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The Room Mate

Queens, New York


a part of The Room Mate, by Maerorem-Caligo.


Maerorem-Caligo holds sovereignty over Queens, New York, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

526 readers have been here.


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Queens, New York is a part of The Room Mate.

5 Characters Here

Nicholas Kaden Archer [5] "Everybody who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching." WIP
Lauren Smith [Major W.I.P.] [4] "A New Girl Roommate? She better be pretty."
Allen B. Frazier [4] WIP "Again the burden of losing rests upon my shoulders."
Montana Reichs [3] 'I look scary, but I promise I'm cute!'
Steven Tate [3] "seriously girl? That top with those shoes?"

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Character Portrait: Allen B. Frazier Character Portrait: Steven Tate Character Portrait: Lauren Smith [Major W.I.P.] Character Portrait: Nicholas Kaden Archer
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Wearing: Red jumper with black moustaches, black shorts, ripped stockings and black boots
At: Fangs For Coming
Time: About 1:30 in the afternoon


Picking up her suitcase, she pushed the actual bag down until the long metal bars clicked into place. She then drew it behind her as she got out of the taxi. Glancing around, she had a good look at everyone on the street's face. If she was attacked she wanted a decent idea of what they looked like to tell the police. Walking to the back of the car, she waited until the cab driver opened the trunk before she took out her other suitcase, her duffel bag and her backpack. Everything she owned in four bags. How sad.
She thanked him, paid him and the driver sped off. Watching it dissapear around the corner, she looked up and down the street. She stuffed her hand into her red woolen jumper's pocket, fishing through until she found the slip of paper she'd written the address down on. Noting it, she checked the numbers on the building in front of her. Okay, so she wasn't far. Heading forwards, she counted down out loud before coming to a stop in front of a shop blaring with metal music. "Wait, this can't be right," she muttered. Walking in, she flicked her hair over her shoulder, looking around. There were a few shoppers browsing the gothic clothing and art. "Oooh," she whispered, walking over to a glass front cabinet that had a bunch of wrist cuffs and chokers. She grinned at one in particular; purple leather with silver studs and a dangling black bat charm. Checking the price tag, she fumbled through her backpack to find her purse. When she pulled out the money she needed, she stood up straight. Looking around, she saw a group of guys sitting behind the counter. Wheeling all of her bags over after having taken the choker out of the cabinet, she placed it and her money down. "I'd like this please," she said, smiling. Then she saw the taller guy. Scraggly dark hair, pasty skin and a cold stare. She stuttered for a second, stumbling backwards. "U-uh, j-you-- I," she spluttered. He looked like a serial killer!
She looked to the other gentlemen. One looked young, with dark, well kept hair, the other tall, tan and blonde. She decided to side step the frightening guy and speak to them. She began to walk towards them, but knocked over a rack of T-Shirts with her wheeled suitcase. She jumped as the metal clattered. She immediately went to pick it up and set it back in its place. "S-sorry," she muttered. Well, that was embarrassing. Making sure she didn't kill anything this time, she went towards the gentlemen again. "Um," she began, but with the commotion she made, she forgot what she was going to say. "Ah..." She patted the pockets of her black shorts then her jumper. "Oh right!" she cried, holding the slip of crumpled paper out. "Do you know where this is? I'm supposed to be moving there, but I don't know where it is." She made a face, adjusting her backpack. She sounded so Australian surrounded by Americans. Ugh.
Then she realised that she'd just told these complete strangers where she was going to live! And this was New York! People got mugged on the street in New York, who's to say they wouldn't go to her home?! She made a strange noise then leant across the counter to try and wrestle the piece of paper away from the blonde. "Can I just? I--." Her duffel bag was caught on something. She reached again, grabbing it. "I-- need this back!" she cried, accidentally kneeing the glass cabinet under the counter and cracking it. But she was freaking out. She'd never lived by herself, never left the country, yet here she was, giving her new adress to someone in New York! Jesus, she was so going to die.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Montana Reichs Character Portrait: Nicholas Kaden Archer
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Nicholas was enjoying his time off, it was, after all, a Saturday. That meant no school, and no school meant no having to go into work at an ungodly hour in the morning. It meant he could sleep in, and lazily enjoy his day. It amused his that he had the same attitude about going to school as his students did, and he felt like a student himself when every Monday rolled around. And here he was now, behind the counter in the back of the ship and leaning forward onto it, his elbows resting on the glass display below. In his hands rest a copy of 'The Naked Lunch' by William S. Burroughs, a novel he was teaching about in the English Literature class he was currently subbing for.

He had just reached the portion of the book where it leapt through time and space to an area called the 'Interzone' before a female bustled in with various forms of luggage. He lowered the book to watch her as she approached the front counter and placed something down, beginning to say something as she looked up and noticed who was behind it; Allen. He let out a chuckle as a terrified expression crept up her face and she stumbled backwards from him before sidestepping that counter entirely to head in his Steven's direction.

On the way towards them, she had knocked over a stand of tees, which provoked another chuckle from him and he lay the book out flat on top of the counter and braced his palms against the glass to steady himself as he leaned forward to watch her pick it all back up. The girl was cute, but something was off about her. Something foreign, maybe? She muttered her sorry, but it was too much of a mumble for him to understand. It reminded him of his more socially inept students, and he found it quite endearing.

It wasn't until she had finally made it to the back counter and started fumbling through her pockets for something before he finally caught on to what seemed so off about her. He was correct in his assumption that she was foreign; Australian, from what he could place. She held a slip of paper out to him, and he snatched it with a smirk, letting his gaze linger on her face before casting his glance downwards to what was written on the paper. He had barely enough time to register the address written on it before she tried seizing it back from him.

When she tried to snatch it, he held it up in front of him and stared at her as she struggled to pull it out of his two finger grip. A smirk once again stretched across his face as one of her bags got caught on something, but it quickly faded when she slipped and smacked her knee against the front pane of glass of the display between them.

The sickening crunch of cracking glass pulled him into a more serious state of mind and he dropped his gaze once more to observe the cracks spider-webbing outwards from the point of impact. He raised an eyebrow and returned his glance back up to this foreign woman, extending a hand to silently gesture at what she had just done. It was an exasperated gesture, and exaggerated to make her feel guilty about it.

He sighed before rounding the corner of the display and grabbing her loosely by her wrist. If she didn't offer up any resistance, she would be pulled behind him to a series of stiff plastic chairs that were seated in front of a large window. He held up the piece of paper in front of her and used his free hand to point at it. "You're looking for this address? You're sure?" He asked, scanning her face for any indication. "Because this address is right above us. You're here already. See?" He jerked a thumb over his shoulder, pointing it in the general direction of the staircase in the back. "Those stairs lead directly too it. You must be the new girl." He acknowledged, looking over her bags as if to confirm his statement.

"Right, then. Don't worry about the broken glass there. It can easily be taken out of your rent." It was said in a joking tone, and he hope the smile he cracked directly after would only allude more to that fact.

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Steven was snoozing at the very back of the shop, his head lolling to one side, his mousey blonde hair hanging down over his eyes. His normal place of sleep was upstairs, though today, for some bizarre reason he had decided to venture down and hang around in the shop. The shop was not Steven's first choice's of places to be associated with, however he had received news of the new room mate should be arriving soon.

At the sound of the toppling over teeshirt stand he woke with a start, snoring lightly. "wha-?!" He sleepily cast around the shop, wiping the trickle of drool from his chin. Spotting the knocked over display he gasped a little, covering his mouth with his hand. "oh... my god," he watched, in shock, he had spent hours organising the display only the day before and now saw his work lay scattered over the floor. "What have you done?" He leapt up from his seat and strode across the room, waving his arms around frantically. Paying no attention to the girl responsible for the damage- not stopping to check to see if she's okay- he begins to pick up the pieces of the display, being sure to avoid stepping in or touching the broken glass of the display case. Carefully he picked up the scattered tee-shirts, scowling at the girl behind her back. "ruining my work...spent hours on this..." he muttered over and over to himself, trying his best to repair the damage done to his once fabulous display.

After he'd fixed up the display, making a note to come back later after opening hours to tidy it all up, he stood up once again. Pushing his hair from his eyes he scanned around and caught sight of the newbie along with Nicholas. Breathing deeply, trying to remain calm, he walked over to Nicholas and muttered to him; "I give her 5 days before she's out of here.... I mean seriously, what is she wearing?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allen B. Frazier Character Portrait: Steven Tate Character Portrait: Lauren Smith [Major W.I.P.] Character Portrait: Nicholas Kaden Archer
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0.00 INK

Wearing: Red jumper with black moustaches, black shorts, ripped stockings and black boots
At: Fangs For Coming
Time: About 1:35 in the afternoon


Scowling, she felt her heart thud. This was it. The blonde guy was going to kill her. Right in the middle of a store. This was tragic. Maybe she would make the newspapers, though. That'd be cool. Wait, what was she talking about?! She didn't want to die! She started a stream of 'I'm sorry's before the blonde sat her down and asked if that was the address. "Y-Yeah," she muttered, looking sheepishly up at him. Welp, she'd have to call her new room mates and tell her she was dead.
Then he pointed to the stair case. Her eyes brightened and her smile blossomed. "Really?!" she cried, then leapt up to hug him, performing little bunny hops despite her luggage and the fact that she was clinging to him. "Yay! I'm not going to die, I'm not going to die! Thank you! I promise I'll pay for the counter!" With that, she let him go, fumbled with her bags and scrambled up the stairs. Pausing however, she looked back to the boy fixing up the glass and the other guy who was... was just terrifying. Gulping down her fright, she looked him in the eye. "Sorry, Mister," she said quickly, before clamberng up the stairs into the apartment.
It seemed friendly enough. She stood in a sort of entryway, the kitchen ahead of her, a much larger space to her left. Walking over there, she dumped her luggage on the couch. Now she realised she had zero idea as to where her room was. Um... There was supposed to be a female resident right? Maybe if she went to find her, she could help. Hoping she wasn't as pettrifying as the taller guy, as flambouyant as the shorter or as teasing as the blonde, she began to walk around the surprisingly large studio apartment. "Hello?" she called. "I-I'm the new room mate? Are you even home?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allen B. Frazier Character Portrait: Montana Reichs Character Portrait: Lauren Smith [Major W.I.P.] Character Portrait: Nicholas Kaden Archer
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0.00 INK

Steven finished up looking at the remainder of the shop, grumbling to himself he followed suit after the newbie, who knew what she'd do once she got up there. For all he knew, she would just dump her stuff onto the sofa, causing the cushions to go out of place and then result in him having to sort everything out because of her carelessness. Striding across the room, though executing his exit quite femininely, he reached the stairs and then placed one dainty hand on the hand rail. "If I'm not back in a hour," he called to Nicholas, "I've had a temper tantrum and won't be seen for the remainder of the day. If that is the case, good night, and feel free to pop any left over food in my room.... ON the counter this time though, not my floor,"
Bracing himself he began to climb the stairs, jumping the 13th one as he went. I don't know why I stay here... I mean look at this place... he looked around at the peeling, greyish stairwell that lead to the somewhat better looking apartment, though the thought didn't really settle his stomach. The moment I have enough money I'm moving out..simple as.

He reached the top of the stairs and turned the door handle, leading his way into the apartment. His fears were confirmed once his eyes settled on the dumped luggage and he sighed, rolling his eyes and waving his arms around again. "oh girl, seriously?" he strode across the room, not even looking at the newbie "first rule, no dumping," He picked up the luggage and held it at arms length (his expression that of he was holding a piece of rotten garbage) back to her, the first time his eyes had properly looked at her. "Is that understood?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allen B. Frazier Character Portrait: Steven Tate Character Portrait: Montana Reichs Character Portrait: Lauren Smith [Major W.I.P.] Character Portrait: Nicholas Kaden Archer
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#, as written by Naught

Allen B. Frazier
"Focus on the Bright Side to notice there isn't one.."

Allen B. Frazier only slept when it was necessary, on the weekends he usually slept for a few good hours, it wasn't the matter of energy. He just didn't think he needed it. Waking up or staying up early was -what he thought- a important part of his day. He didn't know what would happen, all he knew was that someone was going to be added to the small bunch living here.

"What do I want to wear?" Saying that in a deep and soft tone, that even a mere mouse scattering around would not hear.

He stared into the wardrobe he himself grew all of the years he's lived in this world and chose the first thing hanging on the hanger. If one were to know him, they'd know what he wore wouldn't really be of a surprise. What makes him feel comfortable and what he feels the need to wear without caring if it's acceptable or not, is likely what he's going to be wearing.

Not bothering to look in the mirror he turned towards his rooms door and went out of the room. Walking down the hallway his feet touched it lightly because, he doesn't really drag his feet. Walking out of the apartment part of the building and down the stairs,"Good morning shop, how do you feel?" Yeah, telling a building how it felt wasn't in the ordinary but, even in deeper thought a building could grow old like a human being and die like one as well. So, he'd found it weird to ask, it was again ordinary.

Licking his lips as he lacked the feeling of nicotine in the morning, he'd have to go to the store sooner or later. Just not right now. Walking up to the double door entrance into the shop, he unlocked it so, that both of the doors either went from the outside to the inside or from the inside to the outside. Not even checking if they were right out not he walked to the front counter and grabbed a book from under the counter and started to read from it.

Looking up ever so often at the few customers looking and shopping around. "Welcome to Fangs." He'd say that every time he would hear the door open. Saying it softly but, it was enough for everyone that came into the shop to hear. Newcomers jumped, regulars smiled and greeted him back. After it became 1:30 he put up his book and said his welcome to the girl that just walked into the store. But, that was all of the attention he gave her before staring at the front door.

"Okay," He scanned the item and took the money given her the change,"Would you like a-" He was interrupted by her giving him a terrified look and back away. "Um, ma'am." As he held up the choker and the change she sidestepped him to talk to the other two; Nicholas and Steven. It didn't really offend him because, these type of things happened often. Well, it was nice to know people knew of his presence.

Hearing something crash he looked over his shoulder, he chuckled to himself as Steven went berserk and started to pick up the glass before turning to a costumer who was ready to check out. Hearing a sorry from the clumsy girl walking up the stairs, he nodded and said farewell to the costumer that just checked out. That must have been the new girl, since he just noticed her suitcases and such. He turned towards the front and laid his head on his folded hands waiting for the day to end.