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The Seraph

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a character in “The Promise Made”, originally authored by noctemys, as played by Angel-Chii


Title: Seraph
Name: Assaciel
Age: Ageless
Gender: Genderless
Origin: Heaven
Species: Celestial

Vessel: Human Female adolescent named Lyra Kingsleigh
Current Mission: Assisting the Nephil, Dean Salvatore in protecting Isabella Lombardi (from the Italian vampire coven)
Working with: The Archangel, Gabriel

So begins...

Assaciel's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Assaciel
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"You're asking me to hide her from every angel in creation, with Enochian sigils I assume. You know that she'll also be hidden from you and I right?" she questioned him, not surprised that he would know about that, being what he was. At this point she could detect his desperation to protect the human girl, even going at any means necessary to accomplish this. Something had changed in him, she was now made aware of it by his serious reaction to his encountering Death's assistant. He need not say a word, Assaciel could see it in his eyes, he's seen and done so much, with only more to come. Knowing that he wouldn't change his mind of this, she continued toward the girl, she knew what this would mean not only for Isabella Lombardi, but for those whom seeked her for their own malicious intent. It would blind the angels from instantly locating her, that meant the Italian vampires wouldn't be able to rely in them on that aspect of their power anymore. The hunter was a clever one indeed. Once she reached the bed where the girl lay she rose her hands to touch Isabella's forehead and another atop her chest she told the girl all would be well. What she was about to do took a small amount of time, the girl would be put into a coma-like state before the angel begins the process, then a light would emit from her hands which would move to hover above the other's chest, the light would flow within her body and on her entire rib cage, intricate and beautiful Enochian sigils would appear on her bones as if God himself had tattooed them with his hand. She would feel slightly pained upon awakening but not so much to stir concern. A small dull pain that in a while would fade and soon be forgotten.

And like that Isabella Lombardi's spiritul pressence and aura would vanish. As if she'd never existed at all.

"Dean what I have to tell you won't please you. But by the looks of it I think you might have an idea of what it is."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Assaciel
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{Not sure what to do here, so I'm wingin' it... let me know if I'm way off, and I'll fix it accordingly. Also Hime, I may be introducing the Italians soon... could you possibly create a place for them? Preferably the Vatican City and Rome, or just Italy, and I could include the location in bold or italics when I post, but that's up to you.}

[I made some revisions and edits where applicable,(Crossed out the mistakes and "bolded" the add-ins) hope you don't mind, for the sake of moving it forwards I guess. I worked around what you had already posted St. Valentine. If you don't agree with it, you can always change it, erase it, etc. It is your post after all. ^_^/]


"What are you doing?" Isabella asked shakily as Assaciel's hands hovered above her. "No, don't..."

She grabbed one of the angel's hands in attempt to stop her, but an electric shock caused her to recoil. Assaciel reassured the young Italian that all would be well, but it did absolutely nothing to ease her apprehension. Isabella knew little of the spiritual aspect of things; she only knew what she had been taught in her Catholic church growing up, and even still, she was aware that probably had nothing to do with what was happening now.

Her topaz eyes shifted to Dean, who looked so incredibly pained and concerned that Isabella grew anxious. She reached out to grab him, but a glow started in the angel's hands, and suddenly she felt her body go numb. She seemed to lose control of her mobility, and she watched as her arms fell to her sides. The world was spiraling around her, and like black ink spilling over a colorful painting, she began to succumb to a dreamy, sleep-like state.

She winced at the pain of the writings that materialized on her side, and after that, there was a momentary lapse in time. All she knew was darkness; she was not here nor there. She lost all of her senses- no sight, no sound, taste or touch. And then a light broke through the nothingness, as though she had just opened her eyes again after having been asleep for a very long time. She could see Assaciel and Dean, watching her intently. When she turned around she saw her body, still and unmoving on the bed like an empty shell.

"Assaciel?" she said softly, but the angel did not respond. "Dean, what's going on?" She winced at the pain of the writings that had been carved onto her ribs, she would be feeling it for a while.

When the Nephilim made no sound, she turned around and waved in his face, but he didn't appear to even notice. That's when she felt her heart sink. Were she capable, tears would have welled up in her eyes, but instead she only felt a heavy sorrow. She reached out and placed a hand on Dean's cheek, becoming more downcast when she realized that she could not feel the warmth of his flesh on her fingers.

She turned around to inspect her motionless shell of a body, but to her surprise, it began to wake up. She flinched at the sight, feeling foreign to herself, as though someone else had possessed her. But when the soul-less figure opened its eyes, they were dull and void of emotion; her face was robbed of its vitality, replaced instead by a haunting coldness, as such was expected by a body with no spirit. It said nothing, simply stared at the ceiling like a puppet waiting for its master to pull the strings.

It was a disturbing sight, knowing she had no control over her own body, and then she was trapped in a world between life and something else- kind of like a purgatory. She turned to look at Aleksei, wondering why he hadn't intervened on her behalf like he usually would.

"What have you done?" Selene asked, studying the girl curiously. "Isabella, are you okay?"

The shell Isabella turned and looked at Selene, knowing she had been asked a question, but not appearing to actually acknowledge who she was. There was no familiarity in her eyes; nothing to indicate that the actual Isabella, who carried memories and emotions and associated them with the different people in her life, was there anymore.

"Yes, I... think so," she replied, her chest sore. the shell replied, her voice monotonous.

Then she was silent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Veratos H. Character Portrait: Assaciel
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"Sorry, this was all I could think of to help you." Dean tried to explain, watching her as she sat up and reacted to the angel's touch. Which put a whole new meaning to it. Bringing his fingers to touch the bottom of her chin, he slightly tilted her head up to meet her eyes, he made a face at her slight frown, it was pretty amusing to him at the moment. She looked cute. "You'll be alright Isabella, just gotta take it easy for a while-"

Selene was there, rushing in like a doctor having been hailed down from across the hospital wing to the E.R., she demanded to know what the two had done to Isabella, alarm clear in her features. A sure sign that she also cared for the safety of her as much as he did and for that he appreciated her company even more. Turning his gaze to the huntress, the tips of his mouth would tilt up, that crooked rare smile flashing again, "We hid her, that's what... and I know it's working..." he returned his gaze to Isabella, "because I can't feel your aura anymore. It's like you're not even in the room. It's a permanent affect. Glad I thought of it... should have done it before though." he muttered thoughtfully, the heat in his body burning up, as a reminder that they were incredibly close. Too close. Lowering his hand away from her, the nephilim moved towards the wardrobe in search of a luggage bag. "We should get going now, they may have already figured out where we are, so pack your stuff Isabella. It's road trip time!"

Whatever Assaciel wanted to tell him, it could wait. For now, he just wanted far from this town, as far as possible, best to lay low for a while, he was sure the others would agree.

Aleksei and Mina appeared a while after, observing curiously as Dean walked across the room, carrying a suit case, and handing it to Isabella for her to pack what she needed.

"So you think it's alright to just whisk her out of here Salvatore?" Aleksei asked, not exactly in favor of the move, and here he was beginning to enjoy the company of Isabella's presence. The only real human in the Avalon manor.

Dean hesitated at the door, his heart pounding and face pale as death, but choosing to ignore it he waved the pureblood off, "Yeah, ain't it obvious? The Italian vampires know you're likely to try and keep her safe here in this giant mouse trap. This is the first place they'll come looking for her," then he approached the pureblood with an open palm, "keys?"

"I'll return you your keys, but don't forget it was that reason I hired you for, and why can't I sense her anymore?" Aleksei was saying referring to Isabella, whilst handing over the keys to the Impala at Dean.

"Uh, cute story, ask the nerd angel, she'll fill you in, as for the whole locating deal I'll give her and Assaciel burner cells, they can always keep in touch." He took his keys.

Aleksei nodded understanding, so the hunter was learning well, staying one step ahead of the enemy. "But she's not leaving, Salvatore do you understand that? I say if she can go or not, you have no right to decide that."

"Of course, daddy knows best," Dean replied with a snarky grin, shrugging he slipped his keys into his pocket and turned away, "I'm going on patrol." He announced as he left the room.

Mina watched him disappear down the hall, she would then nudge her fiance and shake her head pitifully. Something told her that things were only going to get worse for the hunter.

Standing outside, near a window that looked into the living room, Dean finally looked into his satchel to discover a beautiful heavenly weapon, a dagger. Inspecting it, he was amazed that the object attracted to him like a magnet, similar to the pull he'd feel toward his demonic weapons -but this one felt stronger, almost natural. He knew never to judge a book by its cover, and also knew that this wasn't just an ordinary dagger, it was crafted just for his use and for that he couldn't wait to test it. For the moment he kept it on a belt loop, and it actually looked cool there. Suddenly a ringing filled the back-ground noise, it was faint, and it came from his Impala. He followed the source, into his car which was parked right up front of the Avalon manor. Getting in, he opened the glove compartment, within were piles of cellular phones, but only one of them were receiving a call. Finding the one, a basic, black cell, he pressed the answer key without checking the I.D. and listened, "Dean, it's Vera, I just iced the pureblood that had been turning people. I'm reporting it to Hunter H.Q. this is really getting bad. I think we should just stow Isabella where she can be safe for a couple of hours and go after them."

"Speaking of, noticed anything?"
"I can't sense her at all."
"Enochian Sigils."
"Yeah, no kidding."

"I can't do that, I can't just go over and kill 'em yet. The Association would kill for that, they protect the purebloods, even the ones that aren't from here. The vampires that had flocked over here were dealt with. The Association aren't exactly in favor of us hunters killing their precious purebloods for no reason. They would want proof that the Italian vampires are corrupt. I'm not dealing with that." He kept his eyes on the movements of staff and other vampires that worked for Aleksei about him, he also noticed a few familiar faces, a few hunters were scattered about the property, they too must have been hired as security for Avalon. Not bad.

He could here the huntress sigh deeply on the end of the line, "Okay. Because we've killed for a lot less, and you know how these things turn out for us. Even if they haven't made a move yet, we should still strike. They've sent their little soldiers after us, they tried to get Isabella any way they can. Dean, don't tell me you're sitting this out."
"I'm not, just thinking..."
"Thinking... Thinking what?"
"If they have angels working for them, then I don't think we'd have a rat's chance at ganking them. Not with a bunch of them all at once..."

There was a pause of silence, as if the huntress were going over that statement, she supplied, "We use Enochian angel-warding symbols for that."

"Won't it... Never mind... I'll figure something out."
"So you all decide to be sitting ducks for them?"

"I have no say, I'm just a body guard."
"Hmm," he could hear the smile, "you're much more than that."
"See you when I see you." Was her fare well, "Oh and Dean, don't scratch at the walls."

Then the line went dead.

Taking two cells he walked out of the car after locking it, he would then return to his post, set each cell up with the numbers both Isabella and Assaciel would need to contact each other and him, then hold on to them until he saw them again. For now he would remain alert. Always for her.

Shortly after, Aleksei and Mina decide they want tea, and they urged Isabella to join them and extend the invite to Michael and Selene, in which they would all have this tea in the living room. As long as the hunters were patrolling the manor, all would indeed be okay. Returning to the living room, the vampires settled into their seats, and the maids went about serving tea in tiny China wear to them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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Spotting his love race down the foyer and straight upstairs, Michael had followed after her, only to walk in on the angel and the hunter looking down on Isabella. What had happened? What had they done to her? The spiritual essence that had weaved about the Italian girl had dissipated from the room, like smoke. It was as if she'd disappeared, and yet she was still there. Awakening, she looked from the angel to the hunter, asking questions, even Selene demanded to know just what had occurred.

"I carved Enochian Sigils onto Isabella Lombardi's rib cage, it's a form of protection, to conceal her from the angels that's all. She will no longer be haunted by them or any demons, I could see that was the main problem from the start." Assaciel explained quite calmly despite the tense atmosphere.

"So she'll be alright then?"

"Of course. And now I must take my leave. There is another matter I must attend to."

The sound of feathers could be heard, just before the angel vanished.

Michael sighed, Dean had informed them all that he was going on patrol, and things were slowly shifting back to normal. At least this was what the vampire was hoping for. Glancing over at Selene, he offered her his best smile, and then gently took her hand, massaging it tenderly, he leaned forwards, to rest his chin on her shoulder, "all is well ma petite, they are simply extending their protection over Mlle, Isabella. That is her resolve." He tried to console her nerves further, massaging her shoulder a little with another hand, "shall we go and take a tore of this grand place, I've been waiting for you all day."

At the invite he brightened, he loved Avalon's tea, he nodded toward Selene, "I don't think you've ever had his tea, it's Heaven-sent."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Mina Avalon
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Michael placed his cup of tea on the coffee table, and was just about to follow Selene out when he heard the pureblood founder ask Isabella just what her take on the situation was, while also expressing his fear of loosing her to a lost cause. Watching her for a moment, then glanced outside at sensing the hunter's apprehension. Sticking himself half way out the window, the vampire looked around, seeing nothing else but the other hunters keeping watch, he shrugged, then saw Dean, still as a statue, keeping guard like a knight.

"Have some tea, don't just keep standing there," Michael smiled cheerfully and beckoned the hunter encouragingly with a gesture.


Assaciel found herself among enemies, not uncommon for the angel. What was uncommon was that the "enemy" was once a great comrade, someone she thought she could confide in. So much for that. Inspecting the circle of flames around her, she wondered where the angel had acquired the Holy Oil used to trap her, such a rare substance. The last place she knew were to get it was somewhere in Jerusalem. As it was, the ignited oil's flames trapped her within its circumference, it also worked for Arcangels. She knew well what this meant. Behind the man in the suit, men stood, soldiers to him, some in casual wear, others not so much. But they weren't human, at least not in that sense, they served as vessels too, the one leading them, was a male angel, Raphael.

An Arcangel.

"Assaciel, you're looking rather 'young' what brings you here?" Raphael was definitely mocking her choice of vessel, and making it a question, as if he hadn't summoned her from whatever stupidity she was about to do. A smug smile slithered across his lips like a venomous snake, and his coal black eyes sparkled with sheer amusement at his "catch", he was enjoying this.

The heavy smell of sulfur hung in the air like a cloud of dust, staining the walls of the abandoned store they were situated in. Bodies lay lifeless about them all, the empty black of their eyes telling her they had been puppets for demons. Pitiful. Had Raphael done this to them? She wondered what they had been up to, something the hunter would have to know. Just as soon as she got out of this mess. "You're working with them aren't you?" Assaciel replied, ignoring his curiosity, "how can you do that Raphael? Those vampires want to destroy the world's order, take over man-kind. You're going to allow that to happen?" She shouldn't have sounded so shocked, but she was.

The man nodded, "It's not my choice, rather, it was His. The moment he turned his back, it has all been chaos. Didn't you know? God's missing. We have no clue where he's gone and well, without anyone to take the reins on control, it's been a crazy battle up there. I'm looking forward to the Apocalypse," the man declared almost too happy, "and those vampires are just apart of it all, now, you're becoming a hindrance, and we are going to put you to an end. Right now."

The Arcangel stepped back, and he signaled his Garrison to do take it from here with a nod of his head. They all gathered around the angel, closing in on her.

"Unless," Raphael said suddenly, as if thoughtful, his voice the pause on the other angels assault, "that is, you join me, you would be an excellent asset on my team Assaciel. I could use your skills." Then his dark eyes locked with hers, "you were instructed with a Heavenly Weapon, where is it now Assaciel?"

Assaciel glared at the man in the suit, whatever he was planning, she knew it wouldn't come to be. It just couldn't. That's when she noticed something, something that could get her out of this predicament, up above were sprinklers. If she could activate them, the water would put out the fire cage and set her free.

The question was how?

At his question she shook her head with a smile, "So this is what you're on about isn't it Raphael? You're gathering the Heavenly Weapons for your own use, it's too bad. I'm not going to reveal anything to you. Such wasted effort."

"If you won't cooperate, I'll just have to end you as I already have with the others that refused to."

Raphael had already killed other angels?!

Assaciel closed her eyes and thought of her life so far since she had manifested on this world, she had a job to do and by God she was going to do it. Flickering her fingers, she tapped into her powers, which she was surprised to find that were still accessible despite the angel trap, and sent a small amount of flames toward the sprinkler. Immediately setting them off, and the instant the water rained down on the circle of fire around her and put out the trap, she disappeared.

Raphael's amused expression took no change, "I can already guess where that weapon must be. We will meet again Assaciel." he intoned, just before turning away, and he too vanished.


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Character Portrait: Assaciel
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In a veil of light, Gabriel stood, facing toward the heavens as though he had been having a conversation with the clouds. His face was ridden with perplexity, though his deep oceanic eyes remained solid. His wings curled behind him as he gripped his blade, his shoulders bearing the weight that followed adversity.

So Raphael had successfully completed the transfer of Maria's soul into the hands of the Italians, as well as smitten some of his angelic comrades in the process. The dawn of war was already in full bloom; the scent of bloodshed was ripe like the harvest. Gabriel sighed, knowing his burdens full well, and the lengths he would have to go to relinquish them.

"Assaciel," he called into the sky, waiting for the peel of thunder that would carry his voice to her ears. "Assaciel! Come quickly, my sister. I fear that the evil with face is much more powerful than I had previously estimated."

He bowed his head, as though feeling the intensity of the shame that the fallen angels had brought upon his brethren. The outcome of the war was going to be much graver and fiercer than he had hoped. He turned back to the heavens, his azure eyes calling on the strength of God to do His bidding and be successful.

"Be with us, Father," he said softly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael LeVian Character Portrait: Assaciel
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@St. Valentine I love how you portray your angel, gosh! Image

He was showing the young hunter what would be, if he were to fail in protecting her. He was showing her a nightmare memory. Good vampire king. What she however noted, was that the sender was holding back on something. She detected it, but in her attempt to cross to the vampire's thoughts her visuals was overloaded with thick, dark, volume of black smoke that clouded her, intensely. Making it clear that she was to not pry into his psyche. The vampire was compliant, but still in very much aware of his part, and in Assaciel's involvement was well aware that she may change things. Things that could threaten to compromise his own plans.

She understood, he was on their side, as he'd proven many a millennial ago, and yet, he still didn't confide in angels. Or maybe it was just her.

As the dream swirled and faded away from the angel's sights, she could hear a powerful force tugging at her entire being. Then she could hear the name, his voice, calling her name. Why oh why did it incite a sudden wave of excitement and anticipation stirring her insides? Perhaps it was because she already knew why he summoned her. He needed her. Her alone.

Not that it meant anything, they were simply associates, working toward the same cause, nothing more. But oh did Assaciel love to further analyze the possibilities. Or maybe these were the sensations that a young teenage girl felt, was she that tuned in on this vessel? She could not allow that to cloud her judgement. She knew better.

The strike of his will compelled her to abandon Dean and his group for the moment, and soon enough, the rustle of her feathers invoked her arrival. She stood before the Arcangel, his head bowed. She could pick up hints of his vibes, but none too revealing to her. Was that on purpose? Her eyes roved his stance, something unsettled him. She was wary to find out what.

"Gabriel, you request my presence." More of a statement than a question. She leveled her gaze steadily with his, "I've delivered the parcel to the Nephil, is there anything else you require?" She would ask more, but she clamped her mouth shut and instead awaited his response. She could wait forever if he asked her to.

Michael kept watch in the lower portion of the mansion, in case anything got passed the wolves or even the hunters outside, he would warn the others upstairs. Whatever was happening, it didn't take a genius to figure out it could be troublesome. He sure hoped his Selene was alright, he'd never seen her so worked up about anyone before. Ever. A smile played at his lips, tantalizing sparkles in his blues as he thought about her.

"Maybe later I can take her up for Bourbon, and that walk..." the vampire mused to himself as he gazed out to study the movements outside the estate grounds.


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Character Portrait: Assaciel Character Portrait: Gabriel
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{Thank you, Chii! I always imagine angels as being very majestic and graceful, especially Arcangels. So I tried to relay that when I made my Gabriel n_n}

The Messenger stood still for quite a few moments, his ivory wings curled against his shoulders like giant feathery switchblades. The wind rustled over the land and disturbed his curls, carrying a sound like a still voice as it passed over the two angelic beings. Gabriel closed his eyes and listened intently to the noise, his brows furrowed and his lips pursed into a perfectly straight line. When the wind silenced, he turned around and faced the little angel, who watched him expectantly.

"Assaciel," he began, his voice carrying like a rolling tide. "I am afraid we have run out of time. The Italians enslaved the soul of Maria in an impenetrable vessel designed by one of our own. From what I concur, they are racing against the French in search of Adacio's soul. Every day they grow an inch closer."

He stepped forward for effect, his golden armor shining like a sunset across his broad chest. He gripped the handle of his blade, which hummed with heavenly power only the likes of an angel could properly wield. His wings fluttered for a moment, clearly agitated in his frustration with the dilemma at hand. He half-turned to face the horizon before reverting his gaze back at Assaciel, eagerly awaiting his instruction.

"Any other given moment such as this, I would have called for a rallying of the angels," he continued, his voice dropping and becoming more grave, like the growling of an awakening earthquake. "But it appears no one can be trusted, given the circumstances. There is a vault that holds Adacio- we must break it and awaken Adacio before Raphael can get to it."

He paused, his shoulders slightly dropping at the gravity of the situation. The summoning of the soul that belonged to the most powerful Lord of the Underworld was not going to be a simple task. In his slumber within the vault where his soul was at peace, was also where he was most vulnerable; easily susceptible to theft by either the Italians or the French.

"We must also locate his grave. And Assaciel- I cannot express the importance of this enough -his grave must be protected at all costs."

He looked down at his palm, where Enochian etchings began to glow and grow up the entire span of his arm. He sighed, knowing their duties were quite heavy for just the two of them alone. He would have to call for Michael as well.

"Because in the grave of Adacio, both the body of Maria and his lay together, forever linked like the young Nephilim and the Lombardi descendant."

He looked directly into her widened eyes. He knew very well that she understood just how serious their responsibility was, even though she wasn't fully aware of why and how it all came together. To be honest, neither did he- all he knew was what had been written down in prophecy. But he knew that the Italians and the French both wanted to destroy the pure child and the first angel-demon hybrid; he was also very aware of the great power these two teenagers had sleeping inside of them.

If what the prophets inscribed was true, then the strength of the two both mirrored and surpassed that of their ancestors Adacio and Maria. The Italians and the French were bloodthirsty for this power, so it didn't make sense that they were only after Isabella, who was strongest only when she was near Dean.

"They are after more than just the little Italian girl, Assaciel," he finished. "The purebloods are on a treasure hunt for all of the pieces they need before they can use her pure blood to activate the sacrifice. They want to destroy them all."


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Character Portrait: Assaciel Character Portrait: Gabriel
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Gabriel sighed through his nostrils, his cerulean eyes searching the earth beneath his feet for a solution regarding the awakening of Adacio. He had to wake up a resting spirit before; he was only in charge of relaying them from the human to the spirit world. He brought a hand to run his fingers through his dark locks, frustrated that he couldn't settle on a definite answer.

"Go to the boy," he said. "I believe the key to waking up the demon lord rests in the hands of his own flesh and blood- his son."

He turned to face the sun, which turned a deep blood-orange as it began to sink into the horizon. Stars dappled the velvet sky like little holes in a colorful cloth, and the wind had picked up, becoming cooler in temperature. His wings spread out to his sides, spanning the length of a truck in measurement, and fluttered as he prepared to take off.

"I will personally watch over the grave until you return."

He took something that resembled a key from a satchel tied to his iron girdle. The polished brass sparkled in his palm as he reached to place it over Assaciel's head so that it hung at her neck. It was his own hand brandished instrument- a divine trumpet that elongated and fanned out when placed at the lips for summoning- but in its dormant state where it wasn't being used, it looked almost like a little skeleton key.

"If you ever need aid, you can call for me using this, and I will come to you. Godspeed, Assaciel."

After that being said, he leapt from the cliff they had been standing on and soared into the sun, his wings morphing his silhouette so that he looked like an eagle in the sky.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Assaciel
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Assaciel nodded at the Arcangel as her orders were given. She would definitely find the son of Adacio Esparda and remain by his side. She would have done so regardless of his orders. Like his father, Dean was young, and lost and in need of guidance before he was overtaken by his otherworldly nature.

Disappearing, the angel's wings flutter almost silently as she is directed to his presence, in the bathroom of the Avalon manor. He was in the process of drying off from the shower.

"Dean," She remained unfazed despite his nude form. It did t affect her the same way as it would had it been Lyra walking in on him. "We have more we must do. And time isn't on our side."


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Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Assaciel
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Dean towel-dried his hair, and wrapped it around his head. As soon as this is over, he's getting the hell outta here. He reached for a grey bathrobe that hung off the door's hook and shuddered at a sudden chill. The energy shifted with a jolt of charged celestial power. The presence of an angel no doubt. Crap he didn't think he'd ever grow used to. Hell, he still had a hard time accepting one took a ride in some innocent school girl. Then again, his freaking soul wasn't exactly his soul.

"Damn it Ace, what the hell?" He flinched and snatched up the robe but it was a second too late. She just stared right at him unfazed. Weird angel.

Taking a steady breath, he shook his head and wrapped himself in soft cotton. With a sigh he schooled his emotions back to normal. "What's with the bling?" He gestured at the key and quirked a brow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Assaciel
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Assaciel rose her brows, not at his apparent embarrassment but at the nick name? Ace? How strange. At his query she nodded simply, "It was given to me by Gabriel. I was instructed to use it only when I acquired his assistance."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Isabella Lombardi Character Portrait: Selene Morrigan Character Portrait: Aleksei Avalon Character Portrait: Mina Avalon Character Portrait: Assaciel
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Gabriel? Another of her angel friends? Crossing his arms he nodded slightly, "So what's with the key? What secrets does it hide?" He smirked as it was a joke.

She might not get it though.


Aleksei moved from the window, he flashed his eyes at Morrigan, then at the door leading to the bathroom and he shook his head, when he sensed the angel's presence. Deeming it safe, he left the room and soon enough he was unlocking the door that lead to his underground chambers. Inside he found both Isabella and Mina together there. He sighed with relief, as if expecting the worst, as was his prerogative in tense situations.

"Isabella, we need to move from here soon, there will be more demons hailing by. We may even get surrounded. I don't want you in any more danger." He told her quite seriously.

Mina stood up, "I'll help pack her things." She volunteered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Assaciel
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Assaciel stared, uncertain what to make of his query, "It's not a key it holds no secrets Dean. It is a trumpet, now, are we going?" She imagined he wouldn't want to go anywhere in a mere bathrobe but they didn't have time for anything more. She was to bring him to the burial site where Adacio lay and resurrect him before the Italians and French got to him or things would get a lot more difficult for them all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Assaciel
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"A trumpet, huh?" He scrutinized the little object and the more he looked the more like an old skeleton key it appeared--yet it's a trumpet. No argument with angel-logic. At her mention of leaving--with him--he back-pedaled, "Wait, where are we going?" He placed a hand to his chest, "I can't go out like this my stuff is in my car."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Assaciel
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Assaciel gave a curt nod, "And that car is?" She prompted, ignoring his previous inquery as she hadn't the time to explain anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Assaciel
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"It's the only Impala I parked right up front, ya can't miss it. My duffle's is in the back." He fished for the keys from his jeans to hand them over.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Assaciel Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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In a flurry of bright wings the angel vanished, only to appear moments later, Nike duffle in hand she tossed it, "Make haste, Salvatore, we don't have much time." She would have to bring him as he was if he kept hesitating to ask pointless questions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Assaciel Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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He blinked at the spot where the angel should've been. Keys still in hand. Only for her to appear moments later. He caught the giant black bag as it was thrown his way, unzipping, his stuff fell out, the black ball of his shirt, torn jeans drifting to the marble floor, the boots dropped at his feet, dirt clumps scattered there. His leather jacket tumbled out too.

"You didn't break into my car did you?" He dropped the bag and pulled on boxers, quirking a brow as he pulled them up and stripped off the robes, he reached for his jeans, "And where the hell are you spiriting me away to? Are ya gonna tell me or what?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dean Salvatore Character Portrait: Assaciel Character Portrait: Dante Salvatore
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She waited for him to ready himself. He was always so suspicious of her wasn't he? As though she were anything as simplistic as he was. "A metal contraption you call a car is no feat for me. Come now, boy, we're getting your father back." She reached for his shoulder so she could teleport him to his father's burial site.