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a character in “The Prince and the Shieldmaiden”, as played by TheCrimsonLady




{ Q U O T E }

""It is our actions that define us, What we choose, what we resist. What we are willing to die for. You choose what you can live with, and what you can live without.""
-Jericho Barrons

{ T H E M E S }

Thank God, I'm Pretty |Emilie Autumn


__I___A M___W H O___I___A M__


Title/or Moniker: None
Evangelina is a lovely a woman with warm brown skin, with curly chestnut hair and intense dark eyes. She has soft curves, ample chest and long legs.


__W H A T___I S___H I D D E N___W I T H I N__


The Night Sky
Fortune Telling
Tarot Card Reading
Playing the violin
Evangelina is a strong willed woman. She is not afraid to speak her mind and does not let her position stay her tongue. She is honest and driven and if she finds that there is something she wants, a goal she wants to achieve, she will not stop until she does so. That being said, she is still very kind, and considerate, even if she can be a bit fiery at times. She's just a woman that knows what she wants and hw she wants to be treated. Even if she doesn't always know how to get it. Despite her fire, she is compassionate and tends to think of others before herself, so while she will stop at nothing to get her way, she would not do so above another, especially if she believes that person to be important.
Quirks and Habits:
Speaking in a different language, purposely so that you won't understand her if she is annoyed, or by accident when upset or surprised.
She can speak 19 different languages, three of them are dead.


__H O W___I___C A M E___T O__B E__


History: .

So begins...

Evangelina's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael
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Image Brynjar was watching Elska from the corner of his eye as they were eating. She was doing a remarkable job keeping her composure together even though he could see the strained tension in her shoulders. It was a highly amusing situation for Brynjar and he was content to let her thoughts swim around alarming topics. He was sure that her opinion of him was low, but propriety prevented her from displaying any recourse against him.

Brynjar turned his attention away from her when Evangelina approached. He was still feeling rather moody against her as she set his plate down. Brynjar turned his goblet in his hand before allowing one of the other servants to refill with the sweet liquid. She was upset with him, it was obvious. Brynjar could give a rats ass if Evangelina was upset with him. The only issue was that Brynjar knew she had a bold streak in her. She wasn't afraid to stand up to him. So far it had amused him when she'd step up to his challenge in private. Now he was king, and Brynjar knew she'd dare to defy him in public if she thought she was in the right.

It was a dangerous game of chess between them. Brynjar did not want to put up with any of Evangelina's antics tonight and he wanted her to know that. He put his hand out in front and waved her away.

"She is fine, there's nothing more she needs." The amount of self-importance that exuded from him was enhanced heavily from the wine.

Image Elska looked to the woman who had approached their table. It was evident from her attire and physical features that she wasn't from around here. Briefly Elska wondered if this woman was a slave as it was not secret the Byrdain's kept them. She had a nice accent as she asked Elska if there was something she would like.

To sit next to the newly crowned king was a terrifying ambition. She wasn't sure what to do, but was interrupted by Brynjar who was dismissing the servant. Elska's eyes flashed indignantly and with a bit of anger to have Brynjar dismiss the woman so casually. He wasn't even giving her a chance to refuse the woman herself.

Elska bit the inside of her cheek. She couldn't say anything against the king's orders. She still had to keep in mind that Tyr was staying and she didn't want to be the cause of any unpleasant behavior between Brynjar and Tyr.

"I would be more than happy to show you around the palace." Brynjar turned his full attention back to her and he leaned in close to her. Elska sat rigid in her chair and had her eyes set dead straight. "We have very beautiful and quiet gardens, I'm sure you would enjoy seeing some of our local fauna."

So you can get me in a reclusive corner and take advantage of me? the question shot through her mind and she gritted her teeth.

"It would be an honor." She said stiffly and still refused to look at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson
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"Your union seems to have suited you quite well. I think perhaps I shall turn my eye towards the Fjellborg's for my own bride."
"I do not think a better match could be found. I feel quite fortunate," Lelinus told his brother, his words falsely sweetened as he gripped Ingrid's hand in his. He did not like how he looked at her. He didn't like how he looked at any woman. Years ago, his manner had changed. He was always cruel, but his manner with woman reminded him of predator. Something had changed in him, but he wasn't sure what.

He said nothing as he was displaced for Brynjar's new target. He knew that many in the room would feel insulted on his behalf. There were those who held to tradition tightly and for the current heir to be sidelined for a strange woman would not go well. Nor would the Fjellborgans take kindly to Brynjar's treatment of their countrywoman. Yet, his brother had to be counting on setting people off. He knew he wanted to sabotage the peace and this was one way to do it.

He looked around the room, trying to catch Tyr's eye. It wouldn't do for him to play into Brynjar's hands. Under the table, he gripped his wife's hand before speaking.

"You are most hospitable, brother. Some would say that it bordered on impropriety. It is unfortunate that you do not have a clergyman near you who would hold fast to righteousness," he snarked, aiming a jab at Julius who sat not two feet away from the king.

"Hospitality is commended numerous times in the sacred texts, my prince," Julius remarked dryly ignoring the smirks of those who despised him either because of his actions or his low blood.

"Is that what they call it now? It's creative of them, I'd give them that."

This drew a few laughs from among those listening and Leo suppressed a small grin of satisfaction

Go on, Brynjar. Lose your temper or play your vicious games. Scandal is can fell a king as easily as a glad. He thought.


"Hm, Troublesome yes, but nothing I can't manage." She responded to him. She looked exhausted and Beorn couldn't blame her. He was lucky that he had seldom been called to serve Brynjar often in the past. The man had good health where Lelinus lacked it. Leo kept him busy, true, but the prince respected him and he desired to uncover the truth behind King Artos' death almost as much as Leo did. Alas, he ran into frustration after frustration. Still, he had treasured the moments he was able to spend with Evangelina when neither of them were consumed by their duties or obligations.

Soon enough, the new king beckoned her over, but not before he had yet another poor woman in his sights. He grimaced and nodded in agreement with her words, though he could not keep himself from voicing his thoughts.

"A governess can discipline little boys who play too rough with others. I fear no one may stop him now that his father is gone."

"Un moment s'il vous plait"

"Restez vigilants," he advised. It was as much help as he could. He frowned as as he eyed the high table. The fact that Lelinus was displaced from his seat as next in line for the throne did not go unnoticed. It was a deliberate snub and the nobles around the room were already talking about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael
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ImageEvangelina frowned, pulling back the pitcher, as the king waved her away.
She is fine, there's nothing more she needs." He told her and Evaneglina felt annoyance bubble up within her. The woman was clearly trying to hold it back but she clearly did not want to be here, and she looked like a woman who was doing this not for her sake but for the sake of someone else, as if she was protecting someone.

The King turned to her then, leaning in, much like he'd done with her when they first met, only instead of not showing fear, this poor woman radiated it, the way she tried to look at him but couldn't.

"Pardon, You're Grace." She said called, hoping to take the pressure off of the woman. "If I may, I was asking the Lady if she'd like anything," She said, and smiled at the woman, almost reassuringly and the moment she said it, she regretted it, fear shot through her. She'd never openly defy him in public and while she was very subtle about it, she didn't like the way the woman seemed completely terrified and it wasn't like he wasn't beneath him to take advantage of a scared woman, Beron while he meant to warn her, he told her the King's behavior before, how the woman had been left shivering by the end of it. She didn't know what would happen, what he would do to her for this but she felt then that it would be better if Brynjar was anger with her, perhaps he would be less inclined to torment this poor woman. "We have a lovely honeyed mead." She offered, to the both of them, almost wishing she'd stayed over with Beron instead of doing her job.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael
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Image Brynjar could sense the underlying current in Lelinus' tone and knew his brother was trying to make him crack. The wine may have loosened his disposition a little, but Brynjar's mind was still as sharp as his blade. "Where's the fun in life if you can bend the rules a bit, little brother." Brynjar said good naturedly as he tilted his goblet towards Lelinus. "We are making new traditions, are we not?" he asked keeping a steady eye upon Lelinus while the noblemen around them were leaning in as inconspicuously as possible.

"We've created peace for two people by uniting two houses that have only crossed blades in the past." He further went on. "To hell with propriety if I can entertain a lovely lady for the evening." This part his said more quietly and reserved it for only those who sat close.

Brynjar had very nearly forgot that Evangelina was still there and had no retreated from her position. She called for his attention and the light air that he had exuded before darkened in an instant. It was not much for her to reiterate her question and make it clear she wanted an answer from Elska rather than accept the king's word. Brynjar did not take it lightly. His eyes flashed dangerously.

Image Elska sat frozen as she listened to the exchange happening around her. Brynjar was trying to to push people over the edge. She realized quickly that he would not be the one to lose composure tonight. They were stepping on dangerous ground. Even though he spoke dismissively she could feel the undercurrent of something dark and dangerous just out of reach.

The serving women spoke up again and Elska felt Brynjar's mood shift. She finally looked at his face and saw the danger flashing madly behind the careful composure of his eyes. This serving woman had made a subtle move that had put her over the edge. The tension that filled the air was of suffocating proportions. Elska was afraid for what may happen and quickly laid her hand to rest over his arm. The action forced him to look from Evangelina and back towards her.

Elska felt as though she were trying to catch a hurricane with a jar from the amount of energy she felt beneath her hand. Brynjar was not to be trifled with. It sent another jolt of fear through her core to think that Ingrid was forced to live here and Tyr would be staying for an undetermined amount of time.

These were the people she loved and held most dear to her heart. Elska was nothing more than a doe, and Brynjar was the bear. Even still, he had brought her over for whatever interest he had and she had to use it to her advantage while she could.

"Thank you, but I am fine, as his majesty said." She was giving the woman a quick out. Without missing a beat she turned her full attention back to Brynjar and squeezed his arm ever so slightly to trying and capture his attention. "Please tell me more of your gardens, I am curious to know if you have anything native to Fjellborg planted."

Brynjar gave Evangelina one last harsh glance. She would pay later for this misstep. He felt Elska squeeze his arm and he turned back to her. He had to admire her. He knew she was frightened of him--they were always more fun when they were scared--but this streak of courage spiked his curiosity. He decided to humor her and described to the best of his ability what he knew of the gardens, which was rather little to be honest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael
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Evangelina stood her ground, even as Brynjar shot her the darkest look she'd ever seen and she used to work at a tavern. She didn't know why it scared her that much, maybe it was because he was king now, and he could probably do something very bad to her. Evaneglina kept her eyes on him and his gaze lingered on her.

"Thank you, but I am fine, as his majesty said." Spoke up the woman, whose hand had moved to Brynjar's. She didn't seem like she wanted to do that but she seemed to be giving Evangelina a way out, much like Evangelina had been trying to do herself. She'd only succeeded in angering him, and if his mind was of of the woman, she'd dragged it back to her, for Evaneglina's sake.

She just prayed to the Gods that this wouldn't could back to haunt them both later. .

Evangelina swallowed, and gave a nod walking away from the two but not before Brynjar gave her another dagger like glare. She knew she was going to be in for it later, she just happened hoped that she wouldn't have to physically defend herself. He was a King.

She made her way back over to Beorn and was glad to see his face. "I might have made a terrible mistake." She told him, before taking his arm and pulling him to the side. "I've upset the King greatly, I've never seen such a dark look. You don't think he'd physically harm me do you?" She asked him, she could tell her eyes were large, and full of fear. She didn't want to show Brynjar she was afraid but Beorn was her friend and the only person she really had.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael
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"I might have made a terrible mistake. I've upset the King greatly, I've never seen such a dark look. You don't think he'd physically harm me do you?"

For a moment, Beorn wanted to lie, to tell her that of course the king wouldn't think of hurting her, but lies were a small comfort when the dark truth was staring you in the face. Instead, he gripped her arm in what he hoped was a comforting gesture and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Yes.includes/bbeditor/images/italic.gif He would. There is a darkness in him, a darkness that few have yet seen, but I have as has Leo and Julius though in his pride he believes he can tame it," he replied. The look of terror in her eyes broke his heart, but he continued.

"I do not know how it came to be there, but with him left unchecked I fear what may happen. I wish..." He began, looking around to be sure that no one could hear him before continuing, his voice low, "I wish that Lelinus had succeeded his father instead."

He paused for a moment, fearful that he was overheard, but when he saw he wasn't, he relaxed.

"Still, I won't let him harm you. Not if it is in my power to prevent it, as meager as that might be."


"Perhaps you should make that our House's new words. Your Grace has been living them long enough to make it your personal matter at any rate," Lelinus quipped. He did his best to ignore Evangelina and Beorn. There was no need to bring attention to either of them. He knew the look on his brother's face. It rarely bolded well.

"I suppose we can use it to build an army. We would need to wait a decade or two for it to grow up, though," he quipped. Brynjar was not taking the bait. He listened to the king describe the gardens and he suppressed a smirk. It was too bad he rarely talked to Beorn. The herbalist could lecture for hours on end about the usefulness of the plants that grew there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael Character Portrait: Elska Agir
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Yes. He would. There is a darkness in him, a darkness that few have yet seen, but I have as has Leo and Julius though in his pride he believes he can tame it, Evangelina swallowed. He didn't want him to lie to her but she wasn't prepared for that answer. "I do not know how it came to be there, but with him left unchecked I fear what may happen. I wish..." He said, and Evangelina frowned. I wish that Lelinus had succeeded his father instead." He said and she honestly, didn't care much about that. This was the consensus for most that knew the new King. She just feared for her safety and the safety of the poor woman that the King was tormenting.

Still, I won't let him harm you. Not if it is in my power to prevent it, as meager as that might be." He said and Evangelina smiled. "I fear there will not be much for you to do." She said and shook he head, he looked more afraid then she was. Oddly enough, it gave her more strength, more resolve. She had to deal with this herself. "Thank you, Beron, You are sweet." She said and went back to her work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson
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Ingrid remained silent, not trusting the courtiers to not twist anything she said to suit Brynjar's motive. He couldn't be more obvious about his dislike for her people. Ingrid searched the nobility for Tyr. She briefly caught her brother;s eye for a moment. He looked troubled. Of the three of them, Tyr had always been the more scholarly. She and Ull had much preferred the discipline of battle over books, but Tyr seemed to bend weapon and words to his command with ease. He was far more likely to fully understand the dangers they now faced than Ingrid was, it wasn't exactly a dent to her pride to admit that much.

"Your union seems to have suited you quite well. I think perhaps I shall turn my eye towards the Fjellborg's for my own bride."

Ingrid turned to the conversation between her husband and his brother. She could feel the anger rise. Brynjar would never touch a woman of Fjellborg if Ingrid could help it. Ingrid scowled as she followed the nobility to the hall. Whether Brynjar's words or the damned contraption she was wearing bore the heavier portion of the blame, she wasn't sure.

"I do not think a better match could be found. I feel quite fortunate," Lelinus said, taking hold of her hand. Ingrid squeezed his hand gently, and smiled softly.

She sat next to Lelinus, a seat away from Brynjar. Thank the gods she wasn't sat between them. Ingrid wasn't sure she would survive the night without stabbing Brynjar with one of the knives. Tyr was sat to the other side of Brynjar and Jorvik, much further away than Ingrid would have liked. At least, she thought, there was a lot less attention on her this time. This was Brynjar's night. She was not the oddity anymore.

Ingrid ate slowly, trying to eavesdrop on Brynjar. A servant came around with the wine. Ingrid indicated for her cup to be filled. She drank deeply. She had a feeling that she was going to need some liquid courage to get through this. Brynjar was talking quietly with another servant. When the servant was dismissed, Ingrid let her gaze follow him around the room to...Elska. Ingrid gripped the arm of her seat. Whatever Brynjar had planned for Elska, Tyr would not stand for it. Even if her brother was blind to Elska's affection, she still meant a great deal to Tyr. Brynjar was determined to anger Tyr, it seemed.

Evangelina came by with another course, serving Brynjar and Elska, though she seemed to be sharply dismissed by the king. Ingrid made a note to wear the bracelets that Evangelina had gifted to her. They were beautiful. It seemed a shame to let them gather dust. It was only a small token, but it was a way of letting the girl know she had an ally without risking Brynjar's anger.

Ingrid listened to the brother's bickering, both trying to goad the other into saying something out of line, both brother's just toeing the line. Ingrid called a servant to refill her cup. For gods' sake, back home they would have come to blows by now. Though she confessed she was grateful that things were done slightly differently here, if Brynjar and Lelinus came to blows, Ingrid wasn't sure she would have a husband left.


Tyr sat back. His eyes darted between Elska and Brynjar. "Father..."

Jorvik held up a hand, trying to wave away his son's concerns. "Elska is free to talk to the new king."


"Elska is perfectly capable of looking after herself, boy. It can't do any harm to forge links between our nations."

Tyr rested his elbow on the arm, resting his chin on his elbow. That was one of the problems with his father, as great a man as he was, he was too often blinded by the grander scheme to see that some sacrifices were not worth making. Tyr somehow seriously doubted the Brynjar was about to start courting Elska. Brynjar didn't exactly strike him as the marrying type anyway. He would have to marry eventually, but there was a reason he had passed over Ingrid. A reason, beyond personal slight, that Tyr wasn't quite sure of. Ingrid was certainly pretty, respected among her people. For all needed purposes, she was the perfect bride for a foreign king seeking peace.

Tyr sat up suddenly as a thought hit him out of the blue. He had no evidence, but it made sense. Brynjar never intended for the peace to last. Marry Ingrid to the sickly prince and hope she either turned on him or the prince died young. If Ingrid killed Lelinus, they had a reason for war. If not, Brynjar could blame her anyway. If she were married to Brynjar, he couldn't touch her without being blamed for dragging Byrdain back into war. Kill Artos and assume the throne, then begin playing the court against Fjellborg and provoke outrage. By the gods above, what had they done? And now he was pulling Elska into his web.

The brother's bickered, as they always did whenever they were together. Tyr leaned forward, hoping to get his sister's attention. She must have seen his movement as she leaned forward a second later, disguising the move as discomfort. She watched him from the corner of her eye as he linked his fingers together, bridging them together beneath his chin, looking for all the world that he was deep in thought. He flexed a finger up towards Elska and then twitched it towards the door. The move was slight and would most likely be missed by most people, but Ingrid knew the message well enough.

"Lady Elska, would you mind joining me outside?" Ingrid asked, looking across to Elska. "I'm not used to these warm evenings yet, perhaps we could walk together, like old times?" she asked, hoping Elska would take the hint.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Elska Agir
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Lelinus watched his brother play his games with a frown. There was little he could do at the moment. He was the king and he had not yet abused his power. He had prodded at the boundaries of protocol, yes, but he still appeared to be the charming host that he pretended to be, although a few people could already see through it. Duke Aethwulf was frowning behind his mug while Brynjar looked about ready to snap. Beorn, meanwhile, was trying not to stare forlornly after Evangelina. It was unfortunate that the monk should be infatuated now of all times.

Shaking his head, Lelinus positioned himself beside his brother-in-law and tried to calm him, "If Lady Elska chooses to stay, she will be as safe as my own wife, the Princess Ingrid."

He made sure to accentuate the titles. He did not know if Elska was noble by birth or not, but the implication that she was could afford her some measure of protection. The rights of the nobility were jealously guarded and while some would be hesitant to see the same rights granted to Fjellborgans, others would wonder whether the king would treat their own daughters well if he mistreated his sister by marriage and a noble guest from a foreign land, even if that land's inhabitants were their former enemies.

Looking at Tyr again, he whispered almost inaudibly, "Don't fall for his feint. Wait for him to trip up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus
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Evangelina turned in rather early the night before. She avoided the King knowing she was in for it after her speaking up last night. Typically, he seemed to be rather amused by her fire, but last night, he wanted it snuffed and she wouldn't allow it. Now, she knew he would be particularly ornery with her and all she could really do was brace herself of be out of a job.

She'd dressed early in her usual fashion, it kept her modest but still revealed more then the woman of this culture. She traded her blues for black, as she'd done the previous night, still mourning her old friend's passing and made her way toward the new King's chambers. It was at the moment, a small form knocked into her.

"My apologizes" called the young woman as Evangelina held her steady. She wouldn't met her gaze. "It is alright." She said and the woman finally looked at her, her accent calling her attention.

"You are...You are the foreign girl, the handmaiden to the king?" She asked and Evangelina nodded, noting how she strain to say king. "I am."

"Are you a slave?"

Evangelina frowned at that. ."No, I am not." She said, offended, it wasn't the first time someone thought her a slave and she didn't appreciate it.

"Then you should go...Go before he..." The girl stopped, whimpering, turning her head for her shame. Fury bloomed within Evangelina but she kept it from her face.

"What did he do to you?" She asked, venom in her words. "What he does to all women he gets his hand o....we can't say no not anymore....He is King now."

"A King that bleeds red." Evangelina said. Her fear of punishment gone from her now, replaced with the want to harm this new king. His father thought there was good in him but she was beginning to believe it was wishful thinking of an ailing old man. The girl looked up at her. "He'll hurt you too...You shouldn't be alone with him."

"I appreciate your concern but he won't hurt me...." She said and the girl looked at her. "You don't know---"
"Yes, I do, I know how to say no, I can it say if nineteen languages....and if that doesn't work, I'll find another way to make him see reason...or stars." She said and with that Evangelina left the girl sputtering, while she sauntered off to the King's chambers, finding the door slightly ajar.

She walked in, with no pretense of subjugation, not after the look of fear she just had to witness. The 'King' was standing by his bed, freshly water, skin dried, free of cloth. She merely looked him in the eyes.

"Good Morning, You're Grace....Glad to see you only took advantage of one only woman last night, must have been a slow night for you." She said, unable to quell her fury. What his father saw in him, she could never know, how could someone find good in a monster such as he? Se moved to find him some clothes, and she almost hoped he try something, if only for her to prove that the thing he used to put fear and pain on to that girl was also the very thing that made him vulnerable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus
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Image Brynjar looked over lazily at the door as Evangelina entered. There was anger reflecting in her eyes and it only served to improve his mood. He was still angry with her for the night before, but after sleeping he had a bit more sense to him. A devilish grin slid to his face as she kept her eyes trained on his face and attempted at throwing insult towards him.

"And why should you think that meant I had a slow night?" he perked a brow as he thought back to the several times he had taken advantage of the girl. He crossed his arms and leaned against the bed post of his bed. He watched her casually as she finally retrieved clothing for him. She was angry with him and he found it entertaining. What could she do to him? What hope did she have against the king?

He took his time getting dressed. Once he had he closed the distance between them, fully invading her space. He forced her on the retreat until he had her pressed up against the stone wall. He placed his hands on either side of her, trapping her. "I do not appreciate insubordination." His voice was low, the threat clear. He brought a hand to her throat, but didn't squeeze. He trailed his fingers down lazily, tracing the flesh of her exposed chest. "You were out of line last night." He leaned in to whisper in her ear. "You deserve punishment for defying your king." He kept whispering. "What do you suggest?" he pulled back just enough so he could look her in the eye.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus
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"And why should you think that meant I had a slow night?" Brynjar said, the ease of his tone just serve to annoy her further. "There was only one of them..." She said, venom in her tone as she set his clothes on the bed and folded her arms defiantly. He dressed slowly, as if he wanted her to boil further with his choice of speed and when he finally finished, he approached her. She didn't know why she expected him to stop a reasonable distance, but she had and it force her to take involuntary steps back as he closed in. Soon she had no more steps to take as she was pressed firmly against the wall behind her. She stared defiantly at him, knowing there were only few options at this point. She could strike him but then where would she end up, in a cell? tried for treason? He wouldn't though, his pride wouldn't let him, that much she could tell. She amused him, that she also knew, she wondered what a strike to his manhood would do for his amusement?

His hands came up to either side of her head, locking her between him and the wall. "I do not appreciate insubordination." He told her, indignation in his tone. She merely rose a brow. She was going to say something to the contrary before his hand came up, grasping her throat. She stiffened but he didn't squeeze, instead his hand danced down her chest. "You were out of line last night." He whispered, leaning in close, causing her to stiffen even further were it possible. "You deserve punishment for defying your king." He said softer still, and she wished she could stop her heart from racing. She didn't want him to see her fear but her earlier anger gave way to it. "What do you suggest?" He said and pulling back enough to look in her eyes.
For some odd reason she felt this was a game, with specific rules of engagement, she needed to play this properly. She didn't want to end up in a prison cell, nor did she want to end up without a job, that and she didn't want to fail so soon. She knew and was told what he was, she wouldn't let this minor set back stop her. So she rose her hand instead of her knee, which was aching for justice and swiftly knocked his hand from her chest. " A dock in pay." She said, raising her chin. She had no place to move, they were face to face, so that when she rose her chin, she could feel his breath on her skin and surely he could feel the same. "Besides... you seemed to enjoy it when I am...'insubordinate'." She added with a defiant smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson Character Portrait: Elska Agir
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Image Brynjar watched her carefully as she suggested a dock in pay. He could tell that he had got under her skin. He wasn't sure what was keeping her. Any other woman in her position would have quit and left. Why was she so determined to stay? He shook his head slightly when she knocked his hand away. "Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it." He brought his hand down to her waist and held her firmly. "But I will not be undermined in public." He pretended to mull something over before he completely invaded her space by stepping in close. Their bodies were pressed lightly against each other and he was pleased to find she was soft. It was one thing he loved about women, they were always soft.

"Instead of docking your pay," he began slowly, "how about a kiss instead?" his dark eyes were looking down at hers. "Nothing more or less, just one kiss." He enjoyed the power he held over her in that moment.

Image Elska had returned in from the garden and was thinking she would find some breakfast as she felt familiar pangs of hunger. She was surprised to hear her name being called and her stomach dropped as she turned to find Tyr catching up to her. He closed the distance and gently grabbed her arm as he asked if she was okay. Her stomach rolled over. She quickly drew her arm from his grasp as it sent a tingle up into her shoulder. She reminded herself she couldn't give Brynjar any more bait than he already had.

"I'm fine." Her voice sounded oddly distant. "Really I'm fine. He did nothing to me." She said curtly. Yet, she thought a bit dismally. "Are you well?" there was a faint flush to Tyr's cheeks and she wondered just how much Tyr had drunk the night before. She refrained from reaching out to touch him. She forced herself to take a step back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus
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"Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it."Brynjar said, after shaking his head. His hand moved to her waist and gripped her firmly. She sucked in a breath. "But I will not be undermined in public." He said darkly and Evangelina could not fight the urge to swallow, as he pressed against her, after considering something. Perhaps he enjoyed her company too much.

"Instead of docking your pay," He began and Evangelina feared the worse, what would he make her do and would she do it, to keep her promise? The old man, as kind as he was...would not have wanted her to put her self, her virtue, in harms way, as surely he did not expect such things from his son but there was no one to reign him in, just as his younger brother said. "how about a kiss instead?" He said and Evangelina looked eye him, bewildered and her head cocked. "What?" She breathed a lot. Besides the absurdity of the request, it was just that. A request. He didn't move in to kiss her, though now he was firmly pressed against her, his hand invading her personal space but he didn't press for more when he had her at a disadvantage. "Nothing more or less, just one kiss." He said, adding to her confusion. He was trying to convince her for a kiss. He didn't just take one, when he had the opportunity. It struck her then. He wanted her to give in to him, that was the game he was playing, who would break first, either he would and stop harassing her, or she would, and give in to his whims, and allow him that power. Surely he wanted to kiss her but if he just took it, it wouldn't be what he wanted. Not from her.

She smiled, almost as if she was considering this and leaned up, her hand going to his at her waist and whispered. "A dock in my pay will do, I've learned my lesson." She said and leaned back as much as she could against the wall, her hand pushing his from her waist. but her eyes watched his regardless. She learned her lesson in deed. He wanted her to give in, he wanted the power over not her physically, or rather not JUST physically, but he wanted power of her resolve. She wouldn't give in, besides that deep down, she didn't want to end this dangerous as it was. She wanted to win.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus
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"Very well, a dock in your pay." The King said and Evangelina allow herself to breath as he stepped back, giving her room to do so. She gave a slow bow with her head, as he walked out. He seemed to be disappointed in her answer and now in a foul mood. That was alright though because she won. She knew she won this round. That was just in though. It was a round, implying there would be many more to come before the game was over. What that meant,she didn't want to say.

She finished up with her work and made her way toward the monk's study. It was time for her daily lessons. She was making headway with reading the words. Writing them was a bit more difficult. She had a good teacher though. She smiled softly at the apple tree that told her she was on the right track and entered freely.

"Brother Beorn?" She called as she entered, closing the door behind her, the now familiar smells of oils, lemons, and other plant life, filling her lungs, and the humidity of the room sank into her skin. It might have been considered a little too hot had she not be born and raised in much hotter region.

She brushed her fingers over the plants, admiring them as she waited for him to appear, and when he did, he looked distraught. "Brother Beorn?" She asked, letting her hand fall from the lemon tree's leaves. "Are you alright?" She asked with a frown, the tension was practically bleeding from him. "What happened?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael
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The smell of tea filled the room, its scent calming his raw nerves. He should not have lost his temper with the Patriarch. Artos was not king anymore, he reminded himself. He was not here to discipline his son or protect his servants from Brynjar's wrath, but the whole injustice of the situation. As the water was brought to a boil, he did not hear Evangelina enter until he he heard her voice.

"Brother Beorn? Brother Beorn? Are you alright? What happened?"

Her voice was beautiful. Even with his soul lost in the storm of his emotions, he could not help, but admire it, so different from those of the Byrdain or the Fjellborgans or even the Valmagne. He tried to give her a small smile as he set the pot of tea down and added the tea leaves.

"I apologize for my emotions troubling you, Lady Evangelina. I am... I suppose I am in a struggle with the Spirit. I have thought ill of not only the king, but my superior in this land," he confessed, reaching for a pair of cups to pour the tea in. He reached for the lemons growing beside her dusky hands, brushing them with his as he picked one to cut into slices to serve with their tea.

"Artemesia taught us virtue, but the good Patriarch rushes to obey him above all things. Above his honor. Above God. Certainly above the people he was taken from among. I have prayed ceaselessly, but I receive only the answer in my heart."

He led her to a small sitting area near some blossoms that were just beginning to bloom the spring's chill.

"Wicked men cannot be unopposed," he whispered softly. It was a small sound, but strength underlay it, like a centuries old oak standing tall and silent. He gazed at her. It did not escape him how the king looked at her, how he longed to break the strength he had begun to adore.

"Forgive me. I have forgotten your own trials. How are you? I wish you could have seen us at our best, but you see us at our worst."


Heat ran up and down his body. In his preparations for Ingrid's breakfast and their subsequent other activities, he had not noticed, but he could feel a fever growing in his skin. It was not deadly. Rather, he knew it would annoy him all day. But here, in his own bed with his beautiful wife's body entangled in his and her head resting on his chest, he felt doubly tempted to plead illness and lay with her all day. He felt her fingers tapping against him and he lazily snaked his arm around his waist.

"We should dress," she announced and he found himself nodding reluctantly, "I should be there to see my father off and you need to show me where this chapel is that we are to use."

They remained in bed and Leo brushed a strand of hair and kissed her cheek. It was an innocent gesture despite their previous activities. He would be content to just have her in his arms all day and admire her beauty. Those songs he heard every feast for as long as he could remember suddenly did not seem so silly now, but they had business.

"We haven't moved. Tell me we need to move."

"We have to move. If we don't do so now, we'll never get anything done," he replied, reluctantly. He sat up, resting on their bed for a moment before slowly standing up and beginning to dress himself. He smiled at her.

"My brother was short-sighted to ever refuse your hand and as always, I thank God for his stupidity. I pray her it continues to benefit us," he told her lightly, though there was a sort of steel behind his words. They had resolved to remove him from the throne for their own safety and the good of the realm. Once on this course, they could not falter. For their sake and for the sake of the child they had resolved to bring into being.


"Your reasoning is sound... Indeed, it is the Holy Chair's wish to foster greater ties with the Northmen so that hostilities may cease completely between them and Artemesian lands. I also hear he has been impressed by their berserkers and would deeply love to see them become Artemesian knights. He wrote a letter of approval to your father about your brother's match. I see no reason this match would not please him."

Truthfully, Julius was taken aback. Brynjar had never shown anything but contempt for the Northmen up until now. Now he wanted to wed one of them? He thought for a moment.

"It is a satisfactory match, Your Grace. Your vassals may not be entirely happy, however. It is one thing to lose your hand to a fellow civilized Artemesian. It is another to lose your hand to a pagan woman from our recent enemy's ranks. Rest assured, I will work tirelessly to placate them or, if need be, silence any objections through harsher means... You are certain Lady Elska will say yes?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen
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"I apologize for my emotions troubling you, Lady Evangelina. I am... I suppose I am in a struggle with the Spirit. I have thought ill of not only the king, but my superior in this land," Beorn said, preparing tea. It did not go unnoticed the way he brushed her hand when he removed the lemons from the tree. That was oddly refreshing, dealing with the King and his directness was tiresome. It was nice to see a man try to garner her attention with subtleties.

"No need to apologize, Please, what is on your mind, feel free to speak it." She said softly, watching him as he pour the tea for the two of them.
"Artemesia taught us virtue, but the good Patriarch rushes to obey him above all things. Above his honor. Above God. Certainly above the people he was taken from among. I have prayed ceaselessly, but I receive only the answer in my heart."

With that, he led her toward a sitting room, where the flowers began to bloom. She was beginning to truly love this little place. It felt like home, even if the flowers were foreign to her. She couldn't even name most of them. Listening to Beorn's words, saw where this was going. This was about the King, and apparently the Patriarch was going to do nothing about him.

"Wicked men cannot be unopposed," he whispered softly. The words sounded old, like a decree. Evangelina sighed. He wanted something to be done about the King, but there was nothing he could do with the Patriarch's help, and in that, it was hopeless. Or so it seems. It was at that moment, that Beorn looked at her, and she saw it. He was worried for her. She was the personal attache to the King, and probably though her the next target. He wasn't wrong. He just didn't know her too well yet.

"Forgive me. I have forgotten your own trials. How are you? I wish you could have seen us at our best, but you see us at our worst."

Evaneglina smiled, and reached up, laying her hands atop his. "I've seen the world at its worst." She said and took a breath. "I was young when the illness took my parents. My mother first, she tried to give birth to my brother but she took him with her instead. then my father, not having the strength to fight the illness without my mother. I do you say...15 years" She said. "I only arrived in this part of the world, a few years ago...I've seen many a men, some good...most not so good. I was a ship and it took a year to arrive here. It was not easy, sometimes, there were storms, and sometime there were others..." She said, recalling the memories. It wasn't easy traveling on her own, but she did it. "I braved those storms, and I can brave these ones too....and this time, I'm not alone." She said and gave his hand a squeeze. " I have a friend." She said and gave him a bright smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael
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Her hands were warm upon his. He gazed down upon them for a moment, absently rubbing a thumb upon them as he listened to her story with sadness in his heart for his misfortune, but more joy in his heart than he had any right to feel upon hearing her pronouncement. He looked up and returned her smile. He gripped her hands tighter.

"I am honored to be called such Evangelina," he told her, for once forgetting the honorific he insisted on attaching to her name. In his mind, she had greater right to it than many a lady in this great palace and he had been unafraid to tell her so.

"I admit, I have been quite fortunate in my life. I was one of the few that survived my village's burning. Father Aiden was the local priest and healer and I was fascinated by how he could create almost anything from the plants in his garden. I was about eight summers when we were gathering plants in the forest and returned to find it destroyed. Destroyed by the Northmen."

He felt a shadow pass over him at the memory, but he paid it no mind. He had long finished morning for what he lost. He did not know why he was telling her this, but he felt he had to share some of his past in exchange for her own.

"Then I met Brother Severus and joined the Order of St. Clemens. Second Degree. I felt that I could not take a vow of celibacy if I was unsure I could live up to it," he told her with a slight smile, "I served with them both here taking care of the prince and... It just became home. As though I were a seed caught up in a storm and landed on good earth and took root. And King Artos... I have never met such a man."

"Perhaps it can be a home for you too," he said hopefully. It was a warm invitation. It made no demands and asserted no rights. It was an offering of whatever she would take with a sliver of his own hope mingling with it.


"As you say, Your Grace," Julius told t he king with a bow of his head. He was no fool. He knew that Brynjar had a play in mind when it came to this match. Perhaps he really did want peace. However, he had noticed the hatred in the young prince's heart when Artos lived and he had no reason to believe it had quite abated upon taking the throne. He looked thoughtful as he drafted a new document.

It was only prudent to do a full assessment of their capabilities in the art of war. Their levies were bloodied, but exhausted at the moment, but new blood would replenish them in ten years time, a quicker time frame than the frozen north possessed. Then there was the matter of his Cardinalship and the coffers of the crown.

In the Name of God and our Holy Church, I do hereby authorize the investigation of the head of the Order of Saint Clemens, Brother Severus in the matter of heresy and alleged disobedience towards his superiors. Pending the approval of King Brynjar Augustus, By the Grace of God, Lord of Brydain and Protector of Realm."

He sighed and placed the missive between the pages of his account booklet. He did not intend to go through the inquisition just this moment, but Brother Severus did not bother to hide his contempt for him. The bishops knew that speaking overtly against him would earn them only the king's wrath and an excuse to confiscate their bishopric before the Holy Seat learned of the truth, but a zealous monk? No, it was best to make preparations in that event.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen
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"I am honored to be called such Evangelina,"Beorn said and she merely smiled in return, patting his hand.

"I admit, I have been quite fortunate in my life. I was one of the few that survived my village's burning. Father Aiden was the local priest and healer and I was fascinated by how he could create almost anything from the plants in his garden. I was about eight summers when we were gathering plants in the forest and returned to find it destroyed. Destroyed by the Northmen." He said and she frowned a little, he was so young when he lost his family, she couldn't bare to think what she would have done at that age.. She opened her mouth speak her condolences but he began again.

"Then I met Brother Severus and joined the Order of St. Clemens. Second Degree. I felt that I could not take a vow of celibacy if I was unsure I could live up to it," Evangelina couldn't help but chuckle at that. He was sure to point that out,again his interest was far from lost on her, if he was aware of it or not. The smile told her he was. "I served with them both here taking care of the prince and... It just became home. As though I were a seed caught up in a storm and landed on good earth and took root. And King Artos... I have never met such a man." He said and her smile faded. He had a way of making even a foreigner feel at home. In the weeks she knew him, it was as if she'd known him for years. She had to strengthen her resolve, for King Artos' sake.

"Perhaps it can be a home for you too," He said and she smiled at him, a little oddly. "Well, my people believe the world is our home, which is often why we move so much, home is, family, friends. I am never away from home if I am in the company of such." she said. "So this is my home and has been since I met King Artos." She said and recalled when he spoke of this place. Specifically when he spoke of his son. "He told me. 'My son would not know what to do with a woman like you.' He wasn't wrong." she said with a smile."He believed truly that I could bring something good out in him....I am not so sure," she said and her eyes drifted. Whatever good the old King saw in his eldest was buried deep, so deep it likely suffocated in the dark.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson
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"It is in a father's nature to see the good in his son even if it is obscured by the darkness in his heart," Beorn began. Truthfully, it was hard to see the good in Brynjar. He doubted that the man could ever be redeemed, but he knew it went against Artemesias' teachings. He tried to sound optimistic.

"We are taught that no man is pure evil. Even the most vile man can seek redemption... But we choose who we are going to be, Evangelina. You are strong and good. If you cannot bring out the good in him, then he has chosen to murder the evil within himself of his own free will. I would try to fulfill your promise, but the king would not hold you accountable for his son's own actions." He told her.

He looked out the window. The sun was rising swiftly.

"The Northmen are getting ready to leave. I should see my prince."


Leo smiled slightly as he saw his wife dress in the northman fashion. It wasn't something most courtiers would approve of, but it fitted her and honestly, he was tempted to damn the formalities and show her how much he liked it, but they couldn't behave like newlyweds now. Not after what they had agreed to begin.

He flushed slightly at the way everyone seemed to be looking at them. They didn't look that flushed, did they? He smiled pleasantly in Brynjar's direction regardless. If their activities could perturb his brother, it was just a bonus. He met Jorvik's gaze as he said his farewells. He wasn't about to let his daughter be hurt. Not if he could help it, as weak in body as he was. He was heartened to see Beorn standing in attendance. When the foreign king had left, he went to greet his friend.

"I see you are at work nurturing new life," he stated in amusement. Lelinus laughed.

"You have a sophisticated way of putting it."

The monk shrugged, "I am a monk."

Lelinus gripped his shoulder, "I would ask you to pray with me later this afternoon. At the old chapel, you know the one. Please."

Beorn nodded, but paused in confusion at his next request.

"I would ask you to bring Evangelina. For her perspective on children of course. At the rate we are going, we hope to start a family soon," Leo told him. Beorn could smell the bullshit in his friend's words, but merely bowed his head.

"Of course."

They watched the pefromance of his brother and his newest target, saying nothing. After a moment, Beorn looked away. His heart was troubled and the look on his friend's face did nothing to soothe it.