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Welcome to Fortwick University

Welcome to Fortwick University


Fortwick, the University of Pseudosciences. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, aside from the curriculum, with this campus aside from its relatively old architecture...And the fact that both scientists and wizards study under the same roof.

3,286 readers have visited Welcome to Fortwick University since Aramay created it.

Royalburden are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.



Please be sure to read through everything if possible to help avoid any confusion.

The University is a private institution that harbors both human and non-human students within its campus. This is a place where impossible sciences and magics are both studied and practiced. The outside world save for a small town called Quarry (who hates the college and its students because any misfortune or disappearances brought to their town) know anything about what happens at the university. The town sheriff had the dean agree to implement a curfew to keep the students in and put the townsfolk at ease. This still doesn't stop magic users from picking fights with science students. Students who have fallen victim to a mad scientist's evil plans or were cursed/hexed or all around affected by the supernatural can also take regular classes within a relatively safe environment where as they would otherwise be left without an education since normal colleges of society would not be considered practical. Thus offering them the chance to a normal life even if the environment in which they will be studying in will be rather far from standard. (For any questions don't be afraid to ask.)


Welcome to Fortwick University. A college dedicated to pseudo sciences. Many people don't know why its so prestigious considering the curriculum that it taught. Such a subject matter is neither taken seriously by the public at large nor would it seem to contain much promise for a high paying career. Yet there's always a thriving number of students attending. Anyone living in the neighboring city which is settled on the plains beyond the bottom of the ridge simply sees the university as an odd sight, and nothing more.

The only visible part of the university is that it really stands out is the fact that the campus is set on top of a mountain ridge. Behind it a sprawling forest, much of it being part of the campus. Seeing as it's marked as private property no one attending or working at the university is allowed within or around the campus/forest grounds. The original structure itself is said to be of an old castle or fort that was converted into a private school. The buildings on the campus range from old stone masonry work to modern buildings you would expect to see for a school making it clear that the college has expanded from the original framework over time; much of the original stonework is being used as its base.

Half way up the lone road to the campus is a small quarry town simply named Quarry. It was built before the city was founded but long after Fortwick was converted into an institution. The residents there seem to be the only people to have a idea of what's really going on within the campus grounds. They appear to disdain any conversation pertaining to Fortwick and are highly predudiced against helping anyone who drives through the town to get the the university. Unfortunately, anyone who wants to reach the school is forced to go through said Quarry town since the main road goes right through the center of town. And not everyone can fill up at the gas station in the city depending on which direction you are coming from.

Even the Quarry folk can only guess what the university is about because of how well the dean of Fortwick keeps what it harbors secret. Its a university that teaches both science and magic. There are teachers who cover the subjects of re-animation, nano-tech, genetics as well as ones who specialize in potions, incantations and hexes. Fortwick is so well protected both inside and out that no outside forces can interrupt such well guarded secrets from the outside world. However the institution is not without conflict. Students of science are always arguing with students of magic. A budding scientist who re-animates bodies is more than likely to find a nemesis in a necromancer in training; either with arguing which procedure is better or fighting over the limited *ahem* resources available to them.

Most of the student body appears to be human. Then again there is a rule that states for all humanoid beings who can pass off as human must do so unless it is stated otherwise. The point of the university is not just for non-normal students to learn how to blend into human society but for normal students not accustomed seeing otherworldly beings actually exist to better adjust to such fantasy being fact. Why don't all students already know what they are getting into when they begin attending you ask? Well, how would your parents (already privy to such knowledge) introduce you to things that have long been considered fiction? Sometimes its better to explain with the simple phrase 'seeing is believing'.

How did this all get started? The families who have encountered or were affected by sciences thought to be impossible or magic that shouldn't exist were the first to be invited to better understand what they did not know. Because people fear what they do not know and they try to destroy what they fear. The dean believes that all should be allowed to attend but the world is not quite ready. Instead he strives to educate younger generations in hopes that some day the divide between fantasy and science will blur and as a result, accepted.

Code: Select all

[b]Character Skeletons[/b]

[b]Name:[/b] (Straight forward. Nicknames are optional)
[b]Age:[/b] (How old? Average age would be between 18 to 28 years
[b]Race:[/b] (Human, Humanoid, or Non-human. Please state both race and body type.)
[b]Height:[/b] (Obvious)
[b]Weight:[/b] (Obvious)
[b]Curse/ailment:[/b] (Recently bitten? Cursed by a witch? Possessed? If you said yes to any of these you are required to take classes related to the curse or ailment. You can't take any other classes until you've attended Lycanthropic studies 101, Beginning and intermediate curses or Demonology. There are also support groups and counseling available to both recent and/or ongoing curses/ailments.
[b]Special Needs:[/b] (Not just for humans and non-humans with mental handicaps but ones with extra physical requirements. The more [b]severe[/b] cases are assigned medical bracelets similar to "allergy to penicillin" or "diabetic" patients. Usually these are also given to cursed students as well. ie someone who is normally fit ends up becoming overweight within seconds if they act vain. It can also be for students who are harboring a demonic entity within themselves but can't be exercised to cure their ailment. Anything that would cause their bodies to drastically physically change or risk harm to either themselves or others are required to wear them. Werewolves will most likely need to wear them depending on the type of lycanthropy they are suffering from. Needing blood does not count as a special need but requiring weekly spinal fluid supplements do. If you still have questions with this don't be afraid to message me.)
[b]Major:[/b] (Doesn't have to be related to the career they will be pursuing. Only one Major necessary. At most the more bookworm type students can have two majors and two minors. Types of Major/minor examples: Cryptozoology, culinary, alchemy, biomechanics, necromancy. They can be normal and/or magic/mad science related)
[b]Career:[/b] (What they will end up becoming or at least trying to achieve. Can be different from what major they have though it would make sense to major in something like marine studies if you want to be a marine biologist. Or cryptobotany if you want to study "exotic" plants. Think Audry 2 from little shop of horrors type plants)
New or Returning student: (Have they been here before? For how long? Do they practically live here or does stepping through the classroom doors put them through culture shock)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (What do they look like? If they are humanoid/non-human what do they wear to keep themselves concealed?)
[b]Weapons:[/b] (Its highly looked down upon to bring weapons into a school. It doesn't mean that they can't be snuck in or kept at a place in Saltwash city.
[b]Personality:[/b] (What are they like?)
[b]History:[/b] (What brought them here? How did they get word of Fortwick? Were they invited, did they already know about it through parents, other means, or did they get admitted?)

Possible Classes/Careers

For those who aren't sure what they want to be, you can be a:

~Hunter: They are normally thought to hunt down the supernatural but here they are trained to be security and only to maintain order. Not eradicate half of the student body. Taking down a humanoid/non-human without a strong cause as to why will make them liable to expulsion.

~Mad Scientist: Either through genetics, robotics, living/dead tissue or all of the above. They use science to build and manipulate whatever they can get their hands on. ie, a student took much interest in trying to replicate what Dr. Moreau tried to do by manipulating organisms through vivisection, but also injections. These students are only allowed to practice on animals or cadavers. Testing on live subjects is against school policy and they will likely be failed and forced to retake the course or suspended.

~Necromancer: Bringing back the dead isn't against the rules. Using the dead to perform tricks or attack other students however...

~Cryptozoologist: Since everything that you were told as a child is actually real. This job became much more valid.

~Witch/Mage: Sure you won't be able to cast spells in the middle of a busy street but there are places away from the normal world that finds a great need for them.

~Herbologist/botanist: They don't just deal with flowers. Sometimes they are needed to keep plants from eating people. They know what to do when a creeping vine just ate Fido and are slithering their tendrils towards you for their main course.

~Historian: Vampires usually end up in this field due to their vast "first hand" knowledge of past events. Don't take my word for it ask Nosferatu. He's the history teacher.

~Exotic animal trainer: Not everyone can get a chimera to roll over or a dragon to play dead, but anyone with a big enough pair will go this route. The people who choose this career tend not to make it to retirement.

Toggle Rules


~No godmodding This is when people take control without another’s permission. Please don't do this unless you have permission from the other character and they agree.
~Keep it relatively PG-13. Don't mind relationships. I don't mind occasional violence. But there has to be reason behind it. I don't want mindless swearing or emo characters taking pot shots at anyone they look at. And if you want more than just kissing, take it to the PMs.
~Limit the cussing. I've already covered it but I will say it again. If it is appropriate for the moment or it's the characters personality, anything to improve the story telling then I'll buy it. Just don’t make it a f***ing habit to f***ing curse in every f***ing sentence.
~This is a semi-literate RP, I expect at least 200 words. Its not too much to ask for. One to two paragraphs that will leave space open for other character to respond or interact with keeps the RP moving. Try not to have your character perform "isolated" actions unless you are looking for a way to wiggle into interacting with other characters already engaged. ie, two characters are in a heated argument. Your character acknowledges the possibility of a fight but prefers to avoid stepping in until a punch is thrown. If the fight doesn't occur then your character is free to move to another area without risking being "left behind" or ignored by the other players.
~Be committed, I want a post at least every day, if you fall behind or will be away for a few days please let me and the others know. That way I don't feel like you've just got bored and jumped ship.
~If I am unable to post a notice or respond for a few days myself I will assign one or more moderators to fill in for me. So please respect, whoever I assign but don't be afraid to message me if they are abusing their priviledges. I know how it feels to be stuck with a power drunk mod.
~I am the Master of the content that I post here. What I say goes. Please don't replicate this anywhere else as I WILL be publishing stories based on the content that I will be posting here. And no, I will not be using any characters or content that is not developed by me in the book. Your ideas and characters are yours to own. I have more than enough ideas and I abhor the thought of taking anything from others without asking for permission first!

Browse All » 8 Settings to roleplay in

Modern Sci-fi Fantasy

Modern Sci-fi Fantasy by Aramay

Non-canon fodder. Want to RP something that you don't want to be officially apart of the regular roleplay? Have ideas that you want to put up for others to read and possibly RP? This is the place to go.

The town of Quarry

The town of Quarry by Aramay

This town is nestled half way up the mountain ridge with the shadow of Forwick looming over it. Its a small but hard working quarry town and the folks here are not too kind to the college students.

Fortwick forest

Fortwick forest by Aramay

The forest behind and around Fortwick itself. Because there are guidelines and rules to follow here, new students are not allowed in or around the forest, especially at night.

Saltwash City

Saltwash City by Aramay

The only city within miles of Fortwick. This is where students live if they don't want to be on campus as it has a grocery store, gas station a movie theater, all the trappings of a "normal" city.

Insomniac Arcade

Insomniac Arcade by Aramay

Its an arcade that doesn't appear out of the ordinary on the outside. Only Fortwick students and/or humanoids/non-humans are allowed in. Its the only safe place in the city for supernatural types to commune openly with each other about their conditions.

Fortwick University Campus

Fortwick University Campus by Aramay

The place where magic happens!...and forbidden science is theorized. This is where both human students and not so human students take classes, roam the halls and cause mischief.

Old Section of Campus

Old Section of Campus by Aramay

This is where the non-standard curriculum is taught. All of which takes place in the older part of Fortwick. If you are sewing together a patchwork golem or mixing potions you will likely be in the lower areas where much of the stonework can be seen.

New Section of Campus

New Section of Campus by Aramay

These buildings look more like proper classrooms with lecture halls and the more standard lab rooms look completely normal.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Don Sampson Character Portrait: Franklin North
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#, as written by Aramay
Eric for the most part ignored the cooler aside from giving it a glance. It was considered a fairly normal from what he's seen in people's cars while servicing them. The only strange thing about it was how clean it was making it stand out from the ratty interior of the car. He didn't notice the driver had walked over to pick up the spare key that had fallen on the ground. By the time he did take notice, the driver had already wandered back to the car just before the pump halted. He then absent mindedly took the folded money made to look like $40. In the time that it took for the student to get back into his car and drive out of the station did he realize what the man had done. "Ha-HEY!" He snaps out of his daze and starts to run after the bug. It was too late, as old as the car was he still wouldn't be able to catch up to it. "Asshole!" He kicks the dirt and swears a few good curses before one of the deputies comes out of the diner to see what all the fuss was.

"What's gotten you so riled up? Did they forget to leave you a tip?" He still had concern for Eric but since everyone knew just about everyone in the town it was hard not to toss a quip every now and again.

"That bastard short changed me! How am I supposed to make a livin' like this?!" The station attendant was taking all of his anger out on the straw that broke the camel's back. He shook the 20 dollar bill with it clenched so tightly in his fist that his knuckles turned white.

The deputy walks up to Eric and puts his hands on his shoulders but not without requiring a few attempts to get him to stop moving and dodging around so much. "I know you're having a hard time but you're not the only one having a difficult time. Just hold on for one more day and I bet I could ask my cousin to help you run the station for a while. But he can't run it on his own, you're the only one who knows how to run it sinc-" He cuts himself off. He was about to make Eric cry with the way his eyes were glazing over and his face turning red. "Go back into the station and we'll keep an eye out for the kid. He's bound to come back down the road sooner or later. In the mean time we'll get back on that case for you. I promise." The deputy pauses for a few seconds before finally turning to walk back to the diner.

Before he walks up the steps he notices another person walking through town. Judging by the bag he must have been another student. But there was no way he could have walked all this way on his own two feet alone. It was a good few miles from the city and even further from anything else. The way his shirt looked like it fit too tightly over his muscular frame along with his thick beard made it so that, although he could tell that the man was in his twenties, he looked to be aged by the wild. Nature had a strange way of making young men look older and older men look ancient. He wondered why someone like him was headed for the school. He shakes the thoughts from his head and heads back into the diner.

Eric stands completely still till he hears the bell on the door ring. He took no notice of Don in his grief stricken state. He turns around and starts to walk back to the station; tears begin to roll down his face.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu Character Portrait: Wesley Salem
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Celadon stared up at the massive structure before him, unsure what to think as he approached it with a slow walk. "So a university...."

He eyed the multitude of cars parked this way and that around the campus and approached one curiously. He towered over the small ones easily, his hindquarters about at the height of their hood. He bent to look through the driver's window, placing a hand atop the hood for balance. His brow furrowed at all the buttons and levers inside. "Strange contraption.....for two legs."

He straightened up and combed his fingers through his beard then made his way to the front door, leaping the front steps with ease. With a swift motion he opened the doors and stepped inside. He stepped to the side avoiding the strange creature that barreled by. His hand went immediately to the sword hilt at his side which he had begun to draw, but once he moved out of the S.L.O.B's way he noted that it did not come back around to attack him so he kept it in its sheath. He turned to look at the man sitting on the ground clearly knocked over by the strange being that had barreled on past and he approached him. Don unceremoniously grabbed Wes by the back of the shirt and lifted him to his feet....hoping to do so as a favor but clearly without the gentle politeness of a passing stranger. "Are you alright, stranger?"

Celadon's voice was booming, and without strain. His sharp blue eyes peered at Wesley, thick brows furrowed. The ponytail on his beard swayed with his every movement. Don straightened up and turned to look where the S.L.O.B. had wandered off to "That creature didn't harm you did he?" As he spoke he shuffled in his place, his hooves making a pronounced sound against the flooring, the muscles in his grand body twitching with every motion.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick Character Portrait: Don Sampson Character Portrait: Issac Kaine Character Portrait: Wesley Salem
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#, as written by Castle
Wesley seemed even more surprised then he was when the S.L.O.B passed him, the guy that grabbed him seemed to have amazing strength. Celadon had pulled him up on his feet before Isaac could barely reach him. It took Wesley a moment to realize he was being held by a centaur, looking down at the horse legs.

All their voices were coming at him yet he could not find what he had done with his communicator, which didn't seem to be in his pocket anymore. He put up a finger in a gesture that usually meant "Give me a second." He would totally learn sign language, which he did know some, but barely anybody knew how to speak it... Er... Use it these days.

Wesley continued to dig around his pockets. Things like this always seemed to happen with him, all of a sudden objects would disappear off his person. He finally found it in his inside coat pocket, which he was extremely baffled, he had remember specifically putting it in his outside coat pocket, but no matter. He immediately began typing on the square metallic grey device that rested between both hands. The soft clicking of the keys he had always liked.

Eventually a robotic monotoned voice spoke up. "I'm fine, really." It was a female voice which Wesley quickly corrected to be male. "My name is Wesley," he added with another few taps of the keyboard, looking and smiling up at both the centaur and the young man at the same time, running his fingers through his dark hair again to remove it from his rounded glasses so he could get a better look at the two.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick Character Portrait: Don Sampson Character Portrait: Issac Kaine Character Portrait: Wesley Salem
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Celadon's brows furrowed then raised as he took out the small metal box that then began to speak. "AH.....humans have alot of strange things don't they. A device that you have a device to hunt for your families as well?"

He shook his head, making the ponytail at the back of his head sway and he frowned. He wasn't sure he liked all this technology. He looked to Issac whom apparently had full speaking capabilities and he wondered what was different about this Wesley boy. Finally it dawned on him that perhaps he was a mute and simply hadn't the ability to speak. He'd met one person long ago that was a mute it was a female a centaur like himself and he had been sure she was simply too shy to speak for herself. He studied Issac and smiled and bowed his head to the two. "I am Celadon of the wandering herd. I'm glad you where not harmed, Wesley."

Don had missed the instant where the S.L.O.B had literally went through him and was simply under the impression that Wesley had been knocked over. He looked over at Issac wondering what he meant going on about curses and specters. He looked like a normal human to him.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick Character Portrait: Don Sampson Character Portrait: Issac Kaine Character Portrait: Wesley Salem
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#, as written by Castle
Wesley listened to Don then smiled thoughtfully at the centaur a bit wider, then looked back down at the device, typing swiftly. It barely took him seconds before the message was done "Thank you," the little device replied. He looked back down at the device to type something else. "Nice to meet you Celedon."

Wesley straightened his black thick scarf, the air still cool from the many times the doors of the university had been opened. He was kind of excited never meeting a centaur before, definitely something to remember. Maybe they could be friends. Wesley smiled back at Isaac for the offer to help from before.

Wesley shook his head to move his overgrown hair out of his face again, though it persisted to get in the way. Wes eventually ignored it. Taking off his circular glasses and cleaning them off with the other end of the scarf, he noticed a small crack in them, but it probably wouldn't effect his line of vision all that much.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick Character Portrait: Don Sampson Character Portrait: Issac Kaine Character Portrait: Wesley Salem
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#, as written by Aramay
(I'm waiting for a post from Davidthedemon before we continue further)

The Dean never let his eyes turn away from the thing on the back of the S.L.O.B. for one instant. By the way he stared it down with a nearly visible scowl made it apparent that this was not something he was wholly unfamiliar with. Moreover his stare was sharp enough to bore holes into stone. He didn't have to do anything. Crabb had been dismounted by Madam Nabuscu allowing it to go after the panicking S.L.O.B. as it somehow managed to double back. It doesn't get the chance to come close to the growing group. The crab used its body to trip the S.L.O.B. forcing it to cover the face of its helmet; shielding it from the hard ground. Just as the S.L.O.B. is about to hit the ground a claw snaps out and grasps the unruly creature by its neck. Crabb's eye stalks twitch watching the thing squirm and squeal something awful. Naba blows a cloud of powder into its face, possibly a sort of sleeping powder as it went limp within seconds. No exchange of words were needed. Nabuscu immediately ordered Crabb to follow her away and out of sight from the students.

Mr. Fortwick slowly shuffles towards the still downed S.L.O.B. who's having a hard time getting back up. It continuously oozed the neon green fluid despite its attempts to stop the 'bleeding'. "Ahhhh, and here I thought today would be a slow day. You're going to need to have that looked at. I wonder where that North fellow wandered off to, I wonder if he's arrived yet." Fortwick looks over the the group, almost forgetting that they were there. "Ah, carry on. Nothing to see here-" He looks at Don's hooves. "We're going to need something done about those. Please have them covered before you go indoors I just had the floors buffed."

He didn't forget what he had seen earlier. These students appeared to be handling themselves well this year while showing some unique characteristics from each other. It was nice to see such diversity coming together in one place that never would normally occur anywhere else. It was something that he could be proud of.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick Character Portrait: Don Sampson Character Portrait: Issac Kaine Character Portrait: Wesley Salem
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Issac found that he was not in fact the first one to come to Wesley's aide. Before he had been able to clear the space between the two of them a centaur of all things came running up, stopping before Wesley and picking him up. Seeing that he was no longer needed, the alchemist retracts his hand and Absente moves to stand behind him, still growling slightly. Despite his looks, the chimera was a big baby when it came to things larger than he was. With a small laugh Issac reaches down to pat him on the head.

"Calm down boy, it's alright, no need to freak out." Issac says with a smile, though it quickly turns to a frown when he begins to feel a little sick at his stomach. It was due to his curse, but he was afraid the new arrival, Celedon he believed his name was if he had heard right, might think it had something to do with him. And he didn't want a centaur mad at him, so he refrains from covering his mouth as he straightens up again. "I'm glad to see you're alright Wesley, and it's nice to meet you as well Celedon. I have seen very few centaurs even at this academy. My name is Issac."

He was about to go on and say something about Absente and his being an alchemist, but just then the S.L.O.B. decided to turn around, but a glance at the professors told him they had it under control, so he just takes a step back and watches.

It always surprised him how fast Crabb could move, and how strong he seemed to be, but what didn't surprise him was that Madam Nabuscu hurried off with whatever it was on the S.L.O.B.'s back. Issac didn't have the chance to get a good look at it, but from what he had been able to glimpse it was nothing he had seen before. Turning back he looks down at the S.L.O.B. now lying on the ground, bleeding rather badly. With a frown the alchemist reaches into one of his various pouches and takes out a small red bag. From the bag he takes a powder which he sprinkles lightly on the wounds, then returns the bag and dusts his hands off.

"It's always interesting the first few days of school, huh Mr. Fortwick?" Issac says, still dusting off his hands as he turns to look at the headmaster. "I won't bother to ask what that was about. The powder I used should speed up the coagulation process and slow the bleeding down if nothing else. Hope the poor thing will be alright."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick Character Portrait: Don Sampson Character Portrait: Issac Kaine Character Portrait: Wesley Salem
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Celadon shuffled slightly and looked down at his hooves. A big part of him wanted to refuse. First the University asks that he masks his true nature to the locals and now they ask he cover his hooves. However he shelved his pride for the time being. This small favor was likely to be paid back in the resources the school would need to use to house a centaur. Custom bedding that would have to be twice as long and strong to hold his weight. Thousands of pounds in food...and so on. He was sure he could fashion something out of the leather on his pack. He bowed his head towards the Dean to signify his agreement towards his request. "I will need some supplies, sir. A firm needle and some coarse thread."

His gaze turned to the Chimera as he heard it's nervous growling and his brow furrowed once more. "What is that?" He asked Issac. "It isn't natural...Nothing is natural here is it. What was that beast that barreled through a moment before?....And a giant crab..."

Celadon shook his head causing his beard to waggle back and foth. "This place....I have yet to understand a sliver of it. I am not even sure of the machines outside, they travel faster than a centaur's gallop and they don't even have legs. I fear this world has become too much for me."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick Character Portrait: Don Sampson Character Portrait: Issac Kaine Character Portrait: Wesley Salem
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#, as written by Castle
Wesley put the device away, deciding he probably wouldn't be asked anything for now. He shoved his hands into his pockets and stood behind the rest of them with a small smile spread across his face. Wesley was still excited, a part from nearly getting trampled. He fiddled with the edges of his coat and scarf, eventually pulling the jacket tighter over himself.

He watched as the ginormous crab left the room, then drew his attention back to the centaur.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick Character Portrait: Don Sampson Character Portrait: Issac Kaine Character Portrait: Wesley Salem Character Portrait: Franklin North
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0.00 INK

The Driver notices an angry gas station tenant cursing and making a scene. "Oh Frankie you rogue." He said with a smirk as the car puttered down the mountain road. Fifteen minutes of constantly changing gears of his rust bucket of a car went by before Frankie finally reach the campus of Fortwick University.

Franklin North a returning medical at Fortwick. Is now trying to navigate is way through the busy campus. "Ugh freshmen." he said as his car abruptly stops while a group of students cross in front of him. No honking of his horn even if it was justifiable. Frankie just moved along to a less populated area of the campus. As he drove to what he believed to be the quieter area. Frankie witness a cacophony of events and things happening in the distance. From a centaur to one of Madame N's crabs attacking some kind of creature trying to tear apart a S.L.O.B as Dean Fortwick and a group of students watches. "I don't believe this."

The bug stops at the nearest curb, Frankie popped open his car's trunk. Inside there is the common roadside emergency items. Aside from a baseball bag and a large black leather bag. He started to unzip the baseball bag to retrieve a wooden baseball bat. Frankie looks back to the situation at hand. The commotion seems to be under control by the hands of that giant crustacean. Frankie grabs the large leather bag with both hands and makes his way to the fallen S.L.O.B. As he gets closer he notice one of the other students pouring some kind powdery agent on the S.L.O.B. Which made Frankie a bit upset, but he didn't want to lose composer in front of the Dean. He walk past the centaur and the other two students to see what condition the S.L.O.B is in. Frankie notice the reaction the S.L.O.B's fluids is having with the unknown powder causing the green fluid to turn gelatinous. "It's contaminated." Frankie said a bit to loud. The S.L.O.B looks up at student looking over the damage, Frankie crouches down to look back at it. "Sorry number 29 your suits been compromised I have to shut you down."

Frankie opens his bag and pulls out a pair of thick gloves and some odd tools. He precedes to open back container of the S.L.O.B. First the fluid line is cut off to prevent further leakage. Second he locates the S.L.O.B's power core and turns it off. The S.L.O.B let out a loud ghastly yell before going limp and lifeless. Third Frankie pulls out a vile of blue preservative liquid agent and a syringe. He fills the syringe with the mystery liquid and locates an adapter to stick the syringe needle into. After he finish pumping the blue fluid into the S.L.O.B Frankie pats number 29's cold helmet before getting up and turning to Dean Fortwick and the group. For a moment Frankie glared at young man with the weird creature, then back to the Dean. "So this is a fine start for a new semester." He said in his normally composed tone.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick Character Portrait: Don Sampson Character Portrait: Issac Kaine Character Portrait: Wesley Salem Character Portrait: Franklin North
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Castle
Wesley had watched the bug pull into the school parking lot, and a man head towards the door. Wesley wondered about the rest of his luggage in the trunk and if he should go get it, if it was safe. For now he'd leave it until they would have to head up to the dorms or wherever they were meant to say, because right now, Wes Salem was as confused as you could be. He had seen a large crab, met a centaur and just barely missed a slob. No matter, he'd catch up soon enough, I mean, this was only the first day, he'd have plenty of time to get situated.

Wesley stood with his fingers intertwined in front of him, he had always known himself as tall but not as tall as the centaur that towered over him. Hm. He watches the dean kneel beside the slob and flinching at the cry from the creature right before it... It died... Hm.. How sad. Wesley frowned faintly then turned back around, waiting for some sort of er, well he wasn't really altogether sure what he was waiting for.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Modern Sci-fi Fantasy

Modern Sci-fi Fantasy by Aramay

Non-canon fodder. Want to RP something that you don't want to be officially apart of the regular roleplay? Have ideas that you want to put up for others to read and possibly RP? This is the place to go.

The town of Quarry

The town of Quarry by Aramay

This town is nestled half way up the mountain ridge with the shadow of Forwick looming over it. Its a small but hard working quarry town and the folks here are not too kind to the college students.

Fortwick forest

Fortwick forest by Aramay

The forest behind and around Fortwick itself. Because there are guidelines and rules to follow here, new students are not allowed in or around the forest, especially at night.

Saltwash City

Saltwash City by Aramay

The only city within miles of Fortwick. This is where students live if they don't want to be on campus as it has a grocery store, gas station a movie theater, all the trappings of a "normal" city.

Insomniac Arcade

Insomniac Arcade by Aramay

Its an arcade that doesn't appear out of the ordinary on the outside. Only Fortwick students and/or humanoids/non-humans are allowed in. Its the only safe place in the city for supernatural types to commune openly with each other about their conditions.

Fortwick University Campus

Fortwick University Campus by Aramay

The place where magic happens!...and forbidden science is theorized. This is where both human students and not so human students take classes, roam the halls and cause mischief.

Old Section of Campus

Old Section of Campus by Aramay

This is where the non-standard curriculum is taught. All of which takes place in the older part of Fortwick. If you are sewing together a patchwork golem or mixing potions you will likely be in the lower areas where much of the stonework can be seen.

New Section of Campus

New Section of Campus by Aramay

These buildings look more like proper classrooms with lecture halls and the more standard lab rooms look completely normal.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Shadonna
Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick
Character Portrait: Calliope Aradia
Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu
Character Portrait: Setsugie Zetsunoko
Character Portrait: Franklin North
Character Portrait: Issac Kaine


Character Portrait: Issac Kaine
Issac Kaine

"It's either learn or die...I always did like books."

Character Portrait: Franklin North
Franklin North

"I hate dealing with damage bodies. Freaking human parts are not universal."

Character Portrait: Setsugie Zetsunoko
Setsugie Zetsunoko

The time he has is short but he feels that the curse will be broken soon....

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu
Madam Nabuscu

Crab! Now where did that side stepping crustacean go?

Character Portrait: Calliope Aradia
Calliope Aradia

I don't know about you, but I'm perfectly normal ... I think.

Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick
Mr. Fortwick

"I feel this is going to be rather riveting."

Character Portrait: Shadonna

A self conscious short human.


Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick
Mr. Fortwick

"I feel this is going to be rather riveting."

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu
Madam Nabuscu

Crab! Now where did that side stepping crustacean go?

Character Portrait: Shadonna

A self conscious short human.

Character Portrait: Franklin North
Franklin North

"I hate dealing with damage bodies. Freaking human parts are not universal."

Character Portrait: Calliope Aradia
Calliope Aradia

I don't know about you, but I'm perfectly normal ... I think.

Character Portrait: Setsugie Zetsunoko
Setsugie Zetsunoko

The time he has is short but he feels that the curse will be broken soon....

Character Portrait: Issac Kaine
Issac Kaine

"It's either learn or die...I always did like books."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Shadonna

A self conscious short human.

Character Portrait: Madam Nabuscu
Madam Nabuscu

Crab! Now where did that side stepping crustacean go?

Character Portrait: Mr. Fortwick
Mr. Fortwick

"I feel this is going to be rather riveting."

Character Portrait: Calliope Aradia
Calliope Aradia

I don't know about you, but I'm perfectly normal ... I think.

Character Portrait: Setsugie Zetsunoko
Setsugie Zetsunoko

The time he has is short but he feels that the curse will be broken soon....

Character Portrait: Franklin North
Franklin North

"I hate dealing with damage bodies. Freaking human parts are not universal."

Character Portrait: Issac Kaine
Issac Kaine

"It's either learn or die...I always did like books."

View All » Places

Modern Sci-fi Fantasy

Modern Sci-fi Fantasy by Aramay

Non-canon fodder. Want to RP something that you don't want to be officially apart of the regular roleplay? Have ideas that you want to put up for others to read and possibly RP? This is the place to go.

The town of Quarry

The town of Quarry by Aramay

This town is nestled half way up the mountain ridge with the shadow of Forwick looming over it. Its a small but hard working quarry town and the folks here are not too kind to the college students.

Fortwick forest

Fortwick forest by Aramay

The forest behind and around Fortwick itself. Because there are guidelines and rules to follow here, new students are not allowed in or around the forest, especially at night.

Saltwash City

Saltwash City by Aramay

The only city within miles of Fortwick. This is where students live if they don't want to be on campus as it has a grocery store, gas station a movie theater, all the trappings of a "normal" city.

Insomniac Arcade

Insomniac Arcade by Aramay

Its an arcade that doesn't appear out of the ordinary on the outside. Only Fortwick students and/or humanoids/non-humans are allowed in. Its the only safe place in the city for supernatural types to commune openly with each other about their conditions.

Fortwick University Campus

Fortwick University Campus by Aramay

The place where magic happens!...and forbidden science is theorized. This is where both human students and not so human students take classes, roam the halls and cause mischief.

Old Section of Campus

Old Section of Campus by Aramay

This is where the non-standard curriculum is taught. All of which takes place in the older part of Fortwick. If you are sewing together a patchwork golem or mixing potions you will likely be in the lower areas where much of the stonework can be seen.

New Section of Campus

New Section of Campus by Aramay

These buildings look more like proper classrooms with lecture halls and the more standard lab rooms look completely normal.

Fortwick University Campus

The place where magic happens!...and forbidden science is theorized. This is where both human students and not so human students take classes, roam the halls and cause mischief.

The town of Quarry

This town is nestled half way up the mountain ridge with the shadow of Forwick looming over it. Its a small but hard working quarry town and the folks here are not too kind to the college students.

Modern Sci-fi Fantasy

Non-canon fodder. Want to RP something that you don't want to be officially apart of the regular roleplay? Have ideas that you want to put up for others to read and possibly RP? This is the place to go.

Old Section of Campus

This is where the non-standard curriculum is taught. All of which takes place in the older part of Fortwick. If you are sewing together a patchwork golem or mixing potions you will likely be in the lower areas where much of the stonework can be seen.

New Section of Campus

These buildings look more like proper classrooms with lecture halls and the more standard lab rooms look completely normal.

Saltwash City

The only city within miles of Fortwick. This is where students live if they don't want to be on campus as it has a grocery store, gas station a movie theater, all the trappings of a "normal" city.

Fortwick forest

The forest behind and around Fortwick itself. Because there are guidelines and rules to follow here, new students are not allowed in or around the forest, especially at night.

Insomniac Arcade

Its an arcade that doesn't appear out of the ordinary on the outside. Only Fortwick students and/or humanoids/non-humans are allowed in. Its the only safe place in the city for supernatural types to commune openly with each other about their conditions.

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Most recent OOC posts in Welcome to Fortwick University

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

Hi I'd love to join this is it still open?

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

Okay, so I made my post in the wrong location in the RP and now it won't let me change it...and I think a couple of people posted after me, and Royal seems to have missed my post

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

Sorry I haven't been on everyday. The old projects for some indie films that were suspended got re-started and I had to scramble to dust off/mold new props for them and I have to prep for two trips coming up in July >.< I'd be more excited if I wasn't so tired. ASsoighsdfgh;ls...I will see if I can post tonight. Everything came on so suddenly that I couldn't account for the days that I haven't posted. I'm such a horrible game master. >.>

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

I got caught up in writing possible plots/plot points and work and taking up more responsibilities to run a business. I promise there will be new posts tonight!

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

For those waiting/wondering what to do who have already posted. I will wait to post until tomorrow. At least one person hasn't posted and I'm just waiting to see if they just need a little more time. If they don't respond by tomorrow I will continue the scene as is. I will be controlling all the npcs for the time being unless you really deem it necessary to help with the scene/character interactions.

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

That's fine. Quarry is now open for posting whenever you're all ready.

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

I will be putting my post tomorrow, because I am completely beat my grandmothers 80th birthday was today and I did nothing but eat talk laugh and party @-@

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

Forgive me that its taking longer than initially anticipated. There was a lot more to be done IRL than I originally anticipated and by the time I started working on the first post I was literally nodding off which I haven't done to myself (at least that didn't involve work) in ages. No worries though I'm working on it now. All students shall have to go through Quarry town to reach Fortwick so when I'm done everyone may post there of either stopping in or just heading through. Students who make posts that they are more interested in heading for the university will find an opening post for the university campus itself.

Anyone who hasn't created a character or is passing through here and thinking of doing so its not too late to join! Anyone who HAS made a character please report to this thread to let me know that you are still around.

By the time I post this I will have the rest of the first post done. So hopefully if I can accomplish that, all will be allowed to begin posting.

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

I would tweak the profile here and there. I PMed you the details. There is a framework for a good character profile. :)

As for anyone/everyone who has already had their characters accepted. Please wait until I make the first post/posts before all characters jump in. For the "new" students, they can stop by Quarry town (such as the gas station or diner) on the way to Fortwick before they reach the school. Keep in mind that the locals will NOT be happy to see them there.

Otherwise both new and returning students can already be walking onto the Fortwick campus. That is unless a returning student WANTS to stop and inform the new students that it's a bad idea to stick around. Either way there will be plot goodies (possible plot lines to pick up) both at Quarry and on campus. The choice is yours. Due to being scheduled for overtime at work I may not post until Saturday which will give more people thinking about joining the forum time to create their characters.

Let me know if anyone has any questions.

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

Finally submitted my character sorry for taking long I was making him and another at the same time hehe ^^ hope he is all right If you see anything wrong let me know either here or pm I dun mind Ill edit him if necessary. :D

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

@ Mathew its okay if you make a character that got caught in the cross-fire of science and magic. Its part of the reason why there's an ailment section in the character skeleton as more than a few human students ended going to the university because of a mishap with crazy science or the supernatural or both. Just be sure to have a way for that character to pass off as human part of the time. And have it in your profile if said accident happened before or after they became a student. It may not seem important but I like knowing those details.

@ Setsugie I understand. I'm a little rusty myself but considering that I'm planning to publish I really have to practice more right now. So this is a good place to improve and look for critiques. As long as you at least read over everything once and you have questions its fine. Veteran players can still make simple mistakes too. I'll be sure to let you know if something is a miss. And be sure to let me know if something seems off.

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

This looks pretty cool ^^ Expect a submission from me hope I can also help out in your story since I myself have been writing one I also thought of making a roleplay based of it here but I couldn't find the time because of school, but know that's schools over for me I can focus on roleplaying and stuff.

Though I haven't done this in a loooooong~ while I hope I don't become a bother and break the rules and such I apologize in advance if I do. Please take care of me *Bows*

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

Hey, so, um, would it be OK if I made a character that was the result of magical and scientific experiments gone wrong? :3 Like, maybe someone made of jellatunos goo, or something like that?

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

I am completely wiped out! I spent more time than I should have working on this forum today haha. The basics are done but there's a lot more detail to add such as what roles hunters and S.L.O.B.s play as well as the different subtypes of supernatural creatures roam the halls and forest. I can't forget the ground rules for what can and can't be summoned, built, spliced or studied. >.< But that will have to wait until after I get back from work tonight!

Character skeleton guide is up and don't be afraid to point out discrepancies, contradictions or vague/missing details. There's a lot of blanks that I know I still need to fill in but I don't always remember where they are.

Questions? Comments? Answers?

Re: Welcome to Fortwick University

I'm going to work on a character and send it in today. I know you aren't done yet, but I want to make sure I've got it in :) Let me know what you need help with. I can be on every night after 9p MST, sometimes earlier. and really any time Sunday/Monday - depending on life. Let me know what you want help with, I saw you mentioned something last night, but I missed it before the computer shut off! :) Can't wait!

Actually, I'll just save what I have on my computer in case you want character sheets in a certain format!

Welcome to Fortwick University

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Welcome to Fortwick University"

I know I know. "Why is this not done yet?" and "How is this different from other school/fantasy/sci fi rps?" you ask. Its a work in progress. And you will have to read as more information unfolds to know the answer to the question. Its a story idea that I've been working on and writing for a while now. It will eventually be published but in the mean time, enough people asked that I turn this idea into an RP as well to help pass the time. If you are interested or have any questions don't be afraid to ask even though I'm still setting everything up. There is still much to be done and a lot to explain.

This isn't mainly about going to classes. Its about much much more...