to offend her and Azaleh made no attempt to disguise the disgust in her voice. She strongly disliked any wizard that was less than pureblood - it could almost be called hereditary.


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Shasta glared at Azaleh.
"oh of course we did! Me and those birds were like best friends"
She said coldly to Azaleh. Teddy also glaring at her. though with much less effort. shasta turned away, linked arms with rose and began trying to walk away.
"Come on rosie, Teddy Hurry up!"
She yelled at teddy who hadent moved yet. But was now walking away with them.


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"Bye half-bloods!" she called out, "...and were-wolf cub." She gave him a distasteful look and wandered off into a crowd of Slytherin seventh years. The Slytherins were the only ones that still believe that pure-bloods were better than half and muggle born witches and wizards, at least the only ones that openly felt this way. The walk to the carriages took longer than Azaleh remembered but that gave her time to think of a way to cause more problems for her second cousins. Maybe she would sabotage their carriage. By using Diffindo she could sever the axels so that they would get stuck. That could be funny. She got into a carriage with a couple other Slytherins and leaned out the window, looking for Shasta, Teddy and Rose.


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"come on, theres a free carriage"
shasta said, pointing to the carriage being pulled by thestrals. Though none of them could see the thestrals, everybody knew thats what pulled the carriages. They climbed aboard the carriage and sat in the, not very comfortable seats. Shasta staring blankly at the empty space of air where the thestral was, trying her hardest to see it. While Teddy read his book and Rose hung her head out of the side of the carriage.
"your going to fall"
Said Teddy, causing Rose to jumo from the sudden noise and almost fall off the side of the carriage, if shasta hadnt grabbed her leg, along with teddy grabbing her arm.
"i thought you were the smart one?"
Said Shasta in a laughing tone.
"well..I...Uh...damn, I was bored alright"
She said in a defensive tone, crossing her arms and glaring at Shasta and teddy.


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Azaleh soon saw which carriage the little group were in, it seemed the Weasley kid was attempting suicide out the window. Her hand went to her wand which she quickly brought out and aimed for the axel. As she uttered the word 'Diffindo', her carriage hit a bump in the road and instead of hitting the axel she got the reigns that tethered the thestrals. She watched as they carried on walking, unaware of the detatchment. Azaleh was one of the few students who could see them. She had watched from a magically concealed compartment in the wall as the auror who had been tracking her father finally found him. Her father had spent the time he could have used to escape, to hide his daughter.


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Shasta felt he carriage suddenly stop, she stared at the empty space, unaware of the fact that the thestrals had gone.
"wh did we stop?"
Asked Rose as she pulled out her wand timidly.
"I dont know? your the smart one, you should know"
Said shasta with a small smirk at Rose. She stood up, and got out of the carriage.
"ill go check it out, see if everythings alright"
She got up to the front of the carriage and felt around for the fammiliar bony skin of the thestrals. she may not be able to see them. But she was able to feel them. She couldtn feel anything. She looked and saw the short reignes, that used to be invisible a long time ago. but were now visible, they had been hit with something, probably a spell, severing the thestrals from the carriage. She groaned, figuring she knew who did it. She made her way back to the others.
"looks like we are hiking to hogwarts, hopefully they dont mind if we miss the feast"
said Shasta with a sigh. Grabbing her stuff, h, and lead the way.
~twenty minutes later~

"we are lost, I dont know where we are!"
Cried Rose in anguish, who had been leading the way ever since Shasta got tired. They were only ten minutes into the walk and already they couldnt hardly move.
"Rose, just cast a stupid patronus and tell them we are lost!"
Groaned shasta as she dragged along.
"I dont want to intturupt the feast"
Said Rose feverishly, her eyes blazing with impatiance. She could hear teddy Sigh irritatedly.
"For gods sake! Expecto patronum!"
He yelled. Probably getting tired of the bickering. Out of his wand came a silvery mist like creature, a wolf, he sent it to the great hall, hoping that the feast was over by then and they wouldnt get in trouble. Shasta smiled.
"thanks Teddy! See Rose, atleast Teddy is brave enough"
Said shasta with a glare. Rose snorted.
"Yeah, more like irritated with your bickering"


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Azaleh had withdrawn into her carriage as soon as it dawned on her that they might see her if they looked out the window or got out. It took all her power to not look behind and see what they were doing but she managed to, the smug look on her face unwavering. The carriage had arrived at the school shortly after and they were no where to be found, much to Azaleh's delight. The sorting had taken a long time this year and it was just as the speech was drawing to a close that a silver wolf made its entrance into the hall. It was a patronus and Azaleh knew exactly whose it was, she had seen it a couple times before. She had to cover her mouth with her hand to conceal the threatening waves of laughter that would have otherwise incriminated her. They're lost! And- wait... what if they know it was me? They could... tell someone... I refuse to spend my first month in detention!


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The silver wolf opened its mouth to speak.
"we are lost, someone used deffindo on our carriage"
said a fammiliar voice, that people who knew Teddy would recognize. Since it was teddy's voice. Then the Wolf dissapeared moments later.

Shasta groaned and sat down on the ground. she ahd no idea where they were, but she refused to walk anymore.
"if you guys want to wlak then be my guests, but dont expect me to come with you"
she said in a stubborn tone, as rose tried to get her to start walking. Shasta crossed her arms and puffe dout her cheeks like a seven year old.
"your not my mother! You cant make me!"
She stubbornly sat. Rose and teddy gave up. Sitting on the ground with shasta, both glaring a her.
"dont blame me"
She cried in anguish.
"Im tired, and its hot out here, and dark"
She said with a bit of coldness in her voice.

(if you want you can control what happens in the great hall, at 6:30 i will be gone for thirty minutes, so we should et some posts in before then lol, I have to watch a chowder episode with my baby cousin)


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When the wolf spoke and mentioned the diffindo spell, Azaleh felt a little unsettled. All they would have to do to find out who did it would be to do a check on people's wands to find out the last spell cast. She would have to do a little magic before they resorted to that. If they resorted to it. She could be quite a good liar but at this point she didn't need to lie, only hide any overly smug looks from teachers. Meanwhile, a small group of about three teachers were sent out to go find the students and the feast temporarily delayed. Azaleh almost regretted the sabotage, her stomach was rumbling ominously and she was getting impatient. Then again so were the rest of the Slytherins. They could care less what happened they just wanted to eat.


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((Sorry my net was playing up.))

Alan being head boy had been patrolling the train the whole time and now it was his job to wait until the last carriage incase something went wrong.
When he noticed the broken carriage he leaped from his own and come down next to the kids "Hey people whats happened here?" he asked as his carrage stopped to wait for him.

((Sorry for tiny post. I have no idea what is happening so yeah lol.))


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he three tachers made there way through where the carriages were supposed to be, one of the tachers, the herbology teacher, professor Longbottom, was the first to notice the carriage with no thestrals.
"theres no thestrals, and it does look as if deffindo was used, we should follow along the path"
Said professor longbottom as they all followe dthe path.
"all we need to do is wait untill we hear Miss Spade's complaining"

~another twenty minutes later~

"so HUNGRY!"
yelled rose into the night, sounding exaclty like ehr father. She was twirling her wand around, and finnaly the wand stopped moving and flew off, hitting Shasta on the cheek.
She yelled. Shasta's hair had become rather messy, and her eyes looked tired. she looked as if she had been sleeping, infact, that was what she had been doing. Teddy was asleep also. Having fallen asleep a few ten minutes after Shasta.
Shasta yelled loudly, giggling afterward. untill she heard a branch break nearby. she jumpe dup, wand ready to curse, untill she sa wit was jsut three teachers.
Yelled Shasta, Almost hugging them, but holding back. she went over to Teddy and kicke dhim.
"TEDDY! wake up"
She yelled, innocently looking at him when he jumped up and stared at her.

~at the feast finnaly~

Yelled Rose, not too loudly as she ran to the ravenclaw table. With both Shasta and Teddy heading towards Gryffindor.


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((Okay fine just ignore me.))


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Azaleh had been slumped forward on the table with her head on the plate in front of her, she had long given up the hope of food. Then she heard the doors swing open and knew that food was about to be served. Or so she hoped. She finally lifted her head in time to see Shasta go to sit down at Ravenclaw's table, hoping she would look up and see her smiling innocently at her. Another growl from her stomach reminded her that she was hungry, she hadn't eaten since breakfast.

{hope its not too short =)}


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(sorry psyco, didnt mean to ignore you, but your just a tad bit late with your post, we are already in the great hall)

Shasta and Teddy sat down, stomachs growling. Then suddenly all the tables had giant plates of food. Then the crazy noisy talking began, kids trying to talk over eachother, trying to see what had happened to Shasta and Teddy. Shasta looked over at Rose, overa t the Ravenclaw table. She looked to be in pain, kids talking all around her. Shasta laughed. Poor rose. Shasta then dove into her food, eating like she hadnt eaten in weeks. Once the feast was over they were all dissmissed to thier own common rooms. Shasta and Teddy heading towards the Gryffindor common room, with Rose Going towards Ravenclaw.


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Azaleh joined the Slytherins in going down to their dungeon common room after the meal was over, yawning a little as she walked. The welcoming feast was always very filling although she didn't much like the loudness if it all. The walk to the dungeons seemed to take forever but she got there in the end and gladly flopped down on her green sheets after getting ready for sleep. Azaleh fell instantly asleep, although she would wake up several times in the night due to vivid dreams most people would consider nightmares. She wasn't afraid of them but they managed to wake her up all the same.


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{{Hello??? =o}}