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Criminals on the Run

Criminals on the Run


Six criminals who became friends in prison escape and are now on the run. How long will they last before getting caught? Will they all even survive?

3,107 readers have visited Criminals on the Run since Sunflower created it.


Criminals on the Run

This roleplay is not for the faint hearted. There is very strong language, violence, drug use, and even sexual scenes. Join at your own risk.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be wanted criminals on the run? Well once you dive into this storyline, you'll be able to find out all for yourself.

Each of these characters have a separate story all their own, but once they were all tossed into the same prison, their story became one. The six of them became great friends and even found a way to escape together. Though they didn't get away without notice. They're on the run, hoping not to get caught and while on this wild adventure they come to commit more crimes.

Some of them did nothing more than sell drugs, others did things far worse. Though once all of their heads are put together, they seem to be able to get away with almost everything. You know the saying, two heads are better than one? Well, just triple that and you've got one serious group of criminals on your hands.

Name || Age || Convicted Of || Years Spent in Prison || Face Claim || Open, Reserved, Taken

Tamako Kwon || 26 || Murder || 2 Years || Hyuna || Taken by Sunshine and Whiskey

Name || Age || Selling Drugs || 3 months || Megan Fox || Open

Melanie Brown || 22 || Breaking & Entering//Burglary || 6 months || Leighton Meester || Taken by GreenEyedSue

Name || Age || Murder || 1 year || Jensen Ackles || Open

Nathan Cook || 25 || Credit Card & Identity Fraud || 2 months || Willy Cartier || Taken by ~Lonesome Butterfly~

Name || Age || Murder//Breaking & Entering || 2 Years || Matthew Davis || Reserved by SirLancelot

Reservations: In order to make a reservation, please read over all of the information give and post in the OOC. I will not take reservations through PM. Reservations last 48 hrs. (2 days). If I don't get at least a WIP by then, the character will then be reopened. If you need an extension, message me and I'll look into it.

Character Changes: I am willing to discuss face claim changes and crime changes. Just let me know what you want changed and I wouldn't mind considering it. But just know, I will not be taking overused face claims. Such as, Nina Dobrev, Candice Accola, Zac Efron, etc. If you've been here for a while, you know what the overused face claims look like.

Character Sheets: Feel free to use a different character sheet if you would like to. As long as all of the information asked for is on it, I don't mind the sheet you use. If you use the one given, feel free to change it to your liking. Just keep all of the information asked on it.

Activity: If you cannot post at least twice a week, don't bother making a character. If there comes a time when you won't be able to post for a bit, let me know. As long as the reason is necessary, I'll allow the wait. But please try not to be gone any longer than a week.

Posting: I'm a quality over quantity kind of person, but that doesn't mean I want to see oneliners. If you can't write at least 200 words, than this isn't the roleplay for you.

Code: Select all
        [img]Name Pic[/img]
        [/color][/left][right][img]Pic or Gif[/img][img]Pic or Gif[/img]
        [img]Pic or Gif[/img][img]Gif or Pic[/img][/right]
        [font=garamond][size=110][color=#hexcode][b][u][i]Full Name[/i][/u][/b][/color][/size]





        [size=110][color=#hexcode][b][u][i]Sexual Orientation[/i][/u][/b][/color][/size]

        [size=110][color=#hexcode][b][u][i]Convicted Of || Time Served[/i][/u][/b][/color][/size]

        ▌[/color][/left][right][img]Pic or Gif[/img]
        [img]Pic or Gif[/img][/right]
[size=110][color=#hexcode][b][u][i]Positive Personality Traits[/i][/u][/b][/color][/size]

        [size=110][color=#hexcode][b][u][i]Negative Personality Traits[/i][/u][/b][/color][/size]

        [size=110][color=#hexcode][b][u][i]Personality in Detail[/i][/u][/b][/color][/size]


        [right][img]Pic or Gif[/img]
        [img]Pic or Gif[/img][/right]



        ▌[/color][/left] [right][img]Pic or Gif[/img]
        [img]Pic or Gif[/img]
[img]Pic or Gif[/img][/right]
[size=110][color=#hexcode][b][u][i]Place of Origin[/i][/u][/b][/color][/size]
        Origin Here

        [size=110][color=#hexcode][b][u][i]Family || People of Importance[/i][/u][/b][/color][/size]
        Feel free to add pictures.

        At least two detailed paragraphs. Dig into your character.
        What was their home life like, how did they grow up?

        [right][img]Pic or Gif[/img][/right]
        [size=110][color=#hexcode][b][u][i]Face Claim[/i][/u][/b][/color][/size]

        [size=110][color=#00ff37][b][u][i]Dialogue Color Code[/i][/u][/b][/color][/size]


Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK



As soon as the girls hopped into the car Nathan would pull out of the parking spot and out onto the highway. To say he was extra careful with how fast he was going and his general driving etiquette would have been quite the understatement. The last thing any of them wanted was to be caught because they couldn't stay within the speed limit.
After forty minutes or so the trio would pass by a sign welcoming them to Morgantown, WV.
"Seems luck is really on our side, they haven't mentioned us once on the radio....yet" Nathan said over the DJs, before taking the first Morgantown Exit off the Highway.

The City was the quintessential "small-town America," but due to it's population and size Nathan didn't immediately feel out of place. That being said, he was sure the trio would get looks for being "outsiders" and wanted to choose a less central place to park the car.
As he drove to the outskirts of downtown Morgantown he'd pass by not only a Pawnshop but a restaurant that appeared to be relatively crowded. After driving a few blocks further he'd finally park the car by an empty warehouse and a few shops that had yet to open.
Nathan turned the car engine off and then pulled out the beanie cap in his pocket, placed it on his head, and pushed most of his hair up into it.
"I'm gonna head to the pawnshop. You guys wanna wait here or head inside that restaurant there and get a table? I think we could blend in there pretty well, there's shitload of people inside."

He'd wait for the girls to respond before nodding his head and stepping out of the car. Nathan quickly jogged across the street and up towards the pawnshop, slowing down to a brisk walk only once the shop was within a few yards.

As he walked into the shop Nathan wouldn't spot a soul, and after walking towards the counter he'd begin to wonder if the shop was close and they simply forgot to lock the door.
"Hello?" he'd call out, to which he'd get no response. Nathan was about to give up when finally an older woman came out from a back room. "Oh dear, he'll be right with you okay?" she'd say to him, before calling for her Husband.
Within seconds a short man would come out and smile softly before asking Nathan what he was there for. With ease Nathan would put on a big smile and slip into a fictional persona.
"Hey my name's Kris, I'm visiting my friend Mary and she said you guys were the place to come to for a good deal on these bracelets I got at a flea market. I told her they're probably not worth much since I got them so cheap, just twenty bucks!"
The one thing you're never supposed to do at a pawnshop is let the guy behind the counter know you are ignorant to the value of your property, but Nathan was playing the dumb college kid - so it was par for the course.
Luckily the man inside the shop was rather honest, and instantly raised his brow at the mention of twenty bucks as Nathan handed him the bangles.

"I need to get my glasses but I think you got quite the deal young man. You said Mary told you to come here, is that Mary Tennor or Williamson?"
With ease Nathan picked the latter, and the shop keeper instantly smiled as he pulled a pair of glasses out of his pocket and put them on.
"Oh she's a sweet girl, hate to see her leave town but a big city career is important to that one!"

After a few moments of examining the bracelets the man would repeat what Tamako said, and take the jewelry over towards a scale that would read off "42 grams" in bright red digital font.
"You say you paid 20 bucks for these things, huh?" the man asked. "Yeah! Did I get a deal or what?"
"I'd say!"

The man would offer up $850.00, and Nathan gladly accepted - with feigned shock and awe. After a bit of small talk Nathan would take the money and make his way out of the shop.
As he made his way back towards the girls he'd add up the money he just got with the money he had left over from his cousin - putting the trios net worth at around 1,110 bucks.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #00ff37

Tamako honestly couldn't believe they've made it this far. In all honesty, she believed they would have been caught a long time ago. But apparently, she was completely wrong. Though she never seemed to be able to fight back the thought that they could be caught later on, but maybe she wasn't the only one thinking things like this.

When the vehicle suddenly stopped, she felt completely confused. Tamako wasn't paying any kind of attention to anything that was going on around them until the sudden stop. Though it made a bit more sense when she heard Nathan's voice break the silence that seemed to engulf the vehicle throughout the majority of the trip.

"I'm gonna head to the pawnshop. You guys wanna wait here or head inside that restaurant there and get a table? I think we could blend in there pretty well, there's shitload of people inside."

Tamako shrugged her shoulders and glanced back at Melanie before returning her attention to Nathan and answering. "We'll go look for a table inside. Meet you there," she stated as she climbed out the vehicle. Before taking off through the parking lot and across the highway, she waited for Melanie to catch up with her.

Upon entering the overly crowded restaurant, she glanced around at the place looking for any sign of an empty table and found two different ones. She looked to Mel and asked, "So, booth or table?"

Tamako waited on Melanie's response before heading over to the chosen table and took a seat by the window. She looked over at Melanie once more and questioned, "So um, how long do you think we could keep this up? I mean, until we get caught. Because it's obvious right? We will get caught eventually?"


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0.00 INK

(**OOC: we're not in Canada yet girly. We're in WV lol. Remember? After that I can make the Pittsburgh thing quick too so we can get to Canada asap...**)


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0.00 INK



While Nathan drove Melanie as always looked out of the window as she always did ever since she was a little kid. She turned her head and smiled when Nathan mentioned they are lucky no one mentioned them on the radio yet. "Yeah...hopefully it continued that way" . Than Mel turned her head back to the window and watched as the scenery changed, she really missed that seeing other views than the view of the prison. Finally, they reached to Morgantown and Nathan parked the car trying to keep it very hidden and inconspicuous.

"I'm gonna head to the pawnshop. You guys wanna wait here or head inside that restaurant there and get a table? I think we could blend in there pretty well, there's shitload of people inside." . Melanie giggles and smiled, nodding to Tamako answering "We'll go look for a table inside. Meet you there," . She winks to Nathan, "We order something very good" .

Mel followed Tamako into the restaurant and noticed the place was quite packed. She looked around searching when Tamako asked if a booth or a table, she pointed right at the back for an empty booth and quite isolated from all the rest. "There! This seem perfect for a three" . She walked fast towards the booth to quickly grab it before anyone else does. Sitting with Tamako and checked the menu for anything good they can order, and also quite cheap. But than she stopped and blinked at Tamako when she said "So um, how long do you think we could keep this up? I mean, until we get caught. Because it's obvious right? We will get caught eventually?" .

Melanie gasps and shook her head, "No, don't say that, if we managed this far I am sure we can go all the way to Canada, I got the perfect spot for us there to hide and stay low till it be all over. I will tell you when Nathan will come." Melanie looked up to see if Nathan showed up and suddenly her smile disappeared abruptly when she suddenly saw two cops entering the restaurant. Melanie's eyes widen and open the menu to hide her face, she nudged Tamako to get her head low, she whispered very quietly hoping she could hear over the noise "duck, the pigs are here...." .


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Cook Character Portrait: Melanie Browne Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
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0.00 INK


Nathan couldn't help but smile at his good fortune as he approached the car. Not only had the trio obtained some cash and the freedom they so desperately wanted as they sat behind bars, but they've kept a hold onto it without being captured for more than 24 hours - a goal most escapees never reach.
"Ah, I guess they went inside the restaurant." he'd say to himself as soon as he noticed the car was empty.

The restaurant he began to make his way towards looked like a typical small-town diner that was packed to the brim early in the morning, and the smells pouring out of the place made Nathan's stomach rumble.
After opening the door however his stomach was the least of his worries as he walked up behind two cops waiting to be serviced by the hostess. His heart skipped a beat but his face would remain calm, and when both of the officers glanced behind them to see who entered Nathan smiled and said "Good Morning." to which they responded in kind before turning back around.

It would take the hostess only a minute or two to seat the officers, and after Nathan explained he was meeting a few friends the woman stepped aside and let him make his way further into the restaurant were he'd eventually spot Mel and Tamako.

"Hey, you guys order yet? Too bad they don't serve liquor at this hour, I could use a shot for my nerves after running straight into those cops man."

Nathan would fill the girls in on what he got for the bangles and how much money they had total. He'd stop speaking as he noticed a waitress approaching their table, and when she asked for their order it was evident the girls hadn't ordered anything yet, so Nathan would order some Steak and Eggs and Pancakes for himself and wait for the girls to order and the waitress to walk away from the table before continuing where he left off - with his voice low enough that only Mel and Tamako could hear him.

"So I think we're about an hour and some change from Pittsburgh. We can trust the guy I know there, he'll help us with IDs, paperwork, and shit like that. We can probably get a new ride there too, then it's straight to Canada. Any plans after getting into Canada would be nice to hear."

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Character Portrait: Tamako Kwon
28 sightings Tamako Kwon played by Sunflower

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Character Portrait: Nathan Cook


Character Portrait: Nathan Cook
Nathan Cook

The Identity Thieving Fraudster


Character Portrait: Nathan Cook
Nathan Cook

The Identity Thieving Fraudster

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Character Portrait: Nathan Cook
Nathan Cook

The Identity Thieving Fraudster

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Most recent OOC posts in Criminals on the Run

Re: Criminals on the Run

Hey RP Buddies. Im copying and pasting this on all my current RPs via my phone.....
TWC is horrid trash and our cable/net has been out since Friday morning and they said they won't be out to fix it until Monday Afternoon. So I only have my phone to entertain myself with.....and I'm missing all of Tomorrowland 2015's live stream. *cry*
However I've caught myself up on my RPs via my phone and I have responses typed out on my lappy. So once my net is back on I'll be posting for all those RPs immediately. <3

Re: Criminals on the Run

Was trying to post today but I've felt like crap all day. I will make myself get up and do it tomorrow tho <3

Re: Criminals on the Run

Okay girlie, I'll have my post up tonight then!! :D :D

Re: Criminals on the Run

@Everyone: Sorry I haven't been active here. I keep forgetting to check the OOC. I'm okay with proceeding to the next day.
And krya, if you want to join go for it. I don't mind it. Just jump in however you can after you make your character.

Re: Criminals on the Run

OOC: Will wait to Tamako's reply maybe, but if she will ok to move to next day so am I

Re: Criminals on the Run

Yeah, but no one reads the OOC but me. If you wanna join you're better off messaging the GM directly vs. asking here, she won't see it here.

Re: Criminals on the Run

Sooo, looks like everyone here has moved on to other RPs or something? That sucks, and far too common =(

Re: Criminals on the Run

What state are we in btw? :P

Re: Criminals on the Run

@GreenEyedSue: Sure!!!

Re: Criminals on the Run

@S & W:
I have to unfortunately drop my role. So sorry.

Re: Criminals on the Run


I saw FC:Leighton Meester is open again, may I reserve her? I can do a character tomorrow when I get an answer. Also, I won't change the FC, I like her :)

Thank you

Re: Criminals on the Run

Mmkay well I'll be ready to start whenever. Hopefully soon tho! <3 <3

Re: Criminals on the Run

@S & W:
I am still interested and will get a character up, as soon as possible. :3

Re: Criminals on the Run

Well, thanks Butterfly. I'm about to message the others and see if they're still wanting to do this. If not I might end up taking up more characters because this is a rp I really want to do.

Re: Criminals on the Run

Well for what it's worth, i'm still here =\

Re: Criminals on the Run

I will unfortunately have to drop this. I am so sorry. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to join this though. Good Luck. xDD

Re: Criminals on the Run

Sunshine and Whiskey wrote:@~Lonesome Butterfly~: Of course! All of this can be done!

Awsm! I submitted!! <3

Re: Criminals on the Run

I will get a WIP in today. I was busy almost all day yesterday.