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Azura Ravencraft

How is the writing desk like the raven? There both thick thats how *WIP*

0 · 549 views · located in Wonderland

a character in “Welcome to Mystery”, as played by Lady Inali



NAME: Azura Ravencraft
NICKNAME: Black Bird
Pic to come
AGE: 14
GENDER: female
IQ: around 130
PURCHASED DOLL: Mad Hatter and Alice
Mad Hatter: Azreal
Alice: Alice

PERSONALITY:Azura has a love for life. She loves to dance and have great fun. She always shows grate kindness to every no matter their standing or how she is treated. She would step in and take a beating for someone with out any fear. Others always come first with her. She is scary smart and quick with wit and words tending to scare off people her age. Azura behind closed doors is sad and with drawn from the world always watching others. She is the truly a black sheep.

She has been bounced between foster homes for most of her life being seen to have to many problems. The steeling does not help matters. She does not steam for self gain but to help others. The news foster family sees her as a gold ticket to get there kids in to good colleges.....why? It simple while kids her age are in AP (Advanced Placement) class she was taking college level classes. Not only was she doing her home work but her foster siblings as well along with there college apps and so on.

So begins...

Azura Ravencraft's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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#, as written by BOO!
"... Bulls***!" Megan screamed. "Let us out of this place, end of freaking disscussion!" She looked at the others who seemed perfectly settled. "You've brainwashed these poor people! Do none of them see reason?!" Trying to calm herself down, she gently pushed a hand through her hair and sighed. She'd freaked out big time but who could blame her? Rahls was a nice enough bloke, but he'd annoyed her already. Then the thought of being trapped here constantly is sending her insane. "Hatter's son.. How do we get out of here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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Aveline looked up as two more people came through the door. She gave a small wave before going back to drinking her tea. Why was everybody so angry all of a sudden? She thought this was a great tea party! But soon everybody was swearing and using big words and... oh she was lost. She just kept sipping her tea, hoping these people would calm down soon.

She was particularly displeased by the loud brunette who had just entered. "Do you kiss your mommy with that mouth?" she asked, half innocently and half in a mocking way. It amused her that people were so insane whereas she was perfectly normal. "And I don't know why you don't see any reason in some tea and snacks. You could use a massage. Here, I'll help you!" Aveline motioned for her to come and sit near her. Maybe she could just snap the girl's neck instead? No, that was mean. And she didn't wanna be mean like her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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#, as written by Kuroe
Rahls had been quiet for a long time. Finally, he sighed and, in a rare display of something that was actually not an idiotic thing to do, he looked up.
"Okay. Lets all calm down for a second," he said, hoping that he pitched it low enough that no one would think he was a girl. He really felt like hitting something right now, but was managing to keep himself under control. "First... You. Weirdo." He pointed to the shopkeeper. "The hell is going on here? And why do I still have a doll with me?" Pulling out the small dormouse doll he held it out as if it were a weapon that had been used against him. "And finally... Why are you drinking tea in a..." He looked around and rummaged through his brain for words that could accurately describe the odd building. Something that he was pretty sure was actually a phrase that made sense finally popped into his mind. "Labyrinthine dungeon. Yeah, let's go with that one."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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#, as written by BOO!
"Do you kiss your mommy with that mouth?"

Megan laughed bitterly, glaring at the girl. "Do you want a boot mark on your face, kid? Shut up and snap out of it."

"And I don't know why you don't see any reason in some tea and snacks. You could use a massage. Here, I'll help you!"

That was exactly her point.. These people seemed too naive or just too strange to believe anything. Maybe they thought it was all fantastic, away from real life but this still isn't normal. Realising how she was initially percevied, all she did was mumble an apology and stay silent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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The Shop Keeper looked at the teenagers bicker at each other and at him with a calm expression. Once everything was cleared out, he smiled and clapped his hands together, catching their attention, "Now that everyone has released all their emotions, I may now start. I, the Shop Keeper, congratulate and welcome you to Mystery. As you can see, you all have dolls," He said as he pointed at a random doll, "That you have bought from me." He then placed a hand on his chest, "And now you're wondering why you are here and why you still have that doll, well the answer is quite simple really. You all have to fight to death to become the ultimate character." He said with an annoying yet creepy smile, "Beyond these doors lie Mystery which is almost like my home, Wonderland. But it is not that sweet as you think." He chuckles a bit, "Ah, no. There are monsters in Mystery that are called Chains. These Chains are shaped like broken toys and have a variety of power." He chuckles again, "I wish I could tell you which Chain has which power but I couldn't remember for they have multiplied greatly now. As for the dolls, well right now they're just ordinary dolls but once you step into Mystery they'll be just like Blood here." He said as he gestured towards his beloved doll, "Each have their own power based on their character of course. But since I've been making them for so long, I don't know what power this batch inherits." He then gave a smile, "But that's part of the excitement. Moving on how to find Mystery, well, you have to try every door if you must but if you do know the story of 'The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland' by Lewis Caroll, then you wouldn't have that much of a problem. Now are there any questions to this game?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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Aveline stuck her tongue out at Megan as she refused her offer and yelled at her. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're on drugs," she mumbled, looking at Azura and the pink haired girl. "So how are you this fine day?" she asked them. A butterfly floated by and she resisted the urge to chase it. Her parents were always reprimanding her for chasing things like butterflies and pigeons in public. She just wanted to play was all- nevermind her age.

It was then the Shopkeeper began to speak, explaining what was happening, where they were, and who exactly their dolls were. Aveline shrunk in her seat a bit as she wasn't entirely sure if she still had the Cheshire Cat with her or not. When she'd awakened randomly in Mystery and returned to the Maze of Doors, she found that she didn't have him with her. There was also the matter of fighting each other to the death- that was a bit of a big deal now, wasn't it? She raised her hand to ask a question, wondering what exactly 'becoming the ultimate character' meant. If this was a competition, she wanted to know what she was playing to win for. She loved to win and was instantly determined not to lose to the potty mouthed girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BOO!
Megan formed her hand into a fist, it shaking slightly as she dismissed Aveline's comment. How am I the one on drugs? She thought. These people think this is fantastic, being kidnapped and trapped in a place this man had created. 'Mystery', was it? And then they had to fight to the-- Wait. What!! She glanced around the room, no-one really seeming too fased. In contrary to what she would usually do, she did her best to stay calm and wait for some kind of explanation which would stop her worrying. She may be violent, but she wouldn't kill...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kuroe
Rahls blinked and looked around at the company he was in. It wasn't a very promising crowd if the man wanted a deathmatch.
"So... Let me get this straight. You're saying that these dolls have powers or some shit and we have to..." He paused, thinking about it and looking at the small doll in his hand. "I don't know, turn these thing into monsters and kill each other with them?" He stopped again. The shopkeeper still looked completely serious, though he did have an odd, lazy smile on his face. "Are you screwing with me? Y'know I thinks there's a name for what you have. Schizo... Phrelium or something? Whatever."
He turned to walk out of the room. "I'm leaving, whether you let me or not." He flipped off the shopkeeper as he began to walk away.

((Also, as you can tell, Rahls isn't the most... Learned or read of this group of people. He's also basically a violent jerk or whatever. It's kinda funny with his looks and all.))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BOO!
Megan glanced back at the others in the room. "You're all sick." She pointed directly at The Shop Keeper. "Especially you."

"Oi, Rahls!" Megan went after him. "I think me an' you are the only two sane people here, I'm not being stuck with them lot. A girl looks like she wants to kill me, too. Perfect for a death match, eh?" She chuckled to herself, smiling slightly although her gut couldn't let go of the terrible twisting feeling. A fight to the death wasn't Megan. It wasn't normal for teenagers. "And anyway," She sighed. "You don't know the story of Alice in Wonderland. You'll probably need a little knowledge to get out of the maze and into Mystery. Seems like the only hope of getting out of here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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0.00 INK

The Shop Keeper looked at Aveline when she asked the question, he smiled lightly and was about to say what would be their prize when he was interrupted by the two bickering logic people. He sighed in annoyance, "I hate people like them, thinking they're all so great and a know at all. They are the exact people that I will never become. People like them, would probably end up wearing suits and emotionless masks. What a boring life." he thought.

He took a quick sip of his tea to calm his mind and then smirked at Rahls who was leaving, "My dear boy, you can no longer escape this dimension." he took another sip, "No matter how much you deny it, you're not with your little sister anymore." he chuckled evilly, "Even if you escaped from this dimension, how sure are you that you'll end up in your own timeline, hm? How can I say this...a second in this dimension is like a decade in your dimension so your sister must have grown up already with a missing older brother." he grinned, "Though this piece of information will let you truly play this game of mine...the winner of this game gets back to their own dimension in the exact day and time when you entered and exit my shop plus a single wish."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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The Shop Keeper smirked when he caught the boy's attention, “And how…” Rahls asked quietly, “Do we use these dolls…?”

The game master chuckled, "Did I not explain it earlier? While you're still here in the maze, your dolls are lifeless though Blood here is an exception." he said as he pointed out his own doll, "But once you enter Mystery, your doll will come to life but they are not monsters as you say they are. When they fight, they fight as dolls; using their own special ability to defend themselves and you as their source of power. Going to that matter, I suggest that you do not fight with the others quickly after one battle. You see, these dolls get their energy from you humans; your blood is their source of energy and whatever hit or damage that dolls get, you will be effected as well."

He looked at Azura with his crimson eye, "Unfortunately, Azura will not have any special treatment with the source of energy. You chose two dolls and these two dolls will get their energy for their abilities for you. You may be the first to be eliminated or you may be the most vulnerable one. If one doll dies, then half of your energy now will be depleted until the end of the game."

"Are we all clear?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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"What is the 'ultimate' character?" Aveline asked, eyes wide once the loud people had stopped yelling. Honestly, she hoped that they got attacked by a something or other. She wasn't going to kill them unless it was more desperate than it was now. The dolls being connected to them was interesting though. She surely had enough energy for her doll to feed off of when he needed it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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"What is the 'ultimate' character?" Aveline asked.

The Shop Keeper looked towards her direction and grinned, "I am glad you asked that question, Ms. Aveline." he then sat back and relaxed on his throne and rested his head on one of his hands, "The Ultimate Character is the winner's doll. Where do you think the dolls will go once you won and go back to your own dimension? Of course they cannot go with you and so they stay here in Mystery but since you, their source of energy, is gone their only main source of power is the souls of the defeated players. An additional power is gained by the doll every time the doll takes away the life of the human by making the doll consume more energy from its master. When this is done, the power of the fallen doll will be transferred to winner." the Shop Keeper smirked, "Dolls have their own power but in order to be activated, they need human energy. That is why you children are so important to this game of mine. To let my dolls have their own life, their body!" he chuckled loudly like a mad man then breathed deeply to stop himself, "Oh one more thing, when you go back to your dimension, you will have no memory of this place. What you would remember is that you entered my precious doll shop but did not find anything that sparked your interest and left."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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0.00 INK

#, as written by BOO!
"Correct me if I'm wrong here, Sir." Megan sighed, rubbing her eyes. "You're telling me to escape from Mystery, we have to... to kill each other?" She looked at everyone else in the room. They all seemed to be calm, so she tried to also stay calm. "And if we win, we'll go back to our dimension with no memory of murdering all these innocent kids - just like us - and also while in Mystery gain a lean, mean fighting machine in disguise as a doll. Is this Pokemon Alice in Wonderland?" Not even bringing sarcasim into it, Megan glanced at all the people around the room and then concentrated her gaze on The Shop Keeper.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Shop Keeper Character Portrait: Megan Robb Character Portrait: Azura Ravencraft Character Portrait: Rahls Crellin Character Portrait: Saku Nervetti Character Portrait: Aveline Mason
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#, as written by BOO!
"Look, lady. He can leave whenever he wants too. You can't decide when people leave. But I do have a question... Why are you so calm?" She glanced at The Shop Keeper, then back at the girl with the strange hair. It was a nice colour to be honest but... Meh. Not Megan's style. She'd much rather be at home with her dad. "There's a mad man which wants us to kill each other with dolls!"

Megan held her doll rather violently, clenched in the palm of her hand. Maybe The Queen of Hearts had a power to be something to do with chopping off peoples heads, right? No. No she wasn't going to do this. She'd find her own way out.