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Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins

"When I'm such a monster, how can I even dream for happiness?"

0 · 1,339 views · located in Heavenrend City

a character in “Unhappy Refrain”, as played by Guardian Aelita


Name: Alexa Flarea (Eradicator Sins)
"Who am I really? Does a monster even deserve a name?"
"Who am I...? Hehehe~ I'm your death."
Age: 18
"Ah... that would have been ten years since then..."
Gender: Female (Acts Male when in Eradicator)
Theme Song (Optional): Reclusion by Anberlin
Personality: Alexa is a very easy book to read. She is cold, silent, doesn't speak unless spoken to and would much rather stay away from everyone else. When you break down the walls, she will open up and reveal her trauma, searching desperately for a happiness that seems to be constantly out of her grasp. She often has a habit of calling herself a monster. Eradicator on the other hand is a much different case. Despite the near sadistic glee he gets when killing anyone, he'll often feel like something or someone is missing. Until he figures out what it is, he'll slaughter to his hearts content.
"Is that all? Now leave me alone..."
"Oh, you plan to leave now~? Well that won't do..."
Appearance: Alexa's Appearance: Image
Eradicator's Appearance: Image
Cause of Unhappiness: There's a good reason why Alexa believes that she is a monster. Ten years ago, when she was 8 years old, she lived in a house with her parents and 4 other siblings. She was happy but then she heard things; things that told her to kill her family and burn the corpses. Despite the struggle, she eventually succumbed and set fire to the Flarea Household, killing everyone save for her. When she realized what she had done, she regarded herself as a monster who doesn't deserve to live. Ten years later, she lives in Heavenrend and is still completely unhappy. Not helped by the fact that chunks of her memory are missing when her split personality, Eradicator Sins, comes out.
History: Alexa lived a relatively happy life for the first eight years. She had warm food, a roof over her head and a family who loved her. She thought things would be perfect... until the whispers happened. She heard the whispers tell her to kill her parents. She refused at first but then something inside her took over. When she woke up, her house was set ablaze with her family nowhere to be seen. Alexa Flarea killed her own family. Scared, she ran away from the city, looking desperately to get away from the police and bad memories. She found Heavenrend 2 years later. She hasn't had much luck with finding happiness. She now sleeps on the street constantly, clinging to whatever old clothes and food are thrown away for survival. All the while, her split personality takes over to kill whoever he can at the time. What a sad life this child leads...
Trivia (Optional): When someone does break down her walls, she'll love them as she's bisexual. Also, she's a pretty good piano player.

So begins...

Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins's Story


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Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa
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Alexa stretched after finding some soup and making that for breakfast. She got dressed and noticed that Ataro already left for school. Alexa smiled at Momoko.
"Well... Have a good day, Momoko."
A small smile entered her face as she walked over to her school. In about 7 minutes, she made it. She then walked over to her classroom and saw Ayano.
'Ayano-chan?! How did I never notice she was in my class before?! Should I wave or...?'
Alexa decided to just give Ayano a small smile before sitting down. Then she heard that the home room teacher was stabbed multiple times. Her blood ran cold.
'Eradicator... Did you hurt my teacher?'
'Perhaps~ What of it?'
'Your actions are causing chaos!'
'I'm aware. That means I'm doing my job. Honestly Lexy you should know that I don't care who I kill~'
Alexa was stunned. She could also feel the glare from a group of popular girls.
'These must be that bitch Rise's friends~'
'Eradicator, leave them alone!'
'Tch, why? Those sluts are only going to bully you. I may as well get rid of them for you~'
'You'll do no such thing!'
The two continued to bicker as Alexa waited for the assistant teacher to speak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki
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Momoko grinned. "Yeah, I'll catch up later!" With Ataro, he got to school pretty early. Coming inside the classroom, he found Ayano there. "Right, we're in the same group." He thought and walked over to his seat, which was practically right behind Ayano. He rubbed his head. The group of people who didn't do detention with them were talking about some things they did at the seaside mall, and frankly, Ataro couldn't care.

Their homeroom teacher wasn't there, and apparently he was attacked by an unknown assailant at the mall. Panic rose in Ataro's throat as he remembered his frenzy. "Was it my fault? Or was it that other guy's?" He thought. Then he shook his head, trying to put his mind at ease. "No. Damn it, calm down Hatsuyuki..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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Alexa flashed Ataro and Ayano a worried glance. Would they confess what happened or would they not...?
'Oi, this attention is getting a little over-bearing... Maybe I should test these kids with their abilities-'
'Atticus! Don't you dare!!'
Alexa blinked a bit. That name took her back...
A six year old Alexa was playing alone in the garden. She had finished her studies and was waiting for Maria to finish so they could play together. Bored, she wandered around. She heard the crunching of leaves and saw a boy with short white hair stare at Alexa.
"Who are you?"
Alexa smiled warmly.
"I'm Alexa! Who are you?"
The boy seemed confused.
"I... I don't know... It's all hazy... I think..."
The boy shook his head. Alexa then smiled.
"Atticus! I was reading a book and that name suits you~ Let's go play!"
The boy then smiled shyly and played with Alexa.
(End of flashback)
Eradicator was furious at this point. Alexa could tell. He never spoke after that. Then, the school intercom rang.
"Alexa Flarea, Ataro Hatsuyuki, Ayano Kujikawa, Annabel Lee and Arata Natari, please report to the counseling department. Alexa Flarea, Ataro Hatsuyuki, Ayano Kujikawa, Annabel Lee and Arata Natari, please report to the counseling department."
Alexa was curious.
'Is it... because of my paper?'
She then stood up and walked to the counseling department.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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Ataro narrowed his eyes when the intercom rang, calling his group to the counseling department. "Tch, did they find out?" He thought as he shoved his scissors into his pockets and started walking to the counseling department, catching up with Alexa. He held his head as the voice sounded again. "Kill them. Kill them." Again and again, it repeated. "No...shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!" He screamed in his mind angrily.

"Who do you think you are? Are you really Ataro Hatsuyuki?"

Then he snapped back to reality as he continued to walk. "T-Tch....those sounds again..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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"What's going on?" Ayano muttered silently as she heard the announcement calling them to the counseling department. All four of them who went to the mall were called, along with the nurse who treated them, Mr. Arata Natari. She quietly picked up her bag and joined Alexa and Ataro as they were also called through the intercom.

"Maybe our homeroom teacher really is one of the rouges yesterday..." She now thought that this theory has become more possible. It's just too good a coincidence that all four of them were called. She doesn't even see Anna anywhere yet. Would they be blamed for that event? At most, she was just a witness. The ones who were responsible for the actual assault was the weird white haired guy and...

"Hatsuyuki Ataro..." She secretly glanced at his direction. "Just how dangerous is this guy?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Annabel Lee Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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Arata was sitting in one of the five seats. He was just as confused as everyone else was.
'I wonder why I'm involved... I don't know what had happened back there. All I knew was that I had to treat Ataro and Alexa. Thank god...'
Arata saw Alexa, Ataro and Ayano walk in the building.
"Oh... There you guys are. So, why are we here?"
Alexa frowned a bit.
"I'm not entirely sure... I think it might be because of the homeroom teacher..."
"Actually, you're wrong, Miss Flarea."
A woman walked in with a serious expression on her face.
"Please, all of you have a seat."
Alexa and Arata did so.
"You'll have to inform Annabel about this later but for now, I need to talk directly to all three of you. You were aware of the essay you had to write for detention, right? Well, when I read over them, needless to say I was... concerned..."
Alexa felt nervous.
'Oh god... here we go...'
Arata looked at all three with concern.
'I wonder what the woman wants them to do...?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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"When I read over them, needless to say I was...concerned..." The woman's words resonated a bit in Ayano's mind. Concern? First time she heard that coming from an institute that only recognizes those with talent and potential.

"This woman is making me laugh. What is this? They want to council us, and for what? Isn't it all just for the sake of appearances?" Ayano thought as she sat on one of the chairs in the waiting area. She remembered what she wrote on that essay:

What is life? How many times has humanity asked that question. Per se, life is just the small time we spent on this world. It is pointless to discuss it as it is. Maybe it's better to reflect on its concept in parallel with another aspect of life: death.

When someone dies and his body is laid to rest, there are engravings placed on his tombstone. There we see the date from when he was born up to the point where he passed on, separated only by a dash. That dash is what is called life. It is the culmination of all experiences, emotions and knowledge that a person has a accumulated throughout the short time he has spent on this world. Depending on how one has lived his life, the value and quality of that dash may vary.

Personally, I find life as just a simple chore. It is just another task that one has to finish. Some people choose to live a life of virtue, following the ways of a saint, granting them immortality. They live on in the hearts and memories of the people whose lives they've touched. Some spend it in a pursuit of power. The drive to prove to the world how they are the best among the rest. They may or may not attain immortality but people will remember them just for their power. I'll admit that I found the latter a little worth pursuing. It didn't work out for me. Nobody can please everyone. I learned that the hard way. The world is just this unfair.

Living a saint's life is no assurance that everyone will treat you like how you treat everyone. Pursuing power still won't be enough to save you from your ultimate fate: death. There is no way one can live without risk. So I guess I'll just go on my own pace. I'll move on, like how this world is supposed to be. I think I'll live it in pursuit of my own happiness.

You may have noticed that my personal output probably has nothing to do with what I've stated earlier. It's because when the time comes for my body to be laid to rest, I want that dash to be a dash of happiness. To be known as the girl who chose to live on her own terms, as the girl who escaped the shackles of the expectations placed on her without reward. To be the one who has gone over the horizon.

She wondered what part of her essay have actually gotten the attention of these guys. "Wait, wait. That means they still don't know about what happened at the mall yesterday." She glanced at Ataro. "Should tell them if they ask or..."

Ayano sighed. This was completely unrelated. If anything, she owned him one. She waited just a bit more until they were finally called in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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The woman who called them had started talking about how she was concerned because of what they wrote on their essays. He rolled his eyes, looking to the side. Who cared? It was all just an act in the end. He was pretty sure this woman was just trying to look good in front of them. Good. As if he ever saw anyone who was good. "What about it, ma'am?" Ataro tried to keep the bite and poison out of his tone.

He still had his hands shoved into his pockets and his hood up when he sat down, his fingers running up and down the blade of his scissors. Yeah, he knew he was kinda "rude" if his essay was ever recited aloud. Due to his vocabulary, it just sounded rude. But what was this coming, all of a sudden from someone who only recognized people who had talent?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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The counselor could feel the disdain coming from the three students.
"It's your attitudes that intrigue us... Plus, your essays were very... negative. Each one of you at least touched that you were not satisfied with your life. That is why I would like the two happiest students I know to help you three recover."
Alexa was trembling, her bangs shadowed her eyes. When she spoke, her trembling voice was deeper than usual.
"Recover...? Do you honestly believe that what I'm going through is an injury that can just go away?! It never does! Do you have any idea how hard I try to forget it all?! The fire, that blood, the fact that he was standing there... I can't get over it! They're gone and it's my fault... Because I trusted him..."
Arata looked over at Alexa.
"Miss Alexa, please calm down. I don't know what happened to you but I believe that anything can improve... I'd be happy to help."
The counselor smiled, not caring about Alexa's meltdown.
"Splendid. Now, this is an order from the school. You four, Annabel and one other person will be assigned to meet in classroom A-199 every day from 4 PM to 5 PM effective immediately. If you choose not to do so, you will be taken to juvie. This may seem like a waste of time but it will do you some good..."
Alexa scoffed.
'This is stupid. All of this is stupid...'
'Eradicator...? What did you do?'
'Nothing much. I just revealed your true emotions. I won't kill these kids but I am sticking around. I promise that I'll be a good boy~'
'No... Get out!'
Eradicator ignored Alexa. He had to admit, it felt weird being in Alexa's body instead of his guise but he ignored it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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"And so the fact that I haven't done anything to warrant this kind of treatment completely goes unnoticed. Seriously, it was just a little essay, some people make up things to put in there. I haven't been causing trouble for anyone, you can even check my guidance records. If anything, those high-schoolers smoking, drinking and doing drugs are those you have to council." Ayano tried to calmly explain her predicament but somehow, her voice is almost at the brink of breaking down. It's not that she didn't want to be with the others but if her parents learn of this, surely she'll get berated more.

The woman merely told her that it's alright, they won't tell her parents. "Great." She thought. "Like I'd be able to explain why I suddenly have to do extra hours." She swallowed down her own feelings and looked at the woman straight in the eye. "There's just no changing your mind, is there?" She merely sighed.

"I guess I'll just have to lie about it. There's no reason for my parents to know my problems." She recalled the time when she was still a kid when she reported about the other kids bullying her. Her mom was reviewing some papers while her dad was typing down on their computer. Annoyed, her mother lashed out at her when she tried to get their attention.

"Listen Ayano! Can't you see we are too busy to deal with your stupid problems right now!"

Those words...those words stuck with her til this day. That's what made her think that her family just doesn't care much. but despite that, anything less of excellent and satisfactory would only earn her a beating or further berating. She curled up in her seat, her head buried in her arms, trying hard not to break down.

"I feel like I'm being pushed into a corner here..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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Arata noticed Ayano's extreme discomfort and put his hand on her back, trying to calm her down. The counselor didn't notice and nodded.
"That was all. Return back to your classroom."
And the woman left. Eradicator glared at her as she left, finally revealing that Alexa's eyes turned pink. Eradicator stood up and walked back to class, still acting like the memory of killing Alexa's family bothered him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki
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Ayano nodded at Arata's kind gesture just now. She calmly collected herself and her stuff to go back to class. As she sat down on the classroom of her electives class, some of her classmates approached her asking her what happened.

"Nothing. Just asked about some documents that I need." She made up this excuse so they would leave her alone. Thankfully, they noticed this and went back to their business. Their teacher came in and told them about the exercise they need to do today. She was leaving for a faculty meeting and so they have to finish it within the hour because it will be submitted today.

Ayano started out working like normal. She worked on it as diligently as she could, glancing a bit at Alexa and Ataro. She noticed something weird about Alexa though she can't really put it into words. It was like she became more--hostile looking? She wasn't sure.

Only twenty minutes of working into it and she's already done. As she neared the final questions, she remembered her current state right now. Her family problems, how this institution is treating her.

"What am I still doing this for then?' She suddenly stopped, leaving three more questions unanswered. She chuckled silently, not even she could hear, like a complete idiot for still trying hard even if salvation is not in sight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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Eradicator just wrote the exercise down on the paper as quickly as he could. He just wanted this stupid class to be over with so he could get to the meeting and get it over with.
'Eradicator, please... I'm sorry, okay?!'
'NO YOU WEREN'T! You weren't... You knew damn well that I still was attached to that stupid name... And you used it to your advantage, you lying bitch.'
'Eradicator... You're really still attached to some nickname I made up for you when I couldn't come up with a name for you?'
'It was a treasure to me!! All the stuff we went through from childhood was a treasure... but your stupid family had to get in the way of our happiness...'
Eradicator suppressed a gleeful smile as he remembered when he killed the Flareas one by one. He saved Maria for last as she was the closest to Alexa. But, really she should have known better... She belonged to him and only him. Nothing would change his mind. Nothing...

Arata stared at Alexa from across the room. He had finished his exercise already, but he was worried for Alexa. Her eyes had suddenly turned pink after the meltdown in the counseling room.
'"The happiest students..." Isn't that the biggest joke of the century. Anna may be genuinely happy but I'm not... Not while that monster is still alive... When he's dead then I'll be happy, but until then, I'll just smile and help everyone along to their happiness.'
Arata then heard Ayano questioning herself.
"Um... I can't exactly say. You have your own reasons for doing things, but you shouldn't give up... There are people out there who care about you. If not now then in the future..."
What? It was his job to help out the three brooding students and he was doing his best to make her cheer up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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Ayano snapped out of it upon Arata's words. She picked up her pen half-heartedly and finished the remaining questions. There weren't a lot left so she managed to finish early. She left it on the teacher's desk and returned to her seat, burying her head beneath her hands again.

"Next time... next time, things will get better huh?" She pondered over Arata's words. "Next time" wasn't certainly a new word in her dictionary. It was the same excuse she gets every time she asks for something. Though, it makes her wonder when it is exactly. The oldest next time she heard was two years ago. It was around the same time that she stopped trying so hard.

Ayano sighed again. There was a saying that you lose a bit of happiness every time you sigh but it didn't matter now. She faced Arata. "I don't think I particularly care about a better future, ten years from now that I probably won't live to see." She said quietly, almost in a whisper as she remembered that "they" still exist, and is still hunting her down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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Eradicator finished his work and stood up from the table, walking over to the rest of the group.
Arata blinked a bit. Alexa had seemed... different. First her eyes turned pink and now she behaved in a masculine manner.
"Um, Miss Alexa? Are you okay...? You seem different."
Eradicator's eyes twitched.
"Fine, dammit. I'm fine."
"Are you sure...?"
"Tch, of course I'm sure. Why the hell wouldn't I be fine?"
Arata frowned. He was worried for Alexa.
"W-Well... we have to attend that club for an hour so I guess we should go there."
"Lead the way then, boss."
Eradicator rolled his eyes. He hated not being able to kill these brats where they stood but he needed to make a point to Alexa. She would always be alone unless he was there. He proved it to her once and he could prove it to her again. He just needed to be patient is all.

As the four students entered the empty clubroom, they all were hit with the dust almost immediately. The room looked like it hasn't been touched in ages with multiple cobwebs growing everywhere and some spiders still crawling around. Coughing, Arata spoke first.
"W-Well, I guess the first order of business is to get cleaning..."
Eradicator rolled his eyes.
"No, you think? Tch. I'll get the supplies. It's clear I'm not necessary around here anyway."
Eradicator smirked as he left the room. Arata was even more concerned for Alexa. Biting his lip, he debated whether or not to go after Alexa.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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As they were walking out, Ayano saw Ataro approach her."D-do you mind if I tag along?"He asked her. "Don't we still have remedial classes or something after this?" She reminded the grim-looking boy before heading over to her extended class.

The room was a big mess. There were dust and cobwebs everywhere, which really didn't help Ayano's depressed mood. She heard Arata speak up about cleaning the place up a bit before they start to which she seconded. She took out a feather duster from the supply closet, passing Alexa along the way.

As she caught up with her, Ayano couldn't help but feel puzzled over Alexa's seemingly strange behavior today. She really wasn't acting like herself. She couldn't put a finger on it but it seemed to Ayano that Alexa has somehow turned into a different person.

She walked up to her and gave her a light tap on the back. "What's going on with you? You haven't been acting like yourself today." She asks, curious as to how she will respond.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa
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Eradicator glared at Ayano, his pink eyes flashed with anger.
"Really now? I haven't been acting like myself?"
He chuckled a bit.
"Maybe it's because that bitch of a counsellor dug up old wounds and didn't seem to care that she did. My reason for unhappiness is simple... My family died in a fire."
Eradicator felt a bit confused at saying this but his face didn't show any change.
'What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I telling this girl my crime?'
"Not like it matters anymore. The police think I did it even though I didn't. It was an accident, that's it... But they deemed me a monster. And in a sense, I started to believe them. I'll never find a friend or someone to love. I'm just a curse. That's what's wrong with me; the fact that I exist."
Alexa screamed in Eradicator's mind.
'Idiot!!! Why would you say that?! Why would you say my true feelings like that?! You... I'm coming back out there!!'
As Alexa struggled to come back to her body, Eradicator stared at Ayano for a few seconds before grabbing the remaining supplies and turning to walk back to the class.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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Ayano cringed a bit upon seeing Alexa's eyes as she turned to face her. She finally saw something different. Her eyes definitely looked more aggressive than normal. As she recalled, Alexa eyes were sort of timid and sad, unlike this fiery ones burning daggers into her core.

She calmly explained what happened to herself before turning away to leave. Ayano suddenly felt a bit bad for thinking that her problems were too severe as compared to everything else. Obviously, Alexa had it worse but Ayano took her words with a grain of salt. They say that you can usually tell a lie by looking at the eyes and, suffice to say, she trusted Alexa's old eyes rather than this other person standing in front of her just now.

"Did I pry too much?" She doesn't know but, digging too deep may cause her more trouble than what she's already worth so she just took back the supplies and headed back to the room to assist with the cleaning. While rearranging some stuff after dusting them, she kept glancing at everyone else in the room.

"For all we know, we're all probably a bunch of lunatics..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari
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Eradicator was yelling internally.
'How does it feel now, huh? I got out your past to Ayano. That's what you wanted, isn't it?!'
'On my own terms, Eradicator! I hate you for telling her my past like that!!'
'You really need to quit being a liar~'
'I'm not lying, Eradicator. I really hate you! If you weren't around, if you weren't my other personality, if you didn't get a murderous intent then none of this would be happening. I would be living with my family... I hate you... I hate you, Eradicator. I HATE YOU!!!'
Eradicator's eyes glazed over to be replaced by Alexa's timid purple ones. Alexa breathed a sigh of relief.
"Miss Alexa?"
Alexa turned to see Arata staring at him.
Arata smiled softly.
'Thank god... She's back.'
"If you don't mind my prying... what happened back there?"
Alexa's gaze shifted to the floor.
"Um... I was just angry and getting flashbacks from my past..."
Alexa looked at Ataro and saw his gaze soften when he saw Ayano. Her own eyes darkened with sorrow.
'I... I don't understand why I feel this way...'
Arata put his hand on Alexa's shoulder gently.
"Please... If you feel bad, you can talk to us. Although, that's kind of the point to this class. Speaking of, everyone gather around the table~"
The four were sitting around a round table. Arata clapped his hands.
"So, why don't one of you talk about something first? It can be anything you want it to be~"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Flarea AKA Eradicatior Sins Character Portrait: Ayano Kujikawa Character Portrait: Ataro Hatsuyuki Character Portrait: Arata Natari Character Portrait: Allan Felix Fragarach
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"Anything huh?" Ayano looked at Arata. She appreciated his gesture on breaking the ice between them all. It was something that she believed neither her, Alexa or Ataro can accomplish. She took a deep breath and tried to start but somehow, she felt that she doesn't deserve it, seeing as how she felt that her problems were bigger than anyone else. So she waited a bit for someone to start.

The awkward situation was not helping a bit. It seems only Arata was the social one amongst them. It was as if he's another Anna who can help them try to open up more. She glanced around and noticed that Alexa's eyes have somehow returned back to normal. It was the same pale, timid glow she had when they first met. It wasn't too hard for Ayano not to notice.

"Can I ask Alexa-san a question first?" She faced Alexa. "Did you get color contacts? Your eyes seemed off earlier." She pointed out, trying not to say anything that could put her at risk. That outburst earlier was enough for Ayano to place more caution in dealing with her.

"Psch!" Allan spit out from a car's window as he sat, parked near a certain school in the city. It was near sundown and most of the students were already headed home. Next to him was a client. The car really belonged to the client but he really wasn't someone who respects that fact. Cigarette buts all over the dashboard, half-eaten take out on the back seat, hell, Allan was even in the passenger side with his feet resting on the wheel. The client doesn't care though; not like he was gonna get out alive if he reprimands him anyway.

"May I ask what are we still waiting around here for?" The client asked, propping up his glasses.

"Do you really think we can just waltz in and drag them out? This needs planning you fool! If you can't wait it out quietly then go on ahead! I'll find my own ride later." Allan picked himself up and alighted the car.

"Good. I have other businesses to attend to. Call me if you have taken care of this." The client gave him some last instructions before driving off, leaving Allan to wait alone. "Tsch! Do I always have to clean up after these guys' mess. It's not my fault that a bunch of kids managed to fight them off."

He waited a bit more by the gate, checking to see if anyone from the list is coming out. Those kids supposedly beat some kidnappers sent after them so, he thought that the school should have heard of it and is probably holding them in for questioning. There is a small chance that the last students to leave school would be the ones he was looking for.
