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Zetsumei Ryuu Academy and Cafe

DWMA (Death Weapon Meister Academy)


a part of Zetsumei Ryuu Academy and Cafe, by Metsumi.


Metsumi holds sovereignty over DWMA (Death Weapon Meister Academy), giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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DWMA (Death Weapon Meister Academy) is a part of Zetsumei Ryuu Academy and Cafe.

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Shiro Itsuki [0] The quiet one...
Yang Zhou [0] A meister who loves battle.
Vincent DuValle [0] "Narcissist? Meet Narcissist."
Yin Makimoto [0] A meister who's personality is like her name.

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#, as written by Lycos
"Ayame, calm down." Sora held Ayame by the waist, trying to keep her back. Aymae tried to fight out, throwing her hands wildly at the guys on the street. "Let go Sora, that guy ran into me! I'll kick his as-" As she was about to finish, Sora put his hand over her mouth and looked at the guy's. "I'm sorry, she must have slept on the wrong side of the bed this morning." He laughed lightly, the guy's acting annoyed and walking away. "Well, I'm glad that's o- Oh!" Ayame had bit Sora's hand, breaking free from his grasp. She ran about ten feet and flipped off the guy's before turning around and looking at Sora angrily. She raised her head and crossed her arms, walking past him and towards the direction of the school. Sora smiled and scratched the back of his head. "Silent treatment, eh?"

They arrived at the school and immediately reported to the principal's office. Sora had been technically returning Ayame to the school after she snuck out the previous night which caused Sora to have to spend all morning looking for her. They were an odd pair to say the least. Sora was practically a prodigy, while Ayame... not so much. But, they worked well together and were ahead of the others their age by miles. After some near groveling by Sora they were finally let go and ordered to report to class.

Ayame sat in the very back, forcing Sora to sit right next to her to make sure she didn't cause any trouble. They were the youngest pair in the class, only being 17 and 16. They were able to barely get into the higher level class after Sora's test scores and the power Ayame gives him in her weapon form. Ayame put her head down, her long brownish red hair falling over her shoulder and arms. Sora rolled his eyes and looked out the window, believing today would be another very long day.

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" You should consider yourself lucky scum not many people get to see me and War at our best." Yang spoke with a taunting challenge, bringing the gunblade he wielded into a center stance in front of him. A bright white light outlined both him and the blade seemingly to grow brighter each moment as he shouted out a phrase that would have made the knowing take at least a step back.

" Full Release."

As the last letter crossed his lips a explosion rocked the area around him sending the enemy he was fighting flying back. When the smoke and fog cleared Yang was standing bathed in white light with a black outline. This was War's greatest ability and yet Yang on a subconscious level hated it. For when the rare occasions came that forced him to call upon his ultimate power he felt weak. It meant the enemy was his equal which this power hungry Meister hated more then anything. He was one of the strongest fighters at the academy and to admit someone was his equal was to mean the life long goal was one more step away.

But right now Yang was right where he belong in his mind. On the battlefield facing an enemy who's soul would add to his growing power. The useless classes and the idiotic cafe where simply tolerated because they held the promise of battle. He was a fighter, a Meister to the core. His job was fighting to rid the world of Kishin and all humans who dared to fall to their baser emotions. But he was still some distance from the goal of his life and he knew it. It was the only reason Yang put up with the classes. For they led him to the battles he needed to fight.

Yang, this guy really should learn that we aren't people to mess with. The voice of War spoke in his head as the Meister wielding her weapon form blocked attacks with ease. He was in his top form, his speed and strength beyond his already impressive normal means.

So lets show him the error of his ways. Yang retorted bringing the gunblade up as if aiming a rifle. The enemy oblivious to danger a raised gunblade presented charged once more at him.

" Jackpot."

And with that simple word he pulled the trigger built into the handle causing a high velocity .50 cal round powered by the spirit power of War to fly straight and true into the enemy's heart. The force of the shot causing the enemy to fly backwards once more. Trying to get back up the enemy suddenly noticed the huge hole it sported where a heart should be.

" Yeah kinda hard to fight without a heart." Yang joked once more

" Curse...." The enemy tired to spit out as it's last words.

" The result is greater then the sum of it's parts." Yang replied with a solemn tone as War devoured the man's soul as it left his body.

Thrusting the gunblade into the ground Yang took a step back as War assumed her Human form.

" You gotta learn to take it easy on a girl Yang." War complained as she stretched out. She hated being hit so hard against another blade

" What can I say I like it rough." Yang spoke by way of reply. He was in a good mood, a good fight, another soul added to War's might. Nothing could ruin this good day.

" Don't we have a class in a couple of hours." War asked as she brushed her hair back into a semblance of order. It was tough sometimes being a Human weapon when changing forms ruined all the effort make up and grooming took.

And Yang suddenly was pissed off again. Nothing could ruin a good day quite like the thought of class. He was one of the oldest students and a top ranked student. He had proven a long time ago the normal teachers had nothing left to teach him. History, Physics, Chemistry, hell even Home Ec had been mastered by him. He didn't see the point of going through classes where he knew more then the teacher. But that promise of battle kept him silent and acing anything put in front of him.

" Come on let's get going before the noise attracts someone." Yang said with that distaste born of his hatred of classes.

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#, as written by Traziel
"So basically, you don't love me?!" The loud wail seemingly echoed down the hall, attracting a few stares followed by annoyance. It wasn't rare for Delilah to be utterly obnoxious at any given time, which was unfortunate for the one paired with her. Vincent stood with his back against the wall, not too far away from the class he was supposed to be attending. His slender form was literally draped by Delilah's form, as she lazily threw herself onto him. The look of disgust written along the contours of his face would make anyone pity his soul.

"Look, we have a class to go to. Which means no time for this redundant discussion that you already know the answers to. Besides, shouldn't you be skipping around this hour anyway?" Vincent latched onto Delilah's shoulders and promptly placed her to the side of him before slipping into the classroom. Previously he had been standing there awhile before the start of class, only to assess who was in it. A few familiar faces, some not so, and the occasional know-it-all here and there. Typical class demographics, typical "advanced" class. Vincent had the strong urge to just turn around and leave. Which was exactly what he intended to do until he was forcefully bumped into by Delilah. Vincent grunted as he almost toppled into the floor, but caught himself on the edge of a desk.

"You thought I was just going to let you go into a new class and flirt with all your new classmates? You really think I'd let you cheat on me that easily?!" Delilah roared at her meister as she stomped off to a seat. Vincent's embarrassment was greatly overshadowed by his unspoken cries for help. He restored his nonchalant composure and trailed off to sit beside his nuisance of a partner and prepared for yet another long day. "If there is a God, please save me." he mumbled under his breath. Apparently not low enough, due to the sudden shock of pain from Delilah's elbow firmly placed into his ribs.

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#, as written by Metsumi
"That class was pretty interesting. But, why do we need to learn about the forbiden curse of a weapon and meister merging together?" Yin said to Death after the class. She had decided to ditch the next classes, except for the sparring classes after school. "C'mon while we wait for the rest of the classes to end lets go tour the school!" Death walked ahead of her. Yin didn't answer she justed walked around the campus, an expressionless look on her face the whole time. Soon it drove Death crazy that his meister wasn't speaking to him. "Yin what's going on?!" He yelled at her. Yin stopped and turned to face him. " seems I've been here before even thought I'm the newest student here. Anyways forget what I said and lets go to the cafe." She couldn't believe she just said that and ran to the cafe. Death had decided to hideout in his dorm.

When Yin saw it was time for the extracurricular activities she ran to the gym for sparring with other students. She was curious on how good the other students were at fighting. When Yin reached the gym Death was already there. "These other students better be good." She said observing the other students here.

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#, as written by Lycos
"Ayame?... Ayame?..." Sora gently pushed her shoulder trying to wake her up. She had slept nearly the entire day, probably tired from being up all last night. He took a sigh and looked around the classroom, most of the other students already having left. A rare devilish smile formed across his face he stood in front of Ayame's desk and grabbed a nearby book. He slammed the book down on the desk causing Ayame to shoot up. She was taking deep breaths, obviously in shock from the loud noise. By the time she came to her senses, Sora had already tossed the book out of sight and was looking at her with an innocent smile. "Good your up. Let's go." After a moment for regaining composure, they left the classroom. They must have only walked ten feet before some familiar faces came around the corner. "It's the jerks from earlier!" Ayame yelled and pointed, causing the two guy's to walk rapidly towards her. "Who ya callin' jerks?!" After a brief altercation of words between the pairs, Sora excluded of course, Ayame somehow managed to conjure up a challenge. While fighting was prohibited, fighting posing as sparring was not. Before Sora knew it he had been drawn into another unneeded situation.

Once they cooled down, a time for the fight was set up, leaving just a few hours to do any preparations. On the way to the gym Ayame rambled on about how she was going to beat them to a bloody pulp, Sora casually nodding. Once they arrived at the gym they put on the necessary safety gear for sparring. After quickly finding a team to go up against, the pairs stood across from each other. "Ayame, should we really be doing this? Don't you want to conserve your energy for your thing tonight?" Ayame rolled her eyes and took a seat. "I'm not the one fighting." Sora looked over to see the two girls had disappeared and a large burly man standing in their place with a wood sword in his hands. Ayame threw another wood sword at Sora's feet. "This is what you get for waking me up with that book." Sora laughed with a fearful tone in it, grabbing the sword and standing across from the guy. The anonymous, at least to Sora, guy came running at Sora, forcing the sword down hard with both hands. Pleased with the strike, his eyes grew wide at what had happened. Sora had turned the sword and was blocking the strike with the wood blade, one handed. Sliding the sword along the burly man's, twisting it to where the end of the hilt struck the man in the forehead. A large thump could be heard as the man crashed to the ground, Ayame unknowingly blushing at the sight of Sora standing over the man. Sora walked over and sat down next to Ayame, taking a deep breath and leaning back in the chair.

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"Sparring practice why did sparing practice have to be today"Ling thought to himself at the other students from a dark corner on the bleachers. Though some of the others practicing were okay and improving. The other one's he was really interested was the other students on the bleachers and around the sparring area, waiting and observing who could be a good match for them. Muttering to himself Ling whispers "If I didn't want to be around people why come to where their all going to be?" Suddenly a large thunk diverting his attention to a unconscious oaf of a man and a skinnier victorious man. "Interesting" Ling thinks to himself.

Sighing to himself under his breath Ling mutters "I'm not going to be happy about doing this but whatever better than just watching and getting bored or annoyed." Walking up to the loser he grabs the sword then turning to the victor Ling calmly says "My name is Ling, how would you like to spar with me?"

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With the rapid strides born of a life time of training and fighting Yang was trying to make up for the precious time he had left to make it to class. War on the other hand maintained a decidedly leisure far behind him,after all it didn't matter if she was late. Yang would be the only one penalized for being late. Soon the strides of the the in a hurry Meister brought him to the entrance of the academy where it's facade managed to be both boring and yet stand out for those that knew what it meant. Lounging outside where a few Meister's on a meal break as they all where eating from boxed lunches chopsticks in hand. Usually he and War would provoke a fight out of random students like this in order to reinforce their status as top fighters. But with the clock ticking as it where there was no time.

The hallways where in turn deftly maneuvered through it's length. Dodging, slithering and in more then one case jumping over, whipped past the other Meister's with an ease that betrayed long practice at doing so. For with their intense training schedule it often fell to gold medal runs like this to see Yang to class and cafe on time. Most meister's where content with the lax training schedule the school enforced but not Yang and War. And because of it there were always sights of him running like this to make it to the less useful demands being a meister in training entailed.

Using a locker's handle as flip point threw himself into a open door and into a seat while the class inside clapped at the acrobatic display. The teacher was decidedly less amused then his class.

" So good of you to join us in the nick of time Mr. Zhou." He spoke with a scornful voice.

" What can I say I like dramatic entrances teach." Yang replied with decidedly less respect then most students showed their teacher. After all the man knew less about the subject he taught then the the meister who mocked him.

" Indeed Mr.Zhou but perhaps we can start class. And since your so enthusiastic perhaps you can start. Now Mr.Zhou regarding techniques of Human weapons what two Techniques are universal to every Human Weapon we Meisters use in the battle against Kishin." The man asked with a twitch of his eyebrow, Yang had that effect on most teachers. They knew he knew they had nothing left to teach him but they also knew to admit so would be to undermine their authority.

" The first of the two universal techniques is Full Release in which Meister and Human weapon unlock their true potential although this is a hotly debated topic among Meisters as some spend their whole lives without unlocking Full Release. Although some have suggested in order to unlock Full Release one must be in complete harmony with their weapon. Given many Meister's are at odds with their Weapons it is no wonder Full Release in known to only a few." Yang answered casually almost lazily as the rest of the class took notes.

" Very good Mr.Zhou and the second Universal Technique?"

" Final Form in which a Human Weapon assumes a Yin form or a Yang Form based on the number of Kishin or Human souls a weapon has devoured. Considered the pinnacle of weapons existence it is something all Meister's strive for when they are first joined with their Human Weapon." The power hungry Meister replied with that same lazy air.

" What is the difference between Full Release and Final Form Mr.Zhou?"

" Full Release affects the Meister more then the weapon, Final Form effects the weapon more then the Meister"

" Very Good and finally what is the Third Universal Technique?"

And here Yang looked at the teacher with an odd eye. Is this some sort of sick test, these kids don't need to know the third form, the less that know about that the better. He thought with some concern, the only time he felt any for another. But Yang's class wasn't the only one learning about the third Universal Technique. Perhaps in an effort to make them aware of the dangers the forbidden technique was becoming public knowledge amongst the students. But even this power hungry Meister hesitated to even think about the final technique.

The rest of the class looked on puzzled as Yang answered in a slow voice.

" It is Merge, considered a forbidden art it is where Meister and Weapon become one. One Mind, One Person, One Soul. Doing so allows the Meister and Weapon to combine their powers into one frame. Merge lets a Meister become so powerful it is awe inspiring. combined with Full Release and Final Form the power invested in a single frame can often destroy the Meister as no single person was meant to house that much power. But in the rare cases where a person lives through Merge they can become so powerful as to become a threat to everyone. As absolute power corrupts absolutely."

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#, as written by Lycos
"You wouldn't wake up, I had no choice." Ayame crossed her arms and legs, sticking her nose high in the air. "You could have taken at least one hit." Sora smiled and shrugged, deciding to let the situation go.

"My name is Ling, how would you like to spar with me?"

Sora looked up to see a boy about the same age as him, maybe a year younger. "Sorry, but that took a lot out of me. Your a human weapon aren't you?" Sora looked over to Ayame and in his nicest voice possible, "Why don't you and Ayame spar? I'm sure she could use the work out." Ayame looked over at Sora with nearly visible fire in her eyes. "What's that suppose to mean?!" She was about to take a swing at him when she took a heavy sigh and let it go. "Guess it can't be helped." She grabbed Sora's wooden sword and stretched out her arms. "You wanna go kid?"

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"A human weapon, ya I am though not exactly a normal one but then again who is normal?" Ling says to Sora's question. "Spar with her," Lings says continuing on what he was sating after taking air as he points at Ayame "fine I got nothing to lose." Muttering to himself "I also don't gain anything."

Holding the hilt of the wooden in his right he puts it by his left hip as if he was holding the sword in a sheath. Spreading his feat apart to give himself a better center of balance Ling says "you ready? en garde." Holding his position he calmly stays still holding position and moving his left hand onto the wooden blade.