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scrapbooks and memories

scrapbooks and memories


private rp, not accepting

3,127 readers have visited scrapbooks and memories since phosphene created it.

Maci-Care are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.



s n a p s h o t
there are moments that we wish we could save
f o r e v e r
but we can't
or won't
we can only focus on right n o w...

this is a 1x1 between
Maci-Care and phosphene. While this rp is private between the two of us, you can feel free to read along if you'd like, I suppose.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelina Klima Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
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“Oh I’m glad she liked the gift! Honestly, I wasn't sure if she would like them or not.” Eve let out a shrug as the two of them arrived at the merch table, and both getting distracted about what to get. She just settled on a new beanie with their band name on the front and logo on the back when Jeff asked her for something, and then spun his hand around. Evelina was a bit confused and just spun around and felt him holding something up to her and mumbling to herself. “Yeah I get it, I’m short.” She joked as they both got to the cashier.

Eve was reluctant when Jeff offered to buy her the beanie, once again not feeling good about him paying for her stuff again. “Fine.” She placed the beanie in his hand and waited next to him as the cashier rang everything up and gave them the stuff back in the bag. She quickly drank the rest of the cheap beer the venue was selling, and held Jeff’s for him while he put his wallet away.

“Lemme.” She said quickly as she stuck her hand in the bag and pulled out the beanie and put it on her head. “Looks good?” She asked, and then blushing when he replied. She watched him finish his drink and took his cup for him and threw it away. “Another?” She said with a wink as the two of them headed back over to the drink stand and got two more drinks, the guy pouring them recognized Jeff and didn’t ID him this time, not giving enough care to ask someone for their ID again. They heard the last few mic checks and Eve looked over at Jeff. “Oh, lets get going!” She grabbed his hand and led them through the venue.

It didn’t take them long to get to where their tickets said they would be, and quickly got situated. “Hey Jeff?” Eve paused, looking at Jeff. “Thanks.” She gave him a kiss, and shortly after the lights on stage came on and Beautiful Strangers took to stage.

Throughout the setlist Evelina was singing along to every song and lyric. She tried getting Jeff to sing along, but he didn't know all the lyrics and kept messing them up. Eve found it cute and kept re-assuring him that it was fine, even though it made her smile and laugh every time. The two of them got a few more drinks over the night and this just continued them enjoying each other’s company, dancing around each other during the upbeat songs, and Eve hugging and swaying with Jeff during the slower ones.

Evelina busted through one of the side doors of the venue laughing and skipping the two steps that led to the sidewalk. “Jeffrey. That was awesome. I hope you had as much fun as I did.” She said with a bright smile on her face, and hugging him. He started talking but she raised a finger to his lips. “Shh…” She said quietly and grabbed his hand, leading him around the side of the building. As soon as they were out of sight, for the most part, she wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him. The addition of the alcohol in her system made her a bit more flirty and touchy. She gasped a bit when Jeff seemed to lift her up a bit with his hands under her butt as they continued to make out.

“Jeff...” Eve pulled back for a second. “Can we go back to your place?” She said quietly and slowly, giving him another kiss on the neck.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelina Klima Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
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Jeff smiled when Eve let him buy the hat for her; he liked doing little things for people. When she put on the hat and asked him how she looked, “You look gorgeous,” He answered. He probably would have said that regardless of what she was wearing. He downed the rest of his drink, and nodded enthusiastically when Evelina suggested grabbing another.

It was always nice when the person serving drinks recognized you; it saved some time, and you were spared from that weird jittery nervousness you get for the first several years where you know you’re allowed to drink, but you still feel like you’re going to get caught breaking some sort of rule. They were finishing the sound checks as he handed Eve her drink, and she grabbed his hand to lead him to their seats. He glanced around as they got situated, trying to prepare himself for the energy of the evening. He hadn’t been to a lot of concerts; he went to a few with his sister- when none of her friends were available- because their parents didn’t want her to go alone, but he didn’t usually actually participate much. He figured this one would be a little different, at least as far as his expected participation level went.

He heard his name, and turned to look at Evelina. He smiled when she thanked him. Before he could respond, she kissed him. He was a little stunned, but the concert started shortly after, so he didn’t feel the need to really react.

Jeffrey had clearly never heard any of these songs before. He was pretty sure he stood out as the guy who knew nothing about the band but got dragged along anyway, but he made the best of it. Eve, at least, was amused by his mistakes while trying to sing the songs. He got the hang of the chorus on most of the songs by the end, at least. It was fun, and the drinks certainly helped the enjoyability on his end.

While he certainly didn’t match Eve’s energy following her out of the venue, he did share in her laughter. He returned her hug, and said, “Yeah, I-” Before Evelina interrupted him, pulling him around to a secluded area. He raised an eyebrow, and then she kissed him. This went on for a few minutes, Jeff lifting her up both as a way to be closer and an excuse to grab her ass.

When she suggested they go back to his place, he nodded, “Yeah,” Then, what she was asking dawned on him, and he repeated, “Oh! Yeah.”

The journey back to his apartment was mostly uneventful (Eve was a little handsy, but Jeff didn’t mind in the slightest), and it wasn’t until they got to the door of his apartment that he realized that things might be a little awkward if Anne were there. Luckily enough, she was out. “Here we are,” He said, and after locking up behind them, he turned to say something to Evelina, only to be met with her lips crashing against his. With- seemingly- nothing left to say, he gently pushed the two of them apart to show her to his room.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelina Klima Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
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Evelina giggled to herself as Jeffrey repeated himself and stammered a bit, before returning the kiss and grabbing her wrist and pulling him towards his apartment. Eve behaved most of the way back to his place, occasionally getting touchy and Jeff telling her to stop or playfully swatting her away. Whenever he would tell her to shh, she would just say shh back to him jokingly. Eve was already a natural flirt and she enjoyed her company with Jeff, the alcohol in her system just brought it out a bit more and made her a bit more bubbly.

As the two of them entered Jeff’s apartment, she heard Jeff say something, but didn’t really pay much attention to his words, instead meeting him for another kiss. Eve was quickly herded into the bedroom, once again Jeffrey stopped to close the door behind him as she crawled onto the bed and turned around to face him. “So… do you happen to have any handcuffs in here?” Evelina giggled. “It’s okay if you don't, just, fun to use you know…” She said with a wink, pulling Jeff into her and on top of her as she laid back onto the bed, giggling in between the kisses.

The morning after, Eve was woken up by a ray of sunlight coming through Jeff’s blinds and went to pull the blankets over her face when her wrist got yanked back. She let out a groan as she remembered she still had one wrist cuffed to Jeff’s bed frame. It was more of an in the moment suggestion to Jeff to keep one cuff on as they cuddled before falling asleep, and she was slightly regretting it now. “Jeff…” She mumbled over to the body next to her. “Jeffrey.” Eve repeated again after getting no response. “Ugh. Fine.” She mumbled again, reaching for the key on the nightstand next to Jeff’ having to stretch over him to reach it.

It didn’t take Eve long to get herself free, though Jeff did half wake up and mumble something before going to sleep, but Eve just gave him a kiss on the forehead before rolling off of him. She couldn’t recall where all her clothes were, so she just slid her boyshorts on and grabbed one of Jeff’s shirts on, it being a bit big on her.

Eve strolled into the kitchen and quickly headed towards the fridge and moving her hair out of her face, almost hitting herself in the face with the cuff still attached to her wrist. When she opened the fridge she was just looking for some orange juice or even a bottle of water, but was just met with different types of nut milks, cans of LaCroix and orange juice with no pulp, but continuing to dig around a bit. “Hmm… interesting things…” She mumbled to herself, before letting out a light squeak as she found a bottle of orange juice with pulp. She quickly took it out of the fridge and started looking for a glass.

“Eve!” A voice came from behind Eve, almost dropping the orange juice in her hand. She turned around quickly, confused about who this was and how they knew her name. Though Evelina was the stranger here, standing in someone else's kitchen in just her underwear and a shirt that’s too big on her, she ran her hand through her hair. “Uhm… hi?” She said sheepishly. “Or I’m assuming you are. Not sure how many pink haired girls Jeffrey would bring by.” She said with a chuckle, walking over and getting two glasses out of the last cupboard that Eve hadn’t checked.

Evelina was a little thrown off by the forwardness of this girl, and then it finally clicked that this is Jeff’s roommate he talked about. A character He had called her. “Yeah, you must be Jeff’s roommate.” The girl nodded at her and offered to pour the orange juice for them. “Pulp? Good choice, Jeffry thinks I’m crazy for liking pulp.” Eve giggled to herself, taking a sip of the juice. She heard the clink of the cuff against the glass and quickly switched hands to try to hide the handcuff around her wrist.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelina Klima Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
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0.00 INK

featuring Annex|xanne's outfit
That morning, while Jeff was still dead to the world his roommate, Anne, was up and getting ready for her day. She didn’t have a ton on her schedule for the day, but she had to do some shopping, visit her brother, and she was considering catching a movie. As she was putting on the finishing touches of her makeup, she heard someone rummaging around in the kitchen. Thinking it was Jeff, she decided to ask if he wanted to go to see a movie with her later. He needed to get out more, and she didn’t want to go alone. When she saw who was standing in her kitchen, she gasped. “Eve!” The exclamation left her mouth before she even realized she was going to say it.

Anne was 100% sure this was Eve. She’d been stalking the girl on social media, and after a short exchange, they were standing in the kitchen with a glass of orange juice each. Anne politely pretended not to notice the handcuff at first, but after a second she couldn’t help herself. “Jeffy still sleeping?” She asked, rolling her eyes, “I swear, he sleeps through everything besides his stupid watch vibrating. You’ll have to read him the riot act for not unlocking you.” It was part “he’s the worst, I know” and part “I noticed the handcuffs you don’t have to hide it, I’m totally not judging you.” Then, as if the idea of introducing herself hadn’t occurred to her before, she added, “Oh, I’m Anne! I love your instagram.”

After a few minutes of talking, mostly about what hair dye Evelina uses, Jeff finally woke up and, upon seeing that Eve was nowhere to be found, he threw on a shirt and some sweatpants and made his way out of his bedroom. Saying, “Oh,” When he saw the two women talking to each other. “Good morning,” He directed at Eve, “I see you’ve met Anne.”

“She’s so nice,” Anne interjected.

Jeffrey smiled, and ignoring Anne asked, “Feeling okay? We’ve got aspirin and Advil if you need something.” He seemed to notice, then, that she was wearing his shirt. He felt some heat rise in his cheeks and cleared his throat, “Sorry if you tried to wake me up,” He said, face apologetic, “I’m, uh, a heavy sleeper.”

“Jeffrey,” Anne said, crossing her arms in an attempt to look serious.

”Yes?” Jeff replied, clearly not taking her seriously. Anne darted her eyes towards Eve, trying to subtly clue Jeffrey into the handcuff situation. He got the point, as evident by the fact that he started stumbling over whatever it was he was trying to say by saying, “Oh, I uh… Umm…”

Then Anne directed her attention to Eve, smile bright, bubbly, and genuine and said, “I was gonna drag Jeff to the movies with me later, because, I mean, who goes to the movies by themselves? But if you’re still around later you’re totally free to join us.”

”I don’t get to say no?”

“Do you ever?” At that Jeff sighed. This was clearly a conversation they’d had many times, and he never got his way.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelina Klima Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
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0.00 INK

Featuring Anne | Anne's Outfit

The two girls chatted for a moment, Evelina trying to relax and not be as anxious, though it was a bit hard with her current situation and outfit. Luckily Anne switched the topic to something she felt comfortable discussing and would have an easy time talking about-her hair. One of the few things Eve prided herself on. She shared a few of her tips on getting the max color out of hair dye, using mostly Manic Panic and adding a few other tricks to making it work, even jokingly offering to help dye Anne’s hair sometime.

It wasn’t long until Jeffrey finally came out, Eve flashed him a smile before taking a sip of her orange juice, nodding as he mentioned her meeting Anne. “I’m fine, got some juice. And it’s okay, we had a rough night.” She replied to his questions and his concern about him being a heavy sleeper.

Eve giggled as Jeff stumbled over his words as the two roommates talked, her just sitting on the stool drinking her orange juice until Anne offered the idea of Eve going with them to the movies. “Oh, uh. I would, but I only have the clothes from last night.” She started to say, before an idea came to Anne’s mind. “Oh! I have to go to the mall today, we could just get you something then, plus a little bit of other fun stuff! We could have a girls day out!” Anne said giggly. Eve let out a light chuckle, trying to think of an excuse to get out going on a girls day out,’ but Jeff quickly commented that it would be fun and Anne took that as Evelina agreeing to it. “I’ll finish getting ready, you grab your stuff and we will head out. Jeff, help her out of that thing.” She said with a stern look towards him, before turning around and heading back into her room.

Eve let out a bit of a sigh. “Well, you were right, she is a bit of a charact- ow.” She started to talk about Anne as she ran her hand through her hair, but the handcuff tapped her in the face. Jeff came over and made sure she was okay, ushered her back into his room, saying Anne would be ready before she knew it and to have fun. Evelina wanted to say something about not wanting to go, but just decided to just deal with it for now. How bad could it be just going to the mall? She does it all the time.

The two girls met in the kitchen after Eve took a quick shower, Eve giving Jeff a kiss which made Anne giggle and Jeff saying her to hush. “I’ll text you when we're done Jeffy.” Anne said after showing her phone to them and seeing the uber was here. Eve giving a small wave as they left for the mall

When they got to the mall, Anne spoke about her nail appointment and how they could probably fit a spot for Eve since Anne was a regular. Eve tried to nicely say no, but Anne just took it as her not wanting to be an inconvenience for the workers. “Come on, you’ll love it. They have these new acrylic nails too that I love.” Anne said, grabbing Evelina’s wrist and gently pulling Eve into the nail salon, and getting her set up with a mani-pedi, the same as her own. Eve took too long to pick a color so Anne just chose to match hers; Anne’s were done with all silver with sparkles and one pink nail, and Eve’s were the opposite with all pink and one silver with sparkles.

As Eve went to pay, already knowing it would be a big amount compared to how she normally paid, she couldn’t find her wallet and realized she must have left it in Jeff’s room and started freaking out. Anne just laughed and said it was fine, that today would be a treat on her and her dad’s card. Eve felt bad and embarrassed about it, but just smiled and said okay. She quickly pulled out her phone and texted Jeff, taking a bit longer than usual due to not being used to these types of nails.

heyyy! i mustof left my wallet in ur room. can u make sure and just set it aside 4 me,? thnxz

Eve sent the message, giving up towards the end of trying to fix any typos, and Anne quickly came out of the shop, seeing the name she had for Jeff in her phone. “You know, it’s not a wrong description of him.” She laughed before the two of the continued into the mall

Anne quickly saw a sephora and said they totally had to go inside, since Eve wasn’t able to do her make-up before they left. Eve had only been in a Sephora a few times since it was out of her price range. She drifted towards the cheaper area, just looking at more monotone colors, but Anne had talked one of the workers into doing Eve’s make up, the worker loving their plans for a girls day and then a movie with Eve’s pretty boy. The worker used colors Evelina hadn’t really used before, but was told they went well with her eyes and hair. Applying a gold ombre eyeshadow and an orange-red lipstick that she was told fused together well, as well as blending a rose blush onto her cheeks and bringing everything together. She usually focused more on eyeliner than other make-up when getting ready, so everything felt like a bit much, but Anne seemed to think it looked amazing so it couldn’t have been that much.

Anne talked about going to some shops, but knew they needed to find clothes before anything else. The two of them went into numerous stores, Forever 21, Brandy Melville, Urban Outfitters. Evelina felt out of place in these stores she ever saw from the outside and maybe only liking half an outfit that would be on a mannequin, so Anne took charge in suggesting clothes and tossing clothes into the fitting room for her, and Jeffrey’s roommate was not against buying anything that Eve said looked remotely good. Eve tried getting some comments on what she usually wore, stuff usually with a tear in it or a bit rough. She eventually caved on an outfit that went along with some jeans that had some rips in them, though she wasn't a fan of the rhinestone jewels that were on the back of them. Eve quickly changed into the outfit after leaving the store, but had a few other bags from the stores they went into.

Anne kept complimenting Eve saying she looked amazing, but then paused and did a double take, and thinking. Something was off with Eve’s outfit. “Everything okay?” Eve asked. “Hmm. I think it's the choker, clashes with everything else.” Anne commented. This surprised Eve, she almost always wore a choker, part of her signature look. “Really? But…” She started talking before Anne interrupted her. “Yeah, trust me, it’ll be better with it off.” Eve sighed and pulled the choker off, stuffing it into the bags. “Perfect!”

Lastly they stopped by a hair stylist since Eve also didn’t have her stuff to style her hair before they left. Eve was adamant on not doing too much, using her colored hair as an excuse. They did a simple blow out of her hair, something she’d last did in high school for a dance. This one of the few things she liked that Anne paid for, as it brought out the different shades of pink in her hair. She was exhausted after all the walking and shopping, but Anne was still full of energy.

She was exhausted after all the walking and shopping, but Anne was still full of energy. But she did havve a bit of fun with all the trying on clothes and seeing stuff she normally wouldn’t have ever given a second look. “Let’s get some Starbucks real quick, and we will had back to my place and put down these bags and let Jeff have a look at you before the movies.” Anne said taking her phone out and texting Jeff. Eve simply nodded and said okay, just ordering whatever Anne got before heading back to Jeff’s and Anne’s apartment.

“We’re back Jeffy! Come take a look at your new model of a girlfriend!” Anne announced as they walked in, and put down half of the bags of stuff they bought from the mall, Eve carrying the other half. Evelina blushed as she walked around the wall in the hallway and looked at Jeff, giving a shy and a bit embarrassed wave. “Hey…” She said with a smile behind her blushing cheeks.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelina Klima Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
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Jeff decided to do a few things while the girls were gone: some light cleaning, studying, catching up on a tv show he was supposed to be watching with his sister. When Eve texted him, we quickly went to search his room for her wallet. Once he spotted it, he sent back a reply.

Found it! I’ll put it on the kitchen counter for you. :)

Now, Jeffrey wasn’t a particularly nosey person, but when he picked the wallet up he accidentally opened it up, and then his curiosity got the better of him. It was a surprisingly empty wallet. He’d gotten the impression that Eve maybe didn’t have a ton of money, but he hadn’t expected to find that she was… Completely broke.

Immediately, he felt guilty for snooping, and put the wallet right where he said he would. A lack of cash in her wallet didn’t mean anything, he reasoned, lots of people didn’t carry much cash. But this is New York, he reminded himself. So many places were still cash only, it was silly not to have any.

He decided to go back to the things he’d been doing before the text, but found himself drafting text after text to Eve, only to delete them every time. Would she believe that he hadn’t meant to snoop, or would the invasion of her privacy be too much, all the same? He was a little scared to find out.

Finally, though, he got a text from Anne that they would be heading back to the apartment soon, and not long after that they were back in the apartment like a whirlwind. Jeff didn’t bother to correct Anne when she called Eve his girlfriend, instead focusing his attention on Eve.

She looked… Different. He wasn’t sure if he liked it or not, honestly, he was drawn to Evelina because of her more unique sense of style in the first place, and here she was dressed exactly like Anna would. But he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. He’d learned long ago, thanks to his sister, that it was sometimes better not to start commenting on specifics when women were trying something new. For all he knew, Eve had a blast and loved going out with Anne and buying new and different things.

Jeff smiled at Eve, ”You look great,” He thought, then, that might come off the wrong way, so he added, ”You’re really beautiful. I mean- you’re always beautiful, but you look really, uh… Nice.”

Anne laughed from across the room as she was setting down her bags, ”Real smooth, Jeffers.”

Jeffrey cleared his throat, ”Did you guys pick out a movie?”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelina Klima Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
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Eve let out a smile as Jeff gave her a compliment, but it was a bit bittersweet. Of course he would like this. Anne dressed like this, and this seemed more onbrand for him, but she took her mind off things. “Thanks.” She said shyly, taking her wallet back and tucking it away as he asked about a movie. Eve had completely forgotten about the movie, the reason her and Anne went shopping. “I actually forgot…” She said a little embarrassed, but Anne spoke up. “There's this new movie that came out, I’ve been wanting to see it, but think you two would enjoy it a bit more.” She spoke, bringing up the movie review on her phone.

A romcom. Not the usual type Eve would watch, more into horror movies or documentaries. The three of them eventually made a choice and headed up. They agreed to just leave most of Eve’s shopping at Jeff’s, more so Anne saying she should have some clothes at his place, to fill up some of his empty closet space. Evelina actually enjoyed the movie, though she did notice Anne giving hints to Jeff like putting his arm around her, as well as just about making him buy the popcorn and slushie they shared. As the movie ended, Jeff offered to walk Eve home, probably another idea by Anne, but she dismissed it saying she had things to do. The two of them exchanged a quick kiss, not wanting to make it awkward for Anne, but she didn't seem to care.

Evelina got home and quickly got out of the outfit and stuff she wore, letting out a deep breath of relief. She felt like she was someone else in the clothes. She then panicked when she couldn’t find her choker, remembering she put it in one of the shopping bags she left at Jeff’s place.

omg! i left my choker, its in 1 of the bags from shopping. plz dont lose it, hold onto it for me!!!!! D:

She sent the message, then decided to send another.

oh & im home btw :D

Eve tossed her phone aside and flopped down on her bed, reflecting on the day. A lot of good happened in her mind, but still trying to figure out Anne. She was a lot for Evelina to handle. But she did enjoy the time she spent with Jeff, turning over and watching her phone as she fell asleep.

The next few days the two of them texted a lot, but both were busy and hadn’t hung out yet. Jeff was being silly and took random pictures of her choker around his apartment and out, as if it was going on an adventure. These always made Eve smile.

She had awoken today already running late for her shift at Target and rushed out of her apartment, doing her make-up on the bus and stumbling into work as she , not realizing her socks were off shades of red from each other. Luckily today would be a short shift for her and she could head back home and finish the laundry she wanted to do before work.

As Eve was hanging up clothes people had left in the dressing rooms, she heard some commotion before her, a group of friends laughing. She ignored them for the most part, having a feeling she shouldn’t even ask if they need help anything. “Look at this girl over here, trying to dye her hair to make her life seem interesting, but working here.” Evelina rolled her eyes at the remark and just continued working, trying to ignore them as they laughed. “Probably to make up for whatever mental illness she might have.”

“Hey!” Eve turned around quickly, getting ready to say something back to them and not caring about getting another warning at work. But as she turned around, she saw the last person she expected to be hanging out with these people, Jeffrey. Eve froze for a moment, mind going completely blank. The group was also quiet for a moment, before another one of them took charge. “What is it little rebel, not used to seeing people who aren’t trash?”

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View All » Add Character » 3 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
Character Portrait: Evelina Klima


Character Portrait: Evelina Klima
Evelina Klima

Some people don't understand what it is truly like to struggle.

Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
Jeffrey Brooks

There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one.


Character Portrait: Evelina Klima
Evelina Klima

Some people don't understand what it is truly like to struggle.

Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
Jeffrey Brooks

There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Evelina Klima
Evelina Klima

Some people don't understand what it is truly like to struggle.

Character Portrait: Jeffrey Brooks
Jeffrey Brooks

There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one.

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scrapbooks and memories

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "scrapbooks and memories"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.