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Sirona (Sy) Dryope

"So here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard, Every lesson forms a new scar. They never thought you'd make it this far."

0 · 689 views · located in Blackwood Forest, Alaska.

a character in “The Wolves Of Alaska”, as played by Moonbow


Sy has bright orange fur with a yellow under belly and feet. She seems like swirling fire at times, and odd enough she has deep, cobalt blue eyes, the color one would get when looking out to sea. Like fire, the eyes in her view means she can not be put out with something as common as water and will only thrive. Around her sides her fur is more dark and ruffled with a black tint.
She's a shape-shifter and every form is often fiery though she loves her wolf form.
Here are some of her favored forms=
Favorite Humanoid Image
Tiger form:Image
Falcon: Image
Mortal Human: Image


Strong describes Sy, she never backs down from a challenge but doesn't always win by fighting. She has about the sharpest intellect of any wolf and will often weave her way through situations. Nothing scares or phases her the slightest bit and she is unaware to her own pain or hunger.
Likes: Winning, puzzles, mysteries
Dislikes: Losing, being stumped, better people, danger to her pack, larger creatures (Though she does not fear them)
Words that sum her up: Tricky, strong, alpha,


Found as a pup trapped in the camp of vampires, she had to earn every single ounce of repect and food she has consumed her whole life. There isn't much to tell about her, her past is mundane except what she can't remember.

So begins...

Sirona (Sy) Dryope's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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#, as written by Moonbow
"Intruder? You would be very, very interested to find that I'm not." Sirona takes what looks like a glowing blue stone and places it on the ground. "This will tell you what to know, however, there are things that would have to be done if you look at it. Consider," she said as she takes out a wicked looking blade and inserts the point into the stone. "That you would be entitled to do stuff, nothing unreasonable though." Sirona takes a step back and a blue light fills the barrier, casting ominous shadows across her face as she watches the man. "Choose, you can watch it or leave. You can watch it with Selene or by yourself if you choose to do so. If only you watch she is in no danger whatsoever. Danger is what I bring to the table at this moment."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul glares at the stone, a glowing blue stone, about the size of his fist, much like the one in his bag at Selene's house. "You had better tell me where you got that stone." Paul walked toward the stone and picked the stone up. "Where did you get this stone?" The stone in his bag was red, but last he remembered his mother had a blue stone much like the one in front of him. His hand was shaking with tension, unsure of how this being came to possess the stone he remembered his mother having. Did she kill his mother or did his mother give it to her or are they more common than he previously thought, while still being rare? His claws started wrapping around the stone, and he inspected the blade stuck into the stone. "Let Selene inside the barrier, where she will be safe. Then start talking." Paul glared at the shapeshifter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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#, as written by Moonbow
"Alright, I will." Sirona took a large blade off of her belt and made a cut in the barrier where Selene popped in almost comically. "Now, the stone was given to me by the leaders of Iniquum when they gave me my mission, you want to know what the stone actually is? It's a sort of device that can play memories, Observe the message it will give you." she took the stone from the man and twisted the blade seven times. Then she placed it on the ground where it turned the white stone around it a beautiful tint of ice blue. "This will show you everything, here you go."
"Iniquum is a world between the earth's depths and the angelic clouds. Daemonium, the demon's country and our neighbors, started a war over an ancient feud that few people know the whole story of. Against their beliefs the Imperium was forced to allow kids into the war, as long as they were older than 13. Many of these teens did not survive their second battle but the ones that did were boosted into high ranks and trained specially with high quality. Their bodies and minds were edited with enhancements for their likelihood of survival and to make their endurance better.
I was one of these kids and was sent on one of these missions which was to kill Dicio and take the 4 stones of Sanguis, I have one and there are 3 others. Disio is here and dangerous, leader of Daemonium's most skilled arm.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul watched as the shapeshifter set the stone on the ground after getting Selene inside of the bubble, and stared at the rock set on the ground and the image it projected. His body tensed up as he heard the name Dicio, instinctively tensed, and the fingers on his right hand became the claws of his wolf form. "You can't be serious. Dicio? My father mentioned that name before. Right before he gave me a similar stone to this one, a red stone. He told me to keep it from falling back in Dicio's hands. You intend to imply that my father and mother are a part of this,'war?' It would make somethings make more sense. No wonder my mother called him the Sentinel occasionally." Paul groaned, rolling his eyes then walking to Selene. "So you sensed the rock, and came to recover it? Hmm. No one is going to get near it. Not while I live."

"Selene, are you okay? Did the vampires attack you before you got in here?" Paul asked, rubbing her shoulders, trying to solicit some type of response from her. "You did come for me, in a way. Didn't you?" He asked the shapeshifter. "Because I am not going to give it up. If I really am the son of a war hero, I am quite important to your cause. If I am the son of two war heroes, I am more important. The battle can come to me all it wants." Paul sneered. "I am going nowhere without Selene, and my stone, its not going anywhere without me."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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#, as written by Moonbow
"You have a stone and your parents are war heroes? I know they are not because then they would be fighting, if they're not they deserve no honor." Sirona grinned, the first stone is as good as Ininquum's. Surprisingly she hated stealing when the person had done nothing wrong but this was life or death. "Thank you for your cooperation." she closed in the barrier to where it contained only the two people and changed into a Falcon and zoomed towards the house sighing in relief when she sensed the energy of the tiny stone. Immediately it gave of the every of the red stone, a very important one and she found it in a leather bag, Sirona sighed in relief as her fingers clutched the cool surface and she made it shimmer to dust to carry in her secret compartment. One step closer to where they are, they never thought she'd make it this far.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Selene watched what was going on while staying very quiet. After the barrier opened she just stood there, watching. Nothing she was seeing seemed real, it felt as though she were locked inside some type of dream. Magic. Selene had never see anyone do magic, even if it came from a little blue stone. She ruffled her fur out, and shifted into human form. Her white blonde hair rested at her waist, bright and pure. Her gaze moved to Paul, a steady, green look. She switched her gaze to the shape-shifter, Sirona, a fiercely intense look on her face. She didn't like the way she was speaking to Paul, but she kept a straight face. She decided to speak, crossing her arms and holding them there. She looked at the both of them. "I don't like this.", she said, no falter in her words. She looked sideways at Paul who was now beside her, touching her. Her body was stiff, and tense. She watched as Sirona picked up the stones, and she growled lowly. "You're just going to let her win by letting her take the stones, Paul?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul snapped, and he felt a pulse of magic permeate his body, not from the shapeshifter, but from within. "No! You won't do that if you value your life." Paul bellowed, breaking into a full sprint back towards the house, disintegrating the barrier in its entirety. His body was vibrating with energy, and he sensed where the energy from his stone went. He snarled, and he split the stream of dust in two before all of it could enter the compartment with a beam of magic. He pulled back towards him nearly half the stone, only slightly less.

"You just signed your death warrant." Paul snarled, glaring at the half stone he had in his palm. Energy unlike anything ever encountered before seeped from his skin, possibly enough to warrant even the attention of humans. The air around him hummed as he walked the final few steps to the porch of Selene's house. "Return the stone in its whole form, and you might just live to warn the others on both sides to stay clear of Blackwood forest. Otherwise there won't be enough left of you to tell that you died here." Pure anger echoed in his voice, and death was hiding in his glare waiting to strike at the creature that dared to intrude on Selene's and his land. "You insult my parents, yet do you know if they may be fighting else where, or maybe they are recovering from an attack. Then you steal the stone entrusted to me by them, how do I know that you don't work for Dicio? What do you have to offer that will keep me from killing you on the spot? I warn you, do not test my patience."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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#, as written by Moonbow
"Listen here, brute, I know they are not fighting in the war because I am in the highest army and know every soldier that's ever lifted a sword." Sirona said angrily. "You may think what you want about me being a spy but I can assure you this much of the stone will fill the purpose." The part she has shimmered in her hand and flew up as dust, settling in her eyes which were merciful. "I'm dreadfully sorry for thieving from you but it's for my country, for my sister and her future! I will do everything in my power to keep her out of the militia!" Tears threatened to spill but Sirona's training in hiding emotions kept her stone-faced. "Do you want thousands of innocent kids to die?!" The forest outside was eerily silent as they stared each other down. "You kill me, you kill thousands of innocent people you murderer. Is that what you want? To hear their screams of terror as they learn what pain is? What fire is, that it's not just for comfort and warmth? I tell you this, if you kill me then you get a curse, you will be cursed to hear and see their tortures every time there is silence and whenever your eyes close." Sirona limps twitched up a bit at the thought of cursing him, but down again that everything he would hear and see would be real. "Is that a good reason?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Paul could see through her unchanging face as he had always been able to do with his friends before the vampires attacked his home town, he could see the tears that were trying to force their way out. He couldn't say that he wouldn't have done the same were roles reversed, but his brother was dead, but she struck a nerve when she asked if he wanted thousands of innocents to die. "You would dare accuse me of wanting something as horrible as thousands of deaths, when you had told me so little about your war? How am I supposed to know things like that, I am no mind reader, otherwise we would have had no reason to fight. Selene, come here." Paul called out. "You will need to explain so much more about this war, and I'll consider giving this half back. Really convince me, and I may decide to save your ass when it needs it, because apparently my parents have been going behind your back and spying on Dicio, somehow. Last I heard from them, he was getting powerful, but they don't know how. I really just wish they would tell me everything about them that I might need to know to stay alive, but the chances they get are such short windows. Oh, and also, you will leave Selene alone and not harass her if you'd like to live long after the war ends." Paul snarled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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#, as written by Moonbow
"You're acting like my death is in your power, but it's not. I can make do with this part of the stone so I don't need to accept your offer, yet I will. You can come to Iniquum with me." Sirona took out the blue stone, placed it on the ground and a portal much like her barrier opened up. "Don't talk, don't be difficult, and don't do anything to harm my sister. We will go here and then back so I can get the rest of the stones. Choose if you want to follow." Sirona stepped into the portal and immediately faded away like a ghost, leaving the two people alone.

The shape-shifter walked down the paths of the mountain, kicking up rocks as she went. There was once a beautiful farm here with the most breath-taking animals, now it's all destroyed. The old barn was burnt down, the green grass of the pasture was brown and crackled. She cast a sad glance around, Dicio knew this place meant everything to her, now it meant to fight back, to resist. What kept her from breaking down was the thought that her sister was sleeping in the barn up ahead. It wasn't far and Sirona called out for her, the little red-headed girl peeked her head out of the barn and then smiled widely at her sister's approach. She ran out and hugged Sirona hard, almost strangling her. The girl was around eleven years old with various freckles dotting her face and her fiery orange hair was tied back in a braid. "Ales, sunt vobis Lorem?" Sirona asked as she hugged her sister back, almost forgetting about the wolves.
(OOC: I'll be gone for about a week but can you make a place for Iniquum?)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selene Von Drakken Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope Character Portrait: Paul Marras
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Selene stood close to Paul, not quite understanding what she was about to get herself into. She touched his hand briefly, making sure she was still awake. In her life there had been nothing other than shape-shifters and vampires, but portals and magic? It was all foreign to her. She watched Sirona set the blue stone on the ground, and watched as it opened a portal, and looked on at it curiously. As Sirona stepped into the portal and disappeared, she looked up at Paul, hesitating. "Are you going to go?", she said, feeling slightly agitated and anxious.

(Yes, I can. Any preference on the picture?)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sirona (Sy) Dryope
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#, as written by Moonbow
"Quicquid futurum est Lorem neque clamabunt, clamabunt et non ..." Sirona said to her sister as Ales began to cry. "Lorem ipsum dolor sit purus, non cura, non est miles..." she patted her sister on the bacl and then broke apart to smile at the crying child. "Tibi potuit ad derivare tamen?" Ales smiled brightly at Sirona's question and wiped away her tears. "Denique Ego potest avis!" she began to glow ever so slightly and then there was a bird in her place. "Ipsum! Superbus sum vobis!" Sirona congratulated her sister before turning to look at the portal a few feet away. "Esset alieni adventum, sunt ad nobis .... puto .... Iustus esse delicatus." she gestured to the portal. Her sister smiled deviously and began to bounce around. "Purus..." she sighed and then hid behind Sirona.