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Emia Murphy

With stunning looks and friendly demeanor, that paired with her relations, its no wonder this young socialite has made it so far in life.

0 · 311 views · located in Brooklyn

a character in “Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution”, as played by Sonara Stone


Physical Description
In a word, Emia's appearance is stunning. Through dozens of plastic surgeries as a teenager, she is tall, slender, symmetrical, and by society's standards, gorgeous.


Fire hydrant red, sleek
Icy blue
Unnaturally slim
Skin Tone:
Pale cream tone
Even, clear and inviting.
Body Markings:
Scar Tissue:
If there is any, its been easily hidden by cosmetic surgeons.

Emia Annette Marksman Murphy

She hates nicknames

She was born Corren McAllister. She does not know this.




Visual Age

Factual Age


Sexual Orientation

Body Modifications
Her mind is her strongest equipment, and unlike most hers is literal. She can do almost all the functions of a modern computer that is built into her very mind, meaning she can simply think commands into the computer and see the screen without it even being there. As well, she has a cell-phone like system implanted into her, meaning she can contact anyone if needed, and her contact, Iota, can speak commands into her mind and read her thoughts when he is present. She also has a built in electric shocker, which her superiors can trigger remotely if she disobeys them.

Her bones, themselves, were removed, replaced with ultra light titanium that house the many cables that run through her body. As for her internal organs, her circulatory and respiratory systems are still in place and function, but her digestive system was removed in favor for a bio-alternative system that runs off of practically anything.

Her joints are all equipped with nano-motors, tiny motors that send out electric pulses into her muscles and nerves, making them move with 20x the speed and efficiency of normal movement. The downfall of this is doing it for an extended period of times gives her migraines. The use of nano-motors is usually optional, but her father and his men could stimulate them and take control of her body if they wanted to.

Her eyesight has been enhanced many times, and is also linked to a facial recognition scanner, so within seconds of laying eyes on someone she can pull up the file for them and instantly know as much about them as is in the database.

Cybernetic Warrior


Personality Description
Emia is quiet, polite, and efficient. In a group setting, she will stay nicely out of the way, excelling at small talk and never stealing another's spotlight. On the other end, she isn't shy and will laugh, smile, and dance with no shame.

Those who know her beyond the public eye are likely to see almost Devoid tendencies in her, as she never expresses whatever emotions she feels or even hints at having them. Still, she acts too happy most of the time to be written off as Devoid.

In short, Emia is Emia. Smart, resourceful, and predictable.

She toys with her hair whenever she is thinking, nervous, or agitated.

That the rebels will take over and kill her adoptive father, Simon Murphy.

Her goal is to obey Mr.Murphy and the United States Government.

Music, simulated candlelight, being alone.

Whining, other people's love, being controlled.

She is very good with people. She manipulates with emotions and can be very charming when she wants.

She is a Cyborg, but doesn't make this common knowledge. Its suspected by many, but more of an urban legend than fact to the public.
She is a master of flirtation, but knows not love.


Abilities & Skill & Combat Rating

[perfect] - [excellent] - [good] - [above average] - [average] - [below average] - [poor] - [very poor]

[perfect] She has access to whatever she likes, and thus dresses accordingly. She prefers dresses, but will wear business attire if needed for her job.

Combat Prowess
[above average] Once upon a time, she trained in six different martial arts, but though she practices once a week with a simulator she never has to use them.

Through genetic and electronic enhancement, she can read skin temperature, heart rate, and body language to essentially make her a human lie detector.
She can hack without any equipment, due to her Cyborg nature.

[excellent] She can speak any language fluently, and knows all of the currently used programming languages by heart.
She has memorized the entire Guardian Act, as well as a good deal of other important documents. This is easy for her, given her half robotic brain.

Clip and Clop
Stunning tools
Energy from her body.
Beneath the palm of her hands, lie complex energy diodes that when touching someone can stun them, if she activates them. Given the diverse body makeup of the world today, her left functions with electricity, to stun humanoids, and her right a different, sonic based system to stun robotic creatures.

All her real equipment is within her.

She never leaves without at least some form of jewelry on.



Religious Affiliation
She won't tell anyone. It's a closed subject to her.

Group Affiliation

The Guardian Act
For, but only because of Simon. Secretly, she doesn't like the idea of it.

Marital Status

Adoptive father: Simon Murphy
Mother: Regina Davis, Deceased.
Father: Demetrius McAllister, Deceased.
Brother: Bhaltair McAllister, (aka Mac) Alive.

Wherever she needs to be, mostly apartments and hotel rooms across the U.S.

She had a highschool education before the Accident.
Recently, she has had a college education downloaded into the Cyborg half of her brain. However, manually accessing it is both taxing and difficult for her.

Her official title is "Governor's assistant", but to her it is more than that. She is her adoptive father's connection to the world, delivering all of Simon's speeches, attending his interviews, and other similar tasks.

April 9th


The first day I can clearly remember was five years ago. I was seventeen years old, and came alive to the sound of a stern voice within my head, telling me to wake up. I did, shocked to find myself lying naked in a hospital-like room.
The voice in my mind was the first person I can remember meeting. His name, for he somehow seemed male, was Iota, and he was my handler. He explained that I had been in a horrible hovercar accident, and that I was now a Cyborg. I didn't really understand what it meant, not then, but I do now.
It centers around Simon Murphy. He heard of the accident that Iota says killed my parents and paid for the operations needed to save my life. They were expensive and complicated in a myriad of ways, from half of my brain having been crushed to severe burns on my skin.
Mr. Murphy watched over my recovery, and after my recovery offered me a job at MurCORP. I accepted, and over the next few months he taught me how to use my new cybernetic features, both personally and through his many employees.
I learned how to operate the computing part of my new internal computer with practice, and also learned how to pull up people's information simply by looking at them. I also learned how to read people. It was difficult at first, but with time I learned to just look at people's faces and know if they were lying.
For my eighteenth birthday, Mr. Murphy told me he wanted to adopt me as his daughter.
I accepted, of course, and within a few days it was final. I changed my name to Emia Murphy, and truly entered society for the first time. When he was elected governor, Simon promoted me to his personal assistant. In this position, I get to run errands for Simon, give speeches, and do lots of things for him he can’t do himself.
Last year, there was an attack on one of the governor's offices that almost succeeded. Thats when I was assigned a personal bodyguard. His name is A.L.V.I.S., and he pretty much follows me wherever I go.
That's all I know. I suppose it sometimes bothers me, not knowing where I came from. Of course, Simon has occasionally mentioned my past family, the ones that died in the hovercar accident, but I know some part of it is not the entire truth.
Not that it really matters to me any more.

So begins...

Emia Murphy's Story