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Waking Dream

Waking Dream


An adventure to save humanity from living death with fantasy elements. Choose your weapon and companion, and go slay some gods (or slay your fellow humans and potentially become a god yay) ^^

1,151 readers have visited Waking Dream since libcakes created it.



The god of Sleep and the god of Destruction wish to take over the Court of the Gods. Their leader, Father, depends on the prayers of humans to fuel his power. If humans are asleep for eternity, then he doesn't receive those prayers and weakens enough for others to dispute his rule and forcibly remove him from his throne. Their plan has already started to take effect and they have gone into hiding until Father's power has weakened enough for their plan to work, i.e., until everyone in the world is asleep. Dream and Time, beings that have been around longer than any god, have taken it upon themselves to thwart these gods' plans. Dream and Time can't touch the other gods physically, for they have no corporeal form, and Father would do it himself, but it is forbidden for gods to meddle in the affairs of mortals. Dream and Time have enough foresight to see that if Sleep and Destruction are successful, it would create a civil war among the gods and destroy the world. Dream has the power to control dreams and the people in them. This control isn't all-powerful, but the Dream World is his realm, and he makes up the rules there, so he has a little more power to sway mortals. Time is able to twist time however he wishes, even make it go backwards. He helps by creating a time rift so great that each breath a sleeping human takes is like a hundred years in the Dream Realm.

The plan was good: take an army of mortals from the Waking Realm and send them on a journey to defeat the gods in the Dream Realm. Destruction and Sleep got wind of their plan and picked their army as well, promising to make them all gods if they won. The fighting was fierce and many died, flat-lining mysteriously in the Waking Realm. As time went on, however, there were fewer and fewer skirmishes, until it became apparent that the two sides didn't even know why they were fighting, and the idea that there was another world other than the Dream Realm became nothing more than a story to tell at bedtime. Each side settled down and had families, but the nature of each group and their hatred for each other remained strong. Of course there are exceptions for each side, but that is a rarity.


It is a thousand years later. The groups have settled into definite clans with specialized roles. The Companions have made the forest their home, and the Solitaire have taken residency in the towns. Small groups have split off, given themselves new names, and taken residency elsewhere. Dream has decided to try again. This time, instead of selecting numerous people, he has chosen a select handful to carry out his plan. Destruction is aware of his plan and does the same.

If you choose to be human:

If you choose to be on Dream and Time's side, and the side of humanity (aka The Companions):

Dream has chosen you, a person with a strong sense of self and a good heart, to represent the human race and save the world from living death by finding Sleep and Destruction, who are hiding in the Dream Realm, and defeat them, hopefully with the help of some of the other Companions currently residing in Dream's Kingdom.

Once you fall asleep, you will open your eyes to a dark place where Dream will appear before you. He will briefly explain what is happening (that the world is in danger, two gods are responsible for it, and that you must find them and defeat them), and say you are unique among most humans and you have been made aware of a problem that will affect the entire human race, including yourself, all without ever saying who he is. He asks if you will join the others he has chosen to save the human race and you say yes (since this is a dream, why not? And if you say no, then he would erase all memory of meeting him and you would just dream normally, never being aware of a problem). He gives you your choice of a being to accompany you on your quest (see below) and tells you to join the rest of the company in the Desert of Solace. Once you make your choice, he disappears into a cloud of ravens. You "wake up" in Dream's Kingdom*: the piece of the Dream Realm where no one else's dreams overlap with a being of the species you chose sitting near and looking at you expectantly.

If you choose to be on Destruction and Sleep's side (The Solitaire ((yes, like the diamond. Represents their greed and reminds me of "solitary")):

They have chosen you, a person who has a great lust for power or have something that would cause you to abandon humanity. You have been promised an immortal place in the god's court if you assist Sleep and Destruction to the throne. Your chore is to protect their ascent to the throne, hopefully with the help of some of the other Solitaire currently residing in Dream's Kingdom, and prevent the other side from defeating the duo.

Once you fall asleep, you will open your eyes to a throne room where Sleep and Destruction are sitting. They will tell you of their plan to become joint rulers of the gods and if you help them by protecting their ascent, they will make you immortal, one of the gods. They will also tell you that there are a group of people who will try and stop their rise of power and it is they who you must stop. You will say yes (and if you don't you would just dream normally), and they will give you a choice of a companion (see below) and tell you to join the rest of the group in the town of Avaritia. Once you pick, they disappear and you "wake up" in Dream's Kingdom*: the piece of the Dream Realm where no one else's dreams overlap, with a being of the species you chose sitting near and looking at you expectantly.

Alternatively if you choose to be a human's Associate:

If you choose to be on Dream and Time's side, and the side of humanity (aka The Companions):

You are a human's Associate already residing in Dream's Kingdom*. You do not know who this human is, only that Dream has asked you to accompany them on their quest to find Destruction and Sleep and defeat them. He has chosen you because he trusts you and knows that you are inherently good, and will provide your human with the knowledge that they need to be successful. He transports you to a location within your region and tell you that they will appear shortly. And indeed, a human-looking thing Fades into existence as Dream bursts into a cloud of birds and opens their eyes, looking around and catching sight of you.

If you choose to be on Destruction and Sleep's side (The Solitaire ((yes, like the diamond. Represents their greed and reminds me of "solitary")):

You are a human's Associate already residing in Dream's Kingdom*. You do not know who this human is, only that you have made a deal with Destruction not to kill them until all those pansy-ass Companions and their creatures are dead. Only you know quite why you're here, but it does benefit you to provide this human with information that will help them on their journey, and frankly, you (perhaps) like the idea of killing something yourself. In any case, Destruction tells you what you need to know and says that the human will appear shortly. And indeed, a human-looking thing Fades into existence as the god goes on his merry way back to his hiding place and the human opens their eyes, looking around and catching sight of you.

Other Information:

There are numerous residents in Dream's Kingdom and they are listed below. Whichever being you have picked for your Associate determines where you will wake up in the Kingdom. Each creature has a letter after it: G, N, or E. “G” is for good, “N” is for neither, and “E” is for evil. If you choose to be a Solitaire, it is unlikey that you would pick an angel for your Associate. Dream also loves strawberry tarts. It isn't against the rules, but you wouldn't get much help from it. So the creatures marked with a "G" will help the Companions mainly, the "E"s will help the Solitaires primarily, and the "N"s can be chosen by both sides. All Associates have near-human to human intelligence. (The Kraken and the Hydra are nonplayable for plot reasons. The Kraken because he's just too powerful, and the Hydra because...well, you'll find out.)

The Creature List:

The Desert of Solace: none

The Myth Mountain Range: angels(G), dragons(N), gryphons(G), chimeras(N), dwarves(N), harpies(E), phoenixes(G)

The Belle Forest: dryads(G), centaurs(N), elves(N), satyrs(G), unicorns(G)

The Dread Ocean/ The Dream River: the Kraken(E), merrows(E), mermaids(G), the Hydra(E), sirens(E), kelpies(E), selkies(G), naiads(G)

Urban (there are a number of villages, some with names, some without): demons(E), faeries(N), vampires(E), shifters (werewolves, werecats and the like)(N), mages (includes witches and wizards)(N), jinn (genies)(N)

The list isn't complete, merely a guide; if you'd like another creature for your associate, feel free to ask.

Other Characters:

Dream: is played by me.
Time: is playable only if you have a darn good character sheet.
Destruction: See Time.
Sleep: See Time.
Current residents of Dream's Kingdom, including the Companions, the Solitaire, and the groups that have split off: playable, but it's your choice to have a creature or not.

*Dream's Kingdom: As an almost all-powerful ruler of his realm, he has a piece all to himself. It looks surprisingly real but is apart from the rest of the Dream Realm. You cannot map Dream's Kingdom as it changes constantly. You travel by focusing on where you want to go. It is split up into 4 topographical territories, a wide plain, a deep ocean, a dark forest, and a high range of mountains with rivers that run throughout the realm. The villages that are there stay on the spot of land on which they were built.


For humans:
Code: Select all
[b]Username:[/b] (Obvious)
[b]Name:[/b] (Full name please)
[b]Gender:[/b] (They do have a gender right? ohmy.gif)
[b]Age:[/b] (From 5-50)
[b]Brief History:[/b] (And I do mean brief, occupation on the outside world, family, ect.)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Detailed please. Include some likes and dislikes, as well as their normal reactions to things)
[b]Abilities:[/b] (You may pick one weapon to be excellent at even though you (may) have not touched a weapon in your life)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture is lovely but must be anime, clothes don't matter as this is a dream; a detailed paragraph is more than welcome)
What is Dream's favorite treat?:

For Associates:
Code: Select all
[b]Chosen Associate:[/b] (From the list or otherwise (must be approved by me))
[b]Name:[/b] (Duh)
[b]Gender[/b] (If applicable)
[b]Age:[/b] (Obvious)
[b]Brief History:[/b] (Extremely brief)
[b]Abilities:[/b] (Must be one(s) that the creature already has. Please do not make me stamp a “Did Not Do The Research” sticker across your face. Keep it reasonable. 3 abilities at the max. Also: negotiable if the abilities are relatively weak.)
[b]Personality:[/b] (Almost as important as your character. Make it count people)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Pictures are allowed. So are paragraphs)
What is Dream's favorite treat?:

Toggle Rules

Welcome to Libtopia. During your stay, please refer to THE RULZORZ:
1. As maker of this RP, I reserve the right to change rules as I please.
2. My word is law. If you have a problem with me, you will take it up in PM or you will be unwelcome the rest of your stay in Libtopia.
3. There is no such thing as a one-liner or even a four-liner here in Libtopia. You will write well developed and interesting posts or I’ll shank you with a feesh. A vereh smelleh feesh. Image
4. There will be no chat-speak, text-speak, l33t-speak, baby-speak, or any other speak that isn’t proper English-speak with proper grammar and spelling...speak. Image
5. All negative behavior OOC will be swiftly reprimanded with a warning. After that, you will be fed to the pygmy hippos that live in Libtopia’s loch.
6. All characters must be real (figuratively speaking) with flaws. If I don’t like your character, I’ll point it out and it will not be approved until you fix it. I won’t be mean, promise. Just...a nudge in the right direction. We played with Barbies when we were, like, five. It’s not fun anymore.
7. Libtopia has a romance (Image) restriction of PG-13 because the Queen of Libtopia has virgin eyes and would cry kittens if she saw bad things. Image
8. There will be no god-moding, power-playing, or controlling another player's character without their permission. If they don't like the way you have said their character has reacted to something, fix it.
9. If you choose to go on a quest of some sort outside the kingdom, please notify me and we'll see what we can do. Characters that have not responded for a week will be carted off to the nearest hospital as they have come down with the Freezing Disease where they simply cannot move in the scene they were just in. Tragic, really.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 1 authors


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Araw sits in his bed, awake. "Bah!" he says loudly, but nobody was in the apartment with him. "I don't wanna get up!" The alarm clock buzzed and beeped for the third time. It crashes into the floor, a dagger in it. He sits up in his bed. He yawns and rubs his eyes. Araw stands up and walks into the kitchen and begins his routine.

He first grabs a glass of lemonade and sips from it while he checks his computer for messages. None yet. He goes back into his room and changes into his day clothes. Still sipping from his glass of lemonade, he decides to search for a name he heard in his sleep. Although it was fuzzy and hard to hear, he could remember it. "Vanyel Zandrell," he says as he types it in. One link pops up, which he clicks. "Hmm. . ." She seemed like someone he should get to know.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Dream
Character Portrait: Draconis
Character Portrait: Vanyel Zandrell
Character Portrait: Inekin
Character Portrait: Araw DuChe


Character Portrait: Araw DuChe
Araw DuChe

An assassin with nothing to lose.

Character Portrait: Inekin

demon with sort of a laid back attitude toward life.

Character Portrait: Vanyel Zandrell
Vanyel Zandrell

the evil and a little twisted woman who wants to gain power for her own selfish reasons.

Character Portrait: Draconis

a dragon with a fiery additude

Character Portrait: Dream

A mysterious being older than the gods. Don't worry though--he's here to help (XD)


Character Portrait: Draconis

a dragon with a fiery additude

Character Portrait: Inekin

demon with sort of a laid back attitude toward life.

Character Portrait: Dream

A mysterious being older than the gods. Don't worry though--he's here to help (XD)

Character Portrait: Vanyel Zandrell
Vanyel Zandrell

the evil and a little twisted woman who wants to gain power for her own selfish reasons.

Character Portrait: Araw DuChe
Araw DuChe

An assassin with nothing to lose.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Draconis

a dragon with a fiery additude

Character Portrait: Dream

A mysterious being older than the gods. Don't worry though--he's here to help (XD)

Character Portrait: Araw DuChe
Araw DuChe

An assassin with nothing to lose.

Character Portrait: Inekin

demon with sort of a laid back attitude toward life.

Character Portrait: Vanyel Zandrell
Vanyel Zandrell

the evil and a little twisted woman who wants to gain power for her own selfish reasons.

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Re: [OOC] Waking Dream (Roleplayers Needed)

Sorry i forgot to include an associate in my charecter. But don't worry, I'm working on it.

Hey HunnyBee, can you be my associate? I noticed you don't have a human, but if you'd prefer not to, it's fine:)

Re: [OOC] Waking Dream (Roleplayers Needed)

This seems pretty interesting. I'd like to join, but it might take me a while to make my character.

[OOC] Waking Dream (Roleplayers Needed)

"Waking Dream"

Welcome to the Waking Dream OOC thread folks ^^

I'm lib, your friendly GM. Have some crackers :D

libcakes aka lib or libby