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The Roommate's Sickness

The Roommate's Sickness


When a schizophrenic college student tries to take over her roommate's life, what happens?

1,995 readers have visited The Roommate's Sickness since Foxylicious created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

the roommate


Step into someone else's shoes.
You go through your entire life wondering what college is going to be like. Though once you finally get there, you find out it's nothing like what you thought it would have been like. A schizophrenic walks the campus without taking her medication, putting the lives of everyone in danger. What happens when she tries to take over her roommate's life? How far would she be willing to go to claim it as her own?

Name || Age || Role || Face Claim || Open, Reserved, Taken
You have 48 hours to complete a WIP and 3 days to complete the character sheet. If the deadlines are not met, the role will be reopened.

Name || 19 || The Schizophrenic || Nina Dobrev || Taken by Foxylicious

Name || 18 - 20 || The Roommate || Lucy Hale || Reserved by SaxyLady15

Name || 18 - 20 || The Roommate's BFF || Emily Osment || Open

Name || 18 - 20 || The Roommate's Boyfriend || Matt Lanter || Open

You may change the code to your liking in any way as long as the information stays on the sheet.
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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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Dialogue Color Code: #00ff6f

Sabrina sighed as she stepped out of the taxi cab and paid the driver before turning towards the back of the vehicle, beginning to gather her things out of the trunk. She couldn't believe she was finally in college. After everything she went through in college, all the classes she was on the verge of failing. Everything was beginning to fall into place, she was finally getting her life back on track. Though from this moment on, she promised herself that nobody would ever find out about what happened just a year before during high school. If anyone found out, they would all think she was some insane person and never give her a chance to get to know her.
The brunette finally retrieved all of her boxes and suitcases out of the trunk and slammed it closed, signaling for the driver that he could leave. Just as she bent over to pick up a couple of the boxes, she was greeted by a male with a trolly. "Hey, just thought this might help a bit," he stated to her. She stood up and glanced at the male, finding him to be extremely attractive. She gave him a brief smile, "Thanks," she responded as she started stacking her boxes and suitcases onto the trolly. "Would you by any chance know where the girl's dorm is?" she questioned as she tucked her hair behind her ears and glanced around the campus a bit.

"Actually, my girlfriend might know. She's about to head there herself, maybe she could walk with you," he stated before turning around and looked towards a brunette female. "Mia!" he called as he waved his hand, signaling her to come to him.

From what Sabrina was able to gather from the way she looked, she seemed as if she had a decent head upon her shoulders and she was extremely jealous that this boy had already been claimed, by someone she believed was way prettier than she was or ever would be. She slid her hands into her back pockets as she waited in silence for the girl he called Mia to make their acquaintance.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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Mia had arrived at her college of choice, and loving the fact her and her boyfriend would be attending together. "Jackson, c'mere, and look at this!" She pointed to the map. "The dorms aren't too far-" She started to explain how they could meet up sometimes, and she was cut off by him calling for her.

"What is it, baby?" She muttered, studying the map still, and only looking up in front of her boyfriend. "H-hi?" She stuttered as she folded the map, looking at the girl. She took a step to separate her boyfriend.

"Can I help you?" She looked at the girl curiously.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00ff6f
Sabrina tucked her hair behind her ear with a friendly smile, "Yes, um, I was wondering if you would be willing to lead the way to the girl's dorm. He," she pointed towards her boyfriend as she finished, "said that you were just about to head that way anyways. But um, it's fine if you'd rather me find my own way...I um, I feel I'm intruding on something," she stated as she glanced back and forth between the two of them.

She started to finish placing her boxes on the trolly as she waited for the female's response. She glanced over towards her boyfriend when she heard him begin to speak, "I'll meet up with you for lunch babe, I need to get things set up in my dorm," he stated before pressing a kiss upon her forehead and walking off, leaving the two of them alone. For some reason she felt a bit relieved about it and then shook the thoughts from her head. She didn't want to go back to her ways in high school. Especially not now.


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Character Portrait: Sabrina James
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0.00 INK

ImageMia snarled almost as she listened to this girl. "Can you take me to the dorms?" Frick no, little slut. Mia saw it all over her.

As soon as he was gone, she eyed the girl, slowly taking steps towards her. "First of all, let's get one thing straight. If I even think you're thinking about MY boyfriend, I'll have you rejected from the social world so fast, you won't be able to think." She growled, and turned on her heel.

"Dorms are this way." She sighed, and continued walking the opposite direction her boyfriend left in. He was hers. Period. No little tramp was going to ruin her 2 year relationship.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00FF6F

After hearing Sabrina's words she knew she shouldn't have been shocked to hear her response, but honestly she was. In her opinion she was being as nice as she possibly could. Though once she started using the "my boyfriend" card. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Yes, there was no denying he was attractive and yes Sabrina was a crazy person. But that doesn't mean she would ever try to steal someone's boyfriend.

"I," she started before Mia started walking away, "wouldn't ever do that," she added in a soft mumble as she began pushing her trolly with all of her things on it, following behind Mia. At this point, she couldn't wait to get to her dorm and get away from this girl. She could feel the rage built up in her about her just speaking to her boyfriend. Once she found out he was taken, she backed up so far from her flirtatious tendencies. Sabrina always had respect when it came to relationships. Even before she started taking her medication.

Though she did have high respect for Mia. She was guarding what was her's and that was something she loved seeing around here. Back at her high school not many people were like that when it came to their boyfriends or girlfriends.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James
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0.00 INK


Mia walked to the front of the dorms. "Rooms are labeled numerically & alphabetically." She explained, before starting to walk towards her own dorm, which she had already moved in to, 800B. "I think you're okay to find it from here. It starts from those," She pointed to the left. "To those." She pointed to the right.

"Have fun!" She grinned, before disappearing to find her room. She whipped out her phone, texting her boyfriend. "How dare you leave me alone with a stranger! #strangerdanger babe. "


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00FF6F

Sabrina nodded her head at Mia and glanced down at her papers, looking for her dorm number. She sighed when she noticed that it was 800B and started walking around the dormitory, looking for her room. Finally after a good fifteen minutes she found herself standing in front of the door. When she opened it she was surprised at who she noticed in the room. She paused for a moment and without a word she made her way over to the opposite side of the room. Great! She thought to herself. This was going to be an amazing year. Rooming with someone who already clearly doesn't like me. She pulled the trolly into the room by her bed before glancing over to her. "I know you don't like me, so I'll just stay out of your way and mind my own business," she stated before going silent once more and started to unpack her things.

((Figured I mind as well post for him to make it a bit easier in the long run. xD I'll post for the BFF in the long run as well if I need to to make things easier when these two come up.))
Jackson sighed as he started making his way up to his dorm, finding his entire side of the room filled with boxes. He immediately got to work unpacking, finding himself to be half finished when he got a text from his girlfriend. "How dare you leave me alone with a stranger! #strangerdanger babe." he read and just gave a soft chuckle before replying.

"Well, she seemed like a nice girl. Besides, I figured that since you were heading there anyway you could at least help her out even if you end up not liking the girl." Jackson slid his phone back into his pocket and continued unpacking. Hoping to be finished before he had to meet Mia for lunch.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James
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0.00 INK


"Well, she seemed like a nice girl. Besides, I figured that since you were heading there anyway you could at least help her out even if you end up not liking the girl."

Mia was just about to reply to her boyfriend, when that girl walked in. Watching her, she saw the trolly being pulled in. Mia stood, and crossed her arms. "Wrong bed." She pointed to the other bed, as a signal for her to move her little butt. "My bed is the one closest to the door. That way, you aren't affected by Jackson and I's adventures." She sighed, and looked at the time. She had an hour to kill before she saw him again.

"Have fun unpacking." She rolled her eyes as she slammed the door behind her, having unpacked earlier as she'd gotten here early this morning. She decided to be a good girlfriend and go help Jackson. It's not like he had someone to help him anyway.

Arriving at Jackson's dorm, she knocked on the door, then entered without waiting for him to open it. "Hey baby. Do you need any help?" She asked, smiling.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color Code: #00FF6F

Sabrina just stood there in silence as she listened to her roommate's words and watched her walk out, slamming the door behind her. "God, what's that girl's problem?" she mumbled to herself as she rolled her eyes and began unpacking. She sighed as she sat down on the bed, closest to the window and pulled her phone out of her pocket. This was going to be one hell of a year, she thought to herself.

Sabrina sighed as she noticed that not a single person had texted her and she set her phone down on the bedside table before returning to unpacking. That's when she heard a knock at the door and stood to her feet before walking over to it and answered it. She noticed a very gorgeous blonde standing before her and gave the blonde a friendly smile. "Can I help you?" she questioned.

The blonde glanced into the room over Sabrina's shoulder and nodded her head. "Actually, yes, do you know where I could find Mia?" she questioned, finding that Mia wasn't in the room. Sabrina shook her head, "No, but she just left a couple moments ago. Not sure where she went. I'll tell her you stopped by." "Thanks, I'm Emily by the way," she stated before turning on her heels and leaving.

Sabrina closed the door behind her with a sigh and rolled her eyes. That was the last thing she wanted to deal with. Messages for the roommate whom she didn't even seem to enjoy being around. At that point she shrugged her shoulders and decided not to tell Mia that Emily had stopped by. Besides, it wasn't her business.

Jackson had just got finished setting up his laptop when he heard a knock at the door and turned finding Mia stepping inside. He smiled at her and shrugged his shoulders. "If you want to help, go for it," he stated to her as he began placing his clothes into the dresser.

"Have you met your roommate yet?" he questioned as he made his way over towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist and looked down at her with a smile.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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0.00 INK


Mia could hardly contain herself as she shut the door behind her, and watched Jackson shrug his shoulders playfully.

"If you want to help, go for it,"

"Alright, alright." She teased, and grabbed a box of his CD's, smiling when she came across she'd made him of his favourite songs in high school. She reached up and put it in the top slot in his CD rack.

"Have you met your roommate yet?"

Geez, those words stung her soul. "Yeah, sadly." She sighed, biting her lip as she rested her head on his chest. She felt like she could go on a mini rampage with how much anger she had for that... whoever that girl was. "She's horrible, and I hate her, and if I ever find you even thinking about her you are dead!" She growled, and snatched out of his grip, crossing her arms. "She likes you, I know she does, and she's going to rip you out of my loving arms into her vicious sin-filled ones!" She snapped, running through her hair. "I gotta go." She proclaimed, and slammed the door behind her.

Or at least, that's what she was thinking in her head. When in reality, she just hugged him back, smiling into his cologne. "It's the girl you met earlier." Mia sighed as if she was tired. "She's really rude, and she's got her eyes all over you." She frowned, reaching up to peck his lips, then close her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder, yawning. "Can I just spend the night here tonight?"

Mia smiled as if she was child asking for candy. "You know, I haven't heard from Emily." She frowned more, and squeezed her boyfriend.


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Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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0.00 INK


Jackson just sighed and shook his head. "You have nothing to worry about Mia. You're the only girl I'm ever going to wrap my arms around. I'm not interested in her," he stated to her with a sigh and then returned the kiss. "Though I think you should give her a chance. She can't be that bad," he stated before adding, "And yes, if it would set your mind at ease I'll allow that," he answered.

Though just as he was about to lean back down and kiss her, there was a knock at the door. He sighed and released Mia from his arms and opened the door, finding Emily. "Though I don't think you have to worry about Emily, she's right here," he stated with a playful tone and allowed the blonde to step inside.


Emily smiled as she stepped inside and wrapped her arms around her best friend. "I stopped by your dorm and um, your roommate gives me the creeps. There is just something about her that doesn't sit right with me," she stated as she pulled away from the hug and looked over towards Jackson. Finding that he had the look on his face like she had just interrupted one of their "bonding" times if you would call it that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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0.00 INK


"You have nothing to worry about Mia. You're the only girl I'm ever going to wrap my arms around. I'm not interested in her,"

Mia couldn't help but smile teasingly as he kissed her so softly.

"Though I think you should give her a chance. She can't be that bad, And yes, if it would set your mind at ease I'll allow that,"

"Gee, I'm so grateful I didn't have to fight you about it." She teased, watching him answer his dorm door. Mia laughed as his tone changed and she was suddenly engulfed in Emily's arms.

"I stopped by your dorm and um, your roommate gives me the creeps. There is just something about her that doesn't sit right with me,"

Mia smiled, nodding. "I know, right? Explain that to Mr. Smartypants over here. Sabrina was all over him when she met Jackson. He just likes the attention." She frowned at Jackson, and looked back at Emily."Why haven't you called me or anything? I bet you Sabrina wouldn't have even told me you came over.." She sighed, sitting on Jackson's bed.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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0.00 INK


Jackson just sighed and rolled his eyes at the girl's comments and went back to unpacking after he closed his door. He listened to the girl's conversation. "Seriously Jackson. You need to learn how to stop trusting people when you first meet them. Please don't take the same road you did back in high school. Trusting people that easily got you into some serious problems. Sabrina is trouble and I feel it," he heard Emily state. He just shrugged and shook his head. "Maybe you're right and maybe you're wrong. I try not to judge people before getting to know them." he stated before looking over towards Mia, having a feeling that she was thinking things again. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way to get to know her. Calm down Mia," he added with a soft chuckle and sat down at his computer desk.


Emily sat down beside Mia on Jackson's bed as she turned her attention to the only male in the room and spoke, defending her best friend's opinion, "Seriously Jackson. You need to learn how to stop trusting people when you first meet them. Please don't take the same road you did back in high school. Trust people that easily got you into some serious problems. Sabrina is trouble and I feel it," Emily stated to him and laid back on his bed with her feet hanging over the edge. The blonde stared up at the ceiling with a sigh.

"Maybe you're right and maybe you're wrong. I try not to judge people before getting to know them," at that point Emily could feel the tension rising in the room as Jackson went on defending the poor girl. Even though she knew Mia had nothing to worry about she couldn't help but feel that he was digging himself a hole that he would have a hard time climbing out of. That's when he added, "But that doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way to get to know her. Calm down Mia."

Emily rolled her eyes at his words and sat up right on the bed again and looked to the two of them. "Do you guys want to go out tonight? Have a bit of fun. I heard there was going to be a welcome back to school party on the beach," she stated.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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0.00 INK


"Seriously Jackson. You need to learn how to stop trusting people when you first meet them. Please don't take the same road you did back in high school. Trusting people that easily got you into some serious problems. Sabrina is trouble and I feel it,"

"Maybe you're right and maybe you're wrong. I try not to judge people before getting to know them, But that doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way to get to know her. Calm down Mia."

Mia frowned at Jackson, and then grinned as Emily spoke. "A party? Yes! That's exactly what we need!" She giggled, and grabbed Emily's arm. She then turned to her grumpy boyfriend. "Are you coming with us, hot stuff?" Mia winked teasingly, and giggled, biting her lip. "Please?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabrina James Character Portrait: Mia Downing
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0.00 INK


Jackson glanced over at Mia as she became highly excited about this party Emily brought up. ""Are you coming with us, hot stuff?" he heard her question. "Well, I've got a lot I need to do," he answered. But just before he was able to continue what he was saying her heard a small "Please?" come from his girlfriend. At that point he just sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, fine. But I'm not drinking," he answered as he reached for his room key and slid it into his pocket before making his way out the room and waited for the girls to step out before closing it behind them.


Emily stood to her feet when Mia grabbed her arm. She stood there in silence with a smile on her face as she listened to the conversation between her best friend and Jackson. She hoped he would tag along, he really needed to loosen up a bit, this party would do him some good. Though when he accepted the invite she followed him out the door and waited for him to close it before leading the two of them towards the party.


As the hours passed on, Sabrina found herself being very bored sitting in her dorm room, so she decided to go to the back to school party on the beach that night. She sighed as she climbed off her bed and dressed in her favorite pair of jeans, a t-shirt with a blue, cloth sweater over it and put her sneakers upon her feet. After grabbing her keys, she stepped out the room, closing the door behind her.

Sabrina hoped that Mia would be there so that she could at least try to be friends with her. Though part of her knew it was useless because nobody ever wanted to be friends with her and honestly she had no idea why. Ever since she started taking her medication she was completely sane. The female sighed as she finally made it to the party and began maneuvering her way through the crowd.


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Character Portrait: Sabrina James
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0.00 INK


"Well, I've got a lot I need to do, Okay, fine. But I'm not drinking,"

Mia sheepishly grinned big, and kissed his cheek as she passed him to go out the door. "Some of our best stories start with you saying that. " She teased, and watched as Jackson shut the door. "Ain't that right?" She nudged her best friend. "Okay, make me forget about this Sabrina." She whispered in Em's ear playfully.

Then, they all piled up in Mia's beetle bug, and Emily drove them to the party site, where Mia had no idea she'd have the worst time of her life.

{I'm thinkin' like Sabrina finds Jackson somewhere, while Mia and Emily aren't with him getting drinks, and they dance, while Sabrina doesn't recognize Jackson, and vice versa, then they start to like get it on, however intense ya think?}

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Character Portrait: Mia Downing
Character Portrait: Sabrina James


Character Portrait: Sabrina James
Sabrina James

The Schizophrenic

Character Portrait: Mia Downing
Mia Downing

The Roommate {WIP}


Character Portrait: Sabrina James
Sabrina James

The Schizophrenic

Character Portrait: Mia Downing
Mia Downing

The Roommate {WIP}

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Character Portrait: Mia Downing
Mia Downing

The Roommate {WIP}

Character Portrait: Sabrina James
Sabrina James

The Schizophrenic

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Re: The Roommate's Sickness

Great! I'll put her up for reservation for ya.

Re: The Roommate's Sickness

I can totes do the roommate!

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