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Lelinus Augustus

"I am not questioning your honor, Ser, I am denying it completely."

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a character in “The Prince and the Shieldmaiden”, as played by almostinsane




{ Q U O T E }

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world you fear what he might have to say."
-Tyrion Lannister

{ T H E M E S }

Requiem for the Night|Audiomachine

Wicked Eyes & Wicked Hearts|Trevor Morris

Thedas Love Theme|Trevor Morris[/font]


__I___A M___W H O___I___A M__


Name: Lelinus Augustus
Title/or Moniker: The Black Prince; the Sickly (behind his back) Leo (Nickname)
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Human
Class/Occupation: Prince of Brydain
Standing at 5"9 with a thin and pale appearance, Lelinus does not cut the most imposing figure, particularly when he is forced to lean upon an oak staff when he becomes particularly ill. He is handsome in a fragile, almost angelic way with curly auburn hair and green eyes that spark with a certain intelligence that is absent in most people, particularly in the more martial inclined nights and nobility. Lelinus mostly dresses in subdued colors such as blue, green, black, or brown, disdaining most ornamentation. At court, he favors a few pieces of silver jewelry bearing sapphires and nothing more. This helps to keep attention off himself unless he deliberately steps into the spotlight. Quite often, wears a wry or sarcastic expression, as though he knows more at a given time than anyone else.


__W H A T___I S___H I D D E N___W I T H I N__


The Night

Being sick
His brother


A frail body
Unable to comprehend pettiness to some extent

Calm and quick-witted are two words that describe Lelinus well. Throughout his short life, people have underestimated Lelinus constantly and he has proven that intelligence and charm can be greater weapons than physical might. He has the ability to see things differently from the average individual and thus take actions that no one would ever expect. In addition, he has consistently refused to be intimidated by his brothers or other opponents at court, deftly outmaneuvering them with biting words and a wry smile. Due to his chronic illness, Lelinus will never be the most physical individual, but he refuses to be ruled by his condition. Instead, he stubbornly gets out of bed to go about his day despite feeling weak and as though his head were on fire.

Lelinus is calm and calculating, rarely allowing his emotions to get the better of him and scrutinizing the motives of those around him constantly. This is not to say that he never displays emotion or doesn't trust anyone. He has simply learned to behave rationally at all times with a charming grin and a goblet of wine in hand. At times, Lelinus wishes he could lock himself in his chambers and read, but he has a certain sense of duty to the kingdom, particularly since he was named the the King's Master of Coin.

Quirks and Habits:

Leaning upon his staff
Drinking often


__H O W___I___C A M E___T O__B E__


Land/Kingdom: Byrdain
Born pale and sickly, it is quietly regarded as a small miracle that Lelinus survived his first birthday, let alone his entire infancy. Born the second son of King Artos the Great, Lelinus was quite fortunate in that a peasant with his condition would have died in childhood. Instead, with food, shelter, and the court healers and monks close at hand, Lelinus grew up comfortably with the best education in the kingdom alongside his older brother. If there was a time when the two were close, however, Lelinus can no longer remember it. In his view, his brother was always a cruel and stupid brat with no regard for anyone other than himself, particularly his younger brother. To this day, the two are at odds and Lelinus is only polite to his brother for his father's sake.

From a young age, Lelinus showed that he had a significant intellect, learning as much as he could from the monks that were his tutors. Though he was mocked for his physical weakness quite often, Lelinus never allowed himself to act as though he were bothered by it. Instead, he became known for his sharp tongue and clever solutions with his lord father often heading his advice, recently making him one of his advisers, much to his brother's disdain. He has earned praise from his father by analyzing the Fjellborgan Beserkers tactics and motivations, earning him a place alongside his brother and father's most trusted advisers when the Northmen at last sued for peace where his brother's snide comment landed him a betrothal with a Shieldmaiden of Fjellborg. Seeing this as his duty, Lelinus accepted his engagement without complaint and now he prepares himself for his wedding and what it might mean for himself and his new wife.

So begins...

Lelinus Augustus's Story


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Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen
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"You do not need to stand on formality with me when we're alone like this. There's no point in a performance if there is no audience, is there Beorn?" The Prince said and Evangelina smiled with a nod. That was good, she wasn't sure how much faking it she could do. It was amazing that those two were related. They were so different.

"Indeed, my prince," Beorn added before turning his attention to her as if he'd only just heard what she said. "He's accepted you already? I hope he hasn't been too difficult. His Grace can be...."

"He can be a cunt," the Prince cut in and Evangelina laughed out, hiding it and her shock behind her hand She would have never expected him to curse so freely.

"I was going to say difficult. I can show you to the kitchens. They would have already begun to make food for the day," Beorn told kindly and Evangelina nodded. "If you would permit it, Lelinus."

"Of course, I wouldn't want to keep you away," The Prince teased and Evangelina sparred the poor monk the embarrassment of chuckling, though she smiled. She wasn't blind, he seemed to be taken with her from the start, and tried to hide it, he was about a subtle as a sandstorm but she wouldn't hold it against him.

"Thank you, Beorn, and everything went will with your brother, Your Grace, even though he was a bit..."She gestured to the prince, as if to suggest the word he'd used prior. She was a lady, she wouldn't curse even if he indeed was a bit of a cunt, with the way he hovered over her the way he did, she could still feel her heart beating hard in her chest.. "...Difficult," She said, gesturing to the Beorn. "I believe I'll fare well, all things considered, he accepted the terms as they are, I know my place, and he knows his." She said.

Whether he chose to ignore that fact, remain to be seen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Katinka Dragomir
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"Even the strongest of warriors has to sleep," the lady persisted. While she had no doubt in Brynjar's abilities, it didn't stop her from worrying. She kept imagining some dark figure disabling the guards before they knew what hit them, and sneaking in to slay the crown prince in his bed. This was not a possibility she was ready to allow, even for the sake of his pride. It was too dreadful a thought. Her spirits were lifted, though, when he conceded to having extra tasters. "It will," she assured him, almost able to smile just then with how relieved she felt knowing he'd at least be careful not to be poisoned the way she was so sure Artos had been. "Thank you."

Katinka hummed solemnly as the prince continued to speak. "Listen to you.." She spoke softly and met his eyes as her hand moved to cover the back of his. She truly must have been blind when it came to this man. "As much as he was a guardian to me, our ties were little compared to yours. You do not need to comfort me, it is you who have lost your father. You have my condolences." For a moment, she shook, but then she lifted her other hand so that she was holding one of Brynjar's between both of hers, and she steadied. "You are... the strongest man I know, in so many ways." She stopped herself there, not wanting to become too emotional in front of him, so as not to add to his burden. After a deep breath, she pat the back of his hand gently and stood to leave. Before she got far, however, her eyes returned to the crown prince's face. "I know you have a lot to take care of, and I won't get in your way. If you need anything- respite or assistance, anything at all- I'll be here." The corners of her lips turned up briefly. "You are going to be a great King, Brynjar." With that she bowed her head slightly and finally turned away. She replaced her veil when she reached the door, then left the room.

Lady Katinka spent the rest of the day and much of the evening mingling with the other nobles. As usual, she listened in on all interesting conversations, although her flirtations were on hold for the period of mourning. Throughout the hours, she was plagued with a feeling of foreboding, an anxiousness that turned her stomach; she pushed this off, however, with the knowledge that whatever plots were hidden in the underbelly of court, she would find them. She steeled herself with determination, and used her worries plus the anger beneath them as fuel for her watchful eyes.

The next morning, her breakfast was delivered to her chambers, but it went cold on her table untouched. She had uncovered very little of use thus far, and while this was to be expected with something as sneaky as the successful assassination of a king, Katinka was impatient as ever. It occurred to her, too, that as the ward of a dead King her life was now up in the air. Her family's lands, riches, and title were still tied to her, but as a woman she was not in a position to own it all herself. She could hardly imagine herself as Brynjar's charge once he became king. She would likely be married off soon, made a nobleman's wife with the bulk of her family's property as her dowry, and what little freedom she had would be forfeited. This realization did nothing to calm her nerves, and had her itching for a way to vent.

The sun had hardly made it over the tops of the trees when she left the castle to wander the grounds; although wander might have been too gentle a word, considering the way she stormed about. Eventually she found herself at the training yards, where some knights were practicing. She was without a veil now, but still clad in heavy black fabrics that made the sunlight feel like fire on her skin. "May I?" she spoke up as she approached them, gesturing to a bow that had been set aside in favor of a sword. She recognized the gaits of at least half the men, so for the time being she didn't bother acting. Once given permission, she lifted the borrowed bow and positioned the arrow with obvious experience behind her every move. Each shot she let loose sunk into the target, although she purposely avoided the direct center a few times when she saw some of the less familiar men eyeing her. By the time she notice a far more familiar figure in the distance, her frustration had been chipped away enough that she managed a smile when returning the weapon to its rightful owner and her eyes lingered on the sparring figures to her left before she departed.

The lady gathered up her skirts as she made her way across the grounds, toward Lelinus's position in the courtyard. With the heat and the sheer magnitude of her skirts, it took a while for her to reach her destination, which irritated her some but she was so glad to see the prince without his bride that it hardly mattered. She arrived just in time to hear the tail end of Evangelina's assessment, which paired with the handmaiden's foreign appearance was more than enough to pique Katinka's curiosity. "Leo," she called in greeting, despite her approach being quite apparent long before she'd reached their small group. "I missed you yesterday. How are you faring?" Her attention might have stayed on Evangelina longer, not to mention the dynamic between this foreign woman and Brother Beorn, had the Lady not been so very worried about the Prince since the wedding.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen
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"I believe I'll fare well, all things considered, he accepted the terms as they are, I know my place, and he knows his."

"I hope you are right. I confess that I do not know my brother well enough to know what he will make of you. Be careful," Lelinus told her thoughtfully. He had a fair guess of what motivated his brother: power and warfare, particularly against the Fjellborgans. However, in his view, there was little depth to his personality other than the drive to dominate others. Still, it seemed that his father had hoped that he could change. Before he could muse more on this, a familiar voice cut through his thoughts.

"Leo, I missed you yesterday. How are you faring?"

"It's only been a day, Kat. How could you miss me?" he teased her with a grin. He gripped her shoulders in a friendly greeting, "You look exhausted. Thank Artemesia that I do not need to wear a deathrap."

He gestured to Evangelina.

"This is Lady Evangelina. She is Brynjar's new servant. Poor girl," he said with a grin, "Beorn's been helping her get acclimated."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Katinka Dragomir
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"I hope you are right. I confess that I do not know my brother well enough to know what he will make of you. Be careful,"
The Prince told her and Evangelina merely shrugged. "I always am." she told him just before a lovely young woman made her way toward the group. Evangelina smiled in her direction as she looked over at her. She went on with the Prince for a moment before the Prince gestured to her.

"This is Lady Evangelina. She is Brynjar's new servant. Poor girl," He told her with a grin, and Evangelina merely shook her head. "Beorn's been helping her get acclimated." He said and Evangelina curtsied "Nice to meet you, Milady." She said. "I needn't your sympathy, You're Grace,." She said, playfully rolling her eyes, although she would appreciate if everyone would stop coddling her like a bird with a broken wing. Like her circumstances were unfortunate. She didn't have to be here, she chose to, and she could chose to leave if she so wished, even the Brynjar knew that. "Forgive me, Milady, they still seemed to be under the impression that I do not have a choice in my employment." She said, raising an accusatory brow. If she were kind, Evangelina hoped the Lady would be around for a while, it would be nice not to be surrounded by men and their foolishness all the time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson Character Portrait: Katinka Dragomir
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Ingrid idly wandered the corridors of the keep. She did her best to ignore some of the lingering stares from the nobles filing back and forth. Surely they had seen a woman before. Didn't they have wives? Daughters? Why were their gazes lingering on her? Ingrid stood a little straighter as she carried on. They would not get to her.

As she came by the courtyard, she spotted Leo in the middle of a small group. She spotted Brother Beorn and Evangelina. She was about to join them when she saw Katinka join them. She lingered behind the pillar and watched from a distance. Leo seemed happy enough to see Katinka. Ingrid hadn't had a chance to get to know Katinka well enough, she hadn't exactly been welcoming to the Fjellborgans who had come to Byrdain. Still, she supposed Leo knew her better than Ingrid did. There was probably a good reason for Leo to be happy to see her. Katinka was probably a perfectly nice young lady.

Ingrid rested her head against the cold stone. She was being ridiculous. She was a warrior, The Wolf of Fjellborg for crying out loud, and here she was staying away from a girl who had done nothing more than cast a disapproving glance her way on a few occasions. Ingrid gathered her skirt and headed down. It was hardly Katinka's fault that Brynjar had her ear; he had the ears of most of the court.

Ingrid smiled as she stepped out onto the courtyard and approached the group. She pressed a kiss to Lelinus's cheek. "Good morning." she said quietly before linking her fingers with his.

"Forgive me, Milady, they still seemed to be under the impression that I do not have a choice in my employment." Evangelina said to Katinka. Ingrid was under no doubt that Evangelina was a formidable woman in her own way. There were few people Ingrid could think of that would willingly deal with Brynjar outside of the court. For doing just that, Evangelina had Ingrid's respect.


"I do not think it will be that easy Tyr." Elska said quietly. "There's something-" she stopped for a moment. Confusion passed over her face for a second before she started speaking again. "There's something more to Brynjar. I can't explain it, but he unsettles me."

Tyr stood up a little straighter and crossed his arms and waited for Elska to continue. "Why would he marry Ingrid to the sick prince? He has no shame and does not hide he desires for her. It was his duty to marry first, and to marry Ingrid, but he pushes it off onto his sick brother who will likely not see another five summers?"

Tyr would be a liar if he said similar thoughts had not crossed his mind, although from what he had seen of Brynjar and what Ingrid had told him about Lelinus, he was grateful that Ingrid had been married to the younger brother. So far, all he had come up with was that the marriage was supposed to be a slight against Fjellborg. The news that Brynjar was trying to implicate Fjellborg in King Artos's death only made Tyr surer of his suspicions.

"I fear leaving you here is putting you right where he wants you. Of course he would never raise his hand to you in an open show, but he controls the court here. Ingrid is already doomed to her fate here." She sighed. "I can't lose you too Tyr," her eyes watered and she quickly swiped at them.

Tyr dropped his arms, debating whether or not to comfort Elska. Besides Ingrid, and she barely cried, Elska was the last person Tyr wanted to see cry. "If Ingrid is doomed, then I cannot abandon her, not yet. As fierce as she is in battle, she is still my sister." Tyr said, his voice level. He wiped the corner of Elska's eye. "You will not lose me Elska. I promise you I will see Fjellborg's shores again. I'll be back before you know it and you can get sick of seeing me again."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen
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"It's not that we think you're forced... It's just that..." Beorn began, trying to explain his unease before Lelinus interrupted him.

"My brother is unpredictable. Now that Father is dead, no one can check him. Not by force anyway."

He was about to continue when he felt a familiar presence beside him. He blinked in surprise at the brief kiss on his cheek before turning to see Ingrid. Smiling, he squeezed her hand. He could get used to this. He turned to face her. The corset that the handmaidens no doubt made her wear accentuated her already generous bosom, most likely to her discomfort. He had no doubt someone would make a fool of himself around her in the celebrations after the coronation. After all, she was only wed to a half-dead prince.

"Princess Ingrid," Beorn greeted with a bow.

"Good morning, wife," Leo told her with a slight grin, "I suppose you think we're being overly chivalrous as well."

"I just hope he will listen to you," Beorn told Evangelina, "He could learn some restraint. Do you still want me to show you where the kitchens are?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Katinka Dragomir
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"It's not that we think you're forced... It's just that..." Beorn began "My brother is unpredictable. Now that Father is dead, no one can check him. Not by force anyway."Prince Lelinus finished for him and Evangelina merely shrugged. "That's what I'm here for." She said with a smile, though she could understand their worry, she could handle it and so long as she did the dance she'd done before, she'll survive this place and him.

She found the Princess making her way toward the group and she smiled and curtsied. "Princess." She greeted.
"Princess Ingrid," Beorn greeted as well.

"Good morning, wife," The Prince greeted her with a smile and a squeeze of the hand. She was under the impression that the Princess was from a rival kingdom, and their marriage was arranged, but it seemed that love had found it's way, regardless, atleast as far as the prince was concerned. "I suppose you think we're being overly chivalrous as well."

"I just hope he will listen to you," Beorn told Evangelina, calling her attention from the two. "He could learn some restraint. Do you still want me to show you where the kitchens are?"

Evangelina's eyes went wide. "Oh, By the Gods, Yes, we must make haste." She said and turned to the others. She could not afford to be late. A hungry man was a frustrated man, and she didn't have the general patience for such a thing, especially her first day.

"It is nice meeting you, Lady Katinka, and it is nice to see you all again, Prince and Princess, I must take my leave, all this talk of him ,yet I forgot to I need to feed him." She joked before taking Beorn's arm and leading him away from the group so that they might not get caught up in another conversation. "Which way?" She asked, her hand still linger on his arm in her haste.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson Character Portrait: Katinka Dragomir
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"Good morning, wife," Leo told her with a slight grin, "I suppose you think we're being overly chivalrous as well."

"I think Miss Evangelina knows the risks of her employment well enough. And I think that you are worrying too much. Again."

"I just hope he will listen to you," Beorn told Evangelina. "He could learn some restraint. Do you still want me to show you where the kitchens are?"

Evangelina's eyes went wide. "Oh, By the Gods, Yes, we must make haste." She said and turned to the others. Ingrid raised an eyebrow at Evangelina's distress, momentarily wondering if she should do anything to help Evangelina. Not that there was much she could do. Ingrid still didn't know where half the rooms in the keep were.

"It is nice meeting you, Lady Katinka, and it is nice to see you all again, Prince and Princess, I must take my leave, all this talk of him ,yet I forgot to I need to feed him." Evangelina turned to Beorn."Which way?" She asked and Beorn led her to the kitchens.

Ingrid watched the two leave. "Good morning to you too, Lady Katinka. I trust you've been well?" Ingrid asked. There was no need to be mean to Katinka. Cattiness had never been Ingrid's preferred means of dealing with people and she wasn't about to hit Katinka about the head with a sword.


"My only hope is that Ingrid will get along with her new husband even if he is sickly. Does she like him, do you know? Do you think Ingrid can be happy here?"

Tyr stood back. "From what she's told me, Lelinus is treating her well. She doesn't seem especially unhappy, beyond a touch of homesickness. I do think, in time, she could be happy here with Lelinus."

He knew as well Elska that Brynjar was the only major problem at this moment in time. He hadn't exactly hidden his want for Ingrid, even at the wedding. Tyr was grateful that he was staying behind for a time, if only to keep an eye on Brynjar. He didn't doubt that Ingrid could take care of herself, and anyone else who came along, it was Brynjar he didn't trust.

"Will you be attending the funeral? I have no idea what to expect. Their weddings are different to ours, it stands that their funerals would be different as well."


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Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus
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Lelinus frowned slightly as he finished dreassing himself, again choosing to wear a simple black doublet. He was beginning to grow sick of the color back. It was a constant reminder of the reality he attempted to keep at bay with his japes and irreverence to the situation at hand. Yet, he could not escape it. His father, King Artos, was dead and he knew that he would need to battle his own brother in court. It may be that he would have to maneuver himself on to the throne if the situation called for it.

He felt himself smile bitterly at the thought. The irony of the situation did not escape him. He had all the qualities of a villain from the tales: frail, scheming, in bed with the kingdom's historic enemies, and brother to the popular and handsome monarch. He held no illusions about his situation. His brother only meant to do evil and while he held hope that Evangelina might be able to stir him upon a gentler path, it was a faint hope only. Yet, if he failed, history would paint him as the villain: a jealous brother scheming against his own blood for power.

He gazed out his window and thought he could see flash of lightning in the horizon. A storm was coming. How fitting.

"Father," he whispered, "Did you intend for this?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter
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Ingrid had once again been subjected to the handmaidens' handiwork. Black was still the order of the day, and she was being tied in to yet another corseted dress. How she longed for this period to be over so she could dress herself again. She never had much black in her wardrobe. Someone, Ingrid suspected Jorvik, had put coin aside to make sure Ingrid was properly dressed during this time of mourning. Ingrid sat patiently while they finished pinning her hair back. While they were working, Ingrid silently counted the days in her head. She counted the days she had been here, and the days she had traveled and the days before that.

Ingrid rose from the seat. "Thank you." She said to the girls. The girls curtsied and left. She was still getting used to that. Back home, people hadn't curtsied or bowed to her. They had treated her with respect yes, which was more than could be said for most of the people here, but there was none of this false subservience. Ingrid watched the girls leave and waited a moment. She made the short and increasingly familiar walk to the room she shared with Lelinus.

Ingrid quietly closed the door behind her. She looked up and saw Lelinus stood by the window. A storm was rolling in. Fitting, she thought. Lelinus's face was briefly illuminated by a crash of lightning. He looked distant, deep in troubled thought. Ingrid wrapped her arms around Lelinus. If she was honest, she was concerned about the future too. Brynjar would be king by the time the day was through, and no one truly knew what that would bring with it. "Whatever it is, we can face it together."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson Character Portrait: Katinka Dragomir
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"Thank you Patriarch, you never cease to fulfill your obligations." Brynjar said in a smooth tone as he was ignoring Evangelina at this point. "There is a great deal that needs to be done, and I would like to meet with the council as soon as possible," he paused. "However, I think at the moment everyone needs this time for mourning. We will mourn the loss of my father today, and tonight we will celebrate my coronation. Tomorrow we will turn our attention to important matters of state."

The mention of Duke Aethwulf caused Brynjar's jaw to clench. There were very few in the court that were brave enough to stand up to him. Brynjar knew the words that were whispered behind his back, but Duke Aethwulf was one that was not afraid to stand up to him. Brynjar disliked the duke even more for the kinship he seemed to share with Lelinus. He was one of the last men that Brynjar wanted to see come into more power or prestige. "Certainly, but let us not speak of these matters now." His eyes wandered to Evangelina who had been smart enough to stay silent during this whole exchange.

Trust was not something that Brynjar gave out willingly. He enjoyed the games they played behind closed doors and the dance they seemed to always be spinning around, but that seemed to be as far as Brynjar would interact with her. She was a woman, and his servant nonetheless.

There was a great tolling in the distance from the bell tower. "It's time." Brynjar's eyes seemed to grow more cold and distant. He strapped his sword to his side before he swept from his room.

The funeral procession was a truly somber occasion. It didn't matter what caste of life you found yourself in. Everyone had come to honor the great king. Of course the commoners and servants were not permitted into the great church where his body lay. They had to stay in the streets, but they would have a chance to get one last glimpse of their king when he was taken from the church towards the great cemetery where all the great kings and queens were laid to rest.

Brynjar was at the front of the church where Lelinus and Ingrid were expected to be. The church was full of every important person within the kingdom, as well as the nobility that had come from Fjellborg. The very front was reserved only for those with the bluest blood and highest pedigrees. Brynjar stood with a stone face and gazed upon the well preserved body of his father. He could still feel the slow burn of anger deep in his blood from all the choice Artos had made that Brynjar believed to be the wrong ones. He was ready to exact justice.

His eyes wandered over to Tyr and Jorvikson. There was a woman standing close to Tyr. He watched them for a moment as the memorial service began. There was something between them. He recognized that look. It didn't seem they were fully aware of their own feelings, but a truly pernicious and devilish idea had come to his mind.

Word had filtered around that Tyr would be staying for a time. Now he had the crown prince of Fjellborg within his clutches and a great idea had hatched.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson Character Portrait: Elska Agir
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Elska felt cold the morning of the funeral. The storm did not help the sense of foreboding she felt. Artos the Great would be laid to rest, and the evening would follow with the coronation of the crown prince Brynjar to King Brynjar. The uneasiness she felt had not abated even when Tyr had reassured her everything would be well. She could feel it in her bones how wrong it was for Tyr to stay, or even Ingrid--though Ingrid had no choice in returning home.

It was unfair and unjust. Elska balled up her fists and for a moment wished she had the prowess and skill of a warrior as Ingrid did. Part of her wanted to hunt Brynjar down and give him a piece of her mind. She wanted to put fear in his soul if he dared try to harm Ingrid or Tyr.

"My lady, are you all right?" her handmaiden asked as she was fixing a dark veil over Elska's elaborate braid crown.

"I'm fine Miriel," her voice sounded tired. Miriel put the finishing touches on Elska before departing. Elska viewed herself in the vanity mirror. She was dressed from head to toe in black. The veil did a good job concealing her face and the only white of her skin exposed were her hands.

She had been shuttled along to the great church where Artos lay with the royalty of Fjellborg. She was surprised to find how well loved Artos had been to his people. She felt a pang in her heart as she remembered Ull and her father's funerals. Many of their slain had not been granted more than an unmarked grave.

She had kept her eyes trained on Brynjar when he had arrived. He exuded confidence and an intimidating strength. He was no man to be trifled with and she suddenly felt foolish for her previous thoughts. She doubted a man such as he could ever feel fear.

There was a dark shadow in his eyes. Elska could not deny that he was a handsome man, and the brooding atmosphere he held only added to his allure.

She shook the thoughts away.

She turned her attention to Tyr who stood to her left. She placed a comforting hand to his arm in a discreet fashion, unaware that Brynjar was eyeing them at this point.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson Character Portrait: Elska Agir
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Lelinus smiled slightly as he felt Ingrid's touch. It was strange how close they had grown to one another over such a short time. It was a weakness and one he knew that his brother would exploit mercilessly, but he couldn't bring himself to harden his heart in that respect. She was not at all what he had been expecting. He had been expecting a cold marriage of convenience and that was if he was lucky. Yet, she was strong, kind, and saw beyond his weak body. He could not put into words how much he appreciated that.

"I fear that whatever lies ahead will not be what either of us are prepared for."

It was storming outside the Cahedral when they entered. The Patriarch was in the center of the room as the nobles shifted about, each preparing for their role. Leo gazed at his father's body as he took his place beside Brynjar, Ingrid's hand in his. This would be the last time he would see him in this life. Artemesia, how could he have died so quickly. He attempted to suppress the tears. It would not do to look weak here.

"We are gathered here," Julius began, "To return the body of our most gracious sovereign, King Artos, to the earth from which he was made..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson Character Portrait: Elska Agir
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Ingrid stayed close to Lelinus as they made their way to the cathedral. It was a grand building, Ingrid realised, more grand than anything they had in Fjellborg. It loomed over them, quietly dominating the horizon. Had the sky been clear, and the air pleasant, Ingrid might have said it was awe inspiring building that welcomed a person to its walls. But in the dark gloom of the storm that churned the seas, it was imposing, foreboding even. Nothing good could happen in a place like this.

It had rained the day Ull was returned to them, Ingrid remembered with a sharp pang. She remembered when she realised that Ull was not among those who returned, and Tyr's silent withdrawal from her questions. She knew then that Ull had died, but a fragile hope still bloomed that he was merely injured and that the gods would return him to them. Ingrid had never been a crier, her tears did not fall fast or free, but she wept the night Ull was returned to them. Tyr held her close that night. She couldn't remember if she had fallen asleep in his arms or not, but she woke in her bed and found Tyr on the floor in a makeshift bed.

Ingrid scanned the crowd for her brother, suddenly wishing to see him, but he was lost among the crowd of nobility, both Byrdainian and Fjellborgan. Ingrid took her place beside Lelinus, her hand in his as Patriarch Julius began the ceremony. She sensed that Brynjar's attention was not fully on the ceremony. She casually looked over and followed the line of his gaze, all the way over to Tyr. She frowned slightly. Why on earth would Brynjar be that interested in Tyr? She cast the thought to the back of her mind and turned her attention to Lelinus. He was looking straight ahead, his eyes glassy. She knew that look. Ingrid ran her thumb along Lelinus's hand, her attention on the Patriarch.


Tyr stood at the front of the cathedral, Jorvik on one side, Elska on the other. As a sign respect, they were all dressed in black. In any other situation, Tyr would have laughed at it all. Two enemy nations gathered to mark the passing of the king of one nation. The world had apparently been turned upside down. Whether that be for better or worse remained to be seen.

Tyr was lost in thought when he felt Elska's hand on his arm. He smiled softly at her. At least, he thought, at least no one else would lose loved ones to a petty war. Gudbrand had been a good man. Another needless casualty of war. Tyr sighed. By nightfall, Brynjar would be king and judging by his refusal to have Ingrid as his bride, he was not seeking to be Fjellborg's ally. The work Jorvik and Artos had done to bring peace to the continent stood to be undone in a matter of weeks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson Character Portrait: Elska Agir
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"...You were husband to Evila Mormont. You were father to Brynjar Augustus. You were father to Lelinus Augustus. Now we leave you to rest in the embrace of our Triune God. May Artemesia give you rest," Julius finished, raising his hands as the coffin was close and carried down the passageway below behind the altar and down to the crips. It was finished. The previous king had been laid to rest.

Lelinus felt cold as the procession made its way down the streets. Servants trailed behind noblemen and ladies with umbrellas lest their fine clothes were ruined by the rain. He felt Ingrid's hand gripped in his and he squeezed it as much to comfort himself as to feel something warm in the cold. He watched his brother beside him. What was he thinking? Had it truly dawned on him that their father was dead. He knew his brother. He hadn't been sad today. It was an act.

When they reached the palace, the crown already sat upon it and with a flourish, Julius picked it up to crown the new king as he sat there.

"Now, we are to crown the new king," the Patriarch stated solemnly before proceeding to speak directly to Brynjar, "Do you vow to rule with justice? To never act with selfish motive? Do you vow to defend your people? To fight until your last blood? Do you vow to love the people? To see them as the flesh of your flesh?"

When they finished, Brynjar would make a speech and they would be expected to pledge their allegiance to him. Leo wasn't looking forward to it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael Character Portrait: Tyr Jorvikson Character Portrait: Elska Agir
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Brynjar stared at his father's body as Julius finished the ceremony for their dead king. The body was taken away and would never be brought to light again. His mind was full of a great many thoughts that were running into each other. He couldn't make sense of them and he didn't try. He felt angry and bitter with his father for becoming so weak. He still couldn't understand the reasoning Artos had for submitting to a truce. They could've stamped the whole lot of Fjellborgan's out if they had only fought a little longer. Never again would they have to deal with raids or unjust deaths.

He left the church alongside Lelinus and Ingrid. The nobility of both countries were following behind the last two members of the house of Augustus.

The palace was hushed as the procession arrived and came into the thrown room. Brynjar strode forward with confidence and pride in his step as he moved to accept the crown he had been born to bear.

Julius' words were clear and carried through the quiet room. Brynjar bowed his head. "I vow with my body and spirit to fulfill all that is expected of me, and to fulfill the tasks laid at my feet." He spoke the traditional words before the crown was set upon his head.

The metal wasn't an ornamental piece. It was neither large or heavy. It was a thin and sturdy crown, but as Brynjar felt the weight upon his head, he felt an even greater weight fall to his shoulders. This was it. He was here. After years of disagreeing with his father's choices it was now Brynjar's turn to rule.

"Today belongs to the people." He turned from Julius and looked into the crowd of nobles that were assembled to witness his kingship. "We have laid our beloved king to return to Artemesia and bask in the glory of our ancestors." His voice was strong. "We bring in a new age of peace and it is my duty to protect you. I will guard my people with my life and protect their liberties." He glanced over to the Fjellborg party and then brought his eyes to where Lelinus and Ingrid stood.

"Tonight we feast in honor of all of our dead and their sacrifices. Tomorrow will be a new dawn and a new day." He ended his speech and the crowd bowed low in acknowledgement of his new title.

Brynjar reveled in the moment even though it felt more hollow than he had expected it to. He stepped down from the throne dias and came towards the crowd. Some of the Byrdain courtiers approached to give their condolences for his father's death and others came to pay respect to their new king. Once the pleasantries were over they would move to the great hall where they would feast, drink, and dance into the early hours of the morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael Character Portrait: Elska Agir
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Lelinus listened to his brother's speech thoughtfully, his eyes upon his brother's. He did not fail to notice the way his brother looked at the Fjellborgans. It was as he suspected, his brother was not the type to let go of a grudge and he always hated the Northmen. Still, he needed cause to break the treaty and he doubted Brynjar would find it today. Still, he needed to keep his eye on him.

He followed after his brother as protocol dictated. Few greeted him. The rivalry between himself and Brynjar was well-known and no one wanted to risk the future king's wrath. As they walked, he turned to Brynjar with a smile.

"That was a lovely speech, brother. I am sure with my union with Ingrid, peace will be assured for our time. Father would have wanted to see the kingdom rebuild."

Of course, he knew that it would irk him, but he knew that his brother couldn't exactly contradict his wish. Even kings had limits on their power.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael Character Portrait: Elska Agir
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Truthfully, Beorn did not feel comfortable in a great hall with feasting lords and tittering ladies. He was not Julius. He did not seek to use his talents to amass power and influence as the good Patriarch had. Many Royal Herbalists may have become courtiers in the past and gained titles and land through friendship with the king, but somehow, Beorn doubted that Brynjar would be as kindly disposed towards him. He understood why Leo placed him here. It was one of the few ways he could get under his brother's skin now that his word was law and it did show Beorn how much the prince valued him. Still, he wasn't comfortable in this environment.

As he sat near a corner and piled his plate with potatoes, roast boar, and, of course, leafy vegetables from his own garden, Beorn watched Julius entertain pleasantries with courtiers who hated him. He could never understand why the older man enjoyed such interactions. Did the old man ever think about God outside of brief prayers and invocations?

As he ate, he spotted a familiar face and his face flushed. Evangelina still stood out among the servants and even the ladies of the court. He motioned her, though the fine courtly gesture of a courtier was morphed into the sloppy wave of a peasant. When he came face to face with her, he tried to smile.

"By Artemesia, it is good to see a friendly face here. I have no idea how to conduct myself at these feasts," he whispered before asking loudly, "What vintage and flavor is this wine?"

His eyes darted around the room and was grateful few people were paying attention to him.

"I hope that His Grace has not been a troublesome employer."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael
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Brynjar was all too aware of the jibe Lelinus was laying against him in an attempt to get under his skin. Brynjar would not lose composure today, not with so many eyes on him. While the rivalry he felt with Lelinus ran deep, it had been years he had dreamed for this day and it would not be soured by his sickly brother.

"Indeed it has and we must thank Artemesia for this peace." The response might not have been what Lelinus expected as Brynjar had never been a particularly religious man--though he did respect the divine. "Your union seems to have suited you quite well. I think perhaps I shall turn my eye towards the Fjellborg's for my own bride." This certainly could not have been a response that Lelinus would ever conceived he'd hear from his older brother.

The seed of an idea that had settled in Brynjar's mind had taken root. He wasn't sure how far it would go, but he knew it would stir the pot and set blood boiling. For now, that was all Brynjar could do until he could rekindle the flame of war and set his sword against the northmen once more.

They arrived into the hall and Brynjar gestured to one of the servants before he sat at the center of the high table--the king's chair.

Image Elska watched as Brynjar approached the king's chair at the high table. While Tyr and Jorvik would be sitting at the high table, along with the other nobility of Byrdain, Elska was not highly ranked enough to sit up there. She was quite surprised when a servant approached her and bowed deeply at his waist.

"His Majesty, King Brynjar, has requested your presence at his side during the feast." The servant sounded nervous and eyed her wearily.

Elska's jaw dropped. She had not exchanged any words of substance with the fearsome king and her stomach knotted tightly to be requested at his side. She could see that Brynjar was as talented with schemes as he was with the sword. The left side of Brynjar was reserved for Jorvik as a foreign dignitary and a guest of honor. The right side was one that Elska was shaken to her bones to be invited to. It was breaking from tradition as the place was usually held for the heir, or the very least the next in line.

Brynjar was a man not afraid to break protocol or go against century old traditions. Elska knew that to refuse him would be politically dangerous and could plant a seed for dissent between the countries shaky peace. Yet she was more terrified to be at his side through the whole feast. What did he want with her?

“My lady?” the servant broke through her haze of thoughts and she realized she had been hesitating with her answer.

“Certainly, lead the way.”

The servant guided her through the various tables and mass of people trying to locate their correct seat and soon came to stand still as the servant pulled the chair out for her and she took her place next to Brynjar.

“You do me great honor, Elska of Agir, to seat next to me on such a night.” Brynjar’s voice was a smooth baritone and his dark eyes were blocked off to her giving no hint to the emotions or thoughts that were striking up behind their guard.

“It is a great honor to be requested to your presence during your coronation feast, Your Majesty.” Elska’s voice reflected the years of training she had in court affairs and did not betray the quaking sensation she felt rattling her soul.

Elska felt as though she had stepped into a viper’s den and was waiting for the moment it would strike and take her down.

Her eyes scanned passed Brynjar and passed Jorvik to Jorvik’s side where Tyr was seated and she was saying a silent prayer that there was nothing foul hiding in the shadows.

What motive did Brynjar have in seating a Fjellborg noble at his right hand? He had dismissed Ingrid and given her to a lesser man in marriage. Ingrid was by far the best match that could have come from Fjellborg. It made no sense that he would treat Elska.

“How have you found Byrdain?” the conversation that sprung from Brynjar’s mouth was casual and no different from what she would expect with any other man. This wasn’t any other man. Elska knew she had to be on her toes. She had witnessed his escapades with the poor servant girl at Ingrid’s wedding feast. Was that his plan? To despoil Elska and then turn her aside? The insult would be paramount. Elska was on her guard. She would not fall for such machinations.

“The climate is far warmer than our own in Fjellborg. I have rather enjoyed the weather. I’ve had the chance to go riding once and I was impressed with your land. You are certainly blessed here, Your Majesty.” She kept her calm facade in place as the food was served now that everyone was situated where they needed to be.

“I am pleased to hear it is to your liking.” Brynjar pulled his goblet to his mouth and savored the sweet wine that had been poured.

“I am grateful I have had the chance to visit. I was excited to be invited into Jorvik’s party to witness my dear friend Ingrid marry your brother.” The only indication he was listening as he ate was the sudden tension in his jawline as he chewed his food. “It was a beautiful ceremony. I was greatly ill at ease when I was informed of your father’s death. I am sorry I did not have the chance to extend my condolences to you before now.” Her voice lowered with her eyes out of respect.

“Thank you Elska,” she was startled to feet his fingertips brush against the back of her hand. She removed it quickly and placed it in her lap as if she had been burned. There was no doubt in her mind now about what Brynjar’s motives might be tonight.

“I only met your father briefly on our arrival. He seemed kind.” She plodded on as if nothing had happened.

“He was.” Brynjar’s short response.

“I have heard that Tyr is to stay for an amount of time.” Brynjar broke the silence that had settled between them.

“He told me as much. I believe it is Jorvik’s wish for Tyr to see that his sister is settled into her new life. I can’t imagine how it must be to adjust to a foreign land knowing you will never return home.” She hadn’t meant to say as much, but the wine seemed to have loosened her tongue a little.

“I am sure Ingrid will find friends among her new people. It seems her and Lelinus had come to some sort of mutual understanding, and I daresay they might even consider the other a friend despite such a short time in their acquaintance.” There was no malice in his voice as Elska had thought he would have displayed speaking on such topics. She was a foreigner to this land, but the animosity between the brother’s was legendary.

The main course was brought out and halted conversation between them for the moment. Elska breathed a sigh of relief as she could gather her wits about her again. She reached for her goblet only to shrink back. She needed to keep her mind tonight and she could already feel the wine she had previously drunk swim warmly through her veins.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lelinus Augustus Character Portrait: Evangelina Character Portrait: Ingrid Jorvikdatter Character Portrait: Beorn Clovermaen Character Portrait: Brynjar Augustus Character Portrait: Julius Gadfael
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ImageEvangelina wanted very much to pitch herself from the highest tower for wanting to be elsewhere at the moment. If it weren't the dirty looks, it was the hateful words. Clearly she was not from here, that fact was made painful obvious with how the others treated her, and some of them thought she was spreading her legs the old king for the new king's favor and then did the same for him, so that she may work for him.

In his dreams, she thought as she waited to serve. She wished this dreadful service was over so at least she would only have to deal with him as needed. Not the eyes of the lords and ladies. She was a foreigner among foreigners. Beorn, bless his sweet heart, had been teaching her much, one being about the once feud between the two lands that were now unite due to the Prince's marriage to their princess.

The timing of the king's death brought much this peace into uneasy truce territory but that wasn't her place to think about such things, since apparently him being her friend meant more to the old king then it did to anyone in this place. She couldn't even see him being sent off. She would visit him if she could in his final rest, and give a drink in his name as was tradition in her land. She felt so unbelievably alone in this place, even more so now, she was glad for the bright eyed man who was clearly taken with her but said not a word of it, -not that the poor lad could manage it, which honestly she appreciated. She wasn't in the proper space for such a thing now, though the comfort would probably be nice.

As if called by her thoughts, Beron captured her attention with an almost child-like wave. She could only smile softly as he approached.

"By Artemesia, it is good to see a friendly face here. I have no idea how to conduct myself at these feasts," He said and her smile grew then though her brows shot high when he suddenly shouted, "What vintage and flavor is this wine?"

"I hope that His Grace has not been a troublesome employer."
"Glad to see you as well, I was just thinking of you." She told him and then mused his statement. "Hm, Troublesome yes, but nothing I can't manage." She told him honestly. "He is...tolerable." She said and with that she looked back at the new king, having called a woman to him, who looked impossibly uncomfortable. The way she was seated by him but leaning the opposite way, looking at her cup as if it held her recuse. Evangelina rolled her eyes.

"I thought I was merely a handmaiden, but no, clearly I've become a governess..." She sighed, and it was then that the main course was ready to serve as so, as was her duty, she grabbed the King's meal and nodded to Beorn. "Un moment s'il vous plait" She said before carrying his dish to the high dais where the king and his latest prey was sat. She looked at her, gave her a small smile, before setting down his dish in front of him. She was still cross with him and she didn't care if he knew it, not that he cared one way or the other and it seemed he was well into his wine.

"Would the lady like anything" She asked her, gathering a pitcher, and raising it for her. She wanted to find a way to help the woman but she had to know if she wanted to be saved, her body language told her as much but she had to be sure. Some women liked being the victim, Evangelina wasn't one of them.