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Aleksei Avalon

The dark pureblood

0 · 1,249 views · located in Sable

a character in “The Promise Made”, as played by noctemys

So begins...

Aleksei Avalon's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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⌠I love Chopin, nice music taste! Oh my! Your post is excellent as always. :3 + I could see where you were leading it anyways as I read. Listening to it as I write... While you read listen to this →Classical piano

Aleksei glanced back to see the hunter storm in, his concern obvious for Isabella. "She's alright Salvatore, just relax—" He felt her brush passed him and he stilled, his gaze snapped to her retreating frame as though she were a dancer, floating away. "I can feel her," she whispered as she flowed out of the room. He found himself trailing after her like a lost puppy, forgetting everything and everyone else. He caught up to Isabella as she took the grand stair case down to the giant lower space below. Once a grandiose sight full of lush, elegantly dressed ladies and suited, proper men, where classical orchestral pieces floated from afar, a memory of peaceful events as those momentarily flashed through his thoughts. Why the sudden trip down memory lane? What was evoking this? The pureblood kept himself at a good distance from her, he could tell she was in some sort of trance or something, he was more curious to where this would lead to, rather than concerned.

And for a moment, he envisioned her in an elegant ball gown, her raven locks piled high over her crown with inky tendrils draped like black lace loose about her face. Reminiscences of Maria made his blood sing, he could almost feel her near. He could almost see her. But that was so long ago, a love that despite the passing time, still all too much consumed him. He still loved her, even now. But was it the same love? He was confused and bewildered. Damn.

He stopped moving at registering the first string of notes echoed in his mind, replacing Isabella's image was Maria, as youthful and vibrant she had been that enchanting night. The night she had played that very soulful and heart wrenching piece for him. He took a few more slow, deliberate steps and hesitated near the piano, his focus landing on Isabella or Maria's appearance. Saltine thin rivers of her tears streamed down those golden, molten eyes and his breath hitched. Maria... How..?

He closed his eyes, part of him reeling with a strange excitement that she was ubiquitous, her soul here, somewhere connecting to his still shattered heart. The other part of him resoundingly poignant that she was just apart of his past. Painful, loving, and still missing. But he had Mina now.

The song ended, pulling him out of his thoughts. Filling his sights with her once more, he rose his hands gently touching either sidr of her face. How he longed to be with her. Even if for a moment, "Maria," he whispered, then before he could contain himself, he leaned in, his lips pressing into hers, his heart swelled. It felt right, it was, all the emotions and sensations swirling in a frenzy within him was very real. All for her. Maria. Even her lips against his, meshing in ever a gentle touch felt like Maria's, somewhere in the back of his mind, aware that he was also kissing Isabella.

He pulled back slowly, his gaze settling over her own. Maria why did you leave me...? Sorrow filled him, but then the pain in his heated gaze faded to acceptance, a slow passionate smile spread evenly across his lips as his tapered fingers gently caressed Maria/Isabella's visage.

"I could never tell you good bye my love... So this is my farewell..." He was at peace now, he could feel it whole and all-consuming, a bit of the weight lifting from him. Making it all a little more bearable. Sensing eyes on him, he turned his gaze upward, sweeping his eyes to the balcony overlooking them to see Salvatore, his expression infallible. But his sapphire eyes were blazing, with shock? Anger? He'd seen the kiss alright. Aleksei in turn frowned deeply, the tenderness in his eyes hardening instantly, why the hell was he staring at them like that? He was a body guard, nothing more. It gave him the impression that the hunter had somehow developed an emotional attachment to his charge, very unprofessional. And if that was the case, he may have to reconsider the other's position. Romance between a close protection officer and his client wasn't acceptable. Ever.


Isabella awashed in an aura from afar, as if she were glowing from within. Isabella not only had a fondness for nature, but a talent at the piano. For a while, Dean could only watch and listen. Something was building, the energies tugging at him were unfamiliar. Was Isabella even aware of it? When the pureblood approached, he stopped himself from intercepting between them. What he hadn't expected was the kiss. Whoa. It was like being stabbed right in his chest, inexplicably painful.

At meeting the pureblood's gaze, he gripped the banister the wood creacked beneath his grasp. Bastard. He stared right into Aleksei's glowering dead on, not intimidated by him the slightest. So it was him she'd chosen, the prick vampire. The irony almost made him laugh, but it was a fact that he should have been aware of. What the fuck was wrong with him? He shouldn't be feeling this awful pain twisting at his insides, it shouldn't hurt so much. The people he cared for most were already gone, he should have been used to this gut-wrenching sensation by now. What was he expecting, that someone like her would ever be interested in someone like him? He was a hunter, and not only that, a freaking demon hybrid.

He turned away, bounded into the room he'd awoken in, he silently shoved his feet into his boots, and yanked his coat about his frame. Noticing Morrigan he told her he'd be outside. She was free to do what she pleased. He didn't wait for her to protest as he finally grabbed his blade and swung it over so that it attached itself to his back. Pacing across the corridors, he descended the steps, then continued right passed Lombardi and Avalon as if they weren't there. Getting back to business.

This revelation was like a splash of arctic water, shocking his senses to overdrive. It reminded him of his resolve, he was going to make a decision from a vantage point of strategy over emotion. His priority was becoming Miss Lombardi's shield—which also meant that the life-line bull shit tethering her to him would have to go. If something were to happen to him, which was indefinite, then he would be the only one taking the hit. Not Isabella. He was her shield after all. He fished out his cell from his coat pocket, and dialed Jenkins.

The man picked up on the second ring.

"Hey old man how's it going? Oh yeah I'm golden... Nope I didn't go. Ya know, I got a case." He nodded and chuckled bitterly, "Sorry it uh got the jump on me, I'll show and tell when I get back. So I'm callin cuz I need you to get Solt for me. Eeyup, that Solt...." He listened further to Jenkin's rambling about being careful, responsibility, blah blah blah.

"Gotcha, loud and clear so let me know when you get her in, thanks."

Snapping the device shut he pocketed it into his leather jacket and shook his head, running a hand through his short hair. Long ass day, when was it gonna end?

The silhouette of a figure stood right outside the property line, watching from the cover of the trees. That boy, Salvatore the Nephil was the most outstanding creature there. "Your face has the look of a wild hunter..." he whispered darkly, he'd been watching the him for a long time now, it was quite obvious that Salvatore had the tendency to capture the hearts of those he encountered. Aleksei trusted him thoroughly, and already Morrigan and the other vampires were taking a liking to him—including Lombardi herself. Or perhaps that was his angel side they liked. The observer waited. Everyone's favorite Lombardi child was tucked away safely inside the manor. Once the major defenses were folded over, mainly the wolves, the hunters, and that boy, and that pureblood pest, he could find her—then destroy her before the Italians could get a hold of her.

Dean stepped away from the wall, he drew his blade and started out toward the source where he could feel the vibrations of energies shifting, heightening. What it did really, was attract him, pulling at him from within.

That mist, curled around the green hills thick as a London fog. A tugging force made it hard to move. Gasping for air, he struggled to keep standing, whatever that mist thing was, it just hovered there, like a ghost, watching him, waiting.

The hunters started yelling in terror, as a few unlucky men got crushed to bits by the fierce stomping of the monster that had stepped out of hiding. The surviving hunters, pulled out their guns, aimed and started shooting at the giant creature that looked like a being from hell, with the body of a giant lion, and the head of a golden gigantic bird. Yep, demon alright.

Dean was transfixed to the spot, as the monster's giant beak shot to one of the nearest men and chomped him in half, blood sprayed out everywhere. It was a disaster and these specially trained Vampire hunters would be no math for such an abomination. As it seemed, this was all Dean was good at, and nothing more. He couldn't even protect those he cared about, but even so, he would never give up. Unsheathing his blade, the Nephilim ran toward the monster, and he rose his blade up to meet it head on.


Mina walked out of the room and glanced into the other room across from Lombardi's to spot Morrigan, offering a slight, polite smile she looked around to see that she was alone. Where did the hunter go? Continuing down to reaching the top of the grand stair case she descended them to spot her fiance seated too closely to Isabella for comfort. What was going on?

"It's Maria, she's... present." Aleksei said cautiously, his dark eyes warily held her gaze. He had the uncanny ability to read her thoughts, either that or it was the work of his vampire abilities.

Mina pressed her lips into a tight line, of course that didn't sit well with her and all the blood drained from her face. The music, his attachment to her, it was all clear. He was still enraptured by the woman—who was dead! It was enough to push her over the edge and she stepped back.

Registering her shock, Aleksei stirred and was about to reassure her overreactions but she didn't even give him the chance to, she rose her hand, palm facing him to stop. She shook her head, "Don't. It's fine. She's obviously more important to you, if she were still kicking, you'd run to her in a heartbeat." Then she spun on her heel and ran off God knows where, leaving him stunned and winded.

What was going on? He turned to Isabella, his eyes wide, searching her for answers he couldn't find.

At the sound of the war going on just outside his property. Aleksei shot to his feet and reached for Isabella's hand, "Come I'm going to escort you out an underground passageway where you'll be safe, let's go!" He pulled her toward the direction of the stairs.

When a human being encounters that which they cannot understand, what do they do?
Naturally they search for answers, they ask themselves questions:
What just happened to me?
How do I reconcile this?
What am I supposed to do now?
Then again, the more you think about something, often times the further your mind will lead you from the truth.
Yes, your thoughts will only get in the way, of what your instincts truly desire.
To know the real answer.

So the boy had it in him to fight. The observer's lips curled into an approving grin, though the activity in the house had died down since the force had stopped a while ago, he could tell that it had Salvatore's involvement. Were the Italian vampires up to something? He could only anticipate finding her, their precious jewel, and stop her beating heart, so that he could prevent the future he'd already seen. Too bad an innocent life had to go, but there wasn't any other way. He watched the scene unfold as the hunter struggled against his opponent. It would be a grueling battle indeed. The boy sustained near fatal injuries, but kept pressing on, swinging his blade.

"Let's see how well he can go up against an S-Level demon, should be quite a show." The man said to no one in particular.

The setting changes from Sable to Delroy Castle


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Delano Delroy Character Portrait: Eclair Delroy
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"Get me a hunter." She demanded urgently, remaining by the entrance of the room. One of her servants bowed and turned to fulfill hr request. She frowned as she stared at the dark room, her eyes taking in everything, the place felt chilled, tense and constricting. in some way she could connect to her beloved trapped within the tomb, she felt his desperation for freedom and will to keep pressing on. To live.

Tears streamed down her eyes, "Soon we will be together, soon." She said, crying silently.

Outside, the servants, about four of them went on a hunt for their Vampire Hunter, as commanded by the queen. It didn't take long for one of the to spot a male hunter, on a stake out. Not taking more than a few minutes to explain the situation, the hunter named Raze thought it would be better to serve the royalists, he could see his paycheck increase ten-fold. So he followed the servants back to the castle, re-entering the giant structure through a different secret entrance that lead directly to the underground chambers back to where the queen was situated. After the hunter took in her situation he picked her up, after getting her permission to do so and he walked in.

The atmosphere shifted, she could feel the spike in energies literally attacking her insides, but she resisted and made it to the tomb, she beckoned the hunter to assist in pushing the stone covering over and opening it. He did so, what they saw next shocked them.


Aleksei and Delano's twin, fought it out viciously. Things around them crumbled, everything except the enemy. When Aleksei grabbed the other and pinned him against the wall, he thrust his left hand into the man's body, and gripped firmly at his pounding heart, "You're done playing your games King."

"Don't kill him Alek, that's my right. He is my brother," Came the authentic king's voice, thundering in the expanse of the room.

Aleksei turned to see the less-than fit king, he'd fed from his queen, his eyes blazing to that testament, and unbridled fury. He crossed the room, toward them. The edges of his lips twitched into a half smile, so he released the severely injured vampire and stepped back, raising his palms as he did so, amusement dancing in his once cold, menacing claret eyes.

"He's all yours, I'll be taking my leave now Delroy, I have my own affairs that need my attention."

"We apologize for the trouble," The king told him, as he reached his younger twin and gripped him by the throat. The other said nothing, but had a sleezy, ugly, bloody smile on his face.

"You're back where you belong, glad I could help. Keep in touch." Aleksei told him with a light smile, and he was walking away. He was to return to Sable as soon as possible, mainly in his private jet. He would be there beside Isabella soon. Very soon.

The setting changes from Delroy Castle to Sable


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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{Hime that was so beautifully written, I actually teared up a little. Bravo, love!}

Within the confinement of the hourglass, the soul of Maria continued to dance blithely, her eyes closed, hands spread like wings as far as the clear prison would allow. How she wept when Aleksei kissed the lips of her angelic descendant, who would be unable to appreciate such a loving gesture that Maria had been craving for hundreds of years, even in death. She brought her fingers to her mouth, her eyes still closed, almost able to feel the sensation of his flesh upon hers, though she had none. She remembered the times that they shared together, a distant memory that was still so lucid that it haunted her like a phantom.

"Though my soul fades," she whispered, her words shaky and heavy with tenderness. "Know that my love for you will live on for eternity, as a star in the sky. Addio, mio cielo..."

As Maria lifted her hands, Isabella brought her own to mold around Aleksei's jaw. She stroked his cheek with her little finger, gazing into his garnet eyes with the golden ones of her own, though they were the lenses of a long lost soul at this precise moment. The words that Maria had uttered now spilled from Isabella's lips, just as softly and so much like Maria that if one listened closely enough, her own distinct voice could be heard.

Isabella's heart began to pound, slowly and rhythmically like music as she gazed at Aleksei for just a moment longer, a smile unfurling on her rosebud mouth. It began to quicken in its pace, and as it did so, Maria opened her eyes again, the fingers from her lips falling to her chest where she could sense a little pulse.

As the silence fell upon them like night upon the horizon, the glow that encompassed Isabella began to dim, as did the light within her eyes, until it finally flickered out altogether. The glaze disappeared from her irises and consciousness returned to them instead as she realized that she was staring into the face of her guardian. Her hands fell to her side, her heart still palpitating but gradually slowing down.

"Aleksei, did you...?" for a moment her eyes searched the ballroom, casting to the piano and then reverting to her hands, which she stared at inquisitively. "I don't even know how to... and how was that...?"

She caught the retreating figure of Dean as he glided down the steps in a rage and disappeared out the front door. Instinctively a hand flew to her mouth, still warm from the pressure of the kiss that Aleksei had planted, and her cheeks flared red.

"Oh no..." she muttered, her shoulders dropping. A sigh left her being, and immediately she could sense the presence of the pureblood's fiancé, who stood behind them, her face solemn. "Oh, Mina, it's not what it looks like..."

But the princess fled before either of the star-crossed lovers had the chance to explain themselves. They turned to each other, and Isabella opened her mouth to say something before she was interrupted by the pounding of Selene's boots against the stairs. In one long bound, she dropped to the bottom and landed before the two, her bow and arrow ready at her hands. But she didn't stop to explain- instead, she exploded through the front door and rushed outside to aid her partner.

Everything suddenly became a blur, as the atmosphere around Isabella and Aleksei became the visage of the masquerade those centuries ago; everything morphed into a clamor; glass was shattering and blood was spilling by the gallon. Women were screaming and children were crying- as Isabella looked down at her crimson stained gown, Aleksei had her by the hand and was tugging her across the ballroom.

She could see the black shadows of weapon equipped hunters darting through the chaos, ready to fight whoever or whatever was invading. She saw another silhouette in particular whom she felt she recognized, whose face looked like Dean's; he also wielded a weapon of extraordinary power, but Isabella was whisked away into a corridor before she could make out anything else.


Her small feet were pattering haphazardly against the tiles as Aleksei led her down another winding staircase. The air grew thinner here and the temperature began to drop quickly- they were going somewhere underground- and before they reached a sealed door, Isabella stopped. She grasped her guardian's hand as though she might float away if she let go. Her eyes were serious as they had ever been before.

"Aleksei, I'll be okay here," she began. "Please just make sure Dean doesn't get himself killed. Will you do that for me?"

Her voice was stern, but her pleading was a clear undertone despite its stillness. She clutched his hand even harder, her topaz eyes shimmering with the threat of tears that she choked down. All these images that were clouding her mind of past lives and different days were beginning to take its toll on her- everywhere she looked, she saw things of a different era and could not purpose what they meant.

"Please, please keep him safe," she continued. "I love him."


Selene pushed open the front doors of the manor and bounded down the steps into the courtyard, where she briefly hesitated to gaze upon the monstrosity that erupted from the forest. Already she could see Dean rushing toward the beast with his blade wielded and his eyes ablaze. Horror gripped her as she scanned the carnage that painted the lush landscape scarlet with remains of her defeated hunter allies.

Suddenly, the giant body of a wolf collided and slid a ways in front of her, snapping her out of her trance. It was heavily wounded, and although it stayed grounded for a moment, miraculously it managed to stand. Already its shiny grey coat was matted and growing red with its injuries. It whined in pain, turning to look at Selene, who reverted her astounded gaze to the monster that plagued them. She couldn't shake the feeling of something even more ominous lurking somewhere she couldn't detect.

"Where the hell are you when we need you, Vera?!" Selene hissed beneath her breath, taking an arrow from her quiver and dipping it in the little pouch attached to her belt.

She spat on it, waiting for the hiss of a chemical burning on its steep, pointed head before anchoring it against her cheek and letting it soar through the air beside Dean. She took off at full speed to catch up with her comrade, followed by the pack of Julian's brothers close at her heels.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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((I'm glad you liked it.))

Underground Chambers, Avalon manor

Aleksei turned to look down at his most precious girl, she was indeed determined and thorough as she'd ever been. Not surprising, knowing her. He smiled tenderly, and his hand caressed the side of her cheek with the back of his knuckles as she finished speaking, "I know you do, but that is something you should tell him." Then he turned to the door and after brandishing a long, skeleton key he unlocked the door, inside was a large, high ceiling room, complete with antique furnishings and an old world design throughout. From here were several other rooms connected, kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, and even a play room, with a billiards table and other entertainment devices. This was set up for the sole purpose of the even in which case Isabella would need to be hidden from the world. No one but Salvatore and the witch knew about Avalon Manor's secret underground chamber, after all, there was another locked door down a curious passageway, inside was his tomb. Where he had once been.

"I trust that you will be safe here, with Mina of course, I will return at your side as soon I can Isabella. Under no circumstances do you open this door. I can't imagine what would happen if someone got in here and..." He shook his head and released a deep sigh, the vibrations of the chaos upstairs reverberated within him. "Mina!" He shouted, turning back to see the girl sullenly appear from around the hall, in her hands she held the Lune staff, always prepared.

"I'll protect her with my life, just go. Salvatore's... not doing so well... Morrigan is trying to help, and so is Michael..." She wouldn't meet his gaze as she reached for her charge by the elbow and pulled her into the room.

Aleksei muttered, "Be gentle," then he shut the door tightly and locked it. Resting a hand on the surface of the heavy carved door, he said a little prayer, and stepped back.

Outside Avalon grounds

Once he reached outside his nearly destroyed manor, Aleksei was nearly struck by the demon's attack. He glanced up to see the arrows shot by Morrigan pierce into the monster's flesh, whatever concoction she'd dipped it into, clearly made some damage to its body—but not enough. All it did was attract its attention to her, enraged, it went after her now.

"Shit!" Dean hissed, catching the lion-gryphon hybrid as it stomped towards Morrigan, in attempt to crush her under it's clawed paws. It was surprisingly fast, despite its height, and annoyingly hard to kill. It kept flying and spitting out the most acidic glob of spit ever. Dean knew this because it hit him multiple times already, in his attempts to protect his comrade. And failing to.

"Dean, quite trying to play that hero and kill that thing!" Aleksei demanded, seeing as his tactic wasn't working, he was waiting time and energy and not solving the problem.

As Dean sliced at the raking claws above him, he nodded, bounding up towards the gryphon's head, its ugly orange, yellow eyes snapped up to meet his form, coming down at it with his blade. The monster opened its beak and managed to clamp on to the teen's foot, slamming him down into the ground.

Aleksei shot after the creature seeing that Salvatore was out, he slit at his wrist with his nail and from his blood, grew curved, giant blades of sorts, crystallized and hardened. He disappeared for an instant, and flashed into view above the monsters head, he rose his arm up and in one swift motion, brought the curved blades down on its head. Slicing off part of its skull. The pieces of that fell away morphed into grotesque, feathered like animals with sharp canines and glowing orange-yellow eyes. They started to attack anyone within its vicinity. There were about three of them, they jumped on two hunters that were trying to shoot them, and in moments, they were nothing more but scraps of flesh, and bones.

Dean's eyes flared open, bright crimson, the pupils in them, shrunk and then expanded into thin slits, also a deep dark red. And that was it. He was up and racing after that monster, faster and more aggressive with his hits then he had been prior, he forced the edge of his blade into the monster's leg, and pushed it in, then he used the hilt as a stepping stone, bounding up, he went for its head, predicting it would open its large beak, he purposefully angled himself to dive right in.

Aleksei stared at the monster as it appeared it had swallowed the hunter whole. For a second, the creature looked rather confident, and before he could react, the little bird beasts he was dealing with, shot him a dose of acid spit that did a number on him. He clenched his teeth at the terrible burning on his arm and half of his body, he formed it into blood, that regenerated most of the damage, and slashed at the monster with his blades. It only birthed more creatures.

Inside the gryphon-lion, Dean crawled down its throat and despite the bad smell of rotten filth, and flesh, he picked up his angel blade and once he located the heart, he stabbed into it. The result, blood sprayed at him like a ripped hose, and he kept hacking at the beach-ball sized organ. The monster was thrashing and screeching, and pounding. Struggling to survive, but it only added more stress to its body.

"I'm not letting you... kill anymore!" Dean shouted, with each stab, then the weapon glowed, and at first it felt like it was burning in his grasp, but he ignored the pain and hacked away. The blade, being of celestial properties gave off a powerful aura, and pulsed in his hands. He rose it once over his head, and sliced down, cutting through the heart in half, along with its chest, and out he dropped, to the ground. The purity of the weapon was enough to tear apart its naturally evil mark-up and like the burning acid it spat out, the light from the blade, burned the creature away to mere scraps, blood rained from the sky.

Dean remained standing there, the other creatures dropped as their leader was destroyed. The sword was beginning to hurt, and the boy dropped it. His attention remained on a particular mound of demon flesh that had fallen from the monster. Dean fell to his knees, a vacant look in his face, he reached for it before it burned away and brought it to his lips. Biting into it, he sucked at the remaining blood, much similar to a vampire feeding on a human. When the flesh turned to ashes, his eyes flitted back to their normal cloudy blue color, then he collapsed, exhausted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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Isabella nodded at Aleksei's instruction, confident that he would no doubt protect the hunter whom she so loved. When Mina reappeared, her hood drawn over her pretty face to cast a shadow so deep that it hid her amethyst eyes, she felt and immediate flush swell in the apples of her cheeks. Isabella half listened to Aleksei charge his fiancé with her safety before she was yanked into the room and the heavy door slammed shut.

Isabella swallowed a lump in her throat as the key clicked and the lock sealed them both safely inside. For a moment she just stared at the door, suddenly wishing that Aleksei would return, so that he could stand between the two females and perhaps lighten the tension that buzzed between them like static. She turned around though, forcing down her pride and inspected the lovely, vacant and dimly lit room that appeared undisturbed for years.

"Mina," Isabella began timidly, remaining close to the door in fear of the pureblood princess. "I-I want to apologize for what happened. I wasn't myself. The love I have for Aleksei is not romantic in that manner, but more of a deep respect, like a father. I would never betray your trust and disrespect you that way willingly."

She stopped for a moment, waiting for a response from the solemn woman.

"She's here, Mina," Isabella continued, almost in a state of disbelief. "I...I know it sounds crazy...well, what am I saying? Everything has been crazy lately...but I...I felt her. Like, she was part of me- or was me- I could see what she saw and feel how she felt and say what she said. It was all so surreal, like some weird dream..."

She dropped to one of the Victorian chaises and sighed.

"I've been having really strange visions lately. I don't know what they mean, and every time I see something, I feel myself grow a little weaker..."


Selene hissed as the acid that the giant chimera-like creature spat hit the back of her shoulder. Immediately the scent of charred leather filled her nostrils and she whirled around, taking another arrow and sending it flying toward it before running some more. Her heart was pounding inside her chest like a war drum as it chased her, its massive paws raining down like mountains in attempt to crush her, and each time she scarcely made it out of the way in time.

"Forget about me, Salvatore!" she cried out, noticing that Dean was trying to prevent it from flattening her too. "Just destroy the damned thing!"

She spotted Aleksei the moment he emerged from his extravagant mansion, which was now painted in the gore of her fallen comrades. He disappeared just as soon as he had, bounding toward the gryphon with weapons created by his own body. Selene turned just in time to see Dean sail straight into the gaping mouth of the monster, and her blood instantly ran cold.

"DEAN, NO!" she screamed in horror, but it was too late.

Everything turned to slow motion as more carnage littered the once illustrious and beautiful acres of the Avalon manor. Pieces of her hunter brothers were flying around and feathers were erupting in the air; all Selene could think about was what she would have to tell Isabella, if the girl even survived from being linked to the boy who had just committed suicide.

And suddenly, the creature shrieked, doubling over in agony as the Nephilim exploded from its chest, dripping in blood. Selene was simultaneously petrified and awestruck as she saw the flashing heavenly glow of the ethereal weapon the angel had given him.

"It''s true..." she muttered to herself. "It's really happening..."

She watched as he indulged in the creature's remains, and when the hunter collapsed, she immediately ran over to his side to help him up.

"Avalon!" she cried out into the air.

She inspected the hunter, catching a glimpse of his feral looking pupils before they returned to normal and sealed shut behind his eyelids. She supported his weight and limped back toward the manor, nodding at the wolves that had spread over the grounds in search of any other signs of threat to the inhabitants.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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Aleksei was still shell-shocked, had to be his nerves. The wild hellions he'd been holding up against suddenly fell apart, it was surreal and nightmarish and something he wanted to forget. At Morrigan's call, he rushed to her side and helped carry the hunter across the lawn back inside the house. He noticed the boy's dead weight and would have worried had he not had the sensitive hearing to detect the kid's pounding heart. Good, at least he was okay. They walked over limbs, and broken shards of blood stained glass. The pureblood kept his gaze focused on his semi-destroyed house, trying not to look at the death scene around him.

"Sir, Callisen has called, she said she's on her way over here." A servant was saying as he opened a door for the two carrying the boy into a room. They gently laid him on the bed, and Aleksei turned to the man that was still standing at the door, awaiting a response.

"Ryan, get me towels and water. Now." Aleksei ordered, his tone quite fierce as he busied himself with getting the hunter out of his heavily bloody soaked coat.

"Sir, these were left behind," came a female maiden, she held two weapons, one in each hand, the longer, heavier Rebellus blade and the smaller, angelic dagger. She looked unsure what to do with them, she held them by the hilts with white, now red stained clothes as not the stain her own hands with them.

"Just drop them there," Aleksei muttered as he pulled off the hunter's boots and soaked socks. How where they going to go about with this? Frustrated he called out for Ryan again.

Avelon Manor, underground chambers

Mina bit her lower lip as the sound of her fiance's retreating steps, this was going to be kind of awkward, if it wasn't already. At the girl's explanations and apologies she simply nodded, she was telling her things she already knew. She'd seen the look on her fiance's face when Isabella had played that song and she had already seen it in his memories when he had allowed her access into his thoughts through blood drinking. She had accepted that part of him, but still, seeing him do this, it was a blow to her heart. Even if she already knew why it was.

She joined Isabella, and sat on a plush settee, her eyes on the crackling fire place, she watched the flames dancing, and she wished he were here with her.

"You don't have to apologize Miss Lombardi... I understand your situation, or at least from what I've gathered from Al. He's such a dummy sometimes." She shook her head, then looked up at the girl, "would you like anything to drink, tea?" She asked politely, being as hospitable as ever. She didn't want Aleksei to get mad at her for not being nice. So she stood and stared to walk toward the kitchen when she felt the energies shift above, what the heck was going on up there? Was the apocalypse falling upon them already? She frowned and tried not to think about it too much, Aleksei was up there, he was strong. He could handle anything. She sure hoped the hunter was okay, he did look pretty mad when he had left to go on patrol. Who wouldn't? She couldn't blame him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian
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0.00 INK

Assaciel nodded as she too had heard the voice of the heavens speak. She could tell that this was beginning to be more difficult than they had expected to be. Too many enemies coming at them from different angles, and no longer were they both enough. Now they had to rely on an ancient demon lord, whom may not even want to participate in this. She listened silently as he addressed her, and simply waited.

"I don't know about Michael." She spoke softly, shaking her head gently, then she locked her gaze with him, "What about Castiel? He's very… interested about this." She rose her hands gesturing about her, everywhere that is. Especially the humans that inhabited the world that only God knew. He, unlike most angels had a fondness to humans, and had always sought to aid them, from the very beginning. This would be the perfect opportunity for him to be concerned.

"Locating the tomb site won't be a problem, I know where to look. Though once I find it, do you suppose that I guard over it? Is there anything particular required to awaken him?" Assaciel inquired, was there even a way to revivify a deceased demon lord when half of his essence passed down to his son?


Michael was out of the windows the instant he felt the thickening miasma coursing though him like a heavy dense English fog out at sea. It made the hairs at the back of his neck stand on end and he was more than shocked at seeing the giant bird-lion creature seemingly glide out of the sky, what the hell was that thing? However he had no time to think about this creature's origins for people were already being burned to death by its acidic spit and or crushed and torn apart by the beasts sharp beak. Michael wasn't about to let anyone behind him get struck so when projectiles of gooey acid spit flew his way, he rose his hands, creating a thick sheet of ice to form and rise from the ground, shielding them from the blow. He glared back at the hunters trying to defend themselves poorly with their Vampire weapons. "Get out, run! This thing's a demon, not a vampire!" He warned them, his eyes glowing bright blue as he had to rise another ice wall, the acid was burning his ice away—jeez, that was pretty potent stuff.

Soon though, the hunters around him were being decimated one by one, and there wasn't much he could do, the acid was enough to slow him down once he'd gotten unlucky enough to get hit by a couple of shots. Healing and all was draining at him and the sun was still out so that didn't help him in the slightest. The Nephilim suddenly shot into the monster's opening beak and that nearly drove him mad, what was this kid thinking? He was about to go after him and produce an ice blade, and cut at the creature, in attempt to salvage the lunatic hunter boy, but then stopped when the monster began to convulse and go wild. Topple over and out came the boy, using his celestial weapon to cut it out from within. Smart move.

What made him wary of the boy however was when he reached for what looked like a piece of flesh from the monster and he bit into it ravenously. The kid's eyes flared bright crimson, like a vampire's and then he dropped after that. The sky was awash with red droplets of blood, raining on them all. Michael was going to help the boy up, but Selene beat him to it, and so did Avalon soon after. Was he even of any use to them? He felt left out.

All he could do was follow them back into the manor, and watch as they tended to the hunter. Outside the window he noticed the silhouette of a man, a tall, slender man watching them from afar. How suspicious that was, and at Avalon's shouting, he looked to see the servants scurrying about trying to follow his orders quickly.

When Michael glanced back at the spot where her had spotted their stalker, the man was gone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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Selene recoiled as they laid the wounded hunter upon his bed. The stench of the monster blood was suddenly to overpowering for her to be near him. Her aquamarine eyes flared bright jasper as she snarled in disgust, holding her arm over her sensitive nose. How she dreaded being a newborn.

"There's so much blood..." she said between gagging. "What the hell was that thing, Aleksei?"

She took a step back, trying not to heave as she helped the pureblood take the boy's soiled shoes and socks off. Every part of the little Nephilim was covered in thick, foul smelling crimson liquid. She wondered how the creature had found them when Isabella had disappeared from the radar and the Avalon manor was tucked quietly in the deepest part of Silver Mist.

"I'm going to draw a bath," Selene told Aleksei, slinking into the bathroom and running the water. As much as she cared for her partner, she knew he might appreciate a rude awakening and left it streaming cold. "Let's just throw him in it and wait for him to wake up."

She anticipated the agitated looks she might receive from Aleksei, but she smirked nonetheless, knowing that if Veratos had been there, she would chuckle alongside her. When the bath filled up, she wrapped one of Dean's arms around her shoulders and dragged him in a trail of blood to the marble tub, where she laid him and watched as the water began to turn red.

"Now let's wait for Sleeping Beauty to grace us with his awakening."


"You don't have to be nice to me," Isabella said softly, gently refusing the tea with a shake of her head. "I wouldn't, if some girl who keeps getting my friends into trouble kissed my husband."

She let her head drop so that her dark locks fell around her face like drapes. She sighed, recalling the events in her mind like scenes from a movie. She had never touched a piano prior to tonight, and was pretty sure she was actually quite tone deaf. She looked at her hands, recalling how they had played such a spectacular piece of music and how she felt when she was playing it; conscious of her body, but not having any control over it.

She wanted answers, but everything just seemed to get a little cloudier as time passed on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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0.00 INK

Aleksei couldn't help the shocked expression on his face, and before he could protest the huntress was dragging Salvatore across the floor, leaving a trail of blood behind. It did smell awful, though he hadn't noticed until she mentioned it. He rose as Ryan reappeared with a pitcher of water and towels in his arms. He stood by for further instruction.

"Place it there, we're gonna need it." He said quietly.

He turned his gaze to Michael who seemed to be curiously watching something outside. What? Were there more demons present? This couldn't be good. He passed by, and peeked out the windows, but there was nothing there.

"We need to take more precaution, it's no longer Isabella they're after. The situation has changed." Aleksei said softly, a dark look clouding his usually calm features, he gave his back to the windows and ordered the servants to hurry up and change the bed sheets.

Cold, it was all he could feel, and for a moment, Dean thought he was in a dream, it sure felt that way. Most of the time his nightmares gave him the sensation that he was in a frigid place, the woods, the street, and snow falling everywhere, sticking to his skin, always painful, always the same. Memories of an unresolved past, as if trying to remind him of something that he had yet to fully grasp. It was something he'd grown used to, an endless cycle that he had accepted, lived through, as warped as it may be, but when he found himself nearly choking, he knew then and there that he couldn't be dreaming, unless the nightmare had taken a more brutal twist. Struggling for conscious he thrashed and pushed and tried to open his eyes, see something beyond the deep expanse of black that was all around him.

His vision was met with a stream of icy waters raining down on him, drenching him. He blinked against the waters, and drew a deep breath through his lips as he tensed and sat up, pain shocked into his left shoulder and he knew it was dislocated. It had to be when he had forced himself into that demon lord's throat, that was a little too reckless on his part. Isabella wouldn't be too thrilled at finding that out. He hoped she wouldn't or he'd never hear the end of it. There was a strange taste of blood in his mouth, it wasn't his. Why did is taste good? Tugging at his arm, he re-positioned it comfortably and slowly popped it right back into place. Relief allowed him to exhale sharply and he frowned as he stared at the water, dark with blood flowing down the drain. How did he get here? Then he felt a familiar presence beside him, which drew his gaze upwards to spot Morrigan's face. She must have dragged him all the way back inside the manor, then dumped him inside the bath tub... Why? And what was with that expectant smile on her face? What the heck?

Feeling his head pounding terribly, he fell back against the bath tub, just breathing. The feel of the cool water against his heated body was welcoming. He did not have the energy to attempt at climbing out of the tub even if he tried. He looked at her steadily, "Why are you still here...?" He rasped, not liking the sound of his own voice. He wondered briefly where Isabella was, then he recalled that guy was with her. He's keeping her safe, doing a better job than the hunter ever could.

"I'm not your kind..."

She was a strange woman, most people would have ran for the hills after seeing what they saw him do. Guess she wasn't most people.

Avalon Manor, underground chambers

"The thing is, Isabella, I know Aleksei, I get why he does what he does. And I accept it, because I love him." Mina continued to serve tea, for herself that is, she could use a cup of it. She filled the kettle with water to prepare it for heating, she glanced back to see the girl examining her hands. A nervous gesture? When the kettle heated the water sufficiently, she picked it up and poured a small amount of the clear water into the tea cup, then plopped a Twinning's English tea bag into it, picked up the little spoon and returned to the living room to join Isabella once again. She sat across from her, watching her curiously. This was the girl he would give his life for to save. This was someone he'd known way before she came into the picture, it was something she had no say in whatsoever.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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Selene crossed her arms over her chest, standing upright from having been leaning against the threshold, watching over her partner and making sure he didn't drown. When he awakened in a choking fit and growled at her in his usual feisty mood, she grinned and turned to leave, relieved that he was back to his catty self. She wouldn't express her thankfulness for his safety in the form of a kind face and light eyes as was the custom for gentle souls like Isabella, Michael and Aleksei.

But in remembering his effort to keep her from being crushed, keeping an eye on Dean until he was conscious again was the least she could do to return the favor. She knew that the blood of the fallen demon somehow replenished a bit of his strength and kept him from dying from overexertion. That was the Nephilim part of him, she supposed, that thrived on such a vampire-reminiscent habit.

"I had to make sure you didn't die on me," she called as she retreated out of the bathroom and sealed the door that separated it from his private room, where Aleksei was ordering his servants to change the sheets. "Isabella would sooner have my head if you croaked. Glad to have you back, Salvatore."

She glanced at Michael, who seemed extra solemn as he stood beside Aleksei, both of them now gazing almost expectantly out the window, as if waiting for something bad to happen. Selene joined them, her aquamarine eyes studying the wreckage that perverted the once flawless colorful land of the Avalon grounds. Then she sighed, listening to Aleksei as he spoke of a new threat.

"How do you know this?" she asked curiously. "This whole time they've been trying to wipe Isabella off the face of the planet. That was the whole purpose of destroying her aura. Unless..."

She looked over her shoulder at the closed bathroom door, where she could still hear the water running, and an occasional pained grunt from Dean as he shifted in the tub.


Isabella's eyes searched the span of the chambers she and Mina occupied. They were very welcoming, but Isabella couldn't help her growing anxiety. She wanted to know what had become of her friends and the threat upon the manor. Everything had gone quiet; the earth above her was no longer rumbling with the weight of battle.

"Do you suppose it's safe to go out now?" she asked quietly, almost afraid of repercussions from the stricter princess. "Or should we just wait for Aleksei to come get us?"

She leaned back against the Victorian chaise, her chest rising and falling slowly. The dimly lit room was beginning to shrink around her, and she grew slightly claustrophobic. She wondered why everything was beginning to make her nervous; like she felt something bad was approaching, or something evil was looming nearby.

Isabella closed her eyes once more, letting herself lay against the span of the chair, and breathed steadily. She tried to concentrate on remembering what it felt like to become synchronized with Maria's spirit. In her mind, she called for her, searching for the soul that was somehow her own, was but not greeted with a response.

"Did you know her?" Isabella suddenly vocalized, her eyes still closed. "Maria, I mean? The way that she is talked about, makes her almost deity-like, immortal in a sense. She must have really accomplished something meaningful to have such an impact on all these people."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Mina Avalon Character Portrait: Assaciel
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Gabriel? Another of her angel friends? Crossing his arms he nodded slightly, "So what's with the key? What secrets does it hide?" He smirked as it was a joke.

She might not get it though.


Aleksei moved from the window, he flashed his eyes at Morrigan, then at the door leading to the bathroom and he shook his head, when he sensed the angel's presence. Deeming it safe, he left the room and soon enough he was unlocking the door that lead to his underground chambers. Inside he found both Isabella and Mina together there. He sighed with relief, as if expecting the worst, as was his prerogative in tense situations.

"Isabella, we need to move from here soon, there will be more demons hailing by. We may even get surrounded. I don't want you in any more danger." He told her quite seriously.

Mina stood up, "I'll help pack her things." She volunteered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Assaciel Character Portrait: Gabriel Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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A strange vibration shook around Dean, something that made him draw pause. It's as if the the entire place were pulsing with an unseen force. He steadied himself against the stone wall, hand grasping his head. "What the hell?" He muttered, squinting through the shock of pain throbbing in his head, ah, damn, another vision? He closed his eyes attempting to push it back, he didn't want to see anymore crap! He didn't even want to be here.

But then he saw or think he saw three angels, and one holding another in their arms, a baby.... Was that him? How was he seeing any of this?

A promise...

Strange words....Not strange... Never has been...


The chant of Gabriel's song reverberated deep into his bones.

With every pulse of his heart, he felt that strange and yet vital force set off within. He looked up at Assaciel who's eyes widened in shock, what did she see in him?


"Dean, you've realized who you are?"

"A Nephilim? I though I was a demon."

She shook her head, "Demon's souls are corrupted beyond saving, but you were born of a pure union, before your father's fall."

"And this helps me how?"

"That is your journey to discover."

Dean slammed a fist into the wall and it cracked and crumbled, he glared at her, "This ain't a damn game, Halo. I need answers. Not riddles."

He may be a Nephil or whatever but what use was this if he couldn't even save the one person that mattered?
St. Valentine09/18/2020
That gold line once etched along Dean’s heart would soon again glow blindingly. As it filled the whole crypt with its light, Gabriel’s chanting growing louder until it was booming, the marble floor of the tomb groaned as if it were moving.

“You must call him awake, Nephilim,” Gabriel said from the door of the crypt. “Say his name, speak the language. It requires you to fully step into your power. You are his son!”
Silver Elite09/18/2020
That voice again. It filled his head until it drowned out even his own thoughts. Like he was sinking underwater.

It was all in Enocian and yet he understood it.

The surge of energy grew exponentially and he could barely contain it. Or knew what to make of it.

He parted his lips and out words flowed.

The language is more symbolic, not like anything he's ever spoken and he's no linguist either.

Ask him to do this when he's not in angel-mode and he's hella certain he won't even be able to utter a single word.


Just come out of hiding already! What gives? The strain pulsing through him brings tears to his eyes but he doesn't realease the surge, almost as if he's afraid it might blow them apart if does.

What is going to happen if he lets go?!

Damn it!

St. Valentine09/18/2020

There was a massive wail, chorused with the voices of a thousand tortured souls, that resounded through the crypt, shaking the stone walls violently. The floor rumbled beneath them and the tomb groaned as an explosion of white light penetrated its center. A high pitched ringing threw Gabriel into recoil, but he battled for his composure through gritted teeth and continued chanting.

Suddenly, the white light disappeared, and like a surge of spilled ink, shadows began to slither like gigantic black serpents from the opening that had formed in its wake. The legion of voices grew louder and louder, causing Gabriel to fall to his knee as if forcing him to show reverence to a king.

When the darkness completely enshrouded them, two faintly glowing hands, like claws, grasped at the edges of the tomb. As the Fallen One materialized from his grave, his black, taloned wings opened weakly beside him. His face, once magnificent, had turned a deathly white, and his features were contorted to resemble an anthropomorphic bat.

His electric grey eyes scanned the room, stopping upon his beautiful son. The chorus of voices halted as he opened his mouth to speak, almost as if they had returned to his throat.

“My son...” he began, his voice like a low growl, though not threatening. “Your voice gives me... strength... you are... the only purity... left of me.”

The golden etching along Dean’s heart penetrated the darkness like a beacon, beaming directly onto the Fallen One.
Silver Elite09/18/2020
Dean drew his arm up at the gush of air hurling voices all over. More so for the too brilliant light that threatened to burn out his very mortal eyes to much if he dared look.

And honestly he would've preferred not to.

The sounds were enough to give him plenty to go on.

The soundtrack of hell.

The ground shook, and he braced himself agaisnt the cave wall again. God please don't let this cave in. Or should he prey to his... Dad?

His ears still rang long after the noise faded and he swore a million minutes passed before he peeked a glance toward the generous outpour of power pulsing before him.

And he wasn't even close to ready for what they'd resurrected.

It looked like something out of a horror movie. Epic costume, wings, face, the shadows, it would be awesome.

If it weren't real.

He swallowed, and that's when he realized a second source of light. His own.

A golden glow from his chest as though a bolt of lightning etched into his flesh.

No amount of his touching or rubbing made it go out and a tiny bubble of panic rose up before he stared back at his old man apparently.

He cleared his throat, mouth dry, hah, his voice huh? It's almost a joke. He'd laugh if he could. This must be one twisted nightmare.


"H-hey.... Welcome topside?" What was he the welcoming committee?

And meanwhile Ace merely stood back, eyes closed as she steadied herself agaisnt the wall, then she peered at him.

"It has been some time, Adacio."

Of course she can act like they're old friends.

St. Valentine09/18/2020

“Tell me, Assaciel,” Adacio groaned, his every massive limb cracking as he crawled from his crypt to stand on two legs. “Have they captured God’s Favorite?”

Standing at nearly 10 feet, Adacio folded his wings back into place behind him, craning his grotesque face to look at his son. Though his monstrous features wouldn’t allow, he expressed a sadness in his grey eyes.

“They must have, if you have awakened me,” he continued, observing Dean. He raised his head, his nostrils flaring as if he could smell something specific. “Messenger...”

Gabriel stood to his feet at the door of the crypt, still unable to enter, or perhaps unwilling to do so.

“Where is Maria?” Adacio snarled, though his voice indicated he likely already knew.

“The Italians have her encased in the Vault,” Gabriel answered solemnly. “The Sands of the Holy Land do not allow her to escape. It seems her daughter, Sofia, is working with the Royal Family to keep her there.”

He paused for effect.

“And the girl?” Adacio asked, his eyes shifting to Dean for an answer. “Where is she?”

noctemys 09/18/2020

Assaciel stepped back, her gaze shifting to the shadows pooling around the former angelic being, "Attempts have been made."

Dean averted his gaze, the last he'd seen her she'd been playing a piano recital and... He flinched at the memory--kissing twilight.

Yeah, he wasn't sticking around for a doomed romance so he just...

He squared his shoulders, well, she's the one who chose fangs It's stupid. He's an even bigger idiot for thinking he had any chance against sparkles.

But the question hung between them, like a weight.

"Dunno." He shoved his hands into his pockets. "Probably still at the manor with Mr Fancy Fangs." Did he sound bitter? Probably.


St. Valentine09/18/2020

“My son, why is she not at your side?” Adacio asked, though if he were anything like he thought, he knew it was his stubborn pride. “Take me to her.”

His bones crackled and shifted, and his face contorted in agony, making him appear far more revolting than before. His folded wings dissipated into shreds, disappearing finally as he reverted to the size of an average man.

Salt and peppery hair replaced his once-bald head, slicked and short. He had aged in this realm, but not tremendously; he retained his handsome mortal looks.
Silver Elite09/18/2020
"I can't." He blurted out, staring hard at the ground. Then he pointed at Halo, "She's the one with the teleporting powers anyways." And he's still trying to wrap his head around this whole being a Nephilim thing. But when he started to turn back the path he'd crossed, he glanced back and okay, what happened to the...?

It was surreal.

"How did you...? No, I don't wanna know." He was way more comfortable with his life as a hunter and now this?

"Dean," Assaciel snapped, "you're given an order, you best heed it."

Dean glared at her, "Again, I can't, that's your specialty, not mine."

"You've no idea the power you have, do you?"

Did that sound like pity coming from her?

"Fuck off." He hissed, he had enough of her crap. He turned to go, they could do this without him right? They had the king of hell now.

And he wasn't gonna face Lombardi or her fanged new boyfriend. Couldn't.

St. Valentine09/18/2020

Adacio grinned, baring wicked canines, though his smile was attractive. He shook his head, striding past the boy, Assaciel, and ascending the staircase toward Gabriel, who stepped aside.

The etching in Dean’s chest would glow near the Fallen One, and almost like a magnet, would be drawn in his direction. But of course the Nephilim would retain his freewill.

“Go to them, Messenger,” Adacio ordered, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Tell Avalon my son and I will be arriving soon.”

He tilted his head to the sky, breathing in hard as though he were searching for a familiar fragrance.



A slight pang hit Isabella in her chest, almost as though her heart had been struck. She placed a hand over it, furrowing her brows, and searched the hall for her guardian or his wife.

“Mina?” She called out in confusion. “Aleksei?”

Her heart started to race and an overwhelming sense of panic befell her. Then it traveled to her stomach. It was anxiety. It was dread. But why?

“Something has happened,” she said, suddenly feeling light headed. She sat upon a chaise and cradled her head in her hands.

It was that room again, the one filled with candles and smelling of sweet incense. She could see the crown of the high priestess Sofia, her long braided locks and elaborate robes; she could hear her voice chanting in Latin.

As she observed further, she saw the glass encasing her and the sand at her feet.

And then, only briefly, she could see a flash of Dean’s golden hair, and the silhouette of Adacio, whom she could not recognize.

Suddenly, Sofia snapped from her trance and wailed angrily.

“The zeal has been broken!” she screeched, and all the candles surrounding her were snuffed at that moment in a cold wave of air.

When she came to, Gabriel was standing before her, his face stern and unwavering. Somehow, Isabella already knew, but couldn’t form the sentence in her head.

“They will be here soon, Isabella,” Gabriel said, then turned to face the corridor. “Avalon...”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Assaciel Character Portrait: Gabriel Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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"What the hell is this...?" Would it keep glowing? He pulled his jacket over his chest trying to not look like a walking flash light.

Assaciel sighed but followed after Adacio.


Mina was in the process of bringing tea over to Isabella when the young woman cried out. She rushed over to find her on the chaise, cradling her head. "Oh, what's wrong?" She slid the tray on the table and went to her, gently touching Isabella's crown. "Are you hurting?" At the sudden whoosh of air and the sound of wings fluttering, the vampire glanced back at the source.

An angel.

Not shortly after, the pureblood appeared at the entrance, stern gaze unfaltering as he peered at the Arc Angel.

"So many visitors today, hm, what brings you here, Messenger?" Surely it was of grave importance, otherwise, angels rarely had the habit of dropping in.

Gabriel nodded in greeting to both Mina and Aleksei.

“Adacio will soon be joining us,” Gabriel informed them. “The Nephilim has opened his tomb.”

He turned to look at Isabella, whose face was furrowed with worry.

“N-Nephilim? As in...?” She stammered, her eyes slightly widened. “Are you talking about...?”

“Salvatore,” Gabriel punctuated gravely. “He needs your help, Isabella. You two are fated, tied together since birth. The further you run from each other, the stronger your bond pulls you back. He is stubborn...”

A grin played at his mouth.

“Avalon, do you know what has become of Maria Lombardi and her daughter Sofia?” Gabriel asked. “Do you know Sofia has become the High Priestess to the Italian Royal Family?”

"Nephilim?" Mina turned a questioning glance over at Aleksei who's gaze pinned on the angel still.

"So I've observed." Aleksei retorted, not at all surprised at the current events. Naturally he keeps tabs on particular persons of interest. "They are in Italia, yes, I'm aware of their particular circumstances." But these are delicate matters that take a certain level of finesse. Can't go rushing in guns blazing like a certain brash hunter he knows would.

“Assaciel,” Adacio called for the angel. He had reached the center of the crypt, and the shadows from below followed behind him, slowly consuming the room when Gabriel vanished. “Dean, come.”

Beneath his feet, Enochian sigils slowly began to form, vibrating as the legion of voices returned to their chanting. Adacio joined them, his voice wicked and chorused, reaching a decibel so deep it was terrifying.

“My son,” he continued, waving to the center of the geometric figure that appeared. “You will take us to Isabella. Remember your first tongue.”

He spoke of the Angelic language, of course. His steely eyes cast to the golden light coming from Dean’s chest, fighting to penetrate his clothes. It would buzz and vibrate as the boy drew nearer to the sigils, which were etching themselves all over walls and ceiling.

The voices grew louder as they covered every inch, glowing brighter when Dean and Assaciel entered the circle.

“Remember your first tongue, Dean.”

"Not like I gotta choice." Dean gripped at his arms as he followed but it was much like rising from the ocean into a cacophony of celestial insanity. His head filled with so much angelic voices he struggled with every step. Hands gripping his head he gasped at the surge of pain tearing through his system. What the hell?!

"Make it stop!" He cried out, unable to make another step. Who turned the volume up?

“Command them, Dean,” Adacio instructed him, his voice still booming without skipping a beat. “You are Nephilim—declare your will! Take us to Isabella!”

As the legión intensified, Adacio’s eyes went from an icy grey to a platinum white.

“You are a conduit between realms, my son,” he continued. “You exist on both planes. The extent of your power is virtually boundless! Command it! Command them!”

"I don't want this, can't you just... Take it back?" How can he even hear through all this noise? His senses are raw from all the input. Ugh.

"Stop acting like you're just a mortal, Dean." Assaciel added, just behind him. "Focus."

"Easy for you freaks!" Now he's just frustrated really. They don't get him at all.

Isabella’s heart was racing now. Flying into a full panic, she leaned against Mina for support, clutching her chest. Her mind was spinning and her ears were ringing. If she hadn’t been sitting down, she was certain she would have fallen from dizziness.

“It-it’s so... it’s... loud...” she mumbled behind gritted teeth. “Something is happening to Dean...”

She looked around the room, which was beginning to blur, morphing into a bright cacophony of sounds and sight. The only beacon in the chaos was a shock of blond hair and blue eyes.

“Come to me, Dean...” she whispered pleadingly.

The light from the sigils was becoming blinding, and like hands, began to encompass them slowly. The more Dean focused, the more their energy within the room grew and shifted their surroundings. But the more he doubted, the dimmer the sigils would get, instead replaced with darkness and the cold floor of the crypt.

“She needs you, my son,” Adacio encouraged him. “Command the legion! Thy will be done!”
Sofía screeched in rage.

The shrill pitch of her voice was like iron striking iron, shaking the walls of her temple. All the candles simultaneously relit themselves, and her eyes began to glow red.

“You won’t stop him,” Maria threatened from behind the glass. “The boy is too powerful.”

“But his mind is weak!” Sofia snarled. “His will is weaker!”

She snapped her fingers, and robed monks surrounded her. They, too, began to chant.

“Your hexes won’t work, Sofia! He is a Nephilim!” Maria cried, almost smirking.

”Shut up!”

Command the legion? What did that even mean? Dean couldn't ask as the waves of energies crashed until he snapped his eyes in the opposite direction. Wasn't that Isabella's voice among the crazy? He was sure... A whisper...

His eyes shimmered as he stared ahead, as if... He could almost see her... In a chair.

She kept fading out. Like a bad picture on a screen.

"Wait." He focused on that image, as if he could piece the threads that made up the image until it was whole.

It was something and he snatched at it.

"Isabella!" The name tore from him as he took off like an idiot toward the giant image before him. Please don't crash. Don't crash.

He leapt off the ground and hit a force only in a second, like jumping into a pool, then he was falling sideways as he crashed into the floor, carpet, his back taking the brunt of the fall. Then he pushed up, head spinning. What the hell?

That thing, the image was still floating there as if a giant tear swirling with white and gold sparks of energy. Assaciel stared from where she stood on the other side.

"Holy shit is that... Did I just portal back?" He turned his head back toward Isabella and Mina. She too stared a little wide-eyed.

Dean pushed to his feet, the world was still spinning but he'd somehow made it with everything in-tact.

"Welcome back, Salvatore." Avalon said cooly from across the room. He's served himself tea and sipped.

"Screw you." Dean muttered in greeting.

The vampire merely smirked with a raised brow. Bastard.


Confusion riddled the young girl’s features as the blond boy soared toward them as if through thin air. Her heart skipped for a second with surprise, until her mind finally comprehended what had happened.

She rose to her feet and smashed si to him, wrapping her arms around his torso and digging her face into his chest, directly where that gold light would be shining. She squeezed him tightly as if she were afraid he would vanish; as if she were making sure he was truly there.

”I’ve missed you...” she thought, her eyes misting slightly.

Directly behind them, Adacio stood, his eyes of steel fixated almost incredulously on Isabella. As she slowly pulled away from Dean, knowing she probably agitated him, he studied her features as if in disbelief.

That moment was fleeting as he fell into step beside them to look directly at Avalon with a familiar smirk.

“It has been quite some time, my old friend,” he said.

That voice. It snapped him in her direction as if by instinct but she was already rushing toward him. All he could do was stand there while she clung to him.

And then complete silence dropped over him in that instance.

How did she...?

"Isa...Bella... Hey." His hands rose up, then he realized the cut... He'd cut his palm before but there was no scar?!

Blinking, he gently returned the embrace. Trying to smother awkwardness. What did she mean she missed him...?

Wait. She didn't say that out loud, did she?

No, he wasn't going to ask that.

He's no friggin Jedi.


He held on to Isabella and glanced at Mina who slowly rose back up from her knelt position and smoothened out the ruffles of her skirt. Her gaze swung to Avalon and a tilted smile touched her lips.

No. Nothing from her.

Or maybe he was just hearing things.

He had a ton a questions.

But that had to take a back burner especially when the entourage joined them.

How does he close that freaking portal???

"Welcome back as well, comrade. You don't look a day over a century." Avalon knew him too? What, was he popular with everybody?

Dean wouldn't look at him. Absolutely not.

Assaciel cleared her throat, "Dean, you may want to close the tear through space and time any day now."

How would he even-- one glance at it, what, like closing a door in his head or--

The glowing portal snapped, crackled, and whoosh-- gone.

Ok that's one way.

Isabella jolted just a moment as the portal crackled and popped, causing her to clutch Dean’s hand briefly from surprise. But as if she were electrocuted, her hand recoiled, and she looked at him questioningly. The moment her skin touched his, she could feel that Nephilim energy like static coming off of him. He was buzzing with this newfound power, and it didn’t look like he even knew it.

She would have to corner him privately and ask later. She knew he would be apprehensive to talk, let alone be around any of these people currently gathered in the manor. She retreated beside him, careful not to touch him again, though stray strands of her inky locks still clung to him like magnetism.

Adacio chuckled at Aleksei.

“I would compare you to fine wine, but you have not aged a minute,” he retorted with a grin. “Immortality becomes you.”

His grey eyes shifted to Isabella, peering at him curiously from behind Dean’s shoulder. They were tethered together by something no human could fathom, it was written in the language of their limbs; it was swirling in the pools of their eyes and the way they looked at each other. Even her hair couldn’t stay away from him. His heart sank, but it wouldn’t be apparent on his features as he then redirected his gaze at Mina.

“I’ve been away too long,” Adacio said, offering his hand so that he could take hers in greeting. “Forgive me, Aleksei, is this your betrothed?”

Her touch came and went, drawing his gaze back down. Had she attempted to take his hand? He glanced at her, wasn't she supposed to be with the other guy? It didn't make sense. But the look of confusion on her face didn't help either. She ended up sliding beside him. Yet her hair stuck on him like static cling.

Did this mean he couldn't touch anyone?

Minus points to Nephilim powers.

Aleksei grinned fondly back, it's as though no time had passed between them.

Dean stared toward the entryway, mapping out the exits this manor had. He didn't know how he summoned that portal so until he learned the tricks he'd be running full-hunter mode.

Whatever the case, he'd protect her. It was his job to anyways.

Adacio approached someone else, a young woman—vampire too. She gave him her hand like an aristocrat would, formality at its finest.

And then he asked something that tugged at Dean, he stared at Adacio then Aleksei. Wait. Betrothed?

Aleksei's smile softened and his eyes shifted toward Mina, a look only someone who regarded another with admiration, respect and love would.

No doubt.

"Verily so." He confirmed.

"Then why'd you kiss her you asshat?" The hissed words left him before he realized it and the entire room trembled under a sudden force of pressure.

"You should calm yourself, boy, less you ruin my dwelling." Aleksei regarded him with detached coldness, "It's a misunderstanding on your part, I was merely kissing goodbye to someone else. Whom happened to be inhabiting Lombardi at the moment."


He quirked a brow, "Proving my point."

"Say that to my face." He fisted his hands, unbeknownst to himself, his eyes vanished under the glowing orbs of light flaring out like a fire reignited. All he wanted to do was hurl the vampire into the next dimension and— he backed away, exhaling sharply. What the hell? He turned and left out the doors toward another room just far enough away.

His hands shook with suppressed energy he had no idea how to begin controlling. What if he hurt people? Shit, he couldn't be near anyone like this! He shook out his hands and clutched his head, swimming with voices again. The fucking angels wouldn't stop talking.

He leaned against the wall willing for silence. A moment, anything.

Crackling sounds drew his gaze up, fuck him, little volts of lightning arched out from him. This wasn't good. He felt like a charged bomb waiting to go off.

He shouldn't be here if he was just waiting to blow. He turned his gaze toward the windows. But where then...?

“Dean...” Isabella’s voice trailed after him as he stormed away. She turned to look at Aleksei helplessly and frowned. “What have I done?”

Adacio studied his son interact with Aleksei, feeling the disdain permeating the atmosphere with electricity. He also observed how Aleksei watched over Isabella; the purity between them and their relationship was something he had never seen shared between human and immortal. It was truly like witnessing a wolf safeguarding a lamb.

He shook his head, then his eyes met with Avalon’s and turned grave at the mention of an entity inhabiting Isabella.

“Is it true?” he asked, though already knowing the answer. “Was it her you spoke with, Aleksei?”

Again, his eyes searched the young girl, finding traces of Maria within her features. Her loyalty to Dean and Aleksei was like a mirror or a time capsule—reminiscent of the relationship he, Maria and Aleksei were entangled in lifetimes ago.

His countenance fell slightly.

Isabella furrowed her brows as Adacio spoke with Aleksei. Who was he talking about?

Her mind whirled with broken thoughts and blurry images, scents and sounds. She only remembers the feelings in her chest—a yearning and a deep sadness—but she couldn’t decipher them from her own.

Her eyes searched the emptiness where Dean had once been, noting the crackling energy he left in his wake. She knew he hated when she followed him, but she missed him so terribly...and when did she ever listen to him, anyway?

“Go to him,” Adacio answered for her, noticing her hesitation. “It is where you are meant to be.”

Her eyes both questioned and thanked him, and she did pause for a moment before she nodded and slowly went after Dean.

When she found him, she made sure to stand several feet apart, unsure if he wanted her near him.

“Please, don’t go,” she said softly. “I just got you back...”

At the query, Aleksei peered at her and shook his head, no, she'd done no wrong. Then his attention returned to his dear friend, "Indeed it was." He confirmed, a note of sadness crossed his features at the memory.

He too noted the way her energies fluctuated when it came to that boy, it's him she'd tethered to from the beginning.


Her presence had the power to banish the worst of it. Dean sagged against the wall, the brunt of pain lessoning. "Funny you'd say that, don't you have a vampire to pine for?" He pushed off the wall, straightening himself.

Adacio stiffened, searching the ground as if he were to find and answer among the marble. A vein appeared on his forehead as he delved deeply into thought.

“That means they’ve awakened her,” he muttered to himself. Then he reverted his gaze back to Aleksei. “Where are they keeping her?”



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Lyra Kingsley Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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“There is a reason so many entities are trying to tear you apart,” Adacio answered calmly.

The sigils dimmed slightly and the voices fell back to small whispers. Adacio took another step back. The sheer electricity of their combined energies radiated like a heatwave he couldn’t bear to be too near.

“Whatever you do, do not let them.”

Isabella released Dean, her topaz eyes searching his face. Her cheeks had reddened at Adacio illuminating her feelings for him. Were they so obvious to everyone but him? She blamed herself.

“Do you notice that you feel different around Isabella?” Adacio asked.

Dean took Isabella's hand, gripping it firm but gentle. He regarded the man who only cemented his suspicions, all this, it was much bigger than he initially realized. The attacks, the awakening powers, whatever was coming for them, it wasn't going to stop.

"I won't. But what do they want from us?"

He flitted his gaze back to her, sensing her worry. He lifted his free hand, caressed her cheek. "Yeah." It didn't matter if the demons or vamps wanted to tangle with him, that was a given, he's a hunter. But Isabella wasn't in that life, until... They met.

Had he brought all this to her?

"What do they want?" What did they want with her? She was a good person, too good for him even.

Isabella traced her fingers over Dean’s hand, holding his gaze with her own. Adacio observed them quietly, his countenance falling slightly with sadness for just a moment before reverting back to its stoicism.

“Isabella is the Doppelgänger of a once extraordinarily gifted priestess,” Adacio finally said. “She was a healer, many years ago...”

He stepped closer, and the sigils that surrounded the pair brightened, almost as if in warning. Isabella noticed what Adacio was attempting and nodded, letting Dean’s hand slip away from hers to step away from him and begin exiting the circle that enclosed them.

As she did so, the sigils dimmed, and the voices quieted the further away from him she got. They followed behind her in a trail beneath her feet, glowing when she stopped at the edge of the circle. She turned to look at Dean, then back at Adacio, who watched her expectantly.

“It is said that her blood contains magical properties which cannot be replicated...” Adacio continued as she hesitantly stepped outside the circle.

The moment she did so, the sigils, voices and light that accompanied them all vanished. Isabella gasped at feeling the intense whoosh of energy dissipate into the atmosphere.

“Your blood, Isabella, is said to be the purest—a holy water—being the descendant of a healer. You were given the name God’s Favorite for a reason.”

She furrowed her brows.

“So why are so many vampires after me?” She asked. “Vampires are virtually indestructible.”

Adacio stepped in front of her, towering above her like a dark steeple. He held a hand to her cheek, hesitating as if anticipating pain in doing so, for her cheek did glow when his fingers were near.

“Your blood would make them invincible.”

“How do you know this?” Isabella questioned him.

The corners of Adacio’s lips twitched upward slightly, and he looked over her head at Dean.

“What do you know of doppelgängers, my son?” He asked, testing the extent of the hunter’s knowledge.

Dean caught that look before Adacio could mask it with stoicism, it seemed the apple didn't fall far at all. He narrowed his eyes slightly when Adacio mentioned Isabella being a Doppelgänger of a priestess, shooting his theory of her being a reincarnation out of the water.

Doppelgängers depending who you asked were believed to be bad omens, death, evil twins, or even the result of nature trying to re-balance itself among other things. Either way, it meant she was a construct out of something otherworldly.

But evil, no, she definitely wouldn't fit the bill, he'd seen evil, she was far from being someone's bad twin.

Her blood could be used in spells, powerful stuff too in the hands of someone who knew what they were dealing with. It'd explain why she was being targeted.

When her hand slipped from his, it snapped his attention back to them. What was she doing? Could these sigils protect her not only from Adacio but from anyone with malicious intent? It'd be stupid to put her safety on magic when it was the very thing getting her in trouble. He didn't trust it, why would he start now?

Her blood. Like his own... It had power. Could give an immortal that extra boost. He raised his own hand, staring at it. Shit. His blood wasn't normal either. Sure, it wasn't pure, not by a long-shot, but it certainly gave him an advantage over most people.

He turned his hand into a fist, hell no, the vamps were already a pain in the ass to deal with. It only meant he had to keep fighting in order to protect her. From them, and anyone who'd even think of coming near her.

He needed a plan.

His gaze shot back up to Adacio. Tsk. Questioning him, now, really? "What do you know of the bastards coming after her? Gotta list? We can't stand around here talking Monsters 101 when we don't know just how much time we have left."

If she's tethered to someone they could be using that link to track her now. He wasn't about to wait for the enemy to come crashing through.

“I-I need to rest,” Isabella muttered, holding a hand to her head that suddenly began to throb. “This is too much for me right now.”

Adacio nodded, stepping aside and she started walking away. She paused when she stood next to him and caught his steely gaze, her brows still furrowed inquisitively. She remembered a legend that she had read, maybe in her great-grandmother’s journal, about a sacrifice that would be made. As if asking Adacio silently if it were true, he held her stare, equally as grave.

“I’ll be upstairs, Dean,” she said softly, almost sadly, and left the room.

When he was sure she had gone, Adacio turned back to his son. The sigils had disappeared completely and the voices dimmed to a faint hum, but the power that radiated from the gold etching in his heart still buzzed.

“The two ancient royal families are in a feud for her blood ever since she was discovered,” Adacio informed him, though he was sure he already knew that much. “The Italians have successfully awakened Maria—that is, Isabella’s ancestor—and will be coming to collect Isabella next. If what they’ve said is true, sacrificing Isabella to merge their souls together will give Maria her power back one hundredfold, and they will use her to gain invincibility.”

Adacio paused, his eyes traveling upward as if trying to see through the ceiling to where Isabella had gone.

“The seal over Maria’s crypt cannot be broken by any vampire, witch or human, she made sure of that,” he continued. “So even if they have Isabella, they can’t release Maria. The only way that crypt can be opened is if you, the Nephilim, open it.”

Isabella sat at the edge of her bed, fingering through the pages of her ancestor’s diary. She wondered if Aleksei could provide her with any further insight, and she opened her mouth to call for him, but decided against it. She let them be. She had brought enough upon them for the day.

As she fell back against the bed, her eyes cast to the marble ceiling. She held the journal to her chest and sighed.

“Tell me what to do, María...” Isabella murmured in frustration as she closed her eyes. “How do we stop this?”

When she opened her eyes, her blood turned cold and was so frightened, the scream that tried to erupt from her throat instead became trapped there. Hovering above her was the face of a handsome young man, though his eyes were glowing blood red and his fanged teeth were bared in a wicked grin. He held one finger to his mouth and the other overs. As he stared intensely into her eyes, his pupils dilated, and hers reflected this.

But when Isabella blinked, he was gone. She sat up, confused, and scanned the room, but there was no sign of him. A soft knock at the door broke her concentration.

“Isabella? It’s me, Selene.”


Dean watched her for a long moment, nodded at her words. It further proved how un-used to the life she was. For him, just another Tuesday. "Yeah." Still, even if he hadn't met her, wouldn't she have to face it eventually? Less protected at that.

He couldn't regret any of it.

"The Italians..." He'd seen them, or thought he saw them doing some sort of ritual. It was too messed up.

Her sacrifice... for more power. Because the vamps didn't have enough already. Shit like this was why he enjoyed putting an end to them. The next bit of info turned his blood to ice.

Once they had her, they'd want him next.

And they'd use her against him, like something out of a comic. Those bastards would capture her and torture her, just to get him do what they wanted. He could see it unfolding.

"If they can't get Maria, they can't complete the spell." He peered at the demon king, a meaningful look in his eyes. "I know what we gotta do but you're not gonna like it."