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Suren Craven

"I'll do it for the food."

0 · 807 views · located in Tyrillia Academy

a character in “Tyrillia Academy”, as played by SMinSC


Full Name:: Suren Craven

Gender:: Female
Age:: 17
Rank:: Misfit
Sexuality:: Straight

Appearance:: Suren is an average sized girl, a bit of the skinny side from lack of appopriate food, but not overly skinny. She is very lithe overall, and has waist high red ahir that she keeps in a braid. Her eyes are green like grass and she has a soft face. IF she is mad however, that soft face becomes quite mean looking, although she doesn't get mad too easily. She wears second hand clothing she buys, and most of them are too large for her anyways.
Personality:: Suren has a kind personality. She is ealy to talk to and doesn't really care about rank, although she envies rick people for their food and soft beds. She will make conversation with anyone and will help people who are kind to her. If someone is mean too her, she will return that feeling back to them.
+mean people
+being alone
+Losing Kivuli
+Dying of hunger
+being mocked for her rank
Relationship:: She has slept with one person, although he died shortly thereafter in a freak explosion
Skills:: She is good at making peace talk between two people who are fighting. She isn't a skilled fighter, but can be a threat when fighting with Kivuli.
Clubs:: Music, Dance, Fencing

Name of Bond::Kivuli
Race of Bond:: Hellhound
Personality of Bond:: Kivuli is a very cold Bond. She rarely cares about anyone besides Suren, and will often bad-mouth people. She enjoys fighting and fights dirty. She will often try to pick fights with people, except people Suren likes, then she will stay quiet. If she feels someone is too strong, she will try to agravate them worse. She is only kind to Suren, and feels that others are intruding on her time with her. She will, however, take it down if the bond is another demon like herself. She is also a pyromaniac, often settin gthings on fire with her tail and paws.
Skills of Bond:: Being a demon, she is extremely difficult to kill. She can also light fires to engult victims, however, she is immune to them.

History:: Suren comes from a slum. She doesn't really have much, besides Kivuli, except a small apartment with water and electricty that work on their own schedules. She has worked sence she was eight, sweeping up for a barber. She had to get three jobs in order to afford her home. She goes out of her way in order to keep peace, and gives advice and help to those younger than herself. She was surprised when she was invited to Tyrillia Academy, but looks to it as a sign of furtunes to come.
Family:: None alive
Other:: She cares deeply about people, even ones she dislikes. She is always thinking about others, dispite Kivuli telling her to think more about herself.

So begins...

Suren Craven's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Sai
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#, as written by SMinSC
Suren was looking at nothing when Erin told her that his sister now hated him. She didn't like that word, hate, it was very dark and made her feel sad.

"She doesn't hate you, although, we did kind of rush her crush, so she just might need some time to herself." Thats when he asked what the plan was, and she didn't know what to do, although Kivuli only suggested they go somewhere and have a makeout session, "You are gross, Kivuli." She aimed at her bond, who didn't really care. Kivuli then got up and walked to the dire wolf and sniffed him, in order to get to know him or something. "I don't really know, want to go for a walk?" She asked

That is when Suren noticed a girl across the cafeteria yell something and then she kneed another student in his groin. The girl then left, "On second thought, lets follow her, she seems like fun." She said to Erin and then grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes, "You in or are you out?" She said, and before he could answer she got up, still holding his hand, and started in the direction of the girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Samuel Yesil Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Sai
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Sammy was doing something he had never done before, moping. He had almost no idea what he was moping about either. Maybe it was from what he did, or maybe from his classmates' reactions. But at that time, he felt like crap, and that was certain.

" there you are I was so worried about you when I could not find you in the mess hall ..expecially after another one of those meat head of an upperclassmen stoped me looking for yiou"

Sammy slowly looked up at Sai. Right, forgot about her.... "Sorry, Sai. I... I just didn't feel so good, so I decided to step out for a bit. I'm fine now, ya." He had a lifeless look in his eyes, making it painfully obvious he wasn't OK. "I'm gonna go back to the room and get some rest..." And without even asking if she had wanted to come, he started down the hall. But then he heard running from behind him. What does Sai want now?. He turned around to see, not Sai running towards him, but Suren and Erin instead, the latter being dragged by the former. He slowly turned around and only said, "Hey..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Samuel Yesil Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Sai
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#, as written by Siryn
Erin Tyryl

"Yeah I'm in-" before he could finish she'd taken his hand and dragged him from the table. Erin stumbled as she took off for the door after the girl who'd left. He stumbled around the boy who'd taken a hit to the crotch and he winced slightly.

"Sorry, man," he said as they passed by. Suren didn't stop though, only kept going as fast as she could down the hall. Ahead of them, he saw the girl that Suren had been intent on going after, and then Samuel. He groaned slightly. He was sure that the poor boy thought they were chasing after him and felt kind of bad. He had wanted to let Samuel be on his own for a while as it seemed that's what he'd wanted.

"Hey..." Samuel said, but there was no enthusiasm in it. The boy looked... down. Erin wondered why, then realized it was probably his fault since he'd yelled at Samuel earlier.

He put a smile on his face though, trying to lighten the mood, "Hey. Didn't expect to see you. Suren here wanted to see this chick. She's got some fire, we just saw her drop one of the upperclassmen. Kinda awesome," Erin said turning his smile to the new girl. Erin didn't mention Rue, or what had happened earlier, figuring it was a bad idea.

"She sure is a bundle of energy, glad we found someone other than me to keep up with you, Erin," Nemesis said as he finally caught up to them. The dire wolf looked over to the girl and gave a soft huff, leaning over to sniff her. He turned his large head upwards to look at her then simply walked away towards Samuel. The wolf promptly sat himself down next to the boy and leaned heavily against him, fully aware of Samuel's feelings. Nemesis, however didn't say a word to Erin about it, only sat there, allowing his company to speak the words for him to Samuel.

"Yeah, she sure is," he replied glancing at Suren, whose hand he still held. The realization hit and he gently pulled his hand free, coughing to cover his nerves. Running a hand through his white hair he grinned at the two girls and Samuel. "Well, seems like we still got some time to kill before classes start. Any grand ideas, gang?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Samuel Yesil Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Sai
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#, as written by SMinSC
Suren was surprised that following this girl, Sai, lead them back to Samuel. "Didn't see that one coming." She thought as Kivuli stood in her place, against her bonds leg. Suren noticed that Erin let go of her hand, and she felt a little sad he let go.

"Hey." She smiled at the girl, "I am Suren, nice to meet you." She said and waved at the girl, when suddenly a fox bond came up with a box and handed it to Sai, and she pulled out a fancy necklace, "Dang" Kivuli said, and Suren was now interested, "That is fancy. Any idea who it's from?" She asked, getting lcoser to her, in order to see the details of the jewelery.

Then Erin asked the question, "I don't know, how about you, Samuel? Any ideas?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Samuel Yesil Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Sai
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Sammy listened to their happy conversation, with a small frown on his face. You don't have to try so hard... To both of their casual questions, he only answered an apathetic, "No..." and then continued after the second one, "Look, I'm just tired okay? After I get some sleep I'll be as healthy as a horse. Haha..." Even his laughter lost its luster. He didn't even care about the mysterious gold necklace Sai had just received, when it normally would have completely piqued his interest. "Well then, see you guys later..." He said as he turned around and started walking through the empty halls once again.

This event had reminded Sammy of another time he suddenly got really bummed. He was in first grade, when a girl confessed to him. The sad thing for the girl was that Sammy wasn't all that different than how he is now, including his lack of interest in women. So when Sammy simply answered, "So?" to the girl's honest confession, she ran away in tears. During the entire time he was getting scolded he kept saying, "But I didn't do anythin'!" Then for that entire week, Sammy just stayed at home. He probably would have stayed longer if his mother hadn't threatened to kick out Snatch and Dodge. Oh ya, where are they anyways? Sammy thought to himself, having broken out of his flashback. He looked at the floor behind him, but there were no bonds, not even a single wagging tale. He thought about calling for them, but decided not to. He needed some time to himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Martin Feygor Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Sai
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#, as written by Siryn
Erin Tyryl

He scratched the back of his head as he looked over and peered at the necklace that the girl held. He was about to offer an answer when Samuel left, saying he was tired and needed some rest. Erin frowned slightly, but didn't say anything, leaving the boy to his own. He knew that if he needed space, he wouldn't want anyone chasing after him either. So, Erin let Samuel go and turned back to the conversation at hand. Nemesis, having lost his resting place, turned and plopped down next to his bond, laying his huge head in his paws and closing his eyes.

The necklace Sai had was then in Suren's hands and the girl was saying something about letting Suren have it. Erin grinned, it was a pretty little thing and he admitted that it would look good on her.

"Here, let me help you," he offered, and took the necklace so that he could secure it around her neck. Once that was done, he looked to Sai, "So what do you think, does it look good on her?"

"Erin, maybe we should try to find your sister," Nemesis pipped up suddenly, flicking his ears upwards and getting to his feet. The large dire wolf stretched, opening his jaw to reveal large sharpened teeth as he yawned.

Erin stopped, his smile fading as he looked to his bond. With a sigh he nodded, "Yeah. You're right. Should at least make sure she's alright and not lost somewhere. That would be bad," Erin said slowly, looking up to the ceiling. The school was very large, and easy to get lost in. He remembered some of the adventures he'd had with Nemesis his first year.

"Adventures? Ha, that's a nice way of putting it," Nemesis huffed, "If I remember correctly, you were freaking out when you realized how lost you were."

"I was not! It was interesting and fun, not scary, jeez. Alright c'mon, lets go find her," Erin said as he glared at the wolf. He smiled at the girls as he turned to leave, "Well, I have to go find my sister, you're both more than welcome to come, but I guarantee it's not going to be very entertaining," he laughed.

Rue Tyryl

Snow's wings unfurled from Rue's face as the phoenix turned to see who had spoken. She'd been so lost in her own thoughts, anger and sadness that she missed the boys entrance into the hall completely. Her heart leapt to her throat and she just stood there for a long time staring at him. Her first nervous thoughts where 'where the heck did this guy come from?' then to why he thought that she was getting intimate with her bond.

Rue raised an eyebrow as she then turned her sharp green eyes to Snow who in turn looked at her as well. With a ruffle of her wings, which was Snow's way of shrugging, the bond bounced on her shoulder as she cocked her little head off to the side to examine the boy standing across from them.

"He seems nice..."

Rue didn't answer, her face flushing with embarrassment and frustration. It took her a while but she finally managed to get some soft words out to the stranger across from her.

"Why would I do that?"

Snow bounced on her shoulder in agreement.

"She's a girl," Rue said right after, her eyes turning to the floor. She fought back her nervousness, her brother brought her to the academy for one main reason. To be out of the stuffy house, and to make friends. He was tired of seeing her alone, and she was tired of being alone. However, that didn't make it easier. Rue flicked her eyes back up to the boy who stood much taller than herself. Of course, a lot of the students stood taller than her, for she was quite small. What she lacked in, Snow picked up, though. So just because she was small didn't mean she was easy to pick on.

"Why are you out here?" She asked softly, biting her lip.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Sai
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#, as written by SMinSC
Suren looked at this beutiful necklace Sai had just given her and Erin put on her. It was beautiful, although it must have looked odd on her, given what she was wearing. Then Erin told her she looked amazing, well good, in it. "Suren and Erin sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Kivuli said, and Suren ignored her.

"Thank you so much Sai, it looks beaustiful, I promise I will get you something as great." "Like we could afford that." "And you," She said turning to Erin, "Thanks for helping me put it on." Then Erin asked if they wanted to go anywhere before class began. She wanted to go with him, he was cute and fun. but she really did want to explore this new school. "Sorry Erin, I was hoping to explore the school before class began. Don't worry, I will find ya, we are roommates." She said with a toothy grin before giving him a kiss on the cheek and bolting off, with a huge smile on her face.

She was walking around some random place when Kivuli annonced, "See ya kiddo." "Where are you going?" "Exploring." "Thats my excuse." "Come on, I will just do some hunting." "Fine, but god help you if you burn down anything, i swear we will not only join the simming team, but you will get two bathes a day, got it?" "Yes." Kivuli liked that spark in Suren, she was sweet, but she had a scary temper.

After Kivuli set off on her adventure, Suren found herself in some kind of gym. It was huge, and looked to have everything in there, racketball, swimming pools, baseball field indoors, which Suren thought was weird. She was looking around when she found a basketball court. Inside of it she saw the guy from the assembly, "Aslan Something or other" She thought to herself as she decided to join him. She was pretty good at basketball, her apartment building had a very old one and had a ball, so she would practice with others when she wasn't working.

"Hiya," She started, "Alsan, right? I am Suren, nice to meet ya." She said very friendly, making friends with the class president could be good for her. "Mind if I give it a try?" She said, motioning for the basketball he was holding.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch Character Portrait: Girardo Beyk
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0.00 INK

Amalthea Oprah

As Edryk recounted the story of his experience during the Third War every bone in Ama's body shivered from fear and remorse. She suddenly wished that she had lived through the war so that she could tell him she understood his pain but she knew nothing for war, she only know the struggle of inferiority any misfit has every gone through. She didn't know who her parents were so the only feeling she had was abandon not the loss of a dear father she loved in the midst of a battle.

When Edryk had ended his sorrowful story Ama didn't move, she didn't even flinch or turn red when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and said, "Well I'm not just gonna stay in this place all day"

Suddenly, Ama wrapped her arms around his torso and stuffed her head on his chest.
"What in the world are you doing!" Sloan said.

"I'm so sorry," Ama cried to Edryk, "If it helps, let me carry the burden, let me help you, let me hold your hand and tell you every day that I love you and that I will always be here to aid you when you need it. I am here for you to cry on my shoulder."

Aslan Portegar

He was shooting ferocious hoops, never stopping and sweating like a whore in church. He was taking out his anger in basketball just like his shrink had suggested for him to do, "Calm your anger by putting into something that will physically tire you," he remembered his psycologist telling him.

"I'm trying!" He yelled as he dunked in a ball.

"Hiya," a girl said which surprised him, "Alsan, right? I am Suren, nice to meet ya," the girl was surprisingly simple and kind, she had very long hair and beautiful green eyes, "Mind if I give it a try?"

He realized that she wanted the ball so for a second he thought she was joking but then he threw her the ball and went to drink some water at the fountain against the wall behind flapping doors. He looked through the small window on the door as he drank to see what the girl would do. Was she all talk or was she actually a basketball player?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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#, as written by SMinSC
Suren was pleased that Aslan gave her the ball. From what she saw of him, he was either here for a while, or he must sweat easily. Alghough, she did wonder who he was yellling at. She decided to pay it no mind, and she placed the ball down to take off her hoodie, she liked it, but when it came to sports, less was better. She had on a tee that was blue on one side and red on the other, they were mixing in the middle.

Aslan had left, probably to get some water, Suren thought, so she threw her hoodie to the side and began dribling. When she had played, contact was allowed between players, but not full -out punching, so she might have been disqualified if she played here. She began to dribble upcourt, turning around occationaly, imagining that someone was blocking her, and she would cross either left or right to make it closer. When she got to the three-point line, she imaginined that two people were on her, so she cut in betweent hem and went for a three-pointer, which went in.

"And the point goes to Suren." She said excitedly and make small cheering noises, before she retrived the ball and began the process over again. Out of the ten times she did that, she made 7 of her shots. She was sweating, but not badly. She was use to heat while playing, so it took a while for her to start. She then remembered that she hadn't seen Aslan while doing her thing, so she looked around and saw him looking in through a small window.

"Enjoying what you are seeing?" She asked sarcasticaly, "Or do you want to play? Afraid a little girl is gonna beat you?" She said, completely taunting him, he was avioding her, or studying, although she didn't like either, so playing together seemed like fun. She stayed in the exact middle of the court, waiting for his answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch
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Aslan Portegar

He had to admit it, the girl moved swiftly, she didn't have perfect posture and she missed a few shots but she probably didn't play as much as he did and plus, he had been playing out of pure anger. She on the other hand, played with ease and joy, she ran to the hoop pretending their were adversaries which made him think that he should do the same.

"And the point goes to Suren," she cheered on for herself.

He laughed a little but kept watching her just to see how good she could get and boy was she good, "Enjoying what you are seeing?" Her sudden question surprised him, "Or do you want to play? Afraid a little girl is gonna beat you?"

Aslan pushed the doors open and laughed, "As if you could beat me," he walked toward her never taking his eyes off of her then he snatched the ball from her hands slipped by her and shot the ball in the hoop, "Let's do it! Let's see if I can teach you something."

Amalthea Oprah

Edryks words had flown her far from the infirmary, far from the school, far from all reality and his kiss had utterly stunned her but instead of staying dumbfounded and stoned from shock, she closed her eyes and returned the kiss. In that moment she wasn't even thinking anymore, she didn't even consider the thought that he was a Blue Blood and that she was a Misfit. She heard notes ringing in her head, music playing and the words of a song coming into her mind. She wanted to jump onto a stage and sing her heart out but only to one person. Edryk.

"Okay, I think I'll just go hunting now," Sloan brought Amalthea back to reality.

Amalthea came back to reason and gently pushed Edryk away then blushed like crazy. the guy she had been dreaming of all the time just kissed her and shared breath taking love words with her. . . but she was out of her league.
"I am so sorry, I shouldn't have," Amalthea was going crazy, "I mean I really liked it, I LOVED IT! I wouldn't mind going again, but I don't know if. . . I mean all of this is just. . . WOW!"

While Amalthea was going nuts Sloan had slipped away laughing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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#, as written by SMinSC
Suren rolled her eyes when Aslan took the ball away from her and made a shot. She thought it was cute that he wanted to prove himself to a stranger by beating her, it was fun.

"Wow," She said sarcastically, "Taking the ball away from someone who was standing still, you must be an excellent player." She said it all sarcastically, that would have made Kivuli proud. When he returned with the ball she took it and shot from the half way point, it went in by some work of magic, "Thank You god." She thought to herself as she went to retrive the ball, all the while fingering her necklace.

"Now, you honestly think you can beat one of Bajhashmel's best street players, good luck kiddo." She said, smirking at him, she did enjoy taunting him, "What do you say we make this interesting," She said with an idea in her head. "Who ever wins gets a future favor to whatever ends the other wants, deal?" She said knowing her odds were not as good as his, but she had speed and he looked angry. "Plus student president could get me a good favor" SHe thought, realizing she had turned into Kivuli, somewhat arrogent, but playful about it at the same time, and she enjoyed the rush.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch
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Aslan Portegar

"Wow," Suren said sarcastically, "Taking the ball away from someone who was standing still, you must be an excellent player."

Then she sped toward ASlan and stole the ball away from his to make a shot but the ball got through the hoop only by sher luck and then Aslan used her phrase against her, "Wow, taking the ball away from someone who was standing still, you must be an excellent player."

Then she added, "Now, you honestly think you can beat one of Bajhashmel's best street players, good luck kiddo." Aslan automatically knew that she was a misfit but he was a little surprised that a misfit could play ball that well, "What do you say we make this interesting, who ever wins gets a future favor to whatever ends the other wants, deal?"

"That sounds perfect to me," Aslan grinned.
He didn't really care if he lost or won, if he had to do a favor to a misfit but he knew that if he did lose he would never do her favor in public. It would taint his reputation if everyone knew he was doing a favor for a misfit.

Amalthea Oprah

Edrky touched her lips so softly that she had no choice but to shut up and just looking into his eyes made her feel like she was in another world. Her whole past miseries seemed to vanish and she forgot all about the discrimination.
"Ya know, I love it when you blush and even when you smile but now. . . Amalthea, I will kiss you again," and he did kiss her again which just blew Amalthea away.

Was there any way she could say no to the hot man holding her close. Nope. She was under a spell call utter love. But utter love did not blonden her enough to see when Edryk was thinking about something and whatever it was it was either very happy but made him sad.

"Edryk," Amalthea spoke softly and rested her head on his chest, "You still haven't been totally honest with me, right? I can see it in your eyes. What are you no telling me?"
Amalthea could be wrong but she had this tugging feeling in her chest that what Edryk had said wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth either.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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0.00 INK

#, as written by SMinSC
Suren cocked her head to the side, and was happy when he agreed to the bet. She knew if he won, she would be his slave for a day or something like that, so she would make sure she wouldn't lose. She checked the ball to him and got on the other side of him.

"Alright, Alsan, play to 20, anything goes, short of full out punching, got it?" She said to hiim, preparing herself for him to charge, she had faced guys like him, try to plow through her, and she could usually counter them, and then she would take the ball and go for her point. She hoped it would work.

While this was going on, Kivuli had just returned from the forest, after killing some prey. She didn't use her fire, but used speed and incredible bite force. "Can't get made about that, knept my promise." She thought to herself as she made her way to the dorm-room. She remembered where to find it, and Suren knew that if she got tired, she would always go to her current place of living. She had learned to use her teeth and turn the knob, and she was somewhat surprised that it was unlocked, although Suren didn't have much to steal. She found Erin and Nemisis sleeping on his bed, and saw that Erin was shirtless, "Save it for Suren." She said and then used her mouth to move her bed next to Erin's bed. She liked to sleep near other sleeping people, but might not like to wake up with her beside him. PLus he had a faint smell of Suren on him, which was more comfortable than the clothes she owned. She layed on the bed, and faced Erin and Nemisis, and put her head down to sleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Amalthea Oprah Character Portrait: Suren Craven Character Portrait: Edryk Gregrovitch
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Amalthea Oprah

"Don't worry about it. . . its nothing I just gotta go. . . just please don't follow me ok babe?"

Ama still wasn't used to him calling her babe so it felt weird but for the little time she had been with him she already could tell that something was up with him. Something was bothering him and he wasn't ready to tell her so she respected that. When he let go of her hand and ran off she didn't say anything even though she was a little hurt. She felt a little bad that Sloan had left because now she would be alone, but she could deal with it for a little while.

"Come on babe. . I got something to show yah!"

When Edryk called her she felt like butterflies had invaded her heart and that wings had grown on her back and picked her off her feet. But she tried not to show it and instead she said, "Make up your damn mind! Don't follow you, follow you!"

Even so, Amalthea sprinted after him and followed him through a door.

Aslan Portegar

Suren quickly checked the ball at him and when she got prepared in front of him he grinned then placed himself ready to play some ball with her.

"Alright, Alsan, play to 20, anything goes, short of full out punching, got it?"

Aslan started to dribble then laughed, "You can punch if you want but I play fair games."

He sped passed her and dribbled between his legs quickly to make it harder for her to understand where the ball was going. He did nothing fancy but on things to confuse her and then he made his way to the hoop.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maya Hawthorne Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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It was right about this time that Walker and Brenna fired a shot of bad luck his way, enough to screw his game over. Walker sniggered a little as he and Brenna watched from the shadows, their giggling hidden by by sounds of the ball, the feet of the people playing, and general white noise.

Maya at this point was flying through the halls, tapping into Quetzalcoatl's magic to both make her lighter than air and to make the wind blow right at her feet so she could stay in the air for as long as she wanted.
"Where in the nine hells is everybody?" she said to herself, pulling a corner and drifting down the hall.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Hayley Highmore Character Portrait: Samuel Yesil Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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#, as written by Siryn
Erin Tyryl

He rolled over onto his side, his arm draping over Nemesis' large but soft body. The dire wolf gave a soft growl as he shifted to fit Erin's form. After a moment of just lying there, he finally opened his eyes with a sigh. The nap was refreshing, Erin hadn't realized how tired he actually was. Of course not getting a good nights rest for almost an entire week could be cause for that.

"Hey fur bag, wake up," Erin said to the wolf lying next to him. He gently patted Nemesis' neck and rubbed the dogs side to help wake him. The dire wolf sighed heavily and stretched, opening his enormous mouth as he yawned.

"I'm awake," then Nemesis' reeled backwards, knocking into Erin as he stood up quickly on all fours and huffed in agitation.

"Ow! What the hell?"

Erin rubbed at his jaw as he sat up on the bed and glared at his bond. Then he looked over to where Nemesis' attention was and his face went slack. The bed that was Suren's had been moved right up next to his and lying on it was Suren's bond, the hell hound. Erin tried to remember the bonds name... his eyebrow coming down in concentration.. Kev.. no, Kivee, no... Kivuli? Yes, that sounded right. Erin's heart thudded in his chest as he realized he was... once again... shirtless. Lunging for Nemesis, he brought the dire wolf down on the bed and leaned towards his ear.

"Is she here?" he asked in a half panicked voice.

Nemesis turned his head up and sniffed the air, his nose making the noise seem louder than it should have. Finally, he looked back down to Erin and shook his large head. Erin released a sigh of relief and fell back against the bed.

"Man, that would have been awkward."

"I think you do it on purpose," Nemesis snorted.

"Oye! I'm just not used to having a girl as a room mate!"

"Admit it, you enjoy having her as a room mate and you're going to take every chance you get to show off."

Erin blushed at this and sat up. His eyes narrowed as he glared at the wolf who only turned his head and gave him a smile, a toothly smile, but a smile none-the-less. Rolling his eyes, he got off the bed and searched for a new shirt to throw on. Once he was fully dressed, he grabbed his favorite vest and looked to Kivuli. He wondered why she was here and Suren was not.

"Think Kivuli can take us to Suren?"

"Probably, though I'm not sure we should wake her. Or have you forgotten she's a hell hound? I don't know about you, but I don't want to lose my fur today," Nemesis stated and promptly put his head down on his paws and closed his eyes.

"You're a lot of help, lazy bag of fur," Erin mumbled in irritation.

Nemesis opened one eye, "Gonna go look for your lady love?"

"She is not my 'lady love' and yes I'm going to go look for her. She's fun to hang out with," Erin stated and kept the rest to himself. He left the room then, and as he was about to close the door, he spotted two familiar people going into one of the other dorm rooms a little ways down the hall. The girl had purple hair and the boy had blonde hair. He recognized them as Hayley Highmore and Samuel Yesil. However, what really caught his attention was that the two were holding hands. Hayley leading Samuel into the room with a brilliant smile on her face.

He didn't care that she was with Samuel, in fact he was happy for her. What he winced at inwardly was that it was Samuel whom she was holding hands with. Poor Rue, He thought sadly. He closed the door then and turned to head towards the gym rooms. He was curious to know what the fencing room and archery room would look like. Next to him, he felt Nemesis suddenly brush against his leg.

"Oh, so you decided to come after all hu?"

"As if I'd miss the opportunity to see you embarrassed or worse," the dire wolf cooed smoothly. Erin frowned as they made their way towards the recreation area. He was sure their sports classes would be held over there too. Eager to get classes started, he was almost bouncing with energy and anticipation at the thought.

"Think she's still mad at me?"

"Probably. We can see her later today if you like."

"Good plan," Erin said as he opened the door to the gym room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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Aslan Portegar

When Suren snatched the ball from his grasp he followed her with his gaze and she then taunted him, "Come and get me!"

He cracked a smile at her cocky behavior then he ran after her. He was much faster than her so he was able to pass in front and grab the ball. Once he had it in his hands even if he was on the other half of the court with Suren right in front of him ready to block he went for a shot. He had practiced shots from every angle of the court ever since he was a kid and had never missed once he had perfected them.

The ball traveled through the air and then gently entered the hoop snapping the rope and leaving a hollow bouncing sound echoing in the stadium, "I got you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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#, as written by SMinSC
Suren was mad that Aslan had just beat her with that, he was good. She would need to bring her game up, when she noticed someone standing in the gym besides her and Aslan, it was Erin.

"Hey, Erin." She yelled and waving at the boy. She noticed that Kivuli was not with them, that was probably a good thing, "She doesn't need to try to pick a fight with aslan." She thought, and realized she still needed to beat him.

She took the ball from him after he scored and ran down the court without giivng him any warning and performed a lay up. "Guess that make's it 2 both ways." She was smug at him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rue and Erin Tyryl Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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#, as written by Siryn
Erin Tyryl

"Hey," he waved back as she turned to her game again with the class president. He watched her run down the court, dribbling almost perfectly and put the ball through the hoop in the hottest fashion ever.

"You're totally in to her," Nemesis shot at him as he brushed against his leg and settled down on his hunches.

Erin ignored the comment as he watched her play. He was silently cheering her on to kick the other boys ass in the game, but he didn't voice it aloud. The last thing he wanted was to get on the president's bad side. That could spell trouble for the rest of the semester for him. He leaned against the door and settled there, content with just watching the game go.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aslan Portegar Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: Suren Craven
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Aslan Portegar

He cracked a smile and then got the ball quickly before she could grab it but something happened, his footing went wrong and when he went for a dunk the ball slipped from his hands and right into Suren's. Aslan had been a perfect player for years, there was no way a ball would slip his grasp and 'coincidentally' fall into the other player's hands.

"What?" Aslan was totally shocked and then noticed a guy standing in the shadows with a little bunny.
No, there's no way? Aslan said to himself. The guy in the shadows didn't look suspicious but there was no way he could do something like that. . . unless he had learned to use his Bond's powers but then he would be exhausted.
Even teachers became exhausted when they used their Bond's powers in their favor. Aslan wanted to be sure so he kept his eyes on the boy to see if he would leave because he was tired or sit down or even pant a little. Maybe his Bond would get tired and do something too, that is, if he really was the cause of Aslan's failure.