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The Tale of Terra

The Tale of Terra


When the Elder Weapons were unearthed, fear and paranoia brought upon war between the immortals who feared for their waning power and influence. The answer to the question of who will survive and hold these weapons rests in war and victory.

2,345 readers have visited The Tale of Terra since StormerJohn created it.


Note: this is a revamp of my previous RP.

Ah, what do you want, child? Why do you disturb me? You want a story? Oh, I have nothing interesting to tell you, stop bothering me and go on your way. Ah, fine. It's not like an old man like me can do anything important. Let's see... the Frog and the Mouse? The Prideful Rat? The Fool with a Crown? You've heard those stories before? Then I can't give you a proper story, child. What's that? You wish to hear about the Great God Wars that still rage on until today? You won't like it. You're still a child... Ah, fine. Let me take a seat first. You wish to hear our tale, a true tale, centuries old, when the fire consumed everything, and the skies burned blood red; when the grass was filled with blood, and when the mighty castles fell? Then sit comfortably. These are the days of darkness, when ashes and smoke block out the sky. This, however, is the story of how our home came to be like this.

We start not with creation, nor with the birth of some hero. This was, after all, the tale of our home, Terra, once green and blue, and now covered in fire and darkness.

Mankind was once known for the destruction it caused. When it destroyed itself thousands of years ago after its corruption and degeneracy lead to the opening of the portals to the Underworld, Mankind was forced into hiding until thirteen millennia later, when it resurfaced to find that their home was now inhabited by different races they soon learned to live beside. They returned to using old technology as feudalism grew once more. Lords and kings rose, agriculture became their main source of income, and tensions grew more. That was when Mankind discovered the power of the Substance, a solid mineral shaped like cubes found only in what seemed to be manmade caves. With them, Mankind created technologies like engines that propelled vehicles that improved agriculture and travel. However, the fact that these were found only in certain places only created more tension. For a few more millennia, this was the case.

That was when they came. From Heaven, the immortals came in their mighty chariots, seizing whatever land and support they could. They began expanding. These immortals seemed to have had advanced knowledge on the inner workings of the Substance, and with their power, they conquered. The great immortals began carving out territories and kingdoms. For a long time, Galackt the Elder held power over the largest kingdom, but after he became a threat to civilization itself, he was betrayed by his trusted allies and generals, while his remaining supporters were hunted down and killed. He was cast down and locked away in a tower hidden by technologies only the immortals could ever understand.

Soon, however, news of the unearthing of great weapons called the Elder Weapons came along. But too much power could corrupt too much, and corrupt too much it did. Galackt's trusted warlord, Cruislan, who lead the betrayal, took the weapon for himself to study it. With it, he created a mighty empire in the West, where his mind was slowly corrupted by a power so great. For a time, it was the second largest empire in the lands, but that ended with the arrival of Lord General Iohanan Augustus. Unlike his fellow immortals who descended unto Terra early, Augustus descended last, and with him, he brought ordnances that contested well, destroying all in their path; and hosts of mighty mortal Devotees, made up of bright minds and mighty warriors that worked under one banner. In the Far East, he established a great empire he called the Holy Empire of the Sun, Farsivil. They continued expanding west until the only thing separating Cruisland and Farsivil was a large nation that had an abundance of resources, as well as the largest abundance of the Substance. This nation was Valkyria.

On the other side of the continent was another continent, this one with a very large abundance of the Substance, and the entire continent was under the flag of Chief Zerken, a vicious Orc warlord who ruled over the entirety of the Orc, Goblin, Hobgoblin, and Ogre species, all of whom were hellbent on taking the world for themselves. In the far northeast of the Great Terran Continent was an entire empire of Vampires, whose influence is scattered across the swamps and the dark winter forests. In the Western Islands, there exists a nation for the Elves, with a majestic castle made of diamond with towers climbing up to the sky. East of the Western Islands is a large island inhabited by the traitor and god of chaos and insanity, Karaanex, who betrayed Augustus in a vain attempt to take over the Farsivillian Empire, which lead to the banishment of over a quarter of Augustus' army to the island.

Now, the pieces have fallen into place. Are you ready to hear the rest of the tale? Good.
Things to Know About Terra
Terra is made up of two supercontinents, and one more continent. The first supercontinent is the Great Terran Continent. In the far north, there is only snow and forests. To the far northeast, there is an evidence of a land bridge that connected the Great Terran Continent and the Green Continent. In the far east, there are multiple archipelagos and islands that can hold strongholds. In the center of the continent stood the ruins of a once-great empire ruled by Galackt, and destroyed afterwards. East of the ruins is a small but powerful kingdom, and to its south is the way to the subcontinent, the Dark Continent, mainly made up of uncivilized peoples, and home to various tribes and settlements. This subcontinent is rich in resources, with a gigantic mine filled with the Substance.

The Great Terran Continent is split into the East and West. The East has a large desert further west, with various settlements, and to the north, there is a snow-covered desert. In the Far East, there is a series of rivers that make the land very fertile, and is the capital of Farsivil. The islands and archipelagos on the southeast were tropical. On the West, it's very hilly and mountainous, with raging mountain ranges that blew snow at terrifying speeds. The Western Islands, including Baranten, the home of Karaanex, were hilly, but had barely any mountains. The northern islands were very snowy, while the islands to the south were just dark and rainy. The far north, whether East or West, was always cold, and winters were very harsh, and to the far north, there is an area so cold that the major empires could no longer expand there. Only adapted Men and Others stayed there, having various tribes scattered across. To the Northeast was a forest spanning thousands of kilometers, and was also uninhabited by the Human empires, and are inhabited by the Vampires, forming their own empires there.

Not much is known about the Green Continent, except for the fact that in the mid-north and the south, which were filled with deserts and jungles, the only inhabitants were the Greens. The Far North still belonged to the Vampires.


The following are the major intelligent races. You may add to them by suggesting them to me.

HUMANS– This race was the native race to the world of Terra, arrogant, sometimes ignorant, but at the same time, the species that dominates the world, for they are intelligent and resourceful. They dominate almost every field, from warfare to sciences, from industry to studies.

ELVES– This humanoid race is distinguished by their tall stature, pointed ears, and violet eyes. They come from distant worlds, and arrived in Terra only recently, building great cities of diamonds in the Western Islands, grown in their homeworld from a world far, far away.

DWARVES– This humanoid race is distinguished by their short statures but muscular frames. These live near mines, living off their work as smiths, miners, warriors, and skilled engineers. They don't really have their own kingdoms in the surface, but underground, their kingdoms are great. The greatest civilization built by the Dwarves was the Elia Castle, a grand castle hidden inside a cave called Elia's Maw, which was directly parallel to one of Augustus' favorite Farsivillian strongholds.

VAMPIRES– These humanoids live off blood. They have a very pale complexion, and sharp white fangs. Under the sun, they are severely weakened, but in a single night, a single legion can conquer an entire kingdom and kill off all its inhabitants. They drink blood from all races, but anything blessed would weaken them severely, even if they aren't under the sun. If blessed and placed under the sun, they will burn. They reside in the dark winter forests of the far north, as well as swamps.

GOLEMS– They are less of a race, and more of a host of machines. They are usually mindless, and can be made from various solid materials, from clay to tungsten. They can serve many purposes, but under a god, they are used in armies, and may have been supplied with some sort of intelligence by their superior gods. They can be either very distinct from, or very similar to other golems. Some are as big as three meters, while some can be as big as a mobile tower, but such Golems take years to build. They may not always be intelligent, but they are usually the ones making accurate calculations and strategies should they be given a mission by their commanders.

GALACKTI– These are godlike beings with immense power, but unlike the gods, they can be killed with any normal weapon, and unlike the gods, they have supernatural powers. These were created by Galackt, and now serve their respective gods. They can be malicious, cold, calculating, and traitorous so that they may achieve godhood, but some are loyal and true to their monarchs. They are distinguishable by their mask-like faces and horns protruding from their heads that look like crowns. One such example of a traitor is Karaanex, and an example of one of the few Galackti who are truly loyal is Alzasce.

NIGHTMARES– These creatures are malevolent beings, all of which serve under Karaanex, and are usually different creatures mashed together to form an abomination. The Nightmares are strong, and could kill a man with a single proper punch.

DEMONS– These creatures are loyal only to Karaanex, and have the mark of their god embedded onto their foreheads. Their ichor is black, and their eyes are dark, depending on the kind of demon. Some demons are Lesser, which are usually human-sized, and can sometimes be as small as imps; they are red in color, and have black wings. Some demons are Greater, having greater height than most other intelligent creatures except Golems; red in complexion, and having dragon-like wings, these creatures are quite intelligent, very swift, and very powerful. The last kind is the Great Black, having greater height than the Greater Demons, and having a black complexion with green glowing eyes. They lived in Terra far longer that Man, but the Demons have been hiding in a different plane of existence until Man became too corrupted, opening a portal to their plane.

THE GREENS– This is the collective name for the mischievous races with varying intellects. They are classified into Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, and Hobgoblins. They all serve under the Great Warlord Zerken. They know only war, chaos, and mischief.


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[img]fontmeme: name[/img]
[b]Race:[/b] (if you're playing as an immortal, place "Immortal {insert race here}")
[b]Empire/Faction:[/b] (you may find these in the OOC section)
-Facial Features:
-Weight and Height:
-Skin Complexion:
[b]Personality[/b]: (At least one paragraph)


The rules needed are simple enough: no godmodding, no Mary Sues, no meta gaming.

This fantasy game can also be considered science fiction due to the amount of technology present. Guns, airships, cannons, and tanks are all present, but so are dragons and other fantasy creatures, as well as 'magic' if that's what you want to call the power of the Substance. No futuristic things will be allowed, so yeah. Also, I might allow magic rings powered by the Substance.

As an immortal, you still cannot go into godmode. You may be a god, but you don't have any supernatural powers. If your character gets caught in an explosion or receives multiple mortal wounds, he/she doesn't die, but your character will restart in his stronghold. Just remember to play fair, have fun, and respect each other. I do need proper spelling and grammar from you, as well as at least a paragraph per post. Also, don't forget to reserve if you're going to create an immortal character. If you also plan to create an empire, you'll have to look at the OOC section.

Other than that, you're good. Just be active. Try to post at least once a day, but if you can't, tell me. Also, put that little border below at the end of your character sheet to prove that you read the rules. Thanks.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Character Portrait: Iohanan Augustus
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Augustus stood on his airship. A moment ago, his men began their crusade to attempt to liberate the coasts and villages caught up in the land invasion of the State of Burgan by the Greens. A moment ago, he had met up with the king of Burgan, who had given his allegiance to Augustus in exchange for the safety of their nation. Of course, Augustus gladly accepted to protect their nation from any threats. His airship hovered over the skies, watching from any threat. The General of the Air Force, General Charlton, sat inside a gigantic carrier, atop his grand old tower. Grand Admiral Don Equister, the Admiral of the Navy, sat inside the tower of his warship. Meanwhile, Generals Derith and Walker, the leaders of the four armies going to kick out the Green invasion force of two million. There were only two hundred thousand from the Imperial Farsivillian Army, and a hundred fifty thousand from the Armed Forces of Burgan, which would eventually be called the Farsivillian Expeditionary Army in the East.

Behind the three leaders of the Farsivillian Army was the recently-proclaimed Viceroy of Burgan, James Willis, after the monarch was killed in battle. Though the men from Burgan were skilled fighters with the blood of warriors, their armor and their small arms were quite primitive. Their small arms only used regular gunpowder for their pistols and rifles, and their armor was made of simple steel. It was no wonder they would have been immediately pushed back. Down below the airship, their landing craft opened up. Thousands upon thousands of men got out, and formed their ranks on the beaches before marching. Assault guns and tanks also arrived on carriers, moving out, the sounds of their engines roaring.

After Augustus watched the massive spectacle of men jogging and marching towards the enemy lines, he turned around to get to the table, where the Burgish leaders were checking their defenses. Their lines were perfectly situated there. The guardians on the eastern shore had set up artillery atop the mountain ranges, and the infantry had taken up the high ground. In the south, pre-made trenches were being filled up with as many men. It had more men and more machines than in the east, since the larger part of the enemy fleet had been moving northward, and they were already there. They've already gained thirty kilometers of land, and in the small island, that was a lot of land.

"Gentlemen, my troops have landed," said Augustus unto the Burgish, "Prepare to give way for their spearhead. We've planned this before." "Yes, Your Imperial Majesty," said the two generals beside the Viceroy. The airship sped along, following the quick advancing of the heavy Farsivillian Twelfth Army, with the faster Third Army crashing through the center of the enemy's advance. "Emperor, if I may ask, what is your plan? Your forces are advancing too quickly to be on the defensive," said Viceroy Willis. "Defensive? No, Viceroy, your troops' job is to be on the defensive; my troops are going to be on the offensive. These bastards will be pushed back by our attack, and they'll be forced to defend and fortify their captured cities and towns. We're not letting a single one survive, we're not letting a single one escape: all of these bastards will have to die."

"Wouldn't that be a waste of resources, though?" asked the Viceroy. "Not at all," said Augustus, "Not a single of these barbarians should be allowed to escape. They may be stupid, but their leaders surely aren't, and they will adapt to situations just like us. If we fail to completely annihilate the forces here, the sneaky bastards could get out when no one's looking." The airship followed along the way, watching the progress they've made. They were following the Twelfth Army when General Derith put down the phone he was talking through a moment ago. "Your Imperial Highness," said Derith, "your Devotee Host has begun their cavalry charge." "Good," Augustus said, "Tell them to stop directly under our airship, and tell the airship to stop. With me at the helm, the forces will rally to me. I will make this a quick victory." "Yes, Your Imperial Highness," said Derith before he put the phone to his ear once again.

The airship stopped promptly afterward. Below them, the engines of the Wolf tanks sounded. "I'll meet you all in the beaches," said Augustus before he jumped into an escape pod of the airship. The young mortal inside operated the controls, and allowed the pod to be launched out. The pod then activated its parachutes and allowed the pod to drop peacefully. The airship continued moving. Augustus kicked open the door of his pod and exited. His Devotees popped out the turrets of the tanks. "Hail!" the Captain of the Host said, saluting with his right hand on his chest and his palm facing downward. His Captain sat atop the Emperor's white steed. "Hail," said Augustus, raising his right hand. The Captain got down and bowed before the Emperor, giving a large-caliber 20mm rifle to the emperor. Afterwards, he jumped into the turret before Augustus sat atop the steed. He kicked, and allowed the horse to gallop its fastest. The Wolves followed, sporting large 125mm guns and thin but sloped armor.

As the sounds of battle approached, Augustus took his rifle and fired at the closest Goblin, killing him with the shot. The battle had begun, but it wasn't ending anytime soon.


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Character Portrait: Peter Cromwell
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Peter Cromwell was part of the men who advanced in the defense of Burgan. He was part of the Third Army, and commanded a division named after his nickname: the Death's Head Division. They were basically a division of Stormtroopers with some Armored Infantry units here and there, and they had been planned to splinter off from the main attack group. Hell, all five divisions from the Third had splintered off. Their maneuver was similar to when a shell penetrates through armor and the shredded steel splinters onto a surface, killing the unfortunate bastard the shrapnel hits.

The entire Third Army was created as a mobile unit specifically for storming the enemy positions. Right now, they were at the center, heading for a village in a hill to liberate it. They were the guys who'll see first action in the Third Army, and it was crucial that they secure the hill, because from the hill, they could fire into the other villages, providing support to the other guys liberating the other villages. The village they were assigned to take care of was fairly large, but it was manageable, especially if you had ten thousand skilled people armed with some of the beast weaponry and protection in the world.

Peter stopped his forces, and picked up his binoculars, putting them over his eyes as he looked at the hill. They were less than a hundred meters from it, and they'd killed off a bunch of scout groups already, making sure none survived. Alerting their position to the enemy wouldn't necessarily be disastrous, but a more quieter approach was better. That didn't happen when they reached the gates, which were being heavily guarded. The guards were easily knocked out by the Armored Infantry, which had a compliment of Tractor IIIs, a type of light tank that had a devastating machine gun and a powerful howitzer that riddled holes into the unsuspecting guards. Peter himself was part of the Armored Infantry, standing behind the Tractor as it fired its cannon. The explosions from the high explosive shells were shaking the earth, and blowing apart the concrete pillars.

When the Armored Infantry broke through, Peter raised his hand up high, then pumped it down twice, signalling the ten thousand men behind him to charge, shouting, "Charge, to liberation!" before putting on his iconic gas mask. They all cried their battlecries as the sound of powder exploding and bullets digging their way into the soil rang out. Peter himself, carrying his SMG, began to spray bullets in every area he could find an enemy in. His men began to do the same, resulting in hundreds of thousands of bullets flying in the air as the surprise attack commenced. Eventually, the battle escalated as the Goblins finally got their thinking straight, and as the Trolls woke from their slumber. Peter was lucky as a shell from a Troll Hand Cannon missed him and exploded behind him, forcing him to take cover behind a thick wall, and begin shooting the Troll in front of him with the SMG, but the bullets just weren't doing anything.

Eventually, he got distracted as his SMG ran out of bullets. By that time, the Troll had reloaded, and prepared to fire, but before he could a shell from the 75mm howitzer on the Tractor III saved him as the heavy high explosive shell scattered the insides of the monster. Peter didn't notice the tank, but when he did, he gave a thumbs up. Cromwell went to a fairly large house, which became a machine gun nest for the Goblins. They were shooting down at them, shattering the plates of some of the lightly-armored Stormtroopers, forcing them back. Luckily, they didn't notice Cromwell.

When Cromwell kicked down the door, he was greeted with the unfriendly sight of enemy troops. Luckily, the high-grade and heavier Armored Infantry armor Cromwell wore was enough to bounce the shots from the caliber of guns the Goblins used, allowing Cromwell to spray more bullets at the Goblin horde in front of him, which screeched out loud unintelligently. Eventually, one of the Goblins had the sense to pick up his large-caliber gun and fire at him. Immediately, the plates shattered from the stress being caused on all sides, but luckily, that bullet bounced off before the sheer impact force that reverberated throughout the plate shattered it. Luckily, that was only a single plate out of the many plates.

He went behind a wall, and drew a grenade from his pouch. It was a stick grenade, with its pin at the bottom. Cromwell lifted his gas mask a bit, then bit onto the wooden end of the stick, and pulled. The grenade was primed, and he had three seconds before it went off, but before it did, he had already thrown it. He entered, and sprayed more bullets into whoever survived. He saw a Goblin who had been knocked unconscious. Peter promptly executed him with a few shots from his SMG. He climbed up the stairs, and found a door at the end of the hallway, closed down.

Peter ran towards it, and kicked it down. Then, he fired, knowing the enemy was there, firing bullets upon his comrades. So, he squeezed the trigger on his gun, allowing the bullets to be sprayed, killing the men on the MG. However, when he looked at the floor of the room, he found red blood, fresh, most likely, brushed towards the left. Reluctantly, Cromwell looked around, and saw a very gruesome sight: a whole family had been executed. Two children, including a baby, had been hung from the ceiling, and the mother and father had the skins of their bodies flayed, with the blood coming from them. Cromwell's heart broke. He may have been heartless towards his enemies, but the monstrosity required to kill an entire family was too great. He took his time, and placed his gun down by the couch, cutting down the children from their ropes, and laying them on the ground beside their parents. He found a large piece of cloth, and he took it, placing it over the four bodies. Silently, he knelt, and he prayed that the Divine may guide them to Paradise. Then, he stood up, and took his gun, with a vengeance against the Greens. Now he understood the hate his monarch had projected upon Ur, upon Zerken.

He got out, and found the men continuing to advance. Some medic vehicles arrived on the scene picking up downed soldiers. He ran up to them and crouched behind a wall, fearing for any enemy fire. "Medics!" he called out. One of the medics with an armor sigil on his patch went into attention. "Yes, General Cromwell?" asked the medic, who was wearing quite some heavy armor, ducking. "My left breastplate shattered, can you hand me one?" asked Cromwell. "Yes, sir," the medic said, before he entered a large armored truck. A moment later, the medic crawled out with a plate made of various metals. Cromwell unzipped the pocket on his uniform and began fishing out plate after plate of shattered armor, and placed it on the ground before he grabbed the armor plating and sliding it into its compartment. He zipped his uniform to a close. "Thank you," said Cromwell before he reloaded his SMG, peeked over the wall, and began to open fire at the MG on the same street.


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Character Portrait: Iohanan Augustus
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Augustus didn't know how much he had already killed, and he couldn't measure it by checking his clip, because he had no clip; the rifle he had was belt-fed. By now, it was three days since the battle began, and their first assault was a success. They've pushed the mongrels nine kilometers back by now. It was expected that they'd make slow progress: they had the best guns, but it was only a hundred thousand with the compliment of eighty thousand Burgish troops on one front against more than a million.

The thick clouds of gray covered the morning sky. It was five thirty in the morning, on the third day of their operation. The rain fell down, with thunder roaring loudly like a proud lion. Augustus commanded his Host to clear the city of Paranis with the assistance of Burgish troops, who, like Augustus described, were under-armored and under-gunned, but with the support of Farsivil, they would be a force to be reckoned with, especially with the more guerrilla-like surprise tactics they began employing under the emperor.

The sound of rain hitting the grass and the soil could be heard throughout the entire woods. Iohanan had his red hood over his head as his mortal soldiers had the luxury to hide inside their armored vehicles. Heck, even the Burgish had armored vehicles. Iohanan, however, was in no place to complain. The cooling machinery in his suit was turned off, because if it weren't, it would have been far colder for Augustus. Instead, he heated up his suit.

The tanks were rolling beside Augustus, whose horse had eaten the whole night. It was completely armored from head to toe, allowing the pure white armor to be tainted with wet mud. As his hood was up, Augustus grabbed something from his jaw and pulled, releasing his mask from his helmet. He pulled it open, but not completely open, only so much so that he could breath fresh air through his mouth. Iohanan then grabbed a cigar and lighter from his chest compartment. He bit onto the cigar, and with one strike, the cigar was lit. He kept the lighter in the armored compartment, and allowed the cigar to burn, giving off some light.

Off in the distance, the city had started to become clearer: large, thick walls, high towers, castles, houses, as well as an amphitheater, which was filled with one species or another. Iohanan finished his cigar by disposing of it inside another compartment and closing his mask. He got to the front of the column, and ordered for the large unit to stop in its tracks. He got behind the tank in the front of the column, which was his Captain's tank. Captain Blackrose rose from the turret, with an umbrella. "Yes, Your Imperial Majesty?" shouted the man through the loud sound of heavy rain. "Let me borrow your spyglass!" shouted Augustus. Blackrose ducked and pulled out his spyglass, and handed it over to Iohanan, who took it, and looked through. He saw the amphitheater filled with the Greens: Goblins, Trolls, Orcs, Ogres, Hobgoblins, with some Humans on the stage, all bound in the rain by chains. They were in the process of slaving, Augustus realized. When some Goblins and Hobgoblins raised their hands, the slaver, a large Goblin in leathers, cut off the chains and pushed the Human to the creature that took him. Then, there were those who resisted, and were beaten and whipped before having their heads crushed by Troll maces and hammers. He was disgusted.

Iohanan put the spyglass under the umbrella and shook it free from water droplets, and Blackrose took the spyglass with a towel around his hand. "Captain Blackrose, tell the air force to begin the heavy hitting of the city of Paranis. Bombings, strafing with heavy MGs, anything, just make that city ripe for the taking. Then, inform the Devotee Artillery Regiment to begin bombarding," said Iohanan. "Yes, Your Imperial Majesty," said Blackrose, before he ducked down and relayed the message to the radio operator. "Sir, they're going to start bombing in thirty minutes," shouted Blackrose. "Good," Augustus shouted back, "Until then, we stay put, and when those walls are down, we strike!" "Would you like me to inform the entire Host, Your Highness?" "I would like that," said Augustus. "Will do, Your Highness."


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The village had been liberated, finally. Cromwell carried his SMG, prepared to take the last uncleaned home. From there, the enemy had begun firing machine guns at the Farsivillian forces. The door was locked and bolted, so he had his men plant explosives around the door's perimeter.

When the door was blasted, he immediately fired into the smoke, and the Greens taking refuge there were all slaughtered by a hail of bullets coming from three SMGs. They climbed the stairs, and found the bastards MG-ing his allies. He immediately killed them with another salvo. Finally, the city had been liberated, but all wasn't finished. There had been thirteen Goblins and Hobgoblins that surrendered. They were tied up, and surrounded by wooden walls. "Please, let us go!" one of the Goblins said, "We swear, we won't do anything else!" One of the soldiers approached Cromwell, who watched on. "What do we do, boss?" asked he. Cromwell didn't think a moment before he said, "Execute all of them. Take all their bodies to the square and burn them all." "Yes, General," said the soldier. He looked behind him, to a column of men wielding traditional battle rifles with pistol grips. They approached from behind the wooden walls, and stood next to them before raising their rifles. Panicking, one of the Greens ran away. Almost as fast as lightning, Cromwell drew his pistol, aimed, and fired. The bullet penetrated through the Green's skull. Pandemonium ensued. The Greens ran around, but soon, one of the wooden walls were kicked down, and an MG 92 slaughtered the Greens who ran amok. Their bodies were shredded, and they dropped dead, with their green blood gathering underneath their mangled corpses.

"You know what to do, Major," said Cromwell as he turned around. "Yes, Sir," said his second-in-command. The major shouted, "Burn all the bodies!"


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Character Portrait: Amadaous
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A lone black figure sat atop a ledge on the highest tower in the city "WHAT A BEUTIFUL SIGHT!!!" its voice echoing in the smoke filled sky. "WHAT MERCILESSNESS WHAT DESTRUCTION AHAHAHAHAHAH" it yelled while staring down at soldiers gunning down greens and exchanging fire with them. and burning their corpses "IS THIS YOUR PLAN?!?!? TO SLAUGHTER THEM ALL AND LEAVE NOTHING TO CHANCE?!?!". it continued to stare down at the burning city filled with corpses and laughed loudly.

"I am tired of watching, its time for the actor to take the stage" it stepped forth plumating from the tower before stretching out an arm to grab onto the sides of the tower with claws that rended the stone. it slowed itself down and soon it reached the bottom, it came across two corpses, one a orc and the other a human soldier wearing a long coat and a dirty gas mask, with a knife through his chest. it then proceeded to rip the mask off revealing the plain face beneath. looking at the corpse the creatures body twisted and turned, its body consumed itself then spat itself out again, revealing that same human soldier that lay dead on the ground. the soldier went over and picked up the rifle next to the corpse and began carriying itself at a brisk pace. before reaching a small squad, and then quickly melded with their unit marching with them, until he encountered someone who stuck out among the rest. it was a officer of the empire gunning down an unarmed and fleeing hobgoblin. he burst out laughing in the inside while his fake face kept a cool calm, while standing their watching the officer's subordinates fill the remaining greens full of bullets.

"This one knows how to be fun i think i'll follow him abit" the soldier muttered under his breath while falling in with the officer's soldiers.


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Character Portrait: Iohanan Augustus
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After the walls were torn down, Iohanan called to Blackrose. “Captain!” he began, “Tell the men to charge!” “Yes, Your Majesty!” shouted Blackrose, who lifted his

Iohanan and his men charged. He drew his sword, and the tank guns fired. Some tanks with howitzers stopped while on the way to aim upwards. With a pull of the trigger, the howitzer shells flew up, and hit the city. After they had fired, they continued rolling in.

Storming siege weapons, the Storm Tractor IVs, or the StoT IVs, rolled in with big, large-caliber guns designed not only to combat enemy armor with armor-piercing shells, but also to completely destroy buildings with high explosive shells, while their devastating machine guns mounted on a small turret riddled the enemy with bullets.

Iohanan’s rifle kept singing, with each well-aimed shot bursting a skull or two. His rifle was designed specifically to be accurate, and was for long and mid-range shooting. He was stationed about a hundred meters from the big, gaping hole that was once the walls of the city, firing at any Green he could get his sights on.

As the first part of the city was cleared, his forces speared further into the city. He turned his horse around, and made it gallop into the city, accompanied by a StoT III and IV, a Tractor V Drachen, as well as three Tractor II Ms. He had his horse walking slow now, as infantrymen walked behind the tanks. Iohanan was aiming up at the buildings. His horse’s hooves crushed the debris under their heavy weight.

Eventually, the guns began firing from the balconies, hitting the tank, as well as Augustus’ and his horse’s armor. The sparks flew up and back down as the rounds ricocheted off. The tanks aimed at the buildings and fired high explosive shells that reduced the balconies and the second floors of the buildings into rubble. The column continued moving forward until they reached the square. A Burgish flag flew in the center, tattered and burned.

As they entered the square, wary of anything that ay happen. As soon as they entered, the enemy surrounded them with heavy tanks and infantry. Iohanan cursed, and commanded his men to prepare to engage. Within a few seconds, the guns fired.


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Character Portrait: Peter Cromwell
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The artillery pieces fell in line atop the village, aiming up. "Sir," said the soldier, "We're prepared to open fire." "A moment, Private," said Cromwell, before entering a destroyed building. It had become a small radio station. He depressed the button on one of the radios. "High General Meister," reported Cromwell, "we've taken the village, and we are prepared to open fire upon the other villages." "General Cromwell," began the higher-ranking general, "you may fire upon the villages now, however, I need a small regiment from your division, preferably your own detachment. The city my division is to capture would need the help of the Cromwell Detachment." "Will do, Sir," said Cromwell. He walked out the building to find a few weirder-looking soldiers. He had the feeling it wasn't his, but throughout Cromwell's life, he never trusted his feelings. He let them go about their duties, whatever they were. Suddenly, one of the medics came to him. "General," said the medic, saluting. Cromwell saluted, as well.

"What is it, medic?" asked Cromwell. "We may have some... issues," replied the man in a standard military uniform and armor, but with a white helmet and an unarmored gas mask. "What do you mean?" Cromwell added to his question. "Sir, we've counted the bodies. Of all ten thousand men, two thousand three hundred and six were killed, and yet, the other medics, when counting those who survived, counted about nine thousand. Not to mention the odd-looking unit walking around the village."

Cromwell wondered and looked at the odd men from before. They seemed to be doing whatever their duties were, but indeed, they looked odd. "Medic, tell this to my second-in-command. I have more business to take care of." "Yes, Sir," replied the medic before he went out to tell his second-in-command. Peter, meanwhile, walked towards the leader of the artillery unit. "Fire all artillery when prepared, Lieutenant," said Peter. "Yes, Sir!" the man said. "Fire!" The artillery guns then fired as Peter went out to get to his regiment, a three thousand-man special Armored Infantry unit. It was called the Cromwell Detachment, and it was ready to go. He just said the word. Cromwell himself jumped inside one of the dozens of armored vehicles, and allowed his men to drive off to wherever it was his general was in.


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Character Portrait: Hellenya Lavellan
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Hellenya sat on the marble throne that once sat her late husband, the throne sat above the people and made him feel a great pride, whereas it made Hellenya feel ashamed at the site of her people being seen as somewhat below her. Yet she shook the idea from her head as she finished the morning prayers, prayers much needed in such times, she spotted several of the wounded soldiers from The Imperial Majesty's army, she was glad they hadn't given up hope given their situations.

With the prayers finished and the sermon over, Hellenya made her way to the door to wish everyone well in their day and give them each individual blessings, but most refused her blessings, claiming she rest and use her power for those who need it more. Many of Hellenya's men volunteered to join the Emperor in his crusade against the Greens, she did not argue with those who wished to go and did not force any man to go, even when pressured by representatives of the Empire.

Having said her farewells to all who attended, Hellenya gathered the priestesses of the Divine and prepared to head to the Infirmary set up just outside the main village. The mood in the town was quiet and sombre, the men who left to join the Army hadn't been heard from in sometime and it was public knowledge that there had been several skirmishes, yet none of the families had received any notice of death or disappearance and none had appeared in the mass infirmary set up on the island. Hellenya wasn't even approached by any of the citizens, everyone kept to themselves and let her and the priestesses move along without any need to stop. A great sense of pity welled up in the bottom of her stomach as she passed by the sad and tired faces of her people without being able to stop and offer them support, but regardless she was forced onwards to the large white tent just visible from the town edge.

Reaching the Infirmary tent, Hellenya stepped through the cloth flaps used as doors and was met with the scent of burnt flesh, rotting skin and foul waste. As she approached a soldier, a nurse stepped forward and stopped her stepping any closer. "M'lady, with all due respect, this is not the time for prayer. These men need to be looked after by medical professionals."
"Prayer is stronger than you think." Hellenya informed the nurse before crouching down beside the man and whispering in his ear. "With the blessing of the Divine, you no longer need feel this pain." The man nodded in agreement before uttering the first words of a prayer from his hometown, a prayer unfamiliar to Hellenya but something that gave him comfort and as he managed to finish the line, Hellenya kissed him on the forehead and felt her magic flow into him and relieve him of his pain, even healing it just a little. The nurse watching her looked astounded at what Hellenya had achieved within a few seconds.
"How?" She whispered. "How did you do that?"
"The Gods haven't turned their backs on us yet." She lied, knowing well the truth of the Gods shame at humanity. "Now, show me to the worst of your patients so that I may help them as well." Hellenya dismissed the priestesses, who all dispersed and went to patients bedsides, comforting them, some of them sang, others read and some just simply held their hands and reassured them that everything would be okay.


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Character Portrait: Amadaous
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Ihe soldier was standing for five minutes before before he burst off running in the opposite direction, he was facing. running down an ally way while shouting "BORING! BORING! BORING!!!". while running the soldier's form started to twist and turn, repeating the same disgusting process until Amadaous stood where the soldier was just running. kneeling down in the dark ally exhausted, humming "what i need is crimson what i need is sticky what i need is blood!". and then the sound of chattering and boots hitting the ground could be heard. four human soldiers in a square formation were approaching, and so it hid behind a large pile of rubbish. kneeling down behind it, as the soldiers got closer and closer and closer, until they were almost to the large pile of rubbish.

And then it struck out, rushing to the two in front of the formation. forcing claws into their throats, and then throwing their corpses at the two soldiers left. then jumping on the one on the left, pulling the corpse off of him, and beating him to death with blood stained claws. as blood sprayed from the soldier it hit Amadaous straight in the face. and once it was done with that one, it turned its bloody head, to be greeted by the barrel of a pistol starring right at it. (him) it launched itself right at the soldier weilding the gun, and put it's bare hand right on the barrel, before it shot off right into its hand. the demon let out a half moan, half scream as it plunged it's clawed fist straight into the soldier's gut. then slowly pulled it out collapsing right away, creating a splashing sound as it fell into the pool of blood that started to form. Amadaous then spread its arms and legs moving them inward and outward attempting to create a perverse version of a snow angel.

It then grabbed a hand full of blood in its black hand, raised it in the air. and watched and as it slowly dibbled from its hand to its face.
it then began to sing "oh so gooey oh so sticky oh so crimson red" it then let its hand fall to its side side making a splashing sound, "i'll stay here and rest then i'll continue".

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Terra by StormerJohn


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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Iohanan Augustus
Character Portrait: Peter Cromwell
Character Portrait: Karaanex
Character Portrait: Amadaous
Character Portrait: Castiella Marianella


Character Portrait: Amadaous

"soon this world will be beutiful again"

Character Portrait: Karaanex

"Enemies! We need more enemies! More chaos! More blood!"

Character Portrait: Peter Cromwell
Peter Cromwell

"Hail to the Emperor!"

Character Portrait: Iohanan Augustus
Iohanan Augustus

"In this coming storm, the Elder Weapons are our only hope of dominion."


Character Portrait: Iohanan Augustus
Iohanan Augustus

"In this coming storm, the Elder Weapons are our only hope of dominion."

Character Portrait: Karaanex

"Enemies! We need more enemies! More chaos! More blood!"

Character Portrait: Amadaous

"soon this world will be beutiful again"

Character Portrait: Peter Cromwell
Peter Cromwell

"Hail to the Emperor!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Karaanex

"Enemies! We need more enemies! More chaos! More blood!"

Character Portrait: Iohanan Augustus
Iohanan Augustus

"In this coming storm, the Elder Weapons are our only hope of dominion."

Character Portrait: Peter Cromwell
Peter Cromwell

"Hail to the Emperor!"

Character Portrait: Amadaous

"soon this world will be beutiful again"

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