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SX903 MATNAV (Matrix Navigation)

"You realise we only have a 2.3% chance of success, right?"

0 · 495 views · located in Galaxy

a character in “The Voyages of the U.S.S. Warhammer”, as played by BaneOrdo


Name: SX903 MATNAV (Matrix Navigation)
Alias: Mat
Physical Description:

As shown above, Mat generally appears through holographic projection as a translucent purple humanoid male with minimal defining features, though often his colours will shift depending on his mood or the task he's performing. His face is more defined than the rest of his body, though his eyes have no distinguishable pupils or irises. Generally when projecting his image he will stand at around three feet tall, and through times when he is performing near his peak binary script or various languages can be seen travelling over his projected form.


Generally speaking Mat is a relaxed albeit serious being, with a flair for dramatic statements or entrances topped off with a dry sense of humour. He never beats around the bush and will always speak his mind, regardless of how the party he is speaking to will react to his statements. He believes truth and knowledge to be the two pillars he structures his life around, and though his vast knowledge plays directly into those pillars positively, it has the unfortunate side-effect of making him rather arrogant to those he doesn't perceive to be as intelligent as him. Which is to say, nearly everyone save other extremely advanced AI's. Exceptions to this rule would be people such as the Captain who has long since earned his respect for his military and leadership prowess, and certain gifted engineers and crew members. Stationed on the U.S.S. Leviathan only three months after his creation, Mat considers the ship part of himself and protects it as fiercely as a dog would protect its master.

Additionally, although not a biological being himself, Mat oddly enough seems to appreciate the female humanoid form, quoting mathematical proofs of certain females attractiveness through how the golden ration adheres to their face, and other not as polite ratios of other body parts. Needless to say this earns him the ire of his shipmates, though such comments are few and far between. Headstrong though he is, Mat will follow orders from military leaders with little complaint, though like he constantly reminds everyone, he is 'not a machine, and will think for himself'.

Equipment and Abilities:

Mat's main strength is quite obviously his extensive knowledge and ever expanding database, and while far from infinite, any knowledge he does not possess can be learnt and stored into his data banks with minimal effort. The processing power of his 'brain' is incalculable when compared to a biological sentient, though this does not mean he will have every answer or be able to outshine a sentient every time in terms of ingenuity. For example, it is completely possible for a human engineer to come up with a solution to a problem Mat did not think of, though such instances would be incredibly rare. His incredibly powerful brain does allow him to do otherwise impossible things, such as track the speed and position of an incoming enemy fighter squadron, calculate what their next move most likely will be, their chances of success in their attack, and how to counter them most effectively, all while piloting the ship if needed and all in three-tenths of a second.

As the Warhammer's AI Mat also possess control over the ship and all of its various functions, from the engines and warp drive to weapons systems and life support, to temperature regulation and general maintenance. Though of course if anything goes wrong, it was mostly likely the fault of a bumbling engineer, and not Mat himself. At least, that's what he tells everybody, and he has the statistics to back it up.

Mat has tested to be one of (if not the) most advanced and mentally powerful AI created, though his creators have been unable to duplicate their earlier success, with the lead scientist being MIA.

History and Background:

>Attempting to access restricted files on the creation of SX903 MATNAV. Please enter the primary and secondary passwords, and place your hand on the scanner.

So begins...

SX903 MATNAV (Matrix Navigation)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Robert "Twister" Mackinaw Character Portrait: SX903 MATNAV (Matrix Navigation) Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Legate
Just as Robert was about to surreptitiously leave the bridge to avoid any awkward questions about his arrival, the doors opened.

"Captain Rayne, may I present to you Ensign Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani, a newly arrived engineer."

He almost fell over backwards as this giant being entered the room followed by West. I the ensuing commotion he managed to make his escape and made his way down to the pilot simulators.

"Mat? Can you run situation Omega 2? Yes, the two on one."

He settled in to his cockpit, pulled the canopy closed. As he completed his preflight check and powered up all the simulated systems he started humming to himself. He practiced going up against two planes because it honed his aggressive instincts. The only way to go up against two planes and win was attack fast, kill, and turn it into a duel. If you went defensive you died. He grinned and punched the throttle.

Three hours later he clambered out of the cockpit and stole a glance at the replay of his last kill. There was a monitor up in the room that had been broadcasting the entire session. As he went to get a drink and take a break he looked back and smiled.

"Mat, What fun scenarios are there in the databanks for this?"