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The Ribbons of Time



a part of The Ribbons of Time, by LunaSpirit.

Leonia is a very flexible area.

LunaSpirit holds sovereignty over Leonia, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

649 readers have been here.


Leonia is a very flexible area.
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Leonia is a very flexible area.


Leonia is a part of The Ribbons of Time.

5 Characters Here

Moira Noridan [20] Just...let me live. My way.
Rubix Mello [16] "This is my Rubik's Cube, I know I can figure it out..."
Henry Lowe [16] "Go to Heaven for the climate. Go to Hell for the company"- Mark Twain
Casio Torrent [13] "I just don't know what to do"
Ariana Evans [13] "If time where to sit still... what would I be able to do?"

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Character Portrait: Moira Noridan Character Portrait: Henry Lowe
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Henry could hear Sherlock and Watson doing the theme song Chariots of Fire as Moira and Henry ran.
'Smart asses,' he thought to himself.

Henry smiled back at Moira and chuckled at the chance of having such a title.
"That sounds very nice," he responded back equally loud," but I suppose before you give me such a prestigious position, you should see all the candidates, seeing as its not just you and me." He smirked in a mischievous way. He was impressed that she was keeping up, Henry was used to playing with dogs and other animals so he was used to running around. Henry slightly flushed as he realized he was thinking of checking out her body to see how her body looked.

He faced forward to hide his face as he calmed down.

"Well it just doesn't make sense to be worrying about everything. We need to keep pushing forward, right Moira? he turned back smiling and his mind calm once again.

He started to slow down as he approached the street he thought Moira had appeared on.

"Was this where you were when you heard the voice?" Henry asked as he came to a stop and Sherlock and Watson landed on his shoulders again.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moira Noridan Character Portrait: Rubix Mello Character Portrait: Henry Lowe Character Portrait: Casio Torrent Character Portrait: Ariana Evans
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(Its alright. Schools been snapping at my ankles too. -.-)
Rubix Mello

"Your cat seems to like dogs, Rubix"

At the sound of such a comment from Casio, the boy raised a silver eyebrow. "No, Jam is just stupid..." Rubix said in a very cold but somewhat amused tone. He watched as the feline continued to nuzzle the dog, who at first seemed rather displeased and aggressive towards the creature, before suddenly he recoiled whining loudly. "Oh don't you worry about that thing boy, feel free to chomp of its head, I donā€™t think it would notice itā€™s just that dopey..." He said, directed at the dog of course.

As the canine began wandering elsewhere, Jam just sat a few meters away from him, making yowling noises that were suppose to resemble meows repeatedly. Rubix ignored the 'genderless' creatures sounds, and contuined his convosation. "My names Rubix Mello, of course Casio here," He wandered a hand in the naive girls direction, somewhat semi introducing her. He wondered if it was rude to do such a thing or not. Well it was too late now, but he hoped she did not view him as a attention scooping dick. "-Already knew that. Itā€™s nice to meet you both, and yeah your right, its great knowing your not alone here. By the way Ariana, that laughter a moment ago didnā€™t belong to you did it? Do you know who it was?..."

The youth sighed, looking towards the colourful sky above. What do I do now? I have people? Do we look for information? But where? And what can bunch of normal kids like us do...?

The answer was. Nothing. They were the most useless peices of crap. They could not change anything. In fact, he was sure nobody even had a clue what was going on.

He was starting to reconsider his theory of being chosen.


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Character Portrait: Rubix Mello Character Portrait: Casio Torrent Character Portrait: Ariana Evans
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Ariana smiled slightly as the two introduced themselves- or at least Rubix did the introducing. She could tell that he felt the same as she did in this situation- useless. She didnā€™t want to think that though; all Ariana could do now was chalk up the moment to something that happened all the time- right? It couldnā€™t be the first time this happened; she hoped that it was something thatā€™d fade within twenty four hours and itā€™d just be their secret.

"-Already knew that. Itā€™s nice to meet you both, and yeah your right, its great knowing your not alone here. By the way Ariana, that laughter a moment ago didnā€™t belong to you did it? Do you know who it was?..."
Ariana looked at them; wasnā€™t it them who produced the laugh? She slightly shook her head at both, the question and the idea as she thought it through more carefully now. Whoā€™d laugh at something in this situation; or at least, whoā€™d laugh at this situation now? Ariana allowed her imagination get the best of her as she began to condone to the fact that it had ran wild.

ā€œMaybe we somehow entered another dimension; one where no time exists.ā€ She said out loud, mostly to herself. Ariana looked at the two, now a bit embarrassed at what she had just said. ā€œMaybe itā€™s better if we tried to think of the last place we were at?ā€ Now she was speaking to the others, almost as if she was reconsidering her ridiculous idea; as if it had some sort of possibility in logic for it to start happening.

She smiled nervously, trying to ease whatever tension. ā€œSo, what do we do now?ā€ Ariana said, now returning whatever tension she just took away. Meanwhile, Ralph was still snooping around, his nose to the ground as he looked back over at the group, sitting a ways away; his eyes not leaving the cat until he panned it over to the white ferret, almost wondering what kind of squirrel or cat it was.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rubix Mello Character Portrait: Casio Torrent Character Portrait: Ariana Evans
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Casio sighed she thought that maybe Ariana knew what was going on it was hard for her to know what to do she was used to being told every little move to make. So when Rubix introduced her she just nodded in agreement with his statement.

"Perhaps we should look to see if there are other's like... us" her voice trailed off when she realized she suggested something, she looked down at the ground blushing. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything", she said in a mousy tone of voice. She always felt bad about taking initiative, if she had made a comment like that in the presence of her father he would have scolded her for sure.

She moved closer to Rubix him being the only person she had any idea who they were. She was glad he wasn't frozen, Casio surely would have gone into a panic if she didn't know anyone.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moira Noridan Character Portrait: Rubix Mello Character Portrait: Henry Lowe Character Portrait: Casio Torrent Character Portrait: Ariana Evans
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(I think we should really get this RP started up now :3)

Rubix Mello

The silver haired boy listened to Ariana's idea with a thought full expression. "Another dimension eh? But this is exactly the same as before just completely frozen? Unless itā€™s a parallel dimension...Being honest your theory is a little unrealistic, but interesting and a theory none the less." He paused smiling softly, he was glad someone else was thinking the situation through. "I wondered if everyone who could move were kind of selected, like if it was genetic or something to do with your blood type or IQ level...But I now think itā€™s just random, but I guess we will find out when we find more people..." Rubix explained. "When I first realized time had stopped, I just woke up after a nap, looked outside and there were them lights...What are they anyway?...They look like strands or Ribbons..."

Rubix blinked sharply a few times at Casioā€™s response to herself suggesting something. He didnā€™t understand, she acted like she was not entitled to words. "Why should you have not have said anything? I donā€™t understand it was a perfect idea and itā€™s what we will do..." He explained in a quiet gentle voice, a soft smile growing on his lips which was directed at her. The brunette girl then shuffled closer towards him, kind of like a child did when they were afraid. Rubix couldnā€™t help but laugh lightly, but it felt nice feeling like he was protecting someone.

"Shall we do that then? Shall we keep calling out till someone comes?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rubix Mello Character Portrait: Casio Torrent Character Portrait: Ariana Evans
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Ariana mustered a leveled smile as he started to speak; knowing it isnā€™t any of the things he spoke of- her IQ was similar to Ralphā€™s. She listened to them as he spoke, before she heard the squeaking of the small, angelic girl; for some odd reason, she seemed so modest, as if she was scolded for speaking out of place. Her attention went towards the guy as he tried to console and her first thought was fairly apparent, as if she stapled it to her forehead; they were a couple.

ā€œYeah, donā€™t be too cheesed by it; speak out as much as you want.ā€ Ariana grunted nervously, flailing her hand in the air awkwardly. Her eyes examined the two as they, once again spoke; unfortunately, this time, Ariana wasnā€™t listening to his words- instead, she just nodded. Her thoughts where deep and elsewhere at the moment; as if she was thinking of something that was deep, yet, she threw it out within a matter of seconds.

Ariana looked at them and smiled slightly before she turned towards Ralph. ā€œCome here boy.ā€ She called, having Ralph come to her heels within seconds. ā€œHe has a good nose, so I think he might be help; then again, he might notā€¦ā€ She chuckled, her arm tracing over towards her other shoulder.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moira Noridan Character Portrait: Henry Lowe
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Moira nodded as she looked around.

Henry cupped his hands and shouted out
"If you can hear me! head to the center! We'll meet you there!" With that said and done he took a deep breath trying to catch it. And then once more he started running letting Moira give him directions seeing as she had been closer.

Each time they had made a new block Henry shouted out the name and kept running.

"Geneva Avenue!"

"Boxlen Boulevard!"

"Jackson Street!"


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(I think this RP is gunna become inactive. : ( )


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(That's a shame.:/ Why don't you try PMing the people and tell them that we need them to post. :3 If they don't, then try to advertise it so more people can join. It would suck that such an awesome idea dies without barely starting- I'll help you to try and get it back active. :D )