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1.5 INK

The story of a country.

2,310 readers have visited Gaomoni since MitsunoYui created it.


Welcome to Gaomoni

Live in this island in critical moments of Nationstates consolidation, multiculturalism and lore.

Here, you'll get a glimpse of what this place is, so you can get to know it.



The archipelago (known colloquialy as Gaomoni) is a collection of Islands. There are three main islands: Northern Island, Center Island and Southern Island. Geographically speaking, the biggest of them is the Northern Island, with 167,048 square kilometers (103,799 square miles). The total surface area of the country is 494,156 square kilometers (307,054 square miles).


Within thearchipelago, three main cultures coexist, in a difficult and unbalanced situation:

  • On almost whole of the Northern Island, and some colonies and conquered territories in some other islands, the Gao dwell. These light skinned and slender people came from overseas, due to unknown circumstances, and established themselves almost a hundred years ago. They are the most advanced and developed culture of the three, with knowledges spanning to refined pottery to weapon smithing and casting. They receive a constant influx of colonists from overseas, what allows them to quickly expand their power and population. Physically, they are light skinned and slender, measuring 1,68 to 1,72 meters the males and some 1,74 to 1,76 for females. They are culturally reclusive and endogamous, and extremely distrustful of other races. Serfdom and slavery are common in their society.

  • The bulk of the population in the Isles, though, is mostly made of peoples called Eniko by the gao. These is a homogeneous group, made of various groups who share the language and religion, but their cultures may vary drastically from place to place. These communities are organized in republics, lead by a council, where merchants and guilds hold sigificant influence. They are the original inhabitants of the Islands, predating the Gao by centuries, perhaps millenia. Physically, their skin is olive to tan, and they are robust. Males usually measure some 1,76 to 1,83 meters, while women are significantly shorter. They are an open group, who seek to establish contact with strangers and foreigners, to maximize trading profit. Although not as technologically advanced as the Gao, these peoples are ruthless capitalists, although every kin member is a freeman and citizen of their city.

  • On the Southwesternmost Isles, there dwell a race both mysterious and dreadful for both Gao and Eniko, the Niniko. These peoples are organized in tribes all over the small islands. They are savage, practice ritual cannibalism and flowery war, were a captured tribe is let free before being ferociously hunted by their conquerors. In the "Civilized Islands" some of them are prisoners serving as soldiers, or freemen born to a mixed marriage between a Niniko woman and a Eniko or, more rarely, Gao man. Physically speaking, they have dark skin, are tall and slender, measuring 1,78 to 1,86 meters tall with slight to none difference between man and woman. They live as hunter-gatherers, and are not especially fond of strangers, who are regarded as intruders and attacked on sight. The most unique characteristic to these peoples are their clicks and whistles, featured in their language, as well as their smoke messaging on the hills of their Islands.

Toggle Rules

Regarding the different stories

  • Stories within the universe are open-ended. Once an era ends, you can create a new character.

Stories may take different approaches and genres as the world evolves around the country.

Regarding characters

  • Characters range from a common peasant, to an official. Rulers are not available, unless you do wish to give me a fair point. If your ruler is solid and is in touch with the universe's reality and the time setting, I will gladly allow it. Bear in mind you have the power to give the era a context, and that is such a powerful position.

  • Characters may hail from one of the different races of the archipelago. Foreigners are only available if any race gains knowledge about a foreign civilization. Contact may mostly apply to that specific race, but may spread into contact with the rest of the races.

  • Mythmaking is allowed, with your own heroes, but you cannot make new gods unless asked to. Stories may be included in a corpus of folklore if the chance is given. You cannot, under any given circumstance, alter the Myths regarding the creation, nor meddle into other players' own made story. You can, despite the aforementioned restricion, add heroes and/or antagonists to other peoples' stories, with their consent.

  • NPCs may be created for story/roleplay purposes, at any time.

Regarding Roleplay

  • It is paramount to keep the roleplaying at any time, no matter what. YOU MAY NOT GO OOC. AVOID IT AT ANY COST.

  • Romance or any relationship between characters is allowed TO SOME EXTENT. YOU MAY NOT PERFORM ACTIONS THAT MAY OFFEND SUSCEPTIBILITIES. Keep it civil.

  • Swearing is allowed TO SOME EXTENT. One may not insult freely at any given chance.

Regarding Xenophoba and Racism

  • These times are hard. Imagine a land where one race came from the sea and are ethnically closed and narrowminded. Imagine you're on the receieving end: These invaders took your lands and made them theirs. Imagine you're one man from a tribe, to be called backward and weak-minded because of your tribal ancestors who practice (in their lands) Cannibalism and flowery wars. You may have the intention to be xenophobic and racist, right? Okay. You can be such things ROLEPLAY WISE. YOU MAY NOT OFFEND PEOPLE ACCORDING TO THEIR REAL LIFE ETHNICITY, RELIGION, CREEDS, PHILOSOPHIES, COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OR ANY OTHER THING RELATED TO REAL LIFE PROFILE. RACISM IS OKAY IN THE ISLANDS, DON'T BE A FOOL ON THE STREETS OF LIFE.

Regarding any player run organization:

  • In this world, there exists some kind of aggregation of peoples. Let it be their nations, towns, guilds, clans... Players are born into a Clan. They must carry on its legacy thorughout the eras and ages, and make it a respectable name. Other kinds of associations are legal, criminal and licit ones. Players may found dynasties and have titles and land. Even some may declare independence. For this, please take into account that you'll be asked why. If your reasons are fair, you may be a ruler. But that doesn't mean EVERY PLAYER WILL BE A RULER. Its fun to be the peasant, burgher or clergy some times!

  • Remember that your race is your main affiliation. Cultures here tend to be endogamous and collectivist to some degree. Do not betray your kin, unless you have a really REALLY good reason. Aka: Do not associate yourself with people of other races unless strictly necessary (You may befriend them though).

Regarding language, culture and basic stuff for these races:

  • For the languages, the main one (the one I have most described) is the Gao language. I'll upload swadesh lists (lists of words) and some other key concepts later and periodically. Name your characters with these (Imagine being called Bida (Flower) or some other original name. I'll explain namesakes further later). I will also upload "common names" for each race.

  • Cultures will be described early, but that doesn't mean they can't change. What if one player from one race discovers silk, and it becomes mainstream for that culture to wear silk robes? what if they adopt customs of others? You may, in accord with your kinspeople and after consultation, to reform your culture.

Religions may be founded TO SOME EXTENT. The existing ones may adopt new customs but NOT CHANGE OVERALL. For new religions, You shall consult. DON'T BE EVERYONE A PROPHET. Some times, its fun to be an influential follower.

This is pretty much IT. These rules may change or add.

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

Islands of Gaomoni

Islands of Gaomoni by MitsunoYui

The Archipelago

The everything

The everything by MitsunoYui

Where all begins

The Northern Island

The Northern Island by MitsunoYui

You arrived to the Northern Island, homeland of the Gao.

Central Island

Central Island by MitsunoYui

By boat you arrive the Central Island, main connection between north and South, and trade hub and hot point betweeen the Gao and the Eniko.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 1 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gaoko Character Portrait: Kaseko Character Portrait: The Spirit Character Portrait: Boutya
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0.75 INK

Where all begins

In a time before time, there was nothing. A single sole entity roamed a vast nothingness without purpose and finality. But once, out of boredom or loneliness, the Great Architect, the Spirit, gave born to a daughter, Gaoko, the Sun. And so she followed her father and creator throughout the empty space. Some time after, the Spirit conceived with her a son, Boutya, the Moon. And he was not alone, but had a twin born as well. Although both were filled with rage, one was docile to the presence of the Spirit and their mother, the other was not. And so that one, the Condemned, was forced to dwell in the depths of the space, and his brother comes to fight him everytime he tries to escape the void.

Later, the Spirit gave born to another daughter, Kaseko, The Earth. And so her was given incredible intelligence, wit, and a loving mother's love.


Once, Boutya, the Moon, ended up being infatuated with Gaoko. And he pursued her, without success. Kaseko followed him closely, as she was fond of him as well. And so he asked for help to his father, the Spirit, who told him to be with Kaseko first, and that he'll help him get to Gaoko. And so he did, and from this union was born the humankind, who inhabit her entrails and thrive in that vast place filled with life.

Then, he was told by his father, the Spirit, to tend Gaoko a trap:to make her say what does one need to tie a knot. And so he went to her and asked this question. The moment Gaoko mentioned the rope, she was tied by her father, and so was at Boutya's mercy. Out of this union, two races were born:

  • The first was born out of Gaoko's desperation and feelings of betrayal. These were condemned to dwell in the depths of the void, due to their evil nature.

  • The other was born out of Gaoko herself. And so she was untied to care for her offspring. Although she at first despised them, she grew fond of them, and made a plan: As she proved to be unable for caregiving, she lured both her sister and Boutya into a trap. And so she did: she tied both to each other and then to her left hand. And they shall follow her and obey her. Later, she installed her offspring in the entrails of her sister, and gave them more intelligence and bestowed her favor upon them, to rule over Kaseko's offspring.

This is the myth of creation according to Gao tradition, and so it shows some feeling of superiority from these peoples.

The setting changes from The everything to Islands of Gaomoni

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0.00 INK

The Arrival

It is unclear as to when the Gao people first came to the islands, or how, but a hundred years have passed since the first clashes with the local populace.
Regarding these events, the Eniko recall the time they saw some big canoe-like ships in the horizon. And, from all of a sudden, these people came down from these ships, and raided the coastal towns of the Northern Island. The local Eniko were nearly expulsed from the Island, except some communities living in the central mountain range.
Since then, the Gao people had evolve, adapting local crops and animals to their settlements. They also incorporated some techniques from the locals, like the semi-buried houses (traditional Gao ones are over wooden pillars), crop rotation and also rituals, like some animals or fruits having special regard in legends and folk religion.


One may notice several differences between the Gao and the Eniko, from their culture: The Gao settlements center around a temple, whereas Eniko people settlements center around the Townhall. The clothing style of Gao people is different from the Eniko even at the materials used, where Eniko people use piΓ±a, the Gao use cotton fiber. Eniko men and women both use trouser-like clothes, whereas Gao women use robe-like dresses, while men use trousers. It is also noticeable how Eniko people wear some kind of footwear, while Gao people go barefoot.
Both languages are also different, although Gao incorporated some loanwords due to being in the Eniko language zone. Gao people talk the same language, although varietes evolved from time and region, while Eniko is a family of languages, more or less mutually intelligible. Some of them are distantly related, and two speakers may have serious trouble communicating.
Gao people are more prone to suffering from tropical diseases than Eniko. This is probably because of the Gao origin, which may have been in more template or cold areas. Malaria takes a high death toll among the Gao, especially in moonsoon season.

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Islands of Gaomoni

Islands of Gaomoni by MitsunoYui

The Archipelago

The everything

The everything by MitsunoYui

Where all begins

The Northern Island

The Northern Island by MitsunoYui

You arrived to the Northern Island, homeland of the Gao.

Central Island

Central Island by MitsunoYui

By boat you arrive the Central Island, main connection between north and South, and trade hub and hot point betweeen the Gao and the Eniko.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Gaoko
Character Portrait: Kaseko
Character Portrait: Boutya
Character Portrait: The Spirit


Character Portrait: Kaseko

Goddess of earth, sister and daughter of Gaoko and mother of all humankind (except the Gao). She is also goddess of knowledge and arts. Her gift to her offspring was the fire.

Character Portrait: Boutya

Brother and son of Gaoko, God of the Moon. father of both the Gao and the rest of mankind

Character Portrait: The Spirit
The Spirit

Father of Fathers, artisan of artisans. We all trace our lineage to it

Character Portrait: Gaoko

The Sun Goddess and chief Deity of the pantheon.


Most Followed

View All » Places

Islands of Gaomoni

Islands of Gaomoni by MitsunoYui

The Archipelago

The everything

The everything by MitsunoYui

Where all begins

The Northern Island

The Northern Island by MitsunoYui

You arrived to the Northern Island, homeland of the Gao.

Central Island

Central Island by MitsunoYui

By boat you arrive the Central Island, main connection between north and South, and trade hub and hot point betweeen the Gao and the Eniko.

Central Island

By boat you arrive the Central Island, main connection between north and South, and trade hub and hot point betweeen the Gao and the Eniko.

The Northern Island

You arrived to the Northern Island, homeland of the Gao.

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