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Jonathan Parks

"With my luck I'll be just like him..."

0 · 437 views · located in Chicago, Illinois (2012)

a character in “The Struggle to Love”, as played by Geekly


Jonathan Parks
John, Johnny
Boy 1
Johnny is not that big a guy, he's pretty tall standing at around 6'6" but he's lanky, not really having any real muscles on him and a really lean build. Don't underestimate him though, he knows how to work with what he has. He's more of a runner, he ran track through out highschool. John keeps his brown hair short, he likes it that way so he doesn't have to worry about fixing his hair. He has brown eyes, there's not much more to say about his eyes, they're just eyes that seem to analyze everything, appearing just as normal eyes but showing a deeper, kinder soul than at first appears. But just eyes none the less. John has scars on his back that he's always been insecure about. Long red strips lie scattered around his back. He also has a few circular burns on his arms and the back of his neck from cigarettes. Normally John just wears jeans and a shirt, but if he tries to dress up you'll see him wearing the one suit he has. If he's at work he wears a dark blue coverall typical to what other mechanics wear, its hisuniform.
John is rather insecure about most things, his family life, his body, his scars, but he never shows his insecurity. He hides his insecurity behind a mask of indifference. He changes the subject whenever his past is brought up, he just cant talk about it, the memories scarred him more than the physical wounds. Because of the years of abuse, he grew a thick shell that prevented anyone from getting too close to him, the only one who seemed to get through his shell was his best friend Zechariah. Anyone else who got to close he tends to push away. Johnny had always liked kids, practically seeing a younger version of himself in all kids, when he was happy and could do no wrong. Buy He grew up angry in his violent enviornment, he starts fights for no reason, just to fight and get a few punches in. If he gets frustrated or loses his temper he'll have to punch something , he just has too, he's found no other successful way of relieving his anger. Johnny never really had anyone to look to growing up, so he practically raised himself, being the only child his parents had. He isn't used to relying on anyone, he'd always been so independent. Johnny is pretty hostile towards anyone that smokes, demanding they put it out. But even out of all of this, there's a part of Johnny that cares deeply and is kind, no matter how cliche it sounds. This part of him is reserved for his loved ones. And because he could go from angry to mellow and loving, everyone thinks him bipolar, even though he isn't (he had himself tested!). As bad as his life might have been so far, Johnny had never even thought about suicide, he cherished the good things (as little as they were) he had in his life.
- The color red
- Fast food
- Beach
- Listening to Music
- Running (track)
- Soda
- Kids
- Sunny days
- Cars , and working on his own cars(he has three he bought from a Junkyard and working towards making them run.)
- His family
- Smokers
- His past
- Driving (he prefers walking from place to place)
- Snow/ cold
- Rainy days
- Having to go back under his dad's control
- Becoming like his Father (abusing someone)
- Hurting his loved ones
- Never being able to work on cars again
- Going to jail
At first, John's family had been happy, even if they didn't have much. Even if he had been young at the time, he remembers some small bits and pieces of it, and misses it dearly. To be honest John doesn't really miss his parents being kind, he just misses the family aspect of it all. But when Johnny turned nine, his dad lost his job. He turned down a dark road, beginning to drink and normally stayed at home, sitting in front of the Tv and drinking beer. Fortunately for his family, his mom's job had been enough to sustain them, but just barely. John had to get a job at an early age, he did odd jobs, earning anything he could only to have the pay snatched away by his father. It was his mothers pay that payed for the rent and utilities but essentially it was John that funded his fathers alcoholism. He tried to hide away his pay but his dad, so at least he would stop drinking, but John's dad would beat it out of him. After nine years of being verbally and physically abused, John got himself emancipated and got the hell out of that house. He felt slightly bad that he left his mother alone with his dad. But he just stores that guilt away and hasn't talked about or to his parents in the year he left.

After leaving he tried to take a turn for the better, he went to the Youth rehabilitation center that his friend volunteers at. At first he didn't like it at all but he warmed up to it. He only really liked the people, not the system, not at all. John applied for an online college so he could start working for his masters in engineering. He loves tinkering with mechanics, he works at a repair shop and the owner used to be one of his dads friends. You could say that the owner (Samuel "Sammy" Barnes) is like John's replacement father. His life was starting to turn out halfway decent then when he thought it couldn't get any better, he met Danny McKnight. And somehow Lady Luck must have looked down on him because they started dating. John just fell in love with her sweet innocence, something he hadn't seen in a while. Everything about her just made John lovesick and whatever she did made him smile. As much as John thought and was convinced that Danny had been accustomed to the finer things in life, she just seemed to have the most fun at their plain ordinary dates. Thank God for that because John would never be able to afford much else. Johnny is convinced that his own mind is tourturing him, because as much as he wants to, and no matter how badly he feels it, John just cant say those three words to her: 'I Love You'. Hes tried but he gets nervous and chickens out. His best friend Zech is pretty supportive, he's a youth counseler he has to be. John has pretty much told everything and anything that was on his mind since they became friends. That's why Zechariah was his best friend he was always there.

So begins...

Jonathan Parks's Story

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Character Portrait: Jonathan Parks Character Portrait: Zechariah Thomas
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Zech nodded when John mentioned he might need the numbers later. The queries, however, left the youth counselor in deep thought. What would be the best answer to them? This was such a difficult scenario to decipher, and Zechariah felt unprepared to tackle the problem effectively. He was not willing to accept defeat, though. Defeat meant failure, failure meaning uselessness. He hated being useless.

Laughing nervously, he made his response. "Yknow... the funny thing about running away from our problems is, they have a way of catching up to us. Not to sound preachy or anything, I'm just saying that from experience. I mean, if you were to just leave... let's just say, she would not like that very much." Zechariah took a deep breath through his teeth as he realized how that may sound to John. "Okay, I just made it worse, did I?" He let that breath out prior to continuing. "To be honest, there is not much else I can say to that scenario." Oh, no. Did you just accept defeat? He placed a hand on his forehead while blurting out, "Man, I feel useless..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danielle "Danny" McKnight Character Portrait: Jonathan Parks Character Portrait: Kellin Loax Character Portrait: Zechariah Thomas
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#, as written by Geekly
Jonathan grinned at his friend, laughing slightly, "You can't always have some sort of miracle success every time, right?" he stood, leaning over and patting Zech on his shoulder, "And you're probably right you know, with the thing about how problems have a way of catching up to us... And about the fact that Danny would be pretty sad if I just left." John muttered that last part scratching the back of his neck. For a moment he paced slightly, in front of the chair he was just sitting in. Finally he just plopped down in his chair, "I really need to do something... Anything actually. I need Danny off my mind, this is driving me crazy." he mumbled looking to Zech, "We need to go somewhere. I need a break from my life and you never give yourself a break from this place. If you want bring that girl I talked to earlier, she seems nice, I'll be waiting at the Arcade, you know the one. Don't waste time, chop chop, I need some hang out time!" He rambled, not letting Zech get a word in edge wise, and had already snatched up his phone and was out the door by the time he finished.

With a small smile, he walked out to his car, grinning as he drove to the arcade. He actually felt like an excited little boy again, going to the arcade with some of his friends. John hadn't felt this good in a while. Actually, this was the way he felt whenever he was going to pick up Danny. Aww crap, way to get her out of your head he let his head fall against the steering wheel, groaning as he did so. John pulled out his phone, finding no new messages, almost wishing Danny would text him first so he didn't feel so conflicted. A huff and 6 text ideas later, John had a text he found semi acceptable.

To: Danny
From: Jonathan

I hope you made it back home ok... Are you ok?

Quickly sending the message, John stepped from his car, walking into the arcade and getting some tokens. He made his way over to the skeeball machine, getting one hundreds practically every time. John was oddly very good at arcade games, well, skeeball at least. With another hundred he could practically see Danny standing next to him, bouncing in joy. John had taken her to this arcade for a date and won her a stuffed bear. It was a date right out of the movies, and John couldn't help but cherish the memories, no matter how much they hurt right now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jonathan Parks Character Portrait: Kellin Loax Character Portrait: Zechariah Thomas
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Zechariah shrugged when John patted him on the back and mentioned that success cannot come every time. "I guess not."

He felt somewhat better hearing his friend ramble on about the arcade and bringing Kellin. The youth counselor's chuckle was stifled enough for only him to hear. Well, this would probably be great for all three of us, anyway. Kellin could use some time away from the rehab center, every once in a while.

Remembering where he told the girl to go, Zech made his way to the elevator. With such a busy atmosphere in most areas of the building, the elevator usually contained several people at once, not that he minded. Although, the times when he could go to something low key and calming was sometimes preferable. For example, Zech always did enjoy going to one of the local coffee shops for a decaf mocha or latte, sometimes even one of the fruit smoothies available.

It did not take long to reach floor two. Once out in the hall, he took a right before shortly arriving at the door to room 231, where Kellin was staying. So to be polite, Zechariah knocked three times.