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Wicked Hearts

Wicked Hearts



1,600 readers have visited Wicked Hearts since lovemebroken created it.


Sorry this is a PRIVATE RP!


In the sleepy town of Shadow, Oregon nothing EVER happens. It’s always raining and all you have to look forward to is Friday night football games, that is if you’re into that stuff of course. However, Shadow has a few twisted secrets.

Story One Theme song: Bloody Valentine
Girl one is Queen Bee of her school, dating the captain of the football team. Her family is among the wealthiest families in Shadow, her life is as close to perfect as possible. Only Boy One, Girl One’s step-brother thinks that his step-sister’s boyfriend is a worthless piece of shit. Not to mention he’s dangerously obsessed with his younger step-sister, whom he is easily seven years older then.

Story Two’s Them song: Ghost of You
Girl two on the other hand can’t stand Girl one, despite the fact that there next-door neighbors and their families are super close. Unlike her neighbor, she keeps to herself. Only behind closed doors her father is an abusive drunk and her best guy friend is using her money to feed his nasty drug habit and she lets him because she’s scared of losing the only person who really knows her. However she’s unaware that he actually loves her and but can she save him before he overdoses of drugs or worse slits his wrists.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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Why she had to go to the stupid party, Hailee would never understand. Her father, however, had made it a point for her to understand just how important of a party it was. Their neighbors were throwing a New Years party and they'd been invited. They always invited the Weavers. Hailee's mom had decided to go as well. it would be the first time in such a long time that she would actually see the older woman. The very woman that had abandoned her to her father.

Hailee could hear her father yelling up the stairs, telling her to hurry up. She did not answer, instead finishing up getting ready. Only after making sure that she looked decent and that no marks were showing did she slowly make her way down the stairs to the main floor of her home.

"It's about time. We're going to be late now thanks to you." Her father said roughly. Hailee merely averted her gaze from him, moving to stand with her mother. "Sorry. It won't happen again." She replied quietly. She hated apologizing to him though it was far better than the beatings that he put her through. Together, the small family left their home, making their way to the party.

Her father knocked on the door and Mrs. Breedlove answered. She was playing the part of hostess quite well, greeting them happily and then allowing them to enter. Their coats were taken and soon Hailee escaped from her parents, finding a secluded area away from them. It was times like these that she was able to stay away from the man she called father..and she loved every moment of it.

She caught sight of Cami and immediately sighed. She couldn't stand the girl. They were complete opposites in every way. Cami's friends tended to pick on her least they used to. Until Seth began standing up for her. She could never repay him enough for his actions. Ever since, she's avoided the other girl. It was only during these parties that they had to truly put up with one another.

Hailee picked up a cup that was filled with tea. She made sure to keep a eye out for her father. It was only a matter of time before he began drinking for the night. However, she tried not to think about it as she stood alone, sipping her drink.



Micah had been at work all day. Lately, it seemed that all he did was work. Things had picked up at the parlor that he worked at which demanded his attention much more of the time. At least until they were able to hire some more help. He didn't mind, however, as it kept him away from Cami. Something that he'd decided that he needed to do. When their families had moved in together, Micah hadn't paid the younger girl much attention. However, as they'd begun to spend more time around each other, he found himself becoming more and more drawn to her. To the point that he would say that he was obsessed with her.

Something that he tried quite hard to hide. He knew that it wasn't normal and that he shouldn't feel anything towards the younger girl but brotherly love but he..wanted her. At first, he'd not known how to react though as time had gone by, he'd learned to handle it.

Micah arrived home just in enough time to get ready. He then quickly made his way to where the party was already taking place. He looked around, his gaze immediately finding Cami. He was quick to tear his eyes from her, instead focusing on his mother as she came to stand before him. "Darling, you look wonderful. But..couldn't you have done something with your hair?" Micah rolled his eyes. "Mom, I'm doing good to be here. Don't push it."

He continued speaking with the woman for some time before she left him to tend to their guests. Left alone, he made his was to a spot where he would be able to watch his stepsister. As he stood there, a voice tore his attention. "Your mother invited me. What..are you doing over here all alone?" Micah turned his head slightly, his gaze falling to a pretty woman. Casey. Of course it was Casey. They'd dated for some time before Micah had ended it with her. His mother loved the woman and couldn't seem to understand that they were no longer together.

He didn't speak to her at first, hoping she would leave. The woman remained, clearly waiting. "You know me..trying to stay away from Mom's guests. She tends to want to parade me about and degrade what I do. You know that." Casey laughed before sliding a arm through Micah's. "Then come dance with me. It'll keep you away from them!" She did not leave him a choice, pulling him out onto the dance floor. They were soon quite close, Micah leading in the dance..however..he was still able to keep a eye on Cami. He didn't trust her boyfriend and he'd made sure that she knew that the moment they'd met.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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The Breedlove Household was already full of people for their annual New Year’s Eve party. The entire town was always invited and it was something their small town look forward too every year. Cami was particularly dreading even attending this year, things between her and her step-brother, Micha had gotten destructive and out of hand lately and all her father did was take his side on everything. She could see right through Micha’s games, yet somehow her father adored him.

The music could heard down stirs as Cami finished curling her long brown hair so it touched just to her hips. She slipped into her outfit that clearly showed her fit torso and belly button piercing, she knew that it was a bad idea to where that. Her father would freak, her step-mother would shoot her dirty looks the entire night, and Micha would flip the second Andy put his hands on her and she smirked at the thought. She looked over herself in the mirror, she looked more like a trashy whore, then a rich daddy’s girl and that’s exactly what she needed to look like to drive everyone crazy. [color=#][/color]

There was a tap on her window and she smirked already knowing who it was as she made her way out of her bathroom into her bedroom. She pushed open her window as Andy climbed through, dressed in his tux like he was going to a wedding. He Pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers kissing her hard and she kissed him back smirking against his lips as his hands roamed her body freely.

“Why the hell are you crawling through my window?” she laughed as she pulled away sitting down on her bed to slid her black heels on. Her and Andy had been dating for nearly three years, everyone was convinced they would get married and her father was almost pushing for it considering Andy’s dad was the governor of Oregon.

“I figured that psychotic brother of yours would kick me out.” He shrugged. “Plus I wanted to be the first to tell you how incredibly beautiful you look.” he said leaning in and kissing her and she pushed him away playful.

“Oh please, like he could kick you out, the only person my dad loves more than him is you.” she said honestly as she stood up reaching into his suite pocket and pulling out the flask that she knew he’d have and talking a drink of the whisky, not even flinching as it burned down her throat. “Let’s get this disaster over with.” She sighed as they headed down stairs together.

The party was already full of people and she had yet to see Micha yet which was a good thing. When she’d finally spotted him, Andy had left her alone to get the two of them drinks and he was dancing with some girl who she vaguely recognized as his ex-girlfriend. Andy was back and handed her a drink, but she only set it down and drug him to the dance floor dancing right next to Micha as if to prove a point that she could do whatever the fuck she wanted and there was nothing he could do about it.

Seth had spent the majority of the day getting high and screwing some girl who was way too young for him. He was nineteen and this girl was a sophomore in high school, but he didn’t exactly care. Her father was a drug dealer and that was all that mattered. He’d been seeing her for the past month, for nothing none other than sex and drugs. He’d only seen Hailee a total of two times over the past month and he knew she’d be pissed that he’d recently just been disappearing on her for weeks at a time but he hated himself for using her, she deserved so much better and she didn’t even realize it.

He loved Hailee, every single thing about her, but he was to selfish to give up his own fucked up obsessions to actually be the kind of guy she need, if she liked him at all. He wasn’t sure why she let him use her. Seth sat on the couch as the while his girlfriend, Jayla, if you could even call her his girlfriend sat up wiping her mouth, while Seth zipped up his pants. He leaned forward then doing a few lines of coke before standing up.

“Babe?” Jayla breathed confused. “Where are you going?” he could hear in her voice that she was scared every time he left would be the last time she saw him it was the same way Hailee sounded whenever he left and he hated that he did that to people, but he just couldn’t help it.

“To a party.” he said plainly, shrugging as he lit a cigarette. Before she could beg him to go though he slipped out of her house and made his way to his beat up Honda. He watched her come out onto her porch and he ignored her, knowing he was leaving her alone feeling used.

He didn’t bother changing out of his outfit, just made his way across town to where he knew the Breedlove’s were holding their annual party, parking his car and heading inside. It didn’t take him long to find Hailee and he slipped up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.

“Hey there Darling.” he whispered. “Miss me.” he smirked.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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She continued to watch the party around her. Everyone there seemed so happy. That was a feeling that she only rarely felt anymore. Now that she thought about it, Seth was the very reason for her happiness. It was only when he was around that she was okay. However, he'd taken to leaving her alone for weeks without any word from him. She worried for him, more than she knew that she should. She just couldn't seem to help it. She cared for wasn't right. She loved him. Though she could never admit that to him.

Hailee finished her drink and gave the now empty cup to a waiter that was walking about the room. She began searching for her father, realizing that she'd lost sight of him. Suddenly, though, she stiffened at the feeling of someone wrapping their arms around her waist and then resting their chin upon her shoulder. The moment that Seth spoke, however, Hailee relaxed into his embrace. “Hey there Darling. Miss me.”

She remained silent for only a moment, trying to work out what to say to him. She needed him around and yet he'd not been there. Seth knew nothing of the troubles she had at home except that she didn't get along with her parents. She never would allow him to come over..not anymore. She couldn't bare the thought of him finding out about what her father had been doing to her. "Of course I missed you, asshole." She said softly. Hailee allowed her hands to rest upon his arms as they stood there together.

The feeling of eyes suddenly made her feel uncomfortable yet she did not move. No doubt it was her father. She would hear about it later that night but for now she would enjoy herself. "I was beginning to think that you didn't like me anymore." She said, turning around slowly so that she could look at him. She was trying hard not to let it show that she was upset with least while they were around so many other people. However, Seth would most likely see through her mask.

"It would be nice if you would at least call me every once in a while. For all I knew you were laying somewhere dead. I really needed you around." She suddenly pulled him into a hug, happy to be near him once again. "Do you think we could go outside? I've..been into it with Dad today and the longer I can stay away from him, the better." It was a white lie, one that she hoped Seth would believe. She could still feel her father's gaze on them and she wanted nothing more than to disappear.



Micah and Casey hadn't been dancing for long when Cami and Andy came to stand near them, taking to dancing as well. He immediately felt anger at the younger girl's actions. He was forced to keep himself in check, at least for now. Micah's grip tightened on Cami and the woman noticed though said nothing. The song continued, and several other couples joined them on the floor.

He continued trying to ignore Cami and her pathetic boyfriend. He'd fallen silent, only half listening as Casey continued speaking. The woman seemed oblivious to Micah's sudden silence. She only cared for herself. Micah had taken to watching Cami closely, almost as if he was judging her every movement. When the song finally ended, Micah removed himself from Casey quite quickly.

Moving towards Cami, Micah's eyes never left her. He reached her rather quickly though completely ignored her boyfriend. "You should lose the dweeb. He's doing nothing but bringing your entire look down, sweatheart. He's nothing more than a child trying to be a man."

Micah suddenly turned his eyes to Andy, his gaze suddenly dangerous. "Why don't you just fuck off you little shit. I'd hate to have to hurt you." Though those around them would not have taken him seriously, he was deadly so. He didn't care one bit about Andy sticking around Cami. Not at all. If he had it his way, the younger boy would never had a second with the girl.

He knew that it wasn't healthy to be so obsessed with Cami. He wasn't even sure why he was. All that he knew was that he wanted her..and badly. He tried pushing the thoughts from his mind once again however suddenly being faced with the two of them. He shouldn't have come. He knew that. He wasn't sure how long he'd be able to remain calm. It would do him no good to get himself in trouble with either of his parents.

Suddenly, his mother appeared at his side. "Cami, dear, don't you think that you could have chose something a bit more appropriate for this evening?" The woman asked. Micah finally took in what the younger girl was wearing. It was not quite appropriate for the evening. She was revealing a bit more than he'd expected of her. He suddenly found his gaze glued to her form once again.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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Andy’s hands were all over Cami and she could feel Micha’s eyes burning into her back. There was just something about his presence that both scared and excited her. Not that she’d ever admit that he was far too old for her and way to much of a dick. When the slower song ended and a faster on paced song came on her and Andy didn’t break away, not until Micha came up to them.

"You should lose the dweeb. He's doing nothing but bringing your entire look down, sweatheart. He's nothing more than a child trying to be a man." she raised her brow, irritated with him in a matter of seconds. Andy’s arm was around her waist and he pulled her close protectively as Micha turned his eyes from her to him. "Why don't you just fuck off you little shit. I'd hate to have to hurt you."

Andy’s body tensed against hers and she knew she had to defuse the situation before it got out of hand. Andy and Micha had never physically gotten into it, but they’d been pretty damn close to it before. As much as she wanted to see her quarter back boyfriend beat the shit out of her overly protective, arrogant step-brother. She knew for a fact that Micha was in to some pretty dark shit and he wouldn’t stop at just beating the shit out of him, he’d probably kill him if he got the chance.

"Cami, dear, don't you think that you could have chose something a bit more appropriate for this evening?" Her-Step mom interrupted before she had a chance to defuse it and the tension between the three of them was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

“Thanks, but my mom is dead…and you’ll never be her. So stop trying and don’t worry, Andy and I were just leaving.” She spat harshly turning her gaze back to Micha. “Mind your own business and I swear to God if you touch him, I’ll kill you.” She said dead serious, lacing her fingers with Andy and pushing past the two of them.

She wasn’t stupid she knew that Micha would more than likely follow after them, which make her pace quicken. Her honestly scared the shit out of her when he was pissed. Not that she’d ever let him know that, because she was stubborn as hell.

Of course I missed you, asshole." she said softly resting her hands on his and he smirked. "I was beginning to think that you didn't like me anymore." she turned to face him and he dropped his arms holding her eyes as he lit himself another cigarette, taking a long drag from it.

She looked incredible, not that he’d tell her that, he was way too stubborn to be that open about his feelings. He could feel her energy tense and on edge and he knew that was because of her father, things were always different when he was around and he knew there was something very wrong, yet Hailee refused to tell him and it irritated him.

"It would be nice if you would at least call me every once in a while. For all I knew you were laying somewhere dead. I really needed you around." she said suddenly hugging him and he rested his cigarette between his lips and hugged her back. "Do you think we could go outside? I've..been into it with Dad today and the longer I can stay away from him, the better." she said and he could tell she was lying but he didn’t argue with her he figured that he owed it to her considering he’d ditched her for the past month.

He took another drag off his cigarette, before tossing his arm over her shoulder. “Yeah doll, let’s get out of here. Rich people make me sick…well except you.”He said with a playful smirk as he lead her outside. They slipped out the door together making their way towards his car. “What do you say to a night of getting drunk out on the back road?” the back roads was where most the bad kids went it was in the middle of nowhere, there was a manmade bon fire a couch and there was almost always tons of booze because it was an unspoken tradition that people kept it stalked.

“Hey wrist cutter!” he heard his cousins voice from behind him and rolled his eyes, she was always calling him the worst possible names she could think of because of the way he dressed. “Where are you and your girlfriend going we need a ride and quick, I’ll pay you.”


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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She watched him as he finished off his cigarette and then tossed it over Hailee's shoulder. As Seth spoke, Hailee smiled at him. She was more than happy that he'd allowed her lie, to leave the house. "That's only because I'm not like other rich girls." She said, allowing Seth to lead the way out of the house. She walked closely to the older boy, happy to just have him near once again.

Hailee glanced behind them as they left the festivities. She couldn't help but wonder if her Father saw them leave. If so, she would be in for it once she got home. Seth, was quick to steal her attention once again. “What do you say to a night of getting drunk out on the back road?” Hailee thought about it for a moment. It had been some time since she'd gotten drunk and it sounded pretty good right about now.

"That sounds amazing. Yes!" She absolutely loved the back roads though she rarely went without Seth. She couldn't stand the way that some of the guys seemed to look at her when her friend wasn't around. Cami's voice suddenly cut through to them as they reached the car. Hailee glanced to the other girl and then back to Seth. If it was her decision she would have ignored the girl and simply continued on with what they were doing. However, if Cami was willing to pay it was likely that Seth would give them the ride.

Hailee simply rolled her eyes, getting into the front seat and buckling up. Suddenly, the fear of what she was doing began to set in. Once her father realized that she'd left the party he'd be furious. When she did finally make it back home she would be in for it. She glanced over to Seth before looking back out the window on her side. It was worth it. She could think of nothing else that she would rather be doing.

As they pulled away from the house, Hailee took a shallow steadying breath. She decided that she wouldn't worry about anything until she was back home. There was no need to bring down the mood that she and Seth had going inside. She was pointedly ignoring Cami and Andy. She couldn't stand the pair.


They arrived and Hailee was quick to get out of the car. She moved around to Seth's side of the car, waiting on him. Once he was out of the car, she linked their arms together and moved slightly closer to him. She was certain that he knew she wasn't happy that Cami was there. She dropped her voice, looking up at him. "Can we ditch them now? I need a drink..and a strong one at that." She was whining but she didn't care. She wanted to spend time with him without having to worry about anyone else.



The way Cami was speaking to his mother, Micah had to admit that he didn't care for it at all. “Mind your own business and I swear to God if you touch him, I’ll kill you.” Cami said. Micah could see her seriousness though it didn't bother him. The couple pushed by them and Micah allowed it. His mother looked furious. "I'm going to talk to that girl's father. She's such a brat. Try to enjoy the party, darling. No need to let her bring down the fun."

He nodded to her and waited only long enough for her to leave him be before he turned and headed out the way that Cami and Andy had gone. He headed out the door just in time to see Cami sliding into a white car. He knew that it belonged to Seth Parker. Where was Cami going with that sad lot?

He cursed under his breath, pulling out his own keys. He quickly made his way to his car and was quick to unlock the door and slid in. He started the vehicle and was quick to follow after Cami.

Micah made sure to keep back far enough not to arise any suspicion from the vehicle that he was following. Why Cami thought that she could do whatever she wanted was beyond him. And to speak to him in such a way..Micah was furious. He would make her realize her place as well as taking care of her little boy toy.


He parked his car a good ways from where he'd seen Seth park his car. Micah got out of his vehicle and then closed the door, making sure to lock up before slowly moving away from his car. The back roads was a place that, when he'd been younger, that Micah had frequented quite often. After he'd gotten a job and actually had to work for his money he'd stopped going out there.

It hadn't changed at all, something that he was glad of. He made sure to try and blend in all the while looking around for Cami. It didn't take him long to spot her and he made sure that she couldn't see him from where he was. He fully planned on getting her by herself. He was sick of her and her actions. The girl needed to straighten up.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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Cami didn’t bother to wait for a reply, he knew her cousin would take her up on the offer, he was a hopeless druggie like his mother. She slipped into the back seat of his shitty little car and the group headed out. Her and Andy spent the entirety of the drive making out in the back seat. Andy made her forget about Micha for the most part. But, no matter how much Andy touched her, she still couldn’t get Micha entirely out of her head. He was reckless and wild, dangerous and arrogant and a part of her wondered what he was really like when he wasn’t around his mother or her.

When they finally got there, Seth cut the engine to his car and Cami pulled away from Andy and stepped out of the car. "Can we ditch them now? I need a drink..and a strong one at that." she heard Hailee say as she stepped out of the car despite the fact that she knew Hailee hadn’t meant for her to hear it.

Cami stepped in front of Hail a wicked smirk on her lips. “Don’t worry babe, were not sticking around with you losers. We have better things to do.” She winked, before making her way over to Seth and Grabbing his arm and turning it over slapping three hundred dollars in his hand like it was no big deal. But she gestured for her to give him something in return like they’d done this particular exchange a million in one times and she knew both Andy and Hailee were probably more than confused, but Seth pulled out a small bag of white powder and tossed it to her and Cami just smirked, tucking it into her bra.

She gestured for Andy to follow her, Andy rarely argued with her. It was fairly obvious who wore the pants in the relationship. However it was also fairly obvious that Andy put up with Cami because he was bluntly cheating on her, Cami just refused to believe that. Cami walked over to where the couches and bon fire was already going and there were a few other smoking and drinking. Camellia was a natural, simply because before Seth had meet Hailee it had been Cami he’d spent all his time with, at one point there were inseparable.

She leaned in to one of the guys she recognized, grabbing his cigarette with a smirk on her lips and taking a drag off it. He was Seth’s friend and a guy that she’d hooked up with more than once and out of the corner of her eye she could see Andy was irritated with her, but she didn’t care. There was a wild side of Cami that was out of control, Seth was really the only person who’d ever seen that side of her.

“What’s wrong Andrew?” she breathed out a breath of smoke as she made her way over to her boyfriend taking another drag off the cigarette. He rolled his eyes and she could tell he was getting irritated. “I’m going to go for a walk.” she said simply, stealing a bottle of liquor from one of the other guys and slipping into the heavily wooded area that surrounded their hangout. She knew it was a bad idea to disappear into the woods in the middle of the night, but she really didn’t give a shit, she took a huge swig of the liquor.

Seth didn’t say anything, but he had a soft spot for his cousin that he refused to let anyone even her know about, hell no one even knew the two were related. Seth didn’t answer her just gestured for the two of them to get into the car. The drive was always fairly along, because their spot was on the outskirts of town in the middle of nowhere. It had always been the one place they were warned about when they were kids, because the truth was it was dangerous if someone got hurt it would be a good thirty minuet drive in any direction before you got help.

Seth was smarter than most people gave him credit for and so while no one else had realized that Micha’s car was tagging far behind them, he knew exactly who it was. However, he didn’t think anything of it, because although Micha hadn’t been there in a long time, before he’d gotten a job it wasn’t unusual for him to be there almost every night. When he’d finally cut the engine, Hailee hurried out of the car and he followed suite, watching her walk around to his side of the ca as he lend against his car lighting a joint and taking a hit off of it.

He watched Cami antagonize Hailee, before she turned her attention to him. He said nothing to her when she slapped a few hundred dollars in his hand, but he knew exactly what she wanted. He was fairly certain that her perfect little boyfriend was unaware of her dark side. He rolled his eyes pulling out a bag of coke and tossing it to her. He’d become her personal dealer and they only really talked when they need something from each other. She gestured from Andy to follow her ad he did.

“Don’t fucking take off Cam.” he called after her as she disappeared into the woods, before turning his attention to Hailee. “Fuck, if she goes missing, your witness I was with you all night.” he teased, smirk on his lips, because he knew he’s be one of the first to be blamed for something like a missing persons case, just because he was known for causing trouble in Shadow.

He held his joint out to Hailee offering it to her, before reaching back inside his car to pop his trunk. He grabbed her wrist dragging her with him to his trunk as he opened it revealing a shit ton of hard liquor that was a million times better then whatever was already being passed around.

“Take your pick babe, whatever you want.” He smirked grabbing himself a bottle of whisky, popping it open and taking a swig from it.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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Cami didn’t bother to wait for a reply, he knew her cousin would take her up on the offer, he was a hopeless druggie like his mother. She slipped into the back seat of his shitty little car and the group headed out. Her and Andy spent the entirety of the drive making out in the back seat. Andy made her forget about Micha for the most part. But, no matter how much Andy touched her, she still couldn’t get Micha entirely out of her head. He was reckless and wild, dangerous and arrogant and a part of her wondered what he was really like when he wasn’t around his mother or her.

When they finally got there, Seth cut the engine to his car and Cami pulled away from Andy and stepped out of the car. "Can we ditch them now? I need a drink..and a strong one at that." she heard Hailee say as she stepped out of the car despite the fact that she knew Hailee hadn’t meant for her to hear it.

Cami stepped in front of Hail a wicked smirk on her lips. “Don’t worry babe, were not sticking around with you losers. We have better things to do.” She winked, before making her way over to Seth and Grabbing his arm and turning it over slapping three hundred dollars in his hand like it was no big deal. But she gestured for her to give him something in return like they’d done this particular exchange a million in one times and she knew both Andy and Hailee were probably more than confused, but Seth pulled out a small bag of white powder and tossed it to her and Cami just smirked, tucking it into her bra.

She gestured for Andy to follow her, Andy rarely argued with her. It was fairly obvious who wore the pants in the relationship. However it was also fairly obvious that Andy put up with Cami because he was bluntly cheating on her, Cami just refused to believe that. Cami walked over to where the couches and bon fire was already going and there were a few other smoking and drinking. Camellia was a natural, simply because before Seth had meet Hailee it had been Cami he’d spent all his time with, at one point there were inseparable.

She leaned in to one of the guys she recognized, grabbing his cigarette with a smirk on her lips and taking a drag off it. He was Seth’s friend and a guy that she’d hooked up with more than once and out of the corner of her eye she could see Andy was irritated with her, but she didn’t care. There was a wild side of Cami that was out of control, Seth was really the only person who’d ever seen that side of her.

“What’s wrong Andrew?” she breathed out a breath of smoke as she made her way over to her boyfriend taking another drag off the cigarette. He rolled his eyes and she could tell he was getting irritated. “I’m going to go for a walk.” she said simply, stealing a bottle of liquor from one of the other guys and slipping into the heavily wooded area that surrounded their hangout. She knew it was a bad idea to disappear into the woods in the middle of the night, but she really didn’t give a shit, she took a huge swig of the liquor.

Seth didn’t say anything, but he had a soft spot for his cousin that he refused to let anyone even her know about, hell no one even knew the two were related. Seth didn’t answer her just gestured for the two of them to get into the car. The drive was always fairly along, because their spot was on the outskirts of town in the middle of nowhere. It had always been the one place they were warned about when they were kids, because the truth was it was dangerous if someone got hurt it would be a good thirty minuet drive in any direction before you got help.

Seth was smarter than most people gave him credit for and so while no one else had realized that Micha’s car was tagging far behind them, he knew exactly who it was. However, he didn’t think anything of it, because although Micha hadn’t been there in a long time, before he’d gotten a job it wasn’t unusual for him to be there almost every night. When he’d finally cut the engine, Hailee hurried out of the car and he followed suite, watching her walk around to his side of the ca as he lend against his car lighting a joint and taking a hit off of it.

He watched Cami antagonize Hailee, before she turned her attention to him. He said nothing to her when she slapped a few hundred dollars in his hand, but he knew exactly what she wanted. He was fairly certain that her perfect little boyfriend was unaware of her dark side. He rolled his eyes pulling out a bag of coke and tossing it to her. He’d become her personal dealer and they only really talked when they need something from each other. She gestured from Andy to follow her ad he did.

“Don’t fucking take off Cam.” he called after her as she disappeared into the woods, before turning his attention to Hailee. “Fuck, if she goes missing, your witness I was with you all night.” he teased, smirk on his lips, because he knew he’s be one of the first to be blamed for something like a missing persons case, just because he was known for causing trouble in Shadow.

He held his joint out to Hailee offering it to her, before reaching back inside his car to pop his trunk. He grabbed her wrist dragging her with him to his trunk as he opened it revealing a shit ton of hard liquor that was a million times better then whatever was already being passed around.

“Take your pick babe, whatever you want.” He smirked grabbing himself a bottle of whisky, popping it open and taking a swig from it.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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Seth called after Cami but honestly, Hailee didn't understand why. The girl was going to do whatever she wanted. “Fuck, if she goes missing, your witness I was with you all night.” Seth teased, smirking. Hailee simply rolled her eyes at him. "I don't think that Cami going missing would be all that bad." She said softly. She doubted the two of them would ever get along. Though they tolerated each other when they had to, that didn't mean that she liked the other girl. There was no doubt doubt in her mind that if she ever let down her guard around Cami that the other girl would find something to use against her to make her life a living hell. Not exactly something that Hailee wanted to happen.

She looked to the joint that was being offered to her and she gladly took it from Seth. She took a slow and steady hit from it as he popped his trunk. Just as she exhaled the smoke, Seth grabbed her wrist and dragged her with him. They reached the back of his car and the trunk was lifted up revealing the liquor that her friend was toting about.

“Take your pick babe, whatever you want.” He said as he took his pick. Hailee debated for a moment, handing over the joint, before finally deciding on a bottle of flavored vodka that Seth had most likely brought just for her. She leaned in, reaching for the bottle. She was well aware that the skirt of her dress moved up a bit though she paid no attention to it. She was still covered and as far as she was concerned, that was good enough for her.

She pulled the bottle with her as she moved back. She opened the bottle and took a long swig from it, feeling the burning sensation as it went down her throat for the first time. "I definitely needed this." She said, glancing up at him. She was quick to take another swig though this one was not as deep.

Hailee could already feel herself being affected by the liquid. She did not drink often but when she did, it was far too easy for her to get drunk. She could remember the first time that she'd drank. She'd been dating some loser then and it had been he who'd talked her into drinking that night. She'd truly thought, at the time, that he was the one. It was that very night that she'd lost her virginity to the boy. She'd called Seth the moment she'd woken up the following day, telling him everything. She'd been so upset.

Now look at her. In love with a man that would never see her in such a way. She just couldn't give up on him. "You know Seth...I really needed this." She said suddenly, moving closer to him. She pulled him into another hug, enjoying their closeness.



Micah remained out of the way for some time, watch Cami's every move. He was unsure of how long he'd been standing around, trying to blend in, when Cami spoke. “I’m going to go for a walk.” The girl took a bottle form one of the guys and then disappeared into the wooded aread that surrounded them. Andy was still there and so Micah was forced to take the long way around.

It took him a few minutes to located Cami. When he did, he hung back for a few minutes, simply enjoying watching her. She took a swig from the bottle and Micah watched. He gave her a few more moments to herself before revealing himself. He moved slowly and quietly, making his way to her from behind.

Without warning, Micah grabbed Cami, turning her around to face him. His face held a anger that he reserved only for her. Immediately he pushed her back so that she was against one of the trees. "I hope that you didn't think that you were going to get out of it that easily you stupid bitch."

He moved his face closer to hers as he regarded her. He gave her a moment before he spoke again. "You're coming home. Now. You need to grow the fuck up you stupid little girl. Do you honestly think that piece of shit cares for you? He's probably going around fucking anything that he can..behind your back. I think that it's pathetic you just keep going back to someone who is going nowhere in life."

Micah suddenly realized how close that they were. He'd not intended to get so close but he'd let his anger get the best of him. However, he couldn't move back now. It would show weakness. Not something that he was willing to do in front of the girl that he cared about. His grip on her was tight, so much so that he would be surprised if he didn't bruise her. He didn't care. In fact, it excited him. He was suddenly gazing down at her, his eyes slowly moving to her lips and then back to her eyes as he waited for her to speak.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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Cami wasn’t exactly sure where she was going. She just didn’t want to hang around with Andy or go back home only to pretend to be something she wasn’t. She was always putting on a show for everyone, when in reality she was no better than her older cousin, Seth. She was wild and uncontrollable when she wanted to be, but because her dad held so much power in their town and even in their state, she had to be perfect all the time.

Cami felt someone grab her wrist roughly and she already knew who it was by the way his skin felt on her, it burned and sent sparks of excitement through her. Every time he touched her it excited her and she wasn’t entirely sure why and maybe that was the reason she hated him so much, because he made her feel things that Andy or no other guy for that matter could, not that she was willing to admit that. In a matter of seconds she was facing him and before she could react or push him again he backed her up into a tree, making her wince as he spoke.

"I hope that you didn't think that you were going to get out of it that easily you stupid bitch."
He lend in close and she raised a brow at his words keeping her mouth shut as she held his eyes. "You're coming home. Now. You need to grow the fuck up you stupid little girl. Do you honestly think that piece of shit cares for you? He's probably going around fucking anything that he can…behind your back. I think that it's pathetic you just keep going back to someone who is going nowhere in life."

He was intimidatingly close to her but she didn’t flinch, she was terrified of what he’d do. Hell they were all alone in the woods and Micha had quite a violent reputation, but if she let him know she was scared he’d only use it against her later. She built up enough courage and what strength she had to shove him away as hard as she could.

“Fuck off stalker.” She spat harshly. “I’m not going home and you can’t make me.” She hissed like a spoiled brat. “My LIFE is none of your damn business Micha and I’m sick of you thinking it is.” She said before tossing the now empty bottle of liquor in his direction hoping it would hit him but know it wouldn’t cause she hadn’t actually aimed it at him.

She pushed off the tree then, slipping into the darkness, already know he’d follow because she was fairly certain she’d pissed him off. She needed to get back to the party, she knew that much but now the alcohol had compromised her vision. She just hoped that she could get away before he caught up to her.

Seth watched as she grabbed one of the bottle and he lit himself a joint, grabbing a bottle for himself. He took a hit off his joint before popping open the bottle of liquor and taking a swig. It was safe to say the he had a bit of a drinking problem, he’d been drinking since he was thirteen and now he drank liquor like it was water.

"I definitely needed this." she glanced to him and he smirked as he slammed his trunk shut. "You know Seth...I really needed this." she said suddenly moving closer to him and he laughed as she hugged him and he simply hugged her back, knowing that something was wrong with her, since he’d seen her at the party but he knew better then to pry so he simply hugged her back letting her know that he was there for her.

“Well, as long as you’re having a good time, then I guess I’m doing my job right.” he said kissing the top of her head before pulling away and wrapping an arm around her shoulder leading her out to where the rest of the people were hanging out, getting drunk, and making out.

The music was loud, loud enough it made you forget everything and that’s why Seth always came out her, to forget his shitty life. He could be whoever he wanted here and no one judged him, no one expect him to be something he wasn’t. He shook a few of his friends hands, but kept his arm around Hailee’s shoulder the entire time, keeping her by his side as if he was telling everyone else she was off limits. Eventually once they were done chatting with his friends he led her away from the group so they could be alone. He dropped his arm from around her shoulder and lend against a tree as he looked over her taking a swig from his bottle of liquor.

“You going to tell me whats wrong?” he asked looking her over. “You can fool a whole room of cops babe, but I’m your best friend. Who’s ass to I have to kick?” he smirked raising the bottle to his lips again. “Something’s been on you mind all night…I hate seeing you down.” He shrugged.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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“Well, as long as you’re having a good time, then I guess I’m doing my job right.” Seth said as he kissed the top of her head and then wrapped an arm about her shoulders, leading her out into the throng of people. She allowed it, staying quite close to him. His words had caused her to smile. It always seemed like Seth always knew exactly what to say to her.

They only stopped a few times in order for Seth to shake hands with a few different people, no doubt his friends. She was most glad that he was keeping his arm around her. It served to ease her current state. Something that she was glad of. Hailee had remained fairly silent during the exchanges, speaking only when one of Seth's friends had directly spoken to her.

Once Seth was done speaking with his friends, he led her from them. Something that Hailee was glad for. She did not mind sharing Seth though it had been some time since she'd been able to spend time with him properly and so she was being a bit selfish. She wanted to be alone with him. To make up for the lost time.

Seth removed his arm from her and then moved to stand against a tree. She could feel his eyes on her and so she turned to face him, her eyes landing on him. “You going to tell me whats wrong?” He asked, causing Hailee to suddenly look away from him. “You can fool a whole room of cops babe, but I’m your best friend. Who’s ass to I have to kick? Something’s been on you mind all night…I hate seeing you down.”

She wasn't stupid. Hailee knew that if she told Seth what was going on at home..that her father had taken to beating the shit out of her daily..that there was no telling what her friend would do. Yet, at the same time she wanted nothing more than to tell him. She sighed softly and then took another swig from the bottle that she was still holding.

"You can't say anyone." She said, finally looking back to her friend. "Dad lost his job last month. There was no reason behind it..they just let him go. All he does is drink and Mom is always at work. Tonight is the fist time that I've seen her in a while." She went silent, quite obviously wanting to continue yet still holding back. If Seth had noticed her acting strange then she was certain that he would notice that she was still hiding something from him.

There had been a reason that she'd chosen the dress that she had. The high collar was hiding quite a ugly bruise on the back of her neck that would have been visible since her hair was up as usual. She subconsciously adjusted it, making sure that it was still all the way up. "I'm just worried." She said, looking down.



Cami shoved Micah away from her and from the feel of it..she'd put as much as she could into it. “Fuck off stalker. I’m not going home and you can’t make me. My LIFE is none of your damn business Micha and I’m sick of you thinking it is.” She hissed at him and then threw the liquor bottle towards him. She missed, the bottle rolling off to the side. Micah glanced towards the bottle and then looked back up.

He caught sight of her disappearing into the darkness. He moved quickly, intending to follow after her. He was furious. More so than he had been earlier. It was easy this time for Micah to follow her. The alcohol that she'd been drinking had no doubt had its effect on her. "Cami..stop and you won't be in trouble." He called sweetly. Even as he said the words he knew that his stepsister would be able to see through his words. She was in trouble and he would see to her punishment.

Micah was unsure of how long he'd chased after the younger woman. However, when he did catch up to her he slowed his pace, walking slowly towards her, like a lion getting ready to pounce upon their prey. He reached out quickly, grabbing her by her hair this time, pulling her roughly back towards him. She'd led them farther away from the party than she'd most likely intended though it would work for him.

"Now now. Calm down. This is all your fault. I told you to stop and you just had to keep going." He paused, leaning his face closer to the girl's neck, breathing in deeply, silently. "You've been a very bad girl, Cami. Running off with Andy and then attacking me when I was just trying to bring you back home. What will your father think?" His grip on her was unrelenting and he was surely hurting her. However, he didn't seem to care.

He could do whatever he wanted to her and there would be no one around to stop him. How far was he wanting to go? He needed to get her to behave. He slowly moved one of his hands, suddenly coming to rest upon the front of her neck as she was still being held against his body. His grip on her neck wasn't harsh enough to cause any bruising. He felt the urge to kiss her. Something that he was always trying to fight it seemed. He wondered what she would do. However, he decided to wait, to see what she would try to do in order to get away from him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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Camila vison was suddenly faded into the darkness and she knew then whatever bottle of liquor she’d taken wasn’t just liquor, but it was laced with something strong and she stumbled through the woods, the booming music from the party seeming to fade the farther she walked as she used the trees for support.

Cami…stop and you won’t be in trouble.” Micha called out in a soothingly calm voice that honestly mad her want to stop and let him catch up, but even as fucked up as she was she knew better, she knew him. Her heart was pounding in her chest, knowing she had to get away or he’d hurt her, she could just hear it in his voice that she’d pushed him to far this time.

She stumbled for a long time, her eyelashes fluttering, trying to clear her vision but it only seemed worse and suddenly she was hyperaware of things. Everything seemed clearer and she knew it was the drugs. She was well away that someone was following her and it scared the shit out of her that she knew it was him and he was just waiting for the right time to grab her.

Finally he grabbed hold of her hair roughly, the drugs however made her numb to the pain, but that didn’t change the fact that she winced like she was in pain, because now that he caught her she was helpless to him, the drugs made her weak. He spun her to face him, holding her by her hair and she struggled to focus on his face through her blurred vision. All she could really make out though was his tattoos on a silhouette of him.

"Now now. Calm down. This is all your fault. I told you to stop and you just had to keep going." his voice dark making her shiver as he lend in close, yet there was a heat between them that made her want to kiss him. "You've been a very bad girl, Cami. Running off with Andy and then attacking me when I was just trying to bring you back home. What will your father think?" his grip on her was so tight that she knew even if she tried to get away she couldn’t he was easily twice her size. She was a skin cheerleader, he was a bad boy with a lot of experience in fights and drugs. She didn’t stand a chance.

His hand came up wrapping around her throat, his grip wasn’t tight enough to leave a bruise, but it was tight enough to make her realize he was playing games and trying to scare her and as much as she wanted to blame the drugs, she had to admit it was turning her on. His lips were temptingly close to hers all she had to do was move forward a centimeter and they’d be kissing. Everything inside her was screaming to kiss him, to be bad for once and not care what anyone thought or how much trouble she’d be in if her father found out.

“He’d never believe you.” She breathed against his lips. “I’ve got him wrapped around my finger, the way you’ve got your mom believing you so innocent.” She taunted him her voice surprisingly calm. “You of all people should know that Micha.” She smirked. “You don’t really give a shit that I’m running around with Andy do you?” she said moving closer to him, knowing exactly what she was doing and the tension between them was driving her crazy. [color=#FF0829] “So what is it that’s really bothering you, big brother.” she breathed before leaning forward and pressing her lips to his neck and letting them linger there, like she already knew his secret.

Seth watched how on edge she was he was incredibly good at reading body language. He could also tell that whatever she was going to say to him wouldn’t be the full truth that irritated him. He just wanted to protect her and she seemed to think he couldn’t do that or that she couldn’t trust him with the truth not that he could say he blamed her much, he didn’t exactly give her a reason to trust him or believe he’d help her.

"You can't say anyone." she said meeting his eyes and he raised a brow giving her his full attention. "Dad lost his job last month. There was no reason behind it..they just let him go. All he does is drink and Mom is always at work. Tonight is the fist time that I've seen her in a while." he nodded as she adjusted her dress making it clear she was nervous about him finding out the truth. "I'm just worried." she looked down then and he just rolled his eyes.

He wanted to bug her, he knew whatever it was it had to do with her low life father. The times that he’d stayed their her father had always treated her life shit and it had taken everything in him to keep his mouth shut, because Seth was a lot of things, but unless a girl gave him a reason too he wasn’t into hitting them. He had before, when he’d been high or a girl had deserved it, but he never openly hit them just to do it. Not that he’d ever seen her father hit her, but it wasn’t hard to assume.

“Okay Hailee.” He said simply, letting her know he didn’t believe her just by the tone of his voice, but that he also wasn’t going to pressure her anymore. “You confidence says you’re a liar.” He smirked with a shrug like he had her all figured out.

“Hailee?” Seth heard a familiar voice that suddenly made his entire body tense and his fists clench. It was Hailee’s ex, the one person in this world he hated more than his own father, he’d played Hailee the first time, was part of the reason she was so fucked up now and he was always choosing the worst and most venerable times to come back in her life and win her back.

“Hey buddy, you wanna fuck off.” Seth spat harshly. “Before I beat the fuck out of you, you’re in my territory.” He said on edge suddenly a much darker side of him coming out as he pushed off the tree to stand by Hailee, hoping she wouldn’t fall for his games and his apologies.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Micah King Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver Character Portrait: Seth Parker
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Seth's voice almost startled her. “Okay Hailee. You confidence says you’re a liar.” Of course he knew that she was keeping something from him. Hailee had been about to continue speaking when a voice called out to her. "Hailee?" A voice that she really didn't want to hear right then. She turned, her gaze landing upon him as he moved towards them. Seth was quick to act, speaking out towards the young man. “Hey buddy, you wanna fuck off. Before I beat the fuck out of you, you’re in my territory.”

Seth had moved to stand by her, something that Hailee didn't miss. It was no secret that her friend hated Brandon. It probably didn't help that she was always going back to him. She just..couldn't seem to help it. They had all been close once, something that she honestly missed. However, she doubted that Seth and Brandon would ever be friends again.

It was clear to her that Brandon wanted to talk to her but Seth was holding him back. She didn't want them fighting. She sighed softly. She moved suddenly, making her way to the other man. She could see him smirking back at Seth though she ignored it. She came to stand next to Brandon and then turned back to look at Seth. She knew that he wouldn't be happy with her decision.

"It's okay, Seth. I'm going to go with him." She said softly. She could only hope that he would understand why she was going. "You'll call me later?" She asked. Any time that she would go with her ex, she would always ask Seth to either text her or call. She trusted Brandon...unless he'd been drinking. However, she knew how he did Seth.

Together, Hailee and Brandon left Seth and made their way to his car. They got in and within a few moments, Brandon was driving and heading towards his house. Hailee was fairly quiet though Brandon was rather chatty. He seemed to be trying to catch up on everything that had been going on as of late with Hailee. As they were nearly at his house, he suddenly asked, "I was thinking that we could get back together. I know that I've fucked up with you in the past...and I'm sorry. I love you, babe. You know that. I've changed." Hailee knew his lines. They were the same every time that he came back wanting her. She simply nodded her head as they pulled into his driveway.



“He’d never believe you. I’ve got him wrapped around my finger, the way you’ve got your mom believing you so innocent. You of all people should know that Micha. You don’t really give a shit that I’m running around with Andy do you?” Cami spoke. It was taking everything in him not to pull her even closer to him. To do with her exactly what he wanted to. She certainly wasn't making it easy on him. He was suddenly taking deep breaths as she moved closer to him.

“So what is it that’s really bothering you, big brother.” She said as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his neck, lingering. The feeling of her lips upon his skin was enough to drive him insane. He found himself moving his head back just slightly, allowing the woman more access to him if she wished.

He waited only a few moments before he couldn't stand it any longer. He was quick to tug on her hair, enough for her to lean her head back and away from him. He gazed at her for a long moment. "You stupid girl." He breathed heavily, his eyes half lidded. "What have you done?

Suddenly, Micah pulled her to him even closer so that their bodies were pressed against one another. He then slid his hand that had been holding her hair to her neck, forcing her to move forward. His lips met hers, harshly. He was suddenly unable to control himself any longer.

After a moment, he allowed his other hand to roam, moving to her backside in order to make sure there was no way that she could move. To feel her..even though he was certain that she was at the very least drunk..was everything that he'd wanted. Perhaps she would even begin to understand why he hated her boyfriend so much. Why he was always watching her. However, even now, he wasn't being gentle with her. His lips and hands were rough though Micah did not care. It was simply how he was.

Only when he was forced to pull away for air did Micah remove his lips from hers. Though, he still remained a breath away from her. His eyes watching her closely for her reaction. He had no idea how she would react. He was well aware that if their parents found out they'd both be in deep trouble though Micah didn't all. He wanted her and he was certain that someday..he would have her.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver
Character Portrait: Micah King
Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove
Character Portrait: Seth Parker


Character Portrait: Seth Parker
Seth Parker

"Come on Hailee, just a little more cash babe."

Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove
Cami Breedlove

"He's single handedly ruining my social life."

Character Portrait: Micah King
Micah King

" her though I know that I shouldn't."

Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver
Hailee Weaver

"You may like me..but you'll never love me."


Character Portrait: Seth Parker
Seth Parker

"Come on Hailee, just a little more cash babe."

Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove
Cami Breedlove

"He's single handedly ruining my social life."

Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver
Hailee Weaver

"You may like me..but you'll never love me."

Character Portrait: Micah King
Micah King

" her though I know that I shouldn't."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Seth Parker
Seth Parker

"Come on Hailee, just a little more cash babe."

Character Portrait: Micah King
Micah King

" her though I know that I shouldn't."

Character Portrait: Hailee Weaver
Hailee Weaver

"You may like me..but you'll never love me."

Character Portrait: Cami Breedlove
Cami Breedlove

"He's single handedly ruining my social life."

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