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Trista Lea Ronvox

Fucuello is my twin and companion, I need no other!

0 · 1,050 views · located in Ryder Academy

a character in “The Ryders - Part 1”, as played by Bhu-Bhu


Trista Lea Ronvox


Ryder Name: The Raven

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: straight as a sharpened knife, she does have a slight bias against other sexualities but is usually able to see past it


Her hair is naturally big and wavy but she straitens it. It comes down to her waist and is usually loose but sometimes she puts it back in a high braid. Her hair is as black as night and her eyes are green in color that can look greyish blue in certain lights . Her face is soft and has never seen hardship. Trista is very tall for a girl (6ft 1") and lanky but not nessecarily skinny. She doesn't seem aware of her hight though and is constantly bumping into things so people often call her a klutz.


Trista unlike her name might suggest (it's Italian for sad) she is exceptionally happy go lucky. She almost always sees the bright side of things and loves her life (for the most part). She isn't necessarily naïve and is at times is quite wise. However she is very prideful and tends to hold a grudge and is unafraid to defend herself or those she holds dear. She is one of those people who can get by on school work and training without giving it her all (unless it pertains to Fucuello), but when push comes to shove she will give her all no matter how impossible the task. Trista can be a bit of a flirt at times, but doesn't look for a relationship since she is so focused on Fucuello. (Think of Nelly Furtado's song "I'm Like A Bird")




Rainy days,
riding, cream filled pastries,
horror films,
reading, g
uys with muscles,
shoving her views in other's faces and proving herself right,
indie music, hugs

fairies and their ryders since she can't
fathom how something so small can be
of any use,
what she defines as a wimp,
loud noises,

Fears: her mother, losing her companion, being wrong, rejection, home

Dreams/Hopes: she only wants to ride and be with her companion and leave her home forever, she could care less about Diablo. Becoming a Ryder is only a means to accomplish these goals.


Trista grew up happily, in a regular house, with regular parents, in a regular neighborhood. She was a happy child who did what all happy children do. She played, she laughed, she cried for her selfish wants, and was treated like the princess of the world by her father who spoiled her quite a bit. Her father was a Ryder by the name of Marcus the EarthSmasher and was often away on adventures. When he did come home with his companion, a humongous un-winged Terra Dragon by the name of Bach he brought with him treasures and other odd things from far off lands. It was this way that Trista came by her companion at such a young age.

Her father had been in a fierce battle at the edge of Cree with Diablo's forces. He came out victorious but discovered that within the fray another casualty had been delt. A female black unicorn, a mother. Her foal, far to young to fend for himself, stood weeping over his mothers cold body moaning the most wretched and pitiful sounds. Trista's father had no clue what to do with the foal at first. On its own it would die, but he couldn't possibly take care of it, he was far to busy! Then an idea struck him. Perhaps he could give the foal to his daughter as a companion of her own. Yes! That would be splendid surely his little Trista would love to have her own companion. So he brought back the foal to his daughter. She was as he predicted, delighted, but the Ryder warned his daughter. "This foal is a living being, not a playmate. He has feelings and thoughts just like you do. Think of him as your twin or sibling, someone you must share your life and all it's experiences with. Remember this, Trista."

Trista nodded and though at first she failed miserably at taking responsibility of her new charge, she soon came to enjoy her companion's company. Especially when he taught her to ride him. It was then that she put all her strength and resolve into caring and loving him. He was her pride and joy and she loved him with all her heart. She named him Fucuello for the plumes in place of his hair.

It was when she was thirteen that life came knocking. It started, ironically enough, with a new life being born into this world. A little bundle of joy called Memmy. Trista was at first delighted to have a baby sister, now she would have two siblings. Things didn't go as planned, however. Her mother fully supported her husband in his work, but fretted over his safety. She was glad that Trista had never voiced any aspirations to be 'just like her daddy' or to 'become a Ryder and be the one to slay Diablo!'. So when her husband came home with Fuscuello, she was terrified. Now her baby would be taken away from her one day, forced to risk her life day in and day out. Exposed to such harsh cruelties and to death and destruction and hell! At first her rage was aimed at her love, for bringing the beast. Then at the beast for winning over her daughters laziness. And finally it passed to Trista herself, for giving in, for being weak, for wrecking the peace that she had worked so hard to conjure, to protect! In time, while the woman's scorn faded at her husband it only clenched harder around her daughter and companion.

When Trista's mother had her second child, she praised God and sang. She believed she had been given a second chance. Another chance to raise a child without sorrow. She vowed to protect Memmy from all the harshness of the world, including Trista and her beast.

Trista had not noticed her mother's rage, she was too to focused on her companion. Now though it was obvious. She wasn't allowed in her sister's room, or to hold her, or even to show her to Fucuello. Soon it wasn't just that her mother blocked Trista from her baby sister but from her own life completely. She ignored Trista's existence almost entirely, except for meals and when Trista's father was home and then Memmy did not leave her mother's sight or arms. Life at home now was unbearable for Trista. She practically lived in Fuscuello's stable. By the time that she was to go to Ryder academy both she and her mother hardly spoke and her baby sister, now three, didn't even know Trista's name or whether or not they were sisters. Trista left home after seeing her father for one last time, wishing that she would never have to see home again, and not even fully understanding the reason for her mothers hate.

So begins...

Trista Lea Ronvox's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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Angel couldn't decide if he was entirely underdressed, or if Takeshi was just one of those guys who could preen themselves over like a girl before every social event. While his roommate was still rummaging through his clothes for a pair of pants that would match his jacket or something, he was ready in five minutes.
The teen was dressed in a pair of dark jeans that weren't completely ripped up, though they weren't exactly church pants. He'd donned a button down dark blue shirt, which was fancy for him, even if it was hardly buttoned. His swirling chest tattoos could easily be seen with the way the shirt was flopping around, but he honestly didn't want to button it. He had a love for loose muscle shirts and T's, so with a constricting shirt like this he would do what he could to make it comfortable.
Over the shirt he had on his favorite black leather jacket and had pulled on a pair of combat boots, so in all he looked a bit edgy. It helped add to the edgy appeal that he had put most of his ear piercings back in. Aside from the studs in each ear, his left was adorned with several silver hoops, and a cuff linked a chain to the lobe piercing. He'd combed his bangs back in their usual style, and he thought he looked alight, but all this attention Takeshi was putting into his own outfit made him second guess.

I look okay right? No one said this was formal, right?! He shot mentally to Reechi, glancing up at her. Even though he wasn't as concerned about his outfit as his roommate seemed to be, he still wanted to look presentable. And if he and Saga walked there together, the attractive Asian might just outshine him.
Though, with how long he was taking, it was likely Angel would just take off on his own. The feast was starting soon anyway, and Angel was the type of person who hated to be late.
He stood up off his bed, holding out his arm for Reeps to clamor onto.

"Saga! Are you almost ready...?"

At the way the male twin didn't even acknowledge him while buttoning up his shirt, peering into the mirror, Angel took that as a no.

"We're gonna get going then.... okay?"
He still didn't look up. Angel snorted slightly, then slipped out of the room.

Once in the hall, he plopped Reechi in her usual spot on his head, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. He knew he needed to quit, it was bad for his lungs and would eventually effect his physical status, but for now the temptation of nicotine was way to sweet. He grabbed a cancer stick then pocketed the rest of the pack, grabbing his lighter.
He breathed in sweet smoke contentedly, blowing it exaggeratedly off to the side so his companion wouldn't get to much of the blow back.

There were other boys lingering in the halls, waiting for friends or meeting up with girls, and most shot him dirty looks as he meandered past. Whoops. He probably shouldn't be smoking indoors. But better here then at the feast, right?
He paused in the boys lounge, wanting to take a few more puffs then get rid of his indulgence.

"Sorry Reeps, doesn't smell to good does it?" On the contrary, he loved the smell of cigarette smoke, but 95% of people he met didn't. Something about it just reminded him so much of home, the foggy stale scent that lingered once the smoke dissipated. He linked it back to the factories that he used to live by.

He zoned out a bit, starring at the door while holding his cigarette in a practiced way between his fingers. His shirt continued flopping open and exposing his pecs and a glimpse of his abs, and he figured he should fix it before going to the feast. He began to half heartedly button up the bottom few buttons, thinking about his sister Lottie. She would be so upset if she learned he'd taken such a habit to smoking.

Angel snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed a familiar figure walking past. He called out half questioningly and half welcomingly.


He wondered what she was doing in the boys dorm. Boyfriend? He wouldn't be surprised if she'd found someone interested within the first few days. She was absolutely gorgeous. If it was her walking by though, Angel was actually feeling a twinge of disappointment that she wasn't all dressed up like a lot of the girls he'd seen in the halls. But, skinny jeans or not, she still looked good.
Actually, he felt like being good looking was a requirement to getting into this school. Everyone he'd met so far had been pretty attractive. He'd seen some pretty cute guys the past couple of days, and the girls just flew off the charts.

As Trista turned back to him, and he was one of the few in the lounge so it must have been obvious he was the one who called out, he dipped and tossed his cigarette into the ashy fireplace, then walked over to her with a smile. The grin fell for a moment when he noticed the death glare her companion Fucuello was giving him, but he simply huffed at the unicorn, then conjured up a charming smile again.

"What brings you here? Isn't the feast the other way?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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With Bluejay nestled around Sagas neck he left and headed out into the hallway. He was disappointed that he couldn't head out to the feast with his bro but understood. Hopefully they could catch up there and Angel found him a seat. He scratched Bluejays forehead with his index finger and rummaged through his pocket with his other hand, digging around for his pack of cigarettes. His shoulders lagged downwards, nothing. This sucked, sucked completely. He wanted to have a smoke before the feast, maybe Angel would have some on him and let him borrow one. He passed the lounge, catching a glimpse of two people familiar to him and continued on. The people around him crowded forward, dragging him along and by the time he escaped their horrid function he was ways away from the lounge.

”You alright, Bluejay?” he asked. He scratched his head and re-positioned the dragon on his shoulders before heading back against the flow. The stream of people with ginormous companions simmered down on his way up the people stream. Taking out his phone he sent a text to his sister asking how she was and if she was already at the party to save him and everyone a seat. Peeking in around the corner of the cream colored walls, he saw Angel and Trista chatting with one another Fucuello at her side staring at him gruelingly. Man, that horse really hated his guts. Good thing his crush had a gentle companion. He nonchalantly made his way over to the two, who dressed strangely alike... Bro code forbid interrupting private time with your crush but he just wanted to ask for a cigarette and a light before heading in. Smoking helped calmed him. He wrapped his lean arm around Angels neck, their small height difference slightly coming into show. ”Hey Fucuello, hey Trista, looking good! Angel, can I get a cigarette and a light? Left mine in the dorm.” He crossed one foot over the other, ankles meeting. ”I want to have a smoke before heading in.”

He snuck an itch behind Reechis ears, unable to resist her cuteness. A part of him longed for a dragon as obedient and calm as Reechi but he knew people were put into his life for a reason. Bluejay was the one for him, even if he didn't know why. He would never forget the mixed feelings of accomplishment and embarrassment with Bluejays mother seeing him with just his briefs.



Puffing out his bottom lip and putting his ears back, he glared straight at Angels face in obvious dislike. Who did this guy think he is? Chatting with Trista in front of his wonderful self, the nerve! Fucuello may not have outstanding awards to prove how amazing he is, wait yes he does, but anyway, its the "feeling" that he has that makes him feel that he is the best and that others should view him as such. Trista is his skilled Ryder and his alone. The only hint of closeness he will allow from Angel is if it's admiration for him and Trista and that is not what he sees.

From the second Fucuello met Angel and read his expression, interpreted what he had said and made a judgment based on what information he'd gathered from him...he'd been set on the fact that Angel was not good enough to be in his or Tristas presence. He is a beast and a distraction, inferior to their greatness. To explain Fucuellos complex mind to everyones simple brains, his view is that everyone lives in a world where all they can do is survive. He knows what he wants, and he'll do what he can do to become successful. The world itself is a cold hearted place where all people want to do is take what they can and give nothing in return. So what he does is detach himself from the emotional part and strive to win, strive to be better, strive to be perfect, rich, or powerful. Life itself is a food chain, and he feels he's the top. A part of him is trying to justify his actions by saying Angel will hurt Trista and jeopardize their ability to move up farther. That he is merely trying to protect his Ryder, family, and image. However, the real reason is selfish and narcissistic.

Trista is his and he will always be her number one and be bathed in her undivided attention


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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#, as written by Skwidge

Reeps watched as her Ryder dressed, and then began to become frantic with worry over what he’d chosen to wear. ” I look okay right? No one said this was formal, right?!” She let out a lazy exhale through her nostrils, her tail draped over the side of her basket. Letting her jaws part in a rather large yawn, Reechi plopped her paw on his face and patted his eye. ”Be yourself, you look fine. But you might want to consider buttoning up a bit more.” Her head fell back against the cushioned nest with another exhale, and she closed her eyes. However, at the rustling of Rowan’s clothing as he shifted, her eyes darted open and she shot straight onto his arm and across his shoulders before bowing down into a resting position with her tail curled around his neck. “Fruit!!” She chattered excitedly, kneading her Ryder’s shoulder with a churr.

It was a little unsettling that Saga was so busy with preening that he ignored Angel’s calls. She tilted her neck back to rest the side of her head against his neck and looked up at him with big eyes, ”Someone seems to be dressing to impress, huh~” She joked, but was quickly cut short as Rowan pulled out a pack of cigarettes to which Reechi recoiled backwards with a little hiss. She even went so far as to stick her head down the back of his shirt to inhale his scent rather than that of the revolting fire he insisted on putting to his lips. If she didn’t love him so much she would have sunk a bit of fang into his flesh, but alas, she refrained.

"Sorry Reeps, doesn't smell to good does it?" She growled in response, slapping her whip-like tail against his neck. Rowan quickly discarded the detestable thing, and she crawled back up onto his head. “How am I supposed to enjoy anything when all the scents are muffled by that disgusting stuff?”

A figure suddenly came to view, and was none other than Trista. A look of disdain flew onto Reechi’s face as the girl’s companion followed after her. As her Ryder called out to the girl, Reeperchi scoffed lightly. “Yes, it is the other way, and we should be quickly getting to it. We’re going to be late, Rowan.”

As the two stopped before them and Fucuello locked eyes on her Ryder with a look of pure disdain himself, Reechi’s ears flung backwards and she bared her fangs with a rattling hiss as her eyes narrowed. No one, especially the shallow fool that was this unicorn, was allowed to look at her Ryder like that. ”Leave, Leave, Leave.” She urgently prodded at her Ryder, her claws digging into his head a bit.

Suddenly Takeshi came upon the scene asking for the infernal death that Rowan kept in the back pocket of his jeans, which was simply exasperating to Reechi. Her deadly look towards Fucuello was broken as Saga scratched her behind her ears and a catlike smile flickered across her lips as she churred, her eyes closing in pure content. She was sad when he withdrew his hand, but quickly disregarded him as her eyes fell on Trista and a look of plain dislike was extremely clear upon her features. She simply screamed at the girl, ’Get a better hold of your companion. He’s older than I am and yet I’m so much more mature than he is. See the problem?’ A hot breath, literally hot as she was a Tempestas dragon, flew in her direction and stirred at her hair and flat out fell upon her face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
"Trista?" The familiar voice drew the raven haired girl's seeking eyes to the one she was coincidently seeking. He was dressed just as semi-casual as her, which only made him look even more handsome.

"Angel, hi!" she eagerly greeted. He threw his cigarette into the fire and started walking over with a grin that made her heart jump. It fell when he saw Fucuello who was no doubt glaring fireballs at the poor boy. Hey at least try and be nice, please Fucuello.Thankfully Angel just huffed at her moody unicorn and smiled back to her. His smile was only dampens by the clear dislike plastered on his companion's face. It came as a slight jab in the stomach but she brushed it aside. No dragon was gonna scare her off.

"What brings you here? Isn't the feast the other way?" This drew a light laugh from her that carried into her jocular response.

"Yes, it seems I've lost my way searching for someone to accompany me to the feast so I don't enter alone in the watch of our peers." She was about to continue and ask if he would come with her to the feast but-

"Hey Fucuello, hey Trista, looking good! Angel, can I get a cigarette and a light? Left mine in the dorm." The boy hooked his arm around her crush's neck in a casual and brotherly manner. An immediate twinge of annoyance sparked in the back of Trista's throat. Couldn't the boy read the situation and keep his distance.”I want to have a smoke before heading in.” Especially if it was just for a smoke. Whatever, she would look on the bright side, the more the merrier!

"Hello Saga." She greeted in good nature, as he scratched Reechi behind her ear. The gesture seemed to distract her from her trying to mentally burn holes into Trista and Fucuello's existence. However as soon as Saga's hand was gone it was back with an added bonus.

’Get a better hold of your companion. He’s older than I am and yet I’m so much more mature than he is. See the problem?’ the thought screeched painfully through Trista's head making her physically wince a little. She shut her eyes against the scalding wind that followed.

For a while Trista stayed like this, scrunched and poised with pent up tension. Then slowly she blew out a steady stream from her nostrils. Glaring she could stand, but verbal threats demanded addressing. Trista's eyes reopened, a new, cold, and calculating light now shown in them.

"Do siblings always have the same train of thought?" she replied back to Reechi. "I have no control over Fucuello's actions. He is my companion but he has his own mind and agenda just like you do from your companion. While I can try to console him in the end it is his choice. Yes his actions are immature but did you ever consider that may just be apart of his personality. Ever think to see it from his side of the mirror. I'm sorry if you feel threatened and if you have a bone to pick with my companion then feel free to take it up with him directly." Trista stared directly into the dragon's eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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Do siblings always have the same train of thought?" Solara turned to look as Trista's voice sounded from ahead of her. "I have no control over Fucuello's actions. He is my companion but he has his own mind and agenda just like you do from your companion. While I can try to console him in the end it is his choice. Yes his actions are immature but did you ever consider that may just be apart of his personality. Ever think to see it from his side of the mirror. I'm sorry if you feel threatened and if you have a bone to pick with my companion then feel free to take it up with him directly."

"Companions certainly seem to get jealous around you Trista, perhaps they think you are going to steal, or get stolen, away from them?" Solara wore no grin on her face but a smile was in her voice as she walked up from behind Trista, Angel, and Saga.

Dressed sharply, Solara wore a dark, black, vest-jacket with a dark red lining inside the lapels that ended just below her but, underneath which she wore a lighter gray t'shirt. her pants, black, like her coat, were held up by a belt of the same color of the inside of her vest. on her feet she wore white socks within the same red-rimmed high heels, the heels and bottom of the shows white.

Ravian on the other hand had decided to attend the dinner tonight within a smaller version of her normal fox form, and was at her shoulder, equal to Solara's. Her color scheme in contrast to Solara's own was white with light blue marking along her face and body. Ravian however was silent as she padded along behind Solara, preferring to remain within her guise of a slightly larger than normal wolf, as this form had not yet been seen by any of the new students, nor did she, as she told Solara when they were getting ready, did she want to draw attention away from her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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"Yes, it seems I've lost my way searching for someone to accompany me to the feast so I don't enter alone in the watch of our peers."
Angels couldn't help his smile from growing. Oh that was just perfect- walking in fashionably late to the feast with the gorgeous being who was Trista on his arm would start the night off perfectly. Maybe she would even hang out with him the whole dinner- This was all falling into place perfectly.

He opened his mouth to ask if she'd like to be his unofficial date when an arm swung around his neck and a by-now-familiar form leaned on him. Really Saga. Really?
"Hey Fucuello, hey Trista, looking good! Angel, can I get a cigarette and a light? Left mine in the dorm.”I want to have a smoke before heading in."

Angel sighed but smiled down at him. Try as he might he couldn't be mad at Saga for even a moment, even if he had just interrupted a good moment. He reminded him to much of a brother or best friend and once he befriended someone, he didn't get mad at them or hold grudges. Besides, he liked being able to help people. He gave Trista an apologetic look.

"Sure bro,"

He pulled his pack back out and pressed his fingers over the open top. When he tilted the package, his fingers blocked all but one cigarette from sliding out, which he held up to Takeshi's lips. His other hand was pulling out and flicking a flame to life on his lighter; as soon as his roommate had the death stick between his teeth, Angel pocketed his pack, lit his smoke, and put his lighter away.
This was how he and his best friend Ashton had always lit for each other, so it was a smooth and quick process. Even if he wasn't mad at Saga, that didn't mean he wanted him third-wheeling on this hopefully-still-could-be-a-date. Of course, he wouldn't kick him out, but he'd been fully planning on making a move of some sort. Maybe they could find the girl Saga seemed so infatuated with- then they could make it a double date.
He was about to extend an invite to both of them to go together though, when Reeps snapped.

’Get a better hold of your companion. He’s older than I am and yet I’m so much more mature than he is. See the problem?'

Angels jaw dropped slightly. He'd heard that clearly through there own mental connection, but could only imagine the force behind it towards Trista. He stole a glance at Fuccuelo, who was just sulking and glaring and not doing any real harm. Then his adorable little dragon had to go send a scalding wind her way.

"Reechi!" He exclaimed, aghast. Why was she taking out hate on Trista? Angel understood that she didn't like they way the unicorn hated him for no reason, but that wasn't Trista's fault! Just like his companions behavior at the moment wasn't his fault.
That was uncalled for! He told her, still shocked at her actions.

"Do siblings always have the same train of thought? I have no control over Fucuello's actions. He is my companion but he has his own mind and agenda just like you do from your companion. While I can try to console him in the end it is his choice. Yes his actions are immature but did you ever consider that may just be apart of his personality. Ever think to see it from his side of the mirror. I'm sorry if you feel threatened and if you have a bone to pick with my companion then feel free to take it up with him directly."

"Yeah, Reeps, don't be mad at Trista because Fuccuelo hates me. I don't want to control you, I can't actually, and they're the same. You're still new in this world, so you haven't meet that many people, but everyones different. Some people are what you might consider immature, but those same people might think the same about you. No need to get snippy baby." He reached up and rubbed her head lovingly. He wasn't angry but he wanted to emphasize that she shouldn't snap at people for their personalities, or things out of their control. It'd only been a few days since Reechi officially came into the world after all, and she didn't know better.

"Companions certainly seem to get jealous around you Trista, perhaps they think you are going to steal, or get stolen, away from them."

Angel jumped slightly as Solara popped up from nowhere behind them. Well wasn't this turning into a little pow-wow. Time to scram. Ignoring any further drama, he took a long step forward and bowed to Trista, grabbing her hand and kissing it before placing it on his elbow. Way to formal and chivalrous for both their casual wear, but he thought it added to the charm.

"The only one stealing Trista is me- Wanna be my date tonight?" He gave her a charming grin, mentally praying that he wasn't being too awkward and straightforward..... and that she would accept. And that Fucuello wouldn't kill him.

He glanced at Solara and Saga. "You're both welcome to accompany us of course."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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#, as written by Skwidge

As Trista began to defend her Companion, Reechi looked over at her. “In any case, immaturity is not something you want to defend. Thinking in his point of view, I only see faulty lines.” At her comment of the small dragon feeling threatened, a derisive snort flew from her vocals. “You’d be wrong, then.” She could already feel the not-going-to-bother-with-you look from the foolish little foal.

At the entrance of yet another human, Reechi turned a blank glance over to Solara as she spoke. ’Or perhaps it is a battle of rights.’ She thought to herself before she felt Angel move under her and light another cigarette near Saga. She scooted away from the guy, and that was when Rowan responded to how she was behaving. She looked ever so startled herself as he snapped out her name, and then he told her what she was doing was uncalled for.

’Uncalled for!?’ She thought, an angered hurt flourishing up inside of her, but hidden from her Ryder. ’I’m just trying to protect what’s mine!’ Her eyes narrowed angrily as her Ryder took this woman’s side. And when he brought up the idea that she knew little to nothing just because she was newer to the world only injured her further. ’What, I’ve been gathering all sorts of information from everything and everyone around me. I’m a dragon for sakes, and doesn’t that go the same for this foal? He’s been here way longer than I have, shouldn’t he know better?’ She was beginning to get confused, and felt more and more betrayed. If she was new to the world, shouldn’t Rowan be teaching her things anyway? It couldn’t be her fault for not doing what she didn’t know. It seemed like everyone was turning on her, hiding it behind good natures.

Reeps was at least smart enough to pick up when she wasn’t wanted around.

As Rowan set his hand onto her head, as she so often loved, things turned sour within her. The affection he seemed to put behind the gesture was just a lie, it seemed nothing more than a ghostly mask, some form of a cover up for how she had been acting, which to her instincts was normal, and fine. Fake! Her mind warned her as he put pressure on her head, and she slipped her head out from under his hand and opened her jaws.

She then latched onto his hand with her teeth, drawing a bit of blood. And then she seemed to simply disappear from his shoulder. Had Saga not been smoking that infernal thing, she might have turned to him, to leave Angel as he had seemed to leave her. The last words she heard as she left from the scene was Angel talking about Trista being his date. Of course that’s what he wanted. Trista was more important to him. And because of that, she knew that her own Ryder wouldn’t be coming after her for awhile. They’d just think that she was misbehaving, that she was some kind of a brat, selfish, no better than anything else.

’Well, let them think.’ She told herself without a second glance, blinking out of scene and into the maze of halls. She had better things to do than go to the feast and be with the man she loved, but who seemed to be so keen on overlooking her and focus on others. Though the idea of fruit at the tables called to her, she ignored the base desire and turned her head, slipping through a few large, open archways.

Eventually, cool air hit her nostrils, and her ears flickered. Her instincts had been right, hadn’t they? They were supposed to be…. Now they were telling her to just get out, let her Ryder enjoy the night like he wanted to, to not spoil his fun with this Trista person and her companion.

’Stupid. Needy. Wrong. Foolish desire. Not important.’ She couldn’t tell if her thoughts were directed at Trista… or at herself.

She darted under some bushes, keen on not spoiling Rowan’s night with her negative thoughts, and rather find a small meal for herself out of little bugs and rodents. It was good, she could train a bit on her stealth and speed, she supposed. She would just lay low for awhile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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"Sure, bro." Angel rummaged through his pocket before taking out a pack of cigs, opening it, and holding it up to Sagas lips. Next, Angel grabbed his lighter and scrolled the mechanism. It came alive and attacked the end of his cigarette, sizzling and turning the tip black. He inhaled and turned his head the other way to exhale through his nostrils. It felt so good to have one again. Stress has been on high reaches for him these past few days. At the snap of Reechis beautiful vocal cords emitting bitter words, Saga tilted his head to the side to steal a peek. Lifting his hand to his mouth, he positioned the cigarette between his index and middle finger to hide his slight smile. Way to go Reechi!

Oops, someone seemed unhappy about it. Saga couldn't help but notice Angels visual display of shock. Already Saga knew how this scenario was going to play out. At first, he expected Angel to take Reechis side. The man practically spoiled her to death and smothered her till she couldn't breathe! But who was he to judge since Reeps adored the amount of affection and attention she received. Yet, Angel took Tristas side. Ouch. Honestly, he was disappointed in everyone at this point. They gave too much attention to the small things and not the other way around. Especially Reechis feelings.

"Reechi!" Angel exclaimed. And here comes another blow. Saga lowered his arm from Angel and scratched his own dragon behind the ear. Bluejay was probably getting finicky by now. Urgh, what has he gotten himself and Bluejay into?

Sorry you have to hear all this, Bluejay.

"Do siblings always have the same train of thought? I have no control over Fucuellos actions. He is my companion but he has his own mind and agenda just like you do from your companion. While I can try to console him, in the end it is his choice. Yes, his actions are immature but did you ever consider that may be a part of his personality. Ever think to see it from his side of the mirror? I'm sorry if you feel; and if you have a bone to pick with my companion, then feel free to take it up with him directly." She ended, she finally ended. Damn, her tone was flat out condescending.

"Yeah, Reeps. Don't be mad at Trista because. Fucuello hates me." Poor Reeps... "I don't want to control you, I can't actually, and they're the same. You're still new in this world, so you havn't met that many people but everyone is different. Some people are what you might consider immature but those same people might think the same about you. No need to get snippy baby." Angel reached to rub Reechis head lovingly but was rejected. Reeps slipped her head from under his hand and bit it. Saga stared wide-eyed. Wow. He couldn't believe what he was watching. After that she dashed away and Bluejay followed, crying after his friend. What just...happened? He turned his attention back to Angel who completely ignored his companions obvious behavior for attention and kissed Tristas hand and locking elbows. What the hell? He was totally in his own world. As if reading his thoughts, Angel glanced up at the two-Saga and Solara- and added. "You're both welcome to accompany us, of course." Fucuello stared Saga down, as if waiting for him to toss Reechi to the side. Immediately, Saga put his hands up in defense and looked away.

"Naw, I think I'm going to go after Reechi and BJ, you know?" He clicked his tongue, pointing in the direction they ran off to with both thumbs. "See you guys inside." He turned his back to the two love-birds, took a few steps forward, and turned back around. "And Solara? Popping out of no where, creepy. But you look nice." He chuckled and ran off for real this time, disappearing behind the corner.


Once outside, Saga took one last blow of his cig. and pressed the bud into the wall, killing it. Only one way to find her...He glanced around at the scenery covered by the night and then cupped his hands around his mouth yelling, "Reechi! Oi, Reechi!? Where are you!?" he repeated this over and over again while walking around. "Bluejay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky Character Portrait: Azamanin Arnlar
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu
"Yeah, Reeps, don't be mad at Trista because Fuccuelo hates me. I don't want to control you, I can't actually, and they're the same. You're still new in this world, so you haven't meet that many people, but everyones different. Some people are what you might consider immature, but those same people might think the same about you. No need to get snippy baby." Trista was a bit taken aback. Angel... agreed with her? She had just reprimanded his companion and he had taken her side instead of defending Reechi? She had been expecting him to at least be a little miffed at her. What's more was that instead of feeling grateful for Angel's defense, her stomach just got more guilty knots in it. And it did not help when the little dragon nipped his companion and ran off.

"Companions certainly seem to get jealous around you Trista, perhaps they think you are going to steal, or get stolen, away from them?" It was Solara, things had stayed dormant between them but Trista still couldn't relax completely around the girl, especially when she said things like that. Sure it sounded like it was meant as a joke but hadn't she ever heard of "reading the mood". She was about to giver Solara a no really look when something grabbed her hand. She looked down and almost shot through the roof with shock and stomach butterflies.

Angel bowed.

Placed a kiss on her hand.

Then he placed her arm around the crook of his elbow and said the corniest yet most charming thing ever. "The only one stealing Trista is me- Wanna be my date tonight?"

No words could push past the frog in her throat so she just giggled and nodded all the while not being sure if the butterflies in her stomach were from Angel or the guilt she felt over Reechi. That had been no way to handle that situation. Saying that made her look hypocritical but her and Fucuello's relationship was a pre-established bond that had a lot of history to fall back on. Angel and Reechi's was new and fragile, she might not fully have assurance that Angel loved her the same way she loved him. If they were ever alone tonight Trista made a mental note to talk to him about it. Reechi was still in the wrong of course but she didn't deserve her companion turning on her like that and leaving her without any admonition that he still cared.

"You're both welcome to accompany us of course." He said to Solara and Saga. The boy put his hands up in defense and looked away no doubt because of Fucuello's stares. Huuuuh this was turning out to be a pretty bittersweet affair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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#, as written by Bhu-Bhu

”You alright, Bluejay?” The little dragon purred when Saga scratched his head. He let his companion adjust his haunches and got in a comfortable position from there. He still had the sleepy heaviness fogging his head and the noise of everyone else talking and yelling didn't help. So he just groaned and hurried his head into he's companion's shirt to block out the noise. Couldn't they all just be quiet! He was not in the mood to have all of their chatter and babble fill his head, he wanted quiet, he wanted sleep!

”Hey Fucuello, hey Trista, looking good! Angel, can I get a cigarette and a light? Left mine in the dorm.” BlueJay peeked out his head to see the people. ”I want to have a smoke before heading in.” Smoke? What was a smoke? He watched as Angel took out a white cylindrical stick and stuck in Saga's mouth then he took out a shiny metal box that spat a lick of fire onto the stick. The ritual, whatever it was, produced a foul grey matter that filled his insides and made it impossible to take in air till he expelled the stuff in violent hacks. Which he proceeded to do.

When the awful stuff was gone from his lungs the dragon looked up to see Reechi. "Rechi!" He squeaked. "Hey Reechi!" He was about to ask her if she wanted to play when Reechi's thoughts snapped through the air.

’Get a better hold of your companion. He’s older than I am and yet I’m so much more mature than he is. See the problem?'There was a silence, thick and musty that followed. The girl Reechi's anger had been angled toward was stiff and cold in her motions. Reechi kept her glare on Trista. BlueJay retracted behind Saga's head. Why was everyone so mad?

And it just kept getting worse.
Angel turned his words on Reechi as did Trista, making the air all the more stuffy and stiff and unbreathable. Reechi tried to defend herself but no one listened. The blue dragon was about to come to her, try and lessen the air's harshness at least for her. Saga took Reechi's side; BlueJay just wanted everyone to stop making the room feel scary. He was about to nuzzle her shoulder when the silver dragon lept of Angels and ran away.

"Reechi!" He called out and chased after her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Takeshi Ueto Character Portrait: Reechi Character Portrait: Trista Lea Ronvox Character Portrait: Fucuello Character Portrait: BlueJay Character Portrait: Rowan Angel Paladsky
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’I’m just trying to protect what’s mine! What, I’ve been gathering all sorts of information from everything and everyone around me. I’m a dragon for sakes, and doesn’t that go the same for this foal? He’s been here way longer than I have, shouldn’t he know better?’

Angel sighed awkwardly as his attempt at gentle scolding completely backfired. He hadn't meant to take sides. He'd honestly been trying to avoid conflict, but instead had seemed to feed the fire.

C'mon baby, don't be like that. I know he should know better but all I was trying to say is you don't need to lash back at people...

Angel broke off as Reechi nipped at his hand. The swirls of feelings he was getting was breaking his heart, but at the same time his immature nature shone through. He didn't understand why Reeps was overreacting. He didn't understand why he himself was overreacting. This didn't need to be a fight or disagreement- but he was a guy and the beautiful girl had taken priority over his second half for just a moment and now his other half was angry with him.
Reechi suddenly disappeared off his shoulder. Angel felt like he was going to cry for a minute. She was seriously going to run off? He had tried to make things better; he was still radiating love to her, though it was masked by hurt now.

He wanted to go after her, but at the same time, he wanted to give the dragon time to mull over what had just happened. He would probably leave the dinner early to go find her.
This was like one of the many times he'd made various girlfriends or boyfriends upset. They always needed time to cool down after a fight, then Angel would call in the morning or for dinner and they would work it out. it was like that. That was how he would look at it.

So Angel, instead of going after his darling, bowed to Trista and gave her a cheesy line.

She let out some some cute giggles, which Angel took as acceptance. Saga went off after BlueJay and Reeps, so he looked to the girl. He didn't want to do this, especially after she'd so cutely responded to his invitation to be his date, but....
Angel cleared his throat slightly, and used his free hand to awkwardly push his hair back.

"Not that you're really in the wrong, but i'd really appreciate if you didn't, er, tell Reechi off like that. I know she's a little spontaneous and hyper and everything.... but I'd really like for her to learn how the world works on her own or through me at first. I don't like her being involved in conflicts even if its partially my fault."

He smiled brightly down at her, using her hand on his elbow to begin to guide her down the hall towards the dining hall.

"Now that that's over though, I hope we can have a fun night princess."