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Vasily Aleksandrov Finch and Stefan Finch

I see with eyes of a hunter, no-one can escape! I'm a devil of a gunman, for you it's too late!/All of a sudden I found myself in love with the world, so there was only one thing I could do was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long

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a character in “The Outside”, as played by SyringeofHell


~Name: Vasiliy Aleksandrov Finch and Stefan Finch (Vasya/Vas and Stef)
~Age: 32 and 27
~Gender: Male
~Skills: Both are experienced gunmen, but specialise in different things. Vasiliy is a sniper, whereas Stef uses an assault rifle.
Vasiliy - Despite not seeming it, Vasiliy is very well read and has far more sense than his little brother. He's a very logical thinker and rarely lets emotion get in the way.
Stef - Stef is a brilliant mechanic and general handyman; he adores fixing things and is brilliant at it. He's also highly perceptive and great at finding lost things.


Build - Lithe and gangly. Rather than full out muscular, he's sinewy and athletic. Due to his height (6'7") and long limbs, he kind of looks like he hasn't grown into his body yet. About 1/4 of his left nipple is missing. He had a friend pierce both of them with a sewing needle. Understandably, one got infected, migrated closer to the surface and then got torn out when he was pulling his shirt on. The other one is still there, however. There are quite a few scars on his hands from punching people in the face. He has quite a few scars all over his body as well, just from general fighting, tripping over things, standing on cats, etc.

Face - Normally smiling dopily. He has quite a narrow face, matching his tall gangly build. There are some freckles across the bridge of his nose. Both ears are pierced. His left ear has a snick where one of the helix piercings was pulled out. His left ear has bog standard captive bead rings, and his right ear has cone studs (the things that look like spikes). One of his teeth (a canine) is missing, as it got punched out in a bar fight. One of his front incisors on the top is chipped right through the middle, giving him a somewhat snaggle-toothed grin. They're yellowed from years of smoking. He's a bit of chainsmoker (his fingers are also nicotine stained).

Eye Color - Blue

Hair - Red mohawk, ginger at the roots. His hair is naturally ginger. Bright. As in pretty much orange. He seems to hoard bottles of dye in his truck, and keeps it red most of the time. It's also been blue, white blond and purple before. He keeps it down most of the time because he hasn't got quite enough time to gel it day to day. He has a bandanna tied around his forehead to keep it out of his eyes. Stef has some kind of crappy goatee.

Clothes - He dresses practically, being a hunter/mercenary/handyman. However, this doesn't mean he dresses well enough to protect himself. So far he's had a lot of lucky escapes, and tends to rely on being agile. He wears BDUs on duty, though. Off duty? Wifebeater, hoodie, combats, big boots, parka if it's cold. He has a respirator that he wears if it's dusty or someone is using chemical weapons. And sunglasses for when it's sunny! ... gunman.jpg By my friend Amelia! Stef looking unusually good looking.

Build - Vasiliy is more conventionally handsome than his brother. His build is a tad bulkier, and he's not as freakishly tall (a good 6'2"). His arms and legs fit his body, and he knows he looks better. He thinks hanging around his brother makes him look even better than normal, and takes advantage of this where he can. He has no piercings, but a good number of scars from fighting and miscellanious bits and bobs. His upper body is toned and he's not too heavy, but is strong with broad shoulders.

Face - As with Stefan, Vasiliy has a relatively narrow nose. However, his jaw is a bit heavier. However his face isn't heavy as such, and his features are still quite light, like Stefan's. He's also lightly freckled, but shaves every day and has no facial hair. He has a long scar which just misses his mouth and curves up, branching into two. Like a wonky letter 'y'. It ends just under his left eye and starts on the left eye of his chin. The other branch of it just crosses onto the right side of his nose. His teeth are straight, as Stef's would be if he didn't get punched in the face so many times.

Eyes - Blue.

Hair - Vasiliy's hair is cut short. If he had his way, it'd be a bit longer, but that would get in the way in fights. He's dyed it darker brown before, but now the dye has been cut out and it's back to the original colour of mid brown. When he was little, he was scared he'd have ginger hair like his mother.

Clothes - Vasya's a snappy dresser. He is good at looking casual but not messy, and off duty he can normally be found in a neat workshirt, jeans and oxblood DMs. He's well groomed, unlike Stef. On duty, he wears clothes which make it easier to hide, unlike the uniform of the regular guards. He has a spotter's binoculars as well to aid him in his work.

~Personality/Fears: See below.
~History: See Below.



Stef is a really lovely man. He's friendly, and tends to remind people of a great big silly puppy. He loves talking with people and isn't the type to hole up or keep to himself. He's pretty pleasant to have as company. Stef is generous to a fault - he'd even give away the clothes on his back to someone if they needed it. As such, he's incredibly poor. He'll forsake beds for sleeping in the back of his truck. Just as long as everyone else is happy and has what they need. It's easy to assume he's naive because of this, but he's really not. Not very smart to an extent, but certainly not naive. He's not book-smart (he can't even read or write well at all). It's to be assumed that if Stef was in the position to go to school longer he could leave a damn good mechanical engineer.

Stef tends to mix things up easily due to his limited long-term contact with people. Due to this, he'll often muddle friendship, love and sex, leading to him hitting on friends inappropriately, assuming someone who likes him enough to give him hugs and stay close loves him, etc. He's been getting better recently, but still. He's also bad with what is appropriate to do. When he's been starving in the past, he's killed and spitroasted babies and then eaten them. His logic? The parents can just make a new one. Apparently doing that to anyone over the age of 2 is wrong, though. Few people have been exposed to his cannibal tendancies, and the few that have would be less than likely to calmly tell him that you can't just eat babies.

In general, he's a very calm person. Happy, but calm. When he's wound up, his voice gains an edge and he talks quieter and lower than usual. He'll make comments about how good at target shooting it is and wouldn't it be a shame to spoil that nice rock with your blood and hadn't you better give that back to the nice man right away? He's pretty stubborn as well, and once he has hold of an issue he will not let go. Stef is also very perceptive, although it's easy to take him as an idiot.

Unlike Stef, Vasya is very good socially. He's easy to talk to and get along with, and doesn't do odd things which throw people off liking him. His mother paid for him to go to a prestigious school, and so he's very well read and arguably more intelligent than his brother book-wise. The school also enabled him to socialise properly from a young age with both adults and children, and so he knows how to act appropriately. He's very polite, but can sometimes dip into passive aggressive if annoyed, and then into the downright aggressive. He's generous, like Stef, but maybe not so recklessly. He donates to homeless charities and often runs fundraisers amongst the guards. Funny, considering his job.

Despite the nearly unconditional kindness of his brother, Vasiliy can be very moody and judges easily. He judges on appearance, intelligence, demeanour, etc., and to be frank, Stefan embarasses him. He often argues with him over simple things, and whilst Stef will often stay calm and nearly treat everything as a joke, Vasya is prone to getting wound up. He hates being answered back to and also lax attitudes regarding work and learning. His temper is short, but often hidden behind a veil of politeness, hence how passive aggressive he can get.

Vasya is tenacious and hates to fail. He also hates to lose. He'll work steadily on issues or sort them out with a clean headshot. Whichever suits the situation best. He's stubborn as a mule and won't take 'no' kindly. Unfortunately, the man has a vain streak and could be considered very stuck up once you get to know him personally. From the outside, however, Vasya is polite, well-adjusted and kind.


Hates being left alone, being made to feel unwanted, and being disabled.

Being rejected by the community, having everything he earned taken away from him, and deep-sea creatures.


Stefan: Bushmaster ACR assault rifle, pistol, combat knife. Truck, mix-tape, toolbox, hair dye, cigarettes, lighter, various other bits and bobs.

Vasiliy: Sniper rifle (haven't figured which sort yet), SMG, combat knife. Car, apartment, chemistry set (for fun), computer, other stuff people have.


Stef and Vasya were both born in Russia to an American father (Samuel Finch) and a Russian mother (Aleksandra Finch). The two divorced when Stef was around 3, Vasiliy 8. Vasya was always a mummy's boy and decided he wanted to stay with his mum. However, Sam won custody of Stef, and ended up moving back to the US.

The two shared very different lives - Stef's father was killed a year later by gang violence, whereas Vas was sent to an expensive school. Stef was adopted by a mercenary named Lazarus Gaunt (not his real name), whereas Vas lived with his mother until age 18, where he went to university. He studied chemistry and soon joined the university rifle team. The boy was a natural, and won many medals and accolades. He ended up quitting his degree to persue shooting, which he found more enjoyable. At first, he joined the military as a sniper, but disliked the regimented feel and became a mercenary, moved to the US and got hired by the Lab... and surprise, surprise, his little brother was working there! The only communication the two'd had was the odd phonecall and cards on birthdays before then. Whereas Stefan was hopeful that he and his brother could become friends, Vasya took one look at his gangly, ginger sibling and deemed it impossible.

Stefan grew up in a much harder way. He was taught to shoot, cook, repair and other necessary life skills from an early age. He was put into school for a short while, but Gaunt found this hard to deal with as he moved around so much. In the end, Stef was 'homeschooled', but the two dodged the inspectors like crazy. Due to the nomadic lifestyle, he had trouble making friends and became rather socially awkward, but with a good self esteem and willingness to speak with others - the result was a young man who didn't realise he was being weird when he was. After Gaunt was killed in battle and wreaking revenge upon those who shot down Gaunt at his most defenseless, Stefan began to live on his own. He got a job working as a guard for the Lab, and quickly worked his way up the ranks. He's not in head of the guards, but is certainly relatively high ranked due to his skills with a gun and his agility.

Vasiliy: Gunman by Funker Vogt
Stef: Jesus Built my Hotrod by Ministry (no idea why this one. It's on his mixtape, I imagine.)

So begins...

Vasily Aleksandrov Finch and Stefan Finch's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jarek Kazimir Kamienzky Character Portrait: Sergei Kaelle Character Portrait: Vasily Aleksandrov Finch and Stefan Finch
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-Vasiliy and Stef-

Fortunately, passers by spotted the sniper's battered, bloodied body and thought to call an ambulance. The man was taken to hospital, fortunately where his tall, ginger brother was waiting for the inspector to finish looking over his driving license. Stef was ecstatic to see his brother. Vasiliy? Not so. He told the poor man to piss off to his face, which the rather unintelligent Stef attributed to general grouchiness that happened after having one's arm broken.


Bored, hungry, Sergei headed off, still in his human form. His sensitive nose lead him to the rich smell of blood, but by the time he arrived the victim was gone, the stench stale, the only trace dried blood being powerhosed off of the pavement by a man in a streetcleaner. It'd likely be a while before anyone saw him again. With all the money he'd made and the money he'd taken from the corpses of his victims, he had enough to survive very comfily for quite a while.


Unfortunately, Jarek had seemed to come down with some nasty strain of virus. For humans, it was mild. For a lizard-human creature? Not so. The poor man suffered like a pure human would suffer from scarlet fever. Bedridden for ages, struggling to live.