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Liam Stratford

Hell is empty and all the devils are here

0 · 576 views · located in Brewster, Maryland

a character in “When Stars Align”, as played by crashmeback





Liam Stratford


William Shakespeare

The pairing of two opposites like Liam's parents can create an enigma. On one hand, Liam is hard working, often obsessed in pursuits he is passionate about. But on the other, he can be fickle with a preference to live in his mind rather than the world outside. He is difficult to pin down and is constantly on the hunt for something just out of his reach. He is much more at home in the theater with characters and words of his own creating. Liam hopes to take his skill onto the big screen and create an ideal life in Hollywood. If only he can get himself noticed...


Born in Brewster, his childhood was unremarkable. His mother was an art teacher with a failed ambition to be showcased in a gallery. She never gave up hope and instilled her own ambitions on her child. His father, however, was quiet and unassuming and definitely uninteresting. He was a CPA with little need for imagination. Whether Liam wanted it or not, his father gave him a bit of business sense buried underneath his burning desire to be a famed screenwriter. Unfortunately both father and son could not reconcile their differences before his father was killed in a car accident just after Liam left high school. The anchor of his family was suddenly gone and everything else was swept away. His mother, in grief, took their money and fled to Europe to pursue her dream. She left her son behind, unable to escape the binds of Brewster. Instead of being bitter, he idealizes the world outside the little town and is determined to find a way to leave it all behind with the ink of his pen.

Black coffee
Late nights
Chasing the muse (usually in the form of a woman)

The unimaginative
Being too literal
Close ended answers
Running out of ink

So begins...

Liam Stratford's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callum Hall Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Lucas W. Richmond Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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Yvette processed Mary's explanation bit by bit. Can you imagine the beach? It would be such an adventure.

An adventure? The words took a plague at her insides. She had a bad feeling about it. The beach. The adventure. Adventure's usually led to danger, and dangers often led to varies possibilities that wouldn't end so well. Besides, didn't she have school to attend. Why was she skipping? And Liam? Why was he taking us and not Callum? Was Callum even going? Then, Yvette remembered that Mary never mentioned him, so it was obvious he wasn't coming. And this "friend", who is it?

It all didn't make sense to her. So, many questions yet not enough words to decipher them. Not responding, Mary yet again reached for her hand, I’m going but if you don’t want to I won’t force you to. Do you want to go?

She didn't know if she would, let alone wanted to. If it meant betraying Callum. She didn't want to upset him and neither should Mary, yet she was just as enthusiastic to go. It just wan't right. Any of it. Yvette knew, as well as anyone else who was supposedly going to go on this trip, that if Callum ever found it he'd skin everyone alive. Even Yvette. Course he never laid a finger on her, but he always did something worse than a simple swat on the hand. He ignored her. Happened once when she decided to go for a walk by herself. He found her just strolling down Raymond Avenue, and was not happy infact he never talked to her for a whole week.

It was hell. That's what being a disabled child taught you sometimes; "Misery loves company" as they say. And little by little Yvette started to believe it. So, was she ready to take yet another risk? Anyway, maybe a few hours away from Callum was what she needed. He was always at her side, always treating her to more than what was needed. He never gave her a chance to just be normal; go out, meet new people...have fun. If she wasn't at home, she was always at his cafe. If it wasn't the cafe, she was always at home. It was a everyday routine that she steadily gotten used to. But maybe now things could change. She had her chance right in front of her. Why not take it? Because she didn't want to get hurt, that's why. She couldn't see. She couldn't hear. What if someone to advantage of that without Callum's existence? She couldn't let that happen. Not again. Not after what her first step-father did years ago. Nevertheless, she would be with Mary the whole entire time, right?

She wouldn't leave Yvette behind. As long as she was around, then Yvette gave her an answer that she knew she would regret later in the day. She held out her fist, and gave it nod: "Yes."

Besides she's never been to the beach, and it would be fun. She could only hope so.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Lucas W. Richmond Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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The blonde chewed on her lip. It seemed like she was waiting forever for her to get just a yes or no answer. Maybe it was too unfair of her to ask her this but Yvette deserved the fun as much as Mary did. When had either of them actually left Brewster. She glanced over her shoulder at Callum and was happy to see he was too busy to see what they were plotting. Well, what she was trying to plot.

When Yvette suddenly moved, Mary took notice. She grinned at her friend. She seemed to lose all fear in that moment and be triumphant as she responded. 'Let’s go', she signed in her hand, standing up. She put the brownie back in the box so they could eat it on the way and took Yvette’s hand. She led her outside with their box of goodies. She didn’t bother straightening the chairs, more work for Callum since he seemed to want to be an ass that day.

Mary paused at the street, looking both ways for them before she led them over to the apartment building. She opened the door, letting Yvette go ahead of them. She took her time with the stairs for Yvette, no matter how much she was dying to get there. Would Callum be mad that she went off with another man? Would he even care? Did Liam actually like her in more than just a friendly way? She didn’t know but she wanted to.

When they reached his apartment, she knocked in a playful way, if there was such a thing. She took Yvette’s hand again and gave it a gentle squeeze, hoping to convey how excited she was with just a simple gesture. Even though communicating with Yvette was sometimes harder, Mary always felt like Yvette understood her the way no one could.

Mary didn’t exactly know who this ‘friend’ Liam planned on bringing but she did trust him. If he trusted this person, she didn’t have a reason not to. Then again she wasn’t just going to leave her friend stranded. She was too protective of her to do that.

Suddenly before they answered the door, Mary turned to her friend and told her. 'If you are scared or anything tell me and we will stop. I will not let anything happen to you.' She reached out and gave her friend a hug. She had been lonely over the years but Yvette had been there for her. With her friend’s disabilities, she couldn’t imagine what Yvette went through on a daily basis. She wanted her friend to feel and be safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callum Hall Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Lucas W. Richmond Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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Without looking up, Liam smiled slightly, "Maybe you're right. You at the beach? You'll look like a Roman god and I'll just be sitting there, getting sunburnt. What am I thinking?" He shook his head and turned to Lucas. He didn't like being serious. It threatened to pin him down, darken his world, drag him under. It was easier for everyone to just get along. If they'd only play along, be directed. "Yvette's his step-sister. Their family is... broken to say the least. Look, Callum gets in his own way. That's all this is. We're doing him a favor. He likes to pretend he doesn't care. He could win an Oscar because people actually buy it. But all he does is care. He's a big open wound and he's terrified of getting hurt. So what does he do? He hits first," He groaned, rubbing his temples. He couldn't rewrite Callum, no matter how hard he tried. "I don't know what I'm trying to say... Let's say, a fly is kept in a jar. It keeps flying up and hitting against the lid. It's kept there so long it just adapts, it flies lower, keeps its head down. Then one day someone opens the lid. That's Callum and it's also Yvette. Except now Callum sees the lid as comfortable. I don't know what Yvette feels. Maybe a prisoner. I guess we'll find out,".

The knock came as a relief. Dark thoughts only bred more and there was nothing worse for Liam to feel helpless. "Okay, enough of this sober bullshit. Let's just forget it and go to the beach. What ever happens, we'll deal with it then," He rose from the couch and walked over to the door. With a squeak, the door let in the light of day inside Liam's brooding thoughts. The moment his eyes gazed upon Mary, the nagging doubt was conveniently washed away. He may have been slowly stealing Callum's women, one by one but it suddenly didn't seem so important.

"I'm glad you got here. I thought I might have to steal you away," he said with a grin, ushering them inside. His hand slid gently down to the small of Mary's back. He made quick introductions, pointing to the appropriate name and face. "Now that's all over, let's get to the beach,"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Lucas W. Richmond Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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The beach was laid out before them in a perfect blanket of sand. Not a footprint sullied the ground, at least, no one else's. They nearly had the beach to themselves aside from a few others off into the distance. Already Liam felt more at peace. He could think with the salty sea air. No orders, no demands on his attention, no reminders that he wasn't writing Oscar-winning movies yet. "Maybe I should get a boat," he announced, "Sail the open sea," He laughed at the idea. With his luck, he'd spring a leak and be marooned on some uninhabited island.

With a half-smile, he leaned close to Mary. "Would you sail the ocean with me? If I asked?" Before she could answer, he pulled away, gently running his knuckles down the side of her arm. Her could feel her skin rise to meet his. "Alright, golden girl, I'm going for a swim. Show Lucas the ropes. Find me when you get bored," he said with a wink. He pulled off his shirt, shorts underneath and jogged up towards the water. As soon as the water hit his toes, the chill ran up his spine and he leapt back, slightly undignified. He glanced back, hoping no one saw him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Lucas W. Richmond Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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”Maybe I should get a boat, sail the open sea!”

A smirk played on her lips as Liam almost purred into her ear. ”Would you sail the ocean with me? If I asked?” His hot breath sent shivers down her spine. She glanced over at him. She would have answered had he not pulled away and changed the subject. She rolled her eyes. ”You are such a tease.”

Had her shoes not been so expensive she would have tossed one at him. Not in a way that it would actually hurt him just to tease him. She turned back to Lucas, giving him a once over. ”So what are your intentions with my Yvette?” She crossed her arms. If he thought she was just going to let him do whatever he wanted to do with her best friend he was sorely mistaken.

She took her friends hand. ”Why don’t you come with us to buy bathing suits and you can tell me about yourself. I’ll translate for her and you can tell me of your intentions.” She told him. She guided Yvette across the sand to the shop across the street. The store was opened but there was no one besides the worker in it.

Mary brought Yvette’s hand up and asked her what type bathing suit she wanted; bikini or one piece aka sexy or sweet. She even that last bit to make her friend smile. She looked over at Lucas. ”You gonna get a suit or go for boxers like Liam?” She smirked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Lucas W. Richmond Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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Lucas W. Richmond


Lucas was nervous, anxiety pumping through his heart, and trailing down his veins. He always became edgy when it came to company of others, sure, Lucas is out-going and a people-person. But the thought of failing- defeat lingered his head, and he could not let that happened. He had already been shamed by the whole Callum catastrophe back in the café, and Lucas was not planning to experience anything similar to that ever. But eventually, he took a deep breath, told himself that this was his second chance, and there is no point in being embarrassed again.

Their trip to the beach did not only consist of Liam and Lucas however, but also Mary and Yvette. Lucas had already been told by Liam that May was not to be flirted with, and Lucas understood, he would not stoop so low to take the woman Liam is after. But then there was also Yvette, Callum's step-sister, the girl he got his crotch brunt over, knowing that she had a disability, one would think Lucas would now be uninterested in her because communicating with her would be a challenge. But the thing about Lucas was that he enjoyed challenges, he wanted to understand her, and one big reason of that was to get Callum back. Lucas was not sure, how far he would go with Yvette, friends, or maybe more? Being friends, would anger Callum enough, Lucas's quest for revenge would be completed there. But Lucas, knowing himself, he would probably turn to the urge to gain her approval- Yvette's fondness for him, become the Prince Charming he wants to be to ever girl, a polite gentlemen that entertains light flirting, and maybe some alluring humor.

They had arrived at the beach and Lucas delighted in the sandy shores and the ocean tattered with waves. The beach was a place to relax and bask in tranquility, maybe this what he needed after all, to relax, forget about war and violence, he was after all- off duty. Lucas witnessed Liam's affection for Mary, it was quite obvious, the way he leaned in, when he whispered something that was a mystery to Lucas. Lucas thought Liam was being adorable, and he was good at it. But then came a time where Liam stripped himself of pants and charged into the waters with only his boxers. Lucas prepared for a more classy attire though, a pair of swimming trunks would of done him fine. So when it came to the question of whether or not he was going to join, he confidently with a raise of his eye brows and his sweet pretty-boy smile cracking again, "Of course, a suit sounds excellent." Lucas followed Mary and Yvette, walking alongside with them, "You want to get to know me? My intentions, this is staring to sound like an interrogation." Lucas joked, chuckling as he finished his sentence.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callum Hall Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Lucas W. Richmond Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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"A beautiful face doesn't mean anything without a beautiful heart."
----->Theme Song 1||Theme Song 2<-----

Sand. And lots of it. The sole of her converse became engulfed in it to the point where she felt its rough, gritty structure slipping its way into her socks, and between her toes. It was an unpleasing experience, yet she was intrigued by it all the same. This had been her first time at the beach, her first time free of her step-brother. For years, she has always been under protection. She never had a say in the world. No one looked at the world from Eve's prospective. She just went along with what others wanted, whatever they advised. However, now that she went against all rules and regulations, she, like a prison being released from prisoner, a bird free of its mothers nest and now soaring on its own to new possibilities.


Yvette always wondered if her possibility would ever come. That one day, when she open her eyes in the morning, she will never be confronted by the world, but by a million possible worlds. She knew that in this insignificant green planet we have to take chances, sometimes they're worth it and sometimes they aren't, but you'll never know until you try even if it meant going against what others expected.

A moment later, she felt a small hand grab for her very own delicate one. Mary. Yvette felt relief wash over her as she knew her best friend was near, and was going to watch over her. She let Mary guide her from various terrain from sand, to gravel, then to linoleum tiling. With a free hand she felt the soft fabrics of..clothes? They were in a clothing store, but for some instinctive reason Yvette felt that Mary didn't just bring her into a clothing store, but a bathing suit store. Panic rose from within Yvette at the thought of herself having to wear a swim suit; skin exposed and all. Course, she never actually worn one before let alone ever seen one, but she knew what they were and the thought of herself in one was horrifying.

Mary brought Yvette's hand up, asking her if she preferred a one piece or a two-piece. Her face flushed in embarrassment So, now she was given a choice?

"I can't believe you're making me choose." she shook her head in utter disappointment, smiling. "Two piece, I suppose. I'm already rebelling."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Lucas W. Richmond Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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Mary looked at Lucas, serious for a moment. ”Who says this isn’t an interview? You think I’ll let just anyone hang out with my best friend? Callum will guard her like a pitbull but if you want to be able to talk to her, you have to gain my trust first.” She explained to him and shrugged. She pointed out the guys’ section. ”Maybe you should grab a pair for Liam, just in case.”

She laughed softly when Yvette responded. She took Eve’s hand and made it like a “bun” and put her own finger in it. ’Hot dog, someone’s going sexy! She smirked, turning to the racks she finally decided on a two piece for Yvette and a one piece for herself. She smirked, grabbing a bag that they could put their clothes in and lead her to the changing room. It was easier just to get the ‘family’ room so they could change together and she could help her friend if she needed.

Mary locked the door and signed to her friend that they were in the changing room. She hung up Yvette’s bathing suit, letting her touch it so she knew where it was. She hung her’s up on the other side before she started stripping. She pulled on the one piece with ease then checked herself out in the mirror. She was normally not into wearing one piece but there was something about it that sort of had a lingerie vibe. She hoped it would make Liam really notice her. She left her hair down. She put her clothes into the bag and then added Yvette’s clothes and shoes as well.

Mary helped her friend when she needed it and made sure she was secure in the bathing suit before she led her out again. She paused at a rack of flip flops. She grabbed a pair of black ones for herself and a pink pair for Yvette. She went to the register and laid out their spoils. The man had already ran up their bathing suits. She waited for Lucas to get done while she helped Yvette into the flip flops and then put her own on.

She went ahead and paid for their things. It wasn’t like they got to go road tripping every day. ’You look hot. That guy Lucas will be drooling. Still trying to figure him out. I know he is a solider or something but that’s it.’ She told her friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Lucas W. Richmond Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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Liam met them at the door. He was soaked through when he finally tired of swimming. The water had been cold but calm and refreshing. But as he dried as he journeyed to the store. Only salt and sand clung to his lean frame. He could see the others from a distance. Lucas towered over the others. Mary's blond hair rivaled the sun and Yvette looked almost unreal in a two piece swimsuit. He gave the girls half a smile. Liam took a page out of Lucas' book and ran a hand through his hair but wet strands still fell in his face.

"Hey, what kept you?" he said. Before they answered, he spotted his swim trunks. "Just what I was looking for. I got some weird looks out there. Some people just can't handle all of this," he laughed, taking the trunks from Lucas. He slipped into the store and past the skeptical salesgirl at the counter. She tried to get his attention and instead got a wink and a flashy smile, leaving her perplexed as he went into the changing room. He made a quick turnaround, changing into something a little more comfortable to wear in public. As he left, the salesgirl blushed despite herself, somewhat confused as to whether he was flirting with her and possibly stealing. Liam was doing neither.

"Alright, you three, let's get to the beach. You're taking too long. The beach will be used up by tourists before we get there," As he spoke, he leaned towards Mary and scooped her up over a shoulder, wrapping an arm around her legs. "I'll drag you all if I have to," Mary was light on his shoulder and as he gently traced a finger along the inside of her knee, he discovered her skin to be soft and warm. If she wasn't Callum's... Maybe they weren't serious. Maybe Liam wasn't either. He shook it off. "Okay, Sunshine, grab Yvette and form a train. Lucas, pick up any strays that might fall off," Slowly but surely he would push them towards the water.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callum Hall Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Lucas W. Richmond Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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The two piece; it felt like Yvette was exposing more skin than natural, yet for some odd reason it was comfortable. Of course she couldn't see what two-piece Mary had picked out for her, but whatever it was, it was pleasing.

She ran her fingers through her hair; nervously. Why was she so nervous? It wasn't like there was anyone special that Yvette was meeting with. It just had been her, Mary, Liam, and that friend they mentioned. Come to think of it, no one had every told her who Liam's friend was. Possibly a girlfriend of his? If so, why hadn't they just come to the beach by themselves? Why bring along two others? And especially without inviting Callum.


This was the first when Yvette never thought about him. Usually he was always at her side, guarding her, protecting her from harm, but right now it felt like she was all alone. Was it possible that coming along to the beach by herself was a bad idea? Mary did promise to keep a close eye on her, but lord knows that it was going to be a big job for a person blind/deaf. She needed her brother's company. She wanted his company part because panic was beginning to creep its way up, another because she was longing for him. Wherever he was, whatever he was doing she just hoped that he was okay because he was her brother, her step-brother; however, she cared for him like he cared for him. The best she could do is wish him the best while she was gone .

'You look hot. That guy Lucas will be drooling. Still trying to figure him out. I know he is a solider or something but that’s it.' Mary signed in the palm of Yvette's hand, shaking her from her thoughts.

There was the name again! Lucas. Mary had mentioned his name at list twice during the trip. Who was he? And most importantly what did this have to do with her? Was he Liam's friend? Of course. He had to be because there hadn't been any other name they mentioned. And Yvette never heard of him before. In fact, just the name made her laugh. Lucas. It was an odd name, common too.

When Mary grabbed Yvette's hand, and pulled her (out the door?) she said out loud knowing that she would be heard, "Who's Lucas? You've mentioned his name at least twice." Her french accent was strong. "Il, comme une célébrité ou quelque chose?" He, like a celebrity or something?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Callum Hall Character Portrait: Mary Lynn Roland Character Portrait: Yvette Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Cateline Moreau Character Portrait: Arthur Pym Character Portrait: Liam Stratford
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'Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah.' That's how it all was as soon as Cateline began talking. A common bore she was. However, he'd hate to admit that he did enjoy her company. Her stress only made him burst out into hysterics. It was nothing new. The two have been going at it for years and years if it weren't for they're constant bickering, it would never be the same. They had this dynamic, see Callum was the rebel who'd always brought trouble and Cateline was the little she-devil who always tried to patch things up. If it wasn't like that, then things wouldn't be the same. Even though they couldn't stand each other, the certain hatred only brought them closer. "The next time you steal croissants from my bakery, I will have your head on a pike parading it downtown!" Her face was red, and almost immediately Callum imagined steam bursting out from her ear canals.

"It's not stealing if I was burrowing." He said in his normal cocky tone. "I'd be glad to give it back, but you gotta wait a couple hours for it to digest down."

She ignored him (as usual); however, he could tell by the way her nose were flaring that she was infuriated. He watched as she snatched up a napkin sitting up on a counter. It was obvious that it had been from Liam. He was the only one Callum could remember who every wrote on napkins, though whatever it said made Cateline even angrier. Her eyes flashed upon him, and for a split second he held an eerie feeling that maybe he had gone too far.

"Are you kidding me?!" She shouted in rage that with each word she'd say, spit freckled across his face. Callum blinked-twice. This had been the second time he'd been spat on. He was beginning to think that it was national 'Spit On Callum' day. Didn't anyone have any manners in this town?

"Jesus, Say it don't spray it!" He retorted back, as he scrub ferociously at her germs with his towel, in which he made a promise to burn later.

The minute he was finished sterilizing his face, Cateline then flung a stone, rock croissant at him. However, he had ducked just in time before the edible weapon nearly knocked him out. "Next time you'll think twice about stealing from my bakery!" She warned him before spinning on one heel and stalking out from the Cafe; shaking the ground as she went.

"Come again!" He called after her before turning his attention onto Arthur who had been sitting there taking in all the chaos with wide eyes. "Can't believe the devil himself gave birth to that." He shook his head, and that's when he noticed. Yvette, Mary, Liam; they were all gone. However, it was Yvette and Mary he was worried about. They were just at Yvette's table a minute ago. Now where were they?

"Hold on, Art." He said before throwing his legs over the counter, and moving toward the front door. He looked out; searching for a sign of his friends, but all he saw was cars speeding by in unison honking at others as they went. "Shit." Now he was beginning to panic.

Wherever they were, they couldn't have gone that far, right? Besides shouldn't Liam be here helping with orders? Where the hell was he?

Callum's fingers were feeble as they dialed Liam's cell. It rung. Once. Twice. No answer. Callum didn't even bother to leave a voicemail. Instead, he dialed for Mary hoping, praying she'd pick up. "Jesus, Mary where are you? Are you alright? Where the hell is Yvette?" He was worried for the two of them. His girlfriend, and his little step-sister.