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Thylane Blondeau

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a character in “Gossip Girl: Senior Year”, as played by Miserable


Thylane Blondeau
Full Name:
Thylane LΓ©na-Rose Loubry Blondeau

T, Lani

Her name is pronounced as Tee-Lann (with the "a" sounding like the "a" in "father"). Because people often butcher the pronunciation of her name, she often goes by T or Lani as a nickname.

April 5th


Sexual Orientation:

The Overexposed
Personal Life

Family Life:
Thylane was born in Aix-en-Provence, a city commune in the south of France, to Patrick Blondeau and VΓ©ronika Loubry. Four years after she was born, her parents had another child, Ayrton-RomeΓΈ Blondeau. Her father was a professional soccer player, and her mother dabbled in acting, fashion and photography. While the Blondeaus were never poor, it is worth noting that Thylane wasn't raised in a family that was filthy rich. Combined, her parents' net worths were worth a couple million dollars, and given their spending habits, they fell into the class of people who constantly had to work to maintain their lifestyle. Neither of her parents could be considered celebrities, as they were never superstars in their field of work, so in regards to that, Thylane's childhood was normal. Her parents were her parents, and they were never important enough to be chased by paparazzi to an extent where she would see their jobs as being any different from a businessman or a nurse.

What set Thylane's childhood apart from most was that her mother lived through her vicariously... and to an extreme. The woman had always had an obsession with fame and recognition, and once she decided that she would be unable to reach stardom herself, she turned her focus of that on to her daughter. Thylane was thrust into the world of modelling at age four, when she began walking in runway shows. From then on, it seemed like any and every photo shoot or modelling opportunity that was offered to her, her mother accepted. By the time that she was seven, it became apparent that the schedule that her mother wanted her to have would not coincide with the public school schedule she had, so she was pulled from school and homeschooled. At first, Thylane found modelling to be a bit boring, but it wasn't something that she hated. She was young enough to believe every word that her mother said, about how she was going to be so famous some day, that they wouldn't even be able to walk into the supermarket without seeing her face on magazines. Everyone would know her, and everyone would love her. What child would disagree with the idea that being loved was a good thing? And so she went to the photo shoots, and didn't ask about why all of their neighbors had time to run and play outside while her mother was forcing her to be still for more head shots, and things were fine for a few years.

She had been doing well as a child model for those years, yes, but her big "break" came at the age of ten, when she was booked to shoot for Vogue. At ten years old, she was still an innocent child. The idea of dressing up and putting on fancy clothes and makeup that was excessive for a child only seemed fun for her, like she was playing dress up. With her mother in her ear, telling her that she looked like a princess ready to star in the next Disney movie, the idea of the shoot only excited her. When she actually started shooting, though, she was far less enthused. It was basically an adult shoot, with the way that she was dressed and made up. The makeup artists and stylists were used to working with adults, and while many of them were nice, it was a new and scary experience for Thylane. Throw in the fact that her mother was off schmoozing, no where to be found for the majority of it, and she felt absolutely alone. That was why, when one of the production assistants for the shoot took her into a side room, claiming that he needed someone to touch up her makeup, and he molested her instead, she had no one there to stop it. And it petrified her, just as one would expect. She told her mother as soon as they left the shoot, and while one would imagine a loving parent would immediately call the police (or make a u-turn and go and kill the person themselves), VΓ©ronika did quite the opposite. She claimed that Thylane was lying, that she was being dramatic and making up stories. She started crying about all of the hard work that she had put into her daughter's career, how much she had sacrificed for her and how much of her attention she "stole" compared to her brother, and she told Thylane that if she repeated the "lie" to her father, she would destroy their family. It was a horrific position for a ten year old to be in, especially given that she was expected to return back to the shoot the next day for the final day of shooting. She knew that what had happened to her was not normal, and that she wasn't lying or being dramatic, but she also was petrified of the idea of destroying her own family, and so she apologized and kept her mouth quiet for the rest of the weekend.

Following that photo shoot, however, her interest in modelling dwindled quickly. She didn't like the idea of touching up, or posing for photos. She didn't want people to look at her anymore, nonetheless touch her, and of course, this enraged her fame-hungry mother. Thylane participated in a handful of forced photo shoots after the Vogue campaign, but she was lucky that by the time she was really hitting her breaking point, the Vogue shoot (1, 2, 3)was published, and the amount of controversy it caused brought a firestorm of critics upon her mother. Their adult voices spoke criticism that her silenced, ten-year-old one could not, and among those critics was her own father, who had remained as distant from the modelling his daughter partook in as possible. He had no idea what his wife was getting her involved in, and seeing his daughter published in photos online that were attracting hoards of pedophile men making lude comments was what led to a lot of animosity between he and his wife, and eventually, their divorce.

Their was never a custody war between her parents, and after her daughter "sabotaged" their family, Veronika was content with her daughter living with her father, while she kept custody of their son. Thylane's father eventually moved to New York, where he obtained a business job after ending his soccer career. She's been living with his in New York since she was thirteen years old, and it's a move she hasn't regretted for a second. Although she's escaped that life she used to have, the internet exists, and it drives her mad to think that all it takes is one google search for her past to continue to haunt her. Maybe had she not had to experience the firsthand horrors of the child modelling world, she wouldn't feel so bitter about it, but that one day was all it took to damage her for life. She kept one promise to her mother, and that was to never repeat that she was molested, but had her father tried to leave her in the custody of her mother, and Thylane knows that she would have had to tell him, just as a final, desperate plea to keep him from leaving her there.

Academic Career:
Thylane was admitted to Constance Billard for her academic testing scores. She is a full scholarship student.

Future Plans:
She just recently got American citizenship, after living here on only a green card, so she's excited to remain in the states for the foreseeable future. She definitely plans on attending a university in the country, and though she adores New York and many of the schools here, she's also considering studying in California or Florida. The exact school, and the exact major, are unconfirmed details at the moment.

Words most often used to describe Thylane would probably be quiet, intelligent, thoughtful and curious. Growing up, she had always been more exuberant and friendly than she is now. She was very free-spirited and innocent in that sense, where she didn't care about watering down her personality for the sake of others comfort. It was something she grew out of (or was maybe even forced out of), once she realized that the real world wasn't filled with rainbows and butterflies and cupcakes. She lost a bit of innocence around this time, and though she's not the human version of Eeyore, she's definitely more reserved now than she was as a child. Silence is more comforting to her than words, a lot of the time, and she finds it unnecessary, and even difficult, to make conversation with people she doesn't know. With her friends, she isn't silent though. She does know how to talk and have fun, and when it comes down to it, she's actually very good at listening and giving advice to people. What stands true though, regardless of who she's with, is that she's not someone who would ever be described as outgoing or as a social butterfly.

Though her childhood was centered around her modelling career, Thylane did very well being homeschooled as well. The major reason for this, probably, was that her homeschool teacher was not her mother, but additionally, Thylane is naturally intelligent. She excelled as a child, and continues to do very well academically. She's fluent in both English and French, and has a penchant for math and science courses. Numbers make sense to her. She likes things like that, that take little thought. There's only one right answer, and that's it. It something that fits the mindset she lives in in her everyday life, too, because she despises the tendency that she has to overthink things. She doesn't mind hearing about other people's complex lives and their drama, but she doesn't like it in her own life. She likes things that are straight forward and easy to understand without analyzing or taking other people's feelings into account. It's a strange switch she has, where she actually enjoys getting her fix of emotion out of hearing about other people's problems and offering them advice, while she denies emotion in her own life.

She's taken on baking as a recent hobby. She's no master chef, that's for sure, but she likes trying new recipes. Aside from that, she has no obsessions or major hobbies, but she loves spending time exploring New York. She's lived here for four years, and yet she still feels like she hasn't seen half of the city.

Bad Habits:
Isolating herself, cutting people off for small reasons, waiting too close to the edge of the platform for the subway

Exploration, trying new foods, baking, Netflix, performers on the Subway and streets, her father and brother, the outdoors, math, dogs, skiing, Starbucks

Elevators, boats, rainy days, people who follow trends just because they're popular and not because they really like them, when men touch her without permission, when her mother calls

Physical Description
ImageImageFace Claim:
Thylane Blondeau


115 lbs

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

So begins...

Thylane Blondeau's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Alexandra Boutros Character Portrait: Charlotte Buchanan Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Cliff Parker
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#, as written by royals
C L I F F . P A R K E R

Location: Saint Jude's library (conference room)
3:00 PM

The Saint Jude's school uniform never usually bothered Clifford. It was simple and classy enough, even if the options for each day's attire was limited to a few different styles of clothing that the school provided the students with. However, today Cliff felt oddly overheated and had to hang his navy blazer on the back of his chair. He wasn't overheating because of the room's temperature, as that was probably normal, and it also wasn't out of nerves. Today's weekly Student Government Association was being held in the Saint Jude's library conference room. Since classes had only gotten out minutes ago, Clifford wasn't surprised that he was the only one in the conference room, especially considering that the girls had to come from their campus across the street. He and Charlotte were the President of their school's student governments, but since the two schools worked so closely together, Clifford often felt like they were simply co-presidents of one club, rather than two separate ones working together. Sure, he hosted his own SGA meeting for St. Jude's separately once a week, but as he was sure on her end too, the biggest crowds usually came to the conjoined meetings. Events involving both schools tended to grab the attention of more students than the single-sex events, and Clifford didn't expect today to be much of an exception.

Today's meeting was a bit of an impromptu one, as earlier this week, it had been announced that the scheduled senior fall trip to Egypt had been cancelled due to proper accommodation issues. However plausible that that explanation was, he also wouldn't have been surprised if the abrupt, last minute cancellation had been because someone uppity helicopter parent had complained enough about irrational safety concerns about traveling to a country that didn't host one of the famous fashion weeks. That thought in itself bothered Clifford, considering that he had genuinely been looking forward to his first visit to Africa. In an attempt to not work himself up, he decided to just believe the public reason for the trip's cancellation, and focus on the three new options that administrators had given them until tomorrow to decide on. That was the point of this SGA meeting - to decide whether the senior class would spend a week next month in Paris, Berlin or New Zealand. The first two trips would be educationally based ones, focusing on learning about the history and cultures of the two European cities, while the third option would be more service based, getting students involved in learning about the country's ecosystem and helping to preserve it. Clifford had been to Paris years ago, but it wasn't a fresh enough experience where he wanted to rule it out, so he was walking into today's meeting with a pretty open mind. He would see what Charlotte and the other students who showed up were thinking, and go from there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Outfit: Here
Hex Code: #000080
Today's school day was uneventful for Thylane. Usually, the days at Constance Billard either flew by, or dragged on tremendously, and she was lucky that today fell into the latter category. She had a couple of exams that always sped up the process for her, and after school, she stopped by the guidance department to ensure that the teachers who had promised to write her college recommendation letters had followed through on it. Halfway through the meeting, she remembered that at that very moment, the Student Government Association was conducting their own meeting, regarding the fall trip. This was definitely one of those moments where she wished that she had a stronger voice, and more outward confidence, because as badly as she wanted to make it to that meeting, she also knew that she didn't have it in her to cut her guidance counselor off as she delved deeper into an off-topic conversation. Thylane nodded along and politely offered commentary when it seemed necessary, but all she could think about was how she had put herself through modelling gigs this past summer, that felt painfully forced and draining because of how she saw the modelling industry, only to afford this school trip. And now, with her luck, they were going to end up in a destination that was completely not worth the money, and she was going to want to hit herself for missing the meeting and the chance to sway the vote in her favor. It was always something, she thought, only able to sigh out of frustration when her guidance counselor finally dismissed her, and she was out of the office.

Though she assumed that it was possible that her peers were still in the meeting, and she could make it for at least part of it, she decided against even trying to find them in St. Jude's. Even if she did make it to the library in time, Thylane knew that she would feel unnecessarily self-conscious walking into the meeting late, and she told herself that whatever destination was chosen, would hopefully end up being fine. She had invested too much into this trip to go into it with a negative mindset. Noting the brisk fall weather (that luckily, was still pretty mild for October), she pulled on a light, navy cardigan before leaving Constance Billard and beginning her walk home. As she walked, she sent out two text messages.

To: Cassidy
How's the meeting? Tell me that you guys chose some place other than France?

To: Katherine
Hey :). If you're not doing anything later, we should hang out! Np if you're busy, but I can help you with that English paper you were worrying about, if you want.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Alexandra Boutros Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK



Hex Code: #209DC7
K A T H E R I N E - A R N A U L T
Location: SGA meeting @ St. Jude's
Outfit: Here
Hex Color: #CF009F
"I'd rather you get a tattoo in France then be buried in the desert of Egypt, so I support that. And that's totally unfair to act like I'm doing Sydney's job when you know I like my Lexi just how she is, rebellion and all," Katherine whispered back, acting slightly offended by Alex's reference in jest, to her acting like a mother. She liked to claim that normally, it was Sydney who did that, because the blonde was usually the most emotionally grounded of the group. She was the least reckless, and in Katherine's mind (though she would probably only say it when drunk), she was the most likely one out of the three of them to transform into "the fun police" in a split second, too.

As always, Sydney got her way. She was relieved that she didn't have to go through any drastic measures this time to get her way, but she knew that if her peers had been so idiotic as to choose any of the options other than Paris, in numbers that equaled a majority, that she simply would have had to do something about it. For the good of everyone, of course. "You won't have to Facetime her through it, she's coming with us," Sydney said. The other reason for why she wouldn't have to use Facetime to show Katherine any impulsive tattoos was because Sydney absolutely would not allow Alex to get one. She would give her a hard time about trying to do it in New York, but overseas, on a school trip, nonetheless, would likely have Sydney on the phone with Alexandra's mother, even considering that she was well aware of the mommy-issues that Lexi had with the woman. It was low, given that Sydney and Alex had basically bonded over sharing those kinds of problems, but it probably wasn't a stretch to say that she would go to that extent to protect Alex... (and her own control). Before Katherine could object, she held up a finger to silence her, as she continued. "You have absolutely no good reason not to come to the country that you vacation in ten times a year. You're coming, and that's the end of that." Sydney stood from her seat now, ready to leave with the vote being done, and her decision being final on Katherine coming on their school trip. After she had abandoned them all summer, even if it was for a very understandable reason, Sydney had little patience for her trying to bail on anything.

"Now that that's settled, what do we have on the agenda for the afternoon, ladies? Tennis? Shopping? Last minute details for the extraordinary party that I'm expecting on Saturday? My schedule for the afternoon is clear, and you both know that Sydney Persson does not enjoy boredom." The self righteous tone that she took as she spoke was only playful. Sydney could definitely tip toe on the line of having a holier-than-thou attitude sometimes, but it would never come across in such a brazen manner, because most of the time, when she wasn't doing it jokingly, she didn't even realize that she was doing it.

Katherine didn't answer Sydney when she claimed that Kat had no choice but to come to France. Katherine would agree with Sydney on a lot of things, just because it was easier to do that than to fight, but there were also numerous occasions when she would agree with Sydney, or at least not object, but then do what she wanted to do, secretly, anyway. She was going to think about going to France, and if she decided that it seemed like an okay idea, she would go. Otherwise, she would remain in New York, and nothing that even Sydney could say, would change her mind on that. So, Katherine stood as well, only to pause to glance at her phone as Thylane's message appeared. After reading it, she said, "Thylane wants to hang out. Can she come with us to whatever we do?"

Sydney offered Katherine a second to retract her request, and gave the brunette a quick glance before deciding that that was enough time, and Katherine clearly wasn't joking. "Okay, Lexi, what's on the agenda for us this afternoon, then?" Could Sydney have simply told Katherine that no, she didn't want Thylane coming along? Yes. She could have explained simply and nicely why she wasn't in the mood to socialize with people who she did not like, and why Thylane fell into that category. However, that would have been the mature thing to do, and apparently, Sydney wasn't in that mood today. She was in the mood where she needed to make it known that she wasn't even going to acknowledge "absurd" requests or changes to the plan... even though the plan was far from final right now. It was a control issue and yes, it was definitely in high-gear today. Sydney wasn't exactly a fan of herself when she got like this, but it was hard for her to turn off, and she liked to convince herself that it wasn't her fault that certain people had to make life difficult for her, and in turn, themselves.

She knew that she didn't say anything wrong, but if Sydney was going to be rude today, then that was fine, Katherine thought. She would still send Alexandra about a million texts throughout the course of the afternoon ranting about how mean Sydney was, but she wasn't going to beg to join them if Sydney was going to spend the day being nasty. Some would probably find it strange, how Sydney could turn this harsher side of her on and off, at the click of a button. One moment, she was a great friend, and fun to be around, and the next, she was downright mean. Interestingly enough, Katherine wasn't even really being dramatic in her claims that Sydney only really did it to her. Or at the very least, she never seemed to do it to Alexandra to the same extent that Katherine received it. "Fine, I'll hang out with her on my own then," Katherine answered with a huff and a glare, as she slowly walked towards the door while typing back to Thylane.

To: Thylane
Yeah come over in like 20


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Cliff Parker Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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#, as written by M95
B R E N T ~ B A R C L A Y

Hex Code: #916F1A
C A S S I D Y ~ K N O X

Hex Code: #559434

"Don't be a little bitch. Vote for New Zealand," Cassidy hissed, giving Brent an elbow to the side when they received the voting links from Charlotte. She attempted to peer over his shoulder after sending hers in for New Zealand, only to have him turn away defensively to hide it.

"Paris might be 'basic' for you, but I've never been there," Brent reasoned, only shifting back into a normal position in his seat when his vote had been submitted. He had never left the country before, so visiting any of the three locations would have been an exciting first for him, but Paris seemed like the best place to start. It was one of those major cities that people claimed you had to see before you died, and it seemed like a more noteworthy trip, with cooler places on the itinerary, than either of the other two. Unlike many of his peers in the room, he couldn't just ask his parents to fund an international trip for him to any of the locations, if the one he favored didn't win, and that was the only reason for why he didn't just vote for New Zealand to make Cassidy happy. If she really wanted to go there, Brent knew that her parents could send her there.

Clifford's announcement signaled that as expected, Cassidy didn't get her way, and Paris was chosen over New Zealand. Really, she was not surprised, though. Not with the showing here. The girls that she went to school with had to have predictably favored Paris, probably citing idiotic reasons about the fashion shows in the city, or the shopping, or the food. She was positive that Katherine would have voted for that, which was the stupidest thing in itself. The girl's father owned three different homes in France, with one of them being in Paris itself! Why, she would be so stupid as to waste a school trip going to a place she had been to a thousand times, was baffling, but not something that Cassidy would put past the brainless brunette. "This sucks," she groaned, before looking around the room. "All of you are stupid," she said more loudly now, though it wasn't directed at single person in particular. She wasn't so fired up that she was angry, but she was definitely annoyed at the vote not falling in her favor, and because of that, she didn't feel like spending another minute there. "I'm going home. If your Paris-loving, bitch-ass wants pizza later, I'm craving Artichoke," she said to Brent, citing one of her favorite pizza places in the city. "Otherwise, see you whenever," she said to Brent as she left the library. As she headed out, she answered Thylane, whose presence she only realized now was lacking from the meeting.

To: Thylane
Nope. I tried to convince them that France was the stupidest choice, but none of these brainless idiots would listen to my words of wisdom. They chose your homeland.

"Pizza sounds good," Brent nodded. He had a busy schedule tonight, between a few meetings he had set up to exchange some of his product for some much needed cash, on top of school work, and cleaning the apartment that he and his brother had neglected badly over the past few months. However, he didn't need Cassidy giving him attitude for the rest of the week, so agreeing to her offer of pizza seemed like an act of accepting the olive branch in her pettiness. After Cassidy got up, Brent followed suit, but backtracked after initially heading for the door. He turned around and walked towards Clifford instead. Though he was aware that he was talking to Vincent, when he caught his eye, he nodded his head towards the door, to signal that he wanted to talk to him outside, and said, "Got a minute?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Alexandra Boutros Character Portrait: Charlotte Buchanan Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Cliff Parker
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0.00 INK

#, as written by royals
Hey, Upper East Siders; Gossip Girl here.

Since the class presidents didn't do a great job at luring most of you in for that very important meeting, let me break the news to you that all of you lovely seniors will be heading to The City of Love in a few weeks. With a moniker like that, Gossip Girl can only hope that some of you will leave your mundane selves in The Big Apple, and embrace a more scandalous side once you reach France. For those of you too young, too old, or too poor to make the trip with us, don't worry. As long as Gossip Girl is on the case, what happens in Paris certainly won't stay there.

If the atmosphere of this meeting says anything, Gossip Girl would be willing to bet on a few fun, little scenarios panning out. This trip is either going to reconnect or ruin our old lovebirds, Prince Charming and The Overachiever, and with our adored Queen Bee and The Drama Queen that we love to hate tagging along for the ride too, Gossip Girl places her money on the trip ruining their chances for good. What might be even more fun than that, though, would be seeing the Class President herself finally do something that would allow us to stop snoring at her mere presence. Innocent and pretty is only endearing for so long, dear. It's hard to surmise that Gossip Girl would be the only person who wouldn't mind seeing The Bad Boy have his way with her, and something tells me that The Class President's true self would agree with me on that too, if it ever showed itself.

My inbox is more thirsty for info on who's showing up with who to The Overachiever's party Saturday than The Bay Boy is for The Class President, though, so you know the drill. Let me know what you hear buzzing around, while I tend to those oh-so-important last minute costume details.

Gossip Girl


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Outfit: Here

Hex Code: #000080

Location: Constance Billard School for Girls: 20 E 92nd Street
The Blondeau Residence: 210 E 84th Street
The Arnault Residence: 8 E 62nd Street
It would probably surprise some people, but Thylane was actually entertained by the "Gossip Girl" blog that seemed to chronicle every detail of the lives of the Upper East Side's most elite. She wasn't a fan of drama in her own life, and was actually rarely involved in drama at all, but hearing about the crazy things that others were involved in kept her interest. It allowed her to be content with not being so thoroughly involved with that crowd at school, and still feel like she knew what was going on. So, by now, like most people, the monikers that Gossip Girl had given to many of the students that she wrote about were all too familiar for Thylane, and she knew what each one meant. In this post, Vincent, Alexandra, Sydney, Katherine, Brent and Charlotte had been mentioned. It was one of the more tame posts published on the blog, so Thylane didn't feel the need to speculate whether there were any hurt feelings over it. If anything, she supposed that Charlotte might have a reason to feel bothered by what was posted about her, but then again, Thylane knew Charlotte to be a strong girl, so she didn't bother texting her to offer any sympathetic dismay towards the person who wrote it. Besides, she was sure that even while Katherine's title had barely come up, her friend would have a plethora of complaints and woe-is-me comments about how she was included, so Thylane knew that she could get her fill of that from her, since she had just responded to confirm that she wanted to hang out.

Her walk home from school was fifteen minutes, and it was a walk that Thylane normally didn't mind, but also, actually enjoyed. It was short enough to be enjoyable, especially on days like today when the fall weather made things feel crisp and clean, but the sun still shone down strong enough to add a bit of warmth to the breeze. Although she had moved to New York years ago, living here still felt weird sometimes. She loved the city, that wasn't something she would ever try to dispute, but moving here had definitely been a transition after living in a French suburb for her entire childhood. Not only did she have to deal with her parents' sudden divorce, and the guilt that she knew she deserved over its timing, but also the change of scenery. Her father had purchased a nice apartment when they moved to New York, even if it had depleted all of the money he had taken with them, so she couldn't complain about that. It was the equivalency of a jail cell in size and luxury when compared to the places that her friends lived in here, but it was all that they needed. They had a small kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. When her brother came to visit in the summers, it tended to feel a bit tight, but by New York standards, they were fine. It wasn't luxury, but Thylane didn't need luxury. When she moved to New York, she sought normalcy, and New York had given her its own version of that.

When she got home, she changed into a new outfit, leaving her school clothes in her hamper, and left only a few minutes later to catch the subway to head downtown a few stops, to the area of the Upper East Side where Katherine resided. While it would take her thirty minutes to walk to the girl's home, the subway cut that commute down to only ten or eleven minutes, so it was an easy and practical option. Once she got off the subway and started to walk towards Katherine's home, she sent the girl a text message, and finally answered Cassidy's, which she had received ten minutes prior.

To: Katherine
I'll be there in five :).

To: Cassidy
Seriously? Ugh. Maybe I should just try to get my money back then.

There were people like Thylane, who lived in buildings where there was a pass code at the main front door, and all of the residents plugged the code in to gain access to the lobby, and in turn, their apartments through their own keys. Technically, anyone who had that front door pass code could get in to the building, even if that just meant getting into the lobby. There were other buildings, the ones that were a step up, that had doorman services. The doormen guarded the doors to prevent non-residents from getting in, and if guests were there to visit, they would phone up to the tenants room to confirm that they were there for them. Then, there were people like Katherine, whose families owned entire buildings or townhouses. When one considered how expensive Manhattan real estate was, it enhanced how much of a feat something like that was. Though they all had good security too, Thylane felt like townhouses were more personal than penthouse apartments and the likes (though she certainly wouldn't have turned down one for herself...), because there was no security at the front door. It was nothing like a normal house in the sense of what was normal to Thylane, but it was normal in that there was a doorbell that you could ring without encountering any staff member first. As Thylane was used to with Katherine, it was usually a staff member who happened to open the door for her, but she could appreciate the tiny bit of familiarity the situation gave her before that happened. Since she had warned Kat with a text, this time, she hoped it would actually be the girl who came down to get her herself, though.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

K A T H E R I N E - A R N A U L T
Location: Kitchen
Outfit: Here
Hex Color: #CF009F
C A S S I D Y ~ K N O X

Hex Code: #559434
She was usually way too rushed and frazzled on school mornings to put enough effort into accessorizing her uniform to show it, but Katherine really did love fashion. One look at her massive collection of clothes in her closet was all you needed to tell that. It wasn't uncommon for her to wear multiple outfits per day, depending on the errands she had to run and people she had to see. However, one thing that remained common about her fashion sense was that if she wasn't going anywhere immediately after school, she almost always changed into pajamas the minute that she got home. It was the first step she took in "de-stressing" her mind after spending hours at school, and often times if she felt like the day had been especially draining, it wasn't uncommon for her to actually spend the rest of the evening in bed, where the pajamas were actually fitting. Even though Katherine was expecting Thylane, she didn't hesitate in swapping out her uniform for pajamas, because she considered the girl to be a close enough friend where she didn't have to be formal around her. Thylane wasn't a part of Katherine's normal set of friends, but she was a close friend nonetheless, and the fact that Kat was insistent on being friends with her even when Sydney didn't like her, spoke to how much she actually did like the girl.

After getting comfortable, she had set up her laptop in the kitchen, where she figured she and Thylane could work on her paper. She wasn't hungry, at least not for the calorie-laden chocolate chip cookies that she set out on a plate next to their work space, but she knew her father was working from home today, and she knew that she would earn brownie points for making it look like she was casually eating something that months ago, you would have had to tie her down and shove down her throat to get her to eat, and for doing school work. Had he not been home, she definitely would have just set up a space for her and Thylane to work in her room, mostly because she didn't want to be bothered by Cassidy, who, right on cue, came into the kitchen as Katherine saw Thylane's text that she was almost there. "Take your food and go back to your swamp, Shrek. I have company coming over and I don't need you disturbing us." Especially since she knew that Cassidy was friends with Thylane, she wanted her out. She didn't need Cassidy stealing the girl's attention when she was supposed to be there to hang out with her.

"Ugh, I feel like more and more of my brain cells die every time that you open your mouth," Cassidy groaned, eyeing Katherine momentarily, but opting to not go any deeper than that, into the girl. She really was only down here to get a snack and go up to her room so that she could work on her own assignments, but now that Katherine had started up with her, she wasn't going to let her get away with it that easily. Not when her mood was already dampened by the dumb Paris choice. "Your dumb ass voted for Paris, didn't you?" She knew the answer was yes, and maybe she was dragging it by now, but she wanted a reason to roll her eyes even harder at Katherine, so it was the first question that came to mind as she rummaged through the pantry, looking for nothing in particular, as she wasn't even sure what she was hungry for.

"Um, I'm pretty sure it's a law that votes are confidential, so why don't you mind your own business?"

Was she serious? Cassidy had to turn around to confirm that Katherine wasn't purposely sounding stupid to be funny, and was actually just an idiot. When her initial thoughts were confirmed, she let out an amused, yet somewhat sarcastic, chuckle. "You're so stupid. It's really mind boggling how dumb you are."

"And it's mind boggling how ugly you are."

"I can always get a face lift. You can't infuse intelligence into that peanut-sized brain of yours."

She would deny, deny, deny that The Drama Queen, the nickname that Gossip Girl (and many others) gave her, had any semblance of relevancy to her personality, but almost immediately, Katherine sprung from her spot by the kitchen table and pressed the number for her father's office, as well as the speaker phone button on their residential audio intercom system. "Dad! Cassidy vient de me dire qu'elle va me tuer!" {Dad! Cassidy just told me she's going to kill me!} Some people followed the "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen," mantra. Katherine had her own version of that, that was more like, "if you can't take the heat, bend the truth as much as necessary to make yourself look like a helpless, innocent victim".

"Pas maintenant. Je suis au tΓ©lΓ©phone, Katherine." {Not now. I'm on the phone, Katherine.} Her father's voice was stern, yet tired enough for anyone who heard it to know that this wasn't the first time that his daughter had come to him with dramatic accusations about her stepfamily. In fact, not only was it not the first time, but it wasn't the tenth time or the twentieth time. Cassidy and her mother had only been living with them for a few months now, and for two of those months, Kat had not even been living in the home, but it seemed like every day she came up with a new reason for why their mere presences were horrific additions to their household.

"TrΓ¨s bien, dites Γ  la personne que vous Γͺtes au tΓ©lΓ©phone qu'elle va me tuer, de sorte que quand cela arrive, au moins quelqu'un l'enverra en prison parce que je suis sΓ»r que vous l'aurez en arriΓ¨re et dire Γ  tout le monde que j'ai commis Suicide juste pour la protΓ©ger, puisque vous l'aimez Γ©videmment mieux que moi!" {Okay, then tell the person you're on the phone with that she's going to kill me, so that when that happens, at least someone will send her to jail because I'm sure you'll have her back and tell everyone that I committed suicide just to protect her, since you obviously like her better than me!} If Katherine wasn't so quick to end the call in the most dramatic fashion possible, her father would have beat her to hanging up. Though it obviously was not what her father said, she knew that Cassidy barely spoke or understood French, so she wiped off the distressed look on her face and replaced it with a more smug and satisfied one. "He said that if you bother me one more time, he's going to divorce your gold digging mother and send the two of you back to the slums you came from."

"You know that I was born and raised in Westchester, right?" It still baffled Cassidy how Katherine, and some of their other classmates, thought that she was poor just because she was on a scholarship. Maybe she was poor in comparison to Katherine's father's money, but anyone would be poor when compared to Bernard. In the grand scheme of things, both of Cassidy's parents were well off, and if she didn't get an academic scholarship to Constance Billard, her parents could have afforded to send her there anyway. The money helped, that was for sure, but never in her life did Cassidy live in any area that would be even remotely comparable to a slum.

"Sorry, unlike how you're beyond obsessed with me, I don't care enough about you to know every detail of your life. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a friend coming over. You probably don't know what friends are, but that means people who like being around you. Maybe one day, if you do a major makeover on your personality, you'll get to experience it for yourself."

"Ooooh, is it the Queen Bee? Boutros already admitted that she wants to sleep with me today, so I've had enough of her. Now I just need Blondie to warm up to me and both of your dumb little besties will be wrapped around my finger, just the way I like it."

"Number one: Alex didn't say that. She actually thinks you're disgusting, so don't even go there. Number two: Sydney hates you too. Number three: Don't call my friends dumb. And number four: shut up and go away."

"Make me," was all that Cassidy responded with, smiling as she casually walked over to the table and took a bite out of one of the cookies on the plate by Katherine's things.

Katherine was usually all bark and no bite, but there were definitely times where she was too impulsive and emotional for her own good, and that stupid, condescending smile on Cassidy's face definitely pushed her to that place now. She reached for her glass of water on the table and with a quick jolt of her hand, tossed the contents onto Cassidy's shirt. She wasn't sure what she was really going for, by splashing the girl with a glass full of water. If her goal was to somehow scare her off, it was a goal that she abandoned almost immediately when a second after doing it, she was already darting out the kitchen door, and down the hallway towards the foyer and front door, as if she knew she had just asked for trouble.

This wasn't the first time that Katherine had ever tried to start a physical fight with her, so Cassidy couldn't say that she was shocked when the glass of water splashed her, but she definitely wasn't expecting it. It wasn't a lot of water, and really wasn't a big deal, but still, being that they were both petty, there was no way that Cassidy was suddenly going to be the bigger person and just let Katherine get away with that. She chased after the girl, catching up to her at the front door when she had no where else to run. Right as Katherine opened the door to greet Thylane, Cassidy grabbed her upper arm, allowing her nails to dig into the girl's skin as she squeezed it. Through it, though, she maintained the widest of smile's as she looked to Thylane. "So your mysterious friend was T, all along!" she said, her voice nothing short as cheerful as she squeezed Katherine's arm a bit tighter in acknowledgment of it.

This was definitely a part of growing up without siblings that Katherine did not lust over. She liked starting fights, but only when they were one sided and she faced no backlash or consequences from them. Having someone to snap back at her, or in this case, actually fight back, wasn't something that she was used to yet. If she was used to it, or the way that Cassidy's grip on her arm made her seem like she was suddenly The Incredible Hulk, there was no way that she would start them at all. "Yeah. Well, now you know, so now you can go," Katherine said through gritted teeth, as she attempted to discretely elbow Cassidy hard enough to get her to let go of her. Kat wasn't necessarily against being so dramatic as to demanding that Thylane call the police because she was being assaulted, but if she could get Cassidy to leave her alone without causing a scene (which she knew would only get her in trouble with her father in the end, if he found out she had tossed a glass of water on Cassidy), than that was going to be her first option.

"Go now? Oh, I don't think so! Not when I have a chance to hang out with my two favorite girls!" Cassidy responded with a theatrical level of enthusiasm in her voice, still refusing to relinquish her grasp on her step-sister's arm. If it took a little bit of bruising for Katherine to learn how to act like a normal human being, then that was what it took, and Cassidy had a damp shirt to remind her that she had no reason to feel bad for it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Charlotte Buchanan Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Outfit: Here

Hex Code: #000080

Location: The Arnault Residence: 8 E 62nd Street
As Thylane waited for an answer at the door, she pulled her phone out and texted Charlotte, saying, "Hey Charlotte. I know there's a no-refund policy on all of the school trips. Just wondering how strict that rule actually is?" She wasn't officially asking for a refund, or explaining why she wanted one; just asking for now. She only just managed to hit send when the door swung open, and when it did, she decided that she probably would have actually preferred being greeted by a member of the Arnault's house staff, over what she was greeted with. Though Katherine was attempting to smile through it, it was quite obvious that the grip that Cassidy had on the other girl's arm wasn't one that was there out of comfort or love. Katherine's expression, combined with how very well aware Thylane was of their situation, and how the two did not get along, made it all too obvious that she was probably walking in on something unpleasant going on between the two. It was a weird situation for her, because she was friends with both Katherine and Cassidy, but separately. She had been friends with both of them separately before they lived together, and before that even they probably knew that their parents were seeing each other. Having two of her closest friends' worlds collide was definitely odd, but even more so, when it became apparent that they couldn't get along. It put her in an awkward position often, when she showed up to the Arnault house and both girls were there, because it usually resulted in her feeling like she was slighting one to hang out with the other, since they clearly couldn't hang out together.

She didn't catch the damp spot on Cassidy's shirt, so all that she could work off of was the way that Cassidy was squeezing Kat's arm, and the obnoxious way that she was insisting on staying, even when Katherine was asking her to leave them be. "We're not really hanging out. I'm just here to help her with the English paper that was due on Tuesday," Thylane insisted, now wishing that she had just asked Kat to meet her at the library or something. She didn't want to piss Cassidy off or make her feel unwanted, mostly because she hated being involved in conflict or drama, but she also knew that insisting that they all try to hang out together would only end in World War III. "Unless you want to help her with it instead. In that case, be my guest," she added, appealing to Cassidy in a more playful manner now, as she shot the girl a small smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Alexandra Boutros Character Portrait: Charlotte Buchanan Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

K A T H E R I N E - A R N A U L T
Location: Foyer
Outfit: Here
Hex Color: #CF009F
C A S S I D Y ~ K N O X

Hex Code: #559434

{With Additions from Miserable}
The way that Thylane insisted to Cassidy that they were just together to study bothered Katherine. She felt like Thylane was trying to talk down their friendship, as if, for some bizarre and inexplicable reason, she was embarrassed to admit that they were truly friends to Cassidy, and cared more about her opinion than Katherine's. It resulted in Katherine automatically wanted to take a defensive tone, as she nearly glared in Thylane's direction, completely missing the fact that Thylane was actually trying to ward Cassidy off. "Actually, we are hanging out, Thylane. You specifically texted me asking to 'hang out' and hanging out does not involve her, so she's leaving, don't worry."

Cassidy had to capitalize on the misunderstanding here. She just had to. Katherine was one of the easiest people in the world to read, and it didn't take too much skill to know exactly how to push her buttons to get her worked up. It was something that Cassidy had caught onto very quickly, once she moved in, so she knew what to say to get under Kat's skin. "Awkward... you think you're hanging out, she thinks she's just here to help you with your paper. Are you sure your daddy didn't hire her to 'be your friend', A-K-A make sure that you don't fail out of school?" she questioned, feigning a tone of genuine concern.

They were hanging out with a specific plan that included working on a paper, but now that Cassidy was spinning it this way, Katherine was ready to deny it entirely to fit the story that she wanted to be the new reality. It was a defensive mechanism, and one that she didn't even realize that she was taking on most of the time, when it was happening like this, where her emotions were working faster than the logical side of her brain was. "We're not working on that stupid paper. We're... we're going to watch a movie. Right, T?" she came up with, flashing Thylane a look that demanded that she play along. "We're watching a movie, because that's what friends do. You wouldn't know, because you're a stupid, friendless bitch, so move along now," she continued, using her free hand to motion to Cassidy in a shooing manner.

The dismissive hand gesture had Cassidy digging her nails just a little bit deeper into Katherine's skin, once she realized that she had loosened her grip a little. However, she couldn't be too mad, because her plan was working, and it took a lot of effort for her to remain concerned looking, and not laugh in entertainment like she wanted to do. "No, no, no. Thylane specifically said that she was here to do an English paper for you. Your dad's paying her to 'hang out' with you, and you were too stupid to realize it this whole time. This is embarrassing, Kat. You might have to go into hiding over this one. Do you think the eating disorder rehab would take you back for a few months if Gossip Girl happened to find out about this?"

It said something when Katherine actually stomped her foot out of frustration, like a child on the verge of throwing a temper tantrum, and this was just the reason for why Cassidy's shirt was wet. Katherine couldn't outsmart her in verbal arguments, or battles of the wit, so the only way that she could validate herself when Cassidy was being manipulative or playing mind games was to be childish and fight back in more immature ways. With Katherine sure that her skin was going to break if Cassidy squeezed any harder, though, she knew better than to stomp on the other girl's foot like she had half the mind to do. "Thylane! Tell her you're just here to hang out!" she demanded.

"Nope, it's too late now. Her cover's been blown, and whatever she says now would just be her trying to cover up."

"Kat, you know--" Thylane tried to interject to end this, when it was clear that her pleading looks to Cassidy were doing absolutely no good. She could see Cassidy's eyes light up every time Katherine responded to her, fueling the fire even more. In a way, she understood Cassidy enough to know why she got such amusement out of seeing Katherine so worked up over something as ridiculous as this very obvious lie that Cassidy had construed on the spot, but at the same time, she wished Cassidy would stop it. It was immature, and it was already giving Thylane a headache after only a minute of it.

"You know that she didn't want you to find out this way, but she needed the money, and she knew you needed the grades, and your dad just wanted you to have one friend who possessed an ounce of intelligence, even if the friendship was fake. It's fine, T, you don't have to explain yourself."

"That's not what--" She tried to say that that was not what she was going to say, because it definitely wasn't, but between the two of them, Thylane couldn't even finish a sentence before being cut off. All she could do was sigh and think, Yep, I definitely should have suggested the library.

"You know what? I don't even care. You're both literally dead to me." It took more effort than she wanted to show to finally yank her arm out of Cassidy's grasp, but she eventually did, and she stormed away afterwards. This was definitely a good reflection on how dramatic Kat could be, but also how emotional she was, too. A part of her wanted to be logical and discredit everything that Cassidy said, but it didn't take more than a seed of thought to be planted in Kat's mind in order for paranoia to grow. She was more insecure than most people knew her to be, so when people suggested anything wrong about her, it was actually easier for her to believe that they were probably right, than it would be for strangers to believe so. So, while she had nothing other than Cassidy's word to make her believe that Thylane wasn't a real friend, that was really all it took for her to storm upstairs to her bedroom, and purposely slam the door behind her. She was already in her pajamas, so sliding into bed was the easy choice, and once over the covers, she sent out two texts. The first was to Alex, and the second to Charlotte, and though she probably wasn't promoting her cause too well, the reference to common southern stereotypes was only meant in the best of ways from Katherine.

To: Alex
If you don't uninvite Cassidy to your party I'm not going and I'll never speak to you again

To: Charlotte
Please come over. I need help with the English paper that was due Tuesday and Thylane was going to help me but I decided that you're so much smarter than her and such a better friend <3. Please, please, pleasseeeeeeee. I'll make you sweet tea or fried chicken or whatever else it is that your kind of people like!

With Katherine gone, Cassidy smiled at Thylane, as if she had just acheived a victory for the both of them. "You're welcome," she said, not needing a 'thank you' said aloud to decide that that was what Thylane was thinking. "Now that that's taken care of, are you coming to get pizza with Brent and I later?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Outfit: Here

Hex Code: #000080

Location: The Arnault Residence: 8 E 62nd Street
Thylane didn't think of herself as being meek, and she probably shouldn't have been categorized that by anyone else either, because she wasn't meek. Quiet, yes, and definitely a thinker over a talker, but she wasn't inherently nervous or scared to make her presence known. She just preferred not to. In a situation like this, the way that she took a step back wasn't because she didn't know those around her well, because she did, but because for one, the conversation was moving so quickly that she couldn't get a word in edge wise, and also because it oddly didn't seem like her place. A year ago, if a conflict ever occurred between her two very separate friends, she would have had to have stepped in as a mediator, because she would have been the only link between Katherine and Cassidy. Now, their link was their parents, and it felt weird trying to break up a sibling fight, even if their step sibling relationship wasn't one that she would compare, in terms of closeness, to the one she had with her own brother. By the time that Katherine stormed off, swearing that she and Cassidy were dead to her, Thylane wished that she had stepped in, though.

Cassidy seemed nothing short of satisfied with herself, which Thylane would have been dumb not to expect from her, but that didn't change how irritated she also felt with Cassidy. She knew how Cassidy was, though, abrasiveness and all, so she knew that if she blatantly told her that she thought that scene was beyond immature, and that it was uncalled for for her to emotionally capitalize off of Katherine's insecurities and tendency to be emotional, that Cassidy would storm off in her own fit of anger at being challenged. So, she had to sigh in what was nearly a manner of defeat, as she looked to Cassidy then. "Did you really have to do that?" she said tiredly, her voice almost pleading for a good answer from the girl. "I would have been down for pizza, but now I have to clean up this mess that you made, because I don't want Katherine being mad at me."

Thylane took a few steps away from Cassidy, and towards the stairs that Katherine had disappeared up, before turning back, as she processed more of what had been said the minute before. "What were you saying, when you brought up a rehab? Something about an eating disorder?" The comment had slipped past Thylane as it had been said, as she was trying to focus on too much, but now, replaying it, it perplexed her. It was the way that Cassidy seemed to be referring to a specific one, with the "the eating disorder rehab," reference, that made it seem like she was talking about something that was already personal and specific to Katherine, and not just a general taunt. That, combined with how Thylane had actually considered on multiple occasions that Katherine took her "diets" and "cleanses" way too far, and that it wasn't common for normal people to faint during gym class or a yoga class, forced her to linger on the remark for longer than she wanted to. She didn't have as many friends as Katherine, so it was easier for her to consider the girl to be one of her closest friends than Katherine probably thought in reverse, but even still, Thylane still thought that their friendship was strong overall. Maybe it wasn't deep enough where Katherine was sharing secrets like that, very actively, but Thylane couldn't help but to feel a sting of... something at the thought of presumably being one of the few people in Kat's life who must have been unaware of this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox
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0.00 INK

#, as written by M95
C A S S I D Y ~ K N O X

Hex Code: #559434
"Damn, she didn't tell you?" Cassidy probably should have considered that before speaking, but in her defense, she genuinely thought that Katherine had told Thylane about where she had been all summer. Even if Cassidy felt like she was a closer friend to Thylane than Katherine was, she could acknowledge that the two girls were still friends. Given that Sydney and Alexandra had somehow found out about it, Cassidy just assumed that Thylane did too. She knew that it was still a secret, but she just figured that it was a secret that all of Katherine's friends were already privy to. Even if she didn't show it, a tinge of guilt washed over her at the revelation, because as far as Cassidy could go, she wasn't usually that cynical, where she could easily share a secret as heavy as Katherine's without Katherine's consent. As a mask of the guilt, however, she chose to groan as if this was just now more of an inconvenience for her than anything else. "Ugh, you can't say anything to her, and if she brings it up, you have to pretend that I never said anything, that she's paranoid and imagining that I brought it up, and that that's the first time you're ever hearing about it. Normally I would own up to it, but that's something that my mom would actually give me hell for using against her, so yeah, keep those pretty little lips sealed tight, Blondeau? Got it?" She shot Thylane a warning look, though she knew that it was probably unnecessary. Unlike her, Thylane was the kind of friend who was sensitive to information like this, and careful with her words. Cassidy knew that that was probably the only reason why Katherine had initially liked her. In a sense, Thylane had those qualities that made her like a therapist to people. She was honest, and yet gentle.

"But yeah, that's where she was all summer. I thought baby girl would've filled you in by now, because her two other little besties found out somehow. Apparently she spent the last year eating close to nothing all day, and got down to a weight that was low enough where her dad basically gave her an ultimatum that she would get help at some rehab out in the Midwest, or he'd have her committed to the hospital where they'd probably tie her up and stick a feeding tube down her throat." Being blunt, to a point where it bordered inappropriate, was the easiest way for Cassidy to put it to keep the air light, especially since she felt like she was partially in the wrong here, now. "But fiiiiiiiiinneee," she concluded, allowing her voice to draw out as if she was being seriously inconvenienced here. "Go make things right with the queen of all things dramatic, and I'll make sure Brent brings over extra Xanax when he comes over in a little," she said, passing Thylane to head back into the kitchen. "You know, because I'm such a good friend."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Outfit: Here

Hex Code: #000080

Location: The Arnault Residence: 8 E 62nd Street
What Cassidy said was a lot, and maybe more than Thylane wanted or needed to hear right now, when she already have enough to worry about. Her initial concern still weighed true, that she was surprised, and maybe even a little selfishly offended, that she seemed like the last person to find out about that, but more than that, she genuinely was concerned for Katherine upon hearing this. Thylane was no expert, but she was well aware of how serious eating disorders were. Not only was it something that was probably just common knowledge, but given the many years she spent involved in the modelling industry, and she had learned a thing or two about it in a firsthand way, as well. She was never personally inflicted by one, but she frequently came across girls who were six, and seven, and eight years old, and being forced onto diets by their parents in order to "maintain their careers". It's probably shocking that Thylane's own mother wasn't one of those crazies, but the only reason for that was probably that as a child, Thylane wasn't much of an eater anyway, and she had a metabolism to envy. Given that Katherine wasn't involved in that industry (though everyone knew she could be, and successfully so, given her appearance and her connections), it scared Thylane to think that Katherine's illness wasn't the product of peer pressure turned self pressure. It was something that she must have created on her own, in her mind, and that seemed even scarier. She was no doctor, but she imagined that it would be harder to treat, too. "I won't say anything," Thylane agreed quietly. She definitely was not planning on saying anything right now, unless Katherine brought it up herself, but it was hard for her think that she just couldn't say anything ever. Even though she felt like if Kat wanted her support, she would have told her herself, Thylane now felt like she had to be there to offer Kat the support, even if it was rejected. It was a dilemma that she knew she would mull over silently for the rest of the night; one more headache to add to the ever-growing list of things that she was stressing over, that she didn't really need to be stressing over.

Since Cassidy had annoyed her a bit, with the scene that sent Katherine into her emotional exit, Thylane didn't humor the last comment about Brent and Xanax pills, and instead, went upstairs while Cassidy headed back down the first floor hallway. By now, Thylane knew the layout of the Arnault house, and knew that Katherine's bedroom was on the fourth floor, but even to this day, walking through the house still made her wonder how people could need this much space. Up until this summer, it had only been Katherine and her father living in the home. Right now, Thylane was living with only her father too, so she knew perfectly well how much space two people needed. She and her father shared an apartment that had two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a main room, which was basically a kitchen and a living room combined into one, given the open layout. It was a four room home, total, and it was enough. She couldn't even surmise how many rooms were in this seven story mansion, but she knew the number had to be something excessive. As she continued upstairs, she could not help but to wonder if it was easier for depression and maybe even other mental illnesses, like an eating disorder, to cultivate themselves in a setting like this, where the presence of loneliness was all more obvious and undeniable, given the sheer size of the space. It was one thing to spend time in a studio apartment, but to spend days, and weeks, and months alone in a mansion had to make someone feel even more alone. Thylane wouldn't know that for sure, of course, and she was content with the idea that she would never know for sure, out of personal experience. Katherine, and the other girls of Constance Billard, lived lives that Thylane could only dream of acquiring, but she was happy with what she had. It was enough for her, and she didn't like the idea of lusting over something that would forever be a fantasy.

She reached Katherine's door, and to no surprise, found it shut. Rather than testing to see if it was unlocked, she opted to knock first. "Katherine? Puis-je entrer?" {May I come in?}


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Alexandra Boutros Character Portrait: Charlotte Buchanan Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

K A T H E R I N E - A R N A U L T
Location: Foyer
Outfit: Here
Hex Color: #CF009F
T H Y L A N E ~ B L O N D E A U

Hex Code: #000080
"You can just go home, Thylane! I don't need your pity any longer," Katherine said, refusing to move from her bed to acknowledge Thylane face to face. The way that she spoke probably sounded as if she was trying to overact in some school play, because that was how dramatic she was really being. This was typical of Katherine, though. When she felt things, she felt them in extremes. There was no grey with her. When she was happy, she was bursting with joy and excitement, and when she was at the opposite end of the spectrum, you could assume that someone close to her just unexpectedly passed away with how devastated she could act.

Thylane had to roll her eyes, and since she was still on the other side of Katherine's closed bedroom door, she didn't feel bad doing so. After she took a deep breath, though, she pushed the bedroom door open. Finding Katherine buried underneath the comforter of her bed wasn't incredibly surprising, but Thylane still flashed her an unimpressed look. If the brunette wasn't so cute, there was no way that she could get away with being so bratty. The first part of that description was one that Thylane would never admit aloud, for pretty obvious reasons. You weren't supposed to call one of your friends cute in this particular way, especially one who, as far as you knew, was as heterosexual as they came. When Thylane thought of Katherine as being cute, she didn't think of it in the same way as complimenting a girl friend on looking pretty or well dressed. It was more... there was just more feeling behind it. First came the cuteness, and then came the urge to hold her hand or cuddle up under her thick blankets with her. It was just territory that Thylane knew she could never delve into in reality, and because of that, she wished that Katherine didn't have that cute little manipulative charm to her, because it allowed her to get a lot out of Thylane. "Katherine, you know that she was lying when she said all of that. That's how Cassidy is, she likes to bother you." Thylane was very patient with Katherine, and part of her knew that if she wasn't so intrigued and maybe even infatuated by Katherine, in that secret non-platonic way, that there was no way that she would put up with half of the things that came out of her mouth, or her dramatics.

"And yet you're still friends with her. You're aware of how she bullies me, but apparently that's no big deal to you."

"It is a big deal. I just... she's fine when she's not around you. I'm sorry for not standing up for you."

"It's fine. I'm over it."

"Are you still going to act like you're mad at me, though?"

"I said I'm over it, Thylane," she snapped, raising a hand to signal that she was done talking about it. Interestingly, though, her harsh tone slipped a way, replaced with a softer one, though her words were more petulant than gentle. "Before we start, how much do I owe you for this tutoring session, though? I should have cash on me somewhere..." she said, slipping out of bed then so that she could find her money.

"Katherine! You just said that you were over it. Can you please not?"

"I am over it, but I'd rather give you the money than my dad. How much does he usually give you?"

"Do you want me to just go home?" Thylane wasn't angry, but more-so tired sounding. She was here because she wanted to help Katherine, and she wanted to spend time with her, since it seemed like at school, they didn't have much of an opportunity to. Thylane was pretty studious, so she didn't like chatting much in class, and then during lunch Katherine had her regular friends to socialize with. Thylane was the one making the effort by trying to schedule after hours hangouts, and to help Katherine, nonetheless, but now it was beginning to feel more draining than it was worth.

"No one's holding you hostage. If you want to go home, go."

"What I want to do is hang out with you, but it seems like this is going to be futile if you're going to keep this up. Is something else bothering you? I'm just kind of confused." Still, her voice remained calm; gentle, even, as she tried to read Katherine on a deeper level. Obviously she was upset, but could she be this bothered and abrasive over the incident with Cassidy? Had something else happened at the school meeting that had bothered her, maybe?

"My whole life is a mess, T." She found herself dramatically flopping backwards on her bed, as if she was in a scene from a cheesy 80's movie. From the outside, most people would think of Katherine's life as being the opposite of a mess. She was financially set for multiple lifetimes, had amazing friends, was attractive and well-liked (enough), and was on the road to having a fun and generally stress-free life, at least compared to "normal" people's. In her shoes, though, it really did seem like a mess, and at least mentally, she truly was a mess.


"Alexandra and Sydney ditched me today, Cassidy is the devil reincarnated, I hate school, my outfit looks atrocious for the party on Saturday, and I just need to go on a vacation for the rest of my life."

Essentially hearing that she was Katherine's second choice, after her friends ditched her, wasn't the most gratifying thing to here, but Thylane didn't take it to heart. The rest of Katherine's complaints were pretty standard, and although Thylane didn't think she could do much to solve them, she still was going to try. Even if that meant begging Cassidy to keep her mouth shut after Kat for a while. "I'm sorry that you're stressed out. What can I do to help?"

"Can you go make me a drink?"

There was no way that Thylane was about to make Katherine a drink. It was a Thursday afternoon, for one. Additionally, Thylane suspected that there was a reason for why Kat just didn't go make one herself, and in case it was a reason tht involved more than her just being lazy, Thylane didn't want to get involved in any trouble, and more than that, she really didn't think drinking was a healthy coping mechanism for Katherine. Social drinking was something that Thylane partook in too, but you weren't going to see her drinking away her sorrows on a Thursday afternoon, to avoid doing a paper. "I want to help you de-stress in a healthier way. Wanna go for a walk in the park? It's really nice outside."

"I don't have time." Normally, she would have taken Thylane up on that offer because she did like exercising and getting fresh air, and being able to do that while getting a mini therapy session out of Thylane seemed like a two for one deal, but she was already planning on running on the treadmill later that night. Right now, she just wanted to get her paper done... or get her paper done for her.

"Okay, why don't we start working on your paper, then? Did you do any of it yet?" Thylane perched herself on the edge of Katherine's bed, nudging her leg in an attempt to get her to sit up herself. She assumed that since the paper was due two days ago, that Kat would have had at least some of it completed, but she wasn't holding her breath.

"I will give you as much money as you want to do it for me."

"I can't--"

"Please! Please! Please! Please!" Katherine had went from lying down to kneeling beside Thylane, hands clutched together in a begging fashion. Somehow, she was able to reason that her father secretly paying Thylane to help her was offensive, but when she offered Thylane the money herself, it wasn't.

"Let's just do it together."

"Can you do it, and I'll watch?"

"Kat, come on..."

"My brain could not handle reading that boring book!"

"You didn't even read it?!" Now, Thylane wondered if she really had gotten herself in over her head. They had had over a month from when this assignment was given out to complete it, and Katherine couldn't even read the book, nonetheless write the paper, in that time.

"I started it!" she insisted, even if "started it" meant that she had only read the first chapter, and wouldn't be able to tell you a single thing that had happened during that chapter now.

"And then?" Thylane said, expecting some good reason for why she had stopped.

"And then I forgot to finish it!"

"Katherine, this is not good."

"Charlotte's coming over. She'll do it for us," she said, as if it was the reassurance that they both needed.

"If I won't do it for you, there's no way Charlotte will. You know how by-the-books she is."

"She's nicer than you. She'll do it, just wait and see." There was certainty in her voice now. While Katherine was convinced that she could get Thylane to do the paper too, with a bit more begging, she was sure that she could convince Charlotte to do it. Sure, she would have to be a bit more careful in her wording, because Thylane was right that Charlotte was by-the-books, and likely would not participate in cheating, but Katherine was sure that somehow, she could get the blonde to write the paper for her, all while thinking she was just helping Katherine do it. Plus, as manipulative as it was, there was a part of Katherine that was banking on the fact that Thylane might feel threatened and unimportant by the idea of Charlotte being the better alternative over her, and that she would cave in now, just to eliminate the possibility of that happened.

"I'm not going to let you take advantage of her like that. Just... just... you order food for us, and I'll figure out where we need to start." Was this going to end up in Thylane writing the entire paper, while Katherine sat and watched, as she wanted? Probably, and Thylane knew it, but she didn't know what else to do. If Katherine wanted to be difficult, then Thylane was at least going to get something out of this, and see if Cassidy was actually being truthful about the eating disorder revelation now.

"Perfect!" Katherine chirped, her mood doing a complete 180 as she hopped off of her bed with a smile. "I'll get my laptop and order something for us! Be back in a minute!" she said, as cheery as could be, as she headed downstairs to retrieve her computer. Just as intended, she was going to get her paper done, and not have to think too much about it. On her way down, she sent out text messages to Charlotte, Sydney, and Alexandra.

To: Charlotte
Thylane is probably going to help me but we both know that you're so much smarter so please come help us

To: Sydney
Just so you know you were really rude in the library

To: Alexandra
You might want to borrow Charlotte's hearing aid because I think you must not have heard how rude Sydney was being to me, since you didn't stand up for me or anything...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Alexandra Boutros Character Portrait: Charlotte Buchanan Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Cliff Parker
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0.00 INK

_____ T H E XO V E R A C H E I V E R _____

Outfit: Here
Time: 8:45 PM
Location: Alexandra's Childhood Home || Alexandra's Bedroom
Dialogue Color: #E8ADAA
Thought Color: #985D5A

Nobody could say that Alexandra Boutros did anything in halves, that was for sure. The fact that she heard a few screams outside said enough for her, to be quite honest. Friday night had consisted of finishing up her costume, which she wasn't even wearing at the moment, making sure her cake was ready and would be delivered on time, and overseeing the decorations for outside of her spacious childhood home get put up. She wasn't exactly trying to scar her guests, that much Alex was certain. But the point was that, despite it not being actually Halloween, that was what they were celebrating. That and her birthday. Which meant that her lawn had to look foggy, there were figures all over the lawn that looked like ghosts in the darkness, there was a face that periodically peeked out at people from one of the bushes as they walked along the path to her front door, and there was a face that peeked out from one of the front windows. And if people happened to see blood splatter on the windows upstairs and the silhouette of someone getting stabbed in another window, well, again, Alex never did anything in halves.

So, she wasn't surprised to hear over the intercom that guests had arrived. "Thanks, Angie," Alex called without looking, back against the mountain of pillows that were stacked against the headboard of her bedroom. With her makeup and hair done for the evening, she wasn't at all in a rush to go downstairs and greet anyone. Besides, they had blood-filled vodka shots to take upon entering her domain as a sign of their allegiance to her "coven" with the rest of said "coven" already snacking and making use of the first floor of her home. With the party weaving between rooms all along the first floor, the second floor was pretty much unavailable, particularly her bedroom. No one was allowed in the basement. But with the upcoming belly-dancing show, the fact that the DJ she had hired was really popular and skilled at keeping the party going, and the fact that so many people had been on the guest list, she was pretty sure this was going to be one of the best parties of the year. There was a continuous flow of blood-punch with the inclusion of one of her favorite bartenders, there were enough snacks to keep people sated for the evening, and her cake was going to be glorious. She was almost not even concerned with her presents. Almost. To be put it plainly, at this point in the game, when the party didn't even officially start for another fifteen minutes, Alexandra didn't have anything to worry about. Except Charlotte and her costume. As she finished texting Sydney and Katherine, bumping to the music she could feel vibrating beneath her bed, Alex glanced at the door on the left side of her bedroom, which led to her dressing room and closet. "You can't hide in there forever, Lottie-bear," she declared in a rather bored tone, though she was pretty sure Lottie could hear the smile in her voice even though the door was closed. "Rose, is she almost done in there?" She and the other Buchanan twin weren't exactly close, but after having Charlotte to herself for the night, Alex felt like being nice and telling Rose to come over earlier when they were getting their hair, nails and makeup done. Plus, she could always trust Charlotte's twin to ignore the girl's insistence for purity and all that jazz. Especially when tonight was just not the time for that.

To: Syd, Kit Kat
I kno mi fave twosome is def on their way rite??


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Alexandra Boutros Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

K A T H E R I N E - A R N A U L T
Location: Arnault Summer Home
Outfit: x, x
Hex Color: #CF009F
If a normal day in Katherine's life could be described as an emotional roller coaster, there were no words to describe just how emotional (and dramatically so) Friday and most of Saturday had been for her. It started when Sydney didn't show up to school, and then refused to answer any of her texts or calls throughout the day. Katherine didn't know if the blonde was mad at her for some unknown reason, and giving her the silent treatment as a result, or what was going on. All she knew was that she wanted Sydney to come over before Saturday, to give her one final opinion on her costume. She needed the reassurance that everything looked fine and that she suddenly hadn't grown five sizes like she felt like she did, when she tried the costume on alone. Of course, Sydney did not answer, though. To add fuel to the fire, Alexandra was already on her way to the Hamptons, and understandably too busy to offer Katherine all of the emotional support that she so badly needed. Though Katherine had other friends, the two of them made up her main support system, and were her most trusted allies. If she didn't have them in a time of need, she essentially fell to shambles, and in a typically dramatic Kat-fashion, she spent most of Friday might in tears, using her in-home spa appointment as a therapy session as she rambled on to the women giving her facials and massages and mani/pedis, about how horrible her life was. She was lucky that they probably knew they were getting paid enough where it was worth it to just humor her delusional distress rather than roll their eyes, because even being offered a semblance of rational and unwanted advice would have upset her even more.

Katherine liked wallowing in her self-pity over being constructive and trying to fix her problems, and that was why initially, on Saturday morning, she decided that she just wasn't going to go to Alex's party. Sydney still wasn't answering her, and by then, Katherine had tried on her angel costume twenty different times and each time, she was able to convince herself that she looked more and more despicable. Her father was en route to the airport to travel to Paris for the weekend when he called her, telling her that she had no choice but to go to the party. He wasn't going to allow her to sit at home all weekend feeling sorry for herself (even if the real reason was that his wife was going to be home all weekend, and she probably was the one who didn't want to deal with that). As usual, her father's word wasn't enough to get Katherine doing anything that she didn't want to do, especially since it was said over the phone and not in person, so the seaplane that he had scheduled to fly her and Sydney, along with Cassidy and whoever she needed to bring, from Manhattan to the Hamptons, left with only Cassidy and Brent. Sydney still had not been heard from, and though Cassidy tried to get Thylane to just leave with her and Brent, Thylane must have felt bad about leaving a distraught Katherine home alone, because she refused to leave without her. Katherine, of course, was too clouded by her own emotions to realize how kind that was of Thylane, but after much convincing, and a couple glasses of champagne (possibly followed by a shot of vodka), Katherine agreed to go shopping with Thylane to see if she could find a new costume. Somehow, and the alcohol played an undeniable role in all of this, Katherine agreed to a unique costume idea that Thylane came up with after they found a latex dress and chunky platform heels at upscale hipster boutiques down in the West Village. Piecing it together with a thick choker necklace, fishnet tights, and some dark makeup including black lipstick, and she would be the perfect dominatrix. And to tie it all together? A leather whip, that Katherine made Thylane buy for her from a "novelty store", since she was too embarrassed to step foot inside of it, even while tipsy.

Shopping in general always brightened Katherine's mood, but combined with the alcohol, it was like her emotional state had done a complete one-eighty spin, and she had her father reserve a helicopter to fly her and Thylane out to the Hamptons in the mid-afternoon. They didn't have much time to get ready by the time they reached Katherine's family's summer home in the Southamptons, but she wasn't in a rush to get there anyway. She was in a good mood, and a happy Katherine was one who was relaxed and content with almost anything. "I'm soooooo excited for tonight, T!" she gushed, as she leaned in closer to her mirror while touching up her makeup. "Alex's parties are always the best. I love her so much, and I just know that we're going to have fun tonight. You know what I mean? You know when you can just, like, feel it?" As she put away the rest of her makeup, she sent a text back to Alex and Sydney, before looking to Thylane to say. "Okay, I'm ready whenever you are! Ugh! I'm literally sooooo excited!" Katherine definitely was not drunk, because a drunk Katherine would not be able to walk in the heels she was wearing, but any form of Katherine that wasn't freaking out about the outfit she was leaving in, was definitely not a sober Katherine either.

To: Alex, Sydney
I know you guys can't wait for me to get there

To: Alex, Sydney
So just know that I'm omw

To: Alex, Sydney
And I'm so excited

To: Alex, Sydney
Tonight is literally going to be so much fun

To: Alex, Sydney
And Alex if your house is scary I will literally murder you

To: Alex, Sydney
And I already told Sydney who is SHOCKINGLY apparently not dead. Which is kind of disappointing bc I could totally have reworn the outfit I'm wearing tonight to her funeral

To: Alex, Sydney
But back to the point.... as I already told Sydney, I'm not being an angel anymore because white is not my color

To: Alex, Sydney
Which is why I'm never going to get married

To: Alex, Sydney
So I'm something new and you guys are going to love it okay?????

To: Alex, Sydney
See you soooooon <3

To: Alex, Sydney
And YES SYDNEY I have her presents. Obviously.

To: Alex, Sydney
Alex you're going to love them

To: Alex, Sydney
So just know that all of the good gifts were picked out by me <3

To: Alex, Sydney
And side note don't open any of your other gifts without me being present bc I want to see what you get


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK

Outfit: Here

Hex Code: #000080

Location: The Arnault Residence: Southampton, NY

Thylane had chosen her costume at the last minute. For a while, she had considered taking Cassidy and Brent up on their offer to join in on their Addams themed costumes, and be Wednesday, but she knew that she didn't want to be their third wheel. Even if she hung out with the two of them quite often, and knew that they wouldn't think of her as being as much of a burden as she would feel like, she knew that their costume was intended to be a couple costume. They weren't a couple, that was true, but that didn't really matter. All she cared about was that she knew she would feel like an unnecessary extra throughout the party, and she didn't want to feel that way. So, after school on Friday, she spent some time browsing their local costume store, and eventually she opted on spending less than ten dollars on a bunny accessory kit, which came with a pair of black lace ears, a fluffy ball of a tail, and a choker-like bow tie. She decided immediately that she wouldn't wear the tail, so with the two store-bought accessories, all she needed was a pair of black shorts and a black crop top to complete the look, and she had both of those things at home. Late October wasn't the best time to be donning summer clothes, she knew, but at the same time, the party was going to be indoors, she assumed, and with alcohol in her body, she would warm up either way. Besides, she told herself, she was probably going to end up wearing twice as much clothes as what other girls wore, so she wasn't worried about that.

If the stress over this weekend was over after her costume was picked out, things would have been easy. It wasn't though; life never worked out to be that simple. She had her overnight bag packed and showed up to Katherine's at the time that Cassidy instructed her to, only to be hit with new drama about how Katherine was utterly refusing to go to Alexandra's party. Thylane really did consider just leaving with Cassidy and Brent when they were scheduled to leave, but as usual, and especially when it came to Katherine, her conscience took over. She couldn't leave Kat home alone, knowing that there was no way that the normally exuberant girl would ever decide to skip out on her best friend's party, unless something was really wrong. Now that she knew what Cassidy had said earlier in the week, it was easier to figure out why Kat was upset, and as she expected, it had something to do with her outfit. After a bit of shopping, and a lot of alcohol that Thylane only caved in to allow her consume when things seemed really bleak, she had found Katherine a costume and the two were finally off to the Hamptons. Though their shenanigans earlier had left her feeling drained by the time they touched down on the eastern part of Long Island, Thylane knew that helping Katherine was a worthwhile endeavor. At the very least, she got a free helicopter ride to the Hamptons out of it, and that definitely beat the hours long train ride that she had intended on taking if no one offered to include her in their transportation plans.

As Katherine touched up her makeup, Thylane did a quick double check of her own, before sitting down on the edge of the girl's bed and waiting for her to finish up. She had multiple texts from Cassidy about how their car was waiting for them, and she and Brent were going to leave without them if they didn't come downstairs, but Thylane tried not to pay much attention to them. Katherine was in a good mood, and by now, Thylane hoped that it had little to do with the alcohol she had consumed earlier. She hoped that this was just the normal, excited and energetic Katherine that she knew and loved, and she wasn't going to even possibly destroy that by pushing her to hurry up. "I think it'll be fun too," she agreed, not even catching herself as she allowed her eyes to rove over Katherine from behind. It wasn't like Katherine had a body that was curvy... at all, but there was no denying that she was attractive. Well, Thylane would deny it adamantly, if ever pressed on it, but even if she was thinking about it platonically, she would say that Katherine was a very pretty girl, and even if her body didn't make her a sex symbol, necessarily, it made her enviable in the model-sense. Seeing her dressed up in something that was so... so not Katherine, only made it harder for Thylane to take her eyes off of her, honestly. She forced herself to, though, when Katherine spun around and declared that she was ready, and as she stood up, she texted Cassidy that they were on their way down. "I'm ready too," she said, double checking that she had everything she needed in her purse. "Cassidy and Brent are already in the car waiting, so just do me a favor and promise not to try and use that thing on her again?" she smiled, looking towards the whip in Katherine's hand. "I'm pretty sure that she wasn't joking when she said she would hang you from the ceiling with it if you tried to hit her once more."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by M95
C A S S I D Y ~ K N O X

Hex Code: #559434
Outfit: Costume
B R E N T ~ B A R C L A Y

Hex Code: #916F1A
Outfit: Here

"I say we just leave without them. This is getting ridiculous. We've been sitting out here for twenty minutes," Cassidy groaned, sinking further back into the seat of the car, though she absentmindedly toyed with her iPhone.

"I don't think we've even been out here for ten minutes, Cass. Chill. I told you we should've smoked before leaving," Brent responded. He wasn't as concerned as she was with rushing to the party. He was excited for free alcohol and probably some free food too, but he knew that parties usually only started getting fun halfway through. Or at least, they only started turning a profit halfway through, because that was when the drinks started hitting people, and people were more eager to fuel their alcohol induced buzzes with drugs.

"I don't like smoking before I drink," she stated plainly, looking away from her phone for only a moment, to glance out the car window in hopes that she would see the two coming. When she didn't, she rolled her eyes in annoyance and turned back to her phone.

"You haven't started yet?"

"Not really." She had been sipping on spiked soda while getting ready, but since she felt entirely sober, she wasn't really going to count that. "Why, you have?" she said, looking at him in slight confusion, and a tad bit of offense too, at him not having offered her whatever he was drinking. Although the Arnault's summer home was probably stocked with liquor, unlike their apartment in Manhattan, Cassidy didn't feel comfortable making herself at home here yet. She hadn't spend more than a day at the summer house this past summer, so she still felt like a guest there, even though Bernard had insisted that she pick out a guest room today to be declared her own room for the upcoming summer. She liked to push her boundaries, especially when neither Bernard nor her mother were there to chastise her for it, but she also wasn't going to go too far. Especially not when things were going smoothly up until now. Part of her had been hoping that Katherine would not have shown up at all, after she threw a fit that ended in Cassidy and Brent leaving from Manhattan alone, without her or Thylane, but she wasn't utterly opposed to her stepsister coming tonight. When it came down to it, Katherine was the one who knew Alexandra better than the rest of them, so if anyone had a "right" to be at this party, it was her. Plus, somehow, Thylane worked some magic on Kat that had her behaving in a somewhat bearable fashion, ever since the two of them showed up, so Cassidy wasn't in a spot to complain right now. Well, she wasn't in a spot to complain about anything other than how long it was taking Thylane and Katherine to make it out of the house.

Brent answered only by smiling and sliding his hand into his pocket, and then back out, to reveal a silver flask he had tucked away. He waved it slightly, before offering it to her. "I had to refill it while you were getting dressed. Let's hope your stepdad doesn't notice that his rum is watered down." If Brent had only taken a flask full, adding that much water probably wouldn't have done much harm, but what he wasn't telling Cassidy that he had also taken a full bottle of vodka from the Arnault's liquor cabinet, as well as two water bottle's worth of whiskey from other bottles, and tucked them into his overnight bag before Cassidy had finished changing. Had he thought of this house as being hers, he would not have done it, because Brent wasn't the type of person who would feel no remorse stealing from friends. In his mind, taking anything from Katherine, though, came with no moral obligation to feel guilty. He could thousands of dollars worth of stuff from this house, he reasoned, and he doubted that they would even notice, or at least care.

"They basically leave this place abandoned until spring anyway, so if he ever says anything, Kat will take the fall for it regardless." Cassidy was not the biggest fan of drinking liquor straight, but she could deal with it when she had to, and she knew that she wanted some level of buzz before walking into this party. She expected it to be a good time, that she was certain of, but she still wanted to maintain some level of intoxication throughout the night. She took a gulp from the flask, her face scrunching up in minor disgust, before she handed it back to him. She was ready to tell the driver then, to just leave, but Thylane texted her saying that they were on their way down, so she refrained.

Cassidy's reasoning behind why he shouldn't worry only reinforced that he had no reason to feel bad about taking it. Katherine's family was that kind of rich. The house in itself spoke to it, but the fact that they could leave this gorgeous mega-mansion untouched for months at a time (aside from the opposite landscaping and upkeep that was done on it, even when they weren't there), spoke to how money simply did not matter to them. At all. There were people like his family, who could barely afford to pay rent on a mediocre apartment, while people like Katherine's family left multiple gorgeous houses unoccupied for extended periods of time, because they had that much of a choice about where they lived. That was one more reason for why he didn't feel guilty about the sandwich bag in his inside jacket pocket, that contained multiple smaller bags of cocaine, and others with prescription pills, that he planned on selling tonight. Earlier in the week, he had told himself that he would take a break from everything and just relax today, but the businessman inside of him couldn't follow through with it. He would be respectful enough of Alex to not be obvious about his dealings, but he just couldn't pass up an opportunity to sell to kids who were basically oozing with money.

When Cassidy saw the girls eventually emerge from the house, she reluctantly signaled to Brent that they should move to the back row of the Audi Q7 that had been hired to transport them to Alex's house. The provocative side of her was tempted to tell Katherine and Thylane that they had to sit back there since they were the last to arrive, but the better side of her told her to just make things as easy as possible for now. Katherine had already pushed her buttons earlier in the evening, by "testing out" the whip she was using as an accessory to her costume (which Cassidy was actually impressed by) on her, so she knew that if she was really craving it in a minute, she could find something else to bicker with her stepsister about. "Took you two long enough. I hope it wasn't because Katherine had you tied up somewhere, because as so kindly she showed me, that whip of hers isn't just a prop," she said to Thylane. With all of Katherine's gifts in the car, and Cassidy's box in the trunk as well, the driver finally left their house.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Cassidy Knox Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Cliff Parker Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

K A T H E R I N E - A R N A U L T

Outfit: x, x
Hex Color: #CF009F

Outfit: Here
Hex Code: #000080
C A S S I D Y ~ K N O X

Hex Code: #559434
Outfit: Costume
B R E N T ~ B A R C L A Y

Hex Code: #916F1A
Outfit: Here
"If you would learn to only speak when spoken to, I wouldn't have had to put you in your place earlier," Katherine said in a matter of fact way, when Cassidy seemed to express dismay over Katherine testing her whip out on her. It had been warranted at the time by some rude comment that had come out of Cassidy's mouth, but in all honesty, Katherine really had not expected it to leave a real, stinging, red mark on the side of Cassidy's leg like it did. That wasn't to say that she wasn't pleased with the results, though, because she definitely was, and she wasn't afraid to remind them of that. Besides the fact that she felt like Cassidy deserved it, she had the excuse that she was just trying to get into character. This was a costume party, after all, and it wasn't her fault if she wanted to be the most authentic version of a dominatrix that she could possibly be.

"Sir, would you turn the music up?" Thylane jumped in. Katherine's words made her cringe, and she knew that if she didn't change the subject quickly, Cassidy was either going to say something that would get Katherine to return fire, or Cassidy was just going to jump straight to getting physical with Katherine. It was another instance of Thylane knowing that Katherine was really the one in the wrong, but her just hoping that Cassidy would be the bigger person to avoid an even greater conflict.

"Yeah, and put something good on!" Katherine chimed in then, before reaching forward towards the center console next to the driver, as she extended her hand. "No, actually just give me the aux cord!" she demanded. All she needed to do was take one look at the man in the front seat to know that whatever he thought was good music, was actually garbage. She felt like right now, in addition to needing something to drink, they needed music to get the vibes up, and she felt like she was the only one who could be trusted with achieving that.

Katherine was lucky that Cassidy let that last comment slide. She was really lucky, because Cassidy wasn't someone who did well with being belittled or dismissed anymore. She had dealt with that for far too long in her childhood and earlier teen years, especially from girls like Katherine. If she were to admit any fault in her faulty relationship with her stepsister, it would be that she knew that she had a predisposition to dislike girls like Katherine. Even if Kat had been welcoming towards her in the beginning (which she obviously was not), Cassidy probably wouldn't have liked her anyway. It was always the girls like Katherine who thought they could talk down to her, so when Katherine did it, even in her idiotic and brainless ways like now, it still struck a chord with Cassidy. She felt like she deserved a metal for only scowling internally at that comment about knowing her place, but she had to speak up (and still, in what she thought was a very civil way), when Katherine began to pester their driver. "Don't give her the aux cord, we're like two minutes away," she objected, before addressing Katherine, "By the time you find a song, we're going to be there."

Katherine turned back in her seat to glare at Cassidy, who just couldn't seem to mind her own business. Did she think that just because Kat was nice enough to allow her and her gross friend, Brent, to travel with her and Thylane, that she could actually speak and interact with them too? For a second, Katherine wished that Alex and Sydney were there to shut her up for her, but then Kat remembered that tonight, she could do whatever she wanted. Or, she thought she could do whatever she wanted. "Do I need to remind you who's in charge here, again? You need to keep your mouth closed, unless I ask you to open it," she said, before placing a finger on her lip to signal that she was shushing her that way as well.

"When we get out of this car I hope you know that I'm going to kill you," Cassidy dead-panned. She wouldn't actually kill her, but she was definitely not letting Katherine walk into that party unscathed. Anyone who thought that violence wasn't the answer had never lived with Katherine Arnault, that was all that Cassidy could say, and as she glared at the back of Katherine's head (still feeling like she deserve an award for self-restraint), she decided that after beating Katherine with her own whip, she was going to make sure it was disposed of.

Nothing. Was. Ever. Easy. Nothing. All she wanted was one relaxing night! One relaxing car ride! And yet all this car ride had proved, was that she was going to have to be on guard all night, trying to make sure that Katherine didn't get herself murdered at the hands of his sister, or someone else who she managed to piss off. Right now, though she still wanted to plead with Cassidy to be the more mature one, she also couldn't blame her for being bothered. "She's joking, Cass. She's joking," she tried to insist reassuringly, turning around in her seat, somewhat, to offer Cassidy an apologetic look.

"I'm not joking. Cassidy's one of my little bitches every day, but tonight especially. And you know what; so are you, T! You better watch your mouth or you'll be feeling the sting of my pretty little toy, too. Cassidy can tell you that it's not as fun for you as it is for me, when I play with it." Katherine still spoke in a matter-of-fact way, but her tone was merry now, because she was enjoying this. Maybe it was the little bit of liquor left in her system, or just her new thought process revolving around the superiority that came with the costume, but she was convinced that there weren't going to be any repercussions for her actions.

At that point, Cassidy almost felt like smacking Thylane too, if she tried to defend Katherine once more. Cassidy understood that she was Katherine's friend, but to this degree? It had her wondering if Kat really had done something to Thylane to make her brain malfunction. "Brent, when we get out, you hold down her legs; Thylane, you can get the arms; and I'll strangle her. We'll load her back up into this car, because I'm pretty sure he wants to kill her too, and then when we get back to the house, we'll tie bricks to her limbs and one of us can use one of their jet skis to drop her body out in the ocean. Sounds like a plan to me."

"I'm game." Up until then, Brent had remained quiet. He was enjoying the banter between the girls. Between the fact that Katherine had to be tipsy to be talking like this, or was just in an excellent sober mood to get under Cassidy's skin, and then on top of that, the way that Thylane seemed to be uncomfortable around the chaos, he just couldn't resist smiling. It was a tad cynical to find amusement out of other people's discomfort, but the commotion in this car was just comedic. Between the things coming out of Kat's mouth, the way that Cassidy was genuinely getting bothered by it, and Thylane's unsuccessful attempts at getting them to calm down... he didn't know if the entertainment at Alex's party could even top this.

"Excuse me! Driver! I need you to arrest them for threatening me like that!"

That comment elicited an audible chuckle from Brent, who couldn't tell whether Katherine was joking or not, but who had to laugh additionally at how baffled the driver seemed by all of this, even when the only reactions that Brent could see were from the rear view mirror. That was all he needed to see, though, to know that this guy was thinking that whatever he was getting paid was not worth dealing with this. "I think you're going to need this more than me tonight," he said, reaching through the space between the door and Thylane's seat in front of him, to hand her his flask. It was still pretty full, but since he knew Alex would have alcohol at the party, he didn't mind offering up the rest of his pre-gaming juice to someone who would actually definitely need it more than him. In fact, Brent was pretty sure that Thylane could have used a couple of the pills he had in his pocket too, but he was too good of a businessman to offer those up for free, and he knew she wouldn't pay when she was sober.


When they reached Alex's house, Thylane literally had to force Katherine to climb into the front seat next to the drive, have Cassidy and Brent exit the car, and only once they seemed like they were inside the house, did she let Katherine get out and go inside with her. She assumed that Katherine's father was covering the ride expenses, but if she had any cash on her, she would have tipped the driver additionally, because she was sure that that had to be one of the more unbearable rides in his driving history. It definitely took the number one spot for her, and having driven to so many different modelling gigs with her mother, that was a hard spot to steal. However, as the mood set in that they were now at the party, Thylane tried to be more positive. She did her best to clear her mind of all of that stress, and kept a hand wrapped around Katherine's wrist, just in case she decided that she needed to seek out Cassidy for some absurd reason. "Wow, Alex did a really good job," Thylane commented, in awe of the work that seemed to be put into the party as they made their way through it.

"I know, I love her so much!" Katherine said, cheery as always, as if nothing stressful had even just occurred. "But that's how Alex is. She always goes big, and she always just, like, completely nails everything. I think she could have laid off the spooky stuff, because it seriously looked like there were real people being stabbed in her window and that's really scary because that's what people in gangs do, but other than that, I love her. I really want another one of those red shots, though. Do you think I should go back and get another?"

"I'm sure they have drinks somewhere inside here," Thylane insisted, though she too, was ready for another shot. That one at the door had burned her throat, mostly because she wasn't used to drinking liquor straight, but now that the slug she had taken from Brent's flask was beginning to hit her, she felt more comfortable with the idea of drinking alcohol mixed or straight. She just needed alcohol.

"Oooh! There's Sydney! Come on!" Katherine's train of thought was completely changed when she spotted her blonde friend talking to two people, who upon closer inspection, turned out to be Vincent and Clifford. Katherine was excited to see Sydney, who she would suddenly forget had ghosted her for two days, but couldn't hide her distaste for Vincent. "Syd! My baby!!! I missed you!" she squealed, embracing her friend in a tight squeeze, before looking at her costume. It was only when she spotted the gun that she had a hint at what Sydney was. "Are you, like, a hit man? Or a hit woman? I love it! And more importantly, I have someone I need to pay you to kill, but we'll talk about that later when we don't have all of these snitches listening in! Where's Alex? I didn't miss her entrance, did I?" she exclaimed, clasping Sydney by the arm out of excitement, before looking to Clifford and Vincent. "And you look nice too, Cliff! The three of us are all so edgy; I totally love it! And Vincent, you look ugly as always, so maybe you should go find someone else to talk to so you don't weigh down our group's overall attractiveness level."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Alexandra Boutros Character Portrait: Charlotte Buchanan Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Cliff Parker Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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0.00 INK

_____ T H E XO V E R A C H E I V E R _____

Outfit: Here
Location: Alexandra's Childhood Home || Alexandra's Bedroom
Dialogue Color: #E8ADAA
Thought Color: #985D5A

_____ T H EXK I N GXB E E _____

Outfit: Here
Location: Alexandra Boutros Childhood Home
Dialogue Color ✦ #C35817
Thought Color ✧ #730800

To: Syd
ok how much did she drink?

To: Vince
B down soon, lumberjack

In the time that it took for Charlotte and Savannah to emerge from the dressing room, Alex had been able to stare, wide-eyed, at the plethora of messages Katherine had managed to text earlier, put on the top piece of her costume and slid into her Gianvito Rossi heels, and had sent a private text to Sydney. She didn't know what in God's name had been the trigger this time, and she doubted Katherine's whatever-it-was-that-was-eating-at-her would be visible in light of her typical enthusiasm, but if the brunette was already acting foolish, she doubted how sober she'd be by the end of the night. Granted, they both hosted and attended a number of parties where Katherine - and, admittedly, herself - had wound up plastered. But was early and Alexandra didn't know if or how much Katherine had drank before arriving. Alex was very much still down for having fun and just enjoying her night, but she knew she was going to worry about the brunette sporadically. She was just fastening the skirt portion of her costume when the sisters emerged from the dressing room. Glancing up, allowing the material to set low on her hips, she grinned at the two in approval.

"Yaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!" She squealed, straightening so that she could clap her hands excitedly. "I definitely approve! Ten out of ten. I'm a genius and you're both gonna get laid. Or at least felt up. Or drooled on. Take your pick." She had genuinely been worried when she proposed the idea of Poison Ivy, specifically the dress considering the fact that it fell pretty much in the middle of Lottie's thighs and had a fitted corset. She figured it would be a perfect fit; made damn sure it was. But she had been prepared for a fight. For the blonde to emerge from the other room determined to sit the party out or actually have toted some angel costume in some secret compartment of her overnight bag. A bit dramatic, but she didn't put it past Charlotte when she was feeling ridiculously stubborn and uncomfortable. But seeing the blonde - well, redhead, for the night - in the costume idea Alexandra had known would fit her and that she would totally rock, she knew for a fact that she would literally fight for the class president if she even considered not going downstairs in that. "I'm almost soon as I find..." Alex glanced over to the small table and then marched over to it to put on the remaining jewelry to complete her costume. She was about to get to speaking again when she heard a knock on her door. Glancing at the blondes before narrowing her eyes, she clipped on her necklace and spoke as she walked to the door, "If you're not Angie, then you're obviously incompetent because I'm pretty sure I made it clear that the second floor is not - ".

The opened door revealed a grinning Ricky - err, Nightwing - holding her crown.

"And you and I both know that I don't follow anyone's rules but my own," he remarked arrogantly and though momentarily stunned by the detail of his costume, Alex didn't hesitate to roll her eyes at her masked friend. "You're such an ass." He only chuckled when she stepped back from the door, taking a few steps of his own into the bedroom. "Devilishly handsome and helpful ass, thank you very much." Growling, Alexandra snatched the crown - although, she definitely did so as delicately as one could snatch a piece they themselves had poured every ounce of patience into just to get every detail correct - from his hands. Chuckling again, he allowed his gaze to rove over the other two females appreciatively. "Well, don't my two favorite twins look absolutely decadent!" He exclaimed, gaze falling specifically on Savannah for a few moments. It probably wasn't fair of him to consistently flirt extra hard with her when knowing that Charlotte didn't really approve of the fact that he wasn't going to give her sister what she really wanted - or needed - but she always responded so adorably. And Ricky was too arrogant to not be flattered by her typical smiles.

Alexandra, currently fixing up her appearance in one of the mirrors on her wall, rolled her eyes. "If you're done eyeing my girls like they're raw meat, you can return downstairs, Nightwing. There's an entire floor filled with possibly tipsy and even wasted damsels just waiting for their knight in shining broodiness."

"Wasn't into somnophilia last I checked," he replied smartly while pulling his cell phone from his pocket.

"Just get out."

"And here I thought I'd post your first selfie of the night." It took a good three seconds before Alexandra muttered a faux resigned "Fine" that had him smirking in triumph. "Just know this better not be my birthday present or I'll kill you." As she positioned herself against one of the empty walls, Ricky laughed, glancing at the twins. "She's so extra tonight and it's not even her birthday." Fighting the urge to throw something at him, Alex let him take the picture, but hurried to grab and shove him towards the door. "Now, leave. Please." She gestured to Charlotte and Savannah. "You two too. I'm coming in with the belly dancers, so I'll be down in a minute and I better see a drink that is not water, three-fourths juice, or soda in your hands, Lottie, by the time I get to you. I mean it."

"You'd think this was your wedding reception, but it's not," Ricky commented loudly as he went down the hall while posting the picture of her on both his twitter and Instagram. This time, Alex did throw something and he laughed at what felt like a small pillow hitting his back. Jogging lightly down the main spiral staircase, Ricky stole another one of the vodka shots being handed out at the door and tossed it back while entering one of the more populated rooms. Grinning at spotting Clint towering just slightly over the crowd of classmates and spotting three familiar heads with him, Ricky eased his way through the crowd, smirking at the few appreciative glances from some of scantily-clad girls. When he reached the group, he smoothly wrapped an arm around Katherine's shoulders. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were shooting to win first place in the unofficial costume content tonight, Kitty Kat," he said, eyeing her get-up before smirking at her and everyone else. "Our favorite little host is being just a bit extra perfectionist-y tonight, but she'll be down in a bit. What's up?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thylane Blondeau Character Portrait: Sydney Persson Character Portrait: Cliff Parker Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-HelΓΊ
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0.00 INK

#, as written by M95

Location: Alexandra Boutros' Long Island Estate
Hex Code: #858585
Outfit: Lumberjack Costume
"Nah, she's not down yet," Vincent answered Cliff, only after Alex's text message confirmed that she wasn't. He knew that they would know when she got down anyway; Alex was the type who knew how to make an entrance, and a glance at the time on his phone signaled that it wasn't late enough where there was even a possibility that they had missed that grand entrance. Vincent didn't know quite what to expect from her tonight, but he knew that whatever happened, it was going to be extravagant. No amount of flashy attractions or accessories could excite Vincent even nearly as much as the idea of just seeing her did. He knew that with how everything had been with Alex lately, and even just over the past few years, there was no way that his ideal night could realistically happen, because that revolved around her being glued to his side, until they got so tired (or horny), that they had to escape the party for some privacy and intimacy and fun. They weren't enemies by any means, so Vincent was just banking on getting a few dances in with her... and maybe a couple rounds of shots too. He would take what he could get, though, and given that this was her party and her night, he wasn't going to be annoying or obnoxious, and ruin it for her. If she wanted to have fun, even if that meant having fun with other people... he would suck it up... or try to suck it up. He'd probably have to suck down a couple extra shots if those other people happened to be guys, but that wasn't the point. The point was that he wanted Alexandra to have a nice night. If she did, then he automatically would too, and it was easier to feel that way when he already knew he was going to get an evening with her to himself, later that week.

"And who knows with him," Vincent continued, in reference to Rick. He hadn't seen his friend around yet, but he was positive that Rick was probably around somewhere. There was no way he, or anyone else who cared about their social reputation, were going to miss this party. "My best guess is that he's in some guest bedroom or bathroom, either nailing a Harley Quinn, naughty school girl, or bad cop right now," Vincent shrugged, noting the costumes of the girls who he had seen earlier who had a reputation of being easy at school. He was ready to question Cliff on whether he had found a biker chic that would make a nice bedmate for him tonight, when Sydney showed up. He didn't know why, but her presence had his heart beating fast. He knew she would be here, and he had been wondering just a few minutes before where she was, but he had assumed that he would see her before she saw him. She caught him by surprise, and oddly, it made him feel nervous. Combine that with how amazing she looked, even in an overall simple costume, and he was sure that he was on the verge of sweating. He hated that he was still attracted to her. That was what it was, and that was what this reaction always was. It was his body fighting with his mind, with one telling him that he needed to stare longer, and the other reminding him that Sydney was nothing but trouble when she was in his life as anything more than a friend. "No dirty work on the agenda tonight, Syd," Vincent said, smirking and raising his hands as he followed suit in Sydney's gun act. "But thanks. You pull off that murderer look pretty well, too. Your friend needs to get dow--" Vincent stopped mid-sentence, only because Katherine and Thylane came over, and Katherine was quick to interrupt the conversation with little care in the world. It was always hard for him to tell if the brunette was actually intoxicated, or just in a good mood, because Katherine naturally was exuberant and lively. She didn't need alcohol in her system to talk up a storm and act like every thing that happened was the best thing in the world. Honestly, Vincent didn't dislike her, but he did dislike how clear she made it that she didn't like him. If Sydney and Alex had forgiven him for his role in their love triangle, he didn't understand how someone who had not been involved at all couldn't forgive him. He didn't owe her an apology for anything... there was no forgiveness to be asked for on his part. So, it wasn't incredibly surprising for him when she told him to get lost in the most blunt way possible, but because he didn't really know what else to do, he kept a smile on his face. "It's nice to see you too, Katherine," he answered, forcing himself to sound polite, even if he didn't want to. He probably would have excused himself then, just because he wasn't in the mood to deal with this when he wanted tonight to go well, but in came Ricardo. Initially, his attention perked up at the mention of Alex, and he wanted to question whether Rick had actually seen her or had only spoken to her via text, but he knew Rick, and he didn't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking that he cared because he was soooooooo in love with her, like he knew Rick thought. "I feel left out, now that you're all sporting black. You see Alex, yet?" he said, feeling like this was a more casual way to bring it up. "Tell me she's not in black, too."