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World War 2

World War 2


Will you survive the frontlines?

1,943 readers have visited World War 2 since Skirick created it.


Soldiers fighting hard in the frontlines. Will you survive?


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Swearing IS allowed
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Maximum of Two Characters per Account

Roles (names are your choice)


Team Alpha

US Captain (1 max)
US Sergeant (2 max)
US Private (4 left)

Team Bravo

US Sergeant (2 max)
US Private (3 left)

German Prisoner of War (2 max)


Team A

Captain (1 max)
Sergeant (2 max)
Private (5 max)

Team B

Captain (1 max)
Sergeant (2 max)
Private (5 max)

US Prisoner of War (2 max)

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Name (first and last):
Rank (And name of Team):

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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#, as written by Skirick
The dirt around him sprays up into his face. Bullets are flying just over the trench, as everyone ducks down together. Tyler Jacobs, the Captain of Team Bravo, was among them. Shouting out orders like, "Stay down!", "Do not return fire!" and "Cover your heads!"

He feels the weight of three soldiers stack on top of him. He shouts for them to get off him, but they lay, unmoving. He begins to run short on breath, and begins trying, with all his might, to twist out from under the soldiers. He feels warm, smooth blood running down his exposed neck, and this causes him to enter a state of panick. After a minute of struggling, he manages to slide out from under the soldiers, which he later finds were dead.

For a few moments the firing stops... Tyler orders his Team to stay down. They are waiting for us to grow curious, stick our head up, and then they will fire again, he thought. An explosion, followed by a loud shriek by the man next to him. He was sitting up, to see just over the horizon of the trench. He had his hands over his face, blood was squirting from inbetween his fingers. Tyler shouts, "MORTAR FIRE!!"


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Rowen began to panic. His crouch-walked over to Tyler, covering his head with his hands. He stepped over the bodies of his fallen comrades, careful not to tread on the corpses. He finally got over to the Captain, and threw himself down next to him. Staying true to his nickname, he was quivering like a child.

"Capt'n!" He cried out, over the mortar fire, that was now echoing across the field. "Capt'n! What the hell are we supposed to do!? We're pinned by mortars! If we stay here, w-we're screwed! But if we get up, we're not much better!" He babbled over the officer. He covered his head as another mortar shell landed next to the trench and exploded, sending rocks and dirt everywhere.

The fire stopped again....Rowen looked up to Tyler, before taking off his helmet. He placed it on the tip of his garrand, raising the gun up above the trench's edge, causing the gunfire to roar to life again, particularly the ripping sound of the MG42's. "Fucked, all the way, Sir!" He yelled out over the fire as he brought his helmet back down, it sporting a good three to four bullet holes.


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"You smoke?" The soldier sitting across from David said. David looked puzzled never in his life was he asked to smoke.
"Sure I guess, never tried it." David replied. The soldier tossed a cigg to David. David caught the cigarette.

"Ya got a lighter?" David asked. The soldier tossed a lighter to David, he lit the cigarette and popped it to his mouth.
"Whats your name?" asked David. "Sam Jefferson, yours?" "David." David replied.
"You got a last name?" Asked Sam calmly. "Yeah I don't feel like saying it." replied David in a rude tone.
"Get up!" Said Capt.Anderson, "we're going to back up Capt.Jacobs they're under attack from Mortar Fire. Get up! Get up!
You to David." Said Anderson. David reluctantly rose from the foxhole and joined up with the battalion.


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#, as written by Skirick
"Damn it Benard! Shut the hell up! This happens everynight! We inch forward by day, dig into the ground and avoid fire by night. If you continue bitchin' then one of the holes in your helmet is going to be from me." Tyler didn't like using this tone very much, but he hated seeing kids get killed, and Rowen was really headed in that direction.

Suddenly, a private from Team Delta rushes up to Tyler. "Sir, Captain Anderson and his squad are coming to assist." Tyler swears to himself, "Stop them, and tell them to return to their positions. It would be pointless for them to come here only to lose numbers from mortars." His confidence seems to raise the moral of some of Team Bravo.


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The team stopped David didn't know why he looked around noticing the destroyed foilage and ruined cars it was quiet and then an explosion about 14 feet from David.

The two soldiers in front of David were destroyed in the explosion the guts and their military equipment was all that remained of them. "Get down!" Captain Anderson yelled. David dropped to the ground looking around wondering where that explosion came from. David looked around and saw a German Panzer tank. David crawled over to Captain Anderson.

"Sir we got a German Panzer Tank." David said to Anderson. David heard his enraged officer curse under his breath then his Officer looked up and with an angry tone said. "Lets kill those fuckers!"


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Rowen nodded as he was yelled at. He didnt like being threatened, but he knew how to take an order. "But Sir, yellin' at me doesnt fix the problem, now what the hell do we do?!" He shouted back over the gunfire. He continued to sit in the wet dirt, quivering as he always does.

He barely peered over the edge of the trench, as he saw the German fortification. It had plenty of machine gun nests, and a mortar pit too. There was no way they could get anywhere without reinforcments of some kind. "Sir! Doesnt one of the poor saps around here have a 'zooka on him? Maybe we could take out one of those MG nests!"

He turned his slightly scared facial expression up to Tyler, awaiting orders.


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#, as written by Skirick
"Stay low, Rowen! They will fire at any sign of life. If we order someone to shoot a 'zooka, he would be killed before it gets loaded.." He takes a deep breath. He hated admitting it, but he was very frightened himself. "Look around, we aren't losing too many men. Just bury your head in the dirt to avoid shrapnel!"

Tyler turns around, and looks back to see if Team Alpha called off their troops. He then sees German vehicles through a line of trees readying for a flank position. "Damn! This is no ordinary attack! They want something!" His eyes widen, noticing the danger, "Alright, everybody ready your weapons! Aim at the infantry to our right! Ignore the mortars! Team Alpha is going to be flanked!" He continues shouting out orders to his squad... "This isn't looking good"


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David was knocked to the ground the explosion wasn't close enough to kill him but it was close enough to give him a concussion.

David looked around he couldn't hear a thing the cuncussion took his hearing, David panicked if he couldn't hear then he would be no use to the Army and he'd have to go home and be a vegtible for the rest of his life.
Then the hearing came back, he sighed a sigh of relief though it was short lived as more German Tanks were appearing and there was an increase in their infantry. "This is bad, way bad." David whispered to himself.


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#, as written by Skirick
"Rowen! Get over to Team Alpha! Let them know they are not alone!"

His eyes are no longer showing fear. He hated to see his friends be in an almost hopeless situation. He keeps his aim, expecting a charge from the infantry any second.

The setting changes from US Frontline to German Frontline

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#, as written by A.P.USA
The sounds of battle echoed off everything around him. Intense fighting at the front, with tanks and motors safely tucked in the rear of the division. Team A's situation looked promising, but something was tugging at Eichmann's confidence. From his jeep, he could see his men (brave souls each of them) running to and fro in the muddied trenches, raising to take a shot and then ducking down as the enemy returned fire. From the left of the defenses, a machine gun whirred to life, spraying bullets as fast as it could shoot them. Yelling and shouting could be heard over the roar of the guns and motors, and it was apparent that hell was close to home.

The driver of Eichmann's jeep watched the battle intentively, only breaking his glare to look at his gun, or a piece of grass. Eichmann scanned the horizon, squinting to see dark shapes from the enemy front bob and weave. It was getting darker outside, so visibility was becoming an issue. He shouted at the driver to slowly move down toward friendly trenches, and turn right behind a rocky outcrop near some pine trees. Once there Eichmann hopped out.
"I'd stay in here sir if i was you," warned the driver.
"My men need me," replied Eichmann, raising his voice as a motor was launched. And with that, he raced down the hill and around the rocks, sliding into the trenches alongside his men.

Soldiers were running everywhere, sergeants barking orders and shoving guns from the dead into the hands of other soldiers. Eichmann stood near the back of the trenches, inside a makeshift shanty where wounded soldiers were being treated by medics. If the gunfire was any louder, Eichmann would'nt have heard the muddied private shouting in his ear. "SIR! he yelled, "TEAM B IS TAKING MASSIVE CASUALTIES AND THEY LOST THEIR SERGEANT, YOU GOTTA HEAD DOWN THERE AND RESTORE ORDER!" The private winced as a bullet richocheted against the side of the shanty and passed his ear. Eichmann grabbed the private's arm and they ran down the trench, dodging soldiers and bullets. They passed another private, who took a bullet in the chest before he could get a chance to duck down and reload his rifle. His body fell backward into the mud. No amout of decency could be shed from that man's death. They passed another makeshift shanty, dug deeper than the trench with the opening crowded by ammo crates and more wounded soldiers. By this time it had gotten darker and soon torches were being lit so just enough light could illuminate the trenches. They waded through more soldiers and then came out into an opening. Eichmann noticed that the trenches here were bombed out, giving the appearence of a larger trench. From what he could see, dead body parts were lying around, covered in mud. The private who was following him whimpered in dispair, for many of his friends were part of Team B. "Hey Sarge!" called out a voice from the darkness. Three men appeared from the gloom, carrying another one on their backs. The man's right leg was missing, and he was howling in pain. More men appeared, limping or not, but they all looked worn out. Eichmann realized that the whole right flank of the german line ended here, and those who were defending it were either dead or gathering in front of him. "We gotta reinforce this position!" Another voice called out. "We recieved a direct hit from the American's aritllery and it took out a large portion of this area!" yelled another voice. Eichmann squinted to see who said it, but they moved to help another wounded soldier. It was now totally dark outside, and Eichmann realized that the fighting had stopped...for now. "Quick, move the wounded into the medical huts in the trenches behind me!" shouted Eichmann as he pointed to where he came from. The private who informed Eichmann of Team B's condition motioned for some of the survivors to follow him with their wounded. "Alright, whoever's left gather weapons and ammo from the dead and build defenses around this bombed out trench!" Eichmann grabbed two sandbags and flopped them down to line it up against the other trench.

In no time a crude defense was setup, and Team B's position was back in shape. Eichmann was glad it was dark, he knew that neither side would wander over their lines with zero visibility. Fresh soldiers poured into the repaired trench, and others from Team B returned. A machine gun was setup and the trench was removed of obstacles.

Tomorrow, Eichmann and his fellow sergeants would execute the infantry charge against the American trenches. One of their tanks had already flanked an American trench but was destroyed by a squad of marines. "Tomorrow we finish this and protect the fatherland from these yankees." shouted Eichmann. A few men cheered, but the rest were too weary to join in.

The setting changes from German Frontline to US Frontline


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#, as written by Skirick
"Tyler... I really don't think you should do this." Said a sergeant as Tyler cleans a M1903A1 sniper rifle.
"Look, we don't know if Rowen made it to Team A, and it is too dark to be able to tell if they even survived the flank. I am just going to scout a little, and maybe pick off a few officers" Tyler says with a chuckle. He was, quite honestly, nervous. He had a steady hand, and an eye of a halk, but never had he gone out on his own for a sniping mission.
"But Tyler, who will lead us if you don't return?" The sergeant seems more worried now, knowing that Tyler's mind will not change.
"There isn't a need for an officer to make good decisions, sergeant. Follow your gut, and it will save you." And with that, Tyler runs off into the thick brush, in the direction of the German infantry flank.

It was darker than Tyler expected, but the torches that lit up the trenches kept him heading in the correct direction. He finds a perfect spot to scan the enemy area, where a mortar had missed badly, creating a small crater in the ground. After a few minutes of making a pile of rocks and dirt to hold his sniper still, he looks through the scope.

He instantly sees a German officer, possibly a sergeant. He had just finished giving a speech, it seems, as a few men cheered. They looked exausted, but Tyler knew they would become instantly alert if Tyler fired at their officer. He aims at the helmet carefully, and fires.

((He fired at Eichmann, you decide if it hits though A.P. USA))


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#, as written by A.P.USA
(German Frontline, 2300 hours)

It was pure luck that saved him.

As though guided by angels, Eichmann's head moved to the right, just missing a bullet that wizzed past his ear. Too surprised to react, Eichmann fell backwards into the mud, his forearm crashing into a piece of shrapnel junk that was protruding from the ground. For a second he thought he was hit, for he felt pain shoot up and down his arm. He turned his head and saw a jagged piece of a motor shell wedged in the thick of his arm. He was bleeding protrusively. Shouts could be heard amongst the ringing in his ear, and hands shot out to grab him and lift him up. Moonlight eclipsed the shadow of a figure, running backward from a pile of rocks and disappearing behind a hill.

"SARGE!" Screamed a gruff looking private. The man's arms were shaking Eichmann, forcing him out of his stupor. Eichmann glanced down at his wounded arm once more. "I...need a medic..." he mumbled. Three guys ran off in different directions, yanking others backwards and asking if they had first aid. By now the ringing stopped and a medic from the trenches appeared with bandages and morphine. In a few painful minutes the shrapnel was removed from Eichmann's arm and it was cleaned of blood and bandaged up. "Sir!," someone shouted "A sniper near our right flank nearly killed you." Those words would stuck with Eichmann for the rest of his life. Wincing as he moved his arm to pick up the gun he dropped, Eichmann rounded up ten people from Team B and they silently moved out with flashlights in search of the would-be assassin.

They didn't find the sniper, but what they did find was a man-made pile of rocks and dirt, obviously used to steady the rifle. Eichmann glanced around him. "We're too close to the enemy's lines," he muttered "Unless we want to give this sniper another chance, let's return but keep your eyes open." His team picked up their helmets and weapons and headed off in the direction they came.

Eichmann's return was quiet and unnoticed. Team A and B were sleeping in crude tents and any form of shelter the soldiers could find. How anyone could sleep when the enemy was just across a field of barbed wire and craters, Eichmann couldn't understand. But what he did understand was that tomorrow's conclusion would decide who will emerge from this bloodbath.


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Rowen ran through the darkness of the night. He carefully treaded through mud and muck, heading in Alpha's direction. He held his Garrand close to him as his quivering eyes jumped from each shadow to the next. He couldnt believe that he was sent out on his own to reach Alpha. It was near a suicide misison. But orders were orders. He pressed on.

It wasnt long before he tripped, and landed face first in the mud. He groaned aggitatedly before pushing himself up off the ground.... suddenly, he heard loud angry german words...the way near every german sounded to him. He heard footsteps behind him, and more angry words...but didnt feel anything pressed to the back of his head yet. He lay completely motionless in the dark, sinking into the cold, sloppy mud.

He didnt know what was happening was the footsteps continued to go around him....then it hit him: They didnt know where he was! It was too dark, and they must've not had flashlights. He was going to use this to his distict advantage.

He slowly pushed up onto his knees. He slid himself on his knees, not picking up his limbs to make the slurping sound of mud. He inched closer and closer to the German. He slowly and carefully drew his Bowie from it's sheath, slinging his Garrand over his back. He rapidly stood up, making the predictable "swuuulllch" sound, causing the soldier to turn sharply. He brough his knife up in a rapid stabbing motion, the knive cutting through the soldier's leather chin strap, and puncturing his head. Lukewarm blood drooled down from the man's wound, as he withdrew the rigid knife with force. Rowen was glad he couldnt see in full detail. He probably would've upchucked.

This left the problem of the other soldier, whom was now presumedly calling out for the other. He couldnt tell directly where the man was, but he heard his slopping footsteps. Rowen replaced his knife, and took aim down his Garrand. He waited predictably untill he though he knew exactly where the man was, before firing three times. The muzzle flash on his Garrand caused the area to light up, and loud echoing percusion to fill the air. The other soldier was not hit, and franticly began to fire his MP-38 back in Rowen's drection. Rowen felt the sting of the bullets as a few grazed him. He fired his Garrand randomly in the direction of the Soldier, hoping to hit him.

Luck was with him this time, as the soldier groaned and dropped down, holding his wounds and rolling on the ground. Rowen flopped onto his back, leaning forward slightly as he reached for his revolver. Gripping the large handgun, he fired twice at the German, causing him to squirm more, before finally cease moving.

Rowen had been shot. Not badly, but enough for him to feel his own crimson life fluid was draining from the wounds. He felt his entire body. He had been shot in the arm, the shoulder, and twice in the chest. He sighed. He wasnt going to die...he just close his eyes for a second. Needed to regain his strength. He was going to pass out. But this wasnt the worst part.

The worst part was that he could now hear more voices heading his way. He pray to God that it was Alpha, and not more Nazi's. His eyes shut as the man blacked out.


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#, as written by Skirick
"Tyler! Thank God your back!" said the sergeant
"Yes, but that is the least of my worries. Where is Rowan? Any word from him?" Tyler seems to be shaking quite a bit.
"No sir... Were you shot at earlier?" His face seemingly worried.
"No, I was not comprimised. Almost took out what looked to be an officer. Lucky bastard."
"Sir, I heard gunshots after the sound of your sniper. It sounded like a German's MP-38..."
"You don't think th-..."
"Rowen might have been shot down, sir."
"Gather a search party, I am leading it out to look ahead..."

Tyler knew this was all his fault, and darts off again after grabbing a flashlight. Alone in the darkness, he was heading in the direction Rowen must have gone.
I'll be damned should I have gotten this kid killed.

After about 15 minutes of jogging in the dark wilderness, Tyler hears Germans argueing... He begins to army crawl in the direction of the chatter. He comes across 5 German soldiers, all of which are privates. Settling behind some brush, he listens carefully, trying to make out what little he knows in German.

Sounds like they are saying two men are dead. They are looking for the shooter. They might be talking about Rowen.

Suddenly they stop, and begin to whisper. Then a shout, "Es ist ein amerikanischer hier! Er ist unconcious!" or "There is an American here! He is unconcious!"
They shine their flashlights on an all too familiar face... Rowen!

Tyler hears footsteps behind him. The search party!

The Germans ready to take Rowen back to the camp, when 4 American soldiers join Tyler behind the brush. He whispers, "Men, we are going to save Rowen. Watch your fire, and lets take them out right now."

Two Germans pick Rowen up, one has his legs, the other his arms. Tyler aims his sniper carefully, and then fires, hitting the German holding Rowen's legs in the back of the head. Rowen and the German both fall, as the other four all draw their weapons, looking for the sniper. Skirick fires again, this time hitting one of them in the shoulder, causing him to fall.

The other four Americans all jump out now, their Garrands in hand. One falls instantly, from a gunshot by the fallen German soldier who was hit in the arm. Tyler stays behind the brush, continueing his sniping.

He sees one of the Americans takle a German, wrestling the gun out of his hand, and knocking him out with the back of it. Tyler fires, hitting another German, this time in the middle of the chest.

The fight stops, one casualty, but there was a problem...
"Captain, there were 5 Germans. We are missing a body!" One of the soldiers declares.
"It's too late to look for him. He might warn his men, but we will be back at our positions before they can do anything. Now, the three of you take Rowen back to base."
"And you sir?"
"Im continueing to Team Alpha. I will report what I sent Rowen to do. They have no idea the German infantry is heading to flank them."
"Good Luck, Sir!"
"You too, Soldier."


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David sat in the trenches staring off into the stars thinking 'will I survive? Was my sister right am I really a fool?' David remembered the exact words his sister said. 'Why are you doing this? People die in wars. Is this to impress a girl, well you're pretty foolish.'

David was half asleep but then he remembered his job and woke up. His job was to watch this side of the entrance to the camp, and if he saw anything out of the ordinary he'd yell star and if they answered texas they were allowed in. David didn't like this job but his job meant the difference between life and death for his team. David heard something in the bushes, he grabbed his Garand, and stood up. "Star, or we will fire on you!" David yelled as menacing as he could.

(Skirick I don't know if you're the character I hear in bushes or not you decide)


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#, as written by Skirick
((haha I like the MW2 quote))

"Texas!" Tyler holds his gun above his head, "I'm a friendly, private. Do not fire!"

After they notice eachother, Tyler says, "Warn your men that an infantry flank is heading in from the Eastern side, and the artillery is coming in from the North... I need to return to my men. Good luck."

He runs off into the darkness.


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David watches the soldier leave then turns around and runs into the camp. David runs into the camp looking for his officer. David looks around sweeting knowing that this benefits everyone in Alpha team. David finally runs into Captain Anderson. "Sir..." David bends over and takes a breath. "I just got a message from Bravo team's commanding officer. They said that we are outnumbered by enemy infantry to the east, and artillery to the north.

"Holy shit" Captain Anderson says. "Thanks for your information soldier, but it's a little to late." This made David feel like crap knowing this. "But if you can go through the enemy advance to the east you could possibly get to HQ and tell them we need reinforcements." Said captain Anderson. "Why me?" Said David reluctantly. "You told us this information, and if it's true you'll be prepared for whats coming." "Can I take Sam?" asked David. "Sure." replied the captain.


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#, as written by Skirick
((So I just realized that I accidently was calling my character, Tyler, Skirick. Im sorry if this caused any confusion.))

Tyler finally makes it back to his men. They were preparing for the day to begin. The sun's rays were starting to shine through the trees. The glow of lit ciggaretts illuminated the air.
"Alright men, I just informed Team Alpha of the danger, but they will still need our assistance. Keep your rifles pointed to the east, and your 'zookas to the north. The attack will be starting no later than 1300 hours. Stay alert, soldiers..." A thought hits him, "Where is Rowen?"


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"We're moving out." David said to Sam. "No we're not." sam said in a bitchy tone. "Alpha team's not movin out.We are."
David said.

"Where are we going?" Sam said. "To HQ, tell 'em we need reinforcements." David said. Sam got up almost like he was wanting to leave this shithole camp in the middle of nowhere. "We're taking this jeep." David said worried. "But this has no protection we'll surely die." sam said in an angry tone. "Are you always this bitchy?" David asked mockingly.

The two piled into the jeep and set off with ciggeratte flashes everywhere throughout the camp. Their first stop was Bravo Teams camp to rest and call Captain Anderson they made it to the checkpoint. David was worried probably his most importent mission in his life, and the last thing he wanted to be was worried.

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German Frontline by RolePlayGateway

German Soldiers trying to stop US advance

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Character Portrait: Tyler Jacobs
0 sightings Tyler Jacobs played by Skirick
Captain of Team Bravo

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Character Portrait: Rowen O. Benard
Character Portrait: Pvt. David James Wilkins
Character Portrait: Dave  Cambrio
Character Portrait: Sgt. Konrad Eichmann


Character Portrait: Sgt. Konrad Eichmann
Sgt. Konrad Eichmann

Administrator for the Fuhrer during the 30's but was disgraced and framed by his comrades, forcing him to take up arms and join the Reich's 23rd Infantry Division in 1943. He has a french wife but no children.

Character Portrait: Dave  Cambrio
Dave Cambrio

Team Bravo Soldier

Character Portrait: Pvt. David James Wilkins
Pvt. David James Wilkins

soldier of Alpha team

Character Portrait: Rowen O. Benard
Rowen O. Benard

Nervous Corperal, known for his shakey stature.


Character Portrait: Dave  Cambrio
Dave Cambrio

Team Bravo Soldier

Character Portrait: Pvt. David James Wilkins
Pvt. David James Wilkins

soldier of Alpha team

Character Portrait: Sgt. Konrad Eichmann
Sgt. Konrad Eichmann

Administrator for the Fuhrer during the 30's but was disgraced and framed by his comrades, forcing him to take up arms and join the Reich's 23rd Infantry Division in 1943. He has a french wife but no children.

Character Portrait: Rowen O. Benard
Rowen O. Benard

Nervous Corperal, known for his shakey stature.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Rowen O. Benard
Rowen O. Benard

Nervous Corperal, known for his shakey stature.

Character Portrait: Pvt. David James Wilkins
Pvt. David James Wilkins

soldier of Alpha team

Character Portrait: Dave  Cambrio
Dave Cambrio

Team Bravo Soldier

Character Portrait: Sgt. Konrad Eichmann
Sgt. Konrad Eichmann

Administrator for the Fuhrer during the 30's but was disgraced and framed by his comrades, forcing him to take up arms and join the Reich's 23rd Infantry Division in 1943. He has a french wife but no children.

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German Frontline

German Frontline by RolePlayGateway

German Soldiers trying to stop US advance

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