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The Shadowside

The Shadowside


The Shadowside, a world of destiny..

1,013 readers have visited The Shadowside since bleachfreak247 created it.


Eons ago, when magic run amock in what a few call the Mythic Age, humanity was on it's knees. Magic beings ruled the lands, skies and seas and humans were the insect beneath their feet. All hope seemed lost, that mankind would be forgotten for all time, until Arthur came. As a boy, he found the Sword In The Stone, drawing it forth and claiming for his own.

He left the stone behind, slaying the dragon that guarded the sword with a single slash, the first blow of what would one day be known as the Dark War.
It swiftly escalated, humanity turning on the magical beings, stolen weapons and spells clashing, the armies of man slowly inching to victory.

Which is when Diagro, the leader of the magical Legions, unleashed Lord Harrow. Harrow was an ancient, a being who witnessed the forging of creation. HE swept through the human ranks like death himself, slaying all who came to hand with less effort that stepping on a beetle. As the humans fell, Diagro felt horrified by his actions. He gathered the leaders on both sides, using his very soul to form a pact. Magic would exist on the other side of a veil, the world would be a coin with man on one side and magic the other. As he died, Harrow was sealed away once more, and so it has been ever since.

These days, the Veil holds strong, with man and magic still seperate. But now, magic being to seep through, unwitneesed, but still granting some amongst humans the power to see through the veil, to stand in both worlds. Every country has it's own things, Baba Yaga runs through Moscow atop her hut with chickens legs, Baron Samedi still haunts his swamps, and Merlin still hides in his prison in the British countryside, lamenting his betrayal by Nimue.
This story, however, resides in the Shadowside of Blackwood Bay, in California. An industrial city with a bustling populace, a crossroads for all walks of life, it is the place to be. The Shadow side is no different, with beings from every world there is together there. Anything can happen, and something always does....

Major NPC's
There are the beings you may meet around the town, who could be a help or a hindrance

Sugar: a demon of greed whose true form looks like an enormous lizard coal black lizard with a cigar. Sugar can sweat out a drug of any kind, from a hallucinagenic to LSD, to steroids. His own power is great, but he also has a number of demonic guards who would do anything to serve him. Sugar runs a lot of clubs, from dance clubs, to drug dens, to a club solely for the purpose of watching people kill each other violently. Sugar is not to be trifled with without serious firepower.

The Corporation: What the Corporation does, no-one but the Executives. The Executives are all men who wield tremendous power and are named by the colour of their suits, from black, to white, to pink. Each of them is totally indestructable, though rarely seen. The most powerful, after Mr. Red, are Mr. White and Mr. Black. They're the beings you're polite to, on pain of something you'd rather never experience.
  • Mr. Red: The most powerful executive of all. No-one is sure what his power is, beyond that he has never been seen to fail anything.
  • Mr. White: A smooth, suave black man in a pure white suit, no tie, the top buttons undone and barefoot. When he speaks all listen, whether to sigh dreamily or to scream as their ears bleed.
  • Mr. Black: A tall hulking white man in an impeaccble black suit, with a tie, his body grotesquely over muscular, looking ridiculous in his suit. His power has never been seen by anyone who want's to talk about it afterwards.

Mrs D.Sire: A Persona, a being who is the physical incarnation of an aspect of reality. Mrs Sire is the personification of lust and desire. She runs the Shadowsides vice ring and is rarely seen without her team of thralls. Beautiful men and women, mindlessly devoted to her and arms with weapons that do terrible things.

Thomas O'Neil: A former IRA warlock who now sells magical weapons of all kinds, for real world cash only. His stock goes from commonplace daggers, to heavy weight items like the Breath Of Boreas, or the stave known as Sunblight. A hard-drinking Irishman with a fondness for cheap whiskey and cheaper women. He is rarely seen with out his special jacket, the pockets of which link to his warehouse, from which he can pull anything he chooses.

Gallows Jack: A former cowboy turned mercenary, Jack is the Shadowsides police. He is a skeleton clad only in a long dust and cowboy hat, with a rope noose around his neck. At any time, Jack can pull a weapon from his pockets, any weapon he so chooses. He never lies or cheats, and has often been called firm but fair. Of course, he's also been called that interfering bone bag, but that's from the people he arrests. He also has a sheriff badge, with which he can brand anyone into his servie as a deputy.

Booker: A kindly old gnome who runs the Bridge Under, a pub with the best of everything from whiskey to water. He is generally left alone, as everyone who starts something ends up dead, or worse. He always has a smile for his customers and an ear for their woes, as well as a staff of stormbright for the rowdier patrons.

The Wise And Terrible Cuddles: A fluffy rabbit wearing a purple turban. He tell's the future to those who pay up. Of course, the one person who tried to cheat him was never found. Whole, anyway...

Major Areas
The Archives: the ultimate search engine. Walking in and speak allowed what you seek, so long as it is a written text or record and it will guide you to it. It's easy to get lost, and the late fees can be murder. It homes such weighty tomes as the Forgotten Codex, a tome of knowledge long lost to the world, and the Words of Damnation, the only curse that sends the victim straight to hell.

The Pits: The best place to get tough. The Pits are the Shadowside arenas, where matches of all kinds are held. If you want to go bareknuckle with an ogre, or have a motorcycle and chainsaw joust, this is the place to go. Pay the right man and you can walk the garrison and see the fighters, maybe even slip them a gift, if you're fast enough.

The Bazaar: The marketplace where anything from magical powers, to souls to the memory of a first kiss can be purchased. The prices can be anything, from a kiss, to a memory, to your free will. Buyer beware indeed...

The Wastes: an area of the shadowside decimated by a war long forgotten by all but the oldest. It's inhabited by many a creature some would never face in their most horrifying of nightmares....

There is more to be seen, so come on in, if you dare...

Toggle Rules

1: No God-modding
2: No power-gaming
3: romance is ok, sex is not
4: Swearing is ok in moderation
5: Try not to overdo it on the powers/magic front
6: No villains/traitors without first confirming it with me
7: I'm not asking for a novel, 1-3 paragraphs max, spelling and grammar must be good if not perfect.
8: Any powers/magical items the characters have must have a downside or cost to use them.
9: No blatant rip offs of famous characters
10: Not so much a rule, but creativity with items or powers wil garner favour from the GM (moi ;D )
11: Not a rule, i just want to put an eleventh rule to outdo those of you with just ten :P Childish, but it's a victory for me

PC races

Herald: A herald is someone who has sworn their service to a higher being, such as a god or an Persona. Their powers typically reflect the one they serve and how they serve them.

Humans: Humans are rare in the Shadowside, without a magical item or a magical power of their own.

Were-creature: Weres are humans who can shapeshift into an animal form. They tend to have an enhanced sense based on their animal form. Silver is a terrible weakness to them, mere contact with their skin is pure agony.

Vampires: Vampires are humans infected with a magical virus that renders them the walking dead. They are stronger and tougher than humans, but sunlight weakens them to human levels and they need to drink blood every full moon to survive. Beheading is the most sure way to kill them, though more common methdods such as bullets and knives work, if needing to be larger scale.

Half Demons: Half demons are physically more powerful than most races, though they are weak when confronted with holy symbols or sanctified areas. They can also be captured with a simple spell. After they reach the 1000 year old mark, they can summon lesser demons and hellhounds from Hell itself. A half demon requires a vice of some kind, such as smoking, drinking or drugs, to be sated daily, otherwise they grow weaker as the days past.

Half Angels: Similar to half demons, they are physically very powerful. They can, also, conjuce celestial light and shape it into objects, any size from tweezers to a bazooka, to a car. This power, while useful, can be very draining, and the bigger the object, the faster they get tired and eventually pass out. A difficult power to master, often they will seek an angel to help them master it.

Sample Powers
For those of you who struggle, here's an idea or two.

The Sight: The power to see everything, from the truth behind illusions, to the spells that bind a demon, to the truth of someone words. Everything is laid open if you look deep enough, but some things look back too.

Runethief: The power to steal anything that is written, tattooed, branded or carved, so long as it is a word or symbol. If the Viking berker as a rune tattoo that great him incredible strength, you can touch it and it will transfer from his skin to yours. The same can be done from pages. But be careful, two symbols overlapping on your skin can have terrible consequences, and some powers are too great for the human form.

Artificiar: Someone who can make magical items, so long as they have the materials and the power for it. A power that needs time, study and wealth to truly master, through it can be of great help to those who wield it.

Alchemist: Alchemists are similar to Artificiars, with the twist that they make potions, salves, oils and pastes from the parts of magical beings to take their powers from themselves, though they must shed their own blood and life force for even the simple potions and it can be a mad scramble to grab the right bottle in battle.

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The Bridge Under

The Bridge Under by RolePlayGateway

The place is heaving, as usual, everyong having a good time with drink flowing and Booker smiling as usual.

Arc One: The Golden Child

Arc One: The Golden Child by RolePlayGateway

The First Story, where it all began...

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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An Old man staggered into the Bridge Under, leaning heavily on a roughly hewn oak staff. With a cry of agony, he strikes the staff upon the ground, every in the pub stop to stare as he recites the prophecy, before vanishing into thin air, the staff and robe collapsing to the floor untouched.

The setting changes from Arc One: The Golden Child to The Shadowside


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariel Worthington
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0.00 INK

The crimson red was already washing away, only flecks of the color remained on her irises. The darkness of her hair, once pitch black was slowly loosing it's color into a light shade of brown. Her body slipped past bodies and tables, quickly and smoothly, a tray of full of bears balancing on her left hand, as she took one of the man and placed it on the nearest table. It was a regular costumer of hers, one which only she served. You could say it was her speciality, for she was the only waitress in the whole bar that wasn't a bit afraid of the man.

The older man had appeared, and everyone's attention had turned to him, his dark words in a way scary, but soon, for her, it would mean nothing. Or well, at least she thouh so.


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Character Portrait: Jessebell Maine
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0.00 INK

Jessebell payed no attention to the quick flash erupting from the Bridge Under as someone quickly entered it. She didn't care what it was, and if it was important, someone would tell her about it. Right now, she had to get to work, and quick. Being late would mean getting fired, and getting fired wasn't an option. But then again, the owner of the stand where spirits were sold knew of her ability. Heck, he even feared it. So, maybe being late wouldn't be too bad.

But I shouldn't be, she thought to herself, picking up her pace towards the center of town, heading straight for the Bazaar. Her eyes flashed quickly from left to right as she walked, seeing other pedestrians, but also seeing the hazy, pale blue figures that floated around them.


Many people envied Jessebell for her power, and in some ways, she couldn't blame them, but in others, she thought they were crazy. Talking to spirits, seeing them, and being the translator when they were too weak to talk to the living was taxing. But, there were advantages at the same time.

As Jesse arrived at the Bazaar, she made her way through the winding stands, quickly finding herself upon the familiar stand she worked at. The spirit shop, where any mystical spirit or potion would be sold, for a price that is. But it's worth it to find out how your great aunt Mertha died, straight from her ghost, or why your lover ran off with that other woman, only to find out she was a witch set on eating him. But whatever the reason, Jesse was always there to cater your every needs.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariel Worthington Character Portrait: Cristian Itzal Lizarazu
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0.00 INK

Cristian arrived after the old man vanished into thin air. He swept his dark blonde hair and entered the bar. He sat on the bar stool near the bar counter. He took a quick glance at the waitress. Making a mental note, Cristian thinks that the waitress must be the only one seeing as there are no waiters and waitresses except for her.

Cristian looked at Ariel and awaited for her to order a drink or something. He wondered if they served cocktails, it seems irritating that they were mostly Coor's Light or Budweisers being served all over the place. Awaiting for Ariel to come by, Cristian fiddled with the many knives that he has in his arsenal. From hidden blades equipped on his wrists to a long sword. Any weapon will do to assassinate his target but he was a bit concerned with the heralds on his tail after the successful escape from the Heralds.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariel Worthington Character Portrait: Cristian Itzal Lizarazu
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0.00 INK

Ariel huffed silently to herself as she placed the last drink on her silver tray on a costumer's hand, the cold burning into her skin with a pleasent pain.

Noticing that another costumer had let himself take a seat on one of the stools, she gave her smile to the last man and turned, heading to take the man's order. [I]Where's that lazy bartener of ours?[/'] she wondered with a silent curse. Apperantly, most of the waitress had called in sick today and the few that were here, god knew wherever they could have gone. The crazy man had quickly banished from her mind. They got a show once in a while, so it was something she didn't pay attention to.

On her way, a man's head fell backwards and hit her hip, a laugh escaping from its mouth. She pushed it away, the man got drunk whenever she came here, must have fought with his wife once again, she decided. In a way, she felt sorry for the him. He loved his wife, but she had her temper.

Finally getting there, she stopped at his side. "What can I get for you, love?" She said, her accent slipping out as she spoke. It was somewhat an odd mix of British and Russian. Her eyes flashed to him for a slight second as she looked around, searching for the waitres that worked on the bar.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariel Worthington Character Portrait: Cristian Itzal Lizarazu
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0.00 INK

"Well, I was wondering if you guys serve any cocktails, I sound like a dummy asking this but I'm a newbie since this is my first time going to this bar" Cristian said to Ariel. He sounded like a noob for asking this. It was a bit embarrassing but Cristian kept his composure by not showing any slip-ups in tone but he decided to play it cool and casual.

Fiddling with his hidden blade on his wrists, he sighed and added "If yes, then could you make a Green Vesper, it's made with Absinthe if you don't know how to make it" He didn't want to insult Ariel by informing of this but he just wanted inform on how to make it. Cristian is awaiting for Ariel's response


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariel Worthington Character Portrait: Cristian Itzal Lizarazu
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0.00 INK

The girl rolled her eyes, it had come naturally, nothing she meant to be rude. Well, only because he was a costumer.. Why can't he just order a beer? She wondered but said nothing at that. Finally, the bartender came out of the door behind the bar and she smiled slightly. "Sure, it'll be out in a minute or two," She said, ignoring his last words. Ariel walked away, but only a few feet away to slip the man the name. Right away, she took hold of another beer which had been asked from a woman on the table behind it.

Handing it, she turned back to the bar and took the drink, placing it on the bar infront of the man, she stopped, deciding to rest for a second, thanking that no one else was calling her. She stopped to speak to him, "Newbie, eh? What brings you here then?" Ariel wasn't truly interested, but it was mostly the same costumers, not too many new.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariel Worthington Character Portrait: Cristian Itzal Lizarazu
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0.00 INK

"Well, I was searching for some cocktails but this bar seems to be the only one around the whole area, so I'd thought I check it out" Cristian said

"I pretty much had a busy day and what not, so cocktails usually ease my mind, beers only help a little in the sense" Cristian added

God, all this equipment is making me sweat
Christian thought to himself. He took off the hidden blades and put the weapons in a white cloak with many utility pockets and put on a clothes rack near the entryway of the bar. "So, what's your name?" Cristian said to Ariel


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariel Worthington Character Portrait: Cristian Itzal Lizarazu
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0.00 INK

She eyed the weapons, not really allowed in the bar. It wasn't a rule, because so many people carried them, but it wasn't recommended or wished anyways. Ariel frowned, she wasn't the type to tell people around herself. At that moment, another person in the back called for a shot. She was glad, in a way, and just gave the man a small smile before turning around and grabbing another beer, taking it to the costumers.

Almost six, she thought, glad that her time of leaving was near. The weekend was the following day and she wouldn't have to find herself here once again. It wasn't as if she needed the sleep, but time for herself was useful. On Fridays, she would usually just sit around work for a little bit more, having a drink of herself.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariel Worthington Character Portrait: Cristian Itzal Lizarazu
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0.00 INK

Even though, Ariel didn't answer Cristian's question, Cristian did notice a small smile from Ariel and smiled back. As he was awaiting for his Green Vesper cocktail, all he can do now was to await an order for the demon he is currently serving. But, seeing on how the first day on the job made Cristian exhausted. He decided to just listen on his iPod and played the song "Will Do" by TV on the Radio, it was a pretty calming song for one of those crowded situations.

Checking the clock, Cristian saw that it was almost 6, He didn't have much to do in his schedule, usually, killing people is mostly Cristian's job on being an Assassin but it's a specific target not just random people on the street. Anyway, Cristian is still awaiting for the cocktail as the song calmly soothed his mind.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariel Worthington Character Portrait: Cristian Itzal Lizarazu
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0.00 INK

It didn't take long for her to serve the last costumer. Looking around, she pushed a free string off of her face. Turning, the bar was still well filled, but she quickly moved to the back, towards a door with a "Employees Only". Inside, the room was lit by a large white light. She moved to her space, and grabbed her bag off a chair. Sighing, the girl turned, starting to make her way out again.

-Sorry, brain dumbness Dx I don't know what to write-


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((I'm still waiting to be interacted with :/))

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The Bridge Under

The Bridge Under by RolePlayGateway

The place is heaving, as usual, everyong having a good time with drink flowing and Booker smiling as usual.

Arc One: The Golden Child

Arc One: The Golden Child by RolePlayGateway

The First Story, where it all began...

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The Bridge Under

The Bridge Under by RolePlayGateway

The place is heaving, as usual, everyong having a good time with drink flowing and Booker smiling as usual.

Arc One: The Golden Child

Arc One: The Golden Child by RolePlayGateway

The First Story, where it all began...

Arc One: The Golden Child

The First Story, where it all began...

The Bridge Under

The Bridge Under Owner: RolePlayGateway

The place is heaving, as usual, everyong having a good time with drink flowing and Booker smiling as usual.

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Re: The Shadowside

I think this RP died on me

Re: [OOC] The Shadowside

Hey, bleachfreak247, I love the roleplay but there's one tiny problem, I think a character skeleton would be perfect since most of us don't want to spend a long period of time making up their own character skeleton. Could you please make a character skeleton for people interested in this roleplay (like moi), it makes my life easier, thanks

Re: [OOC] The Shadowside

It's totally fine. You don't want to work for Sugar anyway, trust me ;)

As before mentioned, one or two more characters and i'll post the beginning of a storyline that should be fun.

Re: [OOC] The Shadowside

Alrighty then :] Well, I hope we can start soon.

And is it alright that she works in Bridge Under? I wasn't too sure, I wanted her to work in one of Sugar's bars but a specific name or such wasn't given, so I decided to go with Booker's. And if its not okay, I'll make her work somewhere else :]

Re: [OOC] The Shadowside

Thanks a lot, once we've got a few people added, i'll start up a story of some sort

Re: [OOC] The Shadowside

Sounds awesome, I'll totally try it :]

[OOC] The Shadowside

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