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Stella Reynolds

"Life? What's the point?"

0 · 2,481 views · located in Hellingly Asylum

a character in “Demented Insanity”, as played by Sunflower


"Life? What's the point?"


Stella Reynolds

Stell || Commonly Used
Stells || Rarely Used


|Birth Date|
May 5th


|Sexual Orientation|



|Reason for being in the Asylum|
Ever since Stella was a child she was diagnosed with depression but her parents neglected to ever get her her depression medication. So throughout the years it steadily began to get worse, resulting in her beginning to harm herself. She cut herself on her arms and the inside of her thighs in order to deal with the depression she was going through. Though as time went on that never seemed to work like it used to. In the end she attempted to kill herself. She sat in the tub and filled it with water before taking a razor blade to her wrists, cutting them deep enough to cut open her arteries. Though before she was able to die, she was found and was sent straight to the hospital. These attempts have happened numerous times in different ways.

When Stella was seventeen, she murdered her best friend because they threatened to tell everyone in the school that she was sleeping around with a bunch of guys, trying to get pregnant, which wasn't true in the slightest. In the end it happened and out of rage, she ended up murdering Amber. For a while nobody ever found out she was the one who did it until just recently. She was then sent to Hellingly Asylum in hopes that she would heal and return to her normal self.

Stella, there is no way to explain her other than having her be a piece of work. She has a hard time trusting anyone and most of the words that come out of her mouth are smart comments. She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her or how her words effect the other person. As long as she gets what she wants, nothing else matters to her. Though deep down she is a caring person and wants nothing more than a normal life, one that she would never be able to have.

Stella was born into a very strange family. Ever since she was a child, her parents were scared of her because of the odd comments she would make and the way she acted around people. Because of this her parents began trying to stay away from her as much as possible. She never had the life of a normal child like she truly deserved. In the end all of this started her depression.

In school kids always picked on her for the way she dressed, the way she walked, things she would say, pretty much anything in the book. This just made her depression begin to worsen throughout the years until one day she finally just snapped. Ever since she's been trying to kill herself but nothing she ever did seemed to work. Someone either stopped her or brought her to the hospital when they found her. This has happened on numerous occasions. Though she was never admitted into the asylum until she was found guilty of murdering her best friend, Amber two years after her murder. She pleaded insanity and was sent to Hellingly Asylum. She has just began her entrance.

|Face Claim|
Phoebe Tonkin

|Dialogue Color Code|

Sunshine and Whiskey

So begins...

Stella Reynolds's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey Character Portrait: Lucy Walton
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Dialogue Color: Cyan || Location: Hellingly Asylum
ImageStella found herself being dragged into Hellingly Asylum by none only than her parents and one of the security guards. She wasn't insane, she knew she wasn't. Amber deserved it after everything that she had done to her. How could Amber even say she was Stella's friend when she did so many horrible things to her?

"That bitch deserved it! Let me go! I'm not insane!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as she was dragged into the doors. The woman began kicking her legs and trying her best to get out of the grip of the security guard but he was too strong for her to even budge.

Stella finally just chose to calm down a bit when she was shoved into her room and was tossed an outfit for her to put on while the security guard the the psychiatrist, Amelia stood outside the door. She relentlessly pulled on the ugly, tan outfit and opened the door, tossing her civilian clothing at the woman and the male standing outside her room.

"I don't even see the point for being in here. I didn't do anything wrong," Stella stated as she then crossed her arms over her chest and looked directly at the two of them.

Amelia walked off and went to her office, leaving Stella and the security guard alone. "Follow me into the lounge area. You will be with the rest of the patients," he stated to her and turned without another word, though he didn't move until he heard Stella beginning to follow behind him.

Upon arriving in the lounge, she spotted many of the other patients doing puzzles, sitting in corners, talking to themselves, some just staring off into space doing absolutely nothing. This place was nothing more than depressing, which didn't seem to help at all with her depression.

With a soft sigh Stella sat down on one of the three couches that were in the room and pulled her legs up onto the couch with her and just sat there staring out the window. There was nothing else to do. It's not like she wanted to converse with anyone. Though she knew that if someone were to approach her, she would have to say something to them. She may be a bitch at times but she wasn't the kind of person to straight up ignore someone without a reason for it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Ezekiel Olliston
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It was a normal day for Ezekiel, he was playing chess. Against himself. No one else wanted to play with him, anyone who had before had been beaten, there had been few times he had been assaulted by a maniac for beating them. "Oh, good move there, Ezzie!" He swapped to the the other side of the table, "Thank you, it's flattering, really." He swapped other again and hummed in thought, he took the white side's remaining horse with a castle as Stella was being dragged in through the asylum doors, he looked over for a few seconds as she screamed at the top of her lungs, slightly hurting his slightly sensitive hearing. He has seen people come kicking and screaming and leave calmly and peacefully, so it was nothing new. "So, Ezekiel, it's your turn." He swapped other and took a minute to ponder what piece to take. "Hmm... You're cheating, Ezzie!" He swapped again, "How could I be cheating?!" He swapped again, "RAAGGGGHHHHH!" By a sweep of his arm he knocked all the pieces off the chessboard and sat there idle for a few seconds before laughing hysterically. "Hehe... hoohoohaha... Wuhahahaha! WAHAHAHA!" Ezekiel was crazy, but, he was an entertaining kind of crazy. When he wasn't violent...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Ezekiel Olliston
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Dialogue Color: #009900

Benji gnawed on his tongue as it rested against his bottom lip. His eyes were squinted in concentration, and his reflection stared back at him with equal conviction as he ran wet hands through his hair. Normally, he would use a very specific leave-in conditioner and gel combo, but for the past year that Benji has been at Hellingly, he's had to make due with water. They don't trust the patients with their own toothpaste, much less high-end hair products; a guard mentioned something about a past incident involving weaponized hairspray and 3rd degree burns.

The screams of a new female patient were the driving force behind the special effort that Benji was putting into asylum bathroom water today. Which isn't to say that he doesn't normally put extravagant effort into his appearance, but the promise of a new girl to scope out is always enough to make him go the extra mile.

After flicking his last saturated strand into place, Benji swaggered out into the lounge, and his eyes almost immediately singled Stella out as the newcomer. He knew everyone in the asylum, so this deduction was simple enough, but the conclusion could be easily drawn by someone with less knowledge. All newbies were the same: still insisting that they didn't belong, staring into blank space, sitting far away from the other patients as if to say, "I'm not crazy like everyone else in here! Please, help me." Benji remembered when he used to be like that; on bad days, he still was.

Ezekiel's screams from his right shook Benji from his thoughts, an interruption that he was happy to welcome. The only way to stay alive in an asylum is to always keep yourself busy and never think about where you are.

"Ezzie," he said in the amused, mildly patronizing tone that he always uses when talking to people he thinks to be below him, bending over to pick up a Bishop. "You better fuckin' clean these up if you're gonna do that, buddy." He sat down across from Ezekiel and ruffled the other boy's hair with the hand that wasn't still twidling with the chess piece consideringly between its fingers. "'Cause I'm used to you doing this psycho shit enough to check the floors, but new girl might not be," he cocked his head in Stella's direction and, while still remaining seated, shifted his body towards her, "and we don't want her to trip and bust her pretty face." Benji said this last bit directly to Stella, and, after giving the Bishop another once-over, chose to throw it playfully at her head.

"Come sit over here with us, babe."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey Character Portrait: Lucy Walton
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Cole was sitting at the lounge area, reading his fantasy book as usual. Luckily today he was himself and not one of his other selfs surfaced today. He finally was happy to read his book, well, trying to read his book as he was reading the same sentence four times already because that kid,Ezekiel, was again making noises like he was two people. Also, there was noise from the entrance, noise that is quite familiar to most patients here. It is the sound of someone new joining this facility. Still, Cole thought it was good he is himself, when another personality take over he doesn't remember anything what was happening. Cole only knows of his other selfs because of his therapy sessions.

Cole sigh and gave up reading when the new girl entered the lounge led by the guard. He was about to go over and introduce himself when suddenly Ezekiel had his moment and called himself a cheater and threw all the chess pieces on the floor. Cole sigh and shook his head, but he didn't say anything. He turned to the new girl to see she was not scared or fainted, he approached her silently and gently. "Don't mind them, you get used to them, my name is Cole Jefferson. Hope you will get better soon and get out of here" . Cole always said that to new comers because mostly it was their wish when they came here, to get out of this place, as they all do.

He than walked back a bit from her, giving her some space and sat back down. He grabbed his book and tried reading it again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Ezekiel Olliston
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Dialogue Color: Cyan || Location: Hellingly Asylum
ImageStella continued to sit there, trying her best to block out all of the noises one of the patients were making. He was not only talking to himself but playing chess with himself as if he were two different people.

She sighed a bit and returned her attention to the window, but her sense of peace hadn't lasted very long. A chess piece at been thrown at her head. She immediately turned her attention towards the male who she only assumed was the culprit soon enough for her to hear what he was going to say, "Come sit over here with us, babe." Though that was far from what she was going to do when he had the nerve to throw something at her.

Stella rolled her eyes at him and once again returned her attention towards the window, taking in all of the scenery around the building. "Don't mind them, you get used to them, my name is Cole Jefferson. Hope you will get better soon and get out of here." she heard another male's voice speaking to her.

She moved her attention towards him, finding an older guy. She gave a polite smile towards him, "Thanks, but I don't think I'm ever getting out of here," she responded. "I'm Stella Reynolds," she added.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey Character Portrait: Ezekiel Olliston
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0.00 INK

Kira 'KJ' Jane Grey

"I believe there's insanity in everyone, some of us take it to the grave, others embrace it and let go and so far, letting go has worked for me,"

Dialogue Colour: #EA73FF - Location: Asylum

A pastel haired, slightly skeletal and ditsy looking girl was guided into the common room by a nurse who then left her once she was in the communal area. The pink haired bombshell walked like she was dancing in the royal ballet, her steps were long, graceful, exaggerated and dramatic. Her hair floated behind her and she swayed her arms like she was an animated character as she waltzed into the room. She suddenly froze in the centre of the room when she saw the new girl- a brunette kicking and screaming on her way into the room. The girl whose name happened to be Kira Jane, stared with eyes wider than a startled doe's at the other girl with a blank expression, a face so scarcely populated with emotion and so vacant it resembled that of a confused child- there was simply nothing there until the girl suddenly lit up with an adoring smile as she waved her arm dramatically, rolling her wrist as she gazed at the unknown brunette but soon enough, Kira had identified her.

"Excuse me? Excuse me!" She looked like she was trying to push people out of her way and she twisted and caved her body like she was struggling through a crowd but there was absolutely no one there at all, not even a single soul in her path.

"I know you!" She cried out pointing directly at the girl's face.

"You're Tinkerbelle! I've heard all about you and your wings!" She exclaimed with a flail of her arms.

"They're beautiful! I'm the Princess but you must know that already of course, now oh gosh! I wish I could stay but I simply can't. I have to go! I'm late, I'm late for a very important date!" She squinted down the hall like she was looking for something, staring hard as though trying to look into the eyes of fly and then she gave a howl of outrage.

"How could you? She bellowed at 'Tinkerbelle' (Stella) "You sabotaged me! You deliberately distracted me and now I've lost my white rabbit. I'll never find my way home, I miss my Kanas Toto," She stared down at the floor frowning sadly with watery eyes as she started waltzing away again with swaying arms.

"Yeah me too boy," She said to the floor before looking up and gasping with excitement. She rushed over to the flying chess pieces with an expression of totally awe as she held her hands out to try and touch the pieces as they tumbled through the air. "Look Sinbad! Look at all the beautiful butterflies!" She cried catching a 'knight' piece between two cupped hands and sitting on the ground to peek at it through her hands as if she thought it'd try to escape. When she said 'Sinbad' she meant 'Ezekiel' but most people would understand that by now, the most regular faces around the institute didn't really change in how Kira recognised them, so most of the time you could grasp who she was talking to. "So, so, so, so, pretty," She whispered to herself continuing to peer into her hands with the innocence and juvenile naivety of a child. She suddenly threw the piece across the floor and cried out again in disappointment. "Awh it escaped. Sinbad, where did they go? I wanted to play," She sulked frowning sadly like she might burst into tears.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey Character Portrait: Ezekiel Olliston
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color: #009900

ImageAs Stella turned back towards the window, Benji's subconscious noted her similarities to his own physique, but his conscious was unaware of this process; his thoughts registered her as hot, but couldn't draw any comparisons.

Although the object of his recent infatuation didn't seem to be interested, he couldn't remember the last time that a simple rejection had ever dissuaded his advances. An eyeroll was practically an invitation in Benji's language. While he didn't earn a reply from her, the man he knew to be Cole got an "I don't think I'm ever getting out of here. I'm Stella Reynolds."; true to form, Benji took offense; but, instead of lashing out with the violence that he so wanted to, he simply replied as if this statement had been meant for him-- maybe the treatments were getting somewhere, after all.

"No need to roll your eyes at me-- even though you do look cute when you get all huffy," He winked at her in a way that was only semi-joking, and continued. "Well, it's nice to put a name to the face, darling. Mine's Benji-- something that I'm sure you'll be using all night long." Leaning towards Stella with his hand extended, as if to hold her cheek in his palm, a considering look flashed over his eyes, and he retracted his digits slowly towards his chest before they even met her skin.

"Wait... you suck dick, right?" he asked slowly.

The line of conversation was briefly interrupted by Kira twirling behind them and shouting something or other in their general direction about "Kansas" and "butterflies."-- he wasn't sure because he usually tries to tune her out. Although most people would consider Ezekiel to be the most fucked up person in the asylum, Benji took the stance that the position went to a certain pink-haired individual. Something about Ezzie's dark side made him seem more down-to-earth, but everything about Kira screamed "imaginary land".

"If I ever get like Princess over there," from his lips, the name dripped with mockery, "please shoot me in my sleep." Although this was spoken in a "stage-whisper", the tone was definitely loud enough for Kira to pick up on it if she were listening.

Refocusing his attention to the new patient before him, he didn't verbally ask his question again, but he implied it with his suggestive tilt of the head. "So, do you? With a pretty mouth like that, it'd be a shame if you didn't."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Cyan || Location: Hellingly Asylum
ImageJust as she had answered Cole's question, the male whom had the nerve to throw the chess piece at her began speaking to her. All she was able to hear was his name before her attention was drawn to a female with pastel hair calling her Tinkerbelle. What the hell was wrong with her? Stella was no where near being Tinkerbelle. The fairy wasn't even real to begin with. But she just shrugged the girl's words off and allowed her to go on about her own business.

Stella returned her attention back towards Benji soon enough to hear a very inappropriate question that she just ignored. That wasn't something she was going to answer. Ever.

"If I ever get like Princess over there," from his lips, the name dripped with mockery, "please shoot me in my sleep." At those words Stella gave an evil smirk and thought to herself, No need to even act like Princess for me to shoot you. Though regardless of her thoughts she just nodded her head at him, keeping her thoughts to herself.

"So, do you? With a pretty mouth like that, it'd be a shame if you didn't." Once again he brought up that inappropriate question and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Wouldn't you like to know," she responded, once again plastering a small smirk upon her face.

This guy definitely had some nerve, that was for sure. Though as she continued to look at him, she did find that he was slightly attractive but he was far too aware of his looks that it just made him sickingly cocky in her opinion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey Character Portrait: Lucy Walton
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color: #009900

Image Benji was offered a reprieve from Stella's contempt by the entrance of a patient; tall and dark haired, she was someone that he would've remembered seeing around. Under any other circumstance, he would pry, but because she looked preoccupied with her mottled arms; for all he knew, it might border dangerous to approach this new arrival. Besides, it's not like he didn't already have company.

Only his eyes turned back to Stella, as he'd kept his actual head facing her the entire time.

"Wouldn't you like to know," were the words she said, and she even paired them with a smirk across her face, as if she were playing Benji's game right alongside him. It was a daring move; the average girl trying to drop a hint would make herself smaller in Benji's presence: she would look down at her lap, fiddle with her hands, and speak in a barely audible tone. He couldn't help but grin back-- mostly because he was flirting with her, partially because of her audacity, but also partially because of the question itself; his shoulders lifted themselves into a lopsided shrug.

"Well, yeah," he replied simply, although the suave bravado in his tone never quite wavered, "I'm not all about asking questions I don't want the answers to, sweetie." Benji's fingers ran their way through his hair, adjusting it for the umpteenth time as his eyes looked at Stella's expression and gathered that she wasn't feeling very open to a genuine response.

He leaned back in a large sigh, exposing his abs; after settling down, he leaned forward like he was about to tell Stella the key to the universe: something that would make all worldly information click into a larger picture. "I only ask 'cause I've had some shitty experiences with girls who are all, like 'oh, yeah, Benji, toootally I will, you're sexy as hell, let's go back to mine', and then they hold it in their mouth for, like, two fuckin' seconds and decide to call it quits." He rolled his eyes and scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What a bunch of prudes."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Lucy Walton
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Navy || Location: Hellingly Asylum
Kristina was sitting in the sitting area and was just blocking everything out as she was humming a song to herself and drawing on her skin with her fingers. She thought to herself, man I miss drawing. She saw Lucy walk over to the sitting area and she just looked at her as she sat down grabbing on her arm. She then thought to herself again, wow two newcomers in one day. She then looked down into her lap looking at Benji with an evil look. She walked up to Benji and tapped him on the back of his head. "Benji, why don't you just leave the poor girl alone she has gone through enough without you messing with her" she then walked back to her spot in the sitting area and goes back looking at Lucy she started to talk to her " hello my name is Kristina, I see that you are new here." she smiled at herself with a slight laugh then added on to what she was saying "I have been here for a few years now. It's not as bad as it looks once you push out where you are in your mind" she then put her focus back to her drawing on her skin with her finger and hummed the same song that she has always hummed to herself since she got trapped here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: Cyan || Location: Hellingly Asylum
Image"Well, yeah," she heard Benji respond to her comment. She just sighed and kept her opinions to herself. No matter how hard he tried she wasn't going to answer his question. That was none of his business. If she sucked or not was absolutely none of his concern. It's not like she would ever do anything with him to begin with so why should it matter?

"I'm not all about asking questions I don't want the answers to, sweetie." After hearing his last words she watched as he sat down on the couch beside her and leaned in as if he had some sort of important thing to whisper, something for her to keep between them. As he continued to lean in towards her she took a deep breath, trying to keep herself under control. She was never comfortable when it came to people getting into her personal bubble.

Finally he spoke, "I only ask 'cause I've had some shitty experiences with girls who are all, like 'oh, yeah, Benji, toootally I will, you're sexy as hell, let's go back to mine', and then they hold it in their mouth for, like, two fuckin' seconds and decide to call it quits." He rolled his eyes and scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What a bunch of prudes."

Stella chuckled a bit at his words before responding, "Well, that's your problem, not mine."

Just after she replied to his words, she noticed a dark haired female approach and spoke to Benji. Though the words that came from her mouth just made her laugh a bit. Stella may not have known Benji very long but she knew that he wouldn't appreciate the way she had come into contact with him. "Benji, why don't you just leave the poor girl alone she has gone through enough without you messing with her."

After the girl spoke, she turned as if to walk off though before the girl had a chance Stella stated, "I appreciate your help but he's not bothering me. If I don't want to answer a question I'm not going to answer it," she replied before bracing herself for whatever Benji was going to say or do to her. But she walked off before Benji had a chance to react.

Stella sat there, keeping her attention equalized between Benji and the female. Honestly, she couldn't wait to hear and/or see what he was going to say or do to her. It kind of entertained her a bit more than it should.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey Character Portrait: Landon Walker Character Portrait: Lucy Walton
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #800000

Landon stared blankly down at the open book that lay on the table in front of him, the words blurring together as his eyes lost focus and his mind wandered down another trail of thought. He had no plans on actually reading the novel, but instead used it as an excuse against having to fit himself into the conversations that took place around him. He longed for the quiet that had been in his possession just a few hours ago, when the morning sky was still dark and the majority of the others had still been tucked away inside their respective rooms. It was one of the gifts that came along with waking up as early as he did everyday, and he cherished it no matter how fleeting it usually was. He remained generally undisturbed by those around him playing chess and using the literature for its intended purpose for quite some time, as it was one of his better days and the occasional glance sent his way barely bothered him. His attention was caught, however, when a new face entered the room and took residence on a couch not too far from his table. She must have been the reason for the screams he had heard not too long ago, then. He shrugged to himself and sent a faint smile in the general direction of the girl, in case she noticed him among the sea of faces.

It wasn't until Benji (Landon often thought to himself that the nickname was somewhat ridiculous, but the man insisted, so he complied) showed up that things actually began to wind up for the day. The outgrown frat boy patronized Ezekiel on something related to picking up the chess pieces he had earlier thrown to the ground in relation to the safety of the new girl, which didn't surprise Landon at all. Although Landon had only been at Hellingly Asylum for less than a month, he was a rather observant person. Benji would probably only show interest in the girl for another day, if that, before he moved on to either someone new or an old fling he had briefly forgotten about. Landon might have even felt bad for the girl, but she seemed to be handling him quite well for being new. He briefly considered saying something to draw the attention towards him, -- the therapists are always on his back for being 'anti-social', so maybe this would briefly get them off his back, and he was feeling particularly adventurous today -- but before he could reach an internal decision, Kira was being escorted in by some employees. A grin threateningly pulled at the corners of his mouth, but he refused to indulge in it and instead turned slightly in his chair to face her. She wasn't half bad in his eyes. In fact, on days were conspiracies weren't constantly running through his head, he actually found her tellings of the world she was living in to be quite amusing to listen to. Today, it appeared that her high pitched exclamations were focused around TInkerbell and butterflies. Interesting.

Conversation continued between the patients in the lounge, particularly the newest girl and Benji, for a short while longer without any input from Landon. Maybe he wasn't feeling as brave to break his scheduled silence as he had originally thought himself to be. Once again, however, his internal debate was interrupted by the appearance of another new face coming through the door. He peaked up slightly in his chair, leaning forward as if to be certain she wasn't just a girl he had forgotten about. No, she was definitely new, and this worried him. There hadn't been a newcomer all week, but suddenly two within an hour of each other? His mind suddenly began to whirl with a flurry of new thoughts and precautions. What ifs and hows flooded his brain as fast as they could, but he could already feel the medicine he had taken with breakfast do its best to fight off his own mind. His muscles relaxed, and he sank into the back of the wooden chair. His eyes lazily followed her as she took a seat on nearly the opposite side of the room, then slid closed as the drugs did their job and he steadily lost interest in her. When he opened his eyes again, it was clear to him some time had passed. Benji was now harassing the girl with something about blowjobs, and Kristina had now entered the fray in an attempt to help New Girl. Landon rolled his eyes to himself, hoping she would learn someday that there was no use. Benji was insufferable, you just had to let him talk himself out.

There was a sudden lull in the conversation, and Landon's mouth opened before he really planned on it. "I would just save your breath if I were you, Kristina." He started, lips pulling upwards in just a trace of a smirk in the general direction of the talking group. "We all know he'll just keep going 'till he's done. He's, uh... Persistent. Ain't that right, Benji?" His tone was friendly and light hearted, as if he was joking with some old friends. In actuality he didn't really care much for any of them in particular, but was just fine with keeping things civil. Just because he was stuck in this hellhole didn't mean he had to make the experience unbearably horrible.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey Character Portrait: Landon Walker
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Cole was trying to read his book in the lounge area when suddenly it became very crowded, almost all the patients started to come in. It was not something to blame them for, finally a relaxing moment to sit is rare in here. So everyone coming to the lounge area for a break. Also, meeting new arrivals is always interesting. And they were lucky to get two of them as another girl arrived after her introduction session. Cole got frustrated of Benji's behavior, but he just could not say a word. He was not one of those guys who can help a lady that being picked on by another guy. Also, Stella seems she can quite capable of helping herself.

Cole was again went into his silent mode, not wanting to intervene and thought that it will go solve on his own. Just than Cole retreated and resurfaced on his face a very angry, blood-shot eyes look on his face. Cole, or better yet as those that knew Hank, got up and walked fast to Benji and tapped him on the shoulder, a bit hard but not too hard. "Ok, mister, you better stop this rude behavior or you will not be picking girls but picking your teeth from the floor?" . His manner looked threatening, he totally looking very different from the quiet person he was talking to Stella before.

"Hank" was looking straight into Benji's eyes and he so wanted to hit someone, just to make him feel good he protected someone. He did not hear Miss Jones calling for Cole for his appointment. "Cole Jefferson. It's time for your appointment," . He could not see or hear anything but his anger just telling him hit that insolent guy! . Which in that moment he will just make his fist fly to connect with Benji's face, missing or not missing, still will send him screaming.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Landon Walker Character Portrait: Amelia Jones
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Dialogue Color: #009900

ImageBenji tied the rubber band tighter and tighter around his pointer finger. It's something that they'd taught him in therapy-- whenever you're feeling violent, wrap a rubber band around your finger until you can only focus on the blood coursing through its veins. Take 10 deep breaths. Untie. Retie. Take 10 deep breaths. Untie. He'd thought it was bullshit when Amelia first explained it to him, but she'd just calmly asked him, "Are you mad now?" to which he'd replied, "I'm always fuckin' mad." She'd handed him one from inside her desk to test the method, and he's kept it in his pocket ever since. To this day, it's the only non-drug method that can calm him down.

No matter how many times he untied and retied, though, he couldn't get the image of punching Kristina out of his head. As for Cole and his insult about "picking his teeth from the floor", he just earned a middle finger in his general direction. But something about Kristina's was different. He just wanted to kick her, and do it over and over and over. It wasn't her words that rubbed him the wrong way, but the way that she'd just walked away after she was done, as if she'd resolved the problem. As if Benji had nothing of interest to say. Stella's words washed over him, carrying no more meaning than tonal intonations. He began to count 10 deep breaths, willing his feet to stay where they were.

On the 9th, someone said, "We all know he'll just keep going 'till he's done. He's, uh... Persistent. Ain't that right, Benji?". The voice was familiar, but in this context, it seemed almost alien to him. He had to look up to put Landon's name to the voice. The anger seeped from his chest on the 10th breath, and he plastered the same smirk onto his face as before.

"Damn straight, Andy." He gestured Landon over with a jerk of his head and a wave of his hand. "Quit sittin' over there at the nerd table, come hang out with the cool kids."

Not even waiting for a reply, Benji pulled Landon into the conversation with authority, as if his words ordained the other boy to be an official part of the discussion. "There's no need to be so secretive, baby," Benji cajoled Stella. "In here, everyone finds out all your shit sooner or later. Why not just make it sooner?" His words took on the tone of a schoolteacher trying to explain a new concept to her students: a bit too articulated, a tad condescending, and all spoken as if he was doing everyone else a favor. "See, this doesn't have to be the big fuss that you're turning it into."

Turning to Landon now, Benji got a considering gleam in his eye. "Bet if I asked Andy, it wouldn't be some big ordeal. Because he's chill, and he doesn't think everything needs to be a fuckin' beaner soap opera." Even though the other boy could probably see the question coming from a mile away, Benji felt the need to articulate it: partially for shock factor, of course. Everything he does is partially for shock factor. "So, bro, you suck cock?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey Character Portrait: Landon Walker
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Richard was first time late to his job. He was never late. He loved his job and also he was quite friendly with the patients there, most of them called him 'The nicest guard' among the others. However, last night he was studying real hard for his exams for his second degree he just overslept. He really hoped this one mistake would not count for, he really needed this job not to just help him pay for his tuition, but also to keep him in line. He was scared if he will be back to being unemployed he will go back to his bad ways. Richard was already driving to the asylum from his apartment, but he did not much go over the speed limit. He still kept to the law. He was a change man and he won't be going back now.

Finally, Richard parked his car and get out of it as quickly as possible. Already wearing his guard's uniform he ran to the front gate and showed his ID to the other security guards, which he didn't have to show because they all know him. But it was force of habit. He quickly reached the patients' floor, just when Miss Jones came to call Cole Jefferson for his appointment. "Sorry, Miss Jones for being late, let me help you get Mr Jefferson ok?" . Just as he said that he turned his head when Cole faced Benji and screamed, "Ok, mister, you better stop this rude behavior or you will not be picking girls but picking your teeth from the floor?" . Richard sigh and shook his head and he walked towards Cole and Benji to let Mr.Jefferson know of his appointment, just when Cole's fist started to fly towards Benji. Richard's reflexes were quick and his hand grabbed Cole's arm before he made the final blow. "Ok, Cole, or is that you Hank? you better calm know what happened last time" .

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey Character Portrait: Landon Walker
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As Ezekiel swiped his arm across the chess board, a girl came over to her, it was Kira, a person who also had a small place in his heart, "Look, Sinbad! Look at all the beautiful butterflies!" Ezekiel or "Sinbad," according to her, smiled at her as she caught a knight piece and looked at it in wonder as if it were a beautiful small bird. "Ezzie, You better fuckin' clean these up if you're gonna do that, buddy. Cause I'm used to you doing this psycho shit enough to check the floors, but new girl might not be, and we don't want her to trip and bust her pretty face." Ezekiel burst out in laughter, "Hoohoohahahaha! That's funny, Benji... Don't call me Ezzie." He again put all his attention to Kira, "So, so, so, so, pretty," She suddenly threw the piece across the floor and sulked, "Awh, it escaped. Sinbad, where did they go? I wanted to play." Ezekiel got up from his seat, "Come here, Princess." He smiled and walked in all different directions, picking up all his chess pieces as he went and she followed, once he was done he poured them all into Kira's hands, "There! Are you happy, Princess? Cause I am! Wuhahaha!" He pranced over to the strange conversation of Ben, Stella, Cole and a few others. "Benji, why don't you just leave the poor girl alone she has gone through enough without you messing with her." He had no idea what they were talking about, but, he didn't care too much. After a bit more "banter" the psychariatrist came out to the common room, "Oh, oh, pick me, miss psychariastrist! Pick me! Wuhahaha!" He bounced up and down and waved his hands frantically in the air, "Cole Jefferson. It's time for your appointment," He stopped jumping and waving, "Ooooh, you're lucky, old man. Wuhahaha! So, what were we talking about again? Hooohohahaha!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Kira Jane Grey Character Portrait: Landon Walker
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Dialogue Color: Cyan || Location: Hellingly Asylum
ImageStella found herself once again being filled with nothing more than silence as she listened to everyone arguing about how Benji was treating her. She just sighed and rolled her eyes before returning her attention to the window. Though she was honestly getting sick and tired of everyone being on her case. Just because she was new it didn't mean she needed to be studied like something under a microscope.

So finally, she just stood up on the couch and grabbed everyone's attention. "Okay, look! I know everyone here knows I'm new and you want to know me. So I'll just go ahead and tell you because I'm tired of being studied and treated like I can't handle myself. My name is Stella Reynolds, my favorite color is blue, I was placed in here because numerous times I decided it would be a great idea to kill myself, my depression has constantly taken me over, causing me to harm myself and others. And the best part about this story, I murdered my best friend. Though she honestly deserved it. There, is everyone happy now?!" she stated before stepping down off the couch and pushing past all of the other surrounding patients before making her way through the hall and into her room.

With a sigh Stella sat down on her bed, beginning to dig her nails into her skin. Once again she was beginning to go through another breakdown. Stella didn't deserve to be in here. There was absolutely nothing wrong with her. There were many other people out there who have done far worse than what she has and isn't locked up for insanity. Stella wasn't insane, she knew it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Kristina Brooks Character Portrait: Cole Jefferson Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Landon Walker Character Portrait: Lucy Walton
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Dialogue Color: Navy || Location: Hellingly Asylum
When Kristina was walking back to her seat she heard a male's voice talking to her, "I would just save your breath if I were you, Kristina." Then as she took her seat he added, "We all know he'll just keep going 'till he's done. He's, uh... Persistent. Ain't that right, Benji?" After introducing herself to Lucy, she looks over at the male seeing that it was Landon and she replies to him with a soft smile, "Yeah I know, but it gets pretty damn aggravating." She then looks out the window seeing a pretty bird and smiles then the bird flies away just as she looks up to see that Benji just about got punched in the face by "Hank". She lets out a smile where no one could see then went back to her frown when miss new girl (Stella) stands on the couch and tells her story of why she was here then storms off to her room. She rolls her eyes and starts to get pretty angry, she has been as nice as she could and she just couldn't handle it any more. She began to rock in her seat with her mind telling her to cut everyone's head off so they would shut up but she shakes her head and snaps back to reality.

She walked back to her room after seeing all this and it was still just the middle of the day she needed to get away from all the craziness especially with Benji and the new girl. She lays in her hard bed and takes a deep breath and whispers "Man what a day and we haven't even had lunch yet." Then she looked over to the door and kept her eyes over that way. She may have been at this crazy place for a few years but she still never felt comfortable here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Lucy Walton
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Dialogue Color: Cyan || Location: Stella's Room

As Stella sat there in her room, sitting on her bed continuing to dig her nails into her skin blood slowly began to seep out of her arm. She sighed a bit as she glanced up, finding a girl standing there in her door way. She couldn't help but seem to notice the resemblance between her and Amber. The girl just looked so much like her, it was just uncanny.

"Hey...Stella?" she finally heard her state before she began making her way into her room, towards her. "That was...brave. Hi, i'm Lucy..."

As much as Stella wanted to say something, she just couldn't seem to make herself form the words. She was too distracted by how much she looked like her best friend, Amber, the first girl she ever found herself having a crush on and since then found herself completely confused about her sexuality. Though it was also the very first person she happened to kill.

Why was she feeling upset about it? There is no reason for Stella to feel remorse about the death of her best friend, especially since the girl deserved it. There was no other way to explain it. Stella wasn't just going to sit back and allow Amber to continue spreading rumors about her, ones that were clearly not true in the slightest. That just wasn't going to slide.

The very second Lucy placed her hand onto her shoulder, she immediately looked over towards her. Stella felt slightly uncomfortable with her touching her, but in a way it kind of felt nice. The last time anyone was ever slightly caring towards her was many years ago, back before she was diagnosed with depression. She noticed Lucy glance down at her arm, "You too, huh?" she heard her state before she pulled her bandage down, showing her own marks. "You're not alone there..."

Honestly Stella was a bit shocked that she hadn't been the only one self inflicting pain upon herself and not even caring about it in the slightest. Though part of her felt good to know that she wasn't alone in the matter. Finally Stella gulped slightly and brought herself to speak, hoping that she wouldn't happen to say anything wrong. All Lucy was doing was being nice and if she were to flip out on her the way she did on everyone else back in the common room, she would feel real bad. Worse than she ever had before.

"Yeah, um, it's not something I'm necessarily proud of but it's the only thing I can seem to do to ease my stress so I don't get violent. Though, as you probably seemed to overhear, it didn't work very well a couple years back," she responded. Stella glanced down at Lucy's arm and slowly, yet cautiously placed her fingers upon her cuts and ran her fingers along them.

After a brief moment she pulled her hand back over to herself and slid her tan jacket sleeve up, showing her arm that was filled with scars. All the way up from her wrist to her shoulder. Stella sighed once more and glanced down at the floor as she spoke, "My other arm and both thighs look just like this," she added.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Reynolds Character Portrait: Benjamin "Benji" Schmidt Character Portrait: Lucy Walton Character Portrait: Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Ezekiel Olliston
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Kira 'KJ' Jane Grey

"I believe there's insanity in everyone, some of us take it to the grave, others embrace it and let go and so far, letting go has worked for me,"

Dialogue Colour: #EA73FF - Location: Asylum

Upon being issued with what to her felt like thousands of butterflies she gave an out cry of glee and excitement laughing out loud and clasping her hands together dramatically under her chin and staring at the little pieces with total adoration. She looked so happy and care free as she sang out her appreciation for 'Sinbad' capturing the butterflies until she heard Benji's words and the glazing of hurt that clouded over her eyes was practically instantaneous. All the happiness that had been in her expression completely faded as though it'd all been sucked out of her by a demon or something else creepy and dark.

"Why would he say that?" She whispered to herself, quivering and clutching her on elbows. The chess pieces slipped from her fingers and she curled in on herself. "What did I do wrong? I didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to play with the butterflies? Why would he rather die than be like me? Am I that bad?" One tear drop and she whipped it off her cheek with one quick flick of her angry wrist and diving to her feet and storming off was the warning sign to the nurses she was likely to have an episode. She gave a short sob and tried to leave the room but the nurses caught her arm and encouraged her in another direction to top up the medications she'd taken when she first woke up. One of them was supposedly strong enough to decrease the intensity of her hallucinations but it didn't always work too well with her- it was very hit and miss.

She didn't argue about taking her pills unlike many patients and afterwards and with some coaxing from the Nurses she seemed a lot calmer than she had been and to popular relief, she didn't break down at all. After speaking to the Nurses, she returned and sat in isolation from the others in the corner of the room with no chair but just a cushion and she sat twiddling her thumbs, humming to herself softly but from time to time she'd cast a threatening glare Benji's way, maybe it was a joke but she'd taken it to heart and her vision of him had completely changed, she'd seen him as a Lord before- arrogant but of nobility though know he became something else, a henchman but as for his evil master, KJ couldn't decide who.

She frowned sadly at the ground and played with her thumbs- opposable limbs had never been so interesting before to anyone and she sat there practically having a thumb war with herself, occasionally letting out dramatic and loud sighs but more often than not, she wouldn't make a sound at all apart from the occasional whimper when she could see something stranger than what she liked.