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New Tokyo


a part of Tundra, by Masquerade (Skye).

The old Japan.

Masquerade (Skye) holds sovereignty over New Tokyo, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

970 readers have been here.


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New Tokyo

The old Japan.


New Tokyo is a part of Tundra.

12 Characters Here

Mako [16] "Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the darkness in the world."
Balthazar Geroux [15] "The time of Terror and Darkness- of Ira Shoku shall come to an end by our hands."
Tanuki Shoma [14] Member Numero 3 [2.0]
Katsuyo [13] "I'm not stupid. I'm just too lazy to show how smart I am."
Kira [13]
Sunny [13] It's like i'm drowning and everyone else is breathing. It's just an ugly feeling.
Neva Yeh [13] "I don't find myself bitter, just uninterested"
Masahiro Oshiro [12] A doctor's work is never finished
Akane Tomomi [9] "Do you really think you can defeat me with your silly Light?"
Jin Sarutobi [6] "Don't worry, I'll make it quick. I'm not entirely heartless."

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13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Jeremiah Fleischer Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Homra Character Portrait: Akane Tomomi Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Quinn Narikami Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro

...and 1 others.

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((Please read OOC before replying))

Subject 703 has been deemed a failure, termination will supervene immediately.

The blood on her arm had dried from where she ripped out the IV, her head throbbed as the sedatives began to wear off. The brown haired girl poked her head out from under the pink blanket, gazing at the unfamiliar space around her. She was no longer in the hospital. During her forced relaxation session, someone had come into the room and discharged her, but between the car ride and now the adolescent had fallen asleep.

She sat up slowly, the spinning receding as she hugged her knees, wondering where she was. Or what she was really, she had heard the nurses whispering in the ER, she could vaguely remember the cold that she had grown so used to after getting out. The female sat up, the memory gone almost as soon as it had come. When she tried to think back to that day, to any day past this one, it all simply faded like a blizzard blocking your vision. The girl gripped the sides of her head, trying to hold on to the fragments of the memory, but found that she was unable to.

Who... Am I?" She stared at her shaking fingers, her vision blurring as tears obscured her vision. The girl whipped her head around the stark white room, wondering where she was and how she had gotten here. A sudden urge to get out filled her and acted on the impromptu impulse. Nimble fingers pulled out the tube in her nose and she winced at the odd sticky feeling it gave her; she ripped out the IV, causing blood and liquid to spurt from the wound and tubes. She grasped the injection spot with her other hand, blood leaking between her fingers and a harsh beep filling the air. The child arose from the mattress, another terrible wailing wadding in the space, but she didn't stay to listen to it. The brown haired figure fled the room, running down the hall and nearly bumping into two men dressed in white. Her eyes had laid upon these kind before, but where she couldn't place. Orderlies, that's what they were called. She back tracked and ran the other way, the white rose on her back exposed to anyone who looked at the open space where her hospital gown flapped open. "Stop right there!" They called, but she was too far ahead to hear them. The Light Bearer vaulted herself over the handrail of a staircase and stumbled on the landing, her momentum propelling her forward and down the stairs. She was in the hallway now and was so close to the door that she could see the dark sky and flurry of snow outside the glass area. Before she could get through the door, however, a sharp pain pricked the back of her neck and her body fell forward, suddenly unwilling to move. A male nurse in green scrubs caught her, lifting her into his arms. "Looks like our Jane Doe has finally awaken."

"Is that my name?" Jane Doe, she wrinkled her nose and looked in the mirror mounted on the back of the closet door. No, it was too... foreign. She whipped her head around once more to hone in on voices flitting past the entryway in the hallway and pushed the pink fuzzy blanket aside, tip toeing across the cold wood floor and nearly tripping over her own feet. She sunk forward onto her knees, too dizzy to attempt to get back up, and stared at her hands, noticing a small, almost imperceptible scar on her wrist and turning it over to reveal that her ID chip was gone. That rectangular piece of metal had been the only thing to keep her hopes up when she had been lost in the snowy tundra. She blinked, how...? But it was gone once more and she couldn't ever remember hearing the words ID chip, much less having one. The dizzyness slowly subsided and she rose to her feet, opening up the only obstacle between her and the hall and poking her head out the door only to see people.


"Her stamina is remarkable," it was Ira's voice that penetrated the inner angel in her head telling Akane not to kill these freaks. She hated scientists, but the soldier knew better than to attempt murder here; she did not want to get sent away again. The treadmill slowed, coming to a stop and Akane looked in confusion out the one way glass window to the team of blockheads in lab coats, but the equipment did not start up again. A door opened and one of their interns stepped in, using her clipboard like a shield as she slowly walked towards Akane and undid the electrodes as swiftly as her frail body could move before turning to run out. "What's her problem? The woman mumbled although she already knew the answer. Ever since the accident that had gotten her sent away, Akane had been treated by the specialists like cancer. Unwanted and dangerous. She was only getting her annual physical and yet they rushed it as much as possible. "Good work Akane, you can return to your duties." Pride welled up inside of her at the sound of Ira's praise, Akane was like a puppy always wanting to please its owner wherever Ira was involved. She pulled her serafuku back on and cracked her knuckles, glad that the physical was over. Akane left the testing area and walked to the elevator, glancing into one of the one way windows to see another of Ira's pets doing a puzzle. It was her job to keep these beasts in line ever since one of her Guardian's precious toys escaped. She remembered that week, it had been awful leading search teams into the vast snowy plains that surrounded the University of Science and DNA at the edge of one of the Colonies in New Tokyo. Ira hadn't been the same after that, he seemed to always be on edge, blaming everyone, even the FF for the loss. Akane didn't care, it was just one more Light Bearer that she could cross off the list.

Akane had entered the elevator when a fellow security agent slipped in between the doors and saluted. Akane frowned, she didn't return it because you were not supposed to salute those below your status, or in indoors. He handed her the folder and bowed, taking a step back and exiting backwards when the door opened on the floor below. Akane followed him out, glancing at the closed manila binder and shrugging as she headed towards the control room. It was only once she was inside the comfort of her watch tower that she opened the file and a smile tugged at her lips. A hunt had finally been called for the Freedom Fighters.

Akane knew exactly who she was going to deploy for this assignment and quickly rose to her feet, heading to the lowest level of the University where they kept the worst of Ira's subjects, the Light Bearer's. Her footsteps echoed on the brightly polished white tiled floors, she passed doors made of various materials that could withstand the blunt force of whatever they were supposed to keep contained. Akane stopped when she reached one made of stone. Not bothering to knock, the woman unlocked it with the mater key and stepped inside, a wicked smile crawling up her features. "I have a job for you Homra, passed down to me by Ira himself."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro
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#, as written by Driton
Dr. Oshiro

Masahiro walked through the door to one of his hospital's many rooms. This one had a male nurse standing over a bed where a sedated girl lay. "Dr. Oshiro, this is the girl that was found in the ocean a few weeks back, she woke up today and tried to run. She has the mark, on her back." The nurse said in a hushed voice. Masahiro sighed before looking at the nurse and responding. "Thank you, there's no need for you to get further involved in this, I'll take care of things from here. You may take your leave now." The nurse nodded and left the room.

Walking over to the bed, Masahiro pulled the privacy curtain so the view from the hallway was blocked but not the sound. He checked the girls pulse, made sure there were no injuries and generally made sure she was in good health. Once he was finished with that, he checked the hallway to see that it was clear and then wheeled the girl out of the room on a gurney. He took her through some back doors and halls, using his master key to open the doors, and eventually reaching the back of the hospital. He left the gurney there, wrapping the girl in a blanket and carrying her to his car.

Some time later, he stood in a room with several other people, Freedom Fighter members. "She made quite a scene trying to escape from the hospital, I know one nurse saw her mark, but he won't tell anyone, he'll just leave the matter to me. Other than that, I'm not sure if anyone saw or not, either way, I'll take care of it. As far as the girl's concerned, she'll be fine, no major injuries that haven't already healed. I imagine she'll be both hungry and thirsty, make sure she eats and drinks slowly at first, but let her have her fill." Masahiro spoke matter of factly, showing no real signs of emotion as he spoke. He then pulled a piece of chocolate in a bite sized wrapper out of his pocket and turned to look at the girl peeking out from the closet. "This is for you, don't eat it until you have something more substantial in your stomach first though." Without waiting for anyone to speak, he sat the chocolate on the table and walked towards the door that lead out of the room. "I have to get back to the hospital before curfew. Bye." He said as he opened the door, stepped through and shut it behind him. Leaving what happens next up to the room's occupants.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Homra Character Portrait: Akane Tomomi Character Portrait: Jin Sarutobi
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A heavy sigh escaped through Jin's lips " long do I have to stay in here? I'm not even sure what time it is anymore." Jin murmured through a yawn as he twirled one of his bangs in a circle with his index finger. He had been counting the seconds of every hour, three-thousand six-hundred seconds to be exact. It's needless to say that he lost track after the fourth time and decided not to start up again. Jin hasn't seen daylight in what feels like three weeks, and all it was accomplishing was endless boredom and even paler skin.

Jin suddenly felt a shift under him and almost fell onto the ground. His snakes where getting restless and their hissing was slowly getting more audible. "Shh...calm down. We'll be out of here soon enough, you just need to behave and be patient. Okay?" Jin whispered quietly to his snakes. The hissing soon ceased and now it was just the sound of the snakes slowly shifting underneath Jin. It had just occurred to him that it's been quite a while since they last ate and they would probably need to eat soon, and of course all of their meals had to be 'alive'.

Jin's ears perked up at the sound of foot-steps on white tiles. He wasn't exactly sure which direction they were coming from but he could almost definitely hear them. He heard the foot-steps past by the door to his 'cell' and stopped almost ten steps after. 'Ten steps....Homra?', Jin was almost sure, that's where the anonymous person has stopped, well that's at least what he can tell from his memory of the hall way, which wasn't very vivid. He then heard the faint sound of someone talking but he couldn't make out exactly who it was, even with his heightened senses. Jin strained his ears to try and hear what was going on outside of his cell but to no avail.

It didn't help that his cell was a made out of walls of glass tightly packed together. It wasn't just ordinary glass, if it was he could easily break out of the cell a long time ago. It was extremely thick and the fact that is was packed together like it was made it impossible to send out little snakes to gather information about what was currently going on outside. It was also made out of that weird one way glass. The type of glass that everyone can see inside of it but you can't see out. It only succeeded in making him even more antsy to get a look at what was going on outside of what he now calls a 'cell of mirrors', but he would have to buy his time. While it certainly wasn't something that he would likes doing, it was something that he just has to just do. Even his snakes were getting tired of being locked up for such a long time.

The snakes shifted once more underneath Jin and this time he fell face first onto the floor. With a low growl he stood up and his snakes immediately shrieked back into a corner of the room. He let out a sigh of defeat and laid back down on the floor. He couldn't win with these guys. Jin would just have to wait until he would finally be able to get to go outside for once. Maybe even see the 'infamous' Freedom Fighters that he's heard a few times and possibly have a fight with them and see why they were talked about so often. Though, he honestly doubted he would ever truly get the chance to..


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Homra Character Portrait: Akane Tomomi
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"Homra, please understand. You must eat something. We... we are worried. And if Ira finds out that you have been starving yourself, he won't be pleased."

Yea right. Worried? What a load of crap. At those words the corners of Homra's lips crawled upwards forming a smirk. Th Scientist felt embarrassed by his rudeness, and left with hatred in their eyes. When gone Homra let his back hit the cold stone of his 'cell'. It had been three days since Homra had last eaten. This all started ten days ago during his last check-up. It seems that once he was finished all his memories had disappeared. He can't remember anything. Well, nothing before those ten days anyway. Only glimpses and pieces of images swarm his thoughts. But they are so vague that he is unable to distinct what they are. Even the many years he has spent in this place has slipped his mind. This has bothered him greatly to the point Homra refuses any food of any kind.

Opening his eyes, his amber orbs flashing a bright crimson red. Faced with nothing but cold darkness, Homra glared. Standing up, the movement of chains resounded in his ears. Both his hands and feet were bound tightly. Ira had requested a special material be built, something even Homra couldn't burn. Still this doesn't mean that Homra hadn't tired to break free, as one could see from the burn marks which formed around his wrist and ankles.

Taking a deep breath, Homra let silence fill the room. Nothing could be heard but his soft breathing. Than suddenly a burst of fire erupted from Homra, scattering around the cell. The burning flames were vibrate and intense. But it made no difference, Homra knew this. This cell was specially made with the same material which currently binds his hands and feet. Sitting back down Homra growled in annoyance. How long has he been in here. He can't even remember that. Exhausted from lack of strength Homra lied on his small bed, and closed his eyes. Letting the darkness once again extinguish his bright red flames.

The faint sound of footsteps echoed in Homra's ears. If Homra had the energy he would actually turn around to see who was coming, but he didn't care enough. Facing the wall, Homra allowed himself to fall back to sleep. Not in the least bit curious of who stupid enough would come down here. Homra heard the unlocking of his cell door. ...Who?

Homra didn't even have to finish before he was given an answer, "I have a job for you Homra, passed down to me by Ira himself." Akane...Tomomi, Ira's little helper. Homra ignored her words, as he wished to have nothing to do with Ira's schemes. But she was determined and refused to leave. Her presence wasn't in the least bit intimidating, but it was enough to cause Homra a bit of annoyance. Just enough for him to sit back up and stare at her with cold lifeless eyes. "What?" Though it was just one word, his tone left a bone chilling effect, but he doubted she cared.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro
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Location: Freedom Fightersโ€™ Headquarters | Main Office

Balthazar sighed as he slowly placed the nib of his feather quill into the open inkbottle at the top of the paper, dipping it in but a bit with a swift motion. Ever so carefully, he guided the nib towards the edge of the bottle, scraping away gently to allow the excess ink to fall away. The numbers have been increasing. The quill came away with a fine layer of black ink, shimmering in the dim brightness of the light that stood on the large desk that Balthazar sat at, with pages upon pages piled towards the ceiling sitting for attention. Quickly, Balthazar signed his signature under the sheet as he finished the last few words, indicating that he had read the page- it was not a contract. These numbers are extremely troublingโ€ฆ Unconsciously, Balthazar twirled his quill in his left hand, causing ink to fly in little dots across the air and splatter on the dark desk, leaving behind blots of black on the yellow tattered pages and rich wood. But how could Ira Shokuโ€™s forces have done thisโ€ฆ Once again, his eyes roved upwards towards the numbers that seemed to blaze out from the yellow surface of the paper, indicating exactly how many members the Freedom Fighters had lost within the past two months. This is preposterous. Balthazar set down the paper as he got up and sighed once more, as his hands rustled around in his long coat.
He sat down again, his hand pulling out a bright red candy wrapped tightly in see-through plastic. A mole? Balthazar popped the candy into his mouth as he looked at the information. He absent-mindedly scratched his head, causing the carefully poised and structured hair to fall away into messy curls, though Balthazar did not notice at all. No. The marks are impossible to recreate- but what ifโ€ฆ A soft sound of strings danced through the cold air of the room, finding every nook and cranny, fitting into each crevice until it died away. The music soothed Balthazarโ€™s nerves as he placed the paper aside and grabbed another folder, opening it to reveal the newest members of the Freedom Fighters. Barely any. The words scanned through Balthazarโ€™s mind as he flipped page after page, casting cursory glances at the faces at the top right corner of each page. They seem to just get younger and younger. Though Balthazar barely had a right to lay down such a claim- his own age a ripe young 23- the general decrease in age of joining Freedom Fighters caused a worry in his mind. Our job is not for the weak of heartโ€ฆor those who are still young and unskilled. This might be the cause for the general increase in deathsโ€ฆ Flipping to the last page, a picture of a young girl who looked no older than 13 came to view, her eyes closed- obviously in a comma. This is the girl found in the icebergโ€ฆ Balthazar thought as he glanced down at the page that held barely any information besides her weight, height, and placement of her mark. Everything else was marked with a bland N/A, a symbol that irked Balthazar due to the general lack of information that could not be provided. Especially for such a young girl. Balthazar slammed the folder shut before he got up from his seat, his back cracking as he got up. It would be better to put her out of her misery. Walking up to an unfilled bookshelf, Balthazar slid the folder in as he walked back to his desk, his right fingers snapping as his left hand reached once more into his pocket and pulled out a lollipop.
Balthazar made the movement to sit back down in his chair- but the phone at his desk rung with a sudden force that tore through the room, ruining the general calm that always penetrated every orifice and particle that moved within it. Sighing, Balthazar picked up the phone and placed it against his head, his eyes dull as he pulled the wrapper off the lollipop. โ€œYes, John?โ€ Balthazar asked as he placed the lollipop in his mouth. โ€œSorry, Mr. Geroux, but a message was passed from the hospital that the girl woke up.โ€ Pulling the lollipop slowly out of his mouth, Balthazar nodded at no one in particular as he answered, โ€œAh, very well. I shall be down immediately, has Dr. Oshiro looked at her already?โ€ The voice in the phone paused before replying, โ€œWell, yes, sir, but Dr. Oshiro has already left the building to return to his clinic. The girl seemed fine- and, well, there was an earlier altercation in which she left her bed through forceโ€ฆโ€ Balthazarโ€™s yellow eyes turned into a cold glare as he twirled the lollipop by itโ€™s stick with his left hand, his mouth pulled into a firm frown. โ€œAnd itโ€ฆnever came to your mind to inform me of thisโ€ฆโ€™altercationโ€™, John?โ€ His voice as cold as steel, Balthazar placed the phone gently on the receiver as he suddenly vanished from the room, only to appear outside in a general office area.
โ€œRefrain from doing so in the future, John, because I feel no compunction in demoting someone who does not work efficiently and smartly.โ€ His eyes met those of the young man whom sat in a chair, phone still held close to his head though dull beeping noises came from the speaker. โ€œYes, Mr. Geroux, sir.โ€ The man mumbled, placing the phone down before hurriedly standing up. โ€œI shall be back soon enough. Please, do not touch any of the files on my desk.โ€ With another flash, Balthazarโ€™s figure once again vanished from the room- but it was as if the air that always surrounded him stayed in the room, not allowing the tense atmosphere to decrease by even one tiny increment.

Location: FF Residence Wing | Makoโ€™s Room

โ€œSo, the girl is awake?โ€ Balthazar said as he appeared in the room, his right leg bracing as he hit the ground, his left leg landing immediately after. Slowly, Balthazar breathed out as a light wave of nausea passed through his body momentarily before vanishing completely though his face did not show any signs of change. โ€œYes, Mr. Geroux, this is the girl. Dr. Oshiro just-,โ€ Waving his hand at the nurse, Balthazar looked at the girl with bright yellow eyes, though no emotion seemed to pass within them- not even curiosity. โ€œI have already heard that Dr. Oshiro has already left in an attempt to obey the curfew law.โ€ He stated, walking up to the bed at its end to watch the girl, his hands stuck firmly in his pockets as he twirled the lollipop around in his mouth. โ€œPower? Age? Potential?โ€ Balthazar asked the nurse as he continued to watch the girl, as if he wished to bore holes in the girlโ€™s skin with his yellow orbs. Time seemed to stretch on as he stood there, his breathing shallow as Balthazar snapped his left fingers in his pocket, the formulaic procedure passing through his mind as he watched the girl. Will she be of use? He thought, watching her as he sighed and pulled out the lollipop stick from his mouth and tossed it into the trash can beside his feet. I doubt it.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro
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#, as written by girlwt
Neva Yah

[Hallway, FF Safe House]

Spinning a dagger absently in her own little space on the wall, Neva sat not really paying attention to the doctor as he came in and introduce the new light bringer "oh that's great another person to annoy me," she mumbled to herself. The newest addition didn't look like much, maybe even smaller than Neva herself. And very cutesy...a description that Neva would rather have said about someone else, and the person who puts her in that category should better watch his...lower regions. The girl hadn't ventured to far from the she going to stay in there all night.

Neva slipped the weapon back in its place, she was ready for the planning to begin, the sooner it was over the sooner she could leave the room. She wanted to be outside and away from the others, having been told that she couldn't venture out. The celebrations were going to begin soon, the citizens getting a slight breather from the restrictions usual placed on them. It was a chance for them to do something.

She got a dark look on her face as a persistent thought crossed her mind, Ira is beginning to move again. No she didn't know it for sure, but she had this nagging feeling, and she just couldn't get rid of it. She glanced around the room, hoping no one had noticed her expression. She hadn't voiced anything out loud just because it had nothing to do with anyone else. Absently she began to curl a length of hair around her finger, it made her not think about wanting to chew on her fingernails.

She had her own thoughts on the celebrations. She mostly wanted to cause as much trouble with the least bit of notice. She also wanted to really observe the citizens, she had wanted to figure out why they didn't stand up to Ira. Well everyone had their own reasons, she had always wondered why she couldn't stand up to her own father. Her twirling finger stopped, and she scratched her scar like she had an itch.

She frowned again...this staying inside was starting to get to her.


12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Jeremiah Fleischer Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Homra Character Portrait: Akane Tomomi Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro Character Portrait: Jin Sarutobi
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The voices were too loud for her senses that were still far too delicate after lack of use. She blinked in surprise as a man reached out with a piece of foil and instinctively moved away. People that reached for her were bad, or at least, thatโ€™s what something inside of her told the girl. โ€Where am I?โ€ She asked one of the others in the hallway of the living unit as the older man in the lab coat turned away, muttering something about returning to his clinic. There weren't that many people in the space, so if needed she could control one or two bodies and make a getaway. Of course, her abilities were a bit rusty so it might be harder then the girl believed.

The girl rubbed one of her striking blue eyes with a sleeve that was far too big for her slender arm. Her voice was quiet and sounded like a bird caroling in the morning sun. "And while we're on that subject," the adolescent continued. "Who am I?" She hoped these people knew, because the brown haired figure in the doorway hadn't the slightest clue as to who she was or where she came from. She recognized one of the loiterers as someone who had come to see her in the hospital during her drug induced haze. She hand't really notice anything peculiar about him aside from the bright yellow eyes that had seemed to stare straight into her soul (those kind of freaked her out), but for some odd reason she felt a bit, what was it, not safer; more like reassured that he was here.

I can feel their blood racing through their veins, if I reached out and squeezed hard enough... She had done that once before and the person had popped like a balloon filled with too much air. As soon as the memory touched her mind it slipped away and she couldn't even remember thinking about it. It was as if the child's mind was suppressing the memories out of shock or maybe because they were too traumatizing. The girl leaned against the wooden door frame and crossed her arms, hugging her elbows as she waited for an answer.

What if they don't know who I am either? Impossible, the man in the lab coat had brought here here. She must have some relation to these people... Right?


"What?" Homra's voice came out harsh, like nails on a chalkboard.

โ€Youโ€™re finally going to be let out of your cage.โ€ She smiled, his intimidation tactics having no effect on her. โ€Ira has issued a command for the FF to be brought down at all costs.โ€ She rocked back and forth on her heals, the cruel smile never leaving her cherry red lips. โ€Youโ€™ll be under my special forces team and will be given supplies and an ID chip of course so that we can monitor your progress. The assignment is yours if youโ€™d like, but if you refuse I doubt youโ€™ll ever leave this cage.โ€ The Light Bearer's did not have ID chips for two very simple reasons. One, they were all supposed to be dead, two the ID chips were traceable. What if someone traced them here? That wouldn't be good, they would think that the Research Facility was corrupt and shut them down. People like Akane and the scientists were chipped of course, but if you came here as an experiment or a volunteer then you automatically had them removed.

There was another Light Bearer gone dark that Akane had in mind, one she would let loose when Homra accepted her offer. It was too good to turn down, getting out of the Research Center was every of its prisoners dreams. Jin Sarutobi, the one with the snakes. Akane had seen first hand what he was capable of, she had seen first hand what Homra could do as well. It was delicious and if Akane had an ability like thatโ€ฆ A shiver of pleasure ran down her spine at the thought of having that much power at her fingertips.

โ€So what do you say?โ€ The soldier asked, tired of waiting for his answer and eager to move on, to begin the mission and get back into the field, even if the field was cold and full of dead grass. โ€Will you accept?โ€ Her patience was running thin despite the fact that it had probably only been a minute or two. Akane was never one to wait around, she was always busy doing something even when there wasn't anything to do.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma
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0.00 INK

Location: FFHQ, Gym; Dec 14, 12.50 AM

The sound of rhythmic beating started echoing the somewhat large training facility. It was Tanuki by himself punching a hanging punching bag. Compared to how one would normally use it, he was practicing more on jabs than any boxer or fighter moves. He was standing in pace and all he did was punch the bag in the same position over and over but at a pace that would create an echoing rhythm. Once in a while he would change location, striking at neck, chin, moving over to stomach, but would always revert back to the mid range torso position. Tanuki did not practicing boxing or any special fighter technique, all he knew was how to throw a punch and one that would hit hard and sharp. There was a reason he was training so late into the night, he just came back from the city hospital after visiting his mother who was hospitalized there.

Location: Centre Hospital, Sick Ward 303; Dec 13, 10.40 PM

"Nene Ta-chan, you know I heard that the city festival is around the corner. How about the two of us go on a date and have some fun that night. Neee Ta-chan~" A young woman sitting on her hospital bed was greatly pestering the boy sitting on a chair next to her. He started to get irritated from the constant poking on his cheek and he decided to response back to her angrily. "Shut up you stupid woman. You should think of things like getting better before you can go outside again! Come on, you should take better care of yourself you old bat." Tanuki's mother puffed up her cheek and started to get annoyed by Tanuki. "Mou Ta-chan, you're such a meanie. You never want to have fun." Tanuki also droop his head a bit, still blaming himself for making her health worst when he dragged her out into the cold that incident. "It would also be dangerous if you go to that festival." He also did not want her to be present when the FF were going to make a move. "You should just think about taking care of your health." He then got up and walked towards the door. "I'm leaving. Need to get back before that dumb curfew." The woman turned to him and gave a sincere smile, but his back was turned to her so Tanuki did not catch it. "Don't do anything too dangerous Ta-chan. I will get better in no time and then we should go on our long promised date, ya hear." Tanuki muttered "stupid hag" under his breath. He had not told her yet that he was involved in the FF due to the power and blood that ran through his vein. He was afraid that if she knew, the devil Ira Shoku would come upon her and having her hurt by that man was the last thing he ever wanted.

Location: Gym; Dec 14, 1.00 AM

He tossed one more punch and the blow was strong enough to cause a small rupture causing some sand to fall out. But the constant punching started to open wounds on his knuckle. The fingers had popped blisters, peeled skin, and a bit of blood leaking out but not a single sign of pain was expressed. He simply shrugged off the wound. He unhooked the sand bag and tossed it to the pile of other bags, the new bag being the only still intact bag compared to the twenty that were destroyed by his punches that very night.

Location: Living Unit Hallway; Dec 14, Midday

The group was called by the leader for a meeting to introduced a newly discovered freedom fighter. The good doctor had brought a little girl to the group and Tanuki leaning in the back was unimpressed at who he saw. "This is the newest Freedom Fighter?" He started to get irritated that another women was joining their rank, especially someone as tiny as her. He did think that the little one was cute but he shook that feeling away when Balthazar started probing the girl of her strengths and identity. "Oi, Balthazar don't bother asking about this girl, I doubt she is one of us. I think the doctor is starting to get old thinking that this little brat is a white blood like us. What we need are more fighter with strong abilities to face against Ira Shoku, not babysitting children!" He smacked the wall with his fist creating a dent. She gave Mako the dead eye greatly assuming that the girl is weak.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremiah Fleischer Character Portrait: Akane Tomomi
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"Thank you miss.". The woman on the other side of the counter handed him his change before Jeremiah picked up the pack of cigarettes before turning and heading on out of the convenience store. Once outside and out of the way of the door, he opened up the pack and placed one of them in his mouth before tucking the pack into one of the pockets located on the inside of his jacket. Inside the same pocket, he pulled out a zippo lighter, flicking it open and flicking the flint wheel to bring a flame to life. He had a distinct love for the zippo styled lighter, from the fact that on these bitter, windy days the flame was still difficult to extinguish just by the wind. What he loved most though was the distinct cling that it made when it was opened and closed. Lighting the cigarette, he flicked the lighter closed before putting it away.

He inhaled deeply, letting the smoke of the cigarette fill his lungs and sit there for a moment. Years of this nasty habit meant he was conditioned to not reflexively cough like most would with such an inhale of irritants and carcinogens. After a moment, he breathed out of his mouth, letting the smoke billow out in front of him and be taken away by the wind. He then buttoned up his jacket and began walking down the street, moving with the crowd of people who were also out and about.

Tucking his hands into his pockets, he kept walking down the sidewalk as he looked around at some of the other storefronts that lined the busy city streets. He could see some decorations for the coming holiday celebration up and about, in an interesting contrast to the usual harsh and oppressive atmosphere on the city; in fact it was in contrast to how New Tokyo felt in general. He chuckled some, as to him he found this idea somewhat amusing. These holidays were close to being one of the most important things to these people, as it was the one time that things almost came close to normal. For people like Jeremiah, who had lived before Ira had taken control, it was a reminder of those days. Course it was a little different for him, as he had moved to New Tokyo for the job opportunity. Having lived in a country a couple thousand miles to the east he hadn't really seen New Tokyo before Ira's reign. Guessing from the various jobs he'd been given though, especially considering the frequency in which he received work, he could hazard a guess that things were a bit calmer.

Taking another drag of the cigarette, he then felt the familiar vibration of his phone in the pocket of his pants. Letting out another breath of smoke, he reached down and pulled out the phone, looking at the screen to see a call coming through. It wasn't a number he recognized however, so shrugging he swiped his finger along the screen to answer the call as he brought it up to his ear. "Kann ich Ihnen helfen?" he asked, knowing full well that the person on the other line probably had no idea what he had even asked.

"Stop speaking that damned language, your not in Germany anymore." Akane? What was she doing calling him? It would explain why he didn't recognize the number, as she certainly never gave him assignments. Hell the only reason he knew she existed was because he'd seen her a few times while collecting his reward from some bounties. "We are going after the Freedom Fighters, and I mean full attention on wiping them out. No more poking at them with a rod, time to end this. You'll get the details later, just get yourself ready." Then the line went quiet, Jeremiah narrowing his eyes in confusion before pulling the phone form his ear to check if she had hung up, which she did.

So now, this time they'd be out for Freedom Fighter blood. He put his phone away after a few moments of staring absently at his phone, remaining where he was sitting as his rolled over the idea in his head. Finally going for the Freedom Fighters, after a few years of just nabbing the few who were foolish enough to stick their heads out just a little too far out of their hiding spot, he was now going to be hunting down the core of the matter. Nodding his head some, for no real reason, he then took one last drag of the cigarette before stuffing it out on the bench next to him; standing up to continue walking, flicking the butt into a trash bin as he went by it.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro Character Portrait: Reina Yeh
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"Kira, this isn't the time to be so calm! Your heavily wounded, you need medical attention. Come here."

As Kira laid across the couch his body appeared limp and lifeless. Slowly sitting up he allowed Chris to tend to his wounds. His black hair moved across his face with each movement. "You don't have to worry about the small wounds. I need to leave soon and tending to them will only take more time." Chris let out a loud sigh, "Kira...I understand that you are heavily wounded and all. But if they are still looking for you wouldn't you staying here be dangerous?"

Kira went silent. His gaze didn't waver as he searched for an answer, "It's safe here." Chris shakes his head in distress, "Kira. I am a Law Enforcer, and of high rank as well. What if a superior suddenly appears to check up on me and finds you here? I don't want them to get you." Kira let his body relax along the velvet couch. His expression was cold and composed, but a hint of joy could be found in it, "That is why I came here. I'm being chased by lower rank enforcers. Why would lower rank enforcers dare enter your home?" Chris mumbled in defeat, knowing Kira wouldn't understand.

Kira had been laying low here for about two hours. He was out all night on some important business. Escaping from his mission, he was followed by some Enforcers. But since he didn't have the energy to make it to FF Headquarters, he picked the next safest place. "Goddammit Kira, coming in the middle of the night without a single warning, do you know what was going through my mind with all those bloody scars on your body. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Even though Chris was scolding Kira about how irresponsible he was, he couldn't hide the fact that he was general concerned for the man's health.

Kira sat there facing Chris with a blank stare, "I was attacked, what did you want me to do? Turn myself in?" Kira said this in a matter-of-fact tone, which annoyed Chris to no end. About to rebuke Kira, they were interrupted by the sound of footsteps, coming from the entrance hallway. Slowly reaching for his sword Kira was stopped by Chris' large hand. Waiting silently the two came face to face with a sleepy little girl. Relief filled the room as both Chris and Kira relaxed a little. The small girl rubbed her sleepy eyes, trying to focus her unsteady gaze on the two men.

Once her vision settled, her large Amber orbs fell on Kira. An innocent smile came across her face, as she stared at the man, "Daddy!" The girl didn't even hesitate as she threw her small arms around the larger man's long legs, hugging them with all her might. Chris let his forehead hit the palm of his hand, "Diana, what are you doing up so early? You should still be asleep." Diana paid no attention to Chris, as her gaze was set on Kira who seemed totally indifferent about the whole matter.

"Go back to bed Diana." Kira reached for the small hands, gently pulling them off his legs. Tears fell from her eyes, at Kira's coldness, "No! If Diana sleeps, Daddy will go away again." The small child burst into silent tears, but Kira still kept his composure. Binding down on one knee he looked Diana square in the eye,"Diana. Stop crying, you are being very difficult. We have been through this. I can't stay here with you. I need to go." Diana grasped his arm tightly refusing to let go, "Take Diana with you than! Diana wants to go with you! Diana promises she will be good! Please, take Diana with you, Daddy!" She trembled in frustration. Chris could only stand there in silence as the scene before him unfolded.

Looking at the time Kira knew he had to leave. "No, you can't come with me." He said this in a strict voice that left no room for discussion. Diana slowly released her grasp. Lowering her small head, she stood completely still tears running down her cheeks. Standing up, Kira patted the child on the head and walked toward the front door, leaving the girl to stand there in sorrow.

Accompanying him outside, Chris stared at Kira for a good minute, "Don't you feel sorry for her. She rarely gets to see you, and whenever you do come your always cold to her. Kira...when are you going to tell her the truth?" Kira wasn't listening, his attention was solely on the foggy horizon. He slowly scanned the area. Watching his surroundings.

Chris glared at Kira in anger,"Sora!" Finally looking at him Kira gave his attention to Chris. Walking closer so that their faces were right in front of each others Chris burned holes into Kira,"You are her Father. Act like it! You need to start thinking about what is good for Diana!" Kira didn't say anything. Keeping his gaze on Chris who seemed fed up with him, he stayed silent. A few minutes passed when Kira broke the never ending gaze. Walking away Kira spoke in a soft voice, "Why do you think I left her here." And with those words Kira disappeared.


"Don't let him escape!" Effortlessly Kira avoided the oncoming attacks made by the Enforces. Looking at them with empty eyes, Kira felt bored, "This is getting tiring." In that instant Kira slashed at them without even bating an eyelash. In that one minute they were all down, and Kira made his escape.

Arriving at the headquarters, Kira glanced at the time. He was late. Walking soundlessly inside the room, he watched as all the members had their eyes on something. Leaning against the wall, Kira watched the others. His eyes shifted slightly as he spotted a small girl. "What is that?" Kira sounded as if he had just spotted a small animal, and he did. She looked so frail, it was hard to imagine that she was even alive.

One of the members heard his question and ran up to him. Whispering in his ear they explained the current details of the girl. His gaze shifted from the member, and settled on the young girl, "So that thing is a Light Bearer." It wasn't that he didn't believe it, since Doctor Oshiro never lied to them before, but he was curious on how something so small could survive for so long without being killed.

He stayed away from everyone for a little longer, watching how everyone disagreed with the words of Doctor Oshiro. After finally watching Tanuki glare at the girl, he thought it was best to intervene. Walking up to her, Kira stood in front of her. Scanning her over he kept quiet, causing a heavy silence to fill the air. He didn't reach for her, and he didn't move any closer than need be giving an appropriate distance. "She's a White blood." Kira said this to no one in particular, and it made everyone look at each other in question. He could see people were doubtful, but he really didn't care. It wasn't like they had to believe him.

The girl's question rang in his ear, "No. We don't know who you are. But we do know what you are."
Kira really didn't know how to word this situation, so he believed the best way was to start from the beginning. "All we know is that you were found drifting on a iceberg in the frozen sea covered with wounds. From there you were taken to the hospital and treated. But after treatment it was said you threw a tantrum and tried escaping. Anyway, you were stopped, and on you they found the mark of a White Blood. So to answer your question. You are a White Blood."

Kira glanced at the other members who seemed still in disbelief, ignoring them he continued on, "Every White Blood has a unique marking located on their body, that is how people know you are a one. Each White Blood or Light Bearer, as we are also called, has special powers. But because we are different, because we have powers, we have a lot of people who want us eliminated, one of them going by the name of Ira Shoku. So to protect ourselves and to get rid of the people who are after us we Light Bearers, formed an organization called Freedom Fighters."

It wasn't like Ira was the only one who hated them, but he was the must dangerous of them all. And he was a big threat to them, someone who needed to be stopped. "Every person here is like you. We are all Light Bearers. And members of the Freedom Fighters organization. I'm Kira, the Leader of FF, my ability is Shadow stealing. The man with the bright yellow eyes is Balthazar Geroux second in command here, he has the ability of Teleportaion. That person is Katsuyo Naganishi, he is an animal shifter. The man who has a huge temper right there is Tanuki Shoma, his ability is Pain Administration. The girl over there is Sunny Hiroshima she is able to control Dolls. The other girl is Neva Yeh she has Telekinesis." Kira pointed to every member respectively and took his time to explain who they were and their powers.

After the introductions he continued on, "So since you have a mark, that means you have an ability. What it is, I don't know. I would think you would, but that is up to you if you want us to know or not. I think if you stayed here you could learn a lot about yourself, and maybe remember some stuff along the way. I can't promise you it won't be dangerous and you could die staying here. So if you want to leave go right ahead, but one of the two things will happen. One you would get captured and experimented on till they alter you or you die. Two, you will make it outside, but with your frail body and lack of memory, someone would report you back to the hospital. There another person may find your mark, who isn't on our side, and report you. Than you would be killed as well."

Kira said these words like it wasn't a big deal, shrugging his shoulder as he sat down on a chair. "So little girl. What do you want to do? Stay or ran away? Just to remind you either way you will probably die, but here you might at least make some memories to last you until than."


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro Character Portrait: Reina Yeh
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#, as written by girlwt
Neva Yeh

Neva watched the others, oh yes...the great and fearless leader finally stepped up. Even she thought she had more tact than that, especially since he let the idiot Tanuki scare the girl with putting his fist in the wall. She slithered from her position just to get a better look, pausing only slightly to survey the damage that had been done a few minutes ago. She looked at Tanuki with a stare, that seemed to convey that he would be fixing that himself.

Kira speal was what he said to all new members. Yet this one had no memories, and had no idea about how bad it could get. Neva decided to keep her mouth shut for the moment. Looking for any excuse to escape the hallway, she muttered, "I will go find the girl something to eat," and walked out of the hallway toward the kitchen area. Even if she didn't want to stay at least they could feed her, not that Neva cared one way or the other.

Inside the kitchen she prepared a broth, light but perhaps somewhat sweet. While she was in there she also made herself something. Neva brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes, munching on the apple she cut up. She would wait for the others to clear out, before going back. She probably hear about it later on, mostly because, well actually she hadn't a clue. Why did the newbie need everyone standing around, especially since she looked uncomfortable as it was, and the doctor had said she needed food.

The fridge, even though stocked on occasion looked somewhat bare. Someone had left a half-eaten piece of that was odd. No one had dared to touch it though, and Neva wasn't about to, seeing that it probably belonged to one of the guys. She hoped the conversation in the other room wouldn't take to long. She wanted to hear the plans for Ira and his scumbags.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro
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Each word was a shock, it was as if he was punching her in the stomach with all of this new information and quite frankly it hurt. White Blood? Thatโ€™s what she was? For a moment her thoughts drifted and she wondered if their blood was actually white. She couldn't sense anything different, but their leader, he was low on iron. "Blood," she fidgeted, feeling as though their eyes were boring into her skin. "I can manipulate it," Kira had told her all of his group's abilities, it would only be respectful that the damsel did the same. "I don't know how it works, but they used to make me-" she stopped, unsure if she should go on. Those words had unintentionally slipped from her mouth although she wasn't sure where they came from.

She looked at the floor, probing her blank mind for something to say to fill the silence. "They used to make me do terrible things," the adolescent stared at her hands, the memory of the person popping like a balloon overwhelming her for a second before fading from existence once more. The girl finally looked up from the floor and wiped one of her blue eyes once again with the sleeve of her borrowed pajamas. โ€I guess if I donโ€™t have a name I should come up with oneโ€ฆโ€ It was more of a mumble than anything really as she thought about what name to give herself. She would only get this opportunity once so the girl wanted it to be cool, but not unrealistic like a pen name. โ€Mako,โ€ it wasn't that unusual, but not too popular either. "Please call me Mako."

Now for the last question as to whether or not she would stay, Mako had to think about that too. There was no where she could really go, no friends or family to stay with. As far as Mako knew, no one was looking for her, and she had no ID chip which meant that she couldn't apply for a room in a homeless unit or a hotel. That is, of course, if she got that far before the authorities caught her and took her in for not having a chip, or was taken to the hospital because of the state she was in. Now that Mako thought about it, there really wasn't a choice at all. Every road led to an untimely death... "I guess I'll stick with you guys for now," Mako scratched the back of her head, hoping this was the right answer.

Maybe if Mako stayed she would learn how to use her blood manipulation better? Maybe she would be able to get in touch with the doctor that had brought her -Dr. Oshiro she thought his name was- and see if he knew anything. Plus she could be of use to the Freedom Fighters because of the fact that she couldn't be traced.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma Character Portrait: Reina Yeh
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#, as written by Naught

|| The Safe House ||

Staring at a doll on the other side of the room, she wondered what it must be thinking. Maybe that's the reason why she loved dolls, they had no opinions. She continued to stare at it, she focused her energy on it in order for it to move it's arms. What she had to think about was how heavy the object was and could her mentality hold it for a certain time. Just as long as she needed so, that she could get anything done. She didn't know if she could control anything else but, she didn't care to know. Sunny thought that dolls had this sort of stunning beauty to them all. They were all unique in their own way.

She was of age and dolls should be boring and dull to her but, that wasn't the case. Sunny thought dolls were beautiful, they seemed so real, human sized. So, she didn't really see a problem with having dolls at her age. Some people were like her but, she thought she was far from being like anyone. There was a meeting today and it was about a new member coming into FF. She didn't really trust outsiders because, they might give them away. It was just another person she would rarely speak to, like she did with the others. Knowing that it was about time to go meet the newcomer she watched as the doll sat down and crossed it's legs.

She combed the dolls hair and turned away from it. In someway she was connected to this doll, it was the first one she was ever able to make and not destroy in a day. Though, she has had many other doll, this one was like her heart and soul. So, if it breaks so, will she. It was time to save her energy into another doll, and it was just in case she didn't have much of any energy whenever she had to battle. But, right now, she rather have that one. It would be a lot easier taking energy in and giving energy because, she is so used to the source.

Walking out of the room that had her dolls, she walked towards where the hallway was and stopped when everyone was in the room and listened as the unfamiliar girl talked. She listened to the others opinions on the girl and found it rather rude that they would say something without even getting to know the girl first. Though she was young, she must have some sort of magnificent feature like the people in the room, like her. Bowing as she was introduced, she waited for him to finish talking before crossing her arms. After hearing that she didn't remember her name, and was literally giving herself one actually picked at Sunny's heart.

Sunny had to get used to her being here. She didn't think there would be any problems though, as long as the girl could handle her own there wouldn't be any problems. Really feeling sorry for the girl,"No worries Mako. You'll be safe here."


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Jeremiah Fleischer Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Akane Tomomi Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro
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Katsuyo had been spending the better part of his day in the form of a stray cat with jade green eyes, gathering as much information as possible about the celebration and any plans Ira's forces may be scheming. It had been a largely uneventful day thus far and he had nothing to show for his efforts. It had been pure luck when he stumbled past a foreigner speaking in German on his phone. He had no idea who this man was, but thanks to his increased hearing he could tell the other person on the line was Akane, Ira's right hand woman. Her voice had been etched in his mind ever since the time she publicly whipped him for some ridiculous infraction or another. Her annoying screech was not an easily forgotten detail for him.

As the man puffed from his cigarette and spoke Katsuyo loitered by a trash can playing a normal cat, cleaning his fur and the like, all while eavesdropping into their conversation. He stopped mid-lick as he heard Akane say "We are going after the Freedom Fighters, and I mean full attention on wiping them out. No more poking at them with a rod, time to end this. You'll get the details later, just get yourself ready," before she hung up on him.

Katsuyo paused and thought on how he would love to follow this man and hear the rest of the "details" that Akane had to share. Unfortunately time was tight for him and if Akane or any of Ira's other people got on inkling of what he could do, he would be dead meat, and if he didn't attend this so-called "meet and greet" with the new member, Kira would do that job for her.

He waited a few moments for the man to leave after putting his cigarette out and tossing it out before casually strolling away himself in the direction of their headquarters. Thankfully, it was not as far away as he once thought and he entered the door as Dr. Oshiro was opening it. Still in his feline form, he gave Dr. Oshiro a nod of recognition and casually made his way towards his room.

He whimpered and shouted a little in the comfort of his room as he changed back into his original form. The change never seemed to come easier, despite the countless times he's done them. After his pain subsided, he dressed himself and entered the new girl's quarters quietly and shuffled in to stand next to Tanuki as he heard Kira go through his opening spiel. He gave a non-committal nod as Kira mentioned him while running through his introductions.

At the girl's mention of her ability of blood manipulation, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. To think that this little slip of a girl could do something so sinister sounding was shocking. After the girl chose a new name for herself and decided on staying here, he saw no other reason to remain in the room and began to leave. Before he made his exit, he stopped by Kira and touched his shoulder, signaling that there was new information to share with him and the others later. Afterwards, he found his way to the kitchen.

The funny thing about shifting is it takes a lot out of you and it makes you feel like you haven't eaten in weeks. Katsuyo was so hungry, it felt like his stomach was eating his back. Neva was in her own little corner, eating an apple as he came in. "Hey," he said as he rummaged through the fridge, more out of politeness than actual need to strike up a conversation with her. He stopped dead when he saw the piece of cake, and wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth. He grabbed it quickly, as if someone were going to come in and steal it from, along with other various foods and plopped them all down at the table to eat. He began stuffing his face with the other food, saving that delicious piece of sugar for last.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro
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#, as written by Driton
Dr. Oshiro

The quiet rustle of papers being moved was the only thing that broke the silence at all as Masahiro sat alone at his desk. A stack of papers and folders sat to his right and another, smaller stack to his left while in the middle were only a few papers, which he was carefully reading over. After thoroughly examining the papers, he signed each one and sat them on the stack to his left. Sitting back and letting his body relax, he gently picked up his cup and took a sip of the warm green tea, which wasn't so warm anymore. Still, he enjoyed his tea even after it had lost its warmth. He swallowed the last of his tea, stood up, made his way out of the office and headed for the kitchen in his living unit to brew another cup of tea.

There was no one else around at this time, it was after curfew and while there were a few doctors and nurses on duty overnight in the hospital, Masahiro was the only one in the office area. He rather enjoyed the quiet that came with curfew each night, it was peaceful in a way. That having been said, he also enjoyed the busy atmosphere each day brought. He rather like both day and night, each for its own qualities. At night he could enjoy his tea and get his paperwork done undisturbed, during the day there was always something going on, a patient to help, people hurrying here or there, and plenty of people to observe and learn about or learn from.

Returning to his desk, Masahiro sat down, placing his fresh cup of tea to the side, but still within reach, and took a folder from the stack to his right. Opening the folder, he began reading its contents, only pausing to take the occasional sip from his cup.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma
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#, as written by girlwt
Neva Yeh

Neva stopped mid-bite as Katsuyo entered the kitchen, she finished her bite slowly and put up her hand in response to his "hi" in a slight wave. She kinda figured he didn't really want to talk when his attention turned to the fridge. She went to the stove and turned it off, grabbing a bowl to ladle the broth into. She looked back over at Katsuyo, her mouth slightly open at the amount of food he had, and the way he was looking at that piece of cake...why did it make Neva want to blush. She closed her mouth, turned back to her task and decided that she had better leave before whomever the cake belonged to returned and found it being devoured.

Even though she might actually enjoy that scene, it looking rather funny in her head. It included some rather loud yelling (which was even funnier as it appeared all in Korean in her mind) and some choking. Straight-faced she walked out of the kitchen with a tray, and stopped on the other side of the door, and the corner of one side of her mouth slightly upturned. One had to look very close to even compare it to a smile, but it quickly vanished as Neva walked back slowly to the new girls room. She knew the others were still there discussing things, and while she didn't mind not really being a part of that, she was curious.

Having a new light bearer at least meant Ira lost a little, it being a small victory. However with this one having no memory kinda made Neva uneasy...could they trust someone like that. Perhaps she would ask Kira about that later and his thoughts on the matter. She doubted though he actually let her do some digging, as it would probably be deemed to dangerous. Another thought crossed her mind, like what if she did it without him knowing. It would make him mad most likely, and what if he didn't like what she found.

No, she would go back to her first decision for now, and ask him first.

She returned to the hallway, slipped past the others again and put the tray down beside the bed. It would take several minutes to cool down anyways, so if they kept talking, it would probably be the perfect temperature when she was ready to eat it. Not really wanted any acknowledgement for the food, she slipped out and and returned to her room. She took the daggers out of her pocket and started practicing with them. She would hold them as steady as possible and with a small flick of her head sent them toward the target on her wall, it would rather annoy her neighbor, especially when she did it late at night when she couldn't sleep.

The dagger that hit the wall moved as she concentrated on it, it was harder to get it out than to put it in. Finally it loosened, it turned and the blade came flying directly at her, but slowed down as it approached. It stopped completely a few of inches from her. It was a good defense technique as she always was having stuff thrown at her. She leaned forward feeling the point of the dagger against her head. The slight pinch of actually settled her nerves. No she didn't like pain, she wasn't one of those types of people, she just sometimes needed that dose of reality.

The dagger fell with a clatter to her floor, as she had lost concentration on it.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma
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0.00 INK


[color=#BALTHAZAR]โ€œWell, then, Mako.โ€[/color] Balthazar said as he watched the girl, ignoring the others that had entered the room. โ€œWelcome to the Freedom Fighters. I will try as quick as possible to assign a caretaker for you within the next day or so-,โ€ As he spoke, Balthazar quickly teleported back into his room, appearing right in front of the bookcase he had shoved the folder in earlier. Grabbing the dark blue folder, Balthazar teleported back into the room as he grabbed a pen from his jacket pocket. โ€œName, Makoโ€ฆโ€ Quickly, Balthazar filled in a few blank spots on the page, jotting down little details that had been missed earlier on by the nurses. โ€œBlood manipulationโ€ฆโ€ The ink spread across the page smoothly as Balthazarโ€™s cursive handwriting contrasted starkly against the rigid, printed writing that had originally been the only form of writing on the piece of paper. Interesting. To this date we have not been able to find one whom could manipulate bloodโ€ฆ Now, what does this entitle? Healing? Blood constructs such as weapons? Balthazar lost himself in his thoughts as he grabbed his little notebook and jotted down ideas as he looked nowhere in particular, his pen quickly scrawling across the small pages with a rapid fury. But a tap on his shoulder brought Balthazar back to earth, as he turned around to look at a nurse standing beside him.
โ€œSir, she indeed has a white mark- it is in the shape of a very large white rose. Though she is healthy, I fear that her physical capabilities will not be able to sustain long periods of strenuous activity-,โ€ Balthazar cut her off with a wave of his hand and a stern look, the yellow eyes unblinking as they looked down at the nurse with no emotion at all. โ€œIn regards to what this girl shall do while at our safehouse and within our organizationโ€ฆI believe that the decision is betweenโ€ฆKira and I. However, yes.โ€ Balthazar turned his head to survey the girl again, his lips pursed and stuck in a grim frown. โ€œIt would be dangerous to send her out as she is- especially with her power still an unknown force to all of us. But no matter, I will first find someone to watch over her before deliberating with Kira if she should be placed in missions for the Freedom Fighters.โ€ With that, he shut the folder and teleported again, placing it back in the bookshelf before teleporting into Makoโ€™s room once more. These teleportations took no more than one second, as Balthazar had long since mastered the art of teleportation. The waves of nausea that fell upon him, however, were an inevitable as Balthazar once again appeared in the room, his head spinning a little as he turned towards Kira, his hand instinctively catching the table behind him as a sense of support to combat the tiny wave of discomfort.
Breathing in slowly, Balthazar exhaled before starting once more. โ€œI believe that is fine, Kira? Should we discuss about this in this room or in the office; I also haveโ€ฆcomments on what you said earlier to Mako-,โ€ His eyes flickered towards the girl before turning slowly back to Kira. โ€œAnd I believe you should read this file.โ€ Balthazar placed a tiny notebook on the table, and stood straight, his hand letting go of the table edge. โ€œI believe it would be of high importance if we held a meeting sooner than later; I fear that the upcoming festival would be the perfect time for Ira Shoku to pounce on us as he blinds the public- and us- with fireworks and splendor.โ€ Pulling out a large chocolate bar from his coat, Balthazar slowly opened the wrapped and broke off a piece, placing it in his mouth. The chocolate slowly melted on his tongue, washing away the tiny residue of nausea that was left in Balthazar. โ€œWhen you have time.โ€ Breaking off another piece, Balthazar cast Mako one last glance before stating, โ€œI will be in my office, Kira. Just notify me when you have the time. Good day.โ€ Immediately, Balthazar teleported out of the relatively small room and back into his dark office, not waiting for a reply at all, as he always did. The dimmed light helped soothe Balthazarโ€™s nerves as he placed the chocolate on his desk, rubbing his forehead with his hand in an attempt to chase the budding headache in his head away. What is this ominous feeling in my heart. Slowly, Balthazar walked over the to the large curtains that covered the windows of his office and pulled them apart, allowing bright rays of sunshine to filter into the room. A perpetual white met Balthazarโ€™s eyes as snow fluttered down from the grey, white sky, a scene that Balthazar and most had seen since the day they were born. Snow. This must be brought to an end.
Balthazar let the curtains fall back to place once more.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jin Sarutobi
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Hospital || One Year Ago

"Don't worry Jin, you'll be completely fine! It's just a simple check-up." Yeah...just a simple check-up. Jin put his hands behind his back and looked up to the white ceiling of the hospital. It's been a week since he got injured skateboarding and was still in recovery. It was just another one of his weekly check-ups and he had a bad feeling about this one. The nurse was trying to calm him down but obviously it wasn't working. He had only noticed the still developing white mark on his tongue was getting brighter at the end of last week and he's been trying his best to keep it hidden from the doctors in the hospital.

The nurse left the room to go get the doctor for his check-up and Jin stood up. With effort he opened the window and looked out. He was on the fifth floor of a fifteen story building and he couldn't guarantee that if he jumped out this window he wouldn't die. In the end he pulled his head back into the room and looked around the room for anything else he could use to escape before the nurse returned with the doctor. He could take the sheets from his bed and make it into a makeshift rope, but how far would he be able to get down before the nurse came back? and wouldn't somebody notice an eighteen year old boy climbing down from a window? Plus he was still recovering and what if his body gave out as he was climbing down the rope?

Jin sighed and sat back down his bed and ran his fingers through his hair. He just couldn't get a break. Just then the nurse came back into his room with the doctor and they began his regular check-up which consisted of blood, urine, vision, and hearing tests. assessment of his blood pressure, cholesterol level, and weight, and screenings to assess his risk of developing certain diseases. Whenever the doctor had asked to take his temperature he refused to open his mouth. "Come on there's nothing to be worried about, you've done this tons of times before in the past right? Just open your mouth." Jin still refused and it got to the point were the doctor had to wedge his mouth open.

When he saw the mark he immediately stopped and he made a call on the telephone. After he made the call him and the nurse both left the room and Jin heard a click. Did they lock him in? He stood up from his place on the bed and tried to turn the door. Definitely locked. He laid on his back wondering was was going to happen to him now. He had heard about these people who were called 'White Bloods' who had a certain unique ability. He didn't really believe it till he realized his own ability, and it caused his sister to be hospitalized, his father to get in a car crash and now something was going to happen to him for having this ability.

Without Jin's immediate notice someone had enter the room. More like people had entered the room. They were wearing weird outfits and seemed to be discussing something in a whisper, all he knew was that they were taking subtle but noticeable glances at him from time to time. One of the men broke off from the and came towards him. He told Jin to open his mouth and he obliged, knowing it wouldn't be helpful to the situation if he didn't. The man took a good look at his tongue before going back to his group and began talking again. Jin had lost track of how long they've been talking and was about to question what was going on before all six of the men came over to him. Even though he struggled they managed to hold him down. He felt a sharp pain on his arm, but didn't stay awake long enough to see what it was.

Research Facility
Present Time

It was a year and a half after Jin was taken away from the hospital and was taken to a research facility. The memories of those few weeks were hazy, but he doubt he would ever want to remember them. "Hurry and get up, it's time for training." said an almost robotic voice as Jin's cell door creaked open. He stood up and waited until the guard undid his chain before he left his cell, handcuffs still on him. He was then taken to a thick glass building with a huge target in the middle made out of metal. He knew what he had to do and that was simply hit it right? The guard undid the bindings and hurriedly left the room. The sound of hissing grew louder as it bounced off the glass walls of the room.

The venomous snakes started appearing slowly from Jin and formed a low circle around him, waiting. "Attack", and the snakes shot up and hit the target dead center. The screech of their teeth against the hard metal would make anyone want to cringe filled the glass room and then it was filled with the sound of metal shattering under a huge amount of force and falling to the ground.

Jin withdrew his snakes and watched as the scientist recorded data and discussed results. That's all they cared about obviously, they needed nothing else in the world but results. The guard came back into the room and put the restraints back on him seeing that the test was done. He had done this several time this week, though this time he actually managed to destroy the metal target. He was taken back to his cell made of glass once more, just to wait until it was time for him to test once again. Not liked it mattered much, it was just tiring doing to same routine over and over again, but what could he possibly do about it? Things could've been different if he had tried to exit the hospital through the window but he doubted it. This was his life for now on.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro
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0.00 INK


Mako watched as people went in and out of the room, there were so many of them that her head started to spin and she had to sit down on a bed. How can they all stay in one living unit? Mako wondered. She was so glad when the girl called Neva brought her something to eat but didn't get the chance to say thank you because the female left just as soon as she had come. "No worries Mako. You'll be safe here." The other female, the one Mako believed to be called Sunny, said. Mako was glad to hear it, even though Kira had uttered exactly the opposite seconds ago. She watched the co leaders of the FF with a certain unease, although she wore a smile on her face as Balthazar spoke to Kira then disappeared in thin air. Her eyes widened a bit when this happened because she hadn't noticed him come and go before.

Finally Mako picked up the tray with the soup and sipped at the broth inside of the glass bowl, the warm feeling spreading across her entire body. She hadn't realized just how cold it was inside of the room until she drank the liquid. Mako finished it quickly and picked up the foil square the Doctor had left for her. The white blood unwrapped it curiously only to find a dark brown material with a balmy texture. Mako popped it in her mouth, the taste spreading across her tongue as she chewed cautiously, her face suddenly lighting up in delight.

She was about to say something when she froze, Mako believed no one had noticed, but she needed to grab onto the memory before it slipped away.

Mako was four years old, her parents whispering nervously as they stood in line at the clinic for the annual checkup in the spring. Mako bounced around excitedly at the foot of her guardians, unaware of the danger that lurked beyond the waiting room. Her name was finally called and her parents walked with her to the check up room. It was when the doctor stuck the stethoscope under her shirt and asked Mako to breathe that the mark was discovered. They were locked in the office, the panicked sound of doctors and nurses audible through the door. "She's just a child, they won't hurt her." Mako's father whispered as the door opened and Ira Shoku himself stepped in. Mako, oblivious to how a bad situation just got worse, was looking longingly outside at the freshly fallen layer of powder that had yet to be tread on. It was only when Mako's mother burst into tears that the girl tuned into the situation. "Come along now," Ira lifted Mako off the table and dragged her out the door. She bumbled along with him, not knowing her parents were about to be executed for treason. "There's someone who will be very excited to see you."

It took only a second for the memory to cause distress. Her smile slipped away and her lips pressed together in a tight line , she placed the tray with the empty bowl on the ground. Mako hoped they wouldn't notice, she didn't want them to think she was hiding something. "Please don't allow me to keep you from anything," Mako said to Tanuki, Sunny, and Kira who remained in the small space. "But before you leave, would you mind telling me what was in this?" She held up the foil that had contained the most wonderful thing in the world.

No one had a chance to move before a crackling began and a set of speakers turned on, "ATTENTION ALL CITIZENS A GROUP OF LIGHT BEARERS HAVE BEEN SPOTTED WITHIN THE VICINITY, PLEASE REMAIN IN LIVING UNITS UNTIL THE CLEAR SIGNAL HAS BEEN GIVEN. ATTENTION ALL CITIZENS- The female on the bed covered her ears, it was too loud, too loud! She whimpered and tried to block the sound out, but it penetrated every corner of her brain.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma
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0.00 INK

When Kira introduced him to the girl he made no move to introduce himself, he just simply looked away. Kira made his famous speech and he knew for a fact that refusing her entry was no longer an option. He did not see much in Kira's thoughts of making memories with the group and was more focused on his goal of killing Ira Shoku.

Tanuki's temper was not calming down since he started getting ignored by his comrades and his remarks for needing more fighters for the group had became a fleeting thought. He could tell that the group was starting to warm up to the little girl but Tanuki was still going to be obstinate about his disdain for her being her comrade. When both Kira and Balthazar became willing to let her join their ranks, he simply had to kiss his teeth and shut his mouth. There was also the matter with Neva's death stare, Tanuki knew he had to fix that wall some point in the day in order to not face her temper. It was the only one that can rival his nonsensical anger. The group had diminished to a crowd of four and Mako had made a request to leave her be. "Whatever. As long as I don't have to babysit this brat, that's fine by me." Tanuki was the first to leave the group as he walked out of the room, gripping his fist tight. "What is up with this group. We need stronger people who can fight Ira Shoku."
The thoughts were just frustrating as Tanuki messed with his hair, trying to wipe away the unnecessary thoughts.

Soon an automated announcement blurted out through the hideout. Tanuki grind his teeth knowing that there was trouble afoot. "Damn that bastard, don't tell me they followed me back here." Tanuki made a mad dash to towards the meeting area hoping that Kira or Balthazar would have some info regarding that sudden announcement. Even if there was a need for the group to retaliate at the very least it would give his fist something to punch since he had been on a fighting hiatus for a while. Tanuki was in a bad mood already, so relieving some stress on the government dogs would be great.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremiah Fleischer Character Portrait: Homra Character Portrait: Akane Tomomi Character Portrait: Jin Sarutobi
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0.00 INK


She turned to walk out of the cage, leaving the door open so that the nurse could come put in the ID chip. Her stomach fluttered in excitement as she bounced along, looking for her next pick. The woman went up to where Jin Sarutobi would be about now, stopping his training and giving him the same proposition as she had with Homra. "You've been assigned to help hunt down the FF," Akane began. "You'll be given an ID chip and supplies so that we can monitor you and you can hunt down the Freedom Fighters. What do you say?" He didn't exactly have a choice but it would be much easier if he were willing.

Akane didn't wait for an answer, she left again, checking her cell for any updates from Ira. She would not be going on this trip unless something went wrong, Akane would be monitoring their ID chips from the control tower. The female wished she could go out into the field once more but Ira needed her here. Her phone buzzed with an alert and she fumbled through her pockets for the device she had just put back. An update. Akane dialed Jeremiah, hoping he was in Main City.

"There's been a spotting in the Main City, on the edge where the buildings end and living units begin." The butterflies danced in a magnificent ballet as she bolted to the elevator so that she could scan the chips in case of a struggle. It was not easy locating Light Bearer's, most were disguised as regular citizens and only came out when they were in a fight. "Between Sakura Street and Haku."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akane Tomomi Character Portrait: Jin Sarutobi
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0.00 INK



It was during another one of Jin's training sessions that Akane had walked into the metal building, obviously with the intention of doing business. Other wise she wouldn't even bother coming here. "You've been assigned to help hunt down the FF. You'll be given an ID chip and supplies so that we can monitor you and you can hunt down the Freedom Fighters. What do you say?" He didn't bother with given her an answer, there was no for words. The malicious smile that appeared on his face as that moment was enough. Jin was immediately taken with a guard of course to get his ID Chip inserted under the skin of his right wrist.

The much unneeded supplies was given to him and he was eager to begin hunting them down. A lot more eager then he was for finally being able to go outside in what seems like years. Even if the outside was a barren wasteland covered in snow and ice, to him it was a lot better then being trapped inside a glass cage for god knows how long. 'The hell is taking them so long to release me? I'm loosing sweet and precious time I could be using the hunt those pests down.'

{OOC: Sorry for short post but my family is currently moving and I didn't want to hold anything up. I'll probably be able to post again around Friday when the internet is installed at our new house.}


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremiah Fleischer Character Portrait: Akane Tomomi
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0.00 INK



He had intended to return to his own living block after his trip outside, mostly to collect what gear and information he would need when it came to hunting down the Freedom Fighters. He was partly excited, as this meant he'd finally be engaging the Freedom Fighters head on rather than indirectly. In the past, any time he crossed blades (or rather exchanged bullets) with them, it was because he was after a white blood that they happened to be after. Now though, he would be facing them directly. He smiled at the thought, knowing that finally he'd be able to really test his own capabilities.

The FF had been in hiding for a long time, and they knew how to keep themselves hidden very well and out of the way of prying eyes. He'd only engaged them simply because they happened to run into each other, not this time. Oh boy he couldn't wait for the opportunity. He looked down when he felt the familiar vibration of his phone going off, pulling it from his pocket only to see the same number from before. He scowled some, wondering just what in the hell she was bugging him about. Sliding his finger across the screen again to answer it, he brought it up to his ear. "What now?" he asked slightly irritated.

"There's been a spotting in the Main City, on the edge where the buildings end and living units begin." He heard Akane say, Jeremiah slowly his pace a bit before coming to a stop. "Between Sakura Street and Haku." she said after a pause.

Jeremiah nodded his head, smiling a little bit. Least he'd get something to do, and most likely he'd cross paths with the FF. that worked for him. "Moving now." he told her before he hung up his phone, putting it back into his pocket before he quickened his pace again. He walked fairly quickly, and as he made his way down the street he began to hear the repeated announcement about the Light Bearers having been spotted. People were rapidly clearing off of the street, not wanting to be out during the curfew less they face the wrath of Ira's enforcers.

He made his way towards the location she had told him, which was actually about a fifteen minute walk from where he was. He'd been smart enough to jog though, so he was able to make it there much sooner. By now, the streets were dead, as not a soul was out and about anymore. Stopping near a corner, he peeked out and around, watching and listening for any sound. There was nothing to be heard at the moment, save for the sound of his own breathing. It was perfect, because it meant any light sound could be the people he was looking for. He quickly knelt down, removing the case that he carried on his back and setting it on the ground before him.

Quickly and efficiently, he opened up the case that contained his trusted rifle. It was in several pieces, so that it could fit within the case; he picked up the receiver that also contained the firing mechanism, attaching them to the stock as he pulled it out. Next he removed the barrel, carefully slotting it into position and listening for the 'click' of it latching into place. Right after that, he then pull out the hand grip that ran along the front, which had a collapsible bi-pod that formed part of the bottom half-of the hand grip; with just a push of a button on the side, the legs would extend out for use. The last pieces he removed was firstly the silencer for his rifle, quickly attaching it to the end, followed by the telescopic/red-dot sight that he set upon the rail atop of the receiver of the gun.

Smiling, he then reached into the case, pulling out three magazines of ammunition. Each contained a different type of ammo, and he put two of them into his pocket while slapping the magazine which contained the standard ammunition and pulling back the bolt. He was careful to make sure that the bolt slid forwards quietly, and with it loaded he quickly closed up the case and placed it onto his back once more. Equipped with his weapon, he then stood up and peeked carefully around the corner, once again listening for any sound of someone out and about. He smiled, for the hunt was now on.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Masahiro Oshiro
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Driton
Dr. Oshiro

Masahiro still sat at his desk, but now most of the papers and folders had been moved to the processed stack. He seemed to be deep in thought as he jotted down notes in a small notebook. He was interrupted in the middle of his writing by the sudden flickering of the light in his office. He looked up at the light bulb in the center of the room and watched it for a few seconds before it flickered again and then went dark with an audible popping noise, the only light now in the room was streaming through the door from the hallway. He put his notebook and pen into his pocket and began making his way toward the utility closet. As he was walking down the hall he heard the announcement, Ira Shoku's forces had spotted Light Bearers.

All thoughts of the burnt out light bulb now gone, Masahiro picked up his pace and swiftly made his way to the reception area of the hospital, where the few staff members that were on duty would be waiting for him. Walking into the reception area, he found his staff already there and all eyes looking at him. He could see concern clearly evident in their expressions, but none seemed scared or even worried really, they were well trained and could keep their calm. After only a brief moment to collect his thoughts, Masahiro began to speak. "As you all know, the Light Bearers have been spotted somewhere nearby, this means it is fairly likely a fight will break out between them and the Enforcers. I hope both sides will have the decency to keep the fighting away from the hospital, however, in the end we're the closest hospital to where the fighting will happen, that means we'll be where the wounded will be taken. Treat both Enforcers and Light Bearers, if any come, like you would any other patient. If you see the mark of light on anyone, pretend you didn't notice and after you finish treating them, report it directly to me and I'll take care of it, there's no reason for any of you to get caught up in this mess. Now obviously we're short on staff since it's after curfew, that means if we get flooded with wounded, nurses will have to go from patient to patient and do what you can to stabilize them while they're waiting for surgeons to get to them. You all know what you're doing, so just focus and do your best."

His speech now over with, Masahiro went to scrub up and prepare himself. All the other staff immediately began making their own preparations as well. The place seemed lively enough as everyone hurried to and fro making their preparations, but still there was an air of uneasiness about, everyone knew that if a fight really did break out, they would be receiving what was basically wounded soldiers from a war. This would likely be a long night.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Katsuyo Character Portrait: Sunny Character Portrait: Mako Character Portrait: Kira Character Portrait: Balthazar Geroux Character Portrait: Neva Yeh Character Portrait: Tanuki Shoma
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0.00 INK


Fear filled every crevice in her body, she was frozen on the bed, her whole body shaking. What was she afraid of? Mako blinked, suddenly aware that she had no reason to be scared, they couldn't identify her with their scanners and fancy machinery, her White Blood mark wasn't even visible. Coming out of her stupor, Mako went over to the closet and pulled out a jacket; she wasn't sure whose clothes she was borrowing but at this point it didn't really matter. "Won't they be here soon? Shouldn't we do something?" She asked seeing as how no one had moved from their spots. If needed, Mako would take things into her own hands, she knew how to use her ability and making one soldier turn on another was nothing foreign.
She turned towards Tanuki who seemed to be the only one not rooted to the spot. "Do you guys have an escape route or some sort of emergency plan?" No doubt this wasn't the first time they had been found, the government had probably picked up on suspicious movement and were tracking them through their chips.