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Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises


The city of Hughopolis is a place every young person dreams of going when they leave their parents farm. But the city might be magnificent on the outside but not what they expect on the inside. Corrupt and mobsters rule the streets. It is a struggle.

1,013 readers have visited Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises since Aniihya created it.


Ever since the technological revolution, it has been the dream of many of the youngster in the nation to go find work in the metropolis of Hughopolis that sits in a large desert. The youngsters dream of a city with many skyscrapers, tones of flying vehicles, safe jobs and many opportunities. But the reality is somewhat different as corruption is blooming in the city. Mobsters have shootouts every now and then and control entire districts. Elections for mayor are up soon too. One candidate has been killed already and another is in a coma, no one trusts the candidates as they all seem to be out for power. If people come to Hughopolis, they either end in poverty or in wealth.

Many other problems are present in the city. There are struggles between cyborgs and those who oppose them. City outskirts are often attacked by desert raiders who travel the sands with their hovering sailed boards. The slums grow, drug addiction is common and people drive themselves into debt by getting cybernetics and such with money that isnt theirs. The city is full of despair and loneliness. Some thrive for a better city, an end to corruption and to finally achieve their long awaited dream but there will be those who oppose them.

Those who know the city would recommend the northern district since it is rather peaceful and carefree there but to find a place to stay there is unbelieveably hard.

Hughopolis: Hughopolis is a metropolis of over 4 million. It is large in area and is known for its large skyscrapers. Young people are lured to the city by an outdated ideal and the fewest achieve their dream, the others either end up in slums, as the dogs of the mobsters or on a train back home.

Setting: Hughopolis. If you want to make more places within the city please write me a message about it.

Character sheet: (You need to use it to be accepted, even though it might be a bit thorough)

Appearance (Either pic or description. Illustrated pics preferred.)
Clothing (Keep it at a rather 30s type clothing or something fitting to dieselpunk; clothing with 30s elements. If you dont know just take a suit.)
Occupation (current occupation or desired occupation; current status for example unemployed, part time etc.)
Weapon (police, private eyes, mobsters and criminals only, unless your character has a pocket knife, a letter opener or a stick)
Personality (How is the common demeanor of your character? How does your character talk (accent, tone)? Way of handling situations?)
Alignment: (Is your character evil or good? Does your character see doing bad as something necessary for a good cause? Is your character forced to do bad even though he/she would prefer to do good?)
Background (Where does your character come from? How did your character grow up? Why did he/she come to the city?)
Living quarters (Does your character live in an apartment? Or a scrapmetal shelter, studio apartment, condo, a joint living area? How is the furniture? Is it windowed? Is there a good view?)
Any other possessions?

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Character Portrait: Aina Komora
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#, as written by Aniihya
It was morning in Hughopolis. The sun shone through the windows of apartments facing the sun. The sun shined even into the window of Aina's apartment. She still was tired after a firefight in her own apartment the day before. The walls were ridden with bullet holes and the blood of the attacks still dirtied the walls. There had been five of them, all faces she knew. They were from a mob family. One attackers neck had been snapped, two were shot in her apartment, the other two had fled but only one was still alive since she had decorated the street with one of the fleeing attacker brain using a sniper. The surviving attacker was in the hospital with a fracture left leg and a ballistically amputated right arm.

As Aina got up, she lit a cigarette and pulled a suit out of the closet and laid it onto the bed. Butting out the cigarette before getting into the shower. She put on the black suit and left the top button open and the black tie loose. It was warm outside so she didn't have any need to put her coat on. She put on a black fedora with a charcoal grew band. Finally Aina headed out into the streets, cigarette in her mouth, hands in her pocket, pistols holstered and her throwing knife within grabbing distance.


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Character Portrait: Isaac Barker
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Isaac walked up to his "boss" office. Even though it was early, and that he would rather been sleeping, his boss wanted him to work. Well, work equals money, which meant that Isaac got there as soon as he could. He opened the door of the office without knocking, something that the boss would probably kill him for, if it wasn't for the fact that he was his best hitman. "Hey, boss!" Isaac said in a cheerfully mockingly voice. "Whats the deal about waking me so early? Do I need to open a jar of pickles for you?" The guy was having none of it, he was the head of the most powerful mob, and he didn't like to be mocked about it. "You shout your mouth Barker! You know why I pay you, to kill people! So don't go around being a smartass!" He said pointing at Isaac with his cigar. "Fine, who do I kill now? And most importantly, how much are you paying me?" The boss open a drawer and threw at him a thick envelope. "I want this bitch dead!"

Isaac open the envelope. To his surprise the name was Aina Komora. "I though you didn't want any trouble with her." Said Isaac. "What happened, did she..." He was interrupted. "SHUT. UP!" Said the boss. "I don't want to hear it. What she did is none of your business, I just want you to kill her." Isaac eyed the information. She was going to be thought, he admitted. He would have to make a silent approach, and maybe use some more heavy armament. "So, you want it as an accident? Or suicide?" Isaac asked, he boss was sometimes picky of how he wanted his victims dead. "I don't care. Just make sure she doesn't mess with us anymore." Isaac smiled. Shooting someone in the head, was easier than making it look like they fell to their death. He closed the envelope said, "As you wish boss" and left the office.


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Character Portrait: Xander Cuneo
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Xander looked out his apartment window. It was interesting to see people go with their own lives. He wondered what type of life he would have had if... Well, the list would go on forever. He rubbed his eyes and adjusted his tie. He had some feathers to ruffle. One of their businesses hadn't paid their protection dues. He was tasked to get the money any means necessary. It was a bar, it shouldn't be that hard to shake them down. Break a few bottles, cause a few bruises, and cause some property damage. He grabbed his pack of cigarettes and pulled one out. He light the cancer stick and grabbed his jacket. Soon he was on his way to the bar.

As he walked, Xander thought about how he should cause trouble. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his brass knuckles. He loved how it fit perfectly in his hand. He got bumped into and the offending person muttered a sorry and started to walk away. Xander was going to have none of that. He perfected this technique, he spun around and grabbed the man's arm. He threw him on the ground and stood over him, "Work for the mob?"

"N-no, I-I-I work for myself." The man stuttered. Xander smiled, like taking candy from a baby. He reached in the man's pocket and grabbed his wallet. He opened it and made sure everything was there. When he was stasified. He put it back in his pocket.

"You're lucky I like you. What's your name kid?" Xander asked helping the kid up. After taking a closer look at him, he appeared only to be in his late teens. He was kind of scragely looking, greasy hair, and a patchy beard. He felt bad for the kid. He knew what it felt like to have nothing but the clothes on your back.

"D-Desmond, sir. I swear I won't s-steal again if you let me go," Desmond seemed decent enough. Xander lifted his hand and Desmond flinched.

"Relax buddy, I'm only dusting you off. I'm not going to hurt you. Now, I have an apartment. It's not much but, it has a shower and a bed. I'm going take you there. From here on out you work for me. There for, you now work for the Mob." Xander said to the boy. He and the boy started chatting about where he was from, who his parents where, and where did he want to see himself in five years.


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Character Portrait: France Faust
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0.00 INK

The warm early morning settled over the Crescent Cafe. Sunlight glistened off the shimmering sides of deco skyscrapers and slick motor vehicles, sharp edges casting rays off onto everything. France sat in the shade of a cool blue parasol rising from the center of an iron tabletop. The cafe cropped out from the twelfth floor of a building at the border of the North district and one of the less savory neighboring boroughs. A prime business location.

Resting on the table before France was a meager meal, a lightly creamed coffee beside a plate of orange slivers and a partially bitten bagel. A crumpled napkin on the plate's edge held what little he had already eaten and tossed back up. Standing behind his wheelchair in an eerily rigid fashion was one of his automatons. The rear half of the machine was exposed to the sun and its mint skin shined clean. The robot was the only one of the four accompanying him that stood in plain sight.

Resting on France's lap was a thin white envelope. It remained unsealed, but kept closed with two paper clips. Handwritten in fine black ink on the outside was a name: "Detective Komora"

It wasn't the young man's first time employing a private eye. They were great assets to help in the tying of loose ends, competent enough to assess what the real police would and wouldn't find out. Unlike mob hands who didn't ask questions, it was the PI's who only asked the right questions. But even for them it all came back to money. In the unlikely event that one couldn't be paid enough to 'forget' what they had uncovered, well, then the mob hands would come back into play. It was an easy enough fix.

The particular detective France hoped to meet that day was rumored to be ruthless, but whether that was attributed to her investigative skills or her combat skills was unclear to him. It wouldn't matter. So long as she reached the truth before the police, everything would go smooth.


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Character Portrait: Aina Komora
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Aniihya
Aina was walking down a small alley. Towards the other end, two men were standing in front of a door. "Woman! You are not supposed to be here!" One of the men said. Aina replied: "I am just on my way to an appointment." The man nodded in acknowledgement but as Aina got closer she sunk a knife into the back of one of the mens head. As the other was going to grab his gun, Aina leaped and landed with her knees of the mans shoulders then snapping his neck with her legs. It was a silent approach to not alarm anyone inside of her coming. Aina then kicked down the door firing three shots, each killing one of three men playing cards at a table. A man, hearing the shots came around the corner only to be punched with a full blow to his face. As he laid on the ground, Aina shot two rounds into his chest.

"Anthony! I warned you to not fuck with me." Aina said with a playful voice and a smile on her face. "One of my clients had asked me to wait and take you alive, so you could be put on trial for murder, extortion, racketeering and much more at the capital. But better execute you now since punishment would be death anyways. I also know of your dog! He has a one time offer to switch sides and do some hits for me. Its not like you will be able to pay him anymore anyways since we seized your assets this morning and I got a share of it from the federal task force agency!" Aina had forced a corrupt bank official to transfer all of the dons money over to a state bank account at gunpoint. "If he decides to stay by your side, he can await death. He can also just walk out, but if I catch him doing a hit against lawful citizens, then he will die. It is his choice. But if he isn't here, then oh well. Your goons trashed my place and now I will trash yours." Aina then pulled a pin from a grenade and tossed it down a hallway. With a loud boom, it shook the place. She threw a vase to the ground and knocked over a cabinet with priceless china in it.


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Character Portrait: Isaac Barker
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Isaac was reading the information about Aina while he waited in his car, close to her appartement. Passing through the pages he scanned most of the content. Possesses enhancements, running for major, non corruptible, blah blah blah, bullshit. He closed the folder, most of the stuff in there was information he already knew, and he found most of the stuff to be exaggerated. 'Best shot in the city my ass' though Isaac. He knew he was better when it came to guns. However, if it came to close quarter combat, he was going to have trouble. Isaac was fast, but not someone who was formidably strong. If it came to that, he would have to be all dodge and little attack. Although he should be able to get enough distance to shoot her if it came to that. IF IT CAME TO THAT! Which it won't, because Isaac knew what he was doing. He never screwed up, and wasn't planning on this being the first time.

He rested the back of his head on his seat. He has been waiting for almost an hour. Where the hell was she? 'Ok, screw this' He thought. He made sure that his M1911s were fully loaded and that the safe was off, then he put them on the pockets inside his suit, and got out of the car. He went to the back of the car, and took a suitcase. All of the things he needed for this missing were there. He locked the car, and headed for her appartement. He would have liked to just shoot her in the head, but since he was getting inpatient and it seemed she wasn't getting home anytime soon, he opted for his back up plan.

He got to the door of her appartement on the third floor. He inspected the lock. Nothing fancy, which meant he could easily lock pick it. Which is what he did, and let himself in. The place was a mess. There were bullet holes in the wall, and dried blood everywhere. Nothing that Isaac hadn't seen before, but it made him wonder in what things was this woman in. He dismissed it instantly. Probably the boss had sent a few guys to get her, but since his guys were useless and didn't know how to properly operate a gun, she had killed them.

He put the suitcase on the floor, knelt next to it, and opened it. Inside, there were a lot of explosives. Explosives designed for traps, to be more precise. He took one explosive out, and thanks to the glue that was around it, he stuck it to the bottom side of the frame door, and then he did the same on the other side. He then proceded to install a small, almost invisible, wired to both of them, and made sure it was tight, now, when she opened the door, the explosives will explode instantly. It was a good thing that the door opened by pushing it from the outside, rather than pulling, this way, she wouldn't be able to see the explosives. He did the exact same thing with two other explosives, but put them on the top part of the door frame. The explosion caused would be enough to kill her, and to blow a big hole in the building. After finishing setting the explosives, he closed the door carefully, and made sure to lock it again. Not even a fingerprint left. Well, ok, there were lots of those, but the door looked as if it hadn't been touched, which was what mattered. He went down and back into the car. It wouldn't be the first time someone survived an explosion, and he will have to be there to finish the job in case that happened. Now all he had to do was wait, so he got confortable, and waited.


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Character Portrait: Xander Cuneo
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Xander left the boy in his apartment. He had visitors in his place before. Some consented to being there, and well the others weren't so willing. As a precaution he locked his dead bolt. He didn't want to kid to steal everything and scram. This city was large, and even though the Mob had eyes on it, there were several hiding spots. So, easiest way would be lock him in and have him stay there. He now exited his building for the second time this morning. The walk was peaceful, he had no cares in the world.

He walked into the bar that hadn't paid yet. The owner was behind the bar cleaning a bar glass. As he looked up he said, "Sorry Sir we're closed. We open at 7 pm." Xander shook his head and walked up to the man, "I'm not here for a drink. I'm here for our protection money. You're late. My boss isn't a patient man. He likes his money on time or even better early. So, you give me our money, and I walk out with your limbs and your business still intact." Xander said threatening. He knew the drill, they say no at first, but a few broken bottles, a black eye, and a few broken bones and he'll be singing a different tune.

"I don't have to take this. The police are cleaning up the city. Your a thug, nothing more. Taking from the weak and lining your own pocket." The man said. Xander shook his head and said, "Alright we'll do it the hard way, but it will take almost a year for you and your business to recover from what's going to happen." Xander grabbed the man and slammed him on the bar counter. He grabbed a bottle and smashed it over the man's head. He saw a baseball bat under the counter and grabbed it. He jumped over the counter and started smashing bottles of booze. After he was done, the man was uttering in pain and disbelief. To really send a message Xander laid the man down on the bar and swung the bat aimed at his legs. He broke the left leg and the bat at the same time. "Now, are you going to give me our money?"

The man on the bar smiled, "No, but I will give you time in the cooler though." Just as he finished saying that a bunch of police officers busted in. They were yelling to freeze and get down on the ground. Xander got on his stomach and put his hands behind his head.


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#, as written by Aniihya
Aina had killed the mob boss before he even had the chance to aim. "I hope people will think twice about it before messing with me." Aina said. She headed back to her apartment to get a couple things. The state the apartment was in was irrepairable and she needed a new place. When she got to her apartment door, things seemed suspicious. Upon opening it, a blast threw her back. She stood up in shredded clothes, parts of synthetic skin missing revealing metal. "It will take a bit more than that to kill me." She said. "Seriously? A set of explosives? People never seem to learn that an explosive blast uses pressure on a large space instead of a single point like bullet. This is like the second time this year."

Aina went over to her closet and grabbed a fresh suit. After grafting a new set of synthetic skin on, she got dressed, packed a suitcase, grabbed the case her sniper rifle was in and stashed her hidden grenades in a bag. Finally Aina, headed through the door and outside, staying alert with her weapons ready.

(OOC: Bullets are more effective on her. Due to her modifications, explosions are rather ineffective to the metal frame of her cybernetic body while projectiles depending on calibre and force can do anything from denting the metal to penetrating it.)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aina Komora Character Portrait: Isaac Barker
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Isaac sat up when the explosion went off. So, it was now or never, either she is dead, or mad as heck. He waited a few minutes to see if she would get out, which is what happened. He saw her walk out of the building, as if nothing had happened, although she seemed more alert than before. She seemed fine, as if the explosion had done nothing. Ugh, she was tougher than he thought, next time he would make sure to use bigger explosions. However, there would be no next time.

He waited until his car was out of her sight. He then took the safety from the gun, and put it on a pocket inside his suit. He got out of the car, making sure it was locked, and then started to walk to her direction. He walked calmly, with his hands on his pocket, looking casual. He passed her, but did nothing, and just kept walking. At the end of the street, he turned to the left. He turned around, raised his weapons, and took some steps back, to be out of her reach. He waited for her to pass by, and when she has done this, he would shoot. No more explosives nor nothing, a clean shot to the head, that is what he needed.


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#, as written by Aniihya
Aina was walking down the street and entered a shop just before the next street. In the back of the shop, she had some repairs done to her right arm as it had become damaged in the explosion as well as minor adjustments to her legs. After paying her buddy who did the repairs, she decided to go out the back door and lit a cigarette. Aina headed out of the alleyway and ended up a couple meters behind a guy holding pistols towards the street. She remembered that he had passed her. The red haired woman tossed a pebble towards the mans head and said: "A boy like you shouldn't be holding such dangerous toys. But I am guessing that you have been looking for me. If Tony sent you, then tough luck. Tony is dead. It was a personal hit. He tried to mess with me and ended up with a bullet to his head. Now scram or would you rather follow Tony to hell?" She cocked her pistols.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aina Komora Character Portrait: Isaac Barker
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Isaac kept waiting, but she wouldn't come. What could be taking her so long? He thought, but then he felt a pebble hit him, and a female voice said. "A boy like you shouldn't be holding such dangerous toys. But I am guessing that you have been looking for me. If Tony sent you, then tough luck. Tony is dead. It was a personal hit. He tried to mess with me and ended up with a bullet to his head. Now scram or would you rather follow Tony to hell?" He didn't need to turn around to know it was her, nor that she was holding a weapon. This mission wasn't going as expected, something he didn't like. However, he know knew why the boss wanted her dead. Tony was the boss's best friend, and the leader of another mob of the city. They tended to help each other more than anything, but they were still separate mobs with different interest. He decided to play it cool, she didn't know it was him who set the explosives. He said without turning around. "A girl like you shouldn't mess with other people's business. No, Tony didn't send me, and I couldn't care less to what happened to him, and I'm not looking for you. I am expecting someone else who should have been.." He took a moment to take his pocket watch and check the time. Almost everyone used wrist watches now, but he preferred the classic pocket watch, a true gentleman's watch. "...Five minutes ago." He looked around the corner slowly, as if he didn't want to be seen. After a few seconds he stood back up, and put his gun back on his suit.

He slowly turned around, as to not get shot, and said. "You can lower your gun, I'm not going to harm you." He acted as if this was a normal conversation and said. "I'm looking for a man. Kinda tall, skinny, messy short hair. Sounds familiar? He came out of the building that exploded a few minutes ago, and I lost him. Do you by any chance know where he went?" He said, completely calmly. He considered himself to be the perfect liar. Hell, he had even passed the lie detector without saying any truth. There was no way she could know he was lying.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aina Komora
Character Portrait: France Faust
Character Portrait: Xander Cuneo


Character Portrait: Xander Cuneo
Xander Cuneo

"I'd like to see everybody get their fair share, but sometimes people need to get a 'fairer' share."

Character Portrait: France Faust
France Faust

"We're sensible men... Let's figure something out."

Character Portrait: Aina Komora
Aina Komora

Time to clean this city until it bleeds.


Character Portrait: Xander Cuneo
Xander Cuneo

"I'd like to see everybody get their fair share, but sometimes people need to get a 'fairer' share."

Character Portrait: Aina Komora
Aina Komora

Time to clean this city until it bleeds.

Character Portrait: France Faust
France Faust

"We're sensible men... Let's figure something out."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aina Komora
Aina Komora

Time to clean this city until it bleeds.

Character Portrait: Xander Cuneo
Xander Cuneo

"I'd like to see everybody get their fair share, but sometimes people need to get a 'fairer' share."

Character Portrait: France Faust
France Faust

"We're sensible men... Let's figure something out."

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Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

The thing is an explosion itself doesnt damage metal itself. It came damage structures by softening girders due to heat, making it give in under the weight it is supposed to hold, It vehicles it can destroy the vehicle due to the car made up of multiple pieces being pressed apart. Bombs for example though metal are often riveted together with weak links allowing it to tear upon detonation. Metal itself only experiences oxidization unless thin enough, then it becomes shrapnel. Weaker metals such as iron or copper tend to shrapnel while steel, aluminium and titanium tend to be more robust unless tin can thin. Don't worry about it though she has sustained some repairable damage.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

Well, being a professional hitman, he would try to know all about his target, and seeing as your character is very "popular" between the mob, I think that her enhancements would probably be known. Also, half a kilo of explosives is quite a lot, mostly when it comes to stepping on one that is ten centimeters from you. Let's also take in consideration that four different explosives were placed, which meant that the damage would have come from every direction, increasing the total damage. Thus making a total mess since she is being in between the four explosions, and the density would be quite considerable.

I'm just saying that it won't kill her, but that she shouldn't just shake it off as if it was nothing.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

The door though only half open dampened the explosion. It also depends on the distance of the explosions from the target. And I highly doubt an assassin would use an excessive amount to kill a single person, not knowing of the cybernetic enhancements that the target has. So yes it is realistic hence the slight external damages. Its not like a van full of explosives went off in front of her. But rather to kill a normal human, about half a kilo would of average explosives or 200g of high-velocity explosives.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

I guess that certain types of bullets would be more effective against Aina, but there are a lot of different types of explosives. Even it they are not enough to completely kill her, the explosion should have been enough to at least bend the metal frame. Plastic explosives would have completely destroyed her, since the velocity of the explosion and the density it produces is high enough to cut through solid materials. Land mines, on the other hand, are more of a "chaotic" explosion, they are not as controlled as plastic explosives, and would most likely had made blunt damage to the frame, meaning that the damage would have been more messy. Lastly, fragmentation grenades would have made internal damage rather than destroying the outside of the frame, since when exploding they send shrapnels of metal which would have cut through the metal structure.

What I'm trying to say is, sure, guns might make a better internal and external damage on a small area, but explosives are used for total destruction of the objective. Making her get out of the explosion unaffected is quite unrealistic, even if she is part machine.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

Busy with work sorry. I have a crazy schedule that isn't going to let up until April 17th. Getting big dollar signs, but losing free time. Double edge sword, and all those good sayings.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

No it didnt I was just busy yesterday

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

Don't tell me this already died.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

There shouldn't be a link anymore, it should be a picture that shows up. I tried it on three PCs here. And a friend of mine tried it from his account and it worked on all of them. But the appearance is: Red hair, big chest, rather pretty, has an expression that hints some mischievious demeanor.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

I think it might be the link, because when I try to open the image on a new tab, it shows me the error 403. Doesn't really matter though, can you give a one sentence description or something? I just like knowing how the characters look.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

Might try refreshing the window that it opens in. Or alternatively saving the target link. Apologetically, I may not be able to post today. Won't be around a computer, so I'll post if I can will myself to do it on my phone.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

You seriously cannot see the pic? Because it shows up on my side when I open the character sheet.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

pixiv is an image website

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

:/ nope, nothing. Still doesn't work.

and no, I don't have a pixiv thing, whatever that is.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

I updated the link. It should be visible now.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

do you have a pixiv account? I can then post a link from pixiv.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

One question, what does your character look like? The link on your description is not working.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

You can start posting now. I had already made the first post.

Re: Tomorrowland: Retropunk Arises

The number of characters in the roleplay doesnt matter as I only require at least three to start.