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Miruna Tepes

"Humans are awful full of themselves for such feeble creatures."

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a character in “I Need Your Blood”, as played by Thedoctorscompanion


♚Miruna Rozalia Dantis Tepes III♚

Nicknames || Mina, Mimi, Miru, Rose
"Just because I told you doesn't mean you can call me that."

Age || 1625+ (appears to be in her late teens/early twenties)
"That's a rude thing to ask a lady."

Gender || Female
"That better be apparent."

Ethnicity || Unknown (assumed to be romanian)
"Is it bad to say that I've forgotten?"

Sexuality || Bisexual
"Both genders have their assets."

♚A Delicate Shell♚
Height || 5'2"xxxWeight || 103 lbsxxxHair Color || GreenxxxEye Color || Green/Gold

If you asked anyone who had heard of the figurehead of the royal Tepes bloodline, Miruna would be the last one they would expect. Standing at only 5'2" and carrying just over 100 lbs on her frame, she appears nothing like vicious royal her reputation paints. In fact, the girl appears as if she couldn't hurt a fly, though that would be very wrong. Her vibrant green hair stands out in a crowd, and though she often lies and says it's dyed, it's the hallmark of the Tepes bloodline. The girl normally dresses rather girlishly, adoring anything with lace and frills. The fact she often includes flowers and flowing dresses in this doesn't exactly help sway her childlike appearance either. However, as a council member she pulls her hair back and dresses professionally in a blazer and dress pants, taking great care in looking her best when meeting with fellow elites. This respect is rarely given to her underlings, not even the vice president of her company has had the privilege to have her dress up in the slightest. Once even showing up in her pajamas for their weekly meeting

♚Concealing A Morose God♚

A wolf in sheep's clothing is exactly what Miruna is. Playing the role of a harmless little girl, she seems to be a soft spoken shy creature. Getting her way by through guilt or having people take pity on her by pretending to be a clueless president with no real experience, before stabbing them in the back and adding their wealth to her ever expanding empire.

Masquerading as a twenty year old economics student, Miruna is quite popular with her fellow students. Though she'll play nice and keep them around, she couldn't care less about her gaggle of followers. Humans were never good for anything but keeping around as pets to toy with, and this group was no different than any of the others she had worked her way into. The feeble creatures frequent disputes were something she used to revel in, but now that she's been keeping a low profile engaging in such matters would just be a stupid move on her part.

Despite how it may seem, the woman isn't heartless. Her heart has just been hardened from over a millennium of watching everyone around her wither away. Few vampires lived over 1000, let alone 1600. Her one companion in the journey was her brother, who she cared for deeply. Unfortunately, he had died several years back.The exact cause is unknown, but she assumes it must have been horrid, as killing a vampire of their status is no easy task.

♚And The Things That Made It♚
Outliving all but a few other vampires, Miruna's history could fill a library full of books, and with the collection of diaries she owns they practically do. Living as long as she has, memories only last so long. Unfortunately, she hadn't had the foresight to start recording her memories until the 13th century, and by then she had long since forgotten her younger years.

For as long as she can remember, it was always her and her brother. The two were always together, even as they moved away and changed their names, they would always stay siblings. Serving as members of the high vampire council since they were young, the pair witnessed more than their fair share of horrors. As the muscle of the group, it would be their job to dispose of anyone who dare step out of line.

As the years wore on, most of the original council members were long since dead, allowing the pair to rise in rank until they were second only to the King. After spending so long blindly hunting down those that challenged the council, they felt the need to retire to a less dangerous life. That's when they began to build their empire.

To be completely honest, it didn't start out in the best of ways. Thievery, faked suicides, and frauds were among the many crimes they committed early on. It all lead exactly where they meant for it to be though. Tep-Corp was the best in the game by the 90s. There was a lot of speculation as to how the company had soared to the top, however none of them were even close to the truth. Of course it would be easy to build a multi-billion dollar enterprise when you have all the time in the world. Though humans were allowed to do they grunt work, the higher ranks were dominated by vampires, many of who had pledged their allegiance to the Tepes line years back.

It wasn't long before things began to go south, when the elder of the set found someone he cared for more than his sister. The girl, a pitiful human who had served as his personal assistant, was madly in love with him and he with her. Feeling as if he could tell her anything, he told her his secret. She was scared and repulsed by the man, running away telling him to never speak to her again, leaving him heartbroken. That was the moment he lost his hope, locking himself in his room for a year to starve himself out. When it finally happened, Miruna was left betrayed and alone, with only her growing sense of despair to keep her company.

So begins...

Miruna Tepes's Story


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Character Portrait: Felicity Allen Character Portrait: Miruna Tepes
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The night was finally almost over, the club was closing for the day. It was technically not even night anymore, it was early morning, two in the morning in fact. Employees wandered around, exhausted, cleaning up the floors, tables and bar. The music had its volume down to a more reasonable level. Most of the workers were ready to go home and get to sleep, still some of them were so used to working late nights that they were already done cleaning and singing along to the song that they had heard ten times that night.

That described one girl who had been waitress for this club for about two years now. She had been making pretty good tips and made a fairly good living at the place. Felicity was her name. She looked like she was in her early twenties. Her dark red hair was pulled up into a pony tail, but it was easy to tell it was long and went to the middle of her back when down. Her green upturned eyes were under a pair of square, black framed glasses. Her make-up was on point that day and her uniform looked perfect. She had been having a pretty good day, except for the fact that she was now feeling like shit.

She had learned early on to hide the fact that she wasn't feeling well. It made less people ask her questions. She had a smile on her face even though her head had been pounding for the past eight hours. She only muttered the words to the song playing because it kept her distracted from what her brain actually wanted to think about. If she let her mind slip to the one thing she wanted right at that moment, her hands would start to shake so noticeably that her co-workers would never leave her alone about it. It wasn't like she couldn't just get what she wanted every night she wanted it, but she had slowly been trying to get herself off of the stuff. She didn't want to be stuck this way for the rest of her life.

Finally, she had gotten done with her cleaning for the night and clocked out of her job. Most of the time she'd take the time to change in the employee's bathroom, but she wanted to get home. She left everything in place and headed onto the dark streets of the city. It was dangerous to be walking alone in the dark, but she'd been so used to the walk in the city that she hadn't cared. Besides, she carried a pocket knife on most occasions just in case. The street lights were dim and did not give off a whole lot of light, but the alleyways were even worse, there was barely any light that was in the alleyways. That's where all the worst people in the city were hiding and waiting for someone to make the wrong move.

Felicity continued her walk to her apartment building. It was a fairly nice building, a gate to keep out trespassers, and a high rent rate with well furnished apartments. She was so happy when she had been able to make the money to move into these apartment buildings, until she ended up with a roommate. A roommate that she could never get rid of.

The young lady made her way up the stairs and into her apartment, hoping that her roommate was up. She needed her really bad right now. Still, she had hoped that she could go one more day with the symptoms and tolerate it for one more day. She needed to push herself, but she just couldn't push herself to do that either. She needed her blood so bad, that her head seemed to just hurt more thinking about the idea of going another day without it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felicity Allen Character Portrait: Miruna Tepes
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♚Miruna Rozalia Dantis Tepes III♚
The streets were empty, illuminated only by the lonesome streetlights that lined the road. Most would be intimidated, walking down the abandoned streets in the dead of night. However, the group of girls who strolled down the street felt more than safe. Cracking jokes and laughing along without a care in the world. They were so relaxed it was almost unnerving. The group, none of who looked like they could be any older than twenty.

At the front of the group was a small girl. Despite having an air of control over the group, she was by far the most innocent looking of the bunch. Her green hair was pulled into low hanging twin tails, and the loose summery dress that was draped over her petite frame. The others were dressed in equally odd outfits, one in a skin tight biker suit despite the fact that there wasn't anything even remotely close to a bike nearby. Another donned a bright red cocktail dress that flared out at the waist. As the unorthodox continued on their way, they began to split off onto different streets. Soon the last of them had forked off on their own, leaving only the green haired girl on their original course.

Miruna continued on her way, not so much as acknowledging the fact that her companions had left. It had been determine from the beginning that they would split up, so why bother with pleasantries. They were on the hunt, not in the normal way. No. It hadn't been long since an acquaintance of hers had turned up dead. Honestly, the girl had been more than just an acquaintance of hers. Serving as her secretary for the last three years, the human girl had gained the trust of many of the higher ranks of Tep-Corp, herself included.

She glanced down at her watch. 12:30 am. The others should have reached their positions by now, it was time for the hunt to begin. If the vampire they were looking for was out, well they'd find them. Clambering up onto the roof of a nearby building, she broke into a sprint. Each leap from roof to roof made her feel more alive, a feeling she hadn't felt since her last hunt. It had been just short of a year, going that long without only makes you enjoy it that much more. In this bliss is when she saw him. With his glowing red eyes and pale skin there was no doubt about it. He was an abomination. The monsters kids had nightmares about. What a human would call a true vampire, though those monstrosities were nothing of the sort. They had never bothered to so much as give these creatures a name. They were just the abandoned. Humans who were turned by vampires that had tired of them. It was a disgusting act to make. The turning process was dangerous and took months even years to complete. Yet they were able to abandon their creation so easily, allowing it to spiral into the primitive nature without the frequent consumption of their creators blood.

Thinking these thoughts would have no effect. The person they once were was no longer there, it was best to dispose of them as quickly as possible. Gracefully vaulted off the side of the roof, landing directly in front of the former human. With one sweep of her arm the demons head went flying. As the corpse crumpled to the ground she let out a sigh. She had hoped that there would be at least some challenge. Oh well. Might as well head home.

The walk home went by quickly enough, crumpling down onto the couch in the center of the apartment. Just as she was about to fall asleep she felt a presence enter her apartment. The scent was her roommate's, there's no doubt about it, but it was off slightly. Before she even had to see the girl, the knife was sliding down the palm of her hand.
"Let's get this over with quickly, Okay? I'm exhausted enough already."
