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Zeelasa: War of Rifts

Zeelasa: War of Rifts


The Realm of Zeelasa is threatened and time is running out...

1,613 readers have visited Zeelasa: War of Rifts since xfaithyx123 created it.

Dementedness are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:





Zeelasa, An universally semi-neutral country, with a population of 34,000,000. It is a world of magic and of machines The waterfalls wispier tails about the sounds of blade clashing, the wind singing the battle songs of old. The land is a fertile and promising place for any who dare to reach out and take it.
The world was once a peaceful place, as places go. There was war among two sides of the realm, one realm fought with machines, another holy magic's, one day the machine wielders opened rifts in time and then hell broke lose....., and there was famine, but all these things passed, eventually. Things always got better, and each struggle made us stronger. The people of Zeelasa were happy. Food was abundant, for the most part, and our rulers were just, and fair. They fought for their people, and the people fought for them, in return. It was not, as some people might call it, the Dark Ages, but an age of simplicity. the two sides of the world kept to themselves, content to find their own little niche in life.


Years later the people have forgotten about the war, more like it was taken out of history completely, but the realm is awash with time voids that create creatures of all elements that fight anything evens other elemental beings and so the war has a third party, The Rift Walkers the beings that the machines broke the silent seal to their cage in the void. That the three gods created to keep the time line much failure. as time went on the worship of the god if sight and knowledge, Sierra. As time went on, through centuries the third god, Sierra, the god of Sight and Knowledge were heard of, the Rift walkers and Lords shouts her name, but to the warped minds of the Rift Walkers she was to them, the god of destruction and chaos.

For this is not true....As time will tells history, a dark past that the kings hold dear come to light.....and for this....Sierra's worship will be returned to its former state... And the shame of past's mistake will have the justice served.

The third part in the world rift walkers begin to find alliance with one another as their intelligence grows. and turn their attention the machine wielders and holy magic wielders. The rift lords and elements of Life, Death, fire, ice, water, air, earth intertwining into chaos . A build up of all elements that will in time if the Rift walker gain enough power will destroy the realm, ripping it off the time line, as if it never existed, even the people in it. They seek destruction of the realms deletion of the time line.

Zeelasa's past hidden in shame is past from king/queen to king/queen, taking on the burden that the oh so innocence and simplicity of the realm's history is but a lie. A sad thing for a leader to all to bear, especially since a leader is relied on, trusted.

Orul The capital Zeelasa is a vast, prosperous city built predominantly in two sides. Machine district , the magic district, with a wall splitting them apart. in the center of this city there is the castle.

Image This half is the technology advanced part of the city. with lots of scrap shops and factories all over the place. this half's main focus is the Workshop.( this side is more steampunk styled clothing and living)

Image This half is laid back, quite, and slow. they have no need for the tech of the other half. their main concern is farming, and worship. the main focus id the Church. (his side is more holy style clothing and living)

Appearance (Picture)
Appearance Description:

Role / District: (If you are a Ancient Rift Lord, Lesser Rift Lord or Rift Walker the district is not required.)


Background / History:

Other: (Things you'd like to mention that does not fall under the previous categories?)


The King:
The Queen: Played by Makenna Young

Note:As the current King and Queen of Zeelasa, you will as the rpers of these characters will be given this dark historic event within a pm by either Amun or xfaithyx123. But as these characters you would have been given a old black box with the book of that event explained to you by pm in the book as well as the two copies of the key on gold chains to it from the late King and Queen as is tradition of all the rulers of Zeelasa.
The Head Priest of the Magic District:
As the Head Priest of the Magic Wielders, you one of the strongeest of these wielders as were your family and ancestors before you, your family was the fist in Zeelasa to be gifted the Divine Light from the god Suun.
The Commander of Machine District:
As the commander of the Machine Wielders, you are one of the strongest of these wielders as were your family and ancestors were before you, your family was the first in Zeelasa to be gifted the knowledge of machines from the god Malothas.
Machine wielders
As Machine Wielders you are the main and most gifted of soldiers in the Machines, your god is Malothas.

1. Played by Dementedness
Holy Magic wielders
As Holy Magic wielders you are the main and most powerful mages of divine light, your god is Suun.

1. Played by Mashotu
2. Played by Syao4500
The Ancient Rift Lords
As the Ancient Rift lords, you will be the strongest of all Rift walkers and also will be given the dark history imformation pmed to you by either xfaithyx123 or Amun. You will also be able to command Chaos magic, which is the combination of Death, Life, Fire, Ice, Water, Air and Earth with most power than the lesser Rift Lords.

1. Played by xfaithyx123
Lesser Rift lords
As the lesser Rift lords, you will not be given to dark history from pm, as lesser Rift lords you are loyal to the Ancient Rift lords and like them wield Chaos magic, but at a less strength but you are commanders of the Rift Walkers.

Rift walkers
As Rift Walkers you are well rounded spellblades, but only command two of the chaos magic choices, those being Fire, Ice, Water, Air and Earth, you cannot command life nor death. Also make sure you are individual with your choices, if you choose one of the same elements of another Rift Walker make sure you wield it differently, for example: rper 1 could be a fire source, engulfing themselves in flame doing high levels of fire damage by touch while rper 2 can throw balls of fire and elemental weapons. And with the two elements you choose, you will be immune to damage of that kind.

Uncorrupted rift walkers
As uncorrupted rift walkers you will be pmed and given vaguer information of the dark history as you will be unaware of your 'gift' When choosing this role, reserve a place and be ready to be talked to by xfaithyx123 as we cannot add further imformation about your role due to the plot. Feel happy, you are important! :DD


NOTE: That is no remake, this is xfaithyx123's rp, I only had someone create it for me because I was too busy to do it myself, but it turns out that I do and I will!

Toggle Rules

1.DON'T take control of another rper's character unless they allow it in your post.
2.DON'T swear in every sentence, it is distasteful.
3.DON'T God mode or be prepared to be punched in the nards or vagina by xfaithyx123, that is a no no. You will be warned but do it more than 5 times, you will be kicked out.
4.DON'T be disrespectful to fellow rpers in OOC! We will not stand for this if you have a problem with a rper, then talk to either Dementedness or xfaithyx123. Simple
5.DO be fair with all rpers, no attacking without warning, no mature content without their consent.
6.DO have fun and creative, we want you as the rpers to feel that you are carving out the story with each post.
7.DO feel important, because you are to us :3
8.DO inform either Dementedness or xfaithyx123 if you will no longer be able to rp anymore, don't just leave.
9.DO Fade black if rp gets steamy then return after sorting it out elsewhere.

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Zeelasa by xfaithyx123

Welcome to the realm of wonder and beauty but to the far west Rifts eat away at it's history...

Rift Corrupted Domain

Rift Corrupted Domain by xfaithyx123

This is a part of Zeelasa that has been corrupted by Rifts, the Rift Lords, Walkers and beasts dwell here...

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ulyssess Furor Character Portrait: Siero Caprico Character Portrait: Till Mill Character Portrait: Ayes Sutuk Character Portrait: Daria Juliana Salamasina
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Ulyssess looked down at the grave before him, it decorated with flowers, freshly picked, the grave stone of white marble and granite, his long white hair reaching his lower back yet looked so soft. He would slide the black glove from his left pale, slender hand with sharp black claws on them onto the grave stone, slowly sliding his hand over the top of it, so smooth and water from the rain tapped off of it, wetting his hand and he would look at the flowers so vibrate with red, white, yellow and blues only for them to decay instantly as his pale yellowish hues narrowed their focus on them.

He would then turn his head to his shoulder, hearing the taps and stomps of booted feet...''Sir! We have company!'' All of a sudden the pale man warning Ulyssess would stabbed in the chest with a pike. ''Rift walker killed.'' Then as the corpse of the Rift walker turned to black ash only leaving black blood on the pike itself as evidence of the dead rift walker's existence the soldier looked up and the smug grin disappeared.

Ulyssess would now slowly turn around and slipped his glove on again and his piercing eyes looked stared into the soldier's and he grinned sadistically. ''What a shame...he would one of my favored men...'' He would walk closer, his height easily towering the man's. ''S-stay back!''

Ulyssess would give out a short laugh and he suddenly became black smoke then reappeared at the side of the soldier to his fear and put his slender, clawed hand on his face. ''Decay...'' He'd whisper as the man started to decompose slowly to Ulyssess enjoyment, he'd slam the man down to the damp cobble walk path in the grave yard on this rainy day and bent down, madness in his raging eyes, the redness around his eyes and the black veins around them that spread outwards was a frighting sight.

He would grin, he was on top of the man, his feet at both sides of him and his hands on each side of the soldier's face, Ulyssess's face right in front of the man's his chilling breath giving the man reason to scream in terror...''Take the embrace of a dead man..'' He'd say and continue to use death magic on the man, to which the man's hands were on the wrists of Ulyssess, trying to push them from his face only to grow weaker, Ulyssess just laughed finding excitement from this activity...

This would when other soldiers came four to be exact, Ulyssess looked up at them grinning...''Will you accept him in his new form?'' He'd ask as his suddenly looked at the partially death cursed man, his jaw line revealing his bone structure and Ulyssess would kiss the screaming man's forehead, even went far to lick his fore head then...disappear in a cloud of black..

As the men finally ran to the screaming man, the left side of his face was bone...but he was still alive...screaming in pain and the men were shocked grabbing the screaming man and started to run with him in their embrace to the magic district of the city...

''It burns! Stop the pain!'' The death kissed man screamed, his left side of his face much like a corpse...

''Move! Injured coming through!'' They would all chant, town folk gasping a the sight, hiding their children's eyes from the sight and chatter started to go around the city...''A Rift Lord entered the city without being seen! We are unsafe! The Queen must know what to do!''

And so...the town's folk stood in front of the castle, Magic and machine wielders all alike..


Ulyssess appeared at the gate to his domain in the far west of Zeelasa and grinned as his followers bowed at his presence. He would nod to the subjects as he pasted the his adviser ran to him from behind...

''Did your trip go well Sir Furor?''

They would continue to walk, he would not answer till they were in his throne room.

''I shook the city with my presence...that is all...''

His Adviser would frown..

''You know what I was asking Sir Furor..''

Ulyssess would turn, using his left clawed index finger to lift the adviser of his up from the ground and put his pale face up at his.

''And I didn't answer...leave it alone...and me.''

He would flick his finger and the adviser would be ported of from his throne room within black smoke and he would sit in his chair, slouched and resting his chin on his palm and one leg crossed over the other...

''Oblivion is the fate of all things..''


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayes Sutuk
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Ayes had a weird dream. Something about a creepy pale guy and rift raffs or some crap. The creepy dude looked and sounded like the kind of guy the village girls would be obsessed with, they've been reading some really shady books lately. He couldn't blame them, there wasn't much to do now that the harvest is over, besides the men aren't all that good looking here. At least they're not pale and don't spew cliche lines, he shuddered at the memory of his dream. More like a nightmare.He needs to stop spending so much time around the girls.

The sun was already at its highest point in the day, but it was still chilly. This area was forever in the state of autumn, the tress eternally draped in cloth of red. Nightly they shed their leaves to keep their roots warm, it gets freezing cold on certain nights. Ayes has been in this area for nearly half a year, the longest and closest he has been to home in a while. He hadn't bothered to actually visit it at the peak of the mountain, but instead stayed at a village at the base. The small house he lived in at the village was rented out to him with the condition that he helped the villagers with work. With the crops harvested, he had too much free time on his hands and became incredibly bored, ,maybe it was time to move on, he had already paid his respects at the base of the mountain. Coming up with his decision, he stood up, shrugging off the blanket of leaves that covered him and then made his way towards the village. A gust of the biting cold wind paid the forest a sudden visit and blew a layer of leaves into the air. Bodies could be seen, evaporating into a black vapor, mixing with the red to form some strange but mysteriously beautiful swirls in the air. The cold preserved the rift raffs quite well.

"Where have you been all day Eyes?" he was probably asked a hundred times going back to his house. He just grinned and said he drank too much last night in the celebration and got lost in the woods, he ignored the fact that they still couldn't pronounce his name right. The village was quite crowded today despite there being no more crops to tend to, everyone was up to their usual tasks. The baker was bringing out a batch of his famous steamed meatbuns, the girls were still grouped at the bookstore reading their new strange book that wasn't so new because they've read it who knows how many times. Everything was normal, as if last night's events never happened, and the party was days past. Ayes opened the creaky door to the small but warm cottage at the end of the street where he had been residing for so many months. He realized that this was probably the first time in forever that he settled down in one place for so long, and decided it was actually pretty nice. He might actually miss the calmness of living here, maybe he'll come back one day, marry a girl and end his life as a vagabond. Naaaaah, no way, the girls here are too religious, pretty but not his type. Besides this was too close to his past and he still had places to go, people to meet, and landmarks to see before he laid down for good.

Before leaving the village, Ayes stopped by and picked up a few meatbuns for the road, and several bottles of granny's delicious honeyed and chilled leaf water. He left without any goodbyes or tears, but looking at the village at a distance and the smell of the still warm buns and coldness of the bottles of leaf water made him feel incredibly sad. Farewells with crying people weren't his thing but he had warned the elder not to not allow anyone up into the mountain for a while, he understood what Ayes meant and where he was going. The elder told him he was welcome back anytime. Clever old bastard, he was the village elder after all.

Ayes turned to the direction of the big city, maybe he'll come back someday, but for now he is on the road again and this meatbun needs attacking.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daria Juliana Salamasina
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Daria felt her gown russling aroung her feet. Her delicate silver crown (picture th ones in the first Narnia movie) sat upon her head, embedded with a few precious emeralds that matched her eyes. She pushed the doors of the conference room open, stepping onto a balcony. Two burly armed guards stood on either side of her, two of magic, two of machine. They were not only her guards, but her advisors as well.

Daria overlooked her people with a gentle gaze, eyes fixtated on her. She knew a speech was expected, and a speech she knew she must be the one to give. A speech of calming, yet a speech of warning. So she crossed her hands and spoke to her people.

"The good citizens of Zeelasa, it has been brought to my attention that a Rift Lord has entered our precious city undetected, in the recent hours. We beg you remain calm, and will send out warriors to defend us. However, we shall not provoke the Rift Lords further. Instead, our war will remain as in our defense at the time being, and in defense only. Eventually, I daresay we will be forced to take offensive preportions, although we are not yet, I am afriad, prepared for an all out war with the Rifters. However, we will prepare, should we be forced to take such a stance. So worry not, yet take heed. Take necessary precautions to keep you and your families safe, keep the young ones inside. In case of attack, I would be glad to grant the victims shelter within my own home, yet I pray that none of you are to be forced to accept my offers. Warriors will patrol ever street, and I beg you stay out of their way. I know some of you have low tolerance for the city's soldiers, but they are here for your own protection. Also, if anyone at all, of any age, has any inkling even of the movements of the Rift Lords, I ask you come forward. There is no need to fear: your revelations will remain annonymous, between you and I, and my advisors. No one else need to know. My people, have patience. We are doing all we can to protect you from these monstrosities, yet we need your cooperation in order to succeed in our efforts."

Daria let out her breath, raising a hand to her people. "Please, have faith. Keep faith in us, and we will in you. We will, ultimately, prevail, as long as we have your full support and cooperation." She leaned over the edge of the balcony. "If anyone has any information for us, please wait at the castle gate. Everyday, my guards there shall wait, all you must do is speak a single word. Audience," she let the word roll of her tongue. "But, at this point, I must ask, return to your homes and jobs, we have this under control for the time being."


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Character Portrait: Siero Caprico
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Siero was on a stealing spree that day. He chuckled softly to himself as he counted the few gold coins he managed to get from the lady earlier. The little bird remembered; there she was walking down the street, too open. The boy, walking casually, accidentally bumped into her. Neither of them were suspecting each other’s movement. They bid their pardon, and walked away like nothing happened. Oh, little she know that she was stolen. Either ways, if managed to steal few more coins, he would be able to sleep somewhere nice and warm for the rest of the week. Smirking to himself, he remember what he said to the guard when he was in prison, tortured:

「 Until I’ve stolen six billion things, I - 」

He was interrupted as he heard a scream. Whose scream? He didn’t care. The thief swipe out his dagger, looking around in safety. He wondered what is happening. His heart pounded so much it hurts. The little bird took both of his hands on the dagger, then put them on his chest, trying to calm himself down. Soon, his eyes meet as a crowd was around him. He looked back; he was in front of the castle. Perfect.

The thief didn’t care much about the speech; he needed to act quickly. In fact, if he wasn’t, he could be arrested. There was too much around him. He hustled through the crowd, taking few coins to those who doesn’t look. When it was clear in front of him, he took his steps to run away. He thought that they won’t think that a young child would look suspicious to run away. Even, he looked quite scared; most would understand. He was scared, but not for what is happening. He heard the Queen talking, but he was too far away to understand.

He quickly escaped in an unoccupied street, closing his eyes…

…He opened his eyes as he looked around; the street was as usually busy. He looked around, not sure where to go. The child let out a small chuckle, humming to himself. He skipped through the rocks, spreading his arms like the wings of a bird flying. He was wondering what his parents were doing. He saw his house right up ahead, but he was pulled into an alley, throw against the wall. Once he hit the floor, he heard grown-ups’ laugher. Under the shock, he wasn’t sure what they were saying. He heard muffled words like “Cut”, “Wings”, “Bidding”, “Fortune”. He wasn’t sure how to piece the words, but he knew that one of the strangers took his hair and pulled backward, forcing to his knees as he felt the cold blade on his throat. The person behind whispered to the poor child, but he wasn’t sure how to respond but cry for help. He closed his eyes, hearing the laugher changing into screams. He fell to the ground, feeling too weak to open his eyes and he fell unconscious. Few minutes later, he was shook by one of the guards, asking if everything was okay. The child groaned lightly in pain, rubbing his head. The guard asked what happened. Siero looked around, seeing blood sprayed on the walls on the ground. He didn’t responded, and the guard nodded in understanding, asking the child to go back into his home. Then…

…Then, he wasn’t sure how the rest of the puzzle is placed. All he knew, it was the most odd moment of his life. He started to skip through the street like the kid he used to be. The house in front of him looked so different. It was once the place of his childhood. Now… It was just place; the house of people he doesn’t know about. The thief stopped in front of the small wooden gate, looking up to the window. He took a moment to let his memories about his parents go through his brain until he heard people coming back. He took his leave, putting the hood of his cloak over his head as he went another way. He was going to his favorite spot for hiding; a warehouse. It was his favorite because there was often people to talk to, often other thieves, but mostly nice people. It was also there where he met his mentor, and where he was given the nickname ‘The little bird’. For now, he hid behind a crate, waiting for someone to come or the sun to go down.

He had more than enough for this week.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siero Caprico Character Portrait: Kinthos Dragomir
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He gently placed the fine china cup back onto the saucer in his left hand and sighed contently. It was just another sunny day in the Machine District. So far there hadn't been any serious crimes today, one or two thefts and a domestic dispute. He picked the cup back up, took another long sip of the freshly prepared tea, and lowered the cup onto the saucer. It was a nice little tea shop close to the border between the two districts and that influence showed somewhat. There were potted plants in front and all the tables and chairs were of carved wood. He sat outside said shop in one of those wooden chairs in front of a little wood table. He placed the cup and saucer onto the table and stared at the back of his left hand. Two years ago, he'd never thought he'd be able to do something as coordinated as pick up a china cup with this artificial arm. He did so now and took another sip of tea, and nearly choked at the sound of a woman's scream. Hastily he put the tea on the table and dug a small handful of coins as payment, slamming them down on the dense wood with his left hand, not noticing the circular indentations they left in the wood, as he took off towards the sound, drawing his sword as he ran. He swore under his breath as he drew the blade at his side. "I was having a good day! A good day! And someone had to go and ruin it."

It was a simple matter when he arrived. The woman's purse had been stolen, though in reality she'd only dropped it at a nearby stall. He shook his head as he walked down the street and leaned against a crate. So far, a good day. Then he noticed someone hiding behind the crate. He couldn't be more than sixteen, but he had the look of a thief about him. He sighed and put a hand to his blade. "So, how much did you pick out of unsuspecting pockets today little thief?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siero Caprico Character Portrait: Kinthos Dragomir
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It was quite a time that he was there, but as much as he could, nobody else came. Of course, he would have preferred to stay there for the sake of being safe, but he guessed that it was now an old hideout, since it was so open. It was so open that even one of the guards came up to it. Although, he knew about that guard personally. He remembered it was the one who brought him into prison. The guard wasn’t the one who tortured him, and he likes to be playful with him, even though he could run in even worst problems. He giggled softly, standing up behind the crate. The dagger was still in his hand as he said: 「Enough for me to live but not enough for you to care.」 He admitted. He stole a little, but it resulted into a big collected.

The little bird looked at the guard by the corner of his eyes, saying: 「So… are we, you know, have to play cat and mice again?」 He knew the guard would chase after him, and so he kicked the crate towards the guard, giving him a small head start to run away. He knew the guard too well to preoccupy if he was actually chasing him. He ran down the streets, rushing through the people, not caring if they would complain. He had to run, a lot, and he found the time to climb up a building. Although, the clumsy thief wasn’t watching his steps as he looked behind himself for a second, and he tripped over something. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he tumbled down into an alley. He groaned a bit in pain, holding his head. Little he knew that he was bleeding. The blood flowed down from his forehead to his neck as he ventured farther in the alley. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in front of a dead-end. He turned around, not even caring if the guard was there or not. He looked down on the ground, his dagger sheathed as he put his hands up in the air. He waited for the guard to say something or at least to approach.

He wouldn’t let himself captured again, not after what happened last time. It may have left a mark in his mind, but it made him even more determined to steal more stuff. He was surrendering, but in his mind, he had other plans.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siero Caprico Character Portrait: Kinthos Dragomir
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He sighed heavily. He'd chased this kid countless times and he had no intention of letting him off easy today. "I suppose we will at that little mouse." He brought his mechanical fist down on the crate as it was kicked towards him, the heavy piece of steel smashing the crate to bits. Fortunately it was empty, and he charged through the debris after the mouse. The streets were to crowded to run through and keep the thief in sight, so he ran to the side of the street, on top of a pile of crates, and leapt, catching the roof a building with his left arm. He hauled himself up easily and looked out at the street, taking off along the roofs when he caught sight of the thief once more. When the thief tried to climb a building and fell into the alley, he stopped along the roof just above the alley and silently drew his sword. He knew better than to trust him when he put his hands up, so he decided to make his move. He jumped down into the alley directly in front of the thief, the tip of the blackened blade shooting straight for his neck and stopping a mere hair from his jugular. "Come quietly little mouse, there aren't any holes to run to here."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Siero Caprico Character Portrait: Kinthos Dragomir
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He smirked softy, looking up at the guard. 「 If I can’t follow a paved way, then I shall create one! 」He said as he leaned back a bit, opening up the cover of the sewers under him and slipped in quickly. He grabbed on the ledge to use his momentum to repulse himself forwards, gaining a bit of terrain by doing. He tried to cut corners sharply, going in different directions in a random path to confuse the guard. It took a few minutes before he saw an opening. Siero climbed up the ladder quickly, opening the cover and pulled himself up into the streets, putting the cover back where it was, and quickly ran away. He remembered that he had something else to do. A delivery. It was only a simple ring that he had to steal.

He escaped into another alley, where a being in a cloak waiting Siero. The being couldn’t be described since only the cloak was seen. Everything else was covered. Siero approached the person in question, pulling out the ring as the being tend a gloved hand. Siero put the ring into the being’s hand, the latter closing his hand once the ring hit the palm of the glove. The kid was waiting for the prize of his job, but the being just started to walk away. Siero blocked the being’s way with his dagger, saying: 「 I won’t let you go away without paying me. Either pay me or die! 」 The being didn’t responded as it only walked up to Siero. The mysterious person delivered a punch into Siero’s face. The little bird didn’t expected that, but it was so quick, that he fell into the street. The punch was too much for the poor little guy that he fainted, the cloaked being disappearing from anyone’s sight.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 2 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Zeelasa by xfaithyx123

Welcome to the realm of wonder and beauty but to the far west Rifts eat away at it's history...

Rift Corrupted Domain

Rift Corrupted Domain by xfaithyx123

This is a part of Zeelasa that has been corrupted by Rifts, the Rift Lords, Walkers and beasts dwell here...

Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Zeelasa: War of Rifts. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Siero Caprico
Character Portrait: Ulyssess Furor
Character Portrait: Till Mill
Character Portrait: Daria Juliana Salamasina


Character Portrait: Daria Juliana Salamasina
Daria Juliana Salamasina

"Ladies, let us show the men that we are just as good as them. Maybe even better than them, because we can do what they can do and look beautiful all at once."

Character Portrait: Till Mill
Till Mill


Character Portrait: Ulyssess Furor
Ulyssess Furor

''Oblivion is the fate of all things.''

Character Portrait: Siero Caprico
Siero Caprico

Watch as the little bird flies pass you. Watch as he steals your precious glance.


Character Portrait: Till Mill
Till Mill


Character Portrait: Daria Juliana Salamasina
Daria Juliana Salamasina

"Ladies, let us show the men that we are just as good as them. Maybe even better than them, because we can do what they can do and look beautiful all at once."

Character Portrait: Siero Caprico
Siero Caprico

Watch as the little bird flies pass you. Watch as he steals your precious glance.

Character Portrait: Ulyssess Furor
Ulyssess Furor

''Oblivion is the fate of all things.''

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Siero Caprico
Siero Caprico

Watch as the little bird flies pass you. Watch as he steals your precious glance.

Character Portrait: Ulyssess Furor
Ulyssess Furor

''Oblivion is the fate of all things.''

Character Portrait: Till Mill
Till Mill


Character Portrait: Daria Juliana Salamasina
Daria Juliana Salamasina

"Ladies, let us show the men that we are just as good as them. Maybe even better than them, because we can do what they can do and look beautiful all at once."

View All » Places


Zeelasa by xfaithyx123

Welcome to the realm of wonder and beauty but to the far west Rifts eat away at it's history...

Rift Corrupted Domain

Rift Corrupted Domain by xfaithyx123

This is a part of Zeelasa that has been corrupted by Rifts, the Rift Lords, Walkers and beasts dwell here...


Welcome to the realm of wonder and beauty but to the far west Rifts eat away at it's history...

Rift Corrupted Domain

This is a part of Zeelasa that has been corrupted by Rifts, the Rift Lords, Walkers and beasts dwell here...

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Zeelasa: War of Rifts: Out of Character


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Re: Zeelasa: War of Rifts

Hello fellow rpers! Thankyou for resubmitting your characters! I shall write the first post very soon~

Zeelasa: War of Rifts

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Zeelasa: War of Rifts"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.