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Red Reef Island


a part of UNDEAD ISLAND, by AvalonKnight.


AvalonKnight holds sovereignty over Red Reef Island, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,158 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


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Red Reef Island is a part of UNDEAD ISLAND.

9 Characters Here

Chester Lanister [39] "Jeez, Zombies are a tough crowd to please."
Issac Freemon [38] "Officially the worst job ever."
Tristan Mackenzie [37] "What's life without a little risk?"
Toby Henderson [33] "Hell and High Waters."
Amelia "Nox" Matthews [32] "Zombies? Really? Bloody hell I just wanted a normal vacation with my brother but . . . I guess this can be fun too"
Wyatt "Zero" Matthews [32] "See that zombie over there? Bet you he thought comic books were stupid." (WIP)
Quinn Groves [18] "Okay, this was seriously not covered in the military."
Jessica Torres [13] " Alright, who took my whiskey bottle?"
Extra Characters [0] These are extra character that will show up in the rp.

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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt "Zero" Matthews Character Portrait: Tristan Mackenzie Character Portrait: Amelia "Nox" Matthews
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Once Tristan was inside the safety of the treehouse she instantly felt her stiff shoulder's relax. Her hurt everywhere it felt like, but it was a normal feeling she usually got whenever she did extreme sports. Its amazing what your body goes through when your running for your life, and the fact that she was scared added to the uncomfortable stiff feeling. No matter how brave she acted Tristan was scared but who wouldn't be? There are fricking zombies! Just because she doesn't show her fear nor let it get to her head doesn't mean she's not terrified. She wasn't Jesus, not even close.

Nox kept talking and Tristan just nodded. That's right they would still have water and power for atleast a couple days, but depending on what type of power plants the island has is what will determine the outcome. She watched as Nox left the treehouse to go get her brother then grabbed the shampoo and soap she brought in her backpack and went into the bathroom. It was small with only a sink, toilet and standup shower. She stripped off her clothes and put them on the shower floor before turning on the water. She didn't know how big the hot water tank was in the treehouse and Tristan wanted the other's to have a shower as well, cause really they all kinda stunk. She turned on the water until it was warm and stepped in. The warm water was amazing, it was surprising really. Its only been a day yet it felt so much longer then that. Tristan scrubbed her skin until it was red, wanting to get all the blood off. She only showered for 5 minutes but it was enough to relax her. Grabbing a white towel from the wall hook and wrapped it around herself before grabbing her now soaked clothes and wrung them out. She walked out of the bathroom, not caring that she was only in a towel and placed her damp clothes on a chair so they could dry. Tristan then went to her personal backpack which hadn't been emptied and pulled out her undergarments then a comfy outfit. She went back into the bathroom and quickly changed. She hung the towel back on the hook before leaving the bathroom. She went over to the pile of clothes they had collected and dug around until she found a brown pair of work boots she had found in the sporting store. Tristan pulled them on before grabbing a brush and elastic from her backpack before sitting on the teal colored couch and started brushing her hair and once done braided it. Tristan then got to work cooking the can's of soup Nox found.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt "Zero" Matthews Character Portrait: Tristan Mackenzie Character Portrait: Amelia "Nox" Matthews
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#, as written by Fable


Zero had just finished burying the last of the bodies, having been lugging them from the tree house, down the steps and to a spot reasonably distanced from the house itself. He had found a shovel nearby, quite conveniently, and began digging graves for each of the bodies. He placed them in with great care. Warily, of course, but careful nonetheless. It was hard work burying bodies, he contemplated as he shovelled sand and threw it to one side, grunting each time. His arms had started to ache pretty soon, but he carried on regardless, determined to get them all buried before it got too dark. Every now and then he would glance up at the tree house and envy his sister's easy task of organising supplies and wish that he didn't love her so damn much, giving himself the harder jobs just to make it easier on her.

Throwing the shovel down in the sand, Zero inhaled and exhaled deeply, his hands finding their way to his hips as his eyes scanned over the neat little graves. All in a row, all reasonably deep. Though his work was obvious and in no way subtle, he reckoned he did a good job. Looking up, he realised how late it was getting and he sighed, turning to see his sister storming down the steps, albeit alarmingly quietly, then pressed forward and walks towards him. The increasing darkness meant he had to squint to see her properly, but he still couldn't tell whether she was angry or worried. When she grabbed his arm, he had half a mind to flinch away from her, but he let himself be dragged back to the tree house with minimal objection. He did mutter incoherently; being grabbed so harshly was far from enjoyable.

As soon as he had walked inside, he felt a sharp pressure on his chest and he looked to see his sister holding the broom handle. She yelled at him and he rolled his eyes. "Tch," he hissed. "You worry too much." Once again, he grabbed the handle from her hand and used it to give her a light whack to the side of the head, before throwing it to one side; this was all done in a playful manner, and a cheeky smirk found its place on his lips. "Just because you're a girl, and my sister, doesn't mean I won't hit you back, y'know."

Zero scarcely had time to notice that Tristan had returned until he heard her moving towards the bathroom. He paused for a few moments, then turned back to his sister. It was only when the door closed and he heard the shower running that he finally spoke, though his voice was hushed and wary. "How long are we going to have to stay with her, anyway?" he whined, "I don't like her." He realised a frown had settled onto his brows and he sighed, walking away before his sister had a chance to explain to him why it might've been a good idea to stay as a group. "All I'm saying is, if she continues trying to boss us around like she owns the whole fucking island, I'm not going to keep my mouth shut for long."

Some time passed, in which Zero had taken a seat in an armchair nearer to the door, playing with the straps of his backpack as he waited for Tristan to finish in the bathroom. When she finally did, she emerged practically half-naked and Zero could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. He looked down, trying not to focus on her dripping wet legs and arms. He could hear her moving around for what felt like the longest time before the bathroom door closed again and he finally deemed it safe enough to look up once more. Jeez, he thought. She's got confidence, I'll give her that at least. Thinking this, he couldn't help but smirk briefly, before he zipped open his backpack and also found a change of clothes he'd picked up along their travels. He tried to stay away from the tourist shops, and instead picked up a whole other outfit.

When Tristan finally came back out, fully dressed, Zero stood and stole into the bathroom before anyone else could and slammed the door shut. Finally alone, he smiled and leaned against the door, allowing his head to roll back as a relieved sigh escaped his lips. He ran the shower water after a few quiet moments of peace and undressed. With his clothes carelessly strewn about the bathroom floor, Zero stepped inside the shower and took a few more moments to enjoy the warmth of the water against his sore muscles before he began cleaning. He was in the shower for around 5-10 minutes before he could bring himself to get out. He didn't bother wrapped himself in the towel, instead he just used it to dry himself down before he put on his second outfit. He left the hat until his hair had dried; it was clung to his scalp so he ran a hand through it and dragged it back off his forehead, taking a moment to observe himself in the mirror before he picked his clothes up and walked back out.

"Bathroom's all yours, sis. Water's still hot." He flashed her a smile and resumed his previous seat, letting out an almost silent huff of breath as he leaned back into his seat. He glanced over at Tristan but he said nothing, feeling his eyes close. To say that he was tired was a major understatement. He couldn't even bring himself to care about the food being cooked, or the fact that outside the world was going to shit. He was tired, and that was the only thing that matter to him then.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issac Freemon Character Portrait: Chester Lanister
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When it came to movies, it was almost always entirely appropriate to call your teammates names and horse around. You can pick on one another, call them all the names life had to offer and they wouldn't really mind. Because it was a movie. Movies were made to either make you yell, cry, or laugh, and who wanted to cry during a zombie movie? So Chester could understand if this was some sort of remake of "Lost" and "The Walking Dead" or something. However, as far as Chester was concerned, in which he was very concerned, this want not some sort of show. This wasn't going on TV for an entertainment purposes. This was real. And he was probably dying. Who knows, maybe that random chick 'fixed' him for now, but with talking zombies devouring hearts and leaping around at the front door and with what felt like a shattered arm (though it was probably just broken, not shattered) who knew how long any one of them would last. Both the guys with the guns out there just got eaten, and because there was any mercy on their souls it was relatively quick. And with them like that and with him like this, he was probably going to die too.

And because this wasn't a TV show, and because they just watched a bunch of people be swallowed and eaten alive, and because they both were probably going to die here, this just seems like the most absolute perfect time to start calling him skinny.

The only thing that Chester wanted to say at this point was 'what the fuck'. Not because of the zombies or dead people or his arm and shoulder. But because of all the timing in the world, and that is a lot of time mind you, people decided that this was the best time to call him kid and skinny. Hello people! He's fucking dying, the world as they know it is probably going to end on this damn island, and you want to choose now to be your big break for being the nickname master? How would either of them like to be called names while they were dying? What if Chester just walked over to that guy that just got eaten and knelt down and said,"I got you old man," or what if that Issac guy was shot in the stomach and Chester just waltzed over to him and said,"I got you fatso"? No! Who the fuck does that?! No one!

Except the one person that he's stuck with. Just kill him now and give his pathetically skinny body a break why don't you?

Chester's anger and frustrated fueled his will. His will to go over and sock that man in the face to be exact, but first things first, he needed to sit up. Letting out a groan full of suffering and resentment, Chester managed to pull his one pieced arm up and push his weary torso to lean on his elbow. He panted, pain diminishing with each breathe, but only to a certain point. The tears in his eyes made it relatively hard to see the man now curled up in a ball on the floor, but Chester's pity for him didn't fall at all. He may not have shot at him like this Toby character did, but the man's clear ignorance was really starting to piss him off.

And Chester didn't get pissed off. It's just something that never happened.

Half way to the sitting up point, the comedian bit into his lip and started to push himself up again, groaning through the now bleeding flesh of mouth. Teeth marks drawing blood and iron filling his mouth, Chester used the last bit of tired energy from his arm and torso to push himself off the floor. Now sitting up, and fairly proud of it too, Chester fought to keep his contentiousness and balance so that way his work wasn't foiled. Falling again wasn't the most pleasant thing, so if he could, he would try and avoid it.

But he was sitting up! Yeah! Maybe he wasn't going to die! He's not going to die!


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt "Zero" Matthews Character Portrait: Tristan Mackenzie Character Portrait: Amelia "Nox" Matthews
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When Nox received the light whack to her head she only rubbed the slight pain away with eyes squinted accusingly. " And just because your my brother doesn't mean I won't bite you!" she said with a slight huff before placing her hands on her hips. All of a sudden her brother got secretive as he spoke. "How long are we going to have to stay with her, anyway?" For the first time Amelia was lost fro words, she didn't know what to say to him but she was sure it was because she was still angry with him for taking so long outside. Nox only shrugged at his question as he continued and she listened but never said anything. When Tristan came out the bathroom though, both the siblings bared the same face and had the same reaction. Amelia could have sworn she went a darker shade of red though before she looked away trying not to let this smirk cross her lips.

"God, she's as bold as I am." she whispered under her breath with a slight chuckle. Amelia watched as her brother disappeared into the bathroom like a child who lived with multiple siblings and who was the first to get there before standing up and stretching, some of her bones cracking which felt amazing. Might as well get working on the soup, she thought but when she looked Tristan was already taking care of that. Nox puffed out her cheeks in annoyance a bit, she was suppose to do that, she was suppose to heat up the soup for everybody and be helpful in some way. Same with the woman's clothes, Nox offered to clean them for her but the blonde ended up cleaning them herself, I mean Amy knew that maybe the clothes were a bit too much since it was her privacy but still she could have said no. Tip-toeing her way into the kitchen, Nox blew out a quiet sigh before a brilliant idea hit her. It was an idea that sounded fun in that moment anyway. Tip-toeing up to the woman from behind, she quietly peeked over her shoulder into the pot with bright curious eyes.

"Watcha cooking there?" Nox asked but she knew what she was cooking, the question must have sounded stupid but she wanted to make small talk while waiting for her brother. The red-head didn't notice in the moment that she was barely an inch from the girls body, her personal space being invaded by the asian. All Nox wanted was a decent conversation from the woman, or something to keep her busy anyway. Amelia stood like that, waiting for an answer for what seemed like a whole minute when her brother called out to her announcing that the bathroom was all hers. Perking up instantly, Amelia smiled and clapped her hands together the motion causing her to slightly and accidentally bump into Tristan from behind before she apologized quickly with a bow and ran to the bathroom picking up her back pack along the way.

Amelia wasted no time stripping and getting into the warm water. She stood there for a good minute before she actually began the cleaning and when she did finish a whole 8 minutes had gone by, perks of being the last to shower I guess. Stepping out and getting dried, she began rummaging through her backpack and found a little outfit she totally forget she nicked from one if the stores. Sighing happily she quickly slipped into it and smiled at herself in the mirror, putting her reddish-pink hair up into a bun. " I'm done and feel amazing!" she shouted, exiting the bathroom with the sweatshirt in hand. Her voice wasn't too loud to be heard from outside but wasn't too soft either.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt "Zero" Matthews Character Portrait: Issac Freemon Character Portrait: Tristan Mackenzie Character Portrait: Chester Lanister Character Portrait: Amelia "Nox" Matthews
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Tristan had zoned out for a few seconds but snapped back once she heard Nox speaking. Before the woman could reply the red haired girl had disappeared. Tristan only sighed as she finished cooking and turned off the stove. "Soups ready" she announced absentmindedly, to busy thinking of their next plan of action. Tristan knew out of the two siblings Zero would most likely argue with her, but in that being noted she wasn't their leader even if she had been acting as so. It wasn't entirely her fault, they chose to follow her and under stressful situations Tristan had the bad habit of taking charge because she didn't trust anyone else with her life.

Tristan went and sat on the couch and groaned before beginning "We nee to make a plan of action if you to are staying with me....which I have a feel Zero doesn't. I do apologize if I was bossy I just don't trust anyone with my life and we are in fact strangers. I'm not you're leader so we need to make a plan." Tristan looked at both Zero and Nox and waited for them to answer.

- - - -

From Avalon- Sorry it took me so long to respond and that its so short. I've just been very busy. I know this roleplay is slowing down but come on guys lets pick it up again :)


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chester Lanister
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#, as written by Ignetio
"Welp you're finally awake." Issac said with a tear in his eye. "Toby's gone." Taking a bite out of the twinkie. There were rappers everywhere. Gradually peeking out the window every once in a while. "This thing ate out his heart. It had the agility of a sexy cheerleader. But the ugliness of a meth head." He glanced at Chester. "It's my turn to sleep. You have had enough. Here take my pistol." The 32. was ok for size and power. But it only had 3 rounds. Issac was tempted to go to the police station, but what if that girl came back? He laid down with the pistol pushed toward Chester.

(Sorry if this is too short. I have 40 things to do and I wanted to post so.....)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Issac Freemon Character Portrait: Chester Lanister
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As Albert Einstein had said many years ago, there were only two things infinite. The universe and human stupidity. And now Chester finally understood the quote. Upon sitting up, he was debriefed about the events in which he had heard all along. It was a lovely picture to add to the gurgles and sloshes so that was lovely. Now he can actually see his nightmares instead of just hearing them. A sexy cheerleader on meth. Perfect. What a lovely picture. He should hang it up on the fridge when he got home.

Not only did he present Chester with that marvelous description, he also had the gall to claim that he needed sleep more so than he did? Looking over to the man surrounded by his gluttony and stuffing his face with one of the never ending foods that the man seemed to have, Chester's eyes widened and his eyebrows arched. Words weren't even able to pass his teeth, despite his mouth wide open with disgust.

Where in hell was this man born in raised?

Chester couldn't even comprehend the amount of stupidity that this man possessed in his mouth. It apparently had lingered into his brain at some point but to what extent Chester now knew. Even Chester's dog, who has been dead for three years now, knew that when you were hurt you laid down and you rested. You rested until you were all better. That why when he got his leg run over in the street, he didn't get up, he just laid there until he was run over again. Yeah, he was a stupid dog. Stupidest dog the world has ever seen, but maybe he should call the Genius World Record's and tell them he knows who the stupidest man on Earth is.

Did he really think that he was going to be able to use a gun properly with a severely broken arm and a large bite out of his good arm? Or rather, did he really think that someone who literally just woke up after having major blood loss and physical trauma would really be up for doing anything?! The only thing Chester was willing to do was to still sock him in the face! But hey, he gave him the gun, whatever happens now is on him.

The gun was slid over to Chester and he panted, starring at the pistol. He debated whether or not to take it. He was afraid he might shoot the guy, or more importantly, himself if he took it. He didn't even know how to work a gun. And that was when he was in perfect health. And he was far from that at this point. But Chester reached over with a painful groan, grabbing the gun and looking at it.

It was a lot heavier than he expected. Maybe he didn't have to shoot it to do some damage with it. Maybe those knock outs in the movies were somewhat realistic after all. Chester looked back over to Issac, now laying down. He then looked at the wrappers.

Well, if he was stuck with this guy then he might as well accept it.

"Can I have one?" Chester said with a horse voice and a nod towards the wrappers. There were so many wrappers. Did he even have anymore?