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"Why take the road, when you could just sit in a tree an' watch the world go by?"

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a character in “Unyielding”, as played by Knight.EXE


Name: Nevas
Age: 22
Race (any and all races are accepted): Druid
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Magic Specialization (if applicable): Healer-Nature/Utility-Alchemy
History (optional): Nah, ain't to tell. I don't wanna bore ya with the details.
Strength/Weakness (optional): Eh? I'am in me element wanderin' 'round forests. Though I am a sucker for helping the wee lads and lasses in need or to help a poor wounded animal.
Family: I have family aye, but it's been a while since I last seen 'em. Maybe once I'm done here I'll pop by for a visit.
Felony (if applicable): May have stole some food to feed a wee lass, but that's not really anything worth writin' home about.
Reasons for going: I just love to travel, nothin' to it! Though I heard about the Emerald Sea, it sounds lovely.
Alignment (Lawful Good, True Neutral, Chaotic Evil, etc.): Lawful Neutral

So begins...

Nevas's Story


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Marvina gathered the nuts and then went back to where Nevas lay sleeping. MJ, still a bit shooken up over all that had happened decided that she needed to meditate. She wanted to calm her mind. It felt as though it was rushing all over in a web of tangles. She sat down and took a deep breath. Perhaps through the meditation, I can decipher the meaning of what the spirit guide said, she thought. MJ took another deep breath trying to clear her mind, which was understandably harder to do today than it normally would be. Then, Marvina envisioned a white light surrounding her, chasing out any bad energy. When MJ was done she opened her eyes and remembered what her spirit guide had said to her last night before she fell asleep, The Pillar has seen war, guide. Marvina pondered on the words. I am sure the pillar must be Nevas, she thought, But why is the spirit guide calling him that? And what in the world could it mean by guide. Is it saying it's guiding me or guiding Nevas? Or am I supposed to guide Nevas? Or is he guiding me? I simply cannot figure it out. MJ found herself groeing frustrated as the thought and thought over what guide could possibly mean.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Nevas started to come to, his eyes twiched a bit before opening. It took the Druids mind a few moments to remember where he was, and how he got there. Once the information was processed he slowly let go of the bag he was holding and sat up, looking around slowly the mage saw he was still where they camped last night. Going through his morning routine quick, the younng man leaned back and cracks where heard in the silent morning.

Those crack brought the gypsy out of her meditation, turning her head she greeted Nevas, "...Mornin' lass." he said after a bit of pause, that worried the young woman slightly. For as long as she has known him, the mage was always sure of what he said, and always greeted her in the mornings with out hesitation. What the spirit guide said was now starting to make sense, she had to guide Nevas back to his old self.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Now she knew what she had to do, but she had to figure out how to do it. She tried to act normal as she thought of a way to do this. "I got some nuts if you want any," she said offering some to Nevas. As they ate their breakfast MJ thought about how to help Nevas. She remembered a woman who used to come to her ex-boyfriend for what was called a spiritual attunement. The woman struggled with a traumatic event a few years back and had flashbacks that hindered her ability to live life. She couldn't even go to the market place without having one of her flashbacks. After ger attunement, her flashbacks came less frequently and affected her less when they did happen, but it didn't rid her of them completely and she would occasionally still have flare-ups if she became too stressed. Marvina figured an attunement could help Nevas if he continued to have any flash backs or episodes, but she wasn't didn't think that it would bring him back to how his normal self. At least, not completely. There has to be something more I can do, MJ thought to herself as she continued to brainstorm. Marvina then looked up at Nevas, "How are you feeling?" She asked.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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"I'm fine..." the Druid replied with a false smile, he didn't want his companion to worry any more than she already did. Truthfully he was a wreck, every time he sees or thinks of the battle it gets more and more detailed than the last. Being a Druid Nevas rarely ever killed someone, usually it was animals, but the times he had to kill a person were borderline nonexistent. Knocked out sure, but never killed. The mage shook the thoughts from his head, dwelling on it would only make it worse, so he focused on getting his gear together for the road ahead.

As they traveled, the PTSD afflicted Druid jumped at sounds that he other wise would've brushed to the side. A bird flapping it's wings to leave it's perch, leaves rustling in the trees as the wind blew passed, the heat of the sun as it climbed higher into the sky started to feel like the fireballs that the mages cast. No, the Druid wasn't okay. But he wasn't going to admit it out loud, he didn't want Marvina to blame herself again.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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As they walked, Marvina noticed the druid was more jumpy than usual. He seemed to jump at almost nothing. She could tell he wasn't okay, but wasn't sure how to confront him. MJ grabbed his hand. "Hey," she said softly, "let's take a break here." I should probably try the attunement. Hopefully it will help. If it doesn't work, it was at least worth it to try. "Have you ever had an attunement before? It's not hard to do, I promise. It helps cleanse your chakras and aura. It'll help us for our journey," Marvina told him trying to explain why she thought he should do it, without letting on that she could tell he was still troubled from the visions of battle. "Just sit there," MJ told Nevas, "Envision a white light surrounding you and chasing out any of the dark things." As she told him to do this she began placing her hand over his chakras one at a time. She started with the crown chakra placing her hand at the top of his head. The function of the crown was understanding, but it was also wear a majority of energy enters before spreading to other areas. She then placed a hand on the middle of his forehead, the third eye chakra, whose function is spiritual sight and intuition. She saw the light enter and darker chunks came out floating away looking ashes that fly away from a fire. This happened at multiple of the chakras. She continued on to the throat, the heart, and the root chakras, doing the same thing as before. She focused on cleansing energy, asking it to flow through Nevas. Then, she was finished. "We're finished. Do you feel any better?" Marvina told Nevas. She hoped it would work and that the cleansing would last. If it didn't she knew one other way she could help him, but it was very dangerous, if she could even figure out how to do it. It wouldn't be dangerous for Nevas, but for herself.

When Marvina first started learning Reiki she had a book she studied from. One of the chapters was called transferring. The book highly discouraged the use of it, but still went on to explain what it was. Basically, you could transfer an ailment from one person to another. The only problem was that spirit guides refused to take part in this kind of this. So, you would have to call upon another spirit, and when you do that you can't tell if the spirit is benign or not. While at times the spirit can be good, most of the time it isn't. Even after the transferring is over, the spirit tends to follow you forever. MJ didn't want to do this, so she hoped that her attunement would be enough to help her Druid friend.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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His nerves settled, the terrible heat that he felt disappeared leaving only a comforting warmth of the sun. The Druids mind was clearer, and while he could remember the ancient battle, it was blurry. The details weren't as sharp, Nevas could no longer make out the faces of the dead and dying. The mage's eyes opened, and he waited to give an answer as his ears listened to his surroundings. Birds fluttering to and fro, a soft wind rustled the leaves on trees. Despite all this, the young man no longer felt the anxiety from before.

A genuine smile played on his face as he gave the gypsy a big hug, "Thank ya lass." MJ felt relief that the Attunement worked. She was pretty sure that if it didn't, and she suggested Transferring, that the Druid wouldn't be to happy with her if/when he found out what was involved. The two ate some more food, a rabbit this time, before heading off to their destination. This time Marvina noticed the Druid was less jumpy, he had almost a skip to his step. Nevas must be feeling a lot better.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Marvina breathed a sigh of relief as Nevas hugged her. As they were walking, Marvina noticed Nevas walking with a spring in his step and smiled. She was overjoyed that the attunement had worked. He was okay and she didn't have to worry about transferring, and hoped that she never would. Most people who used it, used it to save dying loved ones. Who cares about being followed around by a spirit for the rest of your life if it isn't going to be much longer. Of course, you don't have to transfer it to yourself, but most do. If it's not you, you'd have to inflict the pain on somebody else. So, you'd have to live with that guilt, and most likely a spirit. "I'm so happy that you're feeling better," Marvina told Nevas, "I was really worried about you, you know."


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Turning his head slightly to look at the gypsy, before looking straight ahead once more, the Druid answered, "Ya worry to much lass. I'm like an oak, strong an' resilient. I would've been fine before ya knew it, a week at duh very most." though internally he thought other things, 'Only if by a week ya mean a few months then yes, be only a week.' of course he wasn't about to voice those thoughts, no need to get her high strung. That was the last thing he needed, the young woman could be scary when something bad happened to him, and the mage tried to play it off. Luckily he was better now so there was no need to worry.

The was a comfortable silence between the Druid and gypsy as they continued to the desert. Nevas thought about what they would discover there, maybe a city that thrived around an oasis, or maybe ancient ruins full of both history and treasure. Of course there was the possibility that there was nothing and they would have to quickly turn back. That was always an option, but it was impossible to tell, the map wasn't to detailed so it was anythings guess. As the stopped for the night, after having rabbit and some nuts, the smell of lavender entered Marvina's nose.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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MJ gave an amused smile as he compared himself to an oak. "I would've been fine before ya knew it, a week at duh very most," Marvina heard Nevas say. I wish he didn't even have to experience it for one day, she thought to herself. After they stopped and ate MJ smelled the scent of lavender. Marvina looked around to see the lilac cloud figure of her spirit guide. She seemed to be seeing it more and more lately. The spirit guide seemed to be shaking it's head at her. She knew why. If only it couldn't read my mind, Marvina thought. It's not like I really would've done it, Marvina tried to tell her spirit guide, not even sure if she herself believed the statement. Marvina had grown very fond of Nevas and hated seeing him in pain. Plus, even if I would've, she added, which I wouldn't, I didn't need to. So, it's really not a big deal. It doesn't matter. I didn't do it. MJ didn't hear any answer back. The image of the guide disappeared, but she could still smell the scent of lavender in her nose. Marvina shook her head and gave an annoyed sigh. She then looked up to see Nevas looking at her. MJ gave a nervous laugh. "Oh, um sorry about that. I was just," she paused to think of an explanation, "um, thinking."


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Shrugging the Druid decided to let it be, though he was curious about the lavender. He vaguely recalled the sent before, like he smelled it, but he couldn't remember where. It was weird so the mage decided to not dwell on it, that was until a voice entered his mind, "Pillar, you lie to protect. Watch, support, strengthen." Nevas quickly shot his head up before looking around. Seeing MJ's worried look he quickly explained, "Sorry, I thought I heard somethin'. Didn't mean to worry ya."

After Marvina went to sleep, and he sung the lullaby, the Druid thought over the mysterious words spoken to him. 'Pillar? Now why be callin' me that? And how do they know I be lyin'!? Not ma conscience that be for damn sure! And what does watch, support, strengthen even mean?' he couldn't make heads or tails of the three words spoken. They sounded like commands for him to do, but then what was it he was supposed to 'watch, support, strengthen'? Deciding to figure it out in the morning, Nevas drifted off to sleep.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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The next morning, Marvina woke up and stretched her arms while yawning. The sun was just starting to come up. MJ smiled as she watched it start to come up and shine it's light upon the world. Another day. Another adventure. MJ thought. She looked over toward her sleeping friend and then back to the sky. I can't wait to see what we'll see today. Hopefully nothing bad... again. I'm sure nothing bad will happen, Marvina assured herself, besides maybe a sun burn. Since Marvina had such a pale completion, she was got sunburnt fairly easily, but since she had spent a great deal outdoors they didn't affect her as bad. In fact, she was surprised that she hadn't yet gotten sunburnt. When MJ was finished watching the sun rise, she decided to go out and gather some food for Nevas and her.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Nevas awoke to see that once again, his internal clock failed to wake him once again. After he stretched, he looked around noting that Marvina was absent from the camp, "The lass seems to be beatin' me to duh punch when it be coming to wakin' up and gettin' food." the Druid chuckled lightly before shaking his head. He shouldn't really be surprised, his luck's been messing with him for the last few days, so of course he would be waking up late. He just hoped that his luck took a break today.

His female companion came back with more nuts, "Mornin' lass!" he greeted happily. The gypsy greeted him in kind, happy there was no more hesitating like yesterday. After eating, and having the young woman ask if he was okay again, which he was, the two gathered their things and began to travel once more. Things were fairly smooth...until Nevas pulled his companion down with an arrow whizzing passed where their heads have been, and they were surrounded by women in armor, all had bows drawn. The mage could only think of one thing to say, "Well shit."


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Marvina gasped in surprise as Nevas pulled her down. Soon understanding as she saw the arrow go over her head. MJ looked around to see they were surrounded. What is this? Shoot first, ask questions later? Seems to be a little bit of too hasty thinking to me. Marvina kept her opinion to herself. She felt that women warriors probably wouldn't appreciate the insight. MJ decided to slowly stand up with her arms raised in surrender. She didn't know what else they could do. They were completely surrounded. Perhaps if we play along, we could make it out unharmed. Marvina wondered what their reason for this attack was. Did they want something? Are we perhaps getting to close to their land and therefore made them nervous? Either way MJ knew there was no way she'd be able to defeat them.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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The Druid's eyes narrowed slightly, twenty assailants in total, three trees ten yards out, it would be easy to just get them talking while asking the trees to help. There were problems with that, ones he couldn't ignore, so he followed MJ's example and put his hands up, "We mean ya no trouble, we just be passin' th-" what ever he was going to say left him as a fist went right into his gut, knocking the air out of him. Marvina moved to help him, but another of the women stepped forth grabbing the gypsy, before taking her out of the circle.

"Ah fuck that hurt." he saw one drag his companion out of the circle, and at that moment it became quite clear to the mage that these women were man haters. Thinking fast, his skin turned into petrified wood as arrows pelted him from all sides. Do to his newly hardened skin, the sharp projectiles bounced right off him leaving little to marks. Turning his skin back, his antlers grew out of his head, "Are ya all out of ya fuckin' minds?!" he didn't care about much, but almost being a Druid pincushion tended to piss him off.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Marvina attempted to rush towards Nevas after he took a punch to the gut, but was grabbed by one of the women before she could. "Let me go!" MJ cried out doing everything in her power to get away, but achieving nothing except a sprained wrist that would probably end up swollen by morning. Then, she saw all the women, besides the one holding her back, draw their bows and then release. Marvina screamed and felt as though her heart had stopped beating and felt the blood leave her face. When she saw that the arrows had not harmed Nevas she breathed out. She felt the blood returning to her face as her fear turned to anger. "Why are you doing this?" She yelled at the woman holding her back. "He done nothing but help me on the way here. Right now, you are hurting me more than he ever has or ever will." MJ struggled to get free again, but did not prevail. It only used up her energy and further injured her wrist. She turned back toward the woman, her voice softer this time. "Please let him go. I'll do whatever you want, get you whatever you want, just let him go," she pleaded.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Seeing MJ struggle to get out of the woman's grasp made Nevas go from pissed, to down right livid. The archers took aim once more, but before they could fire thick roots sprung from the ground, grabbing all of them before squeezing tight. The only one not grabbed was the woman holding Marvina, "Let. Her. Go." the Druid growled out, his eyes glowed a toxic green as he glared at the man hater. Seeing the woman hesitate, the mage tightened the roots even more. The mage's anger only grew the longer the woman didn't release the gypsy she was holding.

Screams of pain filled the air as the sound of bones breaking reached the woman's ears. She was afraid of this ma-, no this monster, in front of her. He commanded the very trees to fight for him, it was like nothing she had ever seen before! Who ever this girl was, she was important to the creature. Looking out of the corner of her eye she was the girl, who she was going to force to join them, was also in shock. Pulling out a knife she decided to use the girl as a hostage, "Let my sisters go, and I will the girl will live!" the man hater would later realize that threatening the young woman was a mistake, as the staff in the Druid's hand transformed into a pole arm, and the ground bursted out five more roots as he growled angrily at her, with his hands and arms turning into ebony wood.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Marvina gasped as she saw the roots wrap around the women. She knew Nevas was powerful, but she never realized the extent of his power or seen it used for this purpose. She then felt the cold metal of the knife pressed up against her throat. Marvina took a shakey breath being careful not to move so she wouldn't get cut. MJ felt her heart beating fast and adrenaline kicking, but she was frozen in place. She looked towards Nevas and made eye contact with his glowing green eyes. Marvina trusted the Druid with her life. She knew that if anyone could get them out of this situation he could.


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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It happened fast. One moment she was holding the girl hostage, looking at the monster across an area of twenty feet. The next thing she knew, she was staring directly into it's toxic green eyes while falling back, before roots surrounded her, crushing her bones as a scream of pain tore through her throat. She saw it, the monster's weapon had blood dripping down it's blade, and on the ground she saw her own arm. She was terrified, her arm was gone, both she and her sisters in arms were being crushed to death by tree roots, and from the look in it's eyes, the monster was purposely keeping them alive to suffer.

The woman thought it was the end, until the girl, the very one she was keeping hostage, got the beast's attention. From what she was hearing, the girl was trying to get it to release them. This girl, she should run and save herself! Did she not see what that monster did!? But to her shock, the roots loosened, before the man haters and her sisters were placed on the ground. Pain quickly replaced the feeling of relief as one of the roots dug into where her are once was. Looking at it, she saw the root transform into a replica of her, now severed, arm. Looking back to the monster, his weapon was back in it's sleeping state, and his skin human looking again, as his green eyes bored into her, "Be thankful that the lass is more forgivin' than I."


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Marvina ran towards Nevas as soon as she felt the woman's hold on her release, ignoring the throbbing in her wrist. When she reached Nevas her first instinct was to hug him as she began to feel tears come to her eyes, but his arms were still the hard ebony wood. Marvina let go of Nevas and looked around her to see the pain and torture of the warrior women. She couldn't stand it. "Nevas," MJ said gently. "Please stop. I'm okay now. Let them go." As she said that Nevas began to release the women and return to his normal looking self. Marvina pulled Nevas closer to her and whispered in his ear, while still sniffling a bit from crying, "C-can we leave now?"


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Character Portrait: Nevas Character Portrait: Marvina Joyce Loveridge
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Nodding the two began to leave, Nevas left the roots out as a warning until the duo vanished from the warrior women's sight. The two continued to walk until the sun started to set. The Druid's antlers were still out, showing he hasn't fully calmed down from the man hating women. A small part of him was telling him that he should've just ended them, have the trees pull them underground and suck out their energy, letting them rot. But another part of him said he did the right thing in letting them go, snd how he should've found a more peaceful way of dealing with the women.

"Lass?" he called out to his companion, she was shaken from what he did. It was in her eyes, "No matter what happens ya got nothin' to fear from me." he told her softly, "A Druid's rage be a powerful, terrible thing. I only pray that ya don't ever have to see it again." he looked to the stars over head as he lost himself in thought. Giving a light chuckle he couldn't stop the words exiting his mouth, "Come saplin's, come and listen to ma tale of duh Druid who broke duh sky."

Marvina looked to her companion as he started to tell, what appeared to be, another story from his race, "Once, many years after duh fool brought duh Sun's wrath upon us, there was a simple farmer. He tended his fields with great care, that duh plants would lean towards him with love. For many year did duh farmer protect an' care for his plants, until one day, while duh farmer was at market, a group o' humans raided the farmers plants. On his return, duh farmer saw his precious plants pillaged, and dead. So great was his rage, that when he found duh humans who dared to harm his plant's, he made the very ground rise up."

Taking a sip of water the Druid continued his story, "Taking duh humans with it, he forced them so high, that they made holes appear in duh night sky. Duh farmer didn't feel that his vengeance was complete, so he went to duh nearest mountain, and threw it in to duh sky with all his might. It made duh biggest of all duh holes. It was so big, that duh sun grew jealous and only shined it's light upon duh hole once every month, never lettin' it get more then four days worth of light. Learn from this tale little saplin's, for our rage is second only to that of duh sun."
