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Chasing Rin Hayashi -Reboot-

Chasing Rin Hayashi -Reboot-


Rin Hayashi was a normal girl until she found people were hunting her down. Now she is told that she is the destroyer of the world and two groups are after her. Who will get to her first and will she even live?

1,740 readers have visited Chasing Rin Hayashi -Reboot- since Kaire23 created it.

Rari are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


Rin Hayashi thought she was a normal girl. Well, normal for the world of Kuusou (Coo-So) at least. Which isn't really normal at all.... well, at least by your human standards. Maybe I should explain normal for Kuusou for you humans before i go on.


Kuusou is full of Vampires, (No, they don't burn or explode when exposed to light. They get headaches from prolonged exposure to the sunlight. It's also harder for them to use their magic in the sunlight.) Demonics, (An individual with a Demon sealed inside them) Elves, (Elegant creatures with pointy ears. Not those dumb Santa elves that i hear you humans always blabbering about.), Angels (Holy beings with magnificent wings, possessing the gift of light magic. Usually kind-hearted and peaceful beings. They get along with most of the races, even those despicable humans.), Dwarves (Not those small, drunk creatures. They are just smaller than you humans. They usually are around 5'0"... and I guess you could say they have a tendency to get drunk.), Imps (Leftover beings from the demonic war. Averaging around 5'0" or less, these mischievous creatures are always stirring up trouble and are known for causing those around them to have terrible luck. Gifted in the art of trickery, they're often found preying upon the most gullible of creatures, those unbelievably dim witted humans.), Nymphs (Spirits of the earth, fire, or water. Gifted in the magic of their choosing. Sprightly to say the least, known for their beautiful features, twice as beautiful as those dull featured humans that plague the earth.), and, sadly, you Humans.

Now, for some background on Kuusou. Within Kuusou, there are designated cities that house the many different races. Ever since the demonic war ended, the races of Kuusou haven’t gotten along as well as they used to. Nowadays they typically leave each other alone in their own cities. Many fights have broken out among the different cities and some don't even let certain races in because of their distrust and hatred for each other. There are eight major cities in Kuusou, each housing their respective race and their allied races.The Demonic city, Karsaht (Car-saht), allows only Demonics, Vampires, and Imps inside its walls. The Angel city, Erean (Air-ee-in), allow in Angels, Elves, and Nymphs. The Vampire city, Ieta (Ee-eh-tuh), Allows in Vampires, Demonics, Imps, Humans, and Dwarves. The Elvish city, Nalir (Nah-leer), allows in Elves, Angels, Nymphs, Humans, and Dwarves. The Impish city, Morcella (More-cell-uh), Allows in Imps, Demonics, Vampires, Humans, Dwarves, and Nymphs. The Human city, Kelec (Kel-ick), allows in all races. The Dwarven city, Relor (Ray-lore), also allows in all races. The Nymphish city, Ceylon (Say-lon), allows in Nymphs, Angels, Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and Imps. There are also mixed cities where halflings (Individuals of mixed race) live and where both of those races and their allies live. The Unknown is the territory that lies beyond city limits.Few venture into the vast Unknown where bandits, murderers, and thieves run loose. You live out your days in your city because no one wants to face the unknown world outside. The only beings that venture into the Unknown are those with work, those who are highly trained, those seeking refuge from the authorities...or idiots with a death wish.


Now, for the story of Kuusou. Kuusou is controlled by two very different groups. These groups are called The Chikyuu no Mirai and The Shikaku. The Chikyuu no Mirai believes everyone has a right to their life, no matter how dangerous. They are optimists, who believe everyone can use their powers for good. They strive for the unity of the many races and actually believe it's attainable. The Shikaku the pessimists. They believe everyone is evil at heart and they will save Kuusou by their own means. Don't get them wrong, they do want what’s right for the world, it's just the way that they do it which is the problem. If someone is a problem, they will just kill them instead of thinking of a way around them. There are even rumors that the leader would abuse someone’s powers if it was for the right cause, not caring for the effects inflicted on the individual. Of course, these are only rumors. Never stand in their path unless you know you’re strong enough. They’re known for their skilled assassins and not being afraid to use them.

Our story begins with Rin Hayashi. Rin was born half elf and half human. Our story starts on her 18th birthday. Rin was one of the rare individuals that was never born with any powers. Everyone around her has always been able to use their powers since they were five, while Rin had to sit and watch. On her 18th birthday, she was walking to school with her friends when a golden marking started to form on her right arm. Magic surrounded her, blowing her friends away. She tried to reach out and help them, but her magic was too great and went out of control in that moment. Everything around her was destroyed.Seeing the destruction around her and knowing she was the cause, she did the only thing that would save everyone, she ran. She made it outside the city in seconds with the help of her new found powers. Shaking from the use of so much raw power, she collapsed on the ground. She never expected that she was destined to destroy Kuusou. Little does she know, Shikaku are now out hunting for her and The Chikyuu no Mirai are out trying to save her and teach her how to control her powers before it's too late. Will you be able to save Kuusou?


Rin Hayashi - (Taken) - Played by Kaire23

Chikyuu no Mirai: (Highest ranking first, 2nd, etc.)

Master - (Taken) - Setsugie Roentel - Played by Setsugie

God's Hand - (Taken) - Len Takahashi - Played by Rari

Protector - (Reserved) - Played by Mr.Pants

Solider - (Taken) - Phi Cates - Played by Sigma

Associate - (Reserved) - Played by TomorrowsHerald

Rookie - (Reserved) - Played by TnevdaNai

Shikaku: (Highest ranking first, 2nd, etc.)

Master - (Taken) - Dianne Lecroix - Played by Glmstr

Devil's Hand - (Taken) - Akane Aoyagi - Played by Saerith

Silencer - (Taken) - Alizé Ryder - Played by Kaire23

Solider - (Taken) - Ceres Rygan Navarin - Played by TomorrowsHerald

Associate - (Reserved) - Played by Kirsche

Rookie - (Taken) - Kappa Gamnon - Played by Donny21

Others: (People who weren't listed but made themselves an interesting character :D)

Enya Ryder - (Taken) - Played by Kaire23

Makani Sulflare - (Taken) - Played by FemSpirk1701

Poppy Field - (Taken) - Played by Spinturnix

Feel like there should be anyone else besides the main 15 people? submit them and I'll look it over and decide if i want them in. A guy that both sides are against? Maybe a love of someone? Someone who wants Rin for a different purpose? Maybe a whole different group who wants to use Rin to gain power? One of Rin's family members? i wont add them unless people submit people for that group so just because they aren't up here, doesn't mean you can't be that person.

(Edit: A question that came up was that if people in the group had a badge/ I.D and the answer to that is yes. Just letting you know in case if you come across a stubborn girl who happened to be named Rin)
(Edit: Someone was wondering if someone from one team knew the rest of the other team. That would be a yes if your person took time to actually listen and study the enemy but they DO NOT know each others powers.)
(Edit: For those who are wondering, the demonic war that is mentioned in the race description happened around 4-6 years ago. This is why people are still mistrusting of other races since they are still dealing with old wounds.)
(Edit: For reasons, there are no sub-races. The races given are the races you can use. I'm sorry, but this makes it so me and my Co-GM have less stress to deal with. :D)

Now, for the dreaded skeleton. Please fill everything out and follow the rules it has with each one (if there are rules for each one)
Code: Select all
[size=90][u][b](quote: What would you say?)[/b][/u][/size][/center]

[center] (picture)[/center]


[u][b]Nickname:[/b][/u] (Optional. Is your name too long?)
[u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] (I'd rather know if this is a female or male.)
[u][b]Age:[/b][/u] (18 - 30 is suggested.)

[u][b]Height:[/b][/u] (How tall are you?)
[u][b]Weight:[/b] [/u](WAIT! What did you just say!?.... No, really. I didn't hear you.)
[u][b]Sexual Orientation:[/b][/u] (Your gay!? I never knew..... wait, you’re straight? Then put that down.)


[u][b]Likes:[/b][/u] (What exactly do you like? At least 4)
[u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u] (Remind me to never do that again... At least 4)


[u][b]Group:[/b][/u] (What group are you a part of and who are you trying to be? (Master of Chikyuu no Mirai, Devil's right hand))
[u][b]Partner:[/b][/u] (Do you work with anyone? Have a pet with you that helps? No? Then skip this question and move on.)


[u][b]Race:[/b][/u] (Human, Dwarf, Nymph, Imp, Elves, Vampire, Angel, or Demonic. They can be half of two but no more. (also, new thing that has been brought to mind. Since Demonics and Angels are rare, they can only be used by 3rd in command and up with the small exception of someone who is not on the list yet.) (Also, description of the races are in the OOC))


[u][b]Magic:[/b][/u] (Well, shouldn't this one be fun explaining. Humans can have 4 spells. Vampires - 4. Elves - 4. Dwarves - 4 Nymphs - 2. Imps - 2. Demonics - 6. Angels - 6. keep with the description up there. Only light races and normal races can heal. (Human, Angel, and Elves). Demonics can't heal anyone else. Vampires can't either unless it hurts them in the process. The more magic you can use, the stronger your magic is. If you’re only half of one and half of the other, take half of each. (Imp and Human - 3) also, light races have stronger magic in the morning and weaker at night, where darker races have stronger magic at night and weaker magic in the morning. Humans and Dwarves are neutral though so there is no change of strength during the day. I will also check all the magic to make sure nothing is too strong. Do not let this discourage your creativeness though. I like creative people.) (only exception to the magic rule is Rin Hayashi and the 2 leaders. The leaders have one extra power and Rin Hayashi's powers are unknown)


[u][b]Weakness(es)[/b][/u] - (Everyone has one. Whats yours? (may be kept private. just pm me))
[u][b]Equipment [/b][/u]- (Weapons? A hat for you vampires? Maybe a staff for strengthening your magic? No guns unless you’re able to incorporate it into your magic.)


[u][b]Personal Description: [/b][/u](act like you’re explaining to a blind guy.)
[u][b]Personality:[/b] [/u](Are you shy? Do you act like a jerk to everyone?)


[u][b]History:[/b][/u] (Did you go through a bad past? Any secrets you wanna keep hidden? Social status?)


[u][b]Extra:[/b][/u] (anything I left out? Your character’s motivation? Plans for their life? Planning to overthrow your leader?)

No humans were harmed in the making of this Rp...


Toggle Rules

1) No God characters
2) Violence is perfectly fine just don't over do it.
3) Swearing is fine but don't over do it.
4) No one line posts. At least a paragraph.
5) Make your characters detailed.
6) you can have multiple characters IF you don't forget the other.
8) Let me know if your going to be gone for a long time so we can figure out what to do with your character.
9) If you have problems with other RPers, let me or Rari know. We'll try to get it solved as soon as possible. If it's a problem with me, talk to the other Co-GM or if it's about Rari, talk to me.
10) If you read all of this, put "~Destroyer~" in your character sheet
11) Romance is allowed and encouraged but keep it pg-13
12) Everyone has a weakness.
13) Be devoted if your going to join. Don't just join and then disappear.
15) Have fun and sorry for so many rules.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin trembled in the snow, curled up as she fought for every breath that raked through her body. She felt the horrible pain of a migraine starting behind her eyes and had to fight to open them, her eyes turning back to their usual blue color. Sitting up with one hand on her head, she tried her hardest to remember what earth happened.

"What the hell?" She mumbled as she rubbed her eyes softly with the palms of her hands. As she looked around, she slowly started to notice where she was at. It was far too familiar. She was laying on the forest floor outside of her village. Immediately, the fog in her mind cleared and she felt a horrible pain as she started to recall all her memories of that day.

"Oh my god! I-" She exclaimed before covering her mouth. A sob shook her body as she tried her hardest to forget. She wished it never happened. That it was only a dream, but sadly, she knew it was impossible. She knew that she had just destroyed over half of her town and killed many of it's inhabitants. She shivered slightly as she looked up at the bare branches. Tears slowly streamed down her face as she faced a truth she never wanted to even imagine. Her family was gone. Dead from the horror she had unleashed on the town. She looked back at the place that used to be her home town as it burned brightly not too far away. She could even feel some of the heat of the fire from this far away.

Slowly, the realization hit her hard. She was never going to be accepted. Wherever she went, people would fear her. Her friends would hate her if they were still alive by some miracle. She was completely alone in the cold world.

"My god, what have I done?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Poppy Field Character Portrait: Makani Suflare
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  1. heeey o i found this account o

    by Spinturnix

0.00 INK

"Rin" Poppyfield stopped only a few feet from the young girl. Throwing her hood back and staring down at the shivering child. Poppy grabs the girl and starts dragging her towards the casinos in the next town over "you are like...some good luck charm right? I heard about you from the other world...the one before us...before me." Rin continues to sob "or an omen of destruction." shrug "either way i need you for something. Dont worry about all those dead people. Not main characters" draggin rin up to her feet "we have a long journey ahead of us so dont waste all your tears now. lets go meet my associate."

(sorry...its been 3 years)(see ya)


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender
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  1. possible duplicate content

    by Spinturnix
  2. possible duplicate content

    by Spinturnix

0.00 INK

"Rin" Poppyfield stopped only a few feet from the young girl. Throwing her hood back and staring down at the shivering child. Poppy grabs the girl and starts dragging her towards the casinos in the next town over "you are like...some good luck charm right? I heard about you from the other world...the one before us...before me." Rin continues to sob "or an omen of destruction." shrug "either way i need you for something. Dont worry about all those dead people. Not main characters" draggin rin up to her feet "we have a long journey ahead of us so dont waste all your tears now. lets go meet my associate."

(sorry...its been 3 years)(see ya)(duplicate??)

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Fantasy by Kaire23


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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder
Character Portrait: Len
Character Portrait: Makani Suflare
Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel
Character Portrait: Poppy Field
Character Portrait: Enya Ryder
Character Portrait: Ceres Rygan Navarin
Character Portrait: Akane Aoyagi
Character Portrait: Kappa Gamnon


Character Portrait: Kappa Gamnon
Kappa Gamnon

Shikaku Rookie

Character Portrait: Akane Aoyagi
Akane Aoyagi

"Are you seeing red just yet, my darling?"

Character Portrait: Ceres Rygan Navarin
Ceres Rygan Navarin

"I take out the trash"

Character Portrait: Enya Ryder
Enya Ryder

"What would happen if this world was destroyed? I wish I could do it with my own two hands..."

Character Portrait: Poppy Field
Poppy Field

Thanks for your wallet.

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel
Setsugie Roentel

"I believe there is good in everyone's hearts."

Character Portrait: Makani Suflare
Makani Suflare

Life is like the wind. It is never stable, it is always turning one way and then the other. We would do well to follow its path.

Character Portrait: Len

Chikyuu no Mirai's God's Hand.

Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder
Alizé Ryder

"How on earth could I ever trust you!?"

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
Rin Hayashi

The Destroyer of Kuusou. A stubborn girl who was gifted with extreme powers.


Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder
Alizé Ryder

"How on earth could I ever trust you!?"

Character Portrait: Makani Suflare
Makani Suflare

Life is like the wind. It is never stable, it is always turning one way and then the other. We would do well to follow its path.

Character Portrait: Kappa Gamnon
Kappa Gamnon

Shikaku Rookie

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel
Setsugie Roentel

"I believe there is good in everyone's hearts."

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
Rin Hayashi

The Destroyer of Kuusou. A stubborn girl who was gifted with extreme powers.

Character Portrait: Akane Aoyagi
Akane Aoyagi

"Are you seeing red just yet, my darling?"

Character Portrait: Poppy Field
Poppy Field

Thanks for your wallet.

Character Portrait: Enya Ryder
Enya Ryder

"What would happen if this world was destroyed? I wish I could do it with my own two hands..."

Character Portrait: Ceres Rygan Navarin
Ceres Rygan Navarin

"I take out the trash"

Character Portrait: Len

Chikyuu no Mirai's God's Hand.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Akane Aoyagi
Akane Aoyagi

"Are you seeing red just yet, my darling?"

Character Portrait: Enya Ryder
Enya Ryder

"What would happen if this world was destroyed? I wish I could do it with my own two hands..."

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
Rin Hayashi

The Destroyer of Kuusou. A stubborn girl who was gifted with extreme powers.

Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel
Setsugie Roentel

"I believe there is good in everyone's hearts."

Character Portrait: Len

Chikyuu no Mirai's God's Hand.

Character Portrait: Kappa Gamnon
Kappa Gamnon

Shikaku Rookie

Character Portrait: Alizé Ryder
Alizé Ryder

"How on earth could I ever trust you!?"

Character Portrait: Poppy Field
Poppy Field

Thanks for your wallet.

Character Portrait: Ceres Rygan Navarin
Ceres Rygan Navarin

"I take out the trash"

Character Portrait: Makani Suflare
Makani Suflare

Life is like the wind. It is never stable, it is always turning one way and then the other. We would do well to follow its path.

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