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When the World Fell

When the World Fell


A world where the Church has fallen and Priests are hunted, a young woman helps to save a man who is on the run for his life. What if they develop feelings? Will he break for her?

1,647 readers have visited When the World Fell since shatari19 created it.





For thousands of years, the Church has overseen all matters of the planet. They controlled all. Priests and Priestesses worked all over the world, helping the people of Adrenica. They were warriors..warriors who had taken vows to do the bidding of the Church. They were allowed no romantic involvements. Their work was their life. This all changed when Adrenica was invaded. The planet had no defenses against the Rothen. The creatures took the planet easily, killing off any that dared to oppose them.

The Church sent their own warriors to fight this new menace and for a time, the Humans were hopeful. It seemed as if they could win. However, the moment that the Rothen realized that the Church was the planet's strength...everything changed. The Church fell when the Priests were out fighting the Rothen. It was a blow that the Planet was not ready for.

The Clergy was publicly executed before the people that they'd ruled over for so long. Then Rothen took over rule, enforcing their own ways upon the people. As they were putting the world into ruin, they were also hunting the Priests. It became law that anyone coming across a Priest or Priestess was to turn them in immediately or face certain death. Once caught, the Priests were branded upon their face with a tattoo in the chance they escaped.


A young woman who is living on her family's old ranch meets a Priest who is on the run for his life. Instead of turning him in, she agrees to help him. Her parents soon find out about the man though side with their daughter. The attempt to keep the man a secret for the Rothen, through all of the inspections and random visits. After some time, the Priest and young woman begin having feelings for one another though the Priest refuses to give in to them though he finds it harder and harder to do. As the two spend more time together, the world becomes more dangerous. The Rothen still search for those that were once employed by the Church. New creatures begin showing up and killing off groups of people at a time. News of this spreads and the remaining Priests will need to find each other again and put a stop to the terror.

I'm in search of someone to play the young woman as I'll be playing the priest. Feel free to pm me or drop a note on here if interested!


*Please be polite

*No God Modding or Power Playing

*Please be comitted, I'm looking for someone that is on quite often, as I am. I require at least 3 posts a week

*Please let me know if you're going to be gone for a period of time

*Any input is always welcome. I love talking about the story and coming up with events and the like with my rp partners

*Please let me know what word that I misspelled so that I know you've read the rules

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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Alexander watched Ainsley as she opened the bottle and then soon rose a bit so that she could reach his forehead. He bent his head forward a bit, so as to make it easier on the woman since she was shorter than he was. The Priest was fully aware of their proximity and he couldn't say that he was comfortable with it. It wasn't that he was unused to being so close to someone else. It was..simply odd after so long. As Ainsley began smoothing the plaster over his skin, Alexander's gaze calmly rested on the woman.

To him, she seemed rather interested in her task and so he remained silent. The longer they remained close, the more relaxed he seemed to become. Ainsley continued with her task and soon enough she was finished. Alexander moved his head back to a more normal position as the woman suddenly tilted her head to the side as she looked at him. The words that she then spoke caused the Priest to look at Ainsley with slight anxiety.

He wasn't sure quite sure how to take her comments. Thinking on it, he supposed that her words were nothing but truth. However, he suddenly smiled at her. "Yes. I imagine that there is little other reason for it." He said in regards to the mark that sat hidden upon his forehead. Ainsley had put the plaster away and was soon gesturing towards a hill. Alexander turned his attention to the location, eyeing it.

It was not often that he ever gave much attention to the brand that had been placed upon him. He didn't care for it and he wondered if Ainsley could see that. There was little that could be done to change it and so there was little point worrying himself about it. What did worry him was how much he already cared for Ainsley and her family.

Ainsley's words broke his thought and Alexander nodded to her. He was unfamiliar with their course though he suspected that the woman would not allow them to get lost. He began in the direction of the hill though walked slow enough so that Ainsley could walk as close to him as she wished. He hoped that they would not cross many people, if any at all. He certainly wouldn't know how to handle the situation.

As they began their walk together, Alexander could not help but to keep his gaze moving about them, quite obviously looking out for any sign of Rothen. It was a habit that he'd picked up after nearly three years running from them. He was silent for the time being, simply unable to just enjoy their walk together at the moment.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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The walk started out rather easy, since they had to cross a fair distance of gently rolling hills before they reached the steeper parts of the area. There weren’t any proper mountains around, as such, but some of the hills were pretty close, at least once one got back to the Ridge, as it was not-so-creatively named. For most of it, they walked through grass on a level with their waists, though occasionally it got tall enough that Ainsley was submerged in it to her diaphragm, a fact which seemed to amuse more than trouble her.

All things considered, she wasn’t that chatty as a person, and it was difficult to carry on such an activity with someone who didn’t know sign language if she wasn’t directly facing them anyway, so she declined to fill the silence, not that she’d be able to appreciate the difference if she had. Alexander seemed inclined to watchfulness, and she didn't miss is wary glances around the area, but she chose not to comment, understanding that this was likely an old habit by now and not something she should insist he try to relax. Whatever it took to make him feel more comfortable was fine by her, and if that included constant vigilance, who was she to say he didn’t need to be so careful?

With a couple miles behind them, the grass grew shorter, and was interspersed with more rocks and trees, and the ground started to slope upwards more sharply. Here, there has once been a road, and it was still evident in the scar of what had been a gravel track for vehicles, though it veered off further left than they needed to go. Ainsley instead chose an old deer track, little more than a narrow rut of bare ground. It hadn’t rained in a few days, so the mud was mostly dry, making the climb much surer than it would have otherwise been. Smaller trees and saplings provided regular handholds on the steeper bits, and Ainsley climbed with the surefootedness of someone long used to this kind of thing, navigating up even the nearly-vertical surfaces with ease.

At one point, they reached a sheer rock face of about twenty five feet high, and she turned to her companion, a mischievous quirk at the corner of her mouth. “Race you,” she said, moving to the bottom of the wall. It appeared she didn’t really need an answer, and intended to make the climb in any case, pulling herself up by the first set of handholds she found, only to replace her hands with her feet and stretch to reach the next. Free-climbing was perhaps not the safest thing one could do, but she’d been doing it since she was old enough to go hiking by herself, so she wasn’t concerned about her ability to manage a wall this short.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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The silence that surrounded them did not bother Alexander at all. He was so used to being alone that the lack of speech was nothing new. He continued to keep a look out and before it seemed like it was possible, some time had passed. The area that they were now in seemed to move upwards. He began to watch his footing a bit more as they continued. He still allowed Ainsley to lead the way as he'd not been in this area before. It was easy for Alexander to see that the woman had gone this way quite often. She seemed to have no trouble with their path whereas Alexander was having to put a bit of extra effort into his steps now though he was quite happy for the workout.

He would be the first to admit that he was out of shape and he sorely needed to get back in it and quickly. When they came to a sheer rock face that was fairly high, Ainsley suddenly turned to him with a slight smirk. She spoke and then moved towards the wall. For a moment, Alexander simply watched her. He didn't think that she could be serious about scaling the wall but after a moment it was easy to see that she was. It was then that Alexander moved to follow her.

Alexander made sure to watch what he was doing, slowly moving up the rock wall. He made sure that his footing was sure as was his hold on the wall before he attempted to move. The wall wasn't too terribly tall though Alexander could already feel some of his muscles protesting to the actions he was taking. Not that he paid any attention. He only kept moving.

He allowed Ainsley to stay ahead of him. He didn't have the heart to try to beat her at her game. He was unsure of how long they'd climbed before he was finally pulling himself up. He offered the woman a smile as he moved a bit away from the edge. His gaze locked onto her own before he spoke to her. "You beat me." He raised his hands in defeat. "Next time you won't be so lucky."

There was no telling if they would ever do this again but he was enjoying the time out in the open. His gaze suddenly shifted, looking about them. He had to admit that the land that Ainsley's home was surrounded by was quite lovely. It was..refreshing to be able to appreciate something for once instead of just simply ignoring it and worrying about the Rothen nonstop. He knew that he couldn't fully be at ease but he didn't see any harm in attempting to think about something other than those that sought him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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Ainsley took it easy on her way up the wall, knowing that her “competitor” was still recovering his physical strength. She also doubted that he was honestly attempting to compete with her at the moment, which she understood. It didn’t upset her at all, as she’d honestly expected as much when she’d issued her so-called challenge. Still, they both made it up the wall okay, and that was the important thing.

To her surprise, Alexander seemed almost… jovial, promising that their next contest would not have the same result as the first. Ainsley’s face broke into a bright grin, and she cocked an eyebrow playfully. “We’ll see about that.” But her face belied any seriousness her words could muster, and it was clear that she was lighthearted about it. Never an especially competitive person, she’d actually welcome it if he did beat her next time, because it would mean he was recovering better still, and that was something worth hoping for.

Gesturing for him to resume following her, she led the both of them up another sloped incline, this one considerably less steep than the vertical rock wall, but still enough to put some pressure onto the calf and thigh muscles that were so vital to this kind of activity. The reward, though, was one she found truly excellent.

The trail spit them out at the very top of the hill, and through a small copse of trees was a clearing. The grass was only short, and the best part was the whole thing looked out over all the surrounding hills and countryside. “You can see the farm from here,” she pointed out, using a hand to direct his eyes the right way. “And just beyond it there is the town.”

Really though, the prettiest part of the view was the wilder landscape, that without any buildings or tames fields on it, and from up here, the grass seemed to be a hundred different shades of green, tan, and sometimes even what looked like a strange purplish hue. One area, situated in a valley between two hills, was a brilliant red color. “Those are the hibiscus fields,” she informed her guest. “We farm them, too, but they pretty much grow on their own. This region used to be famous for them.” Of course, flowers weren’t exactly a booming industry anymore, and she suspected that her father kept seeding every spring pretty much for the sentimentality of it—his grandmother had made the family’s living on flowers and vegetables, before the age of replicator technology.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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The smile that suddenly had seemed to light up the woman's face at his words caused him to return the gesture. He was rather glad that he'd joined her for the walk. Ainsley was soon moving again and Alexander followed her. They were heading up another incline though this was wasn't nearly as steep as the previous. Something that the Priest was silently glad of. He hated that he was so out of shape. In all honesty, he'd not realized it until he'd been able to rest for a good length of time.

Though he'd been fairly active during the time he'd spent about after the Rothen had taken over, he'd not been keeping in shape as he usually had. Alexander suspected that it wouldn't hurt in the least to make sure that he was at least attempting to get back in shape, even if he was unable to get back to where he was before all this had happened.

The sound of the woman's voice brought the Priest back to the present. He turned his gaze in the direction of the farm and indeed..there sat the place that he was slowly growing fond of. Then, his gaze shifted slightly farther though he could not quite see the town. Not that it mattered much. He doubted that he'd ever venture that far from Ainsley's home until he was leaving for good.

A short moment later, Ainsley was speaking of the fields that they could see from their location. They were lovely and it was easy to see that someone was taking care to make sure that they came back every year. "It has been a long time since I have been able to simply enjoy anything like this." He said thoughtfully. He'd little time to marvel at anything that he'd come across during his time traveling.

Thinking on it, there was no telling all the things that he'd missed. However, there was little reason to worry over it. Perhaps there would be a day when things would be different. He smiled at her, hoping that she would not feel too terribly bad for his situation. It was just simply the way of things for now. "Thank you." He said simply.

If it wasn't for her, he'd likely be dead already. She had done so much for him and still was continuing to do so. The young woman was somehow managing to slowly break through a few of the walls that he'd surrounded himself with over the years. There were still quite a few that were in tact and he knew that he needed to be careful. Getting too close to her or her family was not a wise decision.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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“You’re welcome,” Ainsley replied easily. After all, there wasn’t a whole lot she could do about the ordeals Alexander had faced thus far, however much she might want to. They were simply the facts of the past, and she knew better than to spend too much time fretting over things she could not change. Still, she could keep them in mind, and try to make the present at least a little less contentious for him.

They spent a while more atop the hill and then began the descent. She took them down a different way than they’d come up, for the variety and also because this way was safer for the downhill portion of the excursion. They occasionally encountered animals on the way down; mostly small creatures like squirrels and birds, though they also passed by a small herd of wild goats, who jumped between rockier outcroppings like it was the easiest thing in the world.

The hill was tall enough, and far enough from her home, that it was getting late in the afternoon by the time they once again reached the fringes of her family’s property. “Mom and Dad probably have dinner done, or will soon. Would you like to eat with us this time or should I just bring you the leftovers?”

Like her, her parents had generally elected not to be pushy or overbearing with their guest, and so while it had been made clear to him that he was welcome in their home and at their table, he was by no means required to be there, and could change his mind as often as he liked about whether he preferred to eat in their company or stick to his own.

They entered the pastures through the back gates again, Ainsley pausing to secure them shut behind the two, wondering to herself whether Alexander would appreciate a trip to the hibiscus fields or not. Flowers were kind of a girly thing, she supposed, though her father did seem to enjoy them. It might be worth asking later, at any rate.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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As they spent some time longer upon the hill, Alexander found that he was quite content to spend the time with Ainsley. It allowed him the time to interact with someone and for a short time to not be focusing on his current problems or anything else. Soon enough, they were heading back towards the farm. Ainsley took them a different way, one that seemed a bit easier to trek. He was glad of this. The Priest wasn't quite sure that he would have been able to as easily make it back the same way that they'd come.

The woman's voice was soon tugging at his attention. Her question was not an unusual one. In fact, it was asked nearly every day for the past week. He'd not joined Ainsley and her family for more than two or three meals. It wasn't that he didn't care for them..or that he was ungrateful for what they were doing for him. He suspected that he was just so used to the solitude that it was just easier than trying to hold conversation. However, he knew that he really should try to be more personable with them.

"I think that I would like to join you all, if that is alright." He finally answered, just after they'd entered the pastures. He waited for her as she secured the gates and only began walking again once she'd joined him. They then made their way back towards the house. It didn't seem like as long of a walk as usual and soon enough they'd reached the home.

Alexander held the door open for Ainsley and followed inside only once she was in. It did not appear that the meal was quite ready yet as the couple was still visibly preparing a few things. He informed Ainsley that he would return, that he wanted to clean up a bit before they ate. He then parted from them and headed into the spare room that they were allowing him use of. He closed the door behind him and then made his way further into the room.

Entering into the bathroom, Alexander took a washcloth that had been sitting on a small shelf and then turned the water on in the sink. The Priest soaked the material and then wrung the washcloth out, making sure that there was no excess water. He then began wiping away the plaster that Ainsley had placed upon his miscolored skin. Within a few moments the cross shaped tattoo was showing fully once again.

He sighed softly before drying his face and then tidying up a bit. Only once he was finished did he emerge from the bedroom. The table was set and Alexander made sure to offer to help before taking a seat. He missed spending time like this with his own family. The feeling only served to strengthen his resolve to make it to their home sooner rather than later. The meal began and within a few moments, Ainsley's father was speaking with Alexander. The Priest was happy to carry conversation on with the man.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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Ainsley only nodded when Alexander agreed to join them, but the truth was, she was happy about it. It had to be lonely, moving around in hiding by oneself for so long, and regardless of the danger, she didn’t think it was possible for a human being to really live without social contact with others. Or at the very least, it wasn’t a good life to do so. While he’d been relatively amenable to her company, she wasn’t sure she trusted herself to provide all the sociability she should; sometimes, she still forgot to talk or check whether anyone else was talking, and she wasn’t sure she had that much to say even on the best of days. Perhaps that was just a consequence of living in her own head for so long.

When they got back to the house, Alexander disappeared into his room for a while, and Ainsley moved into the kitchen to help her parents, who were both now at work finishing up the preparations for dinner. They had a stuffed squash for that night, by the looks of it, and herbed rice to go with it. The rice was replicated, unfortunately, because they didn’t have the climate to grow it around here, but the rest was either from this farm or one of the neighboring properties, who all grew different things from the Hales in order both not to compete for the small market in grown food and also so that they could trade with one another and eat more diversely themselves.

It was a good system, she reflected as she scraped a layer of fresh butter onto several slices of the bread her parents had bought in town, and in the end it provided for the whole community, so she couldn’t see anything wrong with it. The butter was followed by fruit preserved her mother had made a few days prior, and the main dish came out of the oven shortly after Alexander emerged.

The group moved to sit around the table in the dining room, which was circular. Ainsley’s father had never believed in that antiquated “head of household” nonsense, and the table was a small reflection of that, placing everyone in equal positions, even guests, and when Ainsley had been young, children.

“Alexander,” Ainsley’s mother, Margaret, said once everyone was settled. “Would you be so kind as to say a prayer over the meal?” Ainsley wasn’t surprised that her mom had asked him to do so; actually, she was a little surprised it hadn’t happened already. They weren’t the most religious family as a rule, but her mother had been raised in a devout household, and still considered herself a member of the faithful.

“You don't have to, if it makes you uncomfortable,” she added, and Margaret nodded her agreement.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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The sound of Margaret's voice pulled Alexander from the conversation that he'd been in with Ainsley's father. His gaze shifted to the older woman, regarding her as he thought over her request. It was then that Ainsley informed him that he didn't have to do as he'd been asked. It had been some time since he'd been asked to perform a prayer of any kind for anyone other than those that were being hunted by the Rothen.

He supposed that doing so now would pose no problem. He truly did not mind in the least. Honestly, it would probably do him some good to practice that which he'd been taught all those years ago. "I do not mind." He said with a small smile. Alexander then bowed his head and then placed his hands together as was usual for any who followed the Faith. His eyes then lowered and he began the prayer.

"Most Holy, Righteous and everywhere present God,
our Father who art in Heaven,
we ask thy blessing upon this food.
Bless the hearts and hands that provide the same.
And when it is ours to pass from time to eternity,
own us and crown us heirs to Thy kingdom.
These favors and blessings we ask in the name of Christ,
our Great Redeemer."

He then went silent and allowed his head to rise to a normal position. Moving his hands from in front of him, the group could now begin to eat. Alexander was patient, allowing the others to fill their plates before he moved to do the same. The meal passed relatively quickly, or so it seemed to the Priest. He spoke with everyone at the table at some point. He was almost able to forget that he was a wanted man. That he was bringing a constant danger to those around him.

When the meal was brought to a close, Alexander offered to help with the cleanup. It was more habit than anything else but he thought that regardless it was the least that he could do for them. He rose from his seat and began to clear the table of the plates that had been used. He headed towards the sink and began with the cleaning.

Alexander began running water into the sink. When he would visit his family, back before the fall of the Church, he would often help his Mother after meals. He was the youngest and had always been close to her. It was something that he'd enjoyed doing for her. She'd always worked hard for the family and any time that he could make things a bit easier for her he did his brother. It wasn't so strange for him to want to help Ainsley's family.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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Dinner conversation was pleasant, even if there were more words and fewer signs than usual due to their guest. That wasn’t so bad, though. It was worth any slight inconvenience to have the presence of a guest in their little world, which often felt quite small, especially to her, who had once known so much more than the farm. Still, she didn’t mind being here, particularly not, she had realized, now that life had become so interesting again.

After the meal concluded, she stepped up to the double sink next to Alexander, adding a couple dishes to the set of them to be washed. “I’ll dry if you wash,” she offered with a smile.

Doing so necessitated standing almost shoulder-to-shoulder with him, but that didn’t bother her, and the motions were easy—she’d accept a dish once it was washed, rinse it, and then dry it with one of the terrycloths they kept in the kitchen. “I guess you’re probably used to farm chores, huh?” she asked, recalling (not that she’d ever forgotten) that his family also had a farm of some kind.

“What was it like, growing up on yours?”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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As Ainsley came to stand next to him, Alexander glanced at her from the corner of his eye. He continued cleaning the dish that he was currently working on and as the young woman offered to help, he nodded in agreement. They were standing rather close and he did not mind it at all. For a while there was silence between them as they went about their task. Alexander would wash a dish and then hand it to Ainsley who would then dry. They passed a few minutes in this fashion before the woman next to him broke their silence.

He glanced at her, nodding with a small smile. "Yes. I was often helping my Father and Mother with everything that needed done." It was then that Ainsley inquired as to what it was like growing up on his family's farm. He thought for a short moment before he began speaking once again. "My family has been working that same piece of land for at least a hundred years. You can imagine that my Father would be rather set in the ways of those that came before us. He tended to be rather strict about how everything was done. If you did not do as asked, or under performed you would have to do it again. It did not matter the weather or time of day."

Alexander was well aware that his words would likely sound as if he did not care for living on the farm. However, that was far from the truth. "Do not misunderstand. My brother and I both did not mind the hard work. Nathaniel is actually planning on taking over once my Father decides that he's had enough." He had not spoken yet to Ainsley of his brother though he'd had no reason not to. It just hadn't come up as of yet.

"My family does not grow very much, in truth. Living right at the sea makes it a bit harder to produce certain items. They raise and sell fish. It isn't as profitable as it used to be and they must guard what they do have. However, as long as you hold no fear of the water of the creatures that live there it really isn't that bad."

Another week had passed since Alexander had come to stay with Ainsley and her family. Things had passed as they had the week before, for the most part. However, Alexander had begun helping Ainsley's father about the property with some of the more strenuous work. In all honesty, he'd enjoyed it. He was, however, still keeping a lookout for any sign of the Rothen. He knew that it would only be a short time before they showed up. No doubt those that had been after him had realized that he'd not gone any farther than this area. That would mean that they would double back and begin searches.

That morning, Alexander had gotten up at the usual time and had gotten his reading done before breakfast. He had, however, not joined the family for the morning meal. Instead, he'd opted for spending some in the loft. He had borrowed a book from those that were helping him and was currently reading it. The longer he'd stayed in the one location, the more he worried for his family. All it would take is for the Rothen to get tired of the hunt and just go after them, using them to draw the Priest out.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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Ainsley finished placing the last ceramic plate back in the cabinet before patting her hands down on her apron, untying the string at the back and lifting it off her head to hang on one of the hooks to the far wall of the kitchen. Beside her, her mother did the same, glancing out the bay window that looked out to the field.

Margaret pursed her lips slightly and shook her head. “I hope that nice boy’s not out there doing all your father’s chores again,” she huffed. “He’ll forget how to do them himself, what with all the help.” Ainsley only rolled her eyes, the corner of her mouth quirking upwards. She’d caught the words from the corner of her eye.

“I think he likes feeling useful, mama. And you know we could use the help.” It wasn’t so much a matter of her father being indolent as it was that they just didn’t have the same ability to accomplish work as they used to. In Ainsley’s childhood, her uncle had lived with them, and he and her father had both been much younger than they were now, and her mother a lot healthier and thus able to assist more with the outdoor work. Ainsley was the only one who could do more now than she could then, but she wasn’t enough to run the whole place by herself.

Her mother looked pensive, and Ainsley’s brows furrowed as if to match. It was true that her parents had been considering downsizing, maybe selling off part of the herd or one of the far fields, but then it was hard to tell if they’d really make enough to get ends to meet, especially considering her mother’s health costs. Really, it would have been better for them if Ainsley could have finished her residency and actually been a doctor, but the timing was just not quite right, and it had left them in a bind. If only she could have graduated a little bit sooner…

What she presumed was a knock at the door appeared to startle her mother, and Margaret thereafter moved to answer it. Ainsley, unsure who could possibly be calling at this time of the morning, suddenly remembered a very real possibility, and immediately dashed for the back door before she could be seen. Emerging out onto the property, she spotted one of the distinctive hover-vehicles that she knew from her time in the city were only used by the Rothen military. Her line of sight tracked to the barn, and she realized with trepidation that, if Alexander was in it, he wouldn’t be able to see either the vehicle or the guest at the front door. Knowing her mother could handle the talking, she maneuvered her way around the house, staying low and as quiet as she could without being able to hear herself, then darted across the clearing.

If she could get there, she could make it seem like she’d been working in the barn the whole time, and she knew her mother would distract them for as long as possible. As soon as she got to the barn, she mounted the ladder to the loft, and upon spotting Alexander, held a finger to her lips, whispering a single word.



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Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden Character Portrait: Ainsley Hale
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Only the sound of someone coming into the barn and then heading up the ladder caused the Priest to look up from the book that he'd been reading. Only a moment later, Ainsley appeared, quickly placing a finger upon her lips. Alexander immediately took her hint. He suspected that something was wrong and as the woman finally was all too clear. The Rothen had finally made it to the farm.

He took a quick look around the loft. Though he had been staying mainly in the house, he'd left his bad out in the barn..for emergencies. He'd wanted to make sure that he could get away quickly if needed. The Priest rose from his seat. If the Rothen found any of his things then it would be over for the Hales. They would be labeled traitors and arrested. He would not wish that on anyone.

He lifted the bag and then paused, looking at the woman. Her father had shown him a hidden hole that was located beneath the barn floor. The Priest did not fear the Rothen but that did not mean that he wanted to be found. "You should go. If they find you.." He did not finish the sentence. There was no need. He took to the ladder, moving down it with ease and soon his feet touched the ground.

Moving towards the back of the barn, Alexander found the spot that had been shown to him. It was well hidden and so he had no trouble in the thought of hiding down there. He lifted the floor up, revealing the dark hole. Dropping his bag down, the Priest soon followed. The floor closed after and Alexander suspected that Ainsley would make sure that he was well hidden before she moved from the barn.

Picking up his bag, the Priest slung it about his form and then moved towards the opposite wall as far as he could. Though he was doing much better than when he'd first arrived at the farm Alexander knew that at that moment he could not take the Rothen. He was unsure as to how long he stood there before he suddenly felt a part of the wall behind him move. Curious, the Priest turned and looked a bit more closely.

What was clearly a wooden wall was falling away though he could tell in the low light that this was something that had not been used in some time. He pulled the wall out enough so that he could fit through. He moved behind the wall and then fished in his bag for the flashlight that Ainsley had lent him when he'd still been staying in the barn. Turning around, he turned it on.

He looked down a rather long tunnel. Alexander knew that he should remain where he was but he just couldn't help but wonder where it led. He took off down the tunnel, moving carefully. Walking for some time, Alexander had begun to think that it would lead outside of the farm. After what had to have been an hour, he reached the end. A old ladder led upwards and the Priest was soon going up it. When he reached the top, he had to lift a lid like structure . He made sure to do so very slowly and when he realized that the Rothen were a good distance from where he was, he climbed out.

The Priest remembered this area from when he'd originally come through. A rather dense cluster of trees is what surrounded him. A symbol on one of the trees suddenly stole his attention. He moved over to it, recognizing it as what the other Priests and Priestesses carved when supplies where left for others.

He bent down and easily uncovered a sack that looked as if it hadn't been there too awfully long. He looked through it, seeing that it was things that he would need in the future and took it. He would replace the supplies once he left the farm for good. He sat down against one of the trees. He would not return until later that night. In the case that the Rothen discovered the hole, he didn't want to be there. At least this way he could attempt to escape should they follow him.

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Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden


Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden
Alexander Wasden

"I will uphold my vows."


Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden
Alexander Wasden

"I will uphold my vows."

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Character Portrait: Alexander Wasden
Alexander Wasden

"I will uphold my vows."

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Re: When the World Fell

Omg. >< I'm soooo sorry that I've not replied yet. I thought that I had for some reason. >< I'll have a post for you tonight or first thing in the morning at the latest. lol

Re: When the World Fell

I'll do that then. :D I should have you a post either today or tomorrow. I've been having to work over quite a bit since I'm going to be off all next week. XD

Re: When the World Fell

Yeah, that would be totally fine by me.

Re: When the World Fell

lol ^_^ No worries! :D And I get into spells like that so I completely understand! It happens. We can always skip ahead another week if you want? I'm thinking about that time the Rothen will come by the first time. So, should probably decide on a hiding place for Alex. It's a bit early for him to get found. XD lol

Re: When the World Fell

Ack, my post was so short! I'm sorry; I've just been finding it tough to write lately. :(

Re: When the World Fell

^_^ Thanks! You are the best! I just always feel bad if I can't be on for some reason. ;p

Re: When the World Fell

No worries! I'm cool going at whatever pace you need to.

Re: When the World Fell

I just wanted to let you know that I'll have you a reply in the morning! My in laws came to visit unexpectedly so I've been a bit ties up. Lol :)

Re: When the World Fell

That sounds perfect!!! And at some point. He has a separate group looking for him so they might team up with those from the closest outpost to look for Alex. :)

Re: When the World Fell

I think another timeskip might be called for here? Maybe just like a week or something? Long enough for them to have settled into some kind of routine or something. Did you want the Rothen to come by?

Re: When the World Fell

I just wanted to make sure. Lol XD I didn't want to write something and it be the complete opposite. XD

Re: When the World Fell

Oh, she'd take him there. You can have her do that much and I won't consider it godmoding haha.

Re: When the World Fell

I was wondering, were you thinking of having Ainsley take Alex to the house? Or just have him wander by himself? :3

Re: When the World Fell

That sound fine! :) I was going to suggest that we do that soon ;p

Re: When the World Fell

Hey, do you mind if in my next reply I skip them ahead to morning partway through?

Re: When the World Fell

^_^ That's usually the best to do. :D Not that I ever can when I get sick. lol I guess that's what happens when you run a department. lol

Re: When the World Fell

Heh, thanks. I think I just need a couple of days and a lot of sleep.

Re: When the World Fell

oO Being sick is the worst! Hopefully you're feeling a bit better! :3 I'm like that though when I've got an off day. It's even worse if I have them both together. XD LOL

Re: When the World Fell

Ah, I see. Makes sense. Yeah, I've been sick for the past couple days, so I've been like... sitting around waiting for things to reply to haha.

Re: When the World Fell

I get notifications unless I'm at work. But I usually check every once in a while because I have several that I do through pms. :D So, I'll see it regardless. ^_^ I've literally been dying to reply to your post since I read it earlier. XD LOL