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Wolfe Jäger

Life once asked Death, "Why do people love me but hate you?". This, was when Death spoke the truth of the world. "Because, you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth."

0 · 544 views · located in Degluttait

a character in “To Be King”, as played by Rainbow Unicorns





Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #C31414
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #99C68E

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◆ Wolfe Heinkel | Hellsing
Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ◇ Rainbow Unicorns


Wolfe Jäger

╒ AGE ╜

Gender Fluid - Primarily uses he/him pronouns

Pomosexual, greyromantic, and panromantic.

╒ RACE ╜
Natural shade

Two identical pistols, both of which were given to the man he calls 'Father'. Stainless steel, the guns have a engraved biblical verse on their left side, and Wolfe is never seen without them.

╒ RANK ╜

╒ ROLE ╜


Six foot exact.

Unknown and refuses to give out. Seemingly healthy.

Straw blonde.


Fawn, though a bit pale.

To be honest, it's not surprising that people would have to constantly have to ask Wolfe directly about his gender upon first meeting him. The wearer of a very ambiguous style, from his hair to the priest clothes a person can swear came right out of a Vatican priesthood. His hair, a silky straw color no matter how a person looks at it, and shaggy at it's best. And biologically being that of a male gender, Wolfe actually has that of a well-built frame, his muscles well-defined.

His eyes hide behind his circular glasses, though removed show something that one can consider 'beautiful'. Grey-green eyes, so luminous that one can be wrapped in their gaze for hours. It'd e like being sucked into an abyss, though only finding one thing if they look deep enough- Death itself, and it seems it has picked it's next victim.


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◎ Playful ◎ Honest ◎ Humorous ◎ Tolerant ◎ Faithful ◎
Truth be told, looking at these traits it's kind of surprising how negative he actually is once a person meets his bad side. Which is practically everyone, within a few hours of meeting him - but that's besides the point. To a few select people, and at one point his sister, he's extremely playful, and no matter who he's with, he can't even lie. If he thinks your stupid, your definitely going to hear about it. But hey, on the bright side, he'll probably make a pretty decent joke about it. Right?

Maybe not.

But he's pretty tolerant to a bunch of people, and their shit, especially Eden's, no matter how much he hates her. But... there's only so much even he can take. Luckily for him, another winning factor is how faithful he is to Tarots, even though he is death.


◉ Twisted ◉ Cruel ◉ Monstrous ◉ Uncaring ◉ Aggressive ◉
Ohh, okay. This is where all those winning qualities go down the drain. Completely. He's a murderer at their best, aggressive with everyone at this point. After his sister died, it seemed like his ability to care went with it- like everything officially lost most of it's meaning. Now? Now he's just known to hurt others, a monstrous creature who'll kill women and children. The worst part about it all, is that he'll laugh about it, thinking of new ways to hurt people- new ways to prove he's in control of his own life.

A twisted, cruel man in a city of chaos, however, isn't anything new.


His dog, Anastasia - She's beautiful, fluffy, and his last touch to sanity. She seems so much like his sister- he knows she isn't. It hurts, though, but it's a comfort to see her ghost no matter she he goes with the dog. As long as the dog's with him, she is.
Being in control - His mother controlled his whole life, and it never seemed like it'd end. Hell, he isn't even sure how he made it out of his home in one peace, or how he made it to the city whole. To this day, Father calls him that of a miracle, and says everyday is a 'gift from God'... Wolfe isn't too sure God exists, though.
Doing what he pleases, when he pleases - No stupid bitch telling him where to go is great. No one telling him how to behave is great. No one at all? Even better. Maybe if it was like this, he wouldn't desperately wish for death so badly.
The church - He and Ana grew up there, and it was where he watched his sister fall in love... And it's where she's buried. The church might be shitty, but it's his home.

Eden & his mother, females in general - Too many similarities to his mother- to many similarities to his sister's joy. The entire gender is a cursed creation, weak and simply meant for death. Sometimes he wishes he could honestly just kill Eden. To put her out of her misery like a dog.
Being controlled - Don't tell him what to do. His goal in life was always to get stronger- to the point where no one would be able to tell him otherwise... But now it just seems like he's trapped all over.
The possibility of actually killing the Tarot - If he doesn't die, he's scared. Terrified. He'll never admit it, but such a feeling of dread pours over him the more he stays... He just can't pull away.
Going home - Home being out of the city and into his mother's arm, and will that be the day when he does.


Shooting - Spending a majority of his life, ever since he was nine to be exact, on such an ability, this is fairly self-explanatory.
Killing - That's all he honestly knows anymore- murder being the easiest way he can face reality. It's too harsh, too toxic for him to live without some sort of blood on his hands daily- Eden had made sure of that.
Animal care - He owns a dog named Anastasia, a German Shepard... Named after his sister. He takes care of it like nobody else's business... But even it's near death. A month at best.

Compassion - He doesn't even know the meaning of the word, to be honest.
Comprehending family - He... He doesn't have any left. Much like everyone else he knows, anyway. Sometimes he wonders why there's even such a word. 'Family' is simply a label for co-existence and similar blood.
Eyesight - Well, he doesn't wear glasses for the hell of it.
Suicidal - Worse then Eden, unforunately. However, he'll never have a note on him, because he ensures no one would find his body when he does kill himself. A simple excuse that he left the city, maybe. But in truth? He'll no doubt shoot himself in the head before half a year is up.

Mnemophobia, Fear of memories - They aren't good. Not at all. They break him- they make him detest the sheer sight of women, of 'families'. His mother's captivity still rings in his head to this day.
Cleithrophobia, Fear of being locked in an enclosed place - Thanks to his mom, and how she locked him away practically like Rapunzel, he can't even lock a bathroom door.
Pentheraphobia, Fear of mother - ...This is pretty much explained in his history.


╒ BIO ╜
adjective vag·a·bond \ˈva-gə-ˌbänd\
1: moving from place to place without a fixed home : wandering
2 - a : of, relating to, or characteristic of a wanderer
b : leading an unsettled, irresponsible, or disreputable life

And that's exactly what Wolfe has always been. In the simplest of terms, he never even had a home. He grew up in a prison- a cell that only his mother had the key too. His cellmate? A man known as 'dad', who beat him in retaliation to his mother's behavior. Maybe that's why he was so desperate to leave? Not only did she fight every night and day with Wolfe's dad, but she refused to let them grow as people, to achieve dreams. When he was growing up, it was normal.

When he was seven though, it seemed to turn into something he identified as painful. His mother had hurt him, his arm, his leg- why did the pain seem white? H O T. That was when his neighbor saved him, when they sent him far far away to a man of good standards and preached hope in the darkest of cities. Of course, being new to the city of Hell, Wolfe had already stood out- he's leg and arm weren't clunky, and unrealistic. They were custom made, a fake skin he had replaced as the years went by. But he wasn't alone, and it wasn't like he was unhappy anymore.

He had not only gotten a true 'Father', but a beautiful younger sister. She was five, and he was around twelve when the angel showed up on the church's doorstep, alone and so scared. So confused. He never left her side, not even when they needed to go outdoors. She was his world, not to mention Father's. Maybe that's why they seemed so against her joining a gang when she was only seventeen. They were known as 'Voiceless', and inside it was the boy of her dreams. He went by Pip, and had requested, or rather, begged for help after showing up on the steps of the church. This was when Wolfe knew of the word 'compassion'. and... he helped. Anastasia had a bad habit of falling in love, but this time, the day at the church seemed to solidified her fate.

At age twenty-seven, Wolfe had been given the news that Voiceless was destroyed. His sister, and her boyfriend dying in the front lines... Everything simply molded into the darkness his sister's death left in it's wake. A cliche, perhaps, but it was one that made his heart harden with age as he reflected in his life. His rage grew, his sick and twisted desires turning more and more morbid to kill-

He had been hurting people since he himself was eighteen, the urges surfacing as he watched a woman be beaten. She pleaded for her life- pleaded for them to spare her for her sick and dying children. She was so scared she had ended up shitting herself. That day was the first time Wolfe's gun practice paid off. Not only had he killed the assailants, but for some reason... the woman died by his own hand as well. It was a rush he had buried for his sister's sake, for his family. It was a rush that came back when Wolfe decided that his years of silent murder would be come louder and louder- 'til he was the Boogeyman everyone feared. He joined Tarots simply in order to gain the power over his own life, perhaps to prove he could of saved his sister at some point. It's the constant, steadily growing rage that aided him in becoming that of an S. That of a killer... But between me and you?

That was the day he solidified his own death.

So begins...

Wolfe Jäger's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Li Xiuying Character Portrait: North Black Character Portrait: Eden Black Character Portrait: Genesis Delacroix Character Portrait: Regulus Adrastos Character Portrait: Lilith Monetrone
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0.00 INK

Another morning of August passes by. The gross, disgusting city of Degluttait goes on, the 'sports' and 'games' they play continuing with each passing second. Turn the corner, you'll find a horde of prostitutes. Turn again, someone just had their brains shot out. One more time, and there are children huddling on the walls of dirty buildings for warmth, wearing nothing but rags and dirtied sheets.

The sky is painted grey, the ground painted red, and the people painted black and white. The scent is putrid, having been soiled by the smoke of cigarettes, toxin of the city, and breath of the men and women that are stuck there like birds in a cage.

Shades walked the city the night before, ones that were far from human. Some rose to be as tall as houses, some had terribly long arms, others had elongated necks with black teeth and claws. They come in all sorts of sizes and shapes, and roam primarily at night, where they are most comfortable.

But other problems besides that supernatural factor lie in this city. Darker problems stemming from the root of it all: humans. The gangs are still fighting against each other to this day, one hoping to rise high enough in the ranks to take over the city as the new king. The killing won't stop.

Today, two fires have started, one in the east, and one in the west. The 'fire' in the eastern corner of the city is centered around a group of the Tarots taking care of a shade that's overstepped its boundaries into the grey sunlight. It's already killed five people and injured seven and won't stop until it's killed. Thankfully, that's why the Tarots were tired, and the fight's still lasting. Turns out this shade might take some extra work to kill. Most are generally small, weak, and easy to kill, but sometimes... sometimes there are special cases that turn out to be quite the challenge. At least the pay is high and well, because there actually may be high chances of someone getting themselves killed.

On the western side, the Tarots have gotten into a bit of a fight with another gang known as Thirty One. Turns out one of them spat down at a member, and a few minutes later, guns are firing and people are falling dead on the ground. The fight originally was just a fist fight until someone decided to play dirty and took to their weapon instead. Now, there's no mercy, and the fight's been taken to Thirty One's base. They're struggling to hold ground against this ruthless group of people, and actual fires are starting around the area. They're playing dirty - using hostages, spreading out, destroying things in order to create obstacles - but that's how the fights work in a dirty city. People die, and there will always be a loser and a winner.

But in the end, the city swallows everything.
