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Colette Toliver

"We know we're all scared. But we all pretend we're not."

0 · 1,197 views · located in Ryder Academy

a character in “The Ryders - Part 1”, as played by melmolly




Name: Colette Toliver
Ryder Name: Colette Toliver
Sexuality: Pansexual



  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 119 pounds
  • Hair Color: Mahogany , appears lighter or darker in sunlight
  • Eye Color: Olive green with a brown center, often appearing more brown or more green on different occasions
  • Tattoos: None
  • Scars: One under her left arm
  • Clothing Preference: Vintage, but also vogue-like, and also casual

Personality: Colette was trained to be a leader-type among Ryders. She is driven, focused, and a wonderful motivator among her colleagues. However, she is also a good listener and open-minded when she needs to be. Although sometimes when she feels no one is reaching their full potential, she will try to push and push them until they show some progress, quite to the annoyance of others. She feels everyone is destined for something, and when people don't try to reach their destiny, she is frustrated. She always has a strategy, a to-do list, and goals to achieve. She will take people's comments, but is not very accustomed nor does she like harsh criticism. Sometimes being put into a powerful position gets to her head, but mostly Colette is reliable and hardworking.

As a friend, Colette is amiable and loyal. She's still a teenager, and she loves listening to music and going to fun parties with her friends just like everyone else, even though her personality is quick to change when she is called to be a Ryder. She'll play and goof around, take a mountainful of photos and put them online, and actually has quite a few hundred friends on social networking sites. She isn't very artistic, but is well-rounded academically. When you get to know her very deeply, which Colette rarely lets people do, you discover that she is very humbled and gentle. She loves to get in tune with nature, and is a great poetry writer. She has not let anyone discover this. She is also not very trusting of people.

Colette has a deep love for her family,and others she holds close to. She puts them above herself. She has a thing for organization, and dislikes clutter so much she feels compelled to clean up dirty messes anywhere she goes. She works very well with children, as they admire her supposed fearlessness. Sometimes. though, as much as she wants to defeat Diablo and his minions, she's afraid of what might become of her, and, in turn, her family.

She has a weakness for suck-ups and chivalry. Colette isn't looking for love, and it hasn't found her either. By a glance, she could easily be mistaken as intimidating, when she is only partially, when she is motivated to finish her education so she can go into the real world. If someone looked for a little longer, they'd find another world.


  • Gratification
  • Scoring better than anyone else
  • Lilies,Cherry Blossoms, and the sunrise and sunset
  • Adventure
  • Pop and Rap music
  • Poetry
  • Cooking
  • Chocolate and red velvet cake
  • Staying inside in the rain
  • Kittens
  • Film editing
  • Tofu and Soy milk
  • Petty and cheesy people
  • Drugs
  • Sand
  • Rude people and bullies
  • Films that provoke tears
  • Wasted time and talent
  • She will never be good enough
  • She won't save the world like she plans to
  • Spiders, wasps, rats, cockroaches
  • Sloths
Dreams/Hopes: She wants to save someone's life.
She wants to be a legendary Ryder.
She wants someone to want to travel with her for the rest of her life.

History: Colette was born in the distinctly richer side of Cree to a powerful wizard. She went to an oracle on an island and it was foretold that she would be very powerful, powerful enough to put an end to Diablo's reign.Colette, from a very young age, trained in jujitsu, gymnastics, karate. and sword fighting. She doesn't tell much about any other part of her past. But who knows?



Companion Species: Faerie


Companion Name: Quinn Butterclove
Companion Appearance:
  • Hair Color:Black, Blue,and Silver
  • Eye Color: Milky blue and purple
  • Height: 5 inches
  • Clothing Preference: Flowey dresses
Companion Personality: Quinn is a very calming fairy, which is helpful when Colette gets stressed out. She sees people's abilities, and is attracted to Colette because of hers. She was born in the fairy forests and taken as a companion for Colette when she was still a baby, and was trained. She can be very witty, fun, and relaxing. She also serves as a good spy. She is a die-hard romantic, always fantasizing scenarios for her and Colette. She can be serious when she wants to be, and is helpful when Colette needs her. She has a habit of singing too much, however, and is allergic to whatever flowers Colette sneaks home.
  • Likes: Music,playing instruments, singing, being sneaky, laughing,working with Colette
  • Dislikes:Loud people,harsh people, stress
  • Fears: Colette will leave her or Colette will die when she fights against Diablo and his army
  • Hopes/Dreams:She'll find the man of her dreams/She and Colette will be victorious in taking down many of Diablo's minions

So begins...

Colette Toliver's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Skyler Johnson
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Magical Time Skip Time!

After they got Saga to the medical chamber to get better, Draconem had decided it was enough. This was suppose to be training, no one was suppose to get hurt like this. But, what can he do now? They only thing he could do was use his magical powers to ease the pain of all the students who got hurt during training and heal faster. Draconem seems like such a saint, don't he?

After this, is was time to begin to plan the feast! Draconem had planned to have a feast for all the students after a day or two of being at the school so that they may meet their roommates and become better acquainted with their companions. After a while of preparing, it's finally ready. The grand hall is big enough for Draconem to fit in and curl up at the end behind where the teachers and such will be sitting at a long table facing the tables where the students will be sitting. The tables are long and decked out with a red and gold stitched table cloth that brings out the gold in the bricks of the floor. The bricks of the wall are a devein mix of red and gold with large red and gold stitched drapes that go all the way up to the ceiling that is a glass paneling with a black rim that lets in natural light. Yet, every three feet down the long tables is a magical golden candle that lets off a brilliant blue flame.

Set out on the tables is all kinds of food. There's the normal food in which humans usually eat as they are easy to get for humans. There's turkey, chicken, fish, wheat bread loafs, tomato soup, red and green apples, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, white cake, and the list goes on. But there is also the food that other beings, less likely humans, would it. Like for the dragons there's coal, lava rocks, flying fish, and fireflies (literally fireflies) and then the various human foods. For the fairies there sweet honey, cookie crumbs, sweet jam, nectar, and pieces of the various human foods that can be pinched off of. For the unicorns there's golden apples, golden carrots, orange long carrots, and then the various human foods. And then it goes on to magical apples that are a purple color and can change a humans appearance to a random companion. Draconem put this out there to see how many students wouldn't know what it was and eat it. The effects wouldn't last that long. Only a couple hours or so.

On top of all of this, Draconem also had a friend, Aquarius, and his minions to bring the beautiful northern lights or Cree into the grand hall of Ryders Academy. So, now our scene is set and ready with red and gold walls, floors, and tables. Glowing blue golden candles. Tables decked out with all kinds of food. And now with the open sunlight coming from the windows on the ceiling and the northern lights being right inside, only made brighter and more pink by the light coming in. It was perfect. All that was missing was music. Some kind of music. He got all the little elves together and put them in a little group off to the side of the grand hall, their whole tiny little orchestra. Not only were they tiny to him, but they would've been tiny to humans too. Yes, they were about as tall as a fairy, usually an inch or two taller, but still around the same height. And there was a great amount of them so that their music could fill the whole room, which it did, with the help of Draconem putting an enchantment on them to make them louder. At Draconems go, they will play.

After a moment of looking everything over, he called for the students to come. Once all the students were outside of the grand big door to the grand hall, Draconem opened the door and nodded to the elves, signaling they to play. As the first Ryder stepped foot in the door, 6th Symphony Pastoral started playing from the elves and filled the room brilliantly. "Please, come in and take a seat wherever you like." Draconem said with a smile to the students and watched as they all filed in the room. Once they were all seated, Draconem perched behind the teachers table were a few Pegasus, Degore, and a few Phooka. "Let the feast, begin!" Draconems voice rang out over the grand hall and the students began to eat and talk as the music continued to play. "Oh yeah! Food!" Jay yelled in excitement and grabbed a chicken leg and began eating, Slayer did the same with a small "Yay!" and grabbed a turkey leg. Ash rolled her eyes at her cousin and grabbed a red apple.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: BlueJay
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Saga checked himself over in the mirror. A black coat was hung over his shoulders, his white dress-up shirt popped open at the top by a few buttons to show off his smooth and pale skin. Pants that shared the same color as his coat hugged his legs and fastened to his waist by a black belt buckle along with his black dress-up shoes. One ring adorned his right index finger, while three bulky and slim rings were on his left hand. He ruffled his curly, styled hair a bit, was it considered a perm? He wasn't sure. He was quiet as he put himself together, not paying attention to his roommate, not sure whether he was still there or had gone off on his own because he was taking so long. The feast had started nearly an hour. He swore he woke up early—only because his sister called him until he woke up this morning—and still he was late. He shrugged. No point in worrying about it now. He looked around the room for Bluejay and found him curled up in his bed, snoozing. The edge of his lips cocked up into a smile as he made his way over and kicked the side of it. The Bjs bed had been hung up over his own before like Reechis was with Angels however Saga moved it to the floor beside his bed. He hit his head too many times, that, and Bluejay always fell out and landed on his face.
”Come on little guy, time to go eat up.” Saga slid his hands in his pockets, slouching back with his head tilted to the side. The phone on his coffee table rung, ringing with the sound of a tigers rawr. He raised an eyebrow, why was the Tiger calling him?

Aya was NOT amused. Adorning her tiny body was a black jumpsuit speckled with miniature white flowers. It was slightly transparent and the collar a V-neck, with a black tank top under it to keep is classy yet modest. Her bangs were pulled back and she wore black flats. Her eyebrows narrowed, glaring at herself in the mirror. It had taken her an hour to force herself into this outfit, and the only reason she was in it in the first was A) Saga had picked it out for her the night before and promised to match her today. Usually, that wouldn't be enough to convince her even WITH her obsession with her brother...but Tora had called. He had called her to check up on her and she vented out her entire frustrations to him. Somehow, she wasn't sure, he had convinced her to get into it. She bit her lip, speaking into the phone now.

”I hate you...” she mumbled. Tora burst into laughter on the other line. ”This is not funny, I'm going to freeze to death!”

”Maybe it will be warm in there.” he suggested.

”And if not, oh brilliant Tiger?” she inquired.

”Ask your brother for his jacket.”

”....” She couldn't see it, but Tora was smiling on the other line. He was laying back on his couch in his sweat pants, his pet cat Chicken rolled up into a ball on his stomach. He scratched his pets head. ”Whatever.” she pouted and grabbed her purse on the bathroom sink, Tora let out a chuckle.

”Oi, you're nervous aren't you? Why?” he asked, knowing her far too well. She was like his little sister.

”Shut up.”

”Come ooon, you can trust me. How long have we been friends for?”

”Felines are of the devil, so no.” She responded. Tora rolled his eyes. She was like his sister, sometimes she even annoyed him.

”How about this, if I guess your favorite animal, you will tell me. Ok?” He scratched his cat behind the ears, hunching in his neck to keep the phone to his ears.

”Fine. Go.”

”Wait, does Saga know what it is?”

”Nope. We don't really talk about that kind of stuff.” she replied. Suddenly, she could hear dialing through the other end. ”Tora, what are you doing?”

”Calling Saga, maybe I will have more of a chance.”

”うそー! うそつけ!(Uso[No way!], usotsuke[Lier/Cheater!])”


”もしもし!? (Moshi, Moshi!?)” Takeshi leaned on one leg, one hand still in pocket as he held the cellular device close to his ear. ”虎 ? 何 ? (Tora? Nani[what?])”

”Nee, let's guess Ayas favorite animal.” Tora randomly spouted.

”Heiii?[Ehhh?]” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, a part of him was tempted to just hang up the phone. Tora explained the situation to him. From the corner of his eyes he took a peek at BJ, who was still asleep and trying to wake up, and sighed agreeing to participate. It would be fun to pick on his sister a bit.

”Ok Aya, some hints. Is it big or small?” Tora questioned.


”Definitively small.” Saga added. An awkward silence followed on Ayas end.


”HEEIII!?” Saga and Tora exclaimed.

”Maybe it's massive eh? So surprising.” Saga was a bit shocked honestly. Tora nodded.

”Hmmm, ok ok. Another one. Soft or hard?” Tora asked again. Saga restrained a chuckle, covering his mouth slightly. Tora didn't notice.

”Soft.” she stated matter-of-factly, her tone gentle.

”Oooh, I wonder what it is? Something big and soft huh?” Tora stared up at his ceiling.

”マッテイ! マッテイ! (Mattei, mattei[wait, wait.]” Saga burst into laughter but regained himself for a little while, ”Can I ask a question?”

”Sure, go ahead.” Tora replied. Saga laughed again but stopped.

”It is long or short?” he laughed like an immature kid with the giggles and then it clicked in Toras head and he begun to laugh too.

”Oi! Oi! Oi!” Tora exclaimed.

”Buuzz! Buuuzz! Question invalid!” Aya pouted, puffing out her cheeks as they turned beat red.

”No dirty jokes allowed Saga!” Tora laughed and so did Saga.

”Question time is up for you guys. What is the answer?” Aya asked. Both whined in disapproval but sucked it up.

”Hmm, something big and, a Panda!” Tora gussed, it was quiet. ”Aya? Aya what is the answer?”

”A cat.” She responded.

”Wtf, a cat isn't big!” Saga shook his head and both Tora and Saga laughed in disbelief. ”Who are you, Arietty? You have to be like Arietty for a cat to be considered that!”

”Tough luck Tora, I'm getting off the phone now.” She ended the call.

”Oi! You tricked me! You said cats are of the devil!!!” Tora sat up and Chicken jumped off his lap. Saga laughed.

”Gotta go man, going to head to the party. Sayonara.”


Saga kicked the bed again. ”Ready yet, Jay?”


Aya shoved a smaller version of the Katana, a Wakizashi into the back strap of her Jumper along with her regular Katana she had finally obtained and decided on to be her main weapon. Inside her purse were some shurikens, kunai, pocket size mirror, handkerchiefs, and mints. Just in case...
She stepped out of the bathroom, not sure if her roommate was still there in this large room and called out to her. ”Colette? Do you want to walk to the feast together?” As surprised as she was the first day to realize Colette was her roommate, she was quite happy. For a second the two were weirded out with each other, thinking that they were following one another but soon and quickly realized they were roommates. It was a relief to live with someone so much like herself. They didn't talk much but when they did it always went by well. Polite and intelligent conversations. Random and silly conversations here and there although very rare since Aya never got comfortable enough for that. It did bother her when Riley was always around Colette so she would immediately hurry off somewhere else giving the two of them their space. Even if he DID help her brother, she still didn't trust him. He just...looked untrustworthy and scary and....she was sure he was planning something.

Estabel was out in the enclosure, galloping around with Fucuello and racing one another. Of course Fucuello won but when it came to wrestling one another, Estabel was the champion due to her body type and powers. Currently, they were getting a drink from a nearby stream. Estabel jumped in and kicked water up at Fucuello and he ruffled his feathers in distaste.

”My beautiful feathers!” he screeched. Estabel laughed, seeming to be filled up with much more energy than before and less of a depressing unicorn. Fucuellos ridiculous reactions were most amusing. She kept kicking water up at him and he hid behind a tree.

”Stop it, stop it this instant!” he neighed. Estabel giggled and came after him behind the tree, her fur drenched in water and trying to rub against him. He screamed bloody murder before giving up at this and jumped in the water himself. Both laughed and played in the water, messing around with each other while waiting for their Ryders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver
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Colette sighed,gingerly taking the dress her mother had sent her out of the box.It was beautiful really, and she was so lucky to have it,and she really,really wanted to put it on....
But she hesitated. No one had really seen her this done up before,she wasn't quite ready to show the world this side of her... All week she had been fighting,kicking,training. People were now scared of her,which wasn't surprising at all.She had practically beaten them to death,and she got respectful but intimidated looks throughout the hallways.Riley had laughed at them,putting his arm around Colette's shoulder,which made people almost cringe with horror.
I'm going to put this dress on,and I will look sophisticated and feel great in it.She hoped she wasn't just lying to herself.
"You will look beautiful." Quinn said from her shoulder, and Colette jumped a bit, before she relaxed. These last few weeks in magic training had taught her she and Quinn could hear each other's thoughts,but only when they had their guard down. If they didn't want to let each other know what the other was thinking,they could mentally create a barrier between themselves.Colette hesitantly put the dress on,then applied only the most natural types of makeup, and even then only a bit.
"You need to accessorize!" Quinn reprimanded, and in her plain blue dress and her soft voice,Colette almost choked with laughter.
"I was actually saving that for last." She commented with a small smile, and proceed to take a box out from under the bed. It was a purple velvet triangle, and when she opened it wisps of white tissue paper folded out. There were two dangle earrings and also some bracelets that would contrast perfectly with the dress while going with the shoes she had picked out.
"These are some of my mother's favorite accessories. Whenever I tell my mother dinners or dances like these are going to happen,she always goes out of her way to pick things." She smiled softly.
"Well,she's your mother after all.It's a mother-daughter thing to do." Quinn responded, and Colette frowned a bit.
"My family isn't quite keen on those kind of bonding things. But give them a chance to show off their daughter..." She stopped there,not wanting to go any further. She wanted to have fun tonight,and it wouldn't do any good reliving the past.
Her phone rang, and she picked it up, not bothering to hurry since the Caller ID said it was just Riley.
"Hey,what's up?", she sat on her bed, one ear digging into her shoulder as she kept her phone rested there. Her hands were putting on the earrings and the bracelets. Quinn was experimenting near Colette's makeup,clearly intrigued with the blush. Her cheeks were stained bright pink.
"Just wanted to ring to ask you how we're going to meet up."
Colette rolled her eyes. "Oh,I don't know,maybe you can bring a bullhorn and shout my name every so often until I appear."
"Well, if that's how you want to do things", Riley chuckled,joking, "I would be more than obliged."
"Uh huh." Her tone was clearly not amused." Just, I don't know, call me or something Jay with you?"She hesitated a bit to call Jay her friend. She didn't definitely know who was her friend here,except Riley.
"Nah, he left beforehand. I'll just look for you around.Can't be that hard. Try to stick to the left side of the room,though."
"Alright, see you-"
"W..wait!" He coughed a bit. ""
"What is it? Because I hardly think it's because you want to hear my melodious voice over the phone."
He laughed. "You sound so attractive, I can't help myself. I mean, that heavy sarcasm, the obvious deflection of anymore conversation with me."
Colette laughed,clutching her stomach in the process. "What do you want, dummy?"
"Oh yeah." He sounded nervous again. "Uh,I don't know, is, like, Aya gonna with you or-"
Colette laughed again."Oh, so that's what this is about! Um, I don't know, maybe..."
”Colette? Do you want to walk to the feast together?” Aya called from the other side of the large dormitory.
Well,there's my answer.
"Actually, yes she is, so put on your best 'I am super friendly and I am not trying to hurt you' face, and we'll see you there."
"Hey! That's insulting, actual--" She hung up then,still grinning. She walked over to the mirror one last time, her insecurities rushing back to her.
God, I can still change, can't I? I still have time....
No, you look great!,Quinn thought, and Colette nodded, a bit surer. But it was always helpful to get a second opinion. She and Aya hadn't been full blown friends, but they hadn't been enemies either, and she had slowly started to forgive her for leaving Riley in the dust. She was quite like her in a lot of ways, and they had shared many conversations in the dark. Plus,Riley insisted, and she couldn't well say no to him when he insisted like that.
"Yes, I do,actually." Colette stepped out from the doorframe into Aya's view. "Uh...does this look okay?"
She motioned towards the outfit she was wearing, then looked up with an expectant expression on her face.
"It looks...." Aya hesitated. Dont say interesting dont say interesting don't say interesting. "Very beautiful on you." She smiled a genuine, cute smile, and Colette breathed with relief. She really did love this dress. She slung a purse over her shoulder and opened the dormitory door.
"Thank you so much,I was very uncertain about putting it on."
"Shall we?", she asked smiling, and Aya followed her out of the hallway.
"I heard the decorations were going to be beautiful,and the food would be delicious." The event seemed to have already started. There were a few girls doing some last minute touches to themselves, but other than that it was pretty empty.
"I hope we don't get there too late." She tried to make conversation,and looked over to Aya, noticing her outfit. "You look very pretty, by the way. You're sure to turn a few heads."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Colette Toliver
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Aya managed to hear Colettes last statement over the phone, feeling a tad bit uneasy. If it was some random other person, all was ok but if it was Riley....hmmm...then it was a clear sign her night was not going to be a fun one. She waited patiently for Colettes response, swinging her purse around from sheer boredom.

"Yes, I do,actually.” When her roommate stepped into view, her white dress hanging over the brunettes body was reflected in Ayas eyes. It was obvious she was struggling with her appearance and it made Aya do a double take of her own outfit. She knew how she felt, Aya didn't want to wear this either.... "Uh...does this look okay?" She motioned towards the outfit she was wearing, then looked up with an expectant expression on her face.

"It looks...." Aya hesitated. Don't say interesting, don't say interesting, don't say interesting. "Very beautiful on you." She smiled a genuine, cute smile, and Colette breathed with relief. Score! She didn't make an idiot out of herself, nailed it! Colette slung a purse over her shoulder and opened the dormitory door.

"Thank you so much,I was very uncertain about putting it on. Shall we?"she asked smiling, and Aya followed her out of the hallway. Aya could really see herself becoming closer to Colette throughout the year, the only problem was....Riley. "I heard the decorations were going to be beautiful, and the food would be delicious."

”Is that so?” Aya gave her attention to Colette, adding a few 'yes' 'hmm' and 'oh?'s when speaking to her to show she was listening. Her head was tilted slightly to the ground, looking at Colettes feet and not her face however it was obvious Aya was listening. As they neared, Aya could hear the bosterous music. The event seemed to have already started. She saw a few girls here and there finishing up but other than that it was empty.

"I hope we don't get there too late." She noted, and Aya nodded in response. "You look very pretty, by the way. You're sure to turn a few heads." At that comment, Ayas cheeks flushed a deep red. She waved a hand gently in front of her, casting her eyes down,

”No, no. T-that, um.....t-t-thank you.” she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, a nervous tick. Luckily, they made it to the feast rather quickly and her eyes widened at all the marvelous decorations and colors of red and gold. It was a different type of decorating she had never seen in her village, this was more westernized. All types of food was spread throughout the tables, the only relative thing from her culture was salmon and other types of sushi. She would probably only eat fruit and the salmon along with water. Her brother would probably make a mess of himself here, she chuckled at the thought. ”It IS beautiful.” so many people and companions were gathered around tables, bustling about and chatting away like best friends. Bumps and a little brawls were here and there over food or accidents. Sadly, it was not THAT warm here and she knew later on that she would grow cold. Her eyes were already working around the crowd looking for her brother, but he was nowhere in site. That bum, she JUST got off the phone with him. Was he still talking to Tora or something? ”Anywhere you would like to sit? If you wouldn't mind sitting with me that is.” her cheeks had toned down in color but they were still a faint pink. Please, dear God, let Riley hang out with someone else today. Give her peace....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver
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Colette looked appreciatively at the feast in front of her. There was a plethora of different styles of food available,and the decorations were simply stunning.They were elegant and was certainly a refreshing scene from the grunge and dirt training they had been accustomed to these last few weeks.She also noted the different foods that were set up for different companions,which was not entirely new to her, but the portions were much larger.
She had attended many dinners in her day,since her family was pretty up there in society and all that, and she found the scene set before her to her liking.In fact, it was much better than the dinners at home, because there was no one she needed to impress, no polite face she needed to put on, and if she didn't want to make conversation with someone, she didn't have to.
"Anywhere you would like to sit? If you wouldn't mind sitting with me that is.” She looked over at Aya now, confusion on her face. Why would she have wanted to leave her?
"Why of course I want to sit with you,silly. Now let me see...." She peered into the crowd, looking for that one familiar face.
Left side of the room, left side of the room...Not only did she want to sit with Aya, she knew that there was someone that wanted desperately to get closer to her.
Found him!Quinn thought and she started to quickly fly in his direction.
"Quinn! Wait up!", Colette's shoes, although as comfortable as heels allowed,did not enable her to run,let alone walk very fast.

She gently sought hold of Aya's arm so as not to lose her. She smiled sheepishly as she hurried them through the throng of people."Sorry,Quinn probably wants to see Razeth. They've become the best of friends." This was true. Over the last few weeks,Razeth and Quinn seemed to stick to each other like best pals,even though they had just met. Maybe it was because Colette and Riley set them aside by themselves when they were in classes that did not concern them. After pushing people together for a certain period of time,they'll have to eventually become friends,especially if the two parties concerned were as amiable as these companions.
Walking along,Colette muttered a few "Excuse me"s and "Sorry"s.
Oh,there he was! She eagerly walked over to him and waved. He didn't seem to see,so she decided to go up to him.
She cupped her mouth and shouted,just like she sarcastically suggested in their phone conversation. "RILEY TOBIAS HARRIS, RILEY TOBIAS HARRIS,INCOMING, RILEY-" He had startled by then, and looked at her shocked.
"Don't say my middle name, it's embarrassing!", he reprimanded, and she giggled.

Riley looked onward from Colette to the person behind her.
Oh my gosh,how am I supposed to divert my mind from her when she's wearing that?!
Aya's outfit had stunned him again, as he had never seen her wear that kind of attire so far.His thoughts were muddled by incoherency.

He'd been nervous all night, and also a few days beforehand,planning on how he would react to her. He had paced his dorm as he got ready,which had probably creeped out his roommate. When he had gotten to the dinner, he'd planted himself in a designated spot so he wouldn't be crazily pacing again, and even then only with the encouragement of his dragon. He wanted to be cool, he so desperately wanted to be Gung-ho about this, and that had been the goal for tonight.
But now...looking at her...
Focus,Riley!,Razeth goaded him. He was tired of Riley turning to jelly over this one girl. You are going to have a good,friendly time, and you will speak with her without getting some cold stare in reply.
He noticed he had been staring for one second too long now, so he glued his eyes back to Colette. He now noticed his best friend's outfit,something very formal and sophisticated, which was just like her really.
"You look amazing,Colette." He complimented her, and she grinned, just like he knew she would. Colette was a sucker for flattery.
"Thank you! Now I know this was a good decision. I mean,if three people say it." She looked down at her outfit,still smiling.
Riley wanted to tell Aya she looked good too.
Do it, do it,Razeth prompted, and Riley gulped.
Okay I'm gonna do it. He looked up at her, all playfulness gone.
" both look great,actually."
Please don't kill me,please don't kill me.
Aya blushed. "Oh um I-I'm not really that great so um..."

I can't believe it. Razeth thought. You've left her speechless.This is the first positive thing that's happened with you and her...ever!
Riley grinned, overjoyed. A little spark of hope shot up in him, and he wanted to endlessly reassure her that she looked beautiful.
Stay friendly, stay friendly,stay friendly.
",really, you look lovely." His smile was small now,but sincere. He coughed and looked at Colette, who was looking down at her shoes,examining them for any off thing about them that wouldn't make them look 'amazing'.
"Let's find somewhere to sit, shall we?" He offered her his arm.
Colette looked up, coming back to reality.
"Oh yes, let's go!"
Colette gently took Aya's arm again, and then slipped her other arm through the crook in Riley's arm,making a small train.
She looked around the room again, trying to find an appropriate place to sit.
"Ooh,look Riley!", she nodded her head over to the window, where the northern lights were.
"How did they do that?",he asked,bewildered.
"Probably made someone move them. Oh, those bring back such good memories." She sighed happily, then turned to Aya.
"Every year,a group of us would go to the most northern region of Cree,all the way up in Barrowood,to see the northern lights. We'd have,like,a picnic there but with hot chocolate and soups. Aren't they beautiful?"
She looked around the room again,trying to formulate a plan.
"It won't do to just roam around until we find someone we know."
"It won't?",Riley asked.
"No, that's hardly a plan."
Riley rolled his eyes. "Oh boy,one of Colette's plans again."
Colette narrowed his eyes and raised an eyebrow.
"Well, us eating alone isn't right, and neither is us aimlessly walking around forever, distracted by conversation,when one of us should be really scouting."
"Huh?", Riley looked confused.
"Yes, and since it's pretty much given that I have a keener eyesight than you do, what with that whole incident last year with Matt's baby sister's birthday party..."
"Hey,who leaves a birthday cake on a recliner anyway?!", Riley asked, a bit annoyed.
"I think it would be best for me to find Ash and Jay, and I'll tell you when I do."
"W..w...wait,w.w.w...what!?",Riley said as Colette slipped out of their arms and started to walk off.
She grinned devilishly as she looked back at them. "You two stay right here and I'll call you,alright? C'mon Quinn."
The small fairy flew off the back of Razeth and joined Colette.
"W...wa.w..wait!", but she was already gone, and Riley almost facepalmed himself for teasing her about her and her plans.

He looked back at Aya,smiling sheepishly and cutely.
Stay cool,stay cool,stay cool,I am going to kill Colette,stay cool,stay cool..
"Sorry about her,she gets excited about completing tasks and stuff. Also,she's probably hungry."
Make small talk, make small talk,make small talk
"This is a r..really...lavish dinner.D..D..Do you go a lot of these?I sometimes go to some Colette's family throws."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver
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”Why of course I want to sit with you,silly. Now let me see...." Colette peered into the crowd and all Aya could do is watch her. Waiting patiently. She smiled to herself, happy that she had taken such a big step and asked her to sit with her at the feast this evening. At her old highschool, she would have never done that. Doing that would have been asking for rejection and if someone did manage to agree to her request they would be threatened and she would be left alone, feeling guilty, because that person was hurt because of her selfishness. Sometimes the loneliness was just too much to bare. Suddenly, Quinn started to quickly fly away.

"Quinn! Wait up!" Colette shouted after Quinn, gently holding Ayas arm and pulling her along. She blushed and hung her head low. Wow, was this really happening? She'd only dreamed of things like this, being a normal teenage girl, having friends....and then her dream shattered.

"Sorry,Quinn probably wants to see Razeth. They've become the best of friends." Colette apologized, probably hoping to make Aya feel better but it only resulted in her skin tone descending three shades lower. Razeth? Razeth? Razeth was.....was his......h-his....

"RILEY TOBIAS HARRIS, RILEY TOBIAS HARRIS,INCOMING, RILEY-" He was startled by then, and looked at her shocked. Aya glanced up.

"Don't say my middle name, it's embarrassing!" he reprimanded, and she giggled.


Their eyes met for a split second and she couldn't handle looking at him anymore. Worried her heart was going to jump out of her chest she hung her head once again. Already her breathing was quickened, and she could feel his menacing gaze penetrating the deepest reaches of her soul. Oh God...could he smell it? Could he smell her fear? What was he thinking? She gripped her Jumper, please dear Spirits, let a friend come and steal him away or Saga or Angel or Trista, SOMEONE show up and steal me away. She gulped, finding it terribly hard to breathe. She felt like those lung cancer patients shes read in books, their lungs filling up with water. Was he still looking at her? Should she look at him? Would he go away if she acted like she wasn't scared? If she spoke up? Curse all those years from lack of socialization.

"You look amazing,Colette." He complimented her and Aya was too busy admiring the beautiful floor to see Colettes reaction. Great, he was ignoring her. A.K.A. I don't care about you, go die. Flashes of horrible written messages on her desk crossed her mind. No Aya, Aya is over this. Aya is not upset. Aya is at a new school. Aya is safe.

"Thank you! Now I know this was a good decision. I mean,if three people say it." Colette sounded pleased, actually gleeful. Wait, were they in this together? Were both of them trying to humiliate her? No Aya, it's ok. Colette is not like that Aya. Be like Saga, relax. Breathe. They are just catching up. No one is planning to hurt you. She'd talked to Saga about Riley early in the morning the second day before heading out to train her. He'd told her she was worrying for nothing and that he was a great guy but Aya just couldn't let it go. What if he was wrong? No Aya, no one is going to hurt you. You have weapons. On your back. In your purse. You're ok.

" both look great, actually."

Oh my God, please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. What was he trying to get at? What was he thinking?

"Oh um I-I'm not really that great so um..." she blushed meeting his eyes, waving her hands in front of her in shock, confusion, and worry before staring at the floor again. WHAT DID THAT MEAN!? You BOTH look great? WHAT MESSAGE IS THAT? MOCKING!? I DON'T KNOW. Oh God, he's going to kill me. He is going to shove my face down a toilet or rip my dress, maybe even rape me. Spirits, spare me! Strike him down now with thunder, I will be most grateful.

", really, you look lovely." he said before coughing.

”Uuuum.” now she was nervous and scared. She didn't know what this meant, she couldn't read him like Hitomi. At least with Hitomi, she could read her like a book and knew when the torture was going, sometimes even guess what torture. Aya dug into her purse and popped some mint gum into her mouth.

Save me, Save me, Save me.

"Let's find somewhere to sit, shall we?" He offered Colette his arm. Colette looked up, coming back to reality.

"Oh yes, let's go!" Colette sounded excited and happy. Aya looked up, expecting to be left behind this time. Great..... However, Colette gently took Aya's arm again, and then slipped her other arm through the crook in Riley's arm, making a small train. Ok, actually, maybe being left behind wouldn't have been so bad.... Colette scoped the area out for a seat.

"Ooh,look Riley!" Colette nodded her head over to the window, where the northern lights were. Aya cringed at his name being spoken.

"How did they do that?" he asked, bewildered.

"Probably made someone move them. Oh, those bring back such good memories." She sighed happily, then turned to Aya. "Every year,a group of us would go to the most northern region of Cree, all the way up in Barrowood, to see the northern lights. We'd have, like, a picnic there but with hot chocolate and soups. Aren't they beautiful?" Aya nodded shyly. She was too scared to admire the lights. This was the closest she'd been to him since the first day. Colette looked around the room again, trying to formulate a plan. "It won't do to just roam around until we find someone we know."

"It won't? Riley asked.

"No, that's hardly a plan."

"Oh boy, one of Colette's plans again."Riley rolled his eyes. Colette narrowed her eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, us eating alone isn't right, and neither is us aimlessly walking around forever, distracted by conversation, when one of us should be really scouting."

"Huh?" Riley verbalized Ayas confusion. She had an inkling where this was going, and she was not liking it.

Spirits, if you exist...please don't happen what I think will happen.

"Yes, and since it's pretty much given that I have a keener eyesight than you do, what with that whole incident last year with Matt's baby sister's birthday party..."

"Hey, who leaves a birthday cake on a recliner anyway?! Riley asked, a bit annoyed.

"I think it would be best for me to find Ash and Jay, and I'll tell you when I do."

"W..w...wait,” Riley and Aya said in unison, ”w.w.w...what!?" they said as Colette slipped out of their arms and started to walk off. Aya tried to speak.

”Um, I could-”

"You two stay right here and I'll call you, alright? C'mon Quinn." She grinned devilishly as she looked back at them.



She was so in on this. Aya rubbed the back of her neck nervously, chewing her gum lightly and biting her lip. Tilting her head to the side, she gazed to the side.

"W...wa.w..wait!" Riley shouted but was already gone. Why was he saying that? Who cares?

WHY SPIRITS WHY!? Is it because I ate my brothers pudding last summer and lied to him, saying he just forgot about eating it? Is it because of all those spiders I killed? I'M SORRY SPIDER GOD! I'm sorry, God, Spirit whatever.....

This was ridiculous, she was going insane...

He looked back at Aya, smiling evily. (To Aya it looks evil.)

"Sorry about her, she gets excited about completing tasks and stuff. Also, she's probably hungry." He said, why was he talking to her? Why was he being...she couldn't even describe it..this way. What was he aiming at?

”Whatever.” she said rather coldly.

What the hell Aya, are you trying to get yourself killed? Sound nicer, put on that stupid cute Asian smile everyone loves. Shove your fear in a box and pretend...

"This is a r..really...lavish dinner. D..D..Do you go a lot of these? I sometimes go to some Colette's family throws." he added.

”No, not like this.” she could feel her legs buckling in and grabbed a seat near the window under the Northern lights.

”I'm sitting down.” She set her purse down in front of her.

Talk about your culture Aya, you can talk about that normally. Show him no fear and he will leave you alone.

"In my culture, the feasts are nothing like this. It is full of drinking. Men and woman wear Kimonos or other dressy out-fits. It is more formal and the food is...different. While in your culture you are considered a kid, I am practically an adult." She faced out towards the crowd and brought her hand up to her biceps. Running her fingertips along her skin, she could feel the goosebumps. She started to tap her feet and rub her arms, she knew it. She knew this was going to happen. Stupid Brother. Stupid cold. She wished that he'd hurry up and arrive and give her his jacket since this is obviously his fault.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Aya Ueto Character Portrait: Riley Tobias Harris Character Portrait: Colette Toliver Character Portrait: Ash Parker Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox
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(Jay ParkerÍ&ÆAsh Parker)
(Slayers Prank)

"Ooh, look at that candle. That's a nice candle. Ooh, look at that blue flame. That's a nice flame. Ooh, look at those lights in the sky. That's some nice lights." Jay went on and on about how nice everything was, and Slayer went along just as well, crossing his little arms and nodding his little head with his extremely huge eyeballs. Ash just rolled her eyes at the pair. It was bad enough she had to be at this place with him, but with him just bothering her like always, it was a hell. Not the type of hell Diablo came from with all the flames and the rock and the devils and all, but the type of hell where no matter what you do to get away from someone that annoys the hell out of you, they just wont leave you alone.

Though, it was Jay's idea to come here in the first place, and Ash being the one to tag along. But, that being said, she kind of brought it on herself. Sighing at the thought, Ash put her elbow on the table as she looked around. Everything was so big and elegit and everyone was wearing nice clothes, even herself in a little white dress that stopped an inch or two before her knees. Jay, on the other hand, was underdressed. He wasn't completely underdressed as he usually would be, but he was wearing skinny jeans and a tee-shirt with a navy blue blazer over it and sneakers. Slayer wasn't even wearing a thing while Liath wore a small bowtie around his neck.

Jay went on, saying how nice everything was. "Ooh, look at those people. Those are some lookin' people. Ooh, look at those unicorns....I hate unicorns." Jay said the last part forwarding his eyebrow as he glared at the unicorns that were around. He had a fear of black unicorns, but a hate of normal white ones. A shiver went down his back before he turned to Ash and started telling some random story. As he told this story, Slayer sneak off, ready to set a prank. A large smirk strangely made it's way across the small gargoyles face in a rather creepy way. He flew over and around people, poking their calves with his little claws, pulling their hair, pulling the tails of their companions, and even scratching the bellies of some of the people. All the while laughing in a little demon-child laugh that would scare the ba-jeeb-ious out of people.

He flew on over to where the little elves played and smiled down at them in a way that would tell a person he had an awfully bad plan coming up. Looking around, Slayers eyes narrowed and his smile faded as he thought of the plan at hand. Letting his mind work as he looked around, his brows forwarded and the chaotic smirk returned to his face as he knew what he was going to do. He flew all the way up to the ceiling where the long, long curtains were hanged. The chaotic smile on his face grew ever more larger. He ripped his claw out in a way that resembled that of Freddy Krueger ripping out his bladed hand. Slayer then sliced the curtain and it feel down in big heaps landing onto the elf orchestra, ultimately stopping the music that filled the large room and drawing the eyes of the students.

Ash and Jay were two of the many that looked over. Jay stood up on the chair he sat in and looked over the heads of the students. He could see Slayer hovering slightly above the incident laughing his gargoyle ass off. "Damnit, Slayer!" Jay muttered before jumping off the chair and running over to the incident, pushing people out of his way as he ran. Ultimately tripping over peoples feet who try to be 'cool' and trip him, though that doesn't work as he simply just jumps up and around everyone. Once making it over to where Slayer was and seeing the curtain dropped onto the elves, who were beginning to crawl out from under it. "Damnit, Slayer!" Jay repeated, a bit louder, as he jumped up and grabbed Slayer out of the air, holding him tightly as the little gargoyle complained as he tried to scrum out of Jay's grip. Ash had walked up and was standing by him with her arms crossed and shaking her head slightly. "You're such an idiot." She said, and Jay nodded at her in agreement.