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Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

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Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby YouLiedToMe on Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:46 pm

Lainee’s eyes snapped open at the sound of something rustling in the bushes next to her. “Whomsthere..” she muttered, rubbing her eyes and getting up wearily. ‘Who’s there.’ Is what she meant to say, but considering she barely had any sleep the night before from staying up all night begging for someone to let her out, she was still as tired as ever. The rustling noise continued without a reply as the grass shivered. Something was moving it, and it was only as big as a cat maybe…A growl slipped through her snaring lips and she got into her hunting mode, legs bent close to the ground and her arms stretched out, while her fingers gracefully drifted over the tall grass; she’d probably need to cut it again soon. The grass shivered once more and she leaped into the air, landing on the spot she last seen the grass move. A fluffy animal squirmed beneath her making little huffing noises. “Hehee.. Maybe you shouldn’t have been in MY cage..” she muttered, rolling sideways but keeping her hand clenched around the intruder.

A bunny continued to squirm in her hand. “Really?!” she hissed, her other hand slithering up to snap its neck with a sickening pop. “Freaking animal..” she growled, tossing it against the bars that she had to call a home and listening as an echoing thud made it’s way around her entire habitat. Of course, after her regular bars there were another set of bars about 10 feet away from those. With her type of seduction and cleverness, the audience had to be placed a good 10 feet back to where they couldn’t slip her anything between the bars.

Lainee stood and slinked lazily, her hips moving from side to side and stomach shimmering in the light while her tattoo danced across her stomach with the movements, across and to the bars that she had been locked up in for a good 100 years. “Heelp.” She uttered lazily, not even trying to sound helpless now. Her fingers wrapped around the bars and she swayed back and forth, bored. This had been going on since the Slaughter chick and the workers were killed. She didn’t feel as if any progress with begging it was getting done, and instead turned to just sitting around and watching the free ones walk around; choosing the person she would most want to seduce. And, let me tell you, there were quite a few.

Sari giggled and flash stepped to the other side of the gift shop, another blur close on pursuit. However, her giggles were more of a fast forwarded type of giggle considering she was flash stepping at the same time. A small patter of feet, almost inaudible, sounded just around the corner. Sari quickly rushed through the doors and leaped up towards the beams of the gift shop’s building; her hands instantly gripped onto two metal beams so she was hanging there. The girl then pulled her legs up as well to wrap around the same two beams- perfectly hidden. Soon after she had positioned herself, another blur made it’s way into the building and stopped to reveal an innocent looking girl, her head swiveling from side to side in hopes of finding Sari.

This was one of there many games that the twins played during the day; however at night they usually stayed in the ‘Exotic Bug’ section of the zoo and closed it off with a giant builder that came out of one of the other habitats; Sari was very protective of her sister, Michie. And seeing as though that was a sort of shelter to the animals that came out at night, she considered that to be the safest place. But, they still tended to sneak around at night. Because after all that was their best hunting time.

Michie was just about to leave until Sari let go of the beams her hands were hanging onto and swooped down-her legs still hanging on- to grab her. Being too fast for Sari, Michi looked up with her fangs bared, one of the fewer times anyone could witness the true monster she really was, and grabbed Sari’s hands; giving them a good yank. Sari growled and fell to the ground where Michie quickly pinned Sari down. “You’re it.” She giggled, a smirk growing across her face.

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby teegaroo on Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:02 pm

Adonia let out a groan as she sat in front of the pond in her long broken enclosure. Some big boom had gone off at the front of her cage back when they were still trying to catch her and there was a perfect oval that she could just barley fit in and out of. She picked up a ball of water and tossed it back and forth between her hands. The ball was a little wobbly but she was getting better at holding it. She placed it on one of her fingers and span it around, it didn't turn out on how she had planned and the ball broke and splattered all over her. "Seriously?!" She exclaimed, jumping up off the ground.

She started to ring out her dress. She slipped off her gloves and looked down at her hands. They were covered in the odd black design, the little circles spun around quickly showing that her heart beat was starting to speed up. She didn't really know where the markings had come from they had been there since she could remember. The speed of the turning circles seemed to have something to do with her heartbeat. She wasn't a a big fan of the markings which is why she kept the gloves on most of the time but she didn't want to get them wet.

Once her dress was somewhat dry she put her gloves back on and walked to the back of her cage. She crawled out of the little oval which was hidden behind a bush and started to look for something interesting. She heard a loud thud coming from Lainee's cage so she decided to go see what she was screaming about now. Adonia jumped into the air and hovered over the ground, she was a faster flyer then walker and besides flying was just more fun. She sped over to Lainee's cage and got there just in time to hear her say "help me." Adonia grinned already planning ways to get on her nerves. Not that Adonia didn't like Lainee in facts Lainee was probably the person here who she had the most in common with. It's just that Adonia couldn't help but being a little bit annoying.

"Looking for your next victim Lainee?" She smirked, stopping in front of the cage and crossing her arms. "I don't blame you. There are a lot of scrumptious looking boys. But then again you are locked up in that cage. There's not much you can do. While I am out here in the open and I can go wherever like and see who ever I want." She chuckled at the end and let out a sigh as she tossed her hair over one shoulder. She walked up to the bar that surround Lainee's cage. She had had her fill of getting on her nerves and was ready to help. She leaned in as close as possible, which still wasn't so close considering there was a good 10ft between the cage and the bar. "So hunny, how are we getting you out?" She whispered.
So happy to be back and writing, feels awesome =)

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Luna637 on Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:40 pm

Roka stretched sleepily. Her massive furry body was quite inhuman, but despite appearances, she could easily become one if she desired. She felt a small weight on her back as a small monkey landed on her back. The small monkey, named Ring, chittered into her ear noisily. From Ring's information, the cage's annoying barrier didn't have much change in stability. Even though Roka was inable to fly, her monkeys could easily get over a high wall, so a barrier was put up to keep them in.

Then Dune landed on her back, reporting more. Like, he had seen several creatures trying to escape their deteriorating prisons. Roka loved Dune and Ring, for they were the only thing between friends and utter lonliness, not to mention they were one of the few things that were in her home country. They were also perfect scouts, climbing to the highest point they could reach and look out for anything of intrest. Roka thanked them, and let them play their games, sometimes grabbing her ear or tail to escape the other. Roka didn't mind, and continued to eat the various vegetation that grew in her containment. Dune pulled a tiny fistful of the fur on her mane, trying to get her attention. Roka turned her calm orange-yellow eyes to him, and then he pointed to a banana plant with unripe bunches. Roka put her paw on the the base of the tree, and concentrated. The tree grew, and then the bananas grew ripe and became yellow. Dune clapped happily, and stuffed one into his mouth, peel and all. As Ring and Dune chittered over their tree happily, Roka wondered if the other creatures had escaped yet. Roka hadn't ever met any of the other creatures, but it wouldnt've been surprising if they'dve seen Dune or Ring.

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:38 am

Nightshade studied the bars that cut him off from the rest of the world very carefully. He had tried kicking them, repeatedly, some time back and had been rewarded with a sprained ankle after getting tangled in the bars. Those things were so narrow that it was rather difficult to hit them. Even so, he had still tried (probably not his smartest move). He glanced around to look at the rest of the herd before returning to the bars.

Pawing gently at the ground, Nightshade watched the bars for a few more minutes before turning away and wandering along the fence. No sense hanging around in one place if there was absolutely no way to get out there. It wasn't long before he reached the gate, one of the two places where humans could get in. He didn't even look at the lock, having lost interest in the small gadget long ago. Instead, he reared up and placed his front hooves against the gate and stretched his arms as high as they would go. He barely managed to reach the top of the fence and he fingered it quickly before letting himself drop down. This was the way he would get out, just like the other humans, he knew it. The question was, 'how'.

Nightshade leaned forward and fingered at the lock. It was a simple contraption, really. It was the type of lock that could only be opened from the outside, similar to the kind that was used to lock bathroom stalls. Of course, it was specially crafted to be much stronger to prevent any of the centaurs from getting the idea that they could simply kick it open, but the fact that it could easily be opened from the outside was enough. The only problem was, he was on the inside.

Nightshade pondered on this before making his way back to the fence. Wrapping his arms around the bars, his eyes scanned the empty area before him. It had gotten so quiet recently. He momentarily wondered why but quickly pushed the thought to the back of his mind. He had seen various other creatures roaming around the zoo so he knew that it was possible to get out. Now, all he needed to do was see if he could find someone that would be willing to let him out. He seated himself on the grass before the fence and waited. The first creature he saw, he would give a shout to in order to capture their attention.
FRIENDS: Will look at you like you're crazy when you tell them you're an alien from outerspace.
BEST FRIENDS: Will break you out of the loony bin and drive you to New Mexico to meet up with the mothership.

There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives.
Who was the first person to say "See that chicken over there... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out of its butt"?

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"This is bullsheetttt" she groaned while tilting her head back and leaning away from the bars with her hands still wrapped around them. Some would probably find hilarity in how careless and bored she was, but she found it downright bull. It would be nice if someone could get her out of here...but if anyone knew what was good for them they keep her in there as long as those bars would hold her. "This is so irrelevant.." she muttered while letting go of the bars to turn back in the direction she'd thrown the bunny in. A 5 minute rule was slowly gaining it's place in her rules as she picked the rabbit off and dusted it so there was no more dirt; after doing that she sunk her fangs into the bunny and pulled off a large chunk of it's neck. "yum.." she said lazily as a small stream of blood now traveled down the length of her jawline and headed towards her cleavage.

Lainee looked back towards the gates and towards the gift shop that had been abandoned a while back ago by all of the human's that seeked shelter. They were all dead, of course, but she still wondered what always made thuds in there. As if knowing she was talking about them, the twins both flash stepped towards the first set of bars with smirks on there faces. "We could let you out.." Sari said while leaning on the bars. "Buuut, we don't think we will." Michi finished with a small giggle. Lainee growled and pressed against the second set of bars; her lips were puled up in a snarl. "Then go away, you annoying little brats."She took turns looking at one annoying girl to the next, not seeing one difference in the two. Sometimes they got on her last nerves...It must be the time for everybody's daily round of 'Annoy Lainee', because soon after the twins had taken off another person was snickering at the first set of bars.

"Looking for your next victim Lainee?" She heard a tiny voice say.

" Slip through those bars and you'll find out.." she hissed while letting her lip pull over her teeth again. As she assumed, it was Adonia and her tiny self here to taunt her for the day. "I don't blame you. There are a lot of scrumptious looking boys. But then again you are locked up in that cage. There's not much you can do. While I am out here in the open and I can go wherever like and see who ever I want." Lainee gripped onto the cage again in frustration. "Please." she pleaded, something she rarely did. The girl heard a sigh and she smirked, knowing she had possibly gotten the tiny fairy to let her out. Once her thoughts were confirmed, she raised an eyebrow thinking the same thing. Something as small as Adonia couldn't get her out.."Get one of the werewolves or something." She instructed. But last time she tried asking one of them they denied her.


"That Lainee girl is very" "Very annoying." Sari finished off with a small snicker. Michie shrugged her shoulders and smiled. The two would only let out what they thought was safe. And Lainee...well, she wasn't safe. Neither to them or the others that roamed freely. Also, most of the time Sari and Michie just teased the one's behind bars; one of the reason's they had to hide out at night- the ones that had gotten free (no thanks to the two twins) sometimes came back for revenge on the two who teased them. But to Sari and Michie they found it quite funny. "Do you think she'll get out?" Michi asked quietly, a small hint of fear in her voice. Sari stopped walking and turned to face Michie. "Of course not." she said in a light tone, rolling her eyes once and turning back towards the direction they were walking in. Which was to the half man half horses' cages. Those guys were fun to screw around with, especially since there were only a few of them located in the zoo. One of which Sari vaguely remembered as Nightshade.

"When can we get something to eaatt." Michie asked in a whiny voice while trailing her hand along the bars of another trapped in creature. Sari only sighed and continnued walking to their destination knowing 'later' wouldn't be a good enough answer for Michie. The girl was impatient, but she played Sari's teasing games which made her just about the best sister in the world. The pale girls turned the corner of another huge habitat of a large aquarium and then watched as Nightshade tried to figure out how to unlatch his cage. "Need some help?" Michie called out. Sari smacked Michie's arm to receive a glare from Michie. "What?" she hissed, still glaring at Sari. "Nevermind." Sari growled back.

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:45 pm

Nightshade glared at the twin vampires, not sure whether to jump at the chance for freedom and wait until someone else came by. He knew them well enough to know to know that they tended to prefer tormenting and teasing rather than actually helping. But even so, he really wanted to get out and explore. There was a whole new world at his fingertips, and the only thing that separated him from it was a stupid, metal fence. He decided to take them up on their offer.

Scrambling to his feet, Nightshade nodded enthusiastically. "See, there's this lock over here," he explained, pointing to the gate, "and it can only be opened from the outside. You think you can open it?" He wrapped his hands around the bars and studied the twins carefully. They were so alike that it was almost impossible to tell them apart. They'd been together for so long, too, that they smelled practically the same. He wasn't sure which was which so he quickly asked, "Say, which of you offered to get me out? Sari?"

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DogLover on Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:07 pm

Blake laid down crouched on his belly in the brush, he didn't move and breathed slowly and steady. He waited hidden from the deer herd of which he was stalking. A buck deer strayed from the herd unaware that he was walking straight into his death, Blake waited until the buck was closer often then he shock out of the brush the buck tried to run but didn't get far Blake used his weight to easily trip up the buck and then he bit his dagger fangs into it's throat.Blake looked up the herd didn't even notice the attack by how quick and soundless it had all happen. Blake grab the buck's neck and drag it to a cave he dropped it on the floor and dug into it's soft underbelly gulping down chunks of meat.

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Luna637 on Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:35 pm

Roka heard the usual noises outside of her barrier. She didn't really ever listen to them, mostly because she knew that there were quite an array of dangerous other creatures out there, and she wasn't big on fighting. Roka had a fairly large area to roam, so if she didn't want to be seen, she just moved towards the center of her cage, where she was hidden by the trees that her cointainment bubble was filled with. Today, she was laying near the super-strong, reinforced glass, absent mindedly gnawing on a piece of bamboo, legs sprawled out.

Roka didn't really enjoy being in sight of anything. While she wanted to escape, Roka was cautious about the creatures that might already be causing chaos out of their cages. So maybe she'd wait a while. Wait for the creatures to leave and head into the city. She was rather patient, and as long she and her primate friends would be safe, she didn't mind waiting a while. Roka looked through the glass of her barrier, seeing the various cages and barriers that were around hers. Some were empty. Some had creatures she recognized, and some she didn't. Many were trying to escape, like the centaur kicking at the bars. She pitied many of them. She knew that they obviously craved freedom and how frusteration take over because they couldn't have it. Or at least, not at the moment, as it seemed.

Somewhere, she heard Ring and Dune chitter in the distance. They didn't like going to the edges of the territory either; something about knowing unknown predators were outside made them paranoid. Not that it wasn't unreasonable. She knew all sorts of things would be more than happy to eat them, not to mention herself. But they still had to escape sometime. Risk was a part of life. Roka stared down at her paws. She unsheathed large, eagle-like talons. She hesistated. She'd wait a little longer before attacking her barrier.

She didn't, however, expect something to attack the barrier for her.

( I hope my last line wasn't too unreasonable. >': )

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DogLover on Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:38 pm

Blake finished his quick meal it wasn't much but it was filling for now. Blake took off to the a big hole in the bars of his cage, a while back with the help of DarkNight they where able to make a hole big enough for Blake to get threw then after a few more weeks a hole that DarkNight could crawl threw and before they destroyed the cage all together they decided to leave it. Usually there where a bunch of large boulders stacked up so no one could get in while the two creatures guards were down but right now they were gone so Blake knew that his dragon was flying around somewhere. Blake walked out of his cage he wasn't sure where he was going on what he planned on doing but anything was better then being in that cage. While he walked around he had his guard on high he knew that there where vampires in this zoo and he had a strong hate for those creatures

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby teegaroo on Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:41 pm

(I'm guessing blake is out of his cage?)
Adonia chuckled. "I have no doubt that if I came into your cage you'd tear me to shreds." She smiled as she rest her arms on the bar and cocked her head to the side. Her smile faded when Lainee pleaded to her to get her out. Adonia felt herself go mushy, which she hated but how could she ignore her? She knew what it was like to be stuck in a cage and she thanked god everyday that there was that hole in her cage. "One of the werewolves or something?" She looked around and shook her head. "Fine, I'll be back. I'll go find some strong person and then bring them back here." She groaned as she hovered a few inches off the ground. "Don't go anywhere." She laughed as she jumped up into the air.

She was flying as high as the roof above the zoo allowed her too, which really wasn't all that high. She spotted the right person...well...wolf. "Ew." She said to herself as she flew down closer and saw that the wolf was feeding on a deer. She stopped just above him. Adonia had flown around the zoo enough and heard enough gossip that she knew the majority of people. "Blake..." She said as she swayed from side to side in the air. "Blake...I see that you're...eating but I need a favour." She cautiously dropped to the ground still staying a good distance from him. "It's Laniee she's going crazy from being in her cage. I told her I'd help but I can't do much. So, it would be great if you could come over and break just one of her bars...or something. It should be pretty easy. I've been spraying water on the lock for the past while so it's starting to rust." She looked up at the sky and put her hands behind her back. She grinned a bit as she leaned back on her feet, cocked her head to the side just a bit and made her eyes as puppy like as possible. "Pretty please Blake." She said in a cute fairy voice.

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DogLover on Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:15 pm

( Yeah Blake is out )

Blake had paused and listened to what the fairy said he went over the name Lainee ... he pondered in though until he remember who the girl was he didn't want to let her out but the little fairy made it hard to say no. He shrugged "Let's see what I can do" Blake smiled he was still unsure about letting her out but he did have a soft spot and he also hated being in a cage all day so he could relate

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"I have no doubt that if I came into your cage you'd tear me to shreds." She heard the tiny fairy say. Lainee raised an eyebrow and leaned against the cage, sticking what portion of her head she could fit through between the bars and looked at her with almost a drunken looks. "Hey, the little fairy girl is getting smarter." Snickering once Lainee leaned back out of the bars and proceeded to pace back and forth a few feet this way and a few feet the other way. "Don't go anywhere." Lainee only gave her a non commical laugh and pulled her lip up in a half smile, but a cold one. "Oh, I won't."

As the fairy drifted away, Lainee continued pace the entire area of her habitat, thinking things over out loud. "So, I just sent a fairy to retrieve a mutt to get me out of this cage. Yes, they will definatly fall for that one." Lainee rolled her eyes once and wondered if they were just screwing with her. If she ever did get out of here she would be sure to hunt down the two twins that came to taunt her every morning, waking her up and not letting her go back to sleep. They would definatly pay.

Still having the rabbit in her hand, Lainee bit another chunk of its neck out and watched as the head fell off. She smiled a huge toothy smile, the meat still in her mouth, and felt some more blood run down her chin.


Michie had already flash stepped, skipping in a fast motion, and ended up right in front of Nightshade's cage. "You're a strong boy.." she tilted her head. "So why couldn't you just break it on your own?" Sari finished for Michie, causing a giggle from her sister and turning to face Sari. Michie put on a fake thinking face while drawing her index finger to her chin. "Hmm." "To let him in.." "Or to let him out?" Sari questioned. Michie and Sari always finished each others sentences even though it sounded like the same person just separating parts of a sentence; they loved doing that.

"See, there's this lock over here," Michie raised an eyebrow, fluttering towards the spot Nightshade pointed to."Oh?" she questioned, giving it a hard stare and flicking it a few times. It seemed easy enough to open; the only question was if she would open it or not. "I don't know Michie..." Sari said in a fake sad voice. "It'd be pretty crowded out here,ey?" Michie questioned back. The girls both smirked and turned to face Nightshade as he asked which one said they would let him out. Sari rolled her eyes." As if." Michie jumped up once raising her hand."That would be me."

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A great roar filled the air of the zoo as a snow white dragon flapped it's mighty wings causing gusts of air to blow across the many cages within the zoo. Roar after Roar signified that the dragon was not at all happy and when he released a powerful jet of ice towards a chimpanzee cage, it only heightened the fact that the dragon was utterly pissed. The chimps suffered a fate of instant death as they were frozen solid within seconds of the beam touching them.

Another roar ripped from the throat of the great beast as he landed. It's body twisted and contorted until there stood a shirtless man with cargo pants on. He clicked his teeth which were still razor sharp and eventually they turned to normal human teeth. His eyes shimmered and returned to their normal golden hue. Drache looked around and sighed, he was quite tired of this place and wanted to get out. Hope is what kept him going, but at least he was out of that damned cage, he had no room to truly breath like he did now that he was out.

He sat down under a tree that seemed to be dying slowly. A bench was positioned under the tree and Drache could hear larvae inside of the dying tree, eating away at the wood pulp. Apparently those things were hungry because every few seconds Drache would look at the tree and it would seemingly move. Getting bored with watching larvae eat, he himself got a little hungry.

Beautiful snow white wings burst from his back and flapped upon release sending a gust of subzero wind towards the bench causing it to ice over instantly. He burst into the sky and began scouring for food. A loose cow looked absolutely delicious to Drache and before the cow could react, it had been pinned to the ground by the now fully transformed Drache. Ripping and gnawing at the flesh of the bovine, Drache devoured nearly all of the poor cow except the disgustingly vile parts. Feeling full, but having dirtied himself, Drache burst into another flight and found a water fall of which he transformed back into his human self and began washing.

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby teegaroo on Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:53 am

Adonia grinned as he said "Let's see what I can do". She resumed back to her normal posture, getting rid of the innocent look. "You don't know how much it'll mean to...her." She chuckled to herself as she used the word her. Truthfully no one here was really a girl or a boy, because girls and boys are humans and the...things here were certainly not human. "Well then I guess for your sake I'll stay on the ground." She said as she looked down at her bare feet and frowned. She didn't really mind running, it just took so much work and her feet got covered in blood, dirt and other things. "Well thi-" She was interrupted by a loud roar and a strong breeze ran across them and sent the tiny Adonia backwards a bit. "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." She mumbled as she rearranged her hair. "As I was saying...this way. Just follow me." She said as she started to run towards Lainee's cage which really wasn't all that far away. She got there in not time.

"Hunny I'm home!" She said sarcastically as she walked over to the bar that surrounded the cage and sat down on it. She looked at Lainee and made a disgusted face. "Yikes, easy there Dracula." She said still disgusted by the blood on her face. "Right. Lainee you probably know Blake and Blake I know you know Lainee, because well...who doesn't with a reputation like hers." She smirked. "Lainee, Blake is here to try and get you out. So don't eat him alright?" She said in a babyish voice, she slid of the bar and looked at Blake. "The locks right there" She said as she pointed over to a rusting lock on the cage.

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Dahlia was laying with the back of her head pressed against Könnte's side as they breathed in sync. They were both sleeping, even with the suns rays shining down on them. Her eyes flickered open as Könnte shifted and Dahlia yawned and looked around at the world. There was no one near her at the moment accept her beloved Gryphon. The air was silent and calm as she stood and started walking with Könnte standing up to follow slowly behind her. He was being quite lazy this morning.
As Dalhi took another step, a low roar pierced the air and she squeaked softly, and as she changed to spirit form pressed her face into Könnte's side like it would protect her from anything. Te, maybe we should have just stayed in our cage... Might have been safer.. she spoke silently to him, shaking in fear. Te just chuckled softly and spoke back Dahli, it's alright. Don't be scared.. she sighed softly at his unspoken words and pulled herself onto his back, wanting to go for a morning flight to clear her worried mind. A smile worked it's way into the eagle like eyes of Könnte as he started off at a half run and then leapt into the air. His wings took easily to the currents and he started climbing higher and higher into the air. He flew in circles, around and around in their large enclosure and Dahlia could feel the annoyance radiating from him. Könnte, Calm.. her mind pressed into his and he started toward the ground where they landed in from of Lainee's cage. Blake, Adonia, and Lainee were all there and Blake was helping the succubus escape from her enclosure.. "Are you sure that's a good idea.." Dahlia blurted out before thinking, and then covering her mouth with her hand smiled softly because of her invisibility. Te, get us out of here The Gryphon nodded and quickly trotted away. As they reached somewhere where there was no one else, Dahli turned back into her human form and sighed "She's dangerous.." she said allowed, staring into her friends hard eyes "They shouldn't let her out..."

"Ivan, you good for nothing blood sucker, get us outta here!" Sarkasmus's harsh voice could be heard echoeing throughout the enclosure
"Shut up you big lug" Ivan hissed at his friend and stared at the bars that still enclosed them "I've been trying and I'm still thinking"
"Yea, that's all you do is think. No action" The large bird growled pressing his feathery body against the bars.
"Yea, well, you're they huge strong one, how about YOU get us out of here!" the annoyed vampire snarled as he walked toward the opening of his cage. It was a single simple lock that held him in. The only problem was, you needed someone on the outside to open it, and since the enclosure had bars on the top, not even Kas could get out. "Maybe we could ask someone.." he thought to himself, even though he hated the idea of being indebted to any of the others that inhabited this wretched place.
"I'm sorry for yelling, Ivyyy" Kas's mocking voice reached his masters ears as he hauled himself slowly across the cage. Ivan snarled and ignored the nickname that Kas used to annoy him. "Maybe.." he muttered to himself again as he let himself fall to the floor with a frump on his face. He decided he'd wait till someone who looked worthwhile passed by and then maybe ask them for a hand in escaping. Maybe.
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Navari had been resting in the hammock that the zoo owner had put up for her when she heard the noises, banging, and slight vibration of her own home. Lifting an eyelid she glanced around and closed it once more with a heavy sigh. "So the others are just as restless to be out" she seemingly talked to herself. Sitting up she slid her legs over the edge of the hammock settling her feet off the ground before rising off of it. Giving a low groan of utter agitation Navari moved a few steps before she caught the scent again, without realizing it she found the hair on the back of her neck stood on ends. So there was a male of her species nearby, how quaint she mused. She grew up in a clan, knew all about status, dominance and recognized this one as one whom had been alone long enough to be his own dominant. If he ever came face to face with her, there would be issues. She'd been born to the title of second, one level below the Alpha and therefore with her being a loner didn't set well. Although she'd never met him she wondered if he smelled her as well and glanced in the direction of where the opening to her cage rested. She'd hidden it well from her end but from the other end she did not and assumed with time since the others were breaking out they'd find her compound. Her eyes roamed over the animals in the confinement, they were producing well enough that if she chose to stay here undisturbed she'd be find. But her need to get out was strong, she'd not changed in a while due to the none exposure to the moon and her veins ached to change. The lust for blood was strong and she satisfied it by simply killing one small animal every so often and basking in the blood. Another loud crashing noise in the distance brought her attention back and she realized her heart was pounding heavily in her chest. Taking a moment to calm herself down Navari moved to the far end of the confinement and stared through the glass, it was reinforced so that if she did change to her true form she'd not be able to easily tear through it. Whoever the owner was did a lot of research, yet hadn't prepared for an arrest and the potential break through of the ones she tried so hard to keep in. Kneeling down she drew a heart in the dirt to amuse herself and then rose, pivoted on her heels and began her walk back to the home that was built for her. If one were to look at it, it would look like a small farm in a large building. How much longer before the others she smelled ventured out into the real world, that wasn't prepared for them. Would retaliate against them and sure enough attempt to destroy them. She'd been there when she overstepped her boundaries and told a human who betrayed her. Who knew that chloroform could kill her senses and send her into a world of darkness. Shaking her head at the memory she continued inside and gave the house a bored expression before shrugging, picking up a random object and slinging it across the room to smash against the wall. Inhaling and exhaling quickly Navari grumbled. "It would be just like this out there....boring. But a challenge yet" Thoughts returned to the others, to the one like her before she began cooking.

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nezzera on Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:47 am

The large Panther opened her lazy yellow-green eyes and grumbled to herself. She had been in the middle of a catnap, the sun shine warming her sleek black fur, minding her own damn business; but, no, some pesky dragon just had to let out a roar loud enough to wake all of China and pull the werecat from her sleep. Slowly shifting back to her human form, Shasta groaned. There was no way in hell that dragon boy was going to get away with interrupting her pleasant dreams. The clothes she had been wearing before were long since torn and discarded, but there were more stashed around her habitat, though some of them were still on corpses; she was no longer interested in eating said corpses, though- they were much too old. She liked fresh meat. Either way, she wasn't going to get dressed until she bathed.
So, scratching the back of her neck and stretching, she wondered off to find a nice waterfall. When she finally found it, she smiled and stepped into the water, wishing the dirt away and enjoying the pressure of the fall. After a few seconds, however, she got a strange feeling; there was someone else there, and she could feel it. Spinning around, Shasta scanned the land and water around her with slitted eyes. They landed on a bloody human. Drache her mind practically spat the name. No doubt, that was the one who had woken her in the first place. She glared out at him, but didn't reveal herself; no way was she going to let him see her in her current state. Or anyone else, for that matter.

The Cecaelia sighed; he was bored with this tank. It's not as if there were any more of his kind in the waters, anyway- let alone any more males. For all he knew he was the only one. Pushing the thoughts from his mind, Urshin slid one of his tentacles up and pushed his long hair out of his eyes to look around. There were dolphins and many fish, most of which were practically instinct as far as the rest of the world was concerned. Not in there, though; no, in his tank were many of them. It hadn't started out that way, but you know- breeding and all. Plus, he didn't exactly eat them, so it's not like they were decreasing at a rapid or even moderate pace. Besides, none of them interested him anymore. What he was looking for was Vas -more properly known as Vasikoer- his pet Dobharchu. The creature was basically a mixture of an otter and a dog, but smarter. He wasn't very remarkable, but that's probably why Urshin loved him so much. The little Dobharchu wasn't like most of the other animals in this 'zoo'- he was individually ordinary.
Wonder what he's gotten into... Urshin bit his lip and shook his head. His pet had a habit of getting into all sorts of trouble, most of which Urshin couldn't figure out how he managed. Well, let's just hope it's nothing too bad. he thought; then shook his head and let out a sarcastic laugh at his own self.

Swimming to the surface, tentacles wiggling and pushing behind him, Urshin smiled up at the sun. He couldn't stay above water long; he could leave, of course, but he had to stay wet, and when the sun was up, that didn't always last long. When he broke the surface, the light shone off the water droplets that clung to his skin, making it look almost as if he were sparkling. His dripping wet locks stuck to his chest, shoulders, and back. He flicked his tentacles around in the water, but pulled the upper half of his body up onto a rock on the shore of his exhibit. The door had been unlocked when the police came, and then had been broken when someone was being chased by a vampire a while back, but Urshin had yet to leave. After all; what would he do out there, anyway? It's not like he could spend much time at all out of the water.
His thoughts were soon interrupted by the splash of water as another creature broke the surface. When he looked to his left, startled, what he saw brought a smile to his face in less than a second: Vasikoer. "Hey, Vas! What have you been up to, little buddy..?..." Urshin chuckled a little to himself as he patted the Dobharchu's head.

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DogLover on Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:46 am

Blake followed the fairy to Lainee cage she looked at Lainee through the bars he was still not total sure about letting Lainee out then heard a loud roar he looked around then turned his attention to the rusted lock he figured it wouldn't be so hard to take off the lock. He took off to an old supply closet he kicked the door in then sorted through the tools, He found some large pliers and swiftly ran back to the cage. After working on the lock for about ten minutes or longer he got the lock to snap he threw the pliers aside and took off the lock then he opened off the cage. He opened the first gate and walked over to the second this one was not rusted and he knew that pliers would not get this open he decided he would need DarkNight help since he couldn't really use the fairy plus he wasn't really sure she would listen to him anyway. Blake put his fingers to his mouth and whistled a loud long whistle that he knew his dragon would hear.

He scanned the sky looking for the black creature, two minutes later a huge black creature with large spikes going from his head going down its wide back to the tip of its tail landed he roared loudly the sound echoing through the zoo. His spike stood up all over his body as he scanned the area. Blake held his hands to his ears as the dragon roared his sensitive hearing made the roar sound a lot louder and it kinda hurt his ears. When the dragon stopped Blake laughed "Take it easy DarkNight I need your help to break down a cage not a creature".

Immediately the dragon relax and walked over to the open cage door he couldn't fix through the down so he laid down. Blake thought about a quick easy way to get the door open when he came up with an idea he looked at Lainee "You may want to back away a bit" Blake smirked and backed up himself then looked at DarkNight "Okay buddy just a simple fire on these bars " Blake walked over to the spot he wanted the dragon to hit and traced a rectangular shape with his finger then backed up again. DarkNight nodded showing he understood he large mouth opened and huge orange reddish flames blast out of it's mouth the flames consumed the spot Blake had shown him, the steel bars began to lite up an a orange yellow glow. Blake watched then after a few minutes called off the beast, DarkNight stopped automatically and stared at Blake. Blake walked over to the cage and waited a few minutes for the bars to cool off so he wouldn't burn his hands then he got grip of the bars DarkNight turned his back to the cage and his long tail slipped through the door he curled his tail around three of the bars. Blake counted to three then the two of them pulled at the bars with the metal still being hot making them easily bendable the bars snap off with ease.

Blake let go of the bars DarkNight turned back to the cage taking the rectangular piece of bar out with him he gently whipped his tail flinging the medium piece threw the air a few yards away. Blake looked at DarkNight he couldn't help laughing "Thanks buddy now you can get back to doing what ever you were doing before I called you" the dragon nodded his large, thick, wide wings opened and he took off back to the sky. Blake walked out of both cages and turned to Lainee "Well your free" Blake smiled and back away a little more not really trusting Lainee
Last edited by DogLover on Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby teegaroo on Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:04 pm

Adonia whipped her head around to look at who had just asked if it was a good idea, but she saw nothing. She turned back around to the cage. Something deep inside of her was gnawing at her insides telling her that this truly wasn't a good idea. Lainee was a great girl...well that is when Adonia is feeling devious but when her innocent side takes over she no longer feels safe around her. What would she ever do if she tried to attack her? She could try and fly up but would she be quick enough?

Adonia shook away the thoughts and looked back at Lainee. She gave a nervous smile and slowly took a step back. A snap echoed through the air and a shudder ran up Adonia's side, she was free now. She could do whatever she wanted. Adonia saw Blake back up and she decided that it was probably a good idea. Quickly she walked over behind him and hovered just above the ground ready to jump into the air at any moment. "Maybe this wasn't such as good idea." She whispered to Blake as she looked at the cage waiting for Lainee to do something.

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Re: Ma'am, You'reUnderArrestForPossessionOfMythicalCreatures(IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DogLover on Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:39 pm

Blake heard Adonia whisper he looked at her and whispered back "You tell me that after I set her free" there was a hint of anger but Blake heard back he knew that it Lainee attacked he could defend himself but he knew the fairy could he shifted his gaze back to Lainee there was no emotion on his face he was now considering finding a new lock to lock her back in

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