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The Surface

The Surface


An RP based of off The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

1,603 readers have visited The Surface since Panda!AtTheDisco created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




Stories in Skyloft tell about the surface, an otherworldly place beneath the clouds, filled with monsters. Others say that the surface doesn't exist, and one who falls off Skyloft will simply descend forever into a dark abyss. Either way, whatever happens to be below Skyloft sounds unpleasant,
so most villagers try to steer clear from the edge. However, the mystery can't go unsolved forever. 

When a young girl gets lost beneath the clouds, it us up to a young group of Skyloftians to save her,
and thus find out about the surface in the process.       

(Seeing as how the game is relatively new and I'm not sure how many of you have it,
I posted some basic stuff you may need to know before RPing.)


Headmaster- The 'principle' of the school. He also holds a high position in the community, 
as townsfolk look to him for leadership as well as students, and he runs most public events.

Instructors- Teach the trainees about flight.

Commander- Teaches the trainees about combat.

Knights- Knights have graduated from the academy and now have the duty of defending Skyloft, 
such as by patrolling at night either on land or in the skies, or catching people who fall off Skyloft on their loftwings. 
They are required to wear a uniform similar to Link's, but in any color.

Trainees- Students practicing and studying to become knights.
They have no dress code, but they're weapons are more primitive than a knight's.

Villagers- Your character may be a simple villager, but they cannot live in the academy.
However they may later decide to start training if you want.

Side Characters:

-Gaepora (headmaster)
-Owlen (instructor)
-Horwell (instructor)
-Eagus (commander)
-Pipit (knight)
-Karane (knight)
-Any villagers/shop owners/creatures from the game

(Zelda, Link, and any other protagonists from the game will not be part of this RP)

Character Sheet:

Age: (14 to 25)
Rank: (villager, trainee or knight)
Appearance: (remember that knights must wear uniforms)
Loftwing: (Include either gender, appearance and/or personality if you'd like)
Other: (Anything else you'd like to include)

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

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hyrule by Panda!AtTheDisco

Go here for the descriptions of places in Hyrule:

The Surface (Hyrule)

The Surface (Hyrule) by RolePlayGateway

The land below the clouds.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Character Portrait: Leaf
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Leaf lay face-down on her bed, contemplating how things would go on her first flying session today. Her nerves had kept her from getting any sleep throughout the night. The thought of flying who knows how high up into the air made her stomach turn. What made it worse was that nobody knew where you would end up if you fell below the clouds. And to add to that, Leaf and her loftwing didn't always get along.  

'What if I forget how to whistle?! Or what if my loftwing doesn't hear my whistle? OR what if she just doesn't even come to catch me? Or doesn't catch me in time? Ugh....who am I kidding? I probably won't even be able to jump off of the dock in the first place.''
With a disgruntled moan, she slowly turned over and stared up at the ceiling.
'Stop making yourself nervous. Instructor Owlen said I just need to trust my loftwing and everything will be fine.'

Leaf took a deep breath and quickly got out of bed to go get ready. Once she was dressed, she headed into the cafeteria for some breakfast, trying her hardest not to show any sign of being nervous.

As she went through the lunch line, nothing seemed to grab her attention.
'Ugh. I'm too nervous to eat! ...But I guess I better eat something...I don't want to pass out.'
She took a small loaf of bread, placed it on her tray and sat down at the nearest table. Everyone around her seemed to be excited and full of ambition, which made her feel even more cruddy. She hoped she would get over her fear quickly, or she may never be able to become a knight.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leaf Character Portrait: Kelria
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0.00 INK

Fear. Its been so long since I've felt such a crippling emotion. The cold sweat. The tensed muscles. The inability to process what your thinking without an enormous amount of will... so long ago... I wonder what it would feel like now...

Kelria pondered her predicament as she fell through the sky, wind howling past her ears and tugging at her clothes. Turning herself around so she could see exactly where she was falling, the seasoned knight watched with little concern as the sea of clouds that covered The Surface came ever closer. With her partner nearby, it didn't bother Kelria. Raising her index fingers to her lips, she let loose a piercing whistle and was immediatly answered by the squak of a Loftwing.

Vernic, Kelria's blue loftwing, appeared beside her, shooting past her like an arrow from a bow, falling several meters below her before opening his wings and stopping his downward decent. Kelria landed on his back with an audioable thud, wincing slightly from the broken-in saddle that was her seat. Vernic produced a an odd sound from within his throat, indicating that he was laughing.

"Oh, can it, featherhead. You're gonna break my back one day, making me land like that," Kelria growled, rubbing her tailbone absently.

"Kaaaw!" cried Vernic.

"Don't give me that 'You were too close to the clouds' nonsense. I'm one hundred percent sure you could have let me grab your saddle before pulling out of the dive. Uggh, 'too close to the cloudsi my eye."

With one last chuckle, Vernic turned towards Skyloft in the distance, pumping his wings to gain altitude. Kelria turned in her saddle and lay back, sighing in a dismissive manner. Soon, the two were circling above their home, Skyloft. It was quite a homely place, even if it was stuck floating in the middle of the sky, but that was only a minor setback. Decending to the Academy, trainees and fellow knights waved as they flew past overhead, earning a loud gretting from Vernic and a slight wave from Kelria.

Grunting, Kelria landed before the Academy entrance, stretching her limbs as she watched Vernic disappear over the rooftop. Nice and loose, Kelria opened the door into the Academy. Shutting it quickly behind her, she stepped down the stairs by threes as she made her way to the cafeteria. Already, Kelria's stomach was beginning to complain and it was a real distraction. Unclipping her belt with her two swords as she stepped through the doorway, she threw it before a trainee sitting at one of the tables, who appeared to be the only one around at the moment. At the line, she grabbed as much as she thought could get her through the day, balancing her plate neatly with one hand.

Making her way back to the table with the trainee, Kelria pushed her swords, sheaths and belt aside to make room for her plate. Taking a large bite from an apple, she gave the trainee a curious look.

"My, whats a trainee like yourself doing in her so earily? Didn't want to come her to find all the good stuff taken, hm?" Kelria questioned, taking another large bite from her apple as she looked upon her current breakfest companion.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leaf Character Portrait: Kelria
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Leaf had been zoning out at her food, causing her to flinch when Kelria tossed her belt onto the table. She glared up at the knight and watched as she grabbed her food, but her eyes softened as she sat across from her and started a conversation.

"My, whats a trainee like yourself doing in here so early?" The woman had asked.
At first Leaf thought she might have been trying to be rude. Most knights usually acted like they were superior, which they were compared to the trainees...but they still didn't have to be rude about it. However this one seemed genuine enough.

"Actually, I always wake up early for class," Leaf shrugged as she picked at her loaf of bread.
"Today I guess you could say I got up especially early though, because my class will be having it's first flight lesson..."
Her eyes flickered back up at Kelria. "Will you be one of the knights helping the Instructors monitor everyone?"

Perhaps it was lucky that this knight sat down with her. Maybe she could give Leaf a few pointers on how to fly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leaf Character Portrait: Kelria
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"Really now? First flight lesson?" This bit of information Kelria thought over greatly, memories of her traineehood coming back to her in a flood.

She found herself among her fellow trainees, each stationed beside their loftwing and standing before their instructor. One by one, each trainee jumped off the edge of Skyloft and whistled for their loftwing, who jumped off as well and caught their partner before flying off. When it came to her turn, Kelria didn't even wait for her instructor's signal before launching herself over the edge and freefalling several meters before Vernic swooping in and catching her. That first time in flight- to this day she still cherished that moment.

"Will you be one of the knights helping the Instructors monitor everyone?"

Shaking slightly, Kelria brought herself back to reality, taking another bite of her loaf of bread,"Couldn't asnwer that question truthfully, kido. I've only just heard about it from you." She swallowed. "However, I can tell you a few simple rules that can see you through. One, do not doubt your Loftwing at any given moment-" At that moment, a loud bang came from the direction of the window, Vernic's head lodged between the frame and looking around the cafeteria "-even if they are a complete clutz. Two, listen to your instructor at all times. That may sound diffecult for one such as your age, with teens and their rebellious nature, but it will keep you alive until your good enough to fly on your own." Sighing, she took another bite of her loaf and spoke throrugh a mouth full of bread. "And three, stay away from the clouds below. Yes, they are very interesting and I know every trainee out there wants to get a closer look, but there are currents down there that can drag you into that sea of whiteness, never to return."

On that note, Kelria grabbed her half eaten apple and a couple other items from her plate before standing, grabbing her belt and stuffing the contents of her arms into a small pouch. She then clipped it on and pointed to what remained on her plate,"Now each some of that. Your going to do terribly on an empty stomach...just make sure to run it off, or you'll be spewing chunks during the lesson!"

Exiting the cafeteria with her signature salute of farwell, Kelria bolted up the stairs, threw open the Academy doors and ran into the open, jumping on Vernic's back as he flew by. The two quickly decended below the edge of Skyloft, disappearing from sight.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zyke Character Portrait: Leaf
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0.00 INK

Light slowly filtered in through an open window into one of the academy dorms. It's golden rays rested squarely over the closed eyes of a crimson haired teen. His eyes slowly fluttered open revealing two emerald oculars. He gazed out the window, still under the covers and gave a soft sigh. He pulled himself out of bed after a few minutes of internal struggle. He dragged his feat over to the table in his room where a sword, a dagger, a bow and a quiver of arrows laid. The youth was only wearing some cloth boxers. His eyes still heavy with sleep, he picked up the sword and dagger. He then walked over to a corner with several sheets and blankets. He then picked up a black sheet and stumbled back to his bed. The young man then got up onto his bed and placed the black sheet over the window. he then quickly stabbed the two blades into the wall, holding the black sheet over the window so no more light could get in. He then plopped back down and pulled the covers over him.

About 30 minutes later, the black sheet started to move. Soon, a beak was sticking out from under it. Then the entire head of a Loftwing. It's head darted about the dark room, then suddenly looked down at the sleeping boy. The sight of the boy angered the Loftwing, and it started to nuzzle the boys head. His anger growing, he then let out a loud squawk, which caused the boy to jump out of bed and landed on the floor below. "WHAAAAAH!" the crimson haired boy yelled in accordance to the cry of the bird. His eyes still half closed, looked up at the bird. The bird looked at him intensely. The boy then grabbed the blanket off his bed and bundled himself back up on the floor. The Loftwings eyes grew bright with anger. It then started squawking and pounding the boys room with anger. The boy then popped up. "OK, fine! You win Stark, I'm up." The boy got to his feet and glared at the Loftwing as he moved to his drawers. The Loftwings expression changed to one very proud of himself. The boy dug through his drawers and put on the same outfit he always wore. The last thing was he popped his goggles on his head and was out the door.

The red haired boy Zyke then stepped into the cafeteria, only too find it empty save for one trainee. Goddess damn you Stark, no ones even up yet!, he thought too himself. Well, as long as I'm here, I might as well eat. He made his way over to the buffet and grabbed an amount of food some would call excessive. He was going to, make his way over to a different table, but when he got a glimpse of the girl, she seemed sort of scared. He sighed to himself, Why do I have to be so damn chivalrous. Zyke carefully plopped himself down across from her and sat there in silence for a bit. He then looked into her eyes. " OK? can tell me what's bothering you, and I won't tell anyone. Hell, no on here even really wants to talk to me.........meaning it would be OK if you didn't want to talk." He sort of just stopped and rubbed the back of his head for a moment. He then got a better look at her. "Your names Leaf, right? I'm Zyke. I don't know if you remember, but, on our fist day of combat training, you kicked my butt.....pretty bad." He said with a genuine smile which let off sort of an awkward laugh.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zyke Character Portrait: Leaf Character Portrait: Kelria
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0.00 INK

Leaf listened attentively to Kelria's words of advice. She giggled slightly as a loftwing, presumably the knight's, crashed into the window. As Kelria continued with her list, Leaf kept her attention solely on her. Well of course she'd listen to her instructor! And she would have no problem at all steering clear from the clouds. The knight's words, "...never to return." sent chills down her spine. However, the one thing Leaf could find herself having trouble with is trusting her loftwing. How could she put complete trust into a bird that constantly argues with her? After all, her and Fuschia had only known each other for about two weeks now. Still, Leaf figured it was foolish of herself to think that her loftwing would simply let her fall. Maybe she really had nothing to worry about. The ebony haired girl picked up her bread and finally took a bite as Kelria instructed, and then the knight got up to leave. She quickly swallowed the bite of bread in her mouth and flashed her a meek smile.
"Thank you for the advice!"

Almost right after the knight disappeared, a familiar looking red head sat down across from Leaf. She immediately recognized his spectacular green eyes. They belonged to the boy she had practiced with on their first day of combat training. Leaf tried not to laugh as she remembered how she upper handed him that day, but she always thought in the back of her mind that maybe he had just let her win. Clearing her head, she focused on the conversation at hand. His name was Zyke. She hadn't remembered that much.
"Yeah, I know you," She grinned. "But don't worry, I'm not scared. Everything's fine! Thanks, though."
Leaf waved her hand nonchalantly before taking a sip of her drink, but quickly stopped as she realized something. He never asked her if she was scared, and what she just said pretty much confirmed his suspicions. 'Dangit...' She mentally slapped herself on the forehead.
"Ok, well maybe I'm a bit nervous about our first flying lesson," Leaf admitted. "But it's nothing more than a few butterflies."
She nervously stuffed her face with a mouthful of bread. The quicker she finished her meal, the quicker she could leave. There was nothing she hated more than admitting to her faults.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zyke Character Portrait: Leaf
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0.00 INK

Zyke smiled when she said she remembered him. Sweet, maybe she and I will become friends and go on a crap load of adventures together! He then sort of shook his head and frowned at himself. What the hell was he thinking? The only thing this girl and him had in common was that she kicked his butt. Man, are really that desperate that the first person who doesn't scorns you, you want to be best friends with? You are pathetic. He sort of snapped out of it when she said she wasn't scared. He eyed her for a moment. "Um....Leaf. I didn't ask if you were scared." he said, staring at her suspiciously. So something was definitely bothering her. So she was scared. Why the hell was she scared. Was someone after her? Was she in danger? Could he help her? All of these things ran through his mind until she piped up again. "OK, well maybe I'm a bit nervous about our first flying lesson," Leaf admitted. "But it's nothing more than a few butterflies." She then stuffed her face in a piece of bread. OK, this chick is definitely a bit nervous. Major emphasis on the bit, the bit being a crap load. He eyed her strangely for a moment. So they had a flying lesson today? He had been flying for years back when he got Stark when he was 9. This girl must have been a recruit who entered the academy without one. That's probably why she was scared. She probably didn't fully trust her loftwing. He felt like he should say something. She seemed really nervous and now embarrassed.

He leaned forward a bit and spoke a little softer. "You know, it's completely normal for someone to be nervous. I mean, I'm not because Ive been flying for nine years, but that's beside the point. I get nervous too. Notice I don't really show up for combat training that often.....that is unless that stickler Kelria doesn't drag me in. It's because I knew I wasn't good at it. I mean, you beat me in like 18 seconds flat. I suck......and I'm OK with that..." Zyke suddenly stopped. He just realized that the moral of his story is that you should be OK with sucking at something. That wasn't what she needed to hear right now. "Look, I'm going to be there too. Your Loftwing won't just let you drop to your death, it will catch you. And if something goes wrong...." He said, leaning back and shoving food down his gullet. He chewed for a moment, then swallowed. he then gave her a cocky grin. "Then I'll save you." It might just be the placement of the light, but it almost seemed like his teeth sparkled for a moment. He then dropped into a normal smile. "Seriously. You have my word that I will catch if you fall. OK?" he asked with a small smile and a genuine tone.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zyke Character Portrait: Leaf
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Leaf chewed her bread sheepishly as Zyke leaned towards her, and she looked up into his emerald eyes. This guy didn't seem too confident about his skills as a knight, but at least he had his looks going for him. She couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he assured her that he would save her if anything bad happened, which hopefully he didn't take to offense. She then smiled gratefully at her fellow trainee. He was sweet, but there was no way was she going to let him think she was a damsel in distress...even if she was and just didn't want to admit it.
"I doubt I'll need any saving. My imagination just tends to go a bit wild sometimes, but thank you."
As she went to go take another bite of her bread, she noticed it was all gone. 
"Well, I'm going to head off to class now then," She sighed. "See you!"

She grabbed her plate and placed it in the dirty dish pile before heading out of the cafeteria and towards the exit of the building. All students would be meeting at the plaza. 'Ok, Leaf. You can do this!' With newfound confidence, she pushed through the two doors and walked out. Outside, it was perfect weather for flying. Everyone could be seen gathered next to the light tower from where she stood. Leaf inhaled the fresh air and closed her eyes, enjoying the warm sunlight. Her loftwing could be sensed nearby, which was a good sign. Now she was ready.              

The setting changes from hyrule to The Surface (Hyrule)

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#, as written by Ashura0
(Dont be mean if i get something wrong please. I havent played LoZ skyward sword)
Querra dragged herself through the sand of Lanayru Desert. Pushing myself on. I knew, or at least thought, she was nearing an ancient city, never found, said to be hidden by the sand. 'Never discovered' she thought ruefully. The real truth: there was no one down here on the surface to find it. For all i knew i was the last.

I pushed those thoughts away making my only thoughts that i needed to find water. And shelter. I wiped sweat off my brow to the billionth time. I didnt know how much longer i could survive in the heat. I looked up at the dark, dirty looking clouds above me. They didnt help any at blocking the heat, but i bet it would have been a bigillion degrees hotter without them. In all the time i had lived i had never seen the clouds clear. Not once. They were always there.

I trecked on. I say an awasois (sp?) but completely ignored it. Marage (sp?). It looked to perfect because it wasnt real. I really needed to get out of the heat. I found a small rock out cropping. I took out a canteen out of my pack an upturned it. A few drops of water dripped out. That was it. How much longer can i survive in this heat? i asked myself.

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OC- No problem. But just so you know this thread hasn't been active for a while and we can't really reply to you until our characters reach the surface. So you may have to wait before we can RP any further, I'm sorry :(

The setting changes from The Surface (Hyrule) to hyrule


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#, as written by Ashura0
(@Panda!AtTheDisco Ok)

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hyrule by Panda!AtTheDisco

Go here for the descriptions of places in Hyrule:

The Surface (Hyrule)

The Surface (Hyrule) by RolePlayGateway

The land below the clouds.

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hyrule by Panda!AtTheDisco

Go here for the descriptions of places in Hyrule:

The Surface (Hyrule)

The Surface (Hyrule) by RolePlayGateway

The land below the clouds.


Go here for the descriptions of places in Hyrule:

The Surface (Hyrule)

The Surface (Hyrule) Owner: RolePlayGateway

The land below the clouds.

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Re: The Surface

You two keep going, I'm gonna keep watching and have Kelria come in again when the flight lesson begins

Re: The Surface

Sorry, haven't had accses to a computer in a while. Going to post now!

Re: The Surface

Sure! I actually wanted to do that, but wasn't sure if it would be too soon.
Alright then, I'll post shortly! :)

Re: The Surface

Thank you! My first actual fanfic Zelda roleplay, so I'm excited for this one! But if I may throw a thought out here.

Since the isn't a limit on the number of characters that will be in this, why don't we start the roleplay now and as we go, others can join in on the action. I've done such a thing on roleplays I've been in and it would help to keep this roleplay up!

Re: The Surface

Hahaha! No problem ^_^ I'm glad people are showing interest in this RP,
I know the plot description is pretty vague, but I usually like to let things unravel as we go.

Thanks for joining!

Re: The Surface

Almost abandoned it? Wew, good thing Sneakyrio submitted! I forgot to post here saying I'd submit a character soon.

Re: The Surface

I actually tried to abandon this RP yesterday, but for some reason it didn't work. So I was a bit surprised to see a character for it, but I guess I'll accept you and see where things go! You're character seems very interesting anyways :)

Thanks for joining!

Re: The Surface

If this is still open, I'd love to submit a character for it.

The Surface

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