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The Gate of Requiem

The Gate of Requiem


An apprentice and her mentor bite off more than they can chew when an evil mage seeks to use their powers to end the world.

997 readers have visited The Gate of Requiem since Jerico Do'Lantul created it.

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This is a roleplay specifically designed for Jerico Do'Lantul and Vanasy. To join in with the goings-on would require an invite from one of us, and a character that will fit in with the storyline. Please DO NOT PM either Vanasy or I for an invite; invites will only be given to someone we have interacted with, in the past.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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The day was just beginning, and already, William had a good feeling.

The morning dew catches the light of the rising sun spectacularly, forming tiny rainbows, which splay across the ground, nearby. Beams of sunlight filter through the scattered trees, creating something of a surreal scene before William, who sat quietly on the ground, his back pressed to a tree. His sword lay across his back, the sheath touching the soft ground beside him.

The sun played across his armor, as well, casting reflections of it's many contours and angles upon the trees, and the ground, as well as giving his armored section a sort of glimmering quality, which only served to add to the other-worldly look to this area. He always enjoyed coming to this place. This particular section of forest had remained widely untouched by the ravages of man, throughout the years. It's was a natural beauty; a beauty becoming something of a rarity, given the ever-expanding presence of mankind.

William's eyes are closed, his face devoid of emotion as he breathes deeply, and evenly. There was hardly ever a care to be had in Ivalice, since the people had been freed from the evil that had beset them some years ago. Remnants of the great war still exist, today, but more as monuments than as scars of the past.

Here WilliamDavis sat, and here he would remain, for now; an unspoken hero of old, seeking only the solace of a quiet moment's rest.


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#, as written by Vanasy
The morning air was clean and clear. A bird or two flew by a young woman was standing near a river shouting about some thing. "I don't under stand," she yelled at no one, "I read the spell loud and clear but nothing! How am i suppose to catch a fish if the spell doesn't work. I'm not a fisherman." She sat down and glared at the water then sighed. "Well yelling isn't going to get breakfast," she said as she picked up a book that read on the cover, "Spells for Dummies."


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William's eyes open, slightly. Had that been.. was someone yelling? Who were they speaking to? He couldn't quite make out the words, meaning they had to be some distance away, yet. At any rate, it was only one voice; the voice of a young woman. No reply seemed to be coming, in response. Was she alone? If so, was she mad, to be shouting, like that, to no one?

Despite William's desire to simply rest, his mind continued to race with questions, which burned in the back of his vision. He sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. It was all too much. He HAD to know what was going on. With a slight groan, William rises from his seat, turning towards the direction of where the voice had originated. Unfortunately, the trees blocked his view, making seeing the woman impossible. William inhales the fresh air, deeply, sighing, refreshed, before making his way towards the voice, which had gone silent, for now.

Hopefully, she would still be there, when he arrived.


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#, as written by Vanasy
"Alright lets try this again," she said as she picked up a little wand that she threw on the ground during her anger rampage. She turned to the page where the spell was and set it down on a rock. "River cool and clear. Hear me now, for I am not but a weary traveler," she recited, "I hunger for the contents you contain. The life you give will help me banish my hunger." She repeated the spell over and over but nothing happened. Her eye twitched slightly before she threw her hands in the air and gave a scream of frustration.


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The voice had returned. William continues to press through the trees towards where the voice emanates. As he draws near, he can hear the babbling of a river, just ahead. He knew, already, that this was the river Jouste, as it ran through the town of Kerim, not far from here. A splitting scream would interrupt his thoughts, and cause him to freeze in his tracks.

Was the woman in trouble? The Jouste was home to several creatures, and not all of them friendly, he knew. She could be in grave danger, given the pained scream he had just heard. Redoubling his pace, William grasps his sword from his back, bringing it from it's sheath and into his hands just as he reaches the clearing next to the river, and stepping out, into the open close to where the woman was, looking wildly about for danger.


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#, as written by Vanasy
(( First i would like to say sorry if my post is short and for the fact it took so long to reply. Its because i am having writers block))

She glared at the book trying her hardest not to yell. She gave a nice long sigh but it didn't help. She was still really pissed. So, she decided to toss the book away, unknown to her that she accidently hit some one.


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#, as written by Vanasy
She froze when she heard foot steps. The girl totally forgot that the spell didn't work as she stayed silent. Quickly she turned around to where the noise was. "Hello? she called out as she raised the book over her head, prepare to use it as a weapon if necessary. Then suddenly she saw him, a man with a large sword. She screamed, scared and threw the book at him.


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William blanches as he ducks, allowing the tome to sail over his head. His sword drops to his side as he rises, glancing backwards as the book strikes the ground, harmlessly, tumbling a few times before coming to a halt a few meters away. He turns back to the woman, his free hand raised before him, open palm facing outward as a sign of peace "Hey! Take it easy!"

He hadn't meant to alarm the woman, and he certainly hadn't expected to be assaulted("booked", one might say). Still, being a six foot five inch tall man coming from out of nowhere, all whilst brandishing a sword while garbed in armor probably hadn't made him look too friendly. "Hold on, a minute! I'm not gonna hurt you!" The woman seemed to be in no danger, that he could see. What, then, had she been screaming about? William berates himself for not finding all of the facts before rushing in, and waits for her to calm down and realize that he was no threat to her.


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#, as written by Vanasy
Thiws man was scary to her. She was small, weak and had just thrown the only "Weapon" she had. "Who are you? If your after any money or valuables i have non and best you beware I am a power witch!(not)" She said trying to sound brave. Though to her her voice sounded weak and non threatening at all. He said that he wasn't going to hurt her but she wasn't so sure.

"If you aren't going to hurt me then throw your sword and remove any other weapons and armor," she said, "That way I know for sure that you are not armed. Though that doesn't mean you wont be dangerous."


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William quirks an eyebrow at the woman. "Oh, come now. You can't expect me to undo all of this armor, here, can you? It would take much too long.." He brings his sword up in front of him, stabbing it into the ground between them, and smiling, slightly. "You are wise to assume that I would still be dangerous without these things.. not everything is as it seems."

He tilts his head as he continues to watch her. "Forgive me. I am William Davis, and I mean you no harm. I did not mean to startle you, so. What is your name..? And, if I may ask, what was that scream that I heard, earlier?"


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#, as written by Vanasy
"My name is Melody Evans and I am a witch," she said still not sure about this man, "I was screaming because a spell in that book i threw at you wasn't working. Its defected." She glanced at him, studying him. The way he looked, the way he spoke, and his rather large sword. "Why are you here?" she asked still uncertain about him.


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A fellow spellcaster? Interesting. By the looks of her, she was merely a fledgling. William couldn't remember ever having to study a book, back when he was so green. Then again, he had had a mentor instructing him. On top of this, the newer generation of spellcaster had no experience with traversing the dangerous country-side with naught but their wits and their swords to protect them, as he and his had.

William smiles softly and bows towards the woman. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Evans.. I hope that I haven't put you off of your studies. I had been resting some distance away, you see, when I heard your scream. I feared that there was danger, nearby, and that you were in need of my aid, which is why I came so quickly." He bows his head, again. "I apologize, again, for my intrusion. I'm more than happy to leave you to your work, if you so desire." He wouldn't mind watching the youngling practice, but he would also not feel right inviting himself along for the ride.


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#, as written by Vanasy
"Wait your leaving?" she asked as she quickly looked around, hearing sounds that began to scare her, "Would it be ok if i came with you? I mean if you say no its ok its just for the past few days i have been getting the feeling that I'm being followed and as you can tell i have no weapons or anything! I can't eve cast a spell to get a fish! Oh I'm so hungry." She slowly sank to her knees as he stomach growled.


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William tilts his head to one side, slightly as he watched her drop to her knees. "You may accompany me for as long as you want to. I can get us some food, nearby, if you wish." He reaches back to withdraw a pouch of coins. "My treat, of course." William smiles again.

She was certainly an odd one. Why would she travel all the way out here without any protection of any kind? It boggled the mind, and demanded an answer. "If you don't mind me asking.." He would take half of a second to uproot his sword, bringing it around to sheath it behind his back. "..why come all this way unescorted? Don't you know how dangerous it could be, what with all of the fiends still running about?" He would leave out the fact that most creatures that could feel his presence chose to keep a wide berth. Even though he spent much of his concentration on keep his power under lock and key, animals' senses were far keener than humans'.


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#, as written by Vanasy
She was very grateful that he is letting her come along and is willing to buy her food. "Thank you so much," she said as she got up from the ground. When he asked why she was here she became silent. For a moment Melody thought about what to say. Then it suddenly came to her. "Im here because I'm on a mission. There is a man who has done me wrong and i want my revenge," she told him.


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William raises his eyebrows. "Revenge, huh?" Revenge was a dangerous prospect, for one so young and inexperienced. It was a double-edged sword, and both ends could just as easily cut her as it could her enemies. "Is there any way that I might know this man? I've known many people, over the years."


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#, as written by Vanasy
"I don't remember what he looked like or his name but i remember the evil and seeped off of him," she said trying to look serious.


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An anonymous man with no description, but a seething aura of evil? William blinks for a moment, unsure of what to say or think. Certainly, there was no one who fit that bill anymore, was there? Ever since Darkness had left the world of Ivalice, surely no such being of malcontent still lingered? Was there a possibility of such a thing?

Regaining his composure, William smiles softly at Melody before finally replying. "Well, I can't as much say I know of anyone who meets such a.. vivid description. Should he happen nearby, I'm certain he'll be discovered and dealt with in a manner most severely.. surely, a beautiful young woman such as yourself wouldn't be interested in an affair as dark and dangerous as revenge.."

The last thing he wanted was for this young woman to get herself involved with something that she could not finish.. it had become clear that she was only just beginning her studies of magic and their workings; how could she be expected to track down a supposed evil figure and defeat him? If William wasn't so hard-pressed to believe that such a man even existed, he would offer his own services. But, the situation being what it was, it would be a far safer venture to convice Melody that it was not in her best interest to seek revenge, and to just go home..


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#, as written by Vanasy
"I'll be perfectly fine, thank you very much," she said hiding her blush at the fact that he thought she was beautiful, "I may not be strong but I'm learning. Also, your wrong. There is evil here, if there wasn't my mother would still be alive!" Melody had to look away or she would have started crying.


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William lowers his gaze, somewhat, unsure of what to say. "I am sorry for your loss... but you must understand; evil was vanquished, some time ago. If what you have said is to be believed, then it would indicate that it has returned... and that there is much work to be done, yet. You must only say such things if you absolutely mean them... so, I will ask you once, and only once," He looks directly into the woman's eyes. "Are you certain that this man roams the land freely.. and that he is, without any doubt, the evil of which you speak?"


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#, as written by Vanasy
"Yes. I would not speak my words if they had no meaning," she told him, as tears began to stream down her cheeks, "Evil can never die. It can sleep or seem to disappear but there will always be evil. It dwells with in the hearts of every man woman, and child. It only takes one thing to allow this evil to over come people."

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Character Portrait: Melody Evans


Character Portrait: Melody Evans
Melody Evans

A little witch with a big heart.


Character Portrait: Melody Evans
Melody Evans

A little witch with a big heart.

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Character Portrait: Melody Evans
Melody Evans

A little witch with a big heart.

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