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The Serials

The Serials


What if you were made? What if you had everyone coming after you because you could do things others can't? That's what's happening with the Serials.

955 readers have visited The Serials since starshinerae created it.


In Terra (what we know as Earth) many many years from now, humans begin to experiment with DNA and how they could improve the race. Sometimes the experiments worked, sometimes they didn't. When they didn't work, the victims of the experimentation became ashamed and killed themselves because of what they were now, or they died during the experimentation. Finally, the experimentation was put on hold. They could do all they could possibly do with genetic experimentation, and had used hundreds of human lives to do so. Very few out of the many they experimented on turned out right, and have benefited from the powers. In reality, there are actually only seven people that have been experimented on that live now.

But the government fear these seven people, and have put serial numbers on their right shoulder for identification. The Serials did not like this, however, and ran away from the government, far away, and are currently in hiding. Some are together, but they never sticked together in a group bigger than three. The bigger the group, the more attention they got. So now they are separated, and being hunted. They want to live normal lives, and some of them have even attempted to do so. Those that looked completely human, anyway.

There are whispers among those that fear them that they are planning to use their powers to override the government section that created them in the first place. But no one knows the truth but the Serials.

Quick Info about the Serials:
Each serial number is 10 digits long
all of them have some kind of supernatural/superhuman ability
not all of them look completely human
their ages range from 13 to 30

Other than that I'm not particular. This is going to call for the seven Serials, and then a few agents (government agents called the SSH, Special Serial Hunters). Please submit your characters. The only thing I would like to say is please include a picture with your appearance (make sure it's not too big) and the personality does not have to be that long.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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#, as written by Smiley


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#, as written by Kama
There, standing on the highest point of the whole of the island, stood the giant formally known as "Seth Young", but referred to as Kamachi by the rest of the world. At this vantage point, he had the pleasure of viewing the majority of the small, isolated island; he could see the bumbling brooks, the luscious trees and other plants, the busy wildlife, and, most importantly, his own little house, which resided just beneath the cliff he was standing on, next to the forest. Ah, what a beautiful residence it was -- it may not of looked like much to the "civilized" world, but to Kamachi, who had built it by hand, with the assistance of his friend, Al, it was the palace of the emperor of China. Seth stood there for a few minutes, a wide grin encompassing his bright green face as he took in the majesty of his own little world. Then, a rather rude and un-welcomed, yet inevitable, sound filled his large ears -- the sound of his own stomach protesting the lack of food. Sighing as he realized that it was time to find lunch on this beautiful summer day, Young took a series of small steps, getting dangerously close to the edge of cliff, more prone to falling. When his feet had caused a small pebble to plummet from the raised stone, Seth jumped. For a few exciting seconds, the wind was rushing past him, the world blurry; then, approaching the small farm he tended, Kamachi unfurled his massive wings, and his descent instantly slowed. His relatively small feet gracefully touched the ground, and, re-furling his wings, Seth began the very short stride to his humble, tall abode, made to fit his height of just-under sixteen feet. When his hand gently pushed through the wooden door, his bare feet stepping onto the cool ground, he called out in a deep and happy voice, "Al, you here? It's your turn to make lunch".


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Juliet has been wandering along the shores of the beach, staring out into the big ocean. It seemed to stretch outward for eons clasping hands with sky forever in embrace. She remembered the last time she was on a beach before here had been with her fellow cheerleaders and football players. If she closed her eyes, she could even remember the warmth of Jason Crockett's hand holding hers. But that was a long time ago and she reminded herself it was best not to think of these things. She heard Kamachi's voice from behind her; something about lunch. She took off her jacket as it grew warmer and stretched out her wings; miniscule compared to Kamachi's. She walked back towards the house, petting the heads of some of the friendlier animals in their "farm" on her way. She then poked her head in the doorway and simply said, "Lunch?"


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Im flying over the ocean, and yes, its freakingt amazing. Like, nothing in this whole myerable earth can compare to it. Im singing softly, but projecting sonar very loudly, my ears catching the slightest variation in the ground below me. Trust me, if I would I would just you know, look down. But you know what they say about being scared of hieghts.. just kidding, Im actually blind. Anyways, Im flying over this freaking ocean, and then the sonar comes back different, way different. I raise my voice to get more detail.. and its a freaking island! I start to slowly circle it, then finally come in and land on the highest point of the isle. Of course, I immediatly jump to the ground, flat on my stomach to avoid getting detected. I release extremely high-pitched sonar, so any human wouldnt be able to hear it. Oh. My. Gosh. Theres a giant out there. And no, I dont concider my 6'4" self a giant. More an abnormally elongated teenage mutant. I keep looking, or rather, sensing. More mutants. I feel a chill down my spine as one turns his head my way.


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#, as written by Smiley
I stood on top of a mountain. It was very, very high up. It was also very quiet, and serene...nobody knew I was here. and on that topic, nobody knew me. nobody knew my name. not even me. I quietly pondered to myself, "Who am I?" and looked down the mountain. "Why am I here? How did I get here in the first place?" As I continued wondering, I thought I saw movement. Telling myself it was nothing, I teleported away.

I was now on water. Not in it, ON it. I wasn't sure how I had gotten here either, but one thing was for sure. I posessed unimaginable powers. I then noticed a small island, only a short distance away from where I was standing. and by short distance, I mean exactly 63.281 feet. "Wait, I just calculated that in my head without even thinking about it," I said. "How?" I wondered aloud, now walking towards the island.


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The sun was setting over the horizon, casting a bright, orange and red glow over the world. A lone, young woman stood by the retreating tide, her feet digging into the damp sand. Her tall, willowy figure stood out on the barren beach, a simple silhouette of a woman. One wouldn't be able to make out her features of they stood behind her, as the light cast from the sun hid the specifics. Most people tended to avoid her anyway. She wasn't one to include herself in the happenings of the small neighborhood, and the people took this to mean that she was a snob. She wasn't, she just didn't want anyone getting too close, as they could figure out what she was. A Serial. That's what they called her. How could anyone understand that she had had no choice in becoming what she was? These abilities had been forced upon her, not something she had gotten by choice.

With a sigh she turned and began to walk along the waters edge. She hadn't been in touch with the other Serials since she had settled down in this place, and that was how she wanted it to say. The more Serials there were in one place, the more SSH agents they tended to attract, not to mention the attention of other people in general. The first seven could be dead for all she knew, but she had a hunch that they weren't. None of them were dumb enough to be caught by the SSH. Or so she assumed. Sometimes the SSH were tricky beings, but usually they were no match for a Serial's abilities.

She pushed those thoughts out of her mind and concentrated on the calming sounds of the ocean, the feel of the beating tide on her feet, and the slight breeze that blew her hair towards the right. She loved the water, had loved it even before she had been experimented on. It was what kept her at ease in these tough times. Without it, she didn't think she would be as relaxed about the entire hunt. But it didn't bother her here, she felt incredibly safe with the water by her side.


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#, as written by Smiley
As I approaced the shore, I noticed one lone person standing on the shore. I continued walking, not caring who it was. As I stepped onto the shore, I said, "Greetings." In a gentleman's tone. taking off his hat and bowing as a gentleman would, then returning to my previous posture and placing my hat atop my head once more.


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Freddie was sleeping in his office, he had spent the night there and he was supposed to be keeping track of the Serials. The door slammed open and his father, Peter, was standing in the door way with his arms crossed. He looked pretty angry. Freddie jumped out of his seat and rubbed his eyes, he ruffled his hair and neatened his clothes up a bit more.
"Sleeping are we?" Peter said biting his jaw together, he was slightly annoyed.
"Oh.....Hey dad" Freddie smiled cheesily so his dad would loosen up a bit.
"How are the Serials doing?"
"Yeah....erm...." Freddie went back to his desk and put the computer on, he typed in some serial numbers which he had learnt off by heart and had a look at where they were. "Still in little groups but they are all over the place, what do you want me to do?"
"Just concentrate son, make sure they don't do anything stupid. I am sorting something out, you're going to have to go out there soon"
This bought a big smile to his face, Freddie had never met a Serial before and this would be his first time meeting on. It was a great chance to get to know them. Although there was one Serial in the unit but he wasn't the type of person that would interact with Freddie.
"Keep an eye out for Lycos ((sorry I don't know your charrie's name))" Peter said in a warning tone.
"No worries, I will!" Freddie said excitedly.
Peter walked out and now Freddie was tracking all 11 Serials seeing what they were up to. There were some in a city, and some on an island. He was going to track down the City Serials, because one he wanted to visit the city and two the island was a bit risky.


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#, as written by Bert90
Roy walked slowly down the road, having a sad expression on his face like he always did. Cars drove down the road some splashing water on him as they hit puddles because of recent rain. In this world everyone seemed so cruel and only cared for themselves. Roy looked onward as he approached a small town near the coastline. He thought that this would be a good place to stay for a while. As he entered the town it was almost serene in its calmness. "Maybe." Roy thought as he walked around thinking that the place was rather secluded and it seemed no one would bother him.

Roy remembered when he first escaped from the government with other serials. He had been seperated from the others during their escape and did not know if they led normal lives or if they were even alive. Then the horrible memories of the pain and horror crept in Roy's mind. He cringed about the thought of all the pain. The needles, beatings, and constant other tests while faces loomed over his body.

The wind began to pick up and it calmed Roy. It seemed like that was the only thing that made him feel at peace, almost like there was nothing to worry about. As he calmed down Roy began to head towards the shore line. He thought it would be rather nice to see the waves move in the breeze.


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"No, I'm telling you guys. We HAVE to do this."

She didn't even bother looking up from her computer as she argued with a couple of her fellow serials. Serials, what a generic name for them. Logical, perhaps, but completely devoid of the humanity that she knew they all so longed for. There was a dim glow from her laptop screen illuminating her face in the darkness, but she was just fine in the shadows. A steady *click click click* as her fingers flew across the keyboard.

"Look. Here."

She turned the monitor towards John and Anna, and showed them a screen emblazoned with a logo and the letters "SSH". The rest of the page was a list of ten-digit numbers, along with addresses and photos. One for John, one for Anna, one for Allison. Another for someone named Fotesezen, only briefly described as a "bat-being." Al, Tyndal, Juliet...eleven in all.

"They know where we are now. We have to move as soon as possible. It's a bad idea to just sit around and wait for them to come. And no, Anna, we're not going to fight them off. That would only attract more attention."

She knew they didn't want to run anymore, but it was the only thing they could do. Of course, they could always have hope. Hope that one day, the devious SSH would stop hunting them. Hope that someday, they would merely be forgotten, fading back into society.

But then, hope was an illogical thing.


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Sighing heavily. John paced back and forth. "I don't like it, but I agree, we should get packed as soon as possible. Though we need a destination, I would prefer we didn't go running out of the city with no path in mind," John said while pulling his M9 pistol from the ductape that held it in place under the desk.

Throwing on one of his newer sweat shirts John said. "Now where did I hide my hunting rifle?" While rummaging through various areas in the dimly lit room.

"Also we need to know where to meet up at in case if we get separated," John murmured quickly.

He didn't want to admit it but them being in the city unsettled him, and leaving brought him enough reassurance to quell the tide of anxiety that was washing through him. Most of all he didn't like being stuck in a crowd of people, they rarely gave him vantage points on things he was trying to be constantly aware of.

Striding over to the computer he looked at the monitor, more specifically he looked at familiar faces, and yet there were some unfamiliar ones. Looking away from the computer John continued his search. Relief flooded through John when he realized that all of his fellow Serials were still at large.


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#, as written by Avey
“Why, do we HAVE to do this?” Laurana said stubbornly to her roommate Allison. She made a face staring at the computer screen crossing her arms. Serials, that’s what they were known as. Experiments that the governments had made, and now wanted to get rid of, they were known as the SSH. She didn’t quite like the idea of having to run ALL the time. Once she finally got settled somewhere they had to move again, there was no end. Laurana rolled her grey eyes and looked over at John who had agreed with her. She made a loud smacking noise with her mouth. Laurana rubbed her bare arms almost chillingly as she looked at Allison’s laptop screen and the big letters saying SSH on it, and then looked to her own photo, even the other serials they had escaped with. This sent a chilling shock down her spine as her emotions stirred. She was Happy that the others were alive and sad that they were all still being tracked.

She watched John as he pulled out his gun and shrugged her shoulders. Before she could speak, Allison denied the reason to fight back. “Not right” she muttered walking away from the computer crossing her arms. She snapped her fingers for a moment impatiently then ran her fingers through her light blond hair.

“Well if we are to run, we have to take as little as possible…” she said with a slight grunt. “Maybe only a little travel bag of things…” she finished. Laurana put her hands on her black corset and walked into the door pulling out her white bag and dropped it on the floor. “Let’s pack” she said nonchalantly, although it hurt her more than anything to have to move again. Anna walked into the other room with a slight angered aura about her to get the rest of her things before coming back in to the room. “Well if we get separated we should meet in the Subway… how about that?” Anna first looked at John, then looked over at Allison before walking back to the computer "besides that where are we going to go exactly?". She stared at the other Serials with a saddened expression. Too bad they couldn’t get in contact with one another some way.


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#, as written by Lycos
Erik looked out across the City from the roof of the tallest building. He had spent his first week out of the hole memorizing the layout of the city. From major roads to alleyways, he had worked out everything. Now all he needed to do was find his prey and finish them off, but where his prey was he didn't know. He didn't care if it took him a year or a decade. As long as all the serials were dead, he could live his life in peace, or at least that's what he thought. The government gave him two options; either run or work. He chose the latter and set into motion events that were no longer in his control. Now, after a year of relentless training and practice, they had finally set him free.

Erik jump off the roof and onto one a few stories shorter and continued this pace til he was at one that was only five stories off the ground. He had no way of tracking the other Serials, so he relied on SSH for that. While he wasn't particularly fond of the group, they are able to provide him with the information he needs. He sat on the edge of the roof, his feet dangling in the air, quietly waiting for the signal to move in on any potential serials.


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Freddie was watching the Serials move on his computer. He then checked to see where Omega was, he was in the same city where some of the serials were. Why wasn't he allowed out to find the Serials? He was 19 now and has been working on the Serials for 4 years he should have some chance to go out and track them down, now that is what he would call experience. He was getting fustrated and the more time he sat there looking at the Serials through a screen the more he wanted to go find them, meet them, talk to them but then again he would have to bring them back. Suddenly he had this plan. He was going to go find Omega and stay with him until he finds some serials. Peter didn't have to know and when he found out then he will think about that he had to do next, but right now all Freddie could think about was finding some god damn Serials.

He got up and grabbed a big black sports bag and put in everything he needed- clothes, first aid kit, guns, map and a netbook. He checked on lats time and got Omega's co-ordinates so he could find his exact location. "Got it" now all he needed to do was leave.


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#, as written by Smiley
I woke up in the city, strangely enough. I knew what I'd seen before was a dream. It had to be, considering he was nowhere NEAR an island now. He teleported himself to on top of a building, and looked down on the city. For some reason, he felt like he was drawn to something...or someone...within the city, so he jumped down and landed gently, then proceeded down the streets.


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The other serials send a shiver down my spine, and in one of the famous split second disisions im famous for I turn and launch myself into the air. As I rise up above the island, my wings beating strong and powerfully with a resounding 'flap', 'flap, 'flap'. Well, maybe not resounding to a normal person, but to someone with extremely good hearing that can hear practically any pitch, its pretty dang resounding. I dont bother with echocolation, as I already remember that theres nothing straight above me but sky. Almost certain that there are people watching me, I fly fast and hard, continuing on away from the island. After a few minutes I relax, getting into the repeated motions of flying. Finally I open my mouth and release a loud, long distance wave of sound, it reverberating away from me in all directions. I repeat this every five or ten minutes, and after a couple hours I get a change in the results. I bank to the left, heading towards the land I feel. I cant fly forever and I need to at least stay close to land. I continue the echocolation, louder and more frequent, but too high for humans to hear. I hear a few dogs barking, but I really dont care. Theyre after me, but they cant catch me like they think they can. Im sure the SSH has seen me by now, and only because I let them. Another one of my famous momentary decisions. Then without warning I stop mid air, fold in my wings and begin to fall. I drop out of the sky like a stone, and once I fall into the alley Im directly above I slide out my wings again, slowly to avoid the sudden pain of the updraft. I hit the ground hard, enough that a human might of broken bones. But havnt we already established im not human? Either way, Ive already located the sewer drain and pulled it open, dropping inside and shutting it silently behind me.


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#, as written by Smiley
Much to surprise, I was there, waiting for him, hands behind my back. I stood barely out of view and said nothing.


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Allison flipped her laptop closed and slid it into a black backpack that was stationed on a chair. In the newly freed space, she spread out a map of the city and the surrounding areas.

"Look, here we are. I think its best we try and avoid the others for the time being, it's still safest for us in little groups. The D said there was on here, here, and a couple there." She pointed to various areas of the map. "I think we should head south, towards the hills. With little to no cell reception in that area, it might help scramble any attempts to track us, or at least jam their ability to communicate with each other in that region." She looked up at Anna. "And you could help with that too. Anything we can do to slow them down will be to our benefit. There's a small town here..." She pointed to a tiny dot nestled in a valley in the hills, paradoxically named Lowland Heights. "Where we should meet up. Even if we have to split up along the way, just keep heading for the town."

She went over to her meager cot and sat down, lacing on a pair of new-looking sneakers. She frowned almost sadly as she did so, the action making their predicamant so much more real. She rarely, if ever, like to have to put shoes on her feet, she was so much quicker without them. But for a trek through foothills, she had to wear something. Hopefully she wouldn't be too awkward and clumsy with them on. She pushed her glasses back up on her nose as she finished, moving to the pile of neatly stacked clothes that stood in place of a dresser. She tossed a couple extra shirts and one pair of jeans into the backpack, and frowned as she noted it wasn't going to hold much more than that. She knelt down and moved one of the piles, revealing a small notch in the floor. It was just large enough to fit her finger in, and she pulled up a piece of the floor that came away- the lid to a hidden compartment. She pulled out a few cables, what looked like a blank credit card, and a wad of cash. Hopefully it would last them long enough if they needed it, but she had to bring her tools just in case.

"We should leave as soon as the sun goes down. The streets will still be crowded with friday night partiers, but the darkness will add some extra cover." Her tone was matter-of-fact, as it usually was, and left relatively little room for argument.


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"Sounds like a plan," John said as he slid his M9 into a pouch on the inside of his sweatshirt. Looking around next to his bed John picked up a pouch full of sharpened objects that he was able to throw, and successfully conceal safely. The pouch was no bigger then an enclosed hand, and was held together by some cheap fabric that was now coming apart.

He sat down on a makeshift bed he had made on the floor days ago, and contemplated on how they would be able to stumble through hilly areas in the dark. Not wanting to worry about it to much John pulled a pocket knife out of his left pocket and began sharpening a paper clip into an improvised throwing weapon.

John smirked grimly at the fact that he was going to be using sharpened paperclips, bed pins, pens, and pencils as weapons. This amused John because all he had to do was aim for the neck, face, or knees to incapacitate or kill. He threw a paper clip with precision it embedded itself against the wall, and into a target he set up on the wall long ago. John got up, and stretched while putting his worn out sneakers on.

After getting his things squared away John paced back and forth. He began radiating the fact that he was nervous, John proceeded to sit down again in an attempt to quell the feeling that the enemy was closing in.


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Freddie was on his way to the city, where majority of the Serials were and this way he would have more of a chance in catching them, but he was actually more interested in meeting them. However, his job was more important than his interest. These experiments were a mistake and he understood that the government wanted them back. The fact that they were always running away and hiding irritated Freddie; he doubted the fact that the government were going to kill them. He just wondered that everything would be much simpler if they gave up running away, they would probably just keep the Serials in a restricted area where they can’t intervene with human life. But I guess the Serials have their own life and probably all a bit too stubborn to live like that.

Finally, he got to the subway and he had to take a long journey to get to the city where he wanted. There were a lot of young people here, well, it was Friday night and normal teenagers would be going out partying. Freddie was here doing his job. He saw on one of the seats and closed his eyes for a minute, he was so tired from working he just needed to rest. Then again he’d rather be doing this interesting business than getting drunk. Slowly, his mind drifted into dream land where he finally got to meet a Serial. A blonde tall figure was before him, she smiled sweetly, and she was young and very attractive. She soon disappeared and Freddie carried on sleeping.


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#, as written by Avey
Laurana looked around the room a bit painfully, then momentarily closed her eyes before walking off into her room and returning with a couple of items of clothing. Allison had moved from her laptop to looking at a map of the city in which they resided. Allison pointed to where the others were staying and where they were going, luckily they had a human power box to tag along with them. “What do you want me to help you with?” Laurana said cooly almost as if she didn’t know. “So if we get separated you want us to meet in this town” Laurana pointed on the map with a frown. She really loved residing in the city, it had all the power she needed and wanted. “I think that it’s a plan” she said in agreement with John who stood nearby. Although Laurana didn’t necessarily agree with leaving at night, for the mere fact that if she had to use her powers it was very noticeable.

Laurana watched John’s movements and concluded that he too was just as nervous as she was, hell they all were. Laurana made her way over to her heels which were sitting neatly near the door; she sat down on the floor and put them on. Sharp heels made one hell of a weapon, when used. Laurana closed her eyes for a moment, planning her way out through the city. Hopefully, there was no SSH already in the city, and this move would be as smooth as possible.

“This is going to be fun” she said with a sarcastic cheesy smile to her roommates Allison and John, “Fantastic," She finished. Laurana looked out the window and waited for night to fall.


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She cracked the door open and peeked out, scanning the area for any signs of movement. Nothing yet. She slipped out as quickly as she could, motioning for the others to follow.

"Our best bet is to follow the main road out of town." As she moved along the road, trying to blend in as much as humanely possible, she spotted a crowd of young people loitering outside the door to a bar. The dim light of a neon sign and a nearby streetlight was all that was available to illuminate the area, so Allison skirted herself around in the shadows.

"Hey sweetie," a man called out. He was tall and gruff, and looked like he hadn't shaved in days. He picked himself up from against the wall and crushed out the butt of the cigarette he was smoking, then strolled over toward the three of them. "Well don't you look fancy for this neighborhood?"

Allison refused to turn her gaze at him, and scrunched her nose in disgust. He smelled likehe hadn't bathed in days, either. Or if he had done so, it was in beer. She brushed past him, but then she felt his meaty fist clamp around her arm. He spun her around to him, getting his face right in hers. "I was talking to you, bitch! Nobody ignores me." At that moment, three more guys got up off the wall and approached the group. All of them looked as stocky as the first, though doubtless some of their bulk was just fat. Still, one couldn't be sure just how much...

Her gaze levelled at him, unnervingly calm and composed. She stared at him hard, with a look that seemed like it could bore into his skull. "You'll be leaving us alone, thank you," she said coolly, her eyes never deviating from his.

"Heh, that's what you think," growled one of the other guys, who shot out a hand for Anna's throat.


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Following Allison as if he were her shadow John used his enhanced vision to look at most of the people they passed by. Trying to keep his breathing normal John looked behind him reassuring himself that they weren't being followed. John glanced over at Anna making sure that she was still with them.

"Hey sweetie," a man called out. He was tall and had a stink on him that would make dung beetles cringe. He continued to walk to them which threw a red flag up in Johns head. Tensing up John remained vigilant as he continued to walk towards his fellow serials. John continued to tune them out until the man grabbed Allison's arm. "I was talking to you, bitch! Nobody ignores me." the man breathed at Allison as three more of his cronies walked over. John's rage was visible in his face as his vision began to pulsate a dangerous red.

John's instincts kicked in once he saw a grimy hand reach out of the group of disgusting men to Anna's throat. Quickly John delivered a blow to his elbow stopping his reach dead, maybe even dislocating the joint in his elbow. John then punched the man that reached out for Anna in the ribs twice intending to knock the wind out of him, and continued to kick him away from the fight. John reached into his pocket and threw two paper clips at the mans arm that had a hold on Allison. The paper clips were exactly on target, for the first embedded itself into the mans shoulder, and the second hit the mans wrist.

Pulling out two more paperclips that were filed down into a dangerous point, John growled,"Take another step and the next two hit your eyes." John finished while keeping his enhanced vision trained on the men that were to close for comfort.


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#, as written by Avey

Laurana grabbed her bag off the floor and followed behind Allison and Jason, glancing back at their regular sized apartment with sadness. She closed the door and followed the other two. They had gotten out in the streets rather quickly, due to the fact that they didn’t live to far from it anyway. Laurana shoved her hands into her leather jackets pockets, slightly dazing out and into her own little world, full of thoughts and what-not. She was abruptly stopped to a man’s voice and his horrid smell, as he talked to Allison vulgarly. Laurana wrinkled her sensitive nose and made a frown as she stared piercingly at the men. Laurana watched her moments suddenly feeling the air tensing between them and the other men. She of course could kill them with one deadly shock but that wouldn’t make her look pretty in the eyes of the government who is already looking for them.

Suddenly a man took a shot at her and Laura eyes went white from her power building up; her hands were still in her pockets lighting up with pure electricity. John came quickly to her defense and her eyes cooled back to normal as she watched John carefully. “Fantastic,” she groaned as her eyes bounced from John beating up the man, to Allison, and to the other 3 men who had been standing there. “Paperclips?” she mumbled with a low laugh as she watched, not to ridicule John, but at the fact that he had actually thought to bring them. Laurana felt another sudden presence of people starting to crowd around to watch what had been happening. “I don’t like this feeling…” she mumbled looking behind her. “Look, we are causing a slight commotion” she sighed nudging her head for the others to look.

Laurana turned from the other two and began to walk away from the situation on her own with a confident stride and also relieved that she didn’t have to use her power, thanks to John. She giggled. “C’mon guys, I honestly don’t think that they would want to pick ANOTHER fight” she said to Allison and John, “especially after you beat him to a pulp John,” Laurana finished. She continued to walk away on her own with a quick haste as she glared at the other men. She put on her hood and spoke to Allison and John. A man reached for Laurana’s arm tightly and said “Not just yet” as she walked towards them. With a nonchalant look on her face she sent a near deadly shock through the man who violently shook before falling to the ground, out-like-a-light. “Anyone else?” she looked around with a frown on her face. Nothing but murmurs from the others who looked at her wildly confused and slightly frightened. “Didn’t think so…” she grumbled continuing her stride out of the situation with a laugh. "This was fun..."

“Look you guys, I think I will be heading out by myself. I can handle it,” she said looking back at them. “I would like to see the city more before I leave. I’ll meet you two at our destination, don’t try to stop me.” Laurana walked quickly out by herself making her way thought the people heading in the direction of the subway. After all she was almost the best at avoiding and hiding the SSH since she was little, and back then she didn't have the other two serials to do it.


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Freddie woke up, he had gone round 3 times. He groaned and got off the train and he looked on his tracker and the three Serials he had spotted had kind of split up. There was one very near him, making her way to the subway. He watched as the little flashing light got closer and closer. The other two were going the opposite direction. He was getting excitedat the fact that he could finally be meeting a Serial. Freddie stood on the platform watching the little flashing dot move around. It was getting closer to his location. He didn't want to move because he wanted to see where it was going and if it was going a different direction he was going to chase it. Freddie then frowned at the thought of his dream. Who was that woman and why was she in his dream? He had to admit, she wasn't a bad sight but it was confusing to him. He got out his gun and loaded it, just in case the Serial tried to pull some "funny trick".

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View All » Add Character » 19 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Liora Maverick
Character Portrait: Seth "Kamachi" Young
Character Portrait: Juliet Hawthorne
Character Portrait: Fotesezen-4128611089
Character Portrait: Albert Wolfe


Character Portrait: Albert Wolfe
Albert Wolfe

"Be vigilant, and never hesitate to kill."

Character Portrait: Fotesezen-4128611089

Im a freak, and now they are after me.

Character Portrait: Juliet Hawthorne
Juliet Hawthorne

The "Angel" Serial

Character Portrait: Seth "Kamachi" Young
Seth "Kamachi" Young

After the genetic mutation, and no longer looking human, Seth, now going by "Kamachi", lives along with another mutant on an isoalted island.

Character Portrait: Liora Maverick
Liora Maverick

the first Serial successfully made


Character Portrait: Juliet Hawthorne
Juliet Hawthorne

The "Angel" Serial

Character Portrait: Seth "Kamachi" Young
Seth "Kamachi" Young

After the genetic mutation, and no longer looking human, Seth, now going by "Kamachi", lives along with another mutant on an isoalted island.

Character Portrait: Fotesezen-4128611089

Im a freak, and now they are after me.

Character Portrait: Liora Maverick
Liora Maverick

the first Serial successfully made

Character Portrait: Albert Wolfe
Albert Wolfe

"Be vigilant, and never hesitate to kill."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Fotesezen-4128611089

Im a freak, and now they are after me.

Character Portrait: Juliet Hawthorne
Juliet Hawthorne

The "Angel" Serial

Character Portrait: Liora Maverick
Liora Maverick

the first Serial successfully made

Character Portrait: Seth "Kamachi" Young
Seth "Kamachi" Young

After the genetic mutation, and no longer looking human, Seth, now going by "Kamachi", lives along with another mutant on an isoalted island.

Character Portrait: Albert Wolfe
Albert Wolfe

"Be vigilant, and never hesitate to kill."

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Most recent OOC posts in The Serials

Re: [OOC] The Serials

Kamachi wrote:Is this roleplay dead, or should I post?

I would reply, idk about the others. I'd really like to get back in this.

Re: [OOC] The Serials

Is this roleplay dead, or should I post?

Re: [OOC] The Serials

I posted an application for a character a few days ago, since I quite like the idea for this Roleplay, but from the OoC posts I've seen I'm guessing the owner of this RP hasn't been on for a while, right?

Re: [OOC] The Serials

I think that it would be best for the others to post ASAP or this rp is going to die very quickly.

Re: [OOC] The Serials

If blockcoder doesn't post in a couple of days, I'm going to post without him.

Re: [OOC] The Serials

yeah I think it would be safe to post anyway :) cause was slowly dying.. :(

Re: [OOC] The Serials

See, I told you Mge that this roleplay would die if we waited for her to post. Gosh. You people <.<

Re: [OOC] The Serials

MgeoftheWhtBst wrote:I did. >.>



I guess that makes two of us

Re: [OOC] The Serials

hmm, if that is the case we could just post anyway ?

Re: [OOC] The Serials

hmm, if that is the case we could just post anyway ?

Re: [OOC] The Serials

hmm, if that is the case we could just post anyway ?

Re: [OOC] The Serials

So I'm noticing...O_o

Maybe she gave up on us? :(

Re: [OOC] The Serials

i dont like the rule anymore... this RP will die if we stick to that rule

Re: [OOC] The Serials

Kamachi wrote:So do I ... hurry up blcokcoder.

Yes, hurry please.

Re: [OOC] The Serials

So do I ... hurry up blcokcoder.

Re: [OOC] The Serials

man i really want to post lol

Re: [OOC] The Serials

Kamachi wrote:Well, I kind of doubt your story, but see yous.

Maybe his character can be one that gets captured by the Speical Serial Hunters? Just making characters suddenly disappear isn't any fun.

That's a great idea kamachi :) and I think that should work if anybody else disappears from the rp

Re: [OOC] The Serials

Well, I kind of doubt your story, but see yous.

Maybe his character can be one that gets captured by the Speical Serial Hunters? Just making characters suddenly disappear isn't any fun.

Re: [OOC] The Serials

I recently got back on my account to find out that I had posted when I wasn't on. I think someone found out my password and started to try to get me kicked out of things. I'm going to delete my character from this one so plz ignoar all the posts made. Sorry for any inconveniances this may (or already has) cause!