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Sprouse Evans

"Lightning doesn't strike twice, but I do."

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a character in “The New Teen Titans”, as played by FamishedPants


Full Name: "The name's Sprouse."
Sprouse Evans

Nickname: "Livewire, when I'm on-duty."

Gender: "Trouble with your eyes? Should I show you something to prove that I'm a guy? Heheh."

Age: "Almost not a teen. Guess you found me in time."

Height: "I'm not a tree, nor am I a stump."

Weight: "175 pounds of ass-kicking muscle."
175 lbs


Distinguishing Features: "Besides my handsome face? I guess my eyes count."
Sprouse's eyes glow an ethereal blue.

Costume/Equipment: "I wear my suit, day in and day out."
As seen in the picture above.

Motto/Catch Phrase: "Shock and awed!"

Personality: "So ya wanna hear a bit about me, eh? I guess I've got time to spare."

Sprouse is typically seen as cocky, sarcastic and immature, throwing off jokes and wisecracks at a moments notice without delay, even in the face of great danger. He is very outgoing and can make friends almost instantly with his cool tone and warm smile. But at the same time, Sprouse isn't the definition of good anymore - he was a criminal, and now he's reluctant to accept this role as a superhero, so he'll actually get flustered if you point out a good deed he did. Even still, he enjoys such gratitude deep down.....while he's stealing something of yours. Even in Titan Tower, it feels strange to him not to steal, and he might take things temporarily to sate this feeling.

Evans doesn't look for a fight, but is not afraid to get into one, and can easily be provoked if someone knows the right buttons to press. His long time alone has left some of his manners to be retaught, so eating with him or other activities may not be as enjoyable as some would like. He naturally likes to hang out somewhere away from 'traffic' when he wants to be alone, but can also be seen around anyone else, socializing (or attempting to).

Likes: "It takes a sense of humor, games and pizza to entertain me. I'm a simple man."

    Jokes - Sprouse loves to laugh, and to cause people to laugh. Most people who have a sense of humor, he likes almost instantly.

    Lightning/Electricity - This element is just as important to Sprouse as air or water is. Since he cannot live without it, he learned to love it. Besides, when he gets shocked by something else, it only gives him more energy.

    Pizza - His favorite food, so there's not much to be said. He enjoys a simple pepporoni pizza more than any others. Garlic sauce and wings would make his day too.

    Video Games - Nothing more fun than relaxing while you slaughter a townful of innocent a game, of course. Racing games, fighting games, shooting games; Sprouse loves them all, except sports games. And he can be really competitive.

    Calm - When there's not much noise, no fighting, no arguing, Sprouse will enjoy a nice nap. Probably the best thing for him after a fight, though sometimes he's too riled up to be calm.

    Victory - Who doesn't like winning? Since he's competitive, it's only natural that he likes winning, whether that be in a fight or a video game.

    Monkeys - Sprouse's favorite animal. They climb on trees, look awesome, and throw poop at people they don't like, which makes Evans laugh.

    Rock/Metal music - His favorite genre. Evans loves all kinds of metal, such as older bands or newer. Not the kind that it just blatant screaming nobody can understand.

    Stealing - It just became fun after a while. He likes to steal more important things, and then give them back without being caught. It's like a game to him. Except edible items - those don't come back.

Dislikes: "I prefer to stay happy, so these things I'm about to tell you about you should remember... and avoid."

Death - The end of life is never a joyous thing. He hates to see death, and hates the people that cause it without proper reason. Sprouse isn't a complete pacifist, but he usually restrains himself from using lethal bolts if he can.

Criminals - What is it with people? Why can't they abide by laws? Sure, maybe a petty thief isn't so bad, but murderers, rapists, and burgalers? There's no reason to just kill someone, and therefore, there's reason to stop them.

Soccer - Honestly, he doesn't like sports in general, but out of all of them, this one just doesn't appeal to him in the slightest. Hates how a lot of the players feign injury.

Being Ignored - While he doesn't always have to be the center of attention (though he doesn't mind that either), he can't stand it when people ignore him. His voice will only get louder and louder each time he has to repeat himself.

Vegetables - He doesn't not eat them, just he prefers meat over greens anytime. Steak or salad? Pfft, as if it's even a choice.

Being caught stealing - If he's been caught, it means he made a mistake, and still needs to improve.... and there's always that awkward moment when you have to apologize too.

Fears: "I'll pass again, but that's because I fear nothing."

Water - Ever since he received his powers from the mysterious space rock, he has been unable to swim. The first time he tried after the event, he received shocks that were painful all around him, and started losing consciousness. He managed to make it out, but he never wants to try to swim again.

Unintended Harm - Evans has always wanted to be a hero. Heroes don't harm innocents, or the people they love. He never, ever wants to see pain caused by him be inflicted on someone he generally likes.

Weaknesses: "For some reason, I think I'll pass on telling you that..."

Sprouse cannot swim, or he'll risk shorting out and fainting, then subsequently drowning. Though taking a bath or a shower doesn't seem to cause pain, if he were to fall into a pool, he would need to be saved himself.

Actually, this refers to any place where there isn't electricity immediately nearby. Sprouse, being sensative and dependent on such a utility, needs to recharge every now and then, and if unable to, he'll grow weak. Another problem with this, is that areas like that (such as the woods) where no electricity is present, he'll develop headaches.

- Any EMP-like effect will also stun him.

Sprouse wants to find out what happened to that magical spacerock that killed his family, changed his life, and disappeared from any newpaper or shows in the world so much that upon finding a lead about the rock, he'll venture off without second thought, regardless of what others might say. The worst thing is - he doesn't tell others anything about how his parents died, so nobody would really know what he's looking for.

Theme Song:

The Time has Come from Devil May Cry 4 Original Soundtrack

The time has come and so have I
I'll laugh last cause you came to die
The damage done, the pain subsides
and I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye

I'll never kneel and I'll never rest,
you can tear the heart from my chest
I'll make you see what I do best
I'll also see that you breathe your very last breath

Now I know how the angel fell
I know the tale and I know it too well
I'll make you wish you had a soul to sell,
when I strike you down straight to hell

My army comes from deep within,
beneath my soul, beneath my skin
That's your ending I'm about to begin,
my strength is pain and I'll never give in

I'll tell you now, I'm one to survive
You'll never break my faith or my stride
I'll have you choke on your own demise
I'll make the angel scream and the devil cry

Species: "I'm a monkey, what do you think?"

Powers: "Need I remind you? Guess my puns weren't obvious enough."

Electromastery - Sprouse has a deep connection with Electricity and Lightning, able to harness and manipulate it as he wills. This takes many forms, all of which I've stolen from the game Infamous revolve around the element, such as bolts escaping from his hands, jolting objects he comes into physical contact with, and stealing or giving electrical energy to something he touches. These abilities either increase or decrease in power depending on whether or not he's recharged lately. It should be noted that this gives him an immunity to any electrical-based attacks.

Static-Stepping - Evans has not yet mastered this ability to its fullest potential, but the basis is that he loses physical form for a brief period and may move around as a bolt of lightning. Because he cannot sustain this form for longer than a second or two at most (currently), it's really only used to dash around - his main means of transportation, since he can easily use it in succession without much problem.

Magnetism - Though not to an insanely heavy degree, objects made from metal may be attracted or repelled form Sprouse. Again, he has not entirely mastered this ability, but he has trained himself to use it to a better degree. It's used mainly to deflect bullets or other projectiles, which has kept him alive for a while.

Skills: "I don't need powers to beat up most of the trash that runs around on the streets."

Tae-Kwon-Do - A martial art which places high emphasis on kicking. Sprouse learned it when he was younger, and managed to earn a blackbelt.

Parkour - Another martial art. It is used to scale buildings or obstacles without the use of his powers, though easily able to be mixed in with his static-stepping. He taught himself during his days as a street-rat.

Pickpocketing - If there's something in your pocket and Sprouse wants it, try not be surprised that he'll have it in his hands, even if you're interacting with him. The years that he has lived off of stealing has perfected this to an art. Not to mention that if it's made of metal, he can use his ability to move it without touching it.

Arch Nemesis: "None.... yet."
None, at the moment.

Family: "...Lets talk about something else, shall we?"
Mother and father are deceased.

History: "More about me? I've been a superhero since a while. There. That's all you're gettin'."

Sprouse had been a simple child who wore his bright outlook on life on his face. The definition of kindness, Sprouse loved to make people smile and laugh and had a clean record - even as a toddler. His parents adored the child they bore, and he loved them with all of his small heart.

In academics, he was average, never really sticking out. His shining trait was always a warm smile which many would compare to the sun in brilliance. It would only get brighter when he told people what he wanted to be when he grew up:

A superhero.

It was cute for the first few years of his life, but as he grew, he never discarded the idea like many people did growing up. He admired the Teen Titans, back when they were a thing. Their bravery, and how they could save anyone always inspired him - a normal boy with no powers. He would soon get over that when he entered his teenage years. Such things were meaningless for those without any way to protect someone. He opted to at least learn basic martial arts to protect himself. There was no way he would be as good as Robin.

And then something terrible happened.

Something not of this Earth fell from space. It was a rock, glowing a light-blue and sparking with a divine-like lightning. There was something strange about this rock. Strange and powerful. But falling is not all it did.

No, if only.

It crashed.

Crashed right into a populated supermarket, and obliterated everyone inside, with the sole exception of Sprouse. All those men, woman, children..... and his parents had all died within a bright flash of blue, leaving ashes in their wake. But him? No, he was thrown viciously from the site like a ragdoll, and would not awake with any memory of who he was or where he was for the next two months. For two months he was nameless. Just a person who suffered head-splitting headaches and knew no friends nor family, or who he himself was. He does not remember how he survived for that long. He just did. And when he finally regained his memories of the kind, young man he was, he had no use for those memories.

Now he was a 'street rat' as many called him. His home was an abandoned shack closer to the edge of the city, which he eventually made bearable by all the things he had 'liberated' from stores and such. He didn't turn evil, it's just that he needed to survive, but had no money or job to do so, so stealing became something he thrived on. Convenience stores and pockets were his ripest and most often picks, so he was never wanted for an outrageous crime, like robbing a bank or something, and there was still good in him; he made it a point not to harm anyone seriously, especially innocents who couldn't do anything to harm him in the first place.

Soon his powers began to develop, aiding him in his ventures. It used to be all he could do to power up a simple lightbulb by touch, but now he could do so without effort, nor physical contact. He grew in power and soon, grew in taste. But the good, young man was still inside of him somewhere that prevented him from stealing from the poor or the innocent, so he turned his eyes on criminals. They wouldn't need anything, and he had no family left to threaten. Obviously, said crimelord was... unhappy at losing items that belonged to him, and a 'war' between him and the lord raged, out of the public's eye. But, surprisingly, with the use of his powers, Sprouse caught the man and turned him in, staying no longer than to ensure the man's arrest before leaving the scenes.

Though at this point, he thought himself to only be a petty criminal, whether he knew it or not, the fact he continued doing events similar to this had made his old dream come true; the orphan who had been surviving on the streets for years finally became that which he wanted to most -

A superhero.

Other: "Lets get this show on the road and go, Titans!"

So begins...

Sprouse Evans's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: The Railgun Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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Melanie locked onto her target, running toward the wretched humaniod machine at speeds a professial runner would have envied. Lunging, she grabbed hold of his head and dug her fingers in through the metal and into the circits, absorbing the electricity and feeling bit by bit stronger. Normally she would have grabbed him and plugged herself into him (usually by plunging her hand into his head or where the master chip was), thus absorbing the power and all data he contained. But that took time and it would reviel to the others in this vicinity what she was; something she wanted to avoid at all costs.

So instead she plucked the chip out with her fingers and stashing it in a small compartment disceretly, planning on reviewing it later. Then she yanked her hand from the now shutdown bot's forehead and let him collapse. His companion attempted to do a roundhouse kick but Melanie stopped him with her hand, flipping the poor, misguided machine into the pavement. Then she dug her hand through the metal that made up the back of his head and did the same thing.

Meanwhile White was running around, leaping from bot to bot, crushing them with his bare fists or smashing them against the concrete sidewalks. He'd already taken out two and was on his third, grabbing it by the arm and twisting the metal until the arm came off. Using the arm as a club he smashed the remained of the robot's metal body until the screws fell out. Then suddenly there was a sharp twing of pain in his calf and he looked down to he a dart with brightly colored feathers on one end. A robot a few meters away was pointing directly at his calf and a small whisp of smoke rose from it's finger.

White pondered this for an instant, wondering what such a small humming bird could do to him, not feeling even the slightest bit woozy. The robot seemed to realize this for it pointed with it's other finger at his chest. It never go the chance to fire though because White plucked the dart from his leg and threw it with amazing accuracy on could only get from hunting at the robot. The dart jammed up the bot's finger and stopped the second projectile from flying, giving the robot a moment's pause. In that moment White managed to charge him and headbutt him hard enough it sent him flying into a tree where broke into four seperate peices. A new personal record.

Melanie had just polished off her forth bot and noticed that her opponents were looking a little scarce, only one or two more of them lingering at the scene. They must not ahve been programed well because, though it was clear which side was winning, they still hadn't fled. Either they had a faulty processor... or they were disposable. This idea cause a rush of anger to be directed towards the one they all refered to in their memory files as 'Leader'. Yes they were machines, but reguardless of what they were, life or artifical life, they should not be used and then tossed away like trash.

Speaking of the importance of life, Melanie saw out of the corner of her eye the girl who'd the pirate adressed say something and then collapse against him. Hearing the sounds of metal on metal (probably the girl with the quarter) as well as the sounds of White and Livewire fighting, Melanie figured she could afford to check on the girl and make sure she was okay. Quite concerned now, she hurried over to see the girl limp in the pirate's arms.

"What happened? Was she injured?" Gently she pressed two fingers against the side of the girl's neck. Her sensors indicated that she was alive, only unconscience. Melanie breathed a soft sigh of relief. "She's alive but she's fainted. Probably from exhaustion." she said, then added under her breath, "Thank goodness..." Glancing to the pirate man she remembered her manners. "Oh, by the way, I'm Melanie."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: The Railgun Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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She was somewhat surprised, as Rachel didn't actually expect the kid to apologize so quickly. Crossing her arms as she watched him dismantle one of the droids in front of them, followed with a challenge. But before she could respond, he had seemed to run off to who knows where.

After hearing some girl behind her ask herself how something ever happened, albeit in a yelling manner, Rachel turned around, her eyes settling on a strange girl, not much younger than herself, in a weird position against a tree, however that didn't last long.

She noticed that the same boy that tried to kiss her was next to that other girl, the two fighting off another set of drones. There was a moment where a couple of the drones had the upper hand against the duo, before they were overtaken by the two teens.

Turning around to the others, Rachel noticed that the fighting between the blonde girl and that... man-ape had ceased, and she had let out a slight smile as those two were communicating, even though their words were enough to give R'hul a mental aneurysm.

There were more drones to pass around for those two, until she noticed that self-righteous guy that spoke to her before having some stranger trying to kiss her. Rachel made a quick glance at their surroundings, counting roughly 15 drones, not counting the couple that the blonde girl had just taken down herself.

Before long, the number of drones quickly dwindled between the blonde girl and the man-ape, and Rachel had simply flapped her arms, as if having nothing to do. Looking down at her quarter, she thought to herself, and to R'hul. Heads, help them clean up the park. Tails, leave the scene.

R'hul didn't object with his usual smartass remarks about the suggestion, as he was content for helping those people, even though they had only taken down one drone with a spoon. Rachel flipped the quarter into the air, catching it with her empty hand, the coin landing with tails facing up.

Tails it is, she stated mentally, before heading out into the darkness and out of the park. Whoever they were, they didn't seem to need her help, as they had a quite a few interesting individuals among them. Though it was likely that Rachel would see them again, she didn't want to, preferring to work alone with R'hul.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: The Railgun Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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"There's been a change of plans. That guy, White by name, is going to look for another territory after he helps us destroy these freaky robots who were sent by somebody to capture White and kill anyone in the way."

Sprouse glanced to White, then back at Mel, then sighed unconvincingly. "You know, this is beginning to sound like some plot to a cheesy action movie, but I'll go along with it." with those few words, he turned his attention on some free droids which had made their hostility towards himself very apparent in the form of a berserk attack at him. He, quicker than your average bear with the help of his electromastery - a power which he unknowingly shared with a green-headed female. Many would see maybe a spark for just a brief moment before his body reappeared some feet away, allowing him to effortlessly launch a bolt to the back of the droids who, oeverloaded by the volts, collapsed and then detonated for added badassness.

Upon further surveillance of the park, he noticed that he was tied with White in drones destroyed, which did put a bit of a competitive spin on saving the day. After all, Sprouse never really cared for losing, and beating someone made winning all-the-more appetizing a treat. Allowing himself to be bested by a brute like this wouldn't bode well for his reputation, which of course, he had to uphold. Ladies love a guy with reputation.

Among the other things he did notice was that the man from before had apparently wanted to be a pirate when he grew up. This fact made very apparent by his pirate tone and accent. Normally, he would have laughed, but for some odd reason, he felt that this was not an act, but the man was actually talking like this.


Somewhere along the lines, Sprouse had noticed the emerald-headed woman from before began to leave. It pained him in the sense that he didn't get to show off to the loud-mouthed woman - which to him, wasn't a bad trait at all. But he figured she would soon enough drool over him.

They all did.

Okay, maybe not. But he liked to pretend they did. It was a big boost in confidence that he so desperately needed. Attention was always a nice thing to have when your only friend is the streets. Positive or negative, though preferably positive. People tend to hunt you down and try to kill you with negative attention. Like crimelords when you steal stuff from them. But that turned out just swell, didn't it?

God, are these things just that boring that I'm thinking about everything else but fighting them? Ah, lets just end this!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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"What happened? Was she injured?" Hell if he knew, he had just caught her, and was struggling to keep her up. He threw her
arm over his shoulder, and picked up her legs in his free arm. The three didges floated behind him to form a low triangular pattern. "She's alive but she's fainted. Probably from exhaustion,Oh, by the way, I'm Melanie."

"Thanks Miss Melanie, I'm a bit tired, but I should be able to protect the both of us fer now. If I was physically able, i'd return yer manners, but for now, I've got me hands full." He shuffled Aura tighter into his grip, hoping she wouldn't fall out of his arms. "Not that I be complainin' or anything. The name's Pulse, since I am a tried and true Super, Hero." He paused between the two words for an emphasizing effect, hopefully not misleading her for a short while to believe that he was a bad guy.

"There's been a change of plans. That guy, White by name, is going to look for another territory after he helps us destroy these freaky robots who were sent by somebody to capture White and kill anyone in the way." That edgy guy was busy blowing up drones with what appeared to be electricity, though it could probably be Plasma, or liquid fun. He was going to put his bets on Liquid Fun, the best Rum in the Galaxy.

"So his name is White then, pleasure to meet yo-" He stopped mid sentence as he watched White headbutt a drone. This day just got better and better. He spoke up a bit, trying to get that edgy fellows attention. "Let's reconsider this, how about we keep his Majesty and induct him into our crew."

As a drone approached him, the three didgeridoos sprung back, and locked it in place. As RĂ©nard turned around to find it struggling to escape. He looked it straight in the Photo-receptors, watching the lights flash, vibrate, then display numbers counting down. "Best be backin up Miss, no idea how awesome this will be, oh," He grinned as he turned his head towards her. "It would be in very good interest to cover your ears." The three didges linked together, end to end, to create one very long Didgeridoo. He took a small breath. No need to strain himself. As the didgeridoo touched his mouth, he began his mantra of expelling air whilst breathing in, and as the few seconds it took him went on, it Progressively got louder in a steep climb. The final result was a fluxuation of pitch, no tone, just pitch. In a crescendo, it climbed to a near ear-piercing screech, then dropped to a Very low blare. The Drone seemingly vibrated itself apart, only leaving the bomb a few feet away. Pulse just managed to cover it with this now titan Didgeridoo, and watched as the blast was completely expelled out of the mouth piece.

"Now that," He announced calmly "Is going to taste terrible."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: The Railgun Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: The Night Watcher
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"Thanks Miss Melanie, I'm a bit tired, but I should be able to protect the both of us fer now. If I was physically able, I'd return yer manners, but for now, I've got me hands full. Not that I be complainin' or anything. The name's Pulse, since I am a tried and true Super, Hero." Pulse said, shifting the girl in his arms so that she wouldn't fall from his hands. His self-assigned title of 'super-hero' drew a small smile on Melanie's lips. Yeah, they were all kind of acting like super-heroes weren't they? Maybe after this fight was over that's what they could be... super-heroes.

For the moment though she gave a small laugh and tipped her head slightly in his direction. "That's alright, I understand. It's nice to fight beside you Pulse. If you think you can protect her-" Melanie gestured at the girl who was laying limp in Pulse's arms, "Then I'll leave her to you, but if you need help-"

Melanie needn't waste her breath as a couple of the droids approached Pulse and he noticed them and a wide grin spread over his face. "Best be backin up Miss, no idea how awesome this will be, oh, it would be in very good interest to cover your ears." He took a small breath in after his weapons (at least, that's what Melanie assumed they were) connected to eachother, forming a large instrament which he breathed into. It took but a few moments but the sound quickly reached an almost unearthly volume her sensors couldn't even pick up on. Were she human she would have heard it, but because she was not she could only feel the powerful virbrations. The robot almost seemed to vibrate itself apart, only leaving the bomb a few feet away. Pulse just managed to cover it with this now titan Didgeridoo, and watched as the blast was completely expelled out of the mouth piece.

"Now that," He announced with a slight smirk, "Is going to taste terrible." Melanie laughed at this. Pulse who have no problem handling himself and protecting the girl. White seemed to be enjoying himself. Sprouse, who'd seen White, had appearently started a competition with the latter, for it seemed every time White smashed a drone, Livewire would too. Well, Melanie had never thought that having a little fun on the battle field was a bad thing. The other thing she noticed which she hadn't picked up on were two unfamiliar heat signatures; one male one female, both leaving the area and going in opposite directions. She glanced around to identify them but they were both already hidden in the shadows which hindered her vision since White had managed to damage her night vision.

Speaking on damage, Melanie scanned the area. Two bots were left- okay, scratch that, one (White had accidently taken one out with a flying tree branch) but one would be enough. Leaping towards him he didn't even have enough time to duck before she'd drained his power and put it into her own reserves which she was tapping into now, as well as removing his microchip and storing it along with the two or three others. Now the park was bare besides the group of them and various robotic parts scattered everywhere. She'd likely come by and pick up some of the remaining pieces later when there were less... well, people.

Now that the robots had been destroyed and the fighting had ceased she looked between her companions. They'd done very well, fighting along side herself. Melanie knew she would have been unable to take on the droids in her condition without them. So she owed them her life at the least. Besides, Pulse had just crashed into earth (so it seemed) and he was holding a girl who'd blacked out durning the fight. White had no home and Melanie was apperently the only one who would understand him. Livewire, well, he'd been the first of the group to stand beside her... As her golden gaze slid from one person to the next she kept thinking out the favor she owed them all and oddly enough, found herself speaking.

"Um... Thanks you guys... I... I guess I couldn't really have won this without you." Melanie said, giving a small, sheepish grin. If she could blush, she'd be blushing hard core. "I really can't thank you enough. But-" Melanie hesitated, then spoke quickly, almost not being able to process her own words, "But would you like to help me? Fight crime, I mean. Like, as a group maybe...?" Part of Melanie wanted to run away and hide in the tower, the other part wanted them to be waiting there. Speaking to White she said, "WHITE NEED HOME? WHITE COME LIVE WITH MELON. MELON HAVE GOOD HOME. MELON SHARE AND WHITE HELP TWO LEGS. LOTS MORE RED FOOD." then turned to the others. "I-I have a nice little place, big enough to fit all of us. She could probably use medical care," Melanie gestured to the girl in Pulse's arms, "and everyone needs a place to call home, right? Come with me, and... we could be a Team!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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And so the fighting would soon die down with any of the drones that Sprouse had engaged left broken and useless on the ground due to his abilities. Admittedly, he had become bored with the fight. They provided not much of a challenge, but maybe if he was fighting them all alone he would have had one. Ah, yes, that's right... he wasn't alone, was he? No, no there was not just Livewire here, but Mel, White, Pirateman and others whom he hadn't really 'met' yet.

A party full of individuals with abilities that made them unique. And they all just happened across each other simultaneously. How strange, isn't it? Was it even a coincidence? The odds of that are highly unlikely, but such a thing happening could only be luck. No, no! But his mind told him something else. Something else entirely.

It ain't luck, it's destiny.

That's what it told him. That such a meeting between them was destined, that they were supposed to find each other, but why did he feel this? He was never into luck, fortune and he most certainly didn't believe in destiny. Destiny shouldn't kill your parents and ruin your chances at being a normal person. But... but this was destiny and he couldn't decline it.

Livewire turned and faced Mel, who began speaking. "Um... Thanks you guys... I... I guess I couldn't really have won this without you." she spoke, sporting an embarrassed smile. "I really can't thank you enough. But-" she hesitated. Sprouse raised an eyebrow. "But would you like to help me? Fight crime, I mean. Like, as a group maybe...?"

She turned and began intercourse-speak to White while Sprouse processed what she had proposed. A 'team'? That would mean that it might not be quiet, or.......




Did she just invite us to her place? Mother of God.... does she? No! My charms weren't aren't that good. Were they? And with other people?! She must be into some kinky stu--....


Okay, I'm thinking some bad thoughts, and although they prove to be most amusing and..... 'awesome' to think about, they're also shameless. Bad me. Lets calm down and think about what started. Umm.... she wants to forge a team.... She wants to form a team!

Being Mature - Status: Failed

Her exact words played over in his mind, disabling him for second.

"I-I have a nice little place, big enough to fit all of us."


Spontaneously and violently, he shook his head. Noticing it was a weird action sure to draw attention if it went unexplained, he covered up with, "A-a team? I'm not entirely sure about that, but maybe I can stay a night or few over - to make you feel better. But I'm not so sure. After all, I work alone."

Okay, naughty thoughts begone! well as this blush....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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0.00 INK

"Um... Thanks you guys... I... I guess I couldn't really have won this without you. I really can't thank you enough. But-but would you like to help me? Fight crime, I mean. Like, as a group maybe...?"
That sounded like a prime idea. Fight crime, get a group of comrades, and then later, take control of the world, then ship it to father for status. Sounded like a good plan, as long as he didn't tell anybody else about it. He doubted that anybody would be able to identify him, so he was safe for the most part.

"I-I have a nice little place, big enough to fit all of us."
That was good, it would mean that they would have an HQ for fighting crime, or hang out, or to not half to carry sleeping girls.
Actually, the pain was worth it, even if she was wearing a mask. The sound of grunting that she made while she talked to White, as it had yelled many a time, was so rugged and barbaric. It in itself was a beautiful language. Not as much could be said about english though, too loose, and the grammar seemed horrid.

RĂ©nard swayed his gaze over to that edgy guy, for he had never caught his name. It would be a good idea to make a conversation with him as he was blushing, to help the guy out.
"Never caught yer name lad, mine's Pulse."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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0.00 INK

As White turned his head rapidly, looking for more of the metal creatures to crush he heard the very strange golden eyed two-walker named Melon called out to him again. It was still rough around the edges, but the dialect that she had been spouting was easy enough for him to understand. He easily caught that she was offering for him to come live with her, which was to White a strange consideration. However, the promise of more of the hearty meat bugs that inhabited this area easily swayed him to nod his rapidly in conformation.

"White will live with you and help his subjects." He confirmed back to her after she had finished making more delicate noises to the other strange two-walkers around her. He had concluded that this must be the two-walkers way of communication, though he still hadn't a clue as to how to interpreted the frilly speak.

White looked over the two walkers that were standing around Melon. They were the first two-walker that had shown up, the sickly looking second one who had, and a very colorful one that seemed to be passed out and was being carried by the sickly looking one. He still had no idea why they were continuing to stand around. Though he didn't have much time to consider this, as his stomach suddenly let out a loud and deep growl, telling him it was time to eat.

"Melon and White go now?" He asked Melon. "Find some meat-worms too?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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0.00 INK

"Never caught yer name lad, mine's Pulse."

Sprouse's blush faded quite quickly when he noticed nobody was looking. That was good. Only the pirate had paid him any attention. "Sprouse." he said. Then added. "Or Livewire, as others call me. Guess that one might work better if I must be forced into a team, eh?" he chuckled a bit. However, he soon found White grabbing his attention.

Sprouse almost fully understood White just then. Not because he could comprehend what language the beast boy spoke, but because a rather loud growl was emitted from his stomach. Come to think of it, he too was hungry as well. "Hey, we ought to leave and get some grub or something, lest our white-headed brute here might try to make lunch out of one of us. Good thing I'm not bulky."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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0.00 INK

Melanie felt a small smile fell crookedly across her lips.

What had she gotten herself into this time? Looking between the group it struck her that they would all make a rather strange team. A musical pirate, a frost troll, Livewire, a girl who'd passed out mid-battle (if she decided to stay and be a part of the group), and a girl super computer. And now they were going to try and fight crime together? It almost sounded like a bad joke! Or... like the New Teen Titans...

Struck by this thought she was shocked by the comparison. Could this rag-tag, nice-to-meet'cha group of strangers really be as great as the famous crime-fighting heroes?

'Well, even they had to start somewhere,' Melanie thought, her small smile growing until it because a happy grin. Besides, it was too late to go back on her offer (since they all seemed to agree). Clapping her hands together Melanie turned to face them. "Well, I guess if everything's settled," she proclaimed, gesturing that they come along, "then follow me."


It was late at night when the young Titans had arrived at what would be their new home.

Melanie had given them each their own room (except White who'd insisted on sleeping outside and not entering the "metal tree cave" as he'd called it). She, being damaged and low on battery, gave up trying to convince him otherwise and instead of giving him a room indoors told him that he could claim the garage as his "cave" and showed him the button that opened and closed the garage door. Additionally, she gave him a collar, telling him it was a gift for a king like himself that would let him understand his two-legged subjects. Gladly he accepted, and Melanie got to stop busting her voice box with his language.

The girl who'd passed out hadn't awoken yet and Melanie had been worried, putting her in a vacant room and checking her vitals to make sure she was only unconcience and not in a coma or anything (thankfully, she was still okay). Pulse and Livewire got seperate rooms and she told them they were free to look around the tower, but if a door was locked respectfully let it remain locked as she had installed defense systems for the tower and their interworking were in there. They agreed and she bid them goodnight before heading to her own room.

The moment the door shut her systems took over. Her chip was removed from Mel's damaged, robotic body and placed into the mainframe. Immedeately she projected herself and began to work, having Mel repaired and activating the security systems. But while she checked to make sure everything was running fine she stumbled across something... troubling.

It was some security footage.

There was a dark figure in it, wearing a mask, speaking to himself. "It matters not anymore whether you are bright now, your darkness was revealed to me once. I will purge it. I will purge this corrupt city of both its law-keepers and law-breakers, only the innocent will survive. After that, they will have to grow strong." He reatched up and removed his mask, but his back was to the camera and she could not see his face. "Did you hear me?" He asked, addressing the camera that had recorded this eery encounter. "This is the last time I will visit your little tower as a neutral bystander. Now, I'm coming for you, little Titan. As a symbol of the City's corruption and dependence on useless heroes, you will be first." Then the stranger turned, the mask on and again hiding his face, which he lowered to stare into the camera's lense. "Prepare yourself, little Titan. My name is KrĂłtos. Remember it. For what little time you have left will be haunted by it." With that his hand came up and the video turned to static. Melanie felt an unusual shiver of fear run down her spine as she stared at the screen for a moment before turning it off.

KrĂłtos. The made a note and began a new file, one she made a reminder to revisit. It wasn't often she got chills. But then again, it wasn't often she got a death threat from an unwelcome guest, either. But she wasn't alone anymore, and she wasn't the only Titan now either (if that's what they were to be called). As she went into hibernate mode her last thought was, for the first time in a long time, the happy thought of 'I'm not the only one anymore...'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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0.00 INK

KrĂłtos's eyes snapped open. He hadn't set his alarm, but from the sound of things outside it was still early in the morning. KrĂłtos got up and stretched. "Today's the day." He said to himself. After stretching, KrĂłtos reviewed his plans while he made breakfast. It was simple really. After Justice Ramirez adjourned court, for which he was signed up to be the bailiff, KrĂłtos would knock him out, hold him hostage in the very room he served his perverted justice, and hold him for ransom along with the rest of the building. During the week, before his scheme was scheduled to take place, KrĂłtos had visited the courthouse, placing small, powerful charges all along the main thoroughfare underneath the building. Each was wirelessly hooked up to a switch he had assembled using a walkie talkie and some spare parts. He'd bought all of his supplies from separate stores under separate names all with cash. It would eliminate any trace of him being there whatsoever. After the Judge was tied to his chair, KrĂłtos would broadcast the hostage situation live, hoping to garner the attention of the Titan who lived in the old tower. It had been relatively quiet since he'd last visited. There appeared to be nothing out of the ordinary happening. Good. In a one vs. one situation, KrĂłtos was more than confident in his abilities. Finally, he'd arranged with a local news anchor that if he turned the station's attention to channel 51 at exactly 3:15 in the afternoon, he would have the scoop of a lifetime. KrĂłtos knew there would be some risk, the Judge's personal guards were stationed all over that place, they would be more than willing to cooperate with the city's weak police should their boss's life be in danger, still they were just regular people after all. KrĂłtos could handle them easily. KrĂłtos nodded to himself, his plan was perfect. No loopholes, no real threats. After he was done killing the Judge, he would dispatch the Titan. It would be simple, easy really. Once the city had seen who he was and what he was capable of, they would be forced to muster up and become strong. If not, he would destroy the whole thing. He would just burn the place to the ground, fence them all in, and watch Jump City eat itself alive. KrĂłtos nodded with grim satisfaction.

After he had triple checked all of his equipment, KrĂłtos suited up. He pulled on his plated jumpsuit and his utility belt. Next he laced up his shoes and tied them tight. He placed every ounce of equipment he might need at a moment's notice on his belt and the rest went into an unmarked messenger bag. He made sure he had his detonator, all his weapons, some spares just in case, and a few new toys. A titanium wire net of his own design, some smoke bombs, duct tape, some rope, a few freezing bombs, and some new knives that he could add to his scythe for added efficiency. The wire was rated against a semi in full reverse. It held for three hours before breaking. KrĂłtos figured it would be strong enough to contain the thrashing of a fully grown Bull African Elephant for just as long. The freezing bomb's first prototype had flash frozen a small pond of about twenty gallons of water in exactly .6533 of a second and didn't thaw until the next day. Unfortunately, KrĂłtos only had three, the first prototype had been sacrificed for science though KrĂłtos knew it would work flawlessly. KrĂłtos smiled, still, it had been better to check anyway. After checking for the fourth time, KrĂłtos pulled on his mask and his tear away bailiff suit. At that, KrĂłtos left his apartment and locked the door behind him, not knowing that today would change his life forever.

After travelling unmolested to the courthouse, despite his mask, KrĂłtos sat through the proceeds in complete and utter boredom. His only use was to escort the Justice to his next hearing as well as escort the defendant to and from the vehicle he arrived in. KrĂłtos sighed, he knew anyway that the filth being prosecuted would get off anyway, the judge had been bribed by the thug's peers, he'd get off with a warning and some community service, hardly a just punishment for armed robbery and three counts of manslaughter. Finally, after it was done, the defendant got away, as KrĂłtos had predicted. KrĂłtos fought every urge in his body to not kill the scum as he escorted him back to the safety of his armored transport. KrĂłtos smiled under his mask as he shoved the rat into his vehicle, waving as he drove away. KrĂłtos had bigger fish to fry.

As soon as KrĂłtos got back to the courtroom, he walked straight up to the judge, planning on doing something... fun. Luckily, there were no pulsations of footfalls within the room, KrĂłtos would get away with this scott free. The judge made some conversation at him, which KrĂłtos deftly ignored, stepping straight up to the heinous fiend and smashing his fist into his face as hard as he could, knocking him to the ground and sending him flying a good three feet. "What the hell?" The man exclaimed through a broken nose and a fat lip, KrĂłtos heard the pitter patter of blood spraying out of his mouth as he spoke. "Unless you didn't know, you piece of shit, I'm a Justice of the Peace, assaulting me is like asking to go to jail!" The corpulent fungus proclaimed. "Luckily for me," KrĂłtos said, his voice heavy with dark undertones. "I'm not here for a Justice of the Peace. I'm here for garbage. After all, the city's refuse needs to be managed." With that, KrĂłtos ripped off his disguise and replaced it with his regular black trench coat. "I am KrĂłtos, and I'm here to cause a real... bang." KrĂłtos said, reaching into his bag and pulling out his duct tape. After the Judge had been properly detained in his own throne of lies, KrĂłtos got to work. He barred all the doors, pulled the fire alarm, and set up his camera and transmitter. After a few moments of tense waiting, it was finally 3:15 in the afternoon. "Showtime" KrĂłtos said, tilting his head slightly to the left and pulling out both his detonator and his newest kukiri. It was long, sharp, and as black as obsidian.


At exactly 3:17 pm, the news flashed onto everyone's televisions, even when some of them weren't on. This type of thing was done only in emergencies, and well... now was the time to use it. The local news's theme played and the regular anchor panned into view. "Hello I'm Clark Adams, we interrupted your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this breaking news. We go now to Larry Jenkins in the field, live at the Jump City Courthouse where a hostage situation is taking place. Larry."

"Thank you Clark. What started today, like any other day at the courthouse, was the sound of local Judge Ramirez banging his gavel in support of the crime conversion program. What some might call violent criminals, Ramirez calls tender souls. Ramirez has always been an advocate of innocence, saying that if you don't fix the situation that creates these criminals, you're not actually fixing the problem. Ramirez's leniency has been the topic of local debate for years due to it's patchy results and otherwise unsettling verdicts. It appears one such criminal, or hero as he calls himself, has decided to, as he describes it, 'punish the corrupt.' He is broadcasting live material of what is going on inside the heavily barricaded courtroom, and before we switch over to it, I must warn you, the content is shocking."

At that, the view switches to a dark courthouse. The lights are all turned off, the only real sources of light are the semi-drawn shades, creating a feeling of darkness and general eeriness. Suddenly there is a sound of grunting, followed by a heavy thud, and finally, a voice, clear as a bell. "Ahh... It appears I'm live. Welcome, Jump City, to my courtroom. As you can see, court is now in session." The lights flick on and camera is focused on a heavily beaten Judge Ramirez. "I see you've found our defendant today." The same voice says, its owner unseen by the camera which bobs slightly, as if it's being held. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am KrĂłtos." With that, the camera appears to be set down and KrĂłtos steps into the picture. "Hello Jump City, so glad you could join me." KrĂłtos says slyly. "We are here today for the case of the people vs. Judge Ramirez. How does the defendant plead?" KrĂłtos asks, turning to the judge, sitting in his own chair, but very clearly tied up, and gagged with duct tape. He grunts a few times before KrĂłtos interrupts him. "Guilty? A wise decision. Then let us review the evidence." At that, KrĂłtos strolls nonchalantly over to his bag, reaches inside and pulls out a multitude of papers which he throws into the air, allowing them to settle where they may. "I have here." KrĂłtos states, regally walking about the room. "A river of pleas, requests, and general approvals of my action against you. That is, accounts of your cruelty, corruption, and general filth. This choir of innocent voices wishes for me to destroy you Mister Ramirez, how does that make you feel." Again, Ramirez makes to shout, but his cries are muffled by the gag. "ENOUGH!" KrĂłtos roars at the man in an entirely different tone of voice, one filled with anger. He deftly jumps all the way up to the Judge's podium before back handing the slime across his face, silencing him immediately. "Shush now, little one, the adults are talking. These papers are all filled with eyewitness accounts of you accepting bribes, both of currency and the flesh. Accounts of you overriding a jury's findings due to inconclusiveness are also rampant. Finally, there are even accounts of abuse and assault against minors who come to you pleading for their parents. You, my dear Piece of trash, are the lowest scum in this city and it will be my personal honor to watch the life leave your eyes." Once more KrĂłtos smashes his fist into the face and gut of the man in the chair, knocking him unconscious. He jumps down from the podium and walks over to the camera, picking it up and holding it in front of his face, allowing the viewers a perfect shot of KrĂłtos mask, his long hair tied up in a ponytail behind his head, falling all the way down to his shoulders. "I now turn my attention directly to you, little inhabitant of the old Titan's Tower. I know you are in there, and I want you to come here, personally. If anyone other than the Titan arrives at my door, I will kill this piece of shit and destroy the entire building. KrĂłtos waved his detonator in front of the camera for added effect. "The clock is ticking little Titan. Unless you get here within twenty minutes, before four o'clock, I will kill the man, destroy this corrupted house of justice, and leave, striking again as often as I feel necessary. My name is KrĂłtos, remember me now? At my hands, this city will come Crashing to its knees. Ta-ta little one." At that, KrĂłtos turned the camera off and jumped up onto the podium, sitting with his legs crossed, waiting for the Titan to show up, not expecting the chaos of the situation that will unfold shortly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans
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0.00 INK

Yawning, Sprouse stretched his arms and sat back into the couch which had obviously seen better days. In front of it was a television set that, unlike the couch, appeared to be newer and not built in the dinosaur ages. “4-D” was written on the front of it, advertising that if something was playing in the right format, it could give you a 4-D experience. These years, such a thing was quite often. Technology had advanced, you know?

It was late in the afternoon and Sprouse had just woken up. The night before, he had investigated the place, and found all the essentials to surviving here; the bathroom, his bedroom, and the kitchen. The latter was, unfortunately, lacking in much to eat, so he did not eat breakfast just yet. And though it made him feel old, he grabbed a cup, and had set it down before stretching like previously mentioned. But why did our hero wake up so late? Well, to be honest

he fucking loved that bed. God was it comfy! Normally, he didn’t really sleep in an bed, but a couch that made this one look expensive. So, of course, the bed was so appealing and comfortable, that he slept in rather late.

Today would be a lazy day. Ah, yes, waking this late, there would be no real reason to get productive and do anything unless he absolutely had to. And if Mel started bugging him to actively look for trouble, then she’d have another thing coming! He would sit right here and watch high-definition television until he felt like doing otherwise. And he didn’t.


The television made an odd sound as it turned on and the logo displayed. This was probably purposeful and made into the set by the company.

“Now, to find something decent to watch.” He stated to himself as he begin flipping through the channels.


"B-b-b-b-bouncer kill! B-b-bubblegum bouncer kill!"


"Ha, gaaaaay!"


"Porkchop Sandwhichs!"

And then, oddly, the channel flipped again without his doing. The news turned on, and an anchorman started to say, Hello I'm Clark Adams, we interrupted your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this breaking news. We go now to Larry Jenkins in the field, live at the Jump City Courthouse where a hostage situation is taking place. Larry."
The broadcast only continued from there, showing the Judge getting struck by the aggressor who, in all appearances, was reading a comic book before he had committed this crime. Sprouse sighed, shook his head and complained with an audible “Fuck
” before then yelling to everyone in the house. “Hey, you guys see this? Party at the courtyardand we’re invited!”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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0.00 INK

“Hey, you guys see this? Party at the courtyardand we’re invited!” Melanie heard Pulse yell, a small note of urgency in his normally smooth voice. She hurried into the room just as the news came on, and what she saw she was horrified by.


Melanie knew from the moment he started talking.

"Ahh... It appears I'm live." he said coolly, "Welcome, Jump City, to my courtroom. As you can see, court is now in session." The lights flick on and camera is focused on a heavily beaten Judge Ramirez whom Melanie recognized from newspaper articles. He spoke alot about fixing the crime infestation by fixing what caused it in the first place, but she herself had seen very litle effort. In fact, quite the opposite, but still... "I see you've found our defendant today." Though she could not see him, she knew all too well who was behind the held camera. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am KrĂłtos." The camera was set down and Melanie watched in revulsion has the familiar mask came into view.

"Hello Jump City, so glad you could join me. We are here today for the case of the people vs. Judge Ramirez. How does the defendant plead?" KrĂłtos asked mockingly, turning to the judge, bound and gagged to a chair in the background. He grunts a few times before KrĂłtos interrupts him. "Guilty? A wise decision. Then let us review the evidence." At that, KrĂłtos walked over to his bag and pulled out a multitude of papers which he then tosses carelessly into the air, motionless as they flutter down all around him to settle on the floor. "I have here; a river of pleas, requests, and general approvals of my action against you. That is, accounts of your cruelty, corruption, and general filth. This choir of innocent voices wishes for me to destroy you Mister Ramirez; how does that make you feel?" KrĂłtos asked, taunting the man who then tries desterately to defend himself but cannot speak past the gag.

"ENOUGH!" KrĂłtos roars, suddenly infuriated, lunging at the frantically struggling man and slapping him in the face hard enough that red marks are already appearing and he goes silent. "Shush now, little one, the adults are talking. These papers are all filled with eyewitness accounts of you accepting bribes, both of currency and the flesh. Accounts of you overriding a jury's findings due to inconclusiveness are also rampant. Finally, there are even accounts of abuse and assault against minors who come to you pleading for their parents." KrĂłtos spoke so matter-of-factly that it might have seemed hard to tell who was the judge on the screen.

"You, my dear Piece of trash, are the lowest scum in this city and it will be my personal honor to watch the life leave your eyes." Once more KrĂłtos smashes his fist into the face and gut of the man in the chair who slumps over, knocked out. Sadisfied, KrĂłtos walks over to the camera, picking it up and holding it in front of his face, the face Melanie had already burned into her hardrive. "I now turn my attention directly to you, little inhabitant of the old Titan's Tower. I know you are in there, and I want you to come here, personally. If anyone other than the Titan arrives at my door, I will kill this piece of shit and destroy the entire building." KrĂłtos waved what seemed to be a detonator in front of the camera mockingly.

"The clock is ticking little Titan. Unless you get here within twenty minutes, before four o'clock, I will kill the man, destroy this corrupted house of justice, and leave, striking again as often as I feel necessary." Though she couldn't see his face, Melanie could almost hear the sneer in his voice. "My name is KrĂłtos. Remember me now? At my hands, this city will come crashing to its knees. Ta-ta little one."

Melanie's finger twitched slightly and the news shut off abruptly as if someone had reatched out and turned the TV off. Melanie was ridged and she looked warily at each of her little team members who also stood in the room, obviously each one of them aware of the gravity this messege held.

"KrĂłtos." Melanie said finally, breaking the silence. "I guess you all know what we have to do. He's visited our home before, and threated us similarly, but this... this is more than I had anticipated." She sighed slightly, a small huff that reveiled a note of panic. "See for yourselves. You might as well, since now he's a threat to not only us but also Jump City." Walking over to the TV she fiddled with it for a moment before the security footage from two nights ago came on.

The dark masked figure they all now knew as KrĂłtos was still speaking to himself. "It matters not anymore whether you are bright now, your darkness was revealed to me once. I will purge it. I will purge this corrupt city of both its law-keepers and law-breakers, only the innocent will survive. After that, they will have to grow strong." He reatched up and removed his mask, but his back was to the camera and she could not see his face. "Did you hear me?" He asked, addressing the camera aimed at him. "This is the last time I will visit your little tower as a neutral bystander. Now, I'm coming for you, little Titan. As a symbol of the City's corruption and dependence on useless heroes, you will be first." Then he turned, the mask on and again hiding his face, which he lowered to stare into the camera's lense, a challenge in his voice. "Prepare yourself, little Titan. My name is KrĂłtos. Remember it. For what little time you have left will be haunted by it." With that his hand came up and the video turned to static. Melanie quickly shut it off (this time with an actually remote so as not to raise suspition).

"So it sounds like he sort of has the right idea, you know, to help the city and all that, which I suppose is something he's got going for him. But he's going about bringing justice as if he too were a criminal. We can't let him go around killing people, even if it's for the greater good, but since we don't exactly abide by those particular standereds, he's decided we've got to go too." Melanie said, standing infront of her team, "But by the sound of the video though, he doesn't know about any of you yet. So we can take him by surprise. We'll show up and I'll confront him, then I'll call you all in when the fight starts getting out of hand." Glancing at the clock on the wall she witheld a small gasp.


"We need to hurry if we're going to make it there in time! Get what ever you need but make it fast! Also, someone needs to check on Aurora and let her know what's going on so she can decide if she wants to come along." Then, feeling a strange compulsion, she added with urgency, "Titans- GO!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans
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0.00 INK

Pulse was lying on Livewires floor, rolling around in pain on top of a ceiling panel.

Earlier, he had woken up by, like now, falling off of something. In this case his hammock. After getting back up, he gave himself a good scratch, ate an orange from a mysterious canvas bag, and checked the positioning of The Ultistars Satellite Bay on a computer system he had salvaged from his drop pod. It would be available in about an hour, and if the boosters activated, it could either rush, or stick around for half an hour. Orbits and trajectory were so precise sometimes.

Below him, he heard a T.V. turn on, probably Livewire, but Pulse couldn't be too sure about that. He lifted a cold, hard, steel floor plate off of it's frame, revealing a web of wiring. Carefully, he weaved them apart, finding a ceiling panel. After failing to get it off by grabbing it, he resorted to pushing it down. After that didn't work, he decided that he was going to jump on it. The moment he stood on it, it collapsed beneath him, dropping him into Livewires room.

"ARGGGGGHHHHHHH" he rolled around on the plate screaming like a child, curling up into a ball. Something on the T.V. that he could see through the fury though was confusing. There was a man with a mask threatening somebody else. It seemed that the man he was holding hostage was corrupt or some nonsense, but it looked like he was going to kill him. Not cleanly either. Barbarian.

Melanie's voice was heard as he started to get up again. "So it sounds like he sort of has the right idea, you know, to help the city and all that, which I suppose is something he's got going for him. But he's going about bringing justice as if he too were a criminal. We can't let him go around killing people, even if it's for the greater good, but since we don't exactly abide by those particular standards, he's decided we've got to go too, but by the sound of the video though, he doesn't know about any of you yet. So we can take him by surprise. We'll show up and I'll confront him, then I'll call you all in when the fight starts getting out of hand. We need to hurry if we're going to make it there in time! Get whatever you need but make it fast! Also, someone needs to check on Aurora and let her know what's going on so she can decide if she wants to come along."

This was serious, Somebody could die, somebody could be saved, he could go wake up Aurora...

Somebody is going to die here plug-freak

He could go be a team player... and show off the Ultistar...

Yes. He was going to do this, the moment just needed a little something, a catchphrase to set them off.

"Titans- GO!"

Oh yeah, that was it. He bolted, jumping up through the ceiling, climbing into his room. Strange, as he shouldn't be able to do that on a bad day.
"This must be one hell of a good day then." He grabbed his suit, the pads to protect his plugs easily removable in the need be situation of Mech entry. He summoned the didgeridoos with his technological wizardry embedded inside of him. Next, he burst through his door, and ran over to Aurora's room, flinging the door open to see her... crying. He immediately, closed it, pulling back on the handle just before it slammed so it wouldn't make a noise. Maybe he could talk to her though.

"Err, Aura, there's a job that needs, err doing." He could hear his accent slipping away, which was weird, as that didn't usually happen. "I don't think we can do it without you and you're crazy-ass fire powers."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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0.00 INK

Aura looked at Pulse as his face turned a bit red. She giggled slightly, then acted as if she hadn't seen it. "It's okay. I'd carry everyone on this team, even White, if the li'l dev'l wouldn't shake around so much." Aura laughed. "That does seem as if it would be rather difficult." She responded with a smile.

"We gotta move though la-err-Aura, some nut be holding a corrupt Judge hostage, and we best be saving him, for some unknown adequate reason." Aura listened to Pulse, thinking his sudden change in accent and dialect was interesting. She'd have to ask about it later. Hmm... no actual reason... "Get ready though, we gotta move." Aura nodded. She knew she'd be able to keep up, if she didn't pass them anyway. As Pulse dashed off, Aura followed directly after keeping pace with him, running right beside him. She soon realized she wasn't running full speed.

After a few moments, the two entered the main room, where the other Titans were. "Hey guys 'm feeling better what are we going to be doing about this and who's this guy attacking the judge and how are we going to stop him and OH GOSH AURA BREATH." Aura said in one big breath, then taking a big gulp of oxygen to refill her lungs. "Sorry." She apologized. She felt herself shaking, not with fright, but with excitement. She couldn't keep still... well... more then usually at least.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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0.00 INK

Melanie nodded towards the ones who stood around her.

"Get your things and get going. Your comminicators will show you where to go. Follow it and wait around the courthouse. Stay out of sight if you can." With those short instructions she turned on her heel and walked out of the room, the doors sliding closed behind her.

The moment the doors closed her hollographic image vanished.

Melanie appeared again in her room. They still weren't suspitious, which was good. She'd accidently shut the TV off earlier, but fortunatly no one had asked about that. And they hadn't asked about the weird shift in her eye color either, so she took that as a good sign. Still she would have to be careful. One slip up and the jig would be up, her secret out.

Making a metal note of cation she walked to Mel who stood, repaired, against the wall. She been damaged the night before but it had been mild and Melanie had been able to fix the problems fairly easily. Reaching out she activated the robot and vanished into the vessel. After a moment of callibration she streched and blinked, previously blue eyes now gold again. Then she rushed out of her door and to the roof.


Tensing up she launched from the launching platform and flew into the air. She had very little time. Quickly she found the shortest route to the courthouse and set off at full speed. Soaring through the air she could see the panicked audience below, most of their eyes glued to the screen which was reporting the events as they unfolded. A few eyes turned to the sky and pointed to her, but she could not hear what they cried out as she passed by overhead.

Oddly the crowds had not swarmed around the building and their wasn't a soul to be seen when she arrived at 3:58. Walking up to the doors she pushed them open with ease and stepped into the building. They creaked closed eerily behind her as she continued down the dark hallway and up to the courtroom doors. Taking a deep breath she said softly into her communicator, "Titans, if you're here yet, be on guard. This KrĂłtos guy is bad news. I will call you in if things start to go wrong."


The doors went flying open and slammed against the walls with a loud BAM.

"KrĂłtos!" Melanie called sternly, seeing the masked man approaching the the bloodied judge with a knife in his hand, obviously about to keep his promise to the people. "You threatened that I would be the first person you purged in your cleasing of this city. Well here I am, the symbol of the City's corruption and dependence on useless heroes." She could almost hear the audiences on the other side of the camera cheering, but remained focused on KrĂłtos, getting in a position to fight. "Now face me and we'll see how useless of a hero I really am."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans
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0.00 INK

Aura was still a bit confused. Alright, Aurora, piece what you know together. Corrupt judge. Killer ‘hero’. Threats. Death. Blah blah blah
 the ususal. Aura’s eyebrow’s creased together as she frowned. Just because that man is corrupt doesn’t mean he should die. No one should die. Aura shook her head in an attempt to clear it. She rubbed her temple. This was so overwhelming. She had been asleep ten minutes earlier. A sudden sound rang in her ears as she dashed to a window. She saw Melanie, who’s name she had overheard, blast off the roof. “Well, that escalated quickly.” Aura muttered to herself. Looking down at the water, she wondered how she was going to get to the city. She sure as hell wasn’t going to let someone carry her. Aura could take care of herself.

Aura blinked for a moment, then brought her gaze back down to the water again. Water
 Water! She facepalmed for not realizing earlier that she was in Titan Tower. She whipped her head back, looking at the boys, then spoke. “See ya fellas. I’ve got my own way of getting there.” Aura pulled open the window, and hopped up, placing her feet on the windowsill. She leaned forwards, and then pushed off with a blast of air to propel her. She clamped her mouth shut as she dove into the water. Her temperature had adjusted quickly to the water, taking away most of the shock. The water funneled around Aura’s body, and rocketed her forwards. Every once in a while, Aura would launch herself out of the water, very similar to what a dolphin would do. She would refill her lungs with air, then dive back in, and the water would continue to push her forwards. Water was Aura’s best element, and it barely took away any energy.

Once Aura reached the city’s coast, she soared out of the water, and landed on her feet, but stumbled a bit. “WHOA WHAT A RUSH!” She cried happily, raising her hands in the air. She then shook herself like a dog to remove most of the water. Then, she pulled the rest of the water off of her using her powers. Aura knew where the courthouse was. It was very close to the bank. Aura dashed forwards, zooming past other people. She looked like blur. The air helped push her, increasing her strides and the power of her steps. In only a few minutes, she made it to the hostile area. Circling around, she found a window, which she plopped her face right in front of. It was slightly ajar, but that didn’t really matter. Krotos looked very strong, but her was wearing a mask. I wonder how he sees with that thing on
 maybe he doesn’t need to see? Aura wondered.

The two were about to fight. Aura knew it was not her turn. But what made her angry was when she saw Krotos was about to throw the papers at Melanie. When the papers flew through the air, she let Krotos think that his little plan had worked. She then took a deep inhale, then blew as hard as she could. A large gust had blown the papers away from them both, and fluttered down to a stop on the other side of the room before they could block Melanie's vision. Aura couldn’t help but snicker a bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: The Night Watcher
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0.00 INK

Melanie's eyed hardened as KrĂłtos turned to face her. "Well, you're here. You've even remembered my little greeting, how nice. You do seem to be a very proper girl after all." KrĂłtos said, obviously pleased. Melanie said nothing as he went on, mockingly. "So very nice of you to join us as per our request. We were just about to begin."

KrĂłtos pulled a staff from his belt, still holding the knives and kukiri carefully in his offhand. Melanie made note of these weapons and was carefully watching for any indication of him using these weapons as the staff snapped to its full length, followed imedeately after by his kukiri, then lastly the knives. The blade of his scythe glinted, though as Melanie scanned it she could see the blade was not sharp enough to severe metal in one blow, though human flesh was another matter entirely.

His movements were confident, meticulous as if he knew absolutely everything was going to go his way and there was absolutely nothing she could do to surprise him. He walked towards her calmly, carefully while Melanie stood her ground. Though on the outside she feinted nervousness, computers could not get nervous, only catious.

"You know what this man is, right? Do you know what he's done?" KrĂłtos asked slowly as if she were metally deficient. Slowly he bend down and picked up the papers he had as evidence against the judge. "Accepting bribes, adultery, abuse, and assault; perhaps you need a reminder." Suddenly he threw the papers in the air around her. The good thing about being a supercomputer though was, as they fluttered to form a paper thin wall (if you'll excuse the pun) in front of him, she scanned each docment and stored the information, verifying it while her present mind focused on KrĂłtos. He charged, his outline visable through said paper thin wall as he brought the scythe around his body, ready to swing it lengthwise and cut her in half.

Melanie was ready. She too leapt foreward, but sprung instead upwards and effectively jumped over the scythe as it swung but missed it's target. She landed delicately behind him, turning to face him and inevertly placing herself between him and the judge who was begining to gain consciousness again. "Yes, I do know what he is and I am fully aware of what he has done." Melanie replied calmly, looking directly into the sockets of KrĂłtos' mask, "His name is Mark Ramirez, know to the common as Judge Ramirez and known to the common criminal as a man easily swayed by a large sum of money or the promise of a pretty face."

Melanie gestured to Judge Ramirez who was now fully awake, though still looked very confused. "He's a dishonest man who has commited the same crimes as those he judges without having to face the sentences he decrees because he's a criminal with that sort of power. Power over another's life." Suddenly she became very serious. "Just. Like. You." Moving in a blur she ducked down and aimed a round house kick at KrĂłtos' ankles, seeking to make him stumble. 'I want a DNA sample,' Melanie thought as a strong and sudden wind blew the paper wall away and across the room, revieling KrĂłtos fully, 'I want to know who or what this guy is.'

"You see it don't you? You're playing judge. You're unsadisfied and have decided to give him the death setence because of that. Sure you have your excuses and your neat little papers, but the real reason behind your decree is because getting to decide the outcome human life makes you feel powerful and that's your greatest desire KrĂłtos. That's your ultiment goal." She spoke harshly as he was forced down and she grabbed a hold of a fist full of his hair, scanning it for any matches. "Isn't that right... Ryan O'Connell?"

With that she let go and jumped back, speaking into her communicator, "Titans- to my side!" Shouting so the audience on the other side of the camera could hear she said, "But where is the jury, Judge O'Connell? You claim the people want to rise up against this man; let them! Or are you going to follow the footsteps of the very man you seek to convict and overrule them when you know they will support the justice you claim to uphold?" Falling into a fighting stance a slender katana emerged from her large stash of weapons within Mel's robot body. "Because if you will not deliever justice, they will. If they will not, I will. And if ever I cannot, then others will rise up and take my place as heroes and defenders of Jump City."

At that moment her communicator beeped the locations of her teammates just as each one burst into the room. She could feel her heart swelling with pride in her friends and their perfect timing. It was five to one, and in the back of her mind Melanie filed away a recording of her vailent speach, making a note to watch a recording of the news and see if the camera had caught all of it.

Meanwhile, back at the tower, her systems had encountered a hacker. Hacking was something Melanie specialized in because she knew the ins and outs of computers and the web like no other human could claim to. Being hacked into was an entirely different matter though. Immedeately her systems attacked the program which was searching for anything it could find relating to KrĂłtos as it turned out. Melanie was alerted of the situation, but being focused in another matter she told it to go by defalt. Following programing, an electric scrambler was sent out to the offending electronic, disabling it. It had no information, not being connected to a mainframe and instead used indepently, which was disappointing but not crippling. The PDA released a small spark followed by a puff of smoke before going dead. When (and if) it was restored, the messege "Try that again and all electronics within a five meter radius will have the same result" would be the only information it had collected.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans
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0.00 INK

Sprouse had remained hidden inside of the courthouse itself, entering as this confused vigilante was focused upon Mel. He hadn't entered through the front doors alongside her, so doing this wasn't too difficult a task to begin with. He had been hanging out on the ceiling of the courthouse, holding onto the shafts among it for grip. His constant hopping around town and workouts had made sure that doing this for an extended time didn't take too much effort on his part, and he was thusly good until called upon.

Which had better be soon, because Sprouse wasn't one to wait forever. Waiting was boring.

A few moments had almost forced him to come down prematurely, but Mel proved to be able enough to keep herself from dying just yet - a trait that was great. Their little scuffle was, to say, entertaining to watch for a bystander such as himself. It made things more interesting to see if she would avoid any fatal attacks until she called upon him and the rest of their jolly ol gang. That same gang he had met only last night. Come to think of it, didn't he say he wasn't going to be a hero? So then why was he even doing this? Such thoughts suddenly flooded his mind like a running river, only to be dismissed with a simple thought.

Who cares? It's fun.

When he started paying attention to what the two were saying, he heard the word 'titans' and knew what that meant. "I ought to go down then...." he sighed, stretched, then let go of the shaft and fell straight towards the ground which was a decent fall away. Enough to break someone's legs at the very least. Of course, he didn't lose his legs when he touched the ground, for he broke his fall as he static stepped at a good timing, allowing himself to hit the ground with much less impact than he would have. For added awesome effect, he landed with one clenched fist into the ground and an aura of sparks was made visible around him for all of two seconds before they disappeared.

He began standing and looked towards Mel. "You know, you take a while. I was beginning to get bored of waiting." he commented, then looked towards their foe. "Lets hurry up and show this dude what these 'useless heroes' can do, shall we? I wanna get back in time to watch something."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Kender Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "KrĂłtos" Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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0.00 INK

Left alone with White was not Pulse's idea, it was merely a matter of circumstance.
"Well, since it's just us left, we might as well go crash this little jig." He grabbed White's wrist, and blasted off into the direction of the courthouse. As they were above it, he dropped the Ogre, watching him smash through the roof, and subsequently, the ceiling. The ordeal revealed what was going on inside. He stopped his breathing, and plummeted as well into the room of strewn papers and feared, and unless otherwise stated, corrupt judge.

Maybe I should cushion myself with this fall, it may blow the others a bit back, but ooooohhhhhhhhh too late matey

His voice rang out for most that cared to hear. "DYNAMIC ENTRY!"
He landed on the courtroom floor beside White. He had managed to land on his feet with his knees bent, but had required the use of his arm to lessen the pressure in a very generic, and cliché pose. It was necessary at this time that he say something.

"Where be yer law degree Madam?" This question was the only one he could think of in time, and as he got up, he was shocked to see the assailant still in his wait, it wasn't a girl with a voice changer? But that was the oldest trick in the book? These earth criminals were a lot smarter than they seemed. "Oh my, I'm terribly sorry, I thought you were a lady...and...well..." He cringed, and backpedaled behind Melanie, dragging White with him.