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Angelina Witwell


0 · 1,791 views · located in Hidden City

a character in “We are the Monsters”, as played by goldenstitch



Name: Angelina "Angel" Witwell.

Age: 17

Species: Witch

Profession: Amateur Veterinarian

Appearance: Red hair, green eyes, 5'5 (around 165cm), olive skin, scorpio tattoo on her hip (small one)

Personality: Bossy, kind, caring, very sarcastic, possessive, passionate.

Abilities: Spells, basic potions.

Interests: Animals, music, playing piano and drums, spells, lazy-days.

Dislikes: Liars, betrayal, anyone who she thinks is "Stealing" people she loves.

Other: Aggressive, makes it look like she's tough but wants to be loved and cared for.

History: She was born june 5th 1999 (scorpio) in Italy, she and her mother (a powerful witch named Jemma Witwell) moved to New Orleans, America where her mother died five years later because of a vampire attack, leaving Angel to her good friend Alfonso, a healer. No one knows where Angel's dad is, only that he was last seen in Venice the autumn of the year 2003. Now that Alfonso thinks she's in danger, he sends Angelina off to the "Hidden City" to make sure she's safe from the world of dangerous creatures.

So begins...

Angelina Witwell's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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Adam immediately looked down and fidgeted with the insulin pump hidden under his shirt before digging into his sandwich. His face was dusted pink again, mainly because he hated being around anyone when he had to do his diabetic things. Oh well, he couldn't do anything about it, so he might as well forget it already.

"Hungry or something?" Theo teased Angelina before digging into his own salad. "It's not like you were unconscious yesterday or anything." He really did feel bad about that still, he was in charge of keeping her safe as long as she was his guest, and still she got hurt.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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I looked up at Theo with mouth full of food, glaring at him. He laughed, I rolled my eyes chewing up.

"Excuse you" I said wiping my mouth the tissue and drinking some juice. I looked over at Adam who was fidgeting around, under his shirt, I saw a little cable sticking out and decided to ask

"Are you diabetic?" I asked, his eyes immediately snapped up to look at me. "My sister, or well step sister has diabetes, so does out cousin." I said smiling, taking another bite of the delicious pasta.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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"Y-yeah. Sucks cause I was diagnosed as a baby and I've never had most normal sugary food items." He scrunched up his nose as he tugged down his shirt again, hiding the device from view again. "My moms never even let me have a real birthday cake til a few years ago because they were afraid that I'd go into sugar shock." Adam shook his head before biting into his very large fish sandwich.

"As the person that convinced them to give you actual food, you're welcome," Theo snorted. "I swear Sindri almost had a cow the second she smelled the chocolate cake. And shit, now I'm craving cake. Thanks."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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I laughed at them.

"Ow" I I held my stomach, I forgot I had stitches in. Theo looked over and I just smiled, reassuring him.

"I'm sorry that you had to go though life without sugar, it's my life!" I told him, I can't imagine not eating sugar,


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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Adam shrugged and popped an overly salted fry into his mouth. "Eh, it's fine, it's not like I actually know what I'm missing out on, so it's not the worst thing ever. At least it's not like I was addicted to sweets and bam now I can't have any."

Theo shook his head at the boy as he stole a fry from Adam's plate. "You poor unfortunate soul. Don't know what you're missing, and now I'll have to eat some cake in front of ya." He tsked a few times, a teasing glint in his eye. It was the most awake he seemed in a while, just from the thought of cake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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I watched Theo's eyes light up as he talked about sugar, I chuckled at him, he was acting like a kid. Adam just sat there chewing on fries, and suddenly I wanted some too, why does it always happen, I order food but end up wanting someone else's food. Of course I couldn't ask him, that would be too awkward. i licked my lips and stared down at the yellowish fries, they looked and smelled delicious.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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The look she was giving his fries wasn't exactly inconspicuous, and Theo couldn't help but chuckle. He took a napkin out of the little dispenser sitting on the table and gently knocked some fries onto it before pushing the pile towards Angelina. "Take 'em, I can't eat them all."

Adam took another off Theo's plate and dunked it into his smoothie, an eyebrow raised at the man. "I thought you usually gave your leftovers to Ricardo? Or did your cat somehow 'disappear' again?" He put air quotes around "disappear," a fork still clutched in one hand.

Theo crossed his arms over his chest in an attempt to look serious. "If you're suggesting that my cat likes to run off in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, then you would be completely correct. That's not the case this time though. He's just being an ass and doesn't deserve cookies or fries right now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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I thanked him quietly and stuffed half of the fries on the napkin into my small mouth.

"I thought you usually gave your leftovers to Ricardo? Or did your cat somehow 'disappear' again?" asked Adam, I focused on Theo.

"Yo hage ah khat?" I managed to ask through the fries on my mouth, hopefully they weren't too grossed out by my pig-eating. I'm a god person, but cats can be chill too. I finally swallowed the potatoes.

"Uf, excuse me." I say with my normal voice. "You have a cat?" I ask again, now mouth empty.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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"Yep, my familiar," Theo replied with a beaming smile as though the cat had just won the Nobel Prize. "I've had him for years, he's usually a good kitty when he's not being an assbutt." He quietly sipped his tea and acted as if the word "assbutt" had not just escaped his mouth. "He usually hangs out in either my rooms or the infirmary when no one's around."

Adam just snorted and stole another few fries. "That damn cat is practically his pride and joy, don't get him started."

Theo just looked at the two teens with a completely straight face. "I fucking love my cat, he's my feline child." With that, Adam completely lost his cool and almost choked on a fry.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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I decided to tease Theo's love for cats, well his cat especially by twirling my hair around my fingers, making a diva face with a rich girl accent,

"um, I'm a dog person" I said pretending to have chewing gum, Theo rolled his eyes. "But cats are okay" I told him truthfully.

"Oh and Theo? Assbutt? Really?" I burst out laughing, everyone was probably annoyed, but the face Theo made was too funny.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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Theo stuck his tongue out at her with a grin. "Hey, immortal necromancers are allowed to snuggle cats and say 'assbutt' too, excuse you." He pretended to flip hair over his shoulder, the motion so natural at one point in his life that it still felt normal. "I might be old but I'm still allowed to be weird."

Adam was still pounding a fist against his chest in an attempt to stop choking on his food. "Theo, you're practically the dad of everyone in this town. At least stop saying assbutt. Cuddle all the kittens for all I care. Just stop trying to be Castiel from Supernatural and we'll be hunky dory."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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Adam stopped choking on his food and cleared his throat.

"Theo, you're practically the dad of everyone in this town. At least stop saying assbutt. Cuddle all the kittens for all I care. Just stop trying to be Castiel from Supernatural and we'll be hunky dory." he said. I've always wanted to watch Supernatural, never had the time though.

"I've never watched Supernatural" I frowned, I really need to, Dean is hot, of course not because of that but I still want to watch to see what say about us supernaturals.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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"Good show, main actors are attractive enough," Adam said after coughing again, voice still rough from that incident. "Just don't bring up any particular episodes or creatures on it around here, some people get really offended. Although I can't say I'm too appreciative over the way they handled fallen angels, but that's just my bias." He shrugged and went back to his food, though just mentioning fallen angels seemed to make his bright blue eyes darken a little.

"They're nicer to some creatures than others, though I suppose it's like that for all things fantasy in pop culture," Theo added. "The second I learn who decided to make all necromancers seem like horrible monsters on Shadowhunters, they'll learn just what the trade entails." He mumbled the last part, always salty about anyone putting down necromancy. If it was easy, then everyone would be doing it, he always said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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I laughed at their description on the two supernatural shows.

"I should probably watch it someday with junk food and all, ya know" I said but then my eyes widened at my own words.

"You have Mcdonalds right?" I gasped, this city looked like a normal, human city but I haven't seen any shops from the "outside world." But If not I could always use a spell or something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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Theo and Adam exchanged a look of "oh dear" before either said a word. "Well there's a place that kinda like McDonald's, except ya know, quality?" Adam offered, phrasing as more of a question than a statement.

"Ooh, we should go there later. I've been craving a burger from there for a while," Theo interjected. "Best burgers ever there, I swear." It was almost ridiculous hearing him say that as he showed down on his salad, but he didn't seem to care.

Adam just raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "How the hell would you know? You're a vegetarian? But if we're going, I'm bringing Dawn, no questions. She'd kill me with a fork if we went and didn't take her."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker
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So no chicken nuggets and McFlurry for me now, I frowned, well at least they have a similar type of burgers.

"I'm bringing Dawn, no questions. She'd kill me with a fork if we went and didn't take her." Adam said, making me scrunch my eyebrows, for some reason I became almost jealous? For fucks sake Angelina, you don't know the dude, stop having your mood swings.

"We should go there, sometime" I said, starting to finish my plate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker Character Portrait: Dawn Sawyer
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"We'll go tonight," Theo decided with a nod before eating a final bite of his salad. "That okay, Adam? Or do you ever get the night off anymore?"

Adam snorted as he stole the last of the fries. "I get off at five, I'll meet you there with the Ghost Pepper hopefully not long after that. I'm shocked I haven't accidentally summoned her already just by saying her name. Or do I have to do that in a mirror three times?"

"No, I think that's Beetlejuice," said a voice in the background that wasn't attached to a body. "What? Why didn'cha invite me to the party, raccoon boy?" A girl with fiery red hair with the biggest shit-eating grin suddenly materialized next to the punk angel.

"Aaaand there she is," Theo snorted. "I'd tell you to sit down, but frankly I don't think there's room."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker Character Portrait: Dawn Sawyer
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I looked ar the red haired girl as she looked at me with a confused stare. I scooted over to make some place.

"Actually Theo...There's some place right here." I said, gesturing towards the empty space beside me. I guess that's the girl Adam was talking about bringing to that burger place. She didn't look to friendly. I looked down at my empty plate, I may be trying to come off as scary but I'm actually pretty "smol bean" inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker Character Portrait: Dawn Sawyer
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"Thanks," the ginger girl said as she slid into the seat, not hesitating to pick up what remained of Adam's sandwich to finish herself. "So what's this about a trip to Novak's later? And please tell me Theo that you won't bring back the final two bites of your veggie burger for Ricardo. He's a fucking cat, he wants meat, not your vegetarian feast."

Adam almost choked on his food again from laughing at Theo's bewildered expression. He recovered faster this time though, only coughing once before introducing the girl with absolutely no filter. "Angelina, this is Dawn. Ghost Pepper, this is Angelina, she's new. And when I ask you to be nice to her, I mean it. No sneaking up behind her while invisible and stealing her phone. You do that enough to me already."

Dawn pouted and crossed her arms over her Motionless in White shirt. "You're no fuuun. What's the point of being invisible if I can't prank people? Explain that one, raccoon boy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angelina Witwell Character Portrait: Theodore Moss Character Portrait: Adam Riker Character Portrait: Dawn Sawyer
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I sat there quietly not really understating their inside jokes, I didn't want to bother so I made an excuse to go out to call Alfonso. The ginger haired girl stood up and let me leave. We were going to get burgers later anyways so they could have some catching up, we can talk later I guess.

I looked through my phone to find the contacts, my phone is weirdly organized. Agh Alfonso and his little family I really miss them and their food. As I was about ot leave the shop, I walked into what felt like a wall, causing me stumble backwards, but two strong arms gripped my wrists to catch me.
