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Matthew Ashton

Searching for something lost

0 · 654 views · located in The Inside

a character in “Ultimate”, as played by ArhaHitomi888


Matthew Ashton


Ash (Rarely Matt)
Eye Color:
Maya Blue
Hair Color:
Burnt Umber


Defining Features/Interesting Features?:
He has a long, white scar running from just under his right pec across his stomach to stop at just above his left hip. He has a tattoo on the underside of each wrist, the left being a bass clef and the right being a treble clef.

How you got to the community:
Desperately trying to find a place to hide away from dangerous streets, he tried to hide in the overgrown park, but stumbled upon the community. So then, he begged to be accepted into the community, wanting somewhere safe to be and perhaps people to talk to that he didn't need to be afraid of.

Personality: Matthew is a naturally kind person, born with great empathy and compassion. He grew up in a very pleasant, middle-class family. His mother was a History teacher and his father worked at a call-in customer support service. His family was kind and loving, and he never had his shortage of company due to his two younger siblings (brother and sister) and his older brother, so he naturally gravitates towards groups, even if he does hang near the outsides of it. He doesn't like to be the center of attention and is more than happy to just smile, listen, and agree with another's ideas unless he genuinely feels that it isn't the right way to do things. He is extremely generous and enjoys cheering people up who are hurt or upset, easily empathizing with them. However, he does tend to be rather shy at times and isn't used to compliments, usually just shrugging it off with a little smile and a quiet thank you, since he is an extremely modest man. Matthew also believes that if you do good in your life, even if you die young, you would know you made a difference in someone else's life. Often times, he will try to listen a heavy, dark mood with some music or some jokes, but will avoid doing so if he knows that the air is tense and serious for good reason.

Matthew was born in Manchester, England. From an early age, he proved to be talented in music and sculpting. He nurtured this talents in his years at school, schedule heavily leaning on Art, and a tad bit less on music. Doing his best in school, he was on honor roll, but was constantly picked on because he was a 'nerd' and was smaller then most people his age, although he coped by spending time with his new, kind girlfriend, Emilia. Matthew graduated early from a Private School when the Ultimate craze began, and being the child he was, was curious about it. He and Emila searched around for somewhere they could try out this new drug, but they had trouble finding it. Two years or so after, they managed to get their hands on Ultimate, despite how they show it was ruining their society. They both tried it, and before they realized it, they were at each other's throats. Once the drug wore off at the end of the horrible week, Matthew approached Emilia, proposing that they never do such a thing again. However, Emilia was affected by the addicting effect of Ultimate. While Matthew tried his best to avoid it again despite his body's yearning, Emilia quick gave in, actively searching for more and more. Soon, Emilia disappeared. Matthew was soon driven out of his home by a gang and was put on the streets while they raided and destroyed his home looking for Ultimate and things to sell. He lived in anywhere that he could find shelter and moved frequently, paranoid and afraid. As he tried to hide in the overgrown park, he found the community, he begged to enter, afraid of being attacked on the streets. He still tries to search for Emilia, still very much in love with her and being very worried about her.

Strengths: Matthew works well with others and has magnificent aim with anything that requires it. He is defensive of people in the community and has a moderate level of knowledge in medical care. Matthew is very smart and is good with coming up with plans and strategies. The thing he is best at is being crafty and sneaky, able to move about without many people noticing.

Weaknesses: Matthew is a fairly weak individual when it comes to endurable. He cannot run for long periods of time and can't lift things that are very heavy. Matthew is an overly compassionate person, and finds it extremely difficult to hurt someone or to even insult them, and killing them would practically destroy him. Matthew has fragile health, and will easily get sick and become useless.

He has a light swedish accent mixed in with his Mancunian british accent. Matthew is left handed. When he is stressed, Matthew falls back on smoking marijuana to calm himself down - Despite his better judgement.


So begins...

Matthew Ashton's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Adams Character Portrait: Matthew Ashton Character Portrait: Rita Roldrick
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0.00 INK

They moved down the street in silence, weaving round piles of rubbish left dumped outside buildings. There were alleys cutting off the main street that stunk of dead animals and urine, where prostitutes and pimps hide out at night. It was too early in the day for them though, so there were just empty drink cans and the wrappings of Happy and Awake. Rita knew more about that than she wished. She used to sleep round here and spend the days down at the beach. She cast a side glance down one alley that provided a short cut, but sped up as they moved past it, hoping neither of the others suggested they go down there. She hugged her leather jacket tighter round her shoulders and kept walking through the street, her senses hyper aware, listening to each rustle of birds in the empty window frames and groan of a drunk slobbed against a wall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Adams Character Portrait: Matthew Ashton Character Portrait: Rita Roldrick
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0.00 INK

Matthew followed Rita, careful of their surroundings. He was often the one who did recon, so he knew every turn of the area and what was going on there most of the time. He didn't know what was going on that particular day, but if it was the same as yesterday, he could remember every detail. The way to the beach was one often traveled, so he simply followed, not caring much about the particular route. Looking around himself, he felt his heart sink. What had happened to the world? Just five years ago, he had been happy with Emilia and his only big problems were tuning his instruments and making it to work on the time due to his sleeping in. Now, it was finding food, finding supplies, survival. A shiver went down Matthew's spine and he looked away, not wanting to stare at the carnage around him which used to be a glorious, well-loved city.

Noting the route Rita decided to follow started to run towards a dangerous area he had spotted in recon yesterday, he thought back. He looked up at the broken and weathered street signs, half of them missing along with their posts to use as weapons or building supplies. Trying to remember the street names, he thought back to when he would wander the streets during his afternoon jogs so long ago. Yes, he knew he was prone to reminiscing like an elderly man, but usually kept such things to himself so no one noticed.

"There's been a lot of movement in this area, a recent spike of gang occupancy." he spoke up, keeping his voice at a level below audibility for anyone other than he, Rita, and Zer0. "I suggest to avoid any complications with the supplies, we should go be careful around Mayfair, St. James, and Bloomsbury. There had been some kind of constant traversing back and forth from Bloomsbury, to Mayfair, to Belgravia, and back in the same, reverse manner, a day in each place. There'll probably be a large group occupying around Mayfair, moving to Belgravia later tonight." he stopped speaking there, not wanting to babble on and on. He said what was necessary, chit-chat could be saved until later.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Adams Character Portrait: Matthew Ashton Character Portrait: Rita Roldrick
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0.00 INK

Once Zer0 had been alerted by Ash about the gang activity in the area ahead, he began to laugh quietly. "Excellent." He said in a small break from his chuckling. After he had got himself together, Zer0 took a deep breath as he felt he should explain himself. "I'm sure we can handle them, unless you have a better idea?" Zer0 almost made it sound like a challenge. Not a challenge of power but a challenge of the mind and street knowledge. As he issued this challenge he waved his crowbar around a bit as he checked it over. It was still lovely and rust, just how he liked it. It would infect any wounds on his enemies but his gloves would save him from any damage the rust could do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Adams Character Portrait: Matthew Ashton Character Portrait: Rita Roldrick
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0.00 INK

"At this time in the morning, there won't be too many around," Rita said, knowing gang members were mainly nocturnal. This wasn't, of course, a rule and she was sure they'd be a few hanging round ahead. If she was on her own, she'd be fine. She could stick to the shadows and keep out of their way and even if they did spot her, they'd probably be too busy battling with hangovers to bother her. Maybe wolf whistle or shout a few comments, but nothing she couldn't handle. Although, it wasn't too long ago she'd come across one high on Ultimate. He was dangerous and her knife wasn't much of a match for him. In the end, she'd managed to stab him in the leg, but only after she'd received a nice load of bruises, but she felt lucky that was all he had given her. She knew of too many stories of girls going out and being raped, sometimes even being taken back to wherever the gang was staying on that occasion.

For at least the second time that morning, she wished she was alone, but maybe the others would prove useful if they came across a handful of people. Especially, if they'd been using Ultimate. The only way Rita could get through them completely unscathed was if she wasn't noticed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Adams Character Portrait: Matthew Ashton Character Portrait: Rita Roldrick
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0.00 INK

Matthew pursed his lips together, noting that the information was brushed off fairly quickly. Even though most gang members were nocturnal, they had been a bit erratic recently as more Ultimate had been passed around and had jacked up lots of the gangsters, although most of them stayed to their usual routine, keeping active at night. Although, that made it a bit dangerous as well - The ones being out during the day now probably hopped up on Ultimate. Matthew shuddered and he sighed. He needed to get some other patches, perhaps some Happy and Sleep for himself, but only if there was any they could spare - He wouldn't take what others needed. Matthew glanced head before gesturing.

"The street here to the left is a bit of an erratic area, just as fair warning. There may be a couple daywalkers out here." he said, before falling silent. He got the impression that the less he spoke, the better - Which was usual. Despite the information he had to offer, they probably didn't need it after all. Matthew looked about uncertainly before continuing to silently follow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Adams Character Portrait: Matthew Ashton Character Portrait: Rita Roldrick
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0.00 INK

Rita glanced at Ash, but didn't respond, hoping that perhaps if they didn't admit they were in danger, danger wouldn't find them. Not that it had ever made a difference before, but maybe this time. She swallowed and led them forward, her ears straining to hear any sign of people around. Gang members weren't exactly common, but they weren't the only threat. There were dangerous people that worked alone, or in twos or threes, that would be just as much a threat to them. She rounded the corner and paused, scanning the area for danger. The mangy animals wondering around were no threat, at least not these ones and not while they were in a group. Wolves had been known to drag people - especially smaller girls or children - into alleys or the petty woods at the edge of the city. They hadn't even known there were wolves on the Inside at all to start with, but it didn't take long for their population to increase.

Other than the smashed bottles and rubbish, there was no obvious sign of human life. There was blood on the pavement. It was a good few hours old, but that didn't mean whoever the victim (or attacker) was had gone. Rita glanced at Ash and Zero, checking they hadn't spotted anything she'd missed and when they looked unconcerned (at least, as unconcerned as they could do) she moved forward, careful to keep her steps utterly silent, but with all the broken glass, it wasn't the easiest thing.